HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 6/19/2009 IzTA 1\ Professional Enviro rvice 'corporation . KT A Associates, Inc. 8005- Avenue Suite 4100 Seattle, WA 98104 206-447-1450 WNW.ktainc.net . June 16, 2009 City of Springfield Planning Division Altn: Andy Limbird 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Re: REVISED FINAL HMMP for the Walgreens Clinical Pharmacy in Springfield, OR Dear Andy, We are pleased to provide you with three complete sets of the REVISED FINAL HMMP for the Walgreens Clinical Pharmacy in Spri~gfield, OR (located on the 1 st Floor of the Riverbend Medical Pavilion). ..,~." . .<4~ All comments made by SUB and the City have been addressed in the REVISED FINAL HMMP Additionally, I have provided you, SUB, and Walgreens with an electronic copy of this entire document via E-mail on June 16, 2009. If you have any questions, issues, or concems, please do not hesitate to contact me directly. Sincerely, KTAAssociates, Inc. ~71~ John M. Souza, PE Senior Environmental Engineer Cc: Ami Shah, Walgreen Company SEATTLE PORTLAND DENVER OLYMPIA BOISE Date, Received: f/~/~'f Planner: AL KfA Associates, Inc. KT A Associates, Inc. Phone 206.447.1450 800 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4100 Fax 206.374.2279 Seattle, WA 98104 www.KTAinC.nel Hazardous Material Management Plan Walgreens Clinical Pharmacy Located in the Peace Health Riverbend Medical Pavilion Springfield, Oregon REVISED FINAL, June 2009 KTA Date Received: {,/I~/,#o'J Planner: AL I I APr0fessional Em6ronmental Service Corp9r~tion TABLE OF CONTENTS I 1.0 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN PURPOSE AND OBJECTiVES................... 1 2.0 PLAN REVIEW AND REVISIONS ................................................................................................... 2 3.0 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY STATEMENT AND STORAGE.................................... 3 4.0 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL SECONDARY CONTAINMENT AND SPILL PREVENTION ........... 5 5.0 CHEMICAL EMERGENCY I SPILL RESPONSE.......................................................................... 8 6.0 PERSONNEL TRAINING FOR HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT............................. 10 7.0 MONTHLY INSPECTIONS OF HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT AND CORRECTIVE ACTION SySTEM........................ .................................... ........................ ..... ........ 11 8.0 RECORDKEEPING ........................................................................................................................ 12 LIST OF APPENDICES APPENDIX A HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY STATEMENT APPENDIX B MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS FOR PRODUCTS IDENTIFIED IN HMIS APPENDIX C HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORAGE LOCATION DRAWING APPENDIX D DNAPL LIST APPENDIX E HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORAGE MONTHLY INSPECTION FORM Date Received: Sj~/t/tro1 Planner: AL 1.0 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN PURPOSE AND I OBJECTIVES The Hazardous Materiai Management Plan ("Plan") for the Waigreens Clinical Pharmacy ("Facility") located in the Peace Health Riverbend Medical Pavilion in Springfield, Oregon seNes several objectives. The Plan establishes responsibilities, policies, prevention measures, and procedures for the storage and usage of hazardous materials at the Facility. Requirements for hazardous materials have been established by the City of Springfield Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District and rely on the Springfield Fire Code. One purpose of the Plan is to meet DWP requirements and protect the groundwater used as a city drinking water supply from contamination by discharges of hazardous material or other materials that pose a risk to groundwater. The Plan addresses the following hazardous material management processes (the applicable section of the Plan is identified in parentheses): . Allowable hazardous materials to be stored and used at the Faciiity (Section 3.0); . Hazardous material storage locations (Section 3.0); . Secondary containment for hazardous material containers and spill prevention measures (Section 4.0); . Spill control, collection, and disposal procedures (Section 5.0); . Personnei training for hazardous material management (Section 6.0); . Inspection and maintenance of containment devices and emergency equipment (Section 7.0); . Recordkeeping (Section 8.0); and . Hazardous Material Inventory Statement (Appendix A). This Plan addresses requirements for the environmental regulation areas described above. Although there are several hazardous material safety and use guidelines induded within this Plan, Health and Safety and Hazard Communications are covered by a separate program at the Facility. Additionally, this Facility is unlikely to generate regulated hazardous waste at this time; therefore, hazardous waste management is not addressed within this Plan. WAlGREENS CLINICAl PHARMACY HMMP - JUNE 2009 - REVISED FINAL KTAASSOCIATES, INC. DaL, i";ciceived: Planner: AL '/;~/rJ<70? I f 2:0 PLAN REVIEW AND REVISI~NS' I The Facility will ensure the PlEin is kept current and updated as necessary to reftect any change in the storage of hazardous materials. It is anticipated that the list of hazardous materials submitted to the City of Springfield is comprehensive and wouid only occasionally require updating for additional materiais. Hazardous material storage, management, and spill response procedures1in this Plan will be reviewed periodically and updated as necessary. 2.1 Facility Staff Designated to Implement the HMMP and Its Requirements The following Walgreens personnei have been identified to implement the HMMP and all of its requirements. . Ginny McDaniel Pharmacy Manager Walgreens Clinical Pharmacy, Springfield, OR 541-736-9895 541-736-9903 Fax E-mail: rxm.13016(Q)store.waloreens.com&ainnv.mcdaniel(Q)walareens.com . Teresita Ceja Senior Pharmacy Technician Walgreens Clinical Pharmacy, Springfield, OR 541-736-9895 541-736-9903 Fax E-mail: rxm.13016(Q)store.walareens.com . Wendy Burg District Manager Walgreens Portland South 971-230'{)555 E-mail: wendv.buro<aJwaloreens.com WALGREENS CLINICAL PHARMACY HMMP -JUNE 2009 - REVISED FINAL KT A ASSOCIATES, INC. 2 Date Received: Planner: AL "/;6/ri / 3.0 HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY STATEMENT AND STORAGE , The hazardous material management requirements include maintaining an inventory of hazardous materials used at the Facility and identification of the storage locations. The hazardous materials covered by this Plan are a unique subset of the broad classification of "hazardous material", it is important to understand the definition of hazardous material as it applies to this Pian. 3.1 Definition of Hazardous Material Hazardous materials are substances, as defined in City of Springfield Land Use Development Code, Chapter 3.3-200 for the Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District, which may be stored, handled, treated, used, or produced at the Facility. As the Facility is located in an area specified to be a drinking water wellhead Time of Travel Zone (TOTZ) of 1-5 years, restrictions apply to hazardous materials to protect groundwater. The Springfield Development Code defines hazardous materials as those substances (liquid or solid) which pose a risk to groundwater quality (Chapter 3.3-205 A.1.). The class of hazardous materials is based on the Springfield Fire Code, which has been as adopted and amended by the City, including materials in both usable or waste conditions. City of Springfield Land Use Development Code, Chapter 3.3-230 exempts several types of Springfield Fire Code hazardous materials, these exemptions include: (1) Hazardous materials in fuel tanks and fluid reseNoirs attached to (i) a private or commercial motor vehicle and used directly in the motoring operation of that vehicle, or (ii) machinery, induding but not limited to fuel, engine oil and coolant; (2) Fuel oil used in existing heating systems; (3) Hazardous materials contained in properly operating sealed units (transformers, refrigeration units, etc.) that are not opened as part of routine use; (4) Local natural gas distribution lines; (5) Fuel for emergency generators located at facilities that provide essential community seNices (hospitals, fireMe safety, police, public shelters, telephone systems, etc.); and (6) Any commonly used office supply - such as correcting fluid for typewriters, toner for computer printers or cleaners for windows and bathrooms - where the supplies are purchased off-site for use on-site. 3.2 Hazardous Material Inventory Statement The Facility has developed a comprehensive Hazardous Material Inventory Statement (HMIS) that lists all hazardous materials used at the Facility, maximum quantity, and storage location. This list accompanies the Plan and is located in Appendix A. The Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for all products identified in the HMIS are located in Appendix B. 3.3 Hazardous Material Storage Locations The hazardous material storage locations are listed in the Hazardous Material Inventory Statement in Appendix A. Additionaily, locations most likely to store hazardous material and pharmaceutical items within the Facility are identified and outlined in red on the detaiied floor plan drawing in Appendix C. The HMMP with the HMIS and facility drawing identifying hazardous material and pharmaceutical item storage locations are to be submilted to the City of Springfield along with the DWP Overlay Development Application. WALGREENS CLINICAL PHARMACY HMMP - JUNE 2009 - REVISED FINAL KTAASSOCIATES.INC. 3 Date Received:~/;"/Q.nIL-. Planner: AL 3.4 Hazardous Material Man",,,,,,.. .",.1. All hazardous materials defined above will be stored, handled, treated, used, or produced at the Facility according to the guidelines outlined in this Plan. Hazardous materials will be purchased only where necessary and used only for the intended purpose. Hazardous materials will only be stored indoors with appropriate secondary containment. Hazardous materials will not be stored outdoors. Hazardous materials will only be used outdoors with precautions to prevent hazardous material from entering stormwater or infiltrating into the ground. Facility personnel will take precautions to prevent releases of hazardous materials during storage and use, and any releases that do 'occur wiil be controlled, cleaned up promptly, and disposed of appropriately. Individual containers of products that are not highly hazardous or toxic, and which are frequently used may be kept at the use location without secondary containment. Examples would be househoid products such as dish detergent or hand soap placed beside the Facility sink or under the sink within the sink cabinet. Pharmaceutical items may be hazardous materials and will be managed appropriately. The Facility will not purchase, store, use, or sell any products containing Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs). A DNAPL is one of a group of hazardous materials that is denser than water, has a iow solubility rate, and degrades slowly to other compounds that are even more of a health hazard. A list of DNAPLs regulated within the City of Springfield's DWP Overlay District is maintained by the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) and included in Appendix D. Examples of DNAPLs are Perchlorethylene and 1,1,1- Trichloroethane. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs) for new hazardous materials proposed to be stored, handled, treated, used, produced, or sold at the Facility must be reviewed by the SUB before purchase to ensure the product does not contain any DNAPLs. The Facility will maintain a log of all products reviewed for potential DNAPLs. The HMIS will be updated with new products as they are approved. The Facility will submit an updated HMIS to the SUB in electronic format, when new hazardous materials are added or removed from the HMIS or upon request by the SUB. WALGREENS CLINICAL PHARMACY HMMP - JUNE 2009 - REVISED FINAL KTAASSOCIATES, INC. 4 Date Received:~//6/~L. P'imnf>r: AL / '(' Hazardous materials will be stored, handled, and used with precautions to avoid spills. 4.1 Secondary Containment The City of Springfield requires that all hazardous malerial containers must have secondary containment regardless of type, quantity, or size. Secondary containment for hazardous materials that pose a risk to the groundwater will be provided in accordance with the applicable regulatory requirements (Chapter 3.3-235 B.2. of the DWP Program). This requirement specifically states that: "Unless exempted, all hazardous materials or other materiais that pose a risk to groundwater shall be stored in areas with approved secondary containment in place (Springfield Fire Code 2702.1 and 2704.2.2)". Secondary containment may be provided by one of the following means: . Liquid-tight sloped or recessed floors; . Liquid-tight floors with raised or recessed sills or dikes; . Sumps and coliection systems; . Drainage systems leading to a controlled location; or . Secondary containment devices, such as spill pallets, decks, tubs, or trays for containers. Secondary containment systems will be sized to accommodate a spill from the largest container. In addition, the sizing needs to accommodate fire-protection water (20-minute discharge volume). The materials of construction of the secondary containment system must be compatible with the hazardous materials to be stored. Incompatible hazardous materials will be separated from each other in the secondary containment system. The secondary containment system will have a monitoring method, such as visual obseNation. Materials should be stored away from doorways and drains to prevent spills or leaks from leaving the secondary containment area. Most of the hazardous materiais to be stored and used at this Facility are alcohols, alcohol-based products, and cleansers and disinfectants in less than one quart plastic containers. All liquid hazardous materials and hazardous materials that could be dissolved in water (e.g., powdered products) will be stored in secondary containment. The secondary containment trays will allow easy access and quick inspection to determine if any release of hazardous materials has occurred. The secondary containment trays will have sufficient depth to contain at least 110% volume of the largest container. Additionally, all pharmaceutical items and medicines that will be stored and used at this Facility will have appropriate secondary containment. Pharmaceutical items and flledicines will be stored on secondary containment trays that will be physically altached to the phamnaceutica/ shelving. All pharmaceutical shelving will be physically secured to the Facility walls. The secondary containment trays will allow easy access and quick inspection to determine if any release of hazardous materials has occurred. The WALGREENS CLINICAL PHARMACY HMMP - JUNE 2009 - REVISED FINAL KTAASSOCIATES.INC. 5 Date Received:#YJ<tt>L- Planner: AL secondary containment trays will have sufficient depth to contain at least 110% volume of the largest container. In hazardous material use areas where products are used frequenUy and easily visible, individual containers of products that are not highly hazardous or toxic do not need to be kept in secondary containment. Examples wouid include a sma Ii container of dish detergent or hand soap placed beside the Facility sink or under the sink within the sink cabinet. Materials not in current use should be retumed to storage in secondary containment. Hazardous materials that are individually packaged in sealed foil or plastic packets will not require storage in secondary containment, unless the material poses a high risk to groundwater. Storage devices such as Pixis medication dispensing units and drawer carts, such as a crash cart provide adequate secondary containment. LasUy, this Facility is unlikely to generate regulated hazardous waste at this time. However, in the event that such waste is generated and stored at the Facility, it will be stored in appropriate secondary containment (Le., secondary containment trays) until it is collected by an approved waste material vendor and disposed in accordance with State and local requirements. The secondary containment wili have sufficient depth to contain at least 110% volume of the largest container. 4.2 Spill Prevention In addition to secondary containment, Facility personnel will follow precautions in hazardous material storage and use to prevent spills. The following measures will be used for spill prevention: . Containers of hazardous materials will be stored in designated areas within the Facility. Safe storage and use of hazardous materiais will only occur in conjunction with Facility safety procedures. . Hazardous materials should not be left in doorways, hallways, bathrooms, beside drains, outside areas, or any other unrestricted or unprotected locations. . All containers of hazardous materials will be labeled with the identity of contents and chemical components. . Hazardous material containers must be in good condition, compatible with the material stored therein, and not in danger of leaking. Containers should be kept ciosed except when the material is in use. Non-compatible materials should not be stored next to each other. . Containers stored in cabinets, closets and on shelves should be at eye-level or below. . Storage areas should be well-lit. Hazardous material storage areas should be secured or locked, if appropriate, to protect against unauthorized access. . Hazardous material storage areas should have signs to provide safety information and spill cleanup procedures. . Spill cleanup kits should be readily available near hazardous material storage areas. WAlGREENS CLINICAL PHARMACY HMMP - JUNE 2009 - REVISED FINAL KT A ASSOCIATES, INC. 6 Date Received: Planner: AL ~ /;//~f / / ' . Floor drain mats should be maintained in all hazardous material storage areas with ftoor drains to prevent accidental spills from reaching the sanitary sewer system. . Hazandous material containers must not be opened, handled, or stored in a manner that may nupture the container or cause them to leak. . Proper handling and storage information is explained in MSDSs, available for all hazardous materials stored and used at the Facility. . Empty containers previously used for storage of hazardous materials will be free of residual material before appropriate disposal. WALGREENS CLINICAL PHARMACY HMMP - JUNE 2009 - REVISED FINAL KTAASSOCIATES, INC. 7 Date Received: YYdtnir Planner: AL 5.1 General Personnel who work with or around chemicals wili be trained in these procedures. Hazardous material container storage areas will be managed to minimize the possibility of fire, explosion, or any unplanned release of chemicals to the environment. 52 Emergency Requirements The Facility maintains an emergency plan, which includes the following'elements required for hazardous material management: . Communications and fire control equipment, including periodic testing to ensure equipment will operate properly in time of emergency. . Arrangements with local authorities. . An Emergency Coordinator for the Facility has been designated with the responsibility for coordinating ali emergency response measures. . Spili response procedures: the level of response to a hazardous material spili will depend upon the physical characteristics and volume of material being handled, its potential hazards, and the potential for release to the environment. The following are general guidelines to be followed for a hazardous material spill: o The individual who caused or discovers the spili is responsible for immediate response and containment until the Emergency Coordinator arrives. o Immediately alert area oCcupants and supeNisor, and evacuate the area, if necessary. o If a volatiie, flammable material is spilled, immediately wam everyone, control sources of ignition and ventilate the area. o If there is a fire that cannot be extinguished with a portable fire extinguisher, cali the local Fire Department at 911. o Altempt to contain the spili (with absorbent material) to the smallest practicai area. o As appropriate, spills should be cleaned up by chemical treatment, absorption, or neutralization. If the spill is too large for the responsible individual or Emergency Coordinator to handle, or may pose a risk to groundwater: . Call911 to contact: . Fire Department Hazardous Material Unit, . Police Department, and . Springfield Utility Board (SUB). WAlGREENS CLINICAL PHARMACY HMMP - JUNE 2009 - REVISED FiNAl KT A ASSOCIATES, INC. 8 Date Received:_4~fd<ruL Planner: AL / . Contact the Peace Health Riverbend Medical Pavilion Emergency Coordinator. o Wear personal protective equipment, as appropriate to the hazards. Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for appropriate personal protective equipment. o Protect floor drains or other means of environmental release. Floor drain mats, spill socks, and absorbents may be placed around drains. o Bulk absorbents and multiple spill pillows do not work with acids. POWERSORB (3M) products and their equivalent will handle acid. Acids should be neutralized if possible. o When spilled materials have been absorbed, use brush and scoop to place materials in an appropriate container. Polyethylene bags may be used for small spills. Five-gallon pails with poiyethylene liners may be appropriate for larger quantities. o For spills of hazardous material, the waste product and spill control materials might be classified as a hazardous waste. For a spill of hazardous material, label the container to identify the material as Spill Material Involving "XYZ Chemical". Contact the Emergency Coordinator for advice on storage and packaging for disposal. o Decontaminate the surface where the spill occurred using a mild detergent and water, when appropriate. . The Emergency Coordinator will complete or assign necessary reporting to authorities and agencies. The Emergency Coordinator will assess the need for any required environmental reporlng. The Emergency Coordinator may contact or coordinate with the Peace Health Riverbend Medical Pavilion Emergency Coordinator and Environmental Coordinator for assistance. WALGREENS CLINICAL PHARMACY HMMP - JUNE 2009 - REVISED FINAL KTAASSOCIATES, INC. 9 Date Received: Planner: AL 6/;6~' / / . In general, Facility personnel will receive direction or training from their supeNisors, as necessary for each position, in hazardous material management. General training given to all employees in their group does not need to be documented. Facility personnel who handle hazardous materials may need basic training and direction if their position has responsibility for: . Awareness of the sensitive area that the Facility occupies and special precautions needed to protect the drinking water. . General hazardous material storage and use guidelines. o Responding to spills or other hazardous material related emergencies. At a minimum, all Facility staff will be trained on the following: HMMP requirements, Emergency Plan procedures, and DWP awareness. WALGREENS CLINICAL PHARMACY HMMP -JUNE 2009 - REVISED FINAL KTAASSOCIATES, INC. 10 Date, r~eceived: Planner: AL "/1f,/~1 i / ,'- AND CORRECTIVE'ACTldN ~YSTE:M" ' I': Monthly inspections of hazardous material storage areas will be conducted. As necessary, documented periodic inspections of storage areas are required for hazardous material management at the Facility. This Facility is unlikely to generate regulated hazardous waste at this time. However, in the event that such waste is generated and stored at the Facility, it will be inspected monthly as stated in Plan Section 7.2. 7.1 Hazardous Material Storage Monthly Inspections Monthly inspections of hazardous material storage areas will be performed using the standard Hazardous Material Storage Monthly Inspection Form. Appendix E includes a copy of this inspection form. The inspection form includes a list of items to be checked at each area. In particular, secondary containment devices (tubs, trays, and cabinets), and emergency equipment must be inspected. The inspector will look for events or practices that could lead to an unintended release of hazardous material. The inspection form must also be reviewed and si9ned by the Facility Manager. Completed inspection forms will be maintained in a binder or file. When an inspection identifies a compiiance issue, a corrective action will be performed. The Facility Manager will track both preventative and corrective maintenance activities in a log book. 7.2 Hazardous Waste Storage Monthly Inspections As previously stated, this Facility is unlikely to generate regulated hazardous waste at this time. However, in the event that such waste is generated and stored at the Facility, it will be stored in an appropriate secondary containment device (i.e., secondary containment tub, tray, or cabinet) until it is collected by an approved waste material vendor and disposed in accordance with State and local requirements. These containment devices will be inspected for compliance just like those for hazardous material and pharmaceutical items and recorded on the Hazardous Material Storage Monthly Inspection Form. WALGREENS CLINICAl PHARMACY HMMP - JUNE 2009 - REVISED FINAL 11 KTAASSOCIATES.INC. Date Received: ~j;~/tT-rl9 Planner: AL 8.!! 8,ECORDKEEPING . . I I 8.1 Recordkeeping The Facility Manager will establish and maintain a hazardous material management file. As a best management practice, all hazardous material management files should be maintained for a minimum of 3 years. As necessary, the filing system should include: . Hazardous Material Management Plan (HMMP), . Hazardous Material Inventory Statement (HMIS) and 10caUon drawings, . Correspondence with agencies, consultants, etc. (must maintain for 3 years), . Reports submilted to environmental, fire, and safety agencies, . Personnel training records, and . Completed hazardous material storage monthly inspection forms. 82 Reporting Any new hazardous material must be approved by the SUB and added to the HMIS prior to storage within the Facility. The new material's MSDS should be reviewed to ensure that it does not contain any DNAPLs (refer to the DNAPL List located in Appendix D). In addition, the HMMP should be reviewed and updated regulariy to refiect current hazardous material management within the Facility. WALGREENS CLINICAL PHARMACY HMMP - JUNE 2009 - REVISED FINAL KTAASSOCIATES. INC. 12 Date f{eceived:_~.J~OPvL Planner: AL / APPENDIX A - HAZARDOUS MATERIAL INVENTORY STATEMENT WALGREENS CLINICAL PHARMACY HMMP- JUNE 2009 - REVISED FINAL KTAASSOCIATES, INC. Date, rteceived: iOf. /~Clo-z>L Planner: AL I( ( -00 -Dl Dl.... :J!I) ffi:;B ~<D () )> ~. r-< C1l c. ( ~ r ..... ( ( ( ( ( ( M3ni.iI~itui.......- ~, -- p.:;.:d;;ctN~,:,;.-r~, - fnl~u"i~"d'.n~ CampllOr:';plnlSUSP t:lnyIAlcohol; Camphor Hydrogen Peroxide Hydroge<lPeroJ<ide(<5%) ,% lodin..Tincture2% Water; ElhylAlcohoj; Sodlumlodida: kldine Isopropyl Alcohol 70% Isopropanol IsopropylAlcohol91% IsopropylAH;ohoI WindexOnginalGlass Wale,; Claaner Isopropanol; Elhylaneglycol MonohexylelhBf I""''''"''''' IEIhyIAIcohoI C200 Proof}: Wttch Hazel Extract ( ( ( Hazardous Maleriallnventory Statement for Walgreens ClinIcal Pharmacy within RMP May 2009 oFcisFC HWrd,d~~Oai?~r~ -~~:~~~~\-~':": ~< .;,:~~ji.:~\<;~r~'i.. ~',i~~;7~u~~~~ .~PP'ill~~~.~f~:'~-'vo,~;n;jl~Jr~~~I~{Slat. of ~~~~IN~' T::Mt~f' ic_~~[~f;~ f:'::"'~'~~T~~/~-: ~;~ (:~~~ft~]J~ r~.~:~~~~T0; ~I~il~~fj,~ *~~1~~~?M:"i.rial' HammableL'quld 11:1 ::12 (;4-1'-:>,II4.U%: ~bol;tles ~1I0Z U.UJ125gallo~ "'laSOCDOtlIe I Llquk:l 76.22-2,10,0% N.1..\ NoneSpecifi9d 7722-34-1.<5% 24 bottles 16noz 3ga1lons PlasbCbotllel Liqui:l on MSDS N-1..\ 3,2 7732-18-5,49.77%; 2botlles 2floz 0,03125 gallo' Plastic bottle I Liquid,85%: N_1..\ 7681-82-5.2.39%; 7553-56-2,1.99% S7-63-0,70% 24bollles 16 ft oz 3 gallons PlaslicllOtlll! N-1..\ N~ N,~ I A.m~N",,",. " I A._N. '.". I ,"m~N."'". eomO","bI".""1 " 3.2 3.2 57-63-0.91% 1tx:>ttll! 16ftoz ,., 7732-16-5.60-100%: 1botlle 126"~ 167-63-0.1.0-5.0%: 112-25-40.1-1.0% " 64-17-5,14-15%: 12"'~ I""~ NOCAS#Provided, .....% " 0.125gallon Plaslicbotlle N-'. 'o,20313gallo1 Plastic bottle N-1..\ 025gal1oo I Plasticbotlle I N-'. IliA I A~"''''.".I ,c ) :;~lEf~ ~;.~i,~~i.:t~). , '.ClolMd~ \t","iClassificatl"", sy;~J;i ~~C~~C. :~-~ L.oc.atJii.... 510rage l1ealln:Hl9n(J) OICtiectlOn Fire: Hign (3) Reactivily= None (0) I Storage Heallh~None(o) OTCSection Fire:None(O) Reactivily=Slight(1) Stomgl! Health = None (0) OTCSection Fire = Hign (3) Reactivity = None (0) Liquid OTCSection Storage IHealth=Slighl(1) Fire:Hign(3) Reaclivily=None(o) Health=Slignl(1) Fire = High (3) ReaClivily= None (0) OTCSection Liquid Slorage liquid liquid Slorage IHealth = None (0) Fire = Morlllrall! (2) Reactivity = None (0) I S_""'IHealth.". Slight (1) OTC Secoon Fire = Moderate (2) Reactivily=None{O) Cabinlll undemeatn sink ) ) ) ) ) ') I _'cOmm..,tr; ) ) -00 -Ill Ill_ ::>!Jl ~:;rs :-fCD )> ~. r-< CD a. .....'" ~ 'r ..... NFPA 704 Classification Name of Hazard Health Flammability Instabil itY/Reactivity Special Hazards Code in Words None or Minima) or Least Slight Moderate High or Serious Severe Color on Sauare on Point. Blue Red Yellow White Corresoondina Numerical Code o 1 2 3 4 Combustible Liauids Unified Fire Code Definitions Flammable Liauids I I Flammable Solid pxidizer PvroDhoric Unstable (reactive) (but not exolosivej Water reactive material I I I Toxic IHiahlv Toxic I IUse I Class 2 Class3A Class3B 1A 1B 1C 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 3 2 1 Spatial Location 9-Q'Clock 12-Q'Clock 3-Q'Clock 6-0'Clock COde o through 4 o through 4 o tnrough 4 Only use W (Water reactive) or OX (Oxidizer) 100F <: or = FP < 140F 140F < or= FP <: 200 FP > or: 200F F2 F2 F1 FP <: 73F. SP <: 100F FP < 73F. BP:> 100F 73F < FP < 100F F4 F3 F3 IIqnition temp < 212F I IExolosive reaction from COntamination, thermal or ohv~i(;al shock I Causes severe increase in bum rate of combustibie materials or viqorous decomposition ICauses moderate increase in burn rate or spontaneous kmition of combustible materials ISliqhllv increa~es burn rate. does not cause spontaneous 'jQnition I . ISoontaneous JQnj!jonin air beJow 130F Caoable of detonation or exolosive decomoosition or reaction at normalil'!lTlo/nrASS Cao,able of detonation or exoiosive decomoosition or reaction from hiqh temp or heating Unstable and caoable of violent chemical reaction at normaltempfpress, but does not detonate or explode Normallv stable. but can become unstable at hiah tema I Reacts exolosively with water without heat or confinement Potentiallv explosive when mixed with water I.Release enerqv when mixed with water, but not violentlv I I Lethal dose to rats LD50 I Lower IAthal dose to rats LD50 I IUSE {Materiall is: 1. Placini1.. a material into action, includins solids. liguids and ,gases. or 12. Making a material available for service by Opening or connecting anvthinq utilized for confinement of material inclUding solids, liquids and gases. 1:10 are :>(l) ~::l3 ~(l) )> ~. r< ro c. J~ ::::::--. ,~ 0-. ~ ~ EPCRA Hazard Codes (Table 6\ EPCRA Hazard Codes UFC Hazard Name 1.1 Class A Explosives 1.2 crass B Explosives 1.3 Class C Explosives 1.4 Blasting Agents 1.5 Very Insensitive Explosives 1.6 Extremely Insensitive Explosives 2.1 Flammable Gas 2.1 Flammable Gas 2.2 Non-Flammable Gas 2.2 Non-Flammable Gas 2.3 Poisonous Gas 3.1 Flammable Liquid (FP < 0 F) 3.2 Flammable Liquid (0 F < FP < 73 F) 3.3 Flammable liquid (73 F < FP < 141 F) 3.1f3.2 Combination Flammable Liquid 4.1 Flammable Solid 4.2 Spontaneously Combustible Material 4.2 Spontaneously Combustible Material 4.3 Dangerous When Wet 4.3 Dangerous When Wet 4.3 Dangerous When Wet 4.4 Reactive Material 4.4 Reactive Material 4.5 Combustible Liquid 4.5 Combustible Liquid 4.5 Combustible Liquid 4.5 Combustible Fiber 4.5 Combustible Fiber 5.1 Oxidizer 5.1 Oxidizer 5.1 Oxidizer 5.1 Oxidizer 5.2 Organic Peroxides 6.1 Poisonous Material 6.2 Etiologic Material 6.3 Acute Health Hazard 6.4 Chronic Health Hazard 6.5 Pesticide 7.3 Radioactive Material 8 Corrosive 9 Miscellaneous Hazardous Material UFC Hazard Cfass Div 1.1 Div 1.2 Div 1.3 Div 1.4 Div 1.5 Div 1.6 Gaseous liquefied Gaseous liquefied Gaseous lA 18& 1C 18& 1C 4 3 3 2 1 2 1 " IliA IlIB Loose Baled 4 3 2 1 -00 ora ::JIJ) 15:::rJ :""'! CD )> ~. r< <D c. ......1'" 0- 't IEPCRA Storaae Conditions (Tables 4 & 5\ TABLE IV . STORAGE CODES' -~ r~oISt...a A.... ..._..Abowgl'Ound tank B.... ...............Undergrouncltank C..... ,.......Tank Inside building D.... ...........St.., drum E.... "Pla$(k; or non-metallic drum F............un.....Can G. ............,...... .Carboy H...,.........n..n..Silo I....,.."".........., Fiber drum J.. .............Bag K..............".....Box l.....................CVlinder M ....................Glua tlottto., jug.ar buckete N ".............,..... Plastic bottles, jugt or buckets O.....................Totebin P..................... Tankwagon a.....................Rallcar R.....................Clthor s..... .,...~r TABLE V - TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE CONDITIONS AND STO,RAGE cgD~ ~ Stl)faae CendiUor.s (PRESSURE) . . . .Normal pressure .Graat., thtln nonTllll 'Pm.ure .less than norrnal pl'8ssuro 1 2 .......... 3 4 . B 7 (TEMPERATURE) .. .Nonnaltempendure . .Groal:orthan normaltompor.ture . .less th;!n normal temperature but not ctyogen!c , .Cryogenic conditions ONAPL Definina Reauirement~ Definition Dense Nan-aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs) are: Heavier than water (specific gravity >1) Have a low solubility rate (<10g/1 or 1%) Degrade to other compounds that are (wen more of a health hazard Far the pUrposes of Drinking Water Protection, DNAPL chemicals are defined as "all chemicals displaying the characteristics of a ONAPL chemical or a material containing a substance considered a DNAPL chemical". DNAPL CI'U"mir.~I!;. DNAPL chemicals are commonly used as cleaners, de-greasers, coolants, pesticides, and for treating wood. The following DNAPL chemicals are identified specifically but are not a comprehensive list of chemicals considered DNAPLs. If a chemical meets the Definition above it is regulated and prohibited. APPENDIX B - MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS FOR PRODUCTS IDENTIFIED IN HMIS WALGREENS CLINICAL PHARMACY HMMP - JUNE 2009 - REVISED FINAL KTAASSOCIATES.INC. Date f-tHCeived:2,.L6p,mr Planner: AL Humeo Holding Group, Inc. 7400 Alumax Drive Texarkana, TX 75501 903-83] - 7808 Item #0395-0467 CAMPHOR SPIRITS USP DATE PREPARED: 0311410] SECTION I PRODUCT IDENTIfiCATION PRODUCT NAME: Camphor Spirits USP SECTION II HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS Component Percent CAS No. Ethyl Alcohol Camphor 84.0% 10.0% 64-17-5 76-22-2 SECTION III PHYSICAL DATA Boiling Point: 1700F Specific Gravity: (H20 ~ I) 0.824 Solubility: (In water) Insolubie Vapor Pressure: (mmHg) NA Vapor Density: (Air=l) NA Evaporation Rate: NA Appearance and Odor: Clear water white liquid with camphor odor. % Volatiles by Volume: NA SECTION III A DEGREE OF HAZARD Degree of Hazard 4 - Extreme 3 - High 2 - Moderate I - Slight o - Insignificant Flammability Health Reactivity Special Hazard 3 3 o o Date, Heceived: Planner: AL {,/; 6/ ;JtrP/ / I CAMPHOR SPIRITS USP Page 2 SECTION IV FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Flash Point: 66'F Extinguishing Media: Dry chemical, carbon dioxide, alcohol foam, water spray. Special Firefighting Procedures and Precautions: When heated, material emits flammable and explosive vapors. If it can be safely done, remove containers from fire area. Unusual Fire and Explosion Hazards: Firefighters should use self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective clothing. SECTION V HEALTH HAZARD DATA First Aid Instructions for Accidental Exposure: If on Skin: Wash with soap and water. Get medical help if any irritation persists. If in Eyes: Flush with running water for 15 minutes. Get medical attention immediately. IfInhaled: Remove victim to fresh air. Get immediate medical assistance. If Swallowed: Immediately give 3 to 4 glasses of water. Do Not induce vomiting. If vomiting occurs, give fluids again. Have physician determine if patient's condition allows induction of vomiting or evacuation of stomach. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious or convulsing person. SECTION VI REACTIVITY DATA Stability: Stable Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. Conditions to a void: Strong oxidizing agents such as Potassium Pcnnanganate & Chromic Anhydride. Decomposition Products: Partial oxidation products and carbon monoxide from therma~oxidation degradation. Date t'teceived: Planner: AL ,ff./~9 I I CAMPHOR SPIRITS USP Page 3 SECTION VII SPILL AND DISPOSAL PROCEDURES Steps to be taken in the event of a spill or discharge: Provide adequate ventilation. Remove sources of heat or ignition. Protect against inhalation of vapors and skin contact. Cover spill with dry sand or vermiculite and mix well prior to transferring to a disposal container. Keep container tightly closed. Disposal Procedures: Scrap can be burned in a safe place or approved incinerator. Follow Federal, State and local regulations. SECTION VIII INDUSTRIAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Ventilation: To meet TL V requirements. Respiratory Protection: Full face chemical cartridge respirator with an organic vapor cartridge to 200 mglmg3 Eye Protection: Chemical safety goggles, eye wash station. Skin Protection: Protective clothing for prolonged or repeated exposure. SECTION IX SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS Precautions to be taken in handling and storing: Store in a cool, dry, well ve ntilated area away from oxidizing agents and sources of heat or ignition. Date Received:~/ 0'*>7 Planner: AL . Cc5Cc5 MSDS for Hydrogen Peroxide, 3% Catalog # 1202E Medical chemical Corp. 19430 Van Ness Ave. Torrance, CA 90501 Customer Service: Phone (310)787-6800 FAX (310)787-4464 CHEMTREC Emergency Response Telephone Number: (800)424-9300 Notc: The CHEMTREC phone number is only for cmcrgencies involving spills, leaks, fire, cxposure or accident. Please dircct all other inquiries to our customer service phonc numbcr. Section 1 - Product Identification A stabilized, aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide. Section II - Composition/Information on Components Ingredients CAS# OSHA Pel 1 ppm TWA (air) ACGIH TLV 1 ppm TWA (air) Other Limits % hydrogen peroxide 7722-84-1 3%w/v Section III . Hazards Identification OveNiew: May be harmful if swallowed. May be irritating to skin eyes and respiratory tract. Safety Ratings Health: Slight Flammability: None Reactivity: None Recommended safety equipment: safety goggles, lab coat and proper gloves Storage: General storage NFPA Ratings Health = 0 Flammability = 0 Reactivity = 1 Potential Health Effects Contact: Slight The toxicology of this compound have not been completely examined. It is presumed that the toxicity of this item is similar to other dilute peroxides. 3% hydrogen peroxide is not expected to present health problems under normal circumstances Inhalation: Not likely to be an issue. May be irritating Ingestion: While the toxicity of this compound is low, large doses may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Skin contact: Not normally a problem Eye contact: May be irritating Chronic Exposure: Unknown Aggravation of preexisting conditions: Unknown Section IV - First Aid Measures Inhalation: Unlikely to be an issue. Remove from source of exposure and get medical altention for any breathing difficulty. Ingestion: Unlikely to be an issue. Get medical advise for exceptional cases. MSDS for 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, page 1 of 3 Date Received:#rl<r07 Planner: AL Skin Contact: Unlikely to be an issue. Wash affected area with soap and water. Get medical advice if irritation develops. Eye Contact: Rinse thoroughly with running water. Get medical advice if irritation develops. Section V - Fire Fighting Measures Flash point:: Not applicable. Flammable Limits: Not applicable. Fire: Not normally a fire Hazard, Explosion: Not Normally an explosion hazards. Fire Extinguishing Media: Any means suitable for surrounding fire. Special information: Pyrolysis will release corrosive oxides. Section VI - Accidental Release Measures Absorb with a suitable inert absorbent and store in a suitable container for disposal. Waste disposal is usually not restricted but local ordinances vary. Insure compliance with all government regulations. Section VII - Handling and Storage Store in a closed container, protected from freezing. Section VIII - Exposure Control/Personal Protection Airborne Exposure Limits: See section II Ventilation System: Usually not required. When required, Refer to the ACGIH document, "Industrial Ventilation, a Manual of Recommended Practices" for details about ventilation. Personal Respirator: Usually not required. In case of emergency, or when exposure levels are unknown, use a positive pressure, full face piece, air supplied respirator. Skin protection: Protective gloves are not required but recommended as part of good laboratory practice. Eye Protection: Laboratory safety goggles or similar products are not required but recommended as part of good laboratory practice. Section IX - Physical and Chemical Properties Boiling Point: 100'C Vapor pressure (mm Hg): 18 @ 20'C Vapor Density (air = 1): 0.6 VOC: 0 g/l Appearance and Odor: A clear, colorless, odorless liquid. Density: About 1.0 g/ml Evaporation Rate (water = 1): 1 Solubility: Infinitely miscible with water Section X - Stability and Reactivity Stability: Freezes at low temperature. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Will liberate large amounts of oxygen. Hazardous polymerization: Will not occur. Incompatibilities: Nothing unusual. Conditions to avoid: Excessive cold/heat and light. Section XI . Toxicological Information Cancer lists Ingredient Hydrogen Peroxide Known Carcinogenicity? No NTP? No Anticipated? No IARC Category 3 MSDS for 3% Hydrogen peroxidJ';. ~e 2 of 3 Date Received:_.{'//~a-9 Planner: AL I . Section XII - Ecological Information Environmental Fate: Biodegradable Environmental Toxicity: None Section XIII - Disposal Not normaiiy restricted but ultimate authority resides with local government agencies. Insure compliance with all government regulation Section XIV - Transportation information Not Regulated Section XV - Regulatory Information Chemical Inventory Status Ingredient Hydrogen Peroxide TSCA Yes EC Yes Federal, State and International Regulations Ingredient Hydrogen Peroxide SARA 302 RQ TPQ No No SARA 3 I3 List Category No No RCRA 261.33 No TSCA SeD) No Chemical Weapons Convention: No TSCA 12(b): No CDTA: No SARA 311/312: Acute: Yes, Chronic: No, Fire: No, Pressure: No Section XVI . Other Information This information is believed to be correct but is not waranteed as such, nor does it purport to be aii inclusive. Revision Date: Feb. 16,2006 MSDS for 3% Hydrogen Peroxide, page 3 of 3 Date Received:~Y-m,4 Planner: AL httpS:11fscimage.fishersci.comjmsdsj45416.htm Material Safety Data Sheet Iodine Solution, Tincture ACC# 45416 II Section 1 - Chemical ~r~o..duct and Company Identification Jl MSDS Name: Iodine Solution, Tincture Catalog Numbers: 571951, 571952, 593267 Synonyms: Tincture of Iodine Company Identification: Fisher Scientific 1 Reagent Lane Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 For information, call: 201-796-7100 Emergency Number: 201-796-7100 For CHEMTREC assistance, call: 800-424-9300 For International CHEMTREC assistance, call: 703-527-3887 II ~ Section 2 - Composition, Information on Ingredients CAS# 7732-18-5 64-17-5 7681-82-5 7553-56-2 Chemical Name Percent 49.77 45.85 2.39 1.99 EINECSjEUNCS 231-791-2 200-578-6 231-679-3 231-442-4 Water Ethyl alcohol ISOdium iodide Iodine II II Section 3 - Hazards Identification EMERGENCY OVERVIEW Appearance: amber liquid. Flash Point: 12.8 deg C. Warning! Causes severe eye irritation. Flammable liquid and vapor. Causes respiratory tract irritation. This substance has caused adverse reproductive and fetal effects in humans. May cause central nervous system depression. May cause liver, kidney and heart damage. Causes moderate skin irritation. Possible sensitizer. Target Organs: Blood, kidneys, heart, central nervous system, liver, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, bone marrow, thyroid. Potential Health Effects Eye: Causes severe eye irritation. May cause painful sensitization to light. May cause chemical conjunctivitis and corneal damage. . . Skin: Causes moderate skin irritation. May cause skin sensitization, an allergic reaction, which becomes evident upon re-exposure to this material. May be absorbed through the skin. May cause cyanosis of the extremities. Ingestion: May cause gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. May cause systemic toxicity with acidosis. May cause central nervous system depression, characterized by excitement, followed by headache, dizziness, drowsiness, and nausea. Advanced stages may cause collapse, unconsciousness, coma and possible death due to respiratory failure. Date Received: ~!!~/,}n!f ".;'vf 7 Planner: AL 15-Mar-0919:59 https:j1fscimage.fishersci.com/msds/45416.htm Inhalation: Inhalation of high concentrations may cause central nervous system effects characterized by nausea, headache, dizziness, unconsciousness and coma. Causes respiratory tract irritation. May cause narcotic effects in high concentration. Vapors may cause dizziness or suffocation. May cause respiratory sensitization. Chronic: Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause defatting and dermatitis. Chronic exposure can lead to iodism characterized by headache, excess salivation, nasal discharge, conjunctivitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, stomatitis, enlarged submaxillary glands, and skin rashes. May cause reproductive and fetal effects. Laboratory experiments have resulted in mutagenic effects. Chronic exposure can affect thyroid function. Animal studies have reported the development of tumors. Prolonged exposure may cause liver, kidney, and heart damage. ~- II Section 4 - First Aid Measures Eyes: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, occasionally lifting the upper and lower eyelids. Get medical aid. Skin: Get medical aid. Flush skin with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes while removing contaminated clothing and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. Ingestion: Call a poison control center. If swallowed, do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medicai personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical aid. Inhalation: Remove from exposure and move to fresh air immediately. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical aid. Notes to Physician: Treat symptomatically and supportively. Persons with skin or eye disorders or liver, kidney, chronic respiratory diseases, or central and peripheral nervous sytem diseases may be at increased risk from exposure to this substance. Activated charcoal does not reduce ethanol absorption. Antidote: Ethanol may inhibit methanol metabolism. II Ij Section 5 - Fire Fighting Measures General Information: Ethanol may inhibit methanol metabolism. As in any fire, wear a self-contained breathing apparatus in pressure-demand, MSHA/NIOSH (approved or equivalent), and full protective gear. Vapors may form an explosive mixture with air. Vapors can travel to a source of ignition and flash back. Will burn if involved in a fire. Flammable Liquid. Can release vapors that form explosive mixtures at temperatures above the flashpoint. Use water spray to keep fire-exposed containers cool. Wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent contact with skin and eyes. Wear a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) to prevent contact with thermal decomposition products. Containers may explode in the heat of a fire. Extinguishing Media: For small fires, use dry chemical, carbon dioxide, water spray or alcohol- resistant foam. For large fires, use water spray, fog, or alcohol-resjstant foam. Use water spray to cool fire-exposed containers. Water may be ineffective. Do NOT use straight streams of water. Flash Point: 12.8 deg C ( 55.04 deg F) Autoignition Temperature: 362.8 deg C ( 685.04 deg F) Explosion Limits, Lower:3.3 vol % Upper: 19 vol % NFPA Rating: (estimated) Health: 0; Flammability: 3; Instability: 0 II IJ Section 6 - Accidental Release Measures General Information: Use proper personal protective equipment as indicated in Section 8. Spills/LeakS: Absorb spill with inert material (e.g. vermiculite, sand or earth), then place in suitable container. Remove all sources of ignitjDn. Use a spark-proof tool. Provide ventilation. A vapor Date Received: ~t'i~/Jn>.'" Planner: AL ~ of 7 15-Mar-09 19:59 i https:llfscimage.fishersci.com/msds/45416.htm suppressing foam may be used to reduce vapors. ~-~~""- -JI Section 7 - Handling and Storage Handling: Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Use only in a well-ventilated area. Ground and bond containers when transferring material. Use spark-proof tools and explosion proof equipment. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Empty containers retain product residue, (liquid and/or vapor), and can be dangerous. Keep container tightly closed. Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Do not ingest or inhale. Do not pressurize, cut, weld, braze, solder, drill, grind, or expose empty containers to heat, sparks or open flames. Storage: Keep away from heat, sparks, and flame. Keep away from sources of ignition. Store in a cool place in the original container and protect from sunlight. Store in a tightly closed container. Keep from contact with oxidizing materials. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompatible substances. Flammables-area. Keep away from reducing agents. Do not store near perchlorates, peroxides, chromic acid or nitric acid. II Section 8 - Exposure Controls, Personal Prot~ction Engineering Controls: Use explosion-proof ventilation equipment. Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash facility and a safety shower. Use adequate general or local exhaust ventilation to keep airborne concentrations below the permissible exposure limits. Exposure Limits I Chemical Name I Water ACGIH none listed NIOSH OSHA - Final PEls none listed Ethyl alcohol 1000 ppm TWA none listed 1000 ppm TWA; 1900 mg/m3 TWA 3300 ppm IDLH none listed Iodine Jnone listed 10.1 ppm Ceiling 2 ppm IDLH 1000 ppm TWA; 1900 mg/m3 TWA none listed I 0.1 ppm Ceiling; 1 mg/m31 Ceiling Sodium iodide OSHA Vacated PELs: Water: No OSHA Vacated PELs are listed for this chemical. Ethyl alcohol: 1000 ppm TWA; 1900 mg/m3 TWA Sodium iodide: No OSHA Vacated PELs are listed for this chemical. Iodine: No OSHA Vacated PEls are listed for this chemical. Personal Protective Equipment Eyes: Wear appropriate protective eyeglasses or chemical safety goggles as described by OSHA's eye and face protection regulations in 29 CFR 1910.133 or European Standard EN166. Skin: Wear appropriate protective gloves to prevent skin exposure. Clothing: Wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent skin e'xposure. Respirators: A respiratory protection program that meets OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.134 and ANSI Z88.2 requirements or European Standard EN 149 must be followed whenever workplace conditions warrant respirator use. II__~___- - u~1 Section 9 - Physical and Chemical Properties Physical State: Liquid Appearance: amber Odor: alcohol-like pH: Not available. Vapor Pressure: 40 mm Hg oj of 7 Date Received: t1o/J.<n:l9 Planner: AL 15-Mar-09 19:59 httpS:/1fscimage.fishersci.comfmsds/45416.htm Vapor Density: 1.6 Evaporation Rate: > 1 Viscosity: Not available. Boiling Point: 73-79 deg C Freezing/Melting Point:-80 deg C Decomposition Temperature:Not available. Solubility: Soluble in water. Specific Gravity / Density:O. 79 Molecular Formula:Mixture Molecular Weight:Not available. L Section 10 - Stability and Reactivity II Chemical Stability: Stable under normal temperatures and pressures. Conditions to Avoid: Stable under normal temperatures and pressures., incompatible materials, light, ignition sources, excess heat, oxidizers. Incompatibilities with Other Materials: Strong oxidizing agents, peroxides, acids, acid chlorides, acid anhydrides, alkali metals, ammonia, permanganic acid, ruthenium (VIII) oxide, bromine pentafJuoride, nitrosyl perchlorate, chromyl chloride, uranium hexafluoride, iodine heptafiuoride, uranyl perchlorate, acetyl bromide, silver nitrate, disulfuryl difluoride, magnesium perchlorate, platinum, potassium-tert-butoxide, silver oxide, hydrazine, tetrachlorosilane + water, acetyl chloride, calcium hypochlorite, mercuric nitrate, perchloric acid, potassium dioxide, sodium, magnesium, zinc, aluminum, steel, antimony, acetaldehyde, bromine trifluoride, reducing agents. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon monoxide, irritating and toxic fumes and gases, carbon dioxide, toxic fumes of sodium oxide, hydrogen iodide, (odine. Hazardous Polymerization: Will not occur. ~~~l ~ Section 11 - Toxicological Information RTECS#: CAS# 7732-18-5: ZC0110000 CAS# 64-17-5: KQ6300000 CAS# 7681-82-5: WB6475000 CAS# 7553-56-2: NN1575000 LDSO/LCSO: CAS# 7732-18-5: Oral, rat: LD50 = >90 mljkg; CAS# 64-17-5: Draize test, rabbit, eye: 500 mg Severe; Draize test, rabbit, eye: 500 mg/24H Mild; Draize test, rabbit, skin: 20 mg/24H Moderate; Inhalation, mouse: LC50 = 39 gm/m3/4H; Inhalation, rat: LC50 = 20000 ppm/10H; Oral, mouse: LD50 = 3450 mg/kg; Oral, rabbit: LD50 = 6300 mg/kg; Oral, rat: LD50 = 7060 mg/kg; Oral, rat: LD50 = 9000 mg/kg; CAS# 7681-82-5: Draize test, rabbit, eye: 100 mg/24H Moderate; Date Received: ~jYJrrof Planner: AL . ')f 7 15-Mar-09 19:59 https:/lfscimage.fishersci.comjmsdsj45416.htm Draize test, rabbit, skin: 500 mgj24H Moderate; Oral, mouse: LD50 = 1000 mgjkg; Oral, rat: LD50 = 4340 mgjkg; CAS# 7553-56-2: Oral, mouse: LDSO = 22 gmjkg; Oral, mouse: LD50 = 1000 mgjkg; Oral, rabbit: LD50 = 10 gmjkg; Oral, rat: LD50 = 14 gmjkg; Carcinogenicity: CAS# 7732-18-5: Not listed by ACGIH, IARC, NTP, or CA Prop 65. CAS# 64-17-5: Not listed by ACGIH, IARC, NTP, or CA Prop 65. CAS# 7681-82-5: Not listed by ACGIH, IARC, NTP, or CA Prop 65. CAS# 7553-56-2: Not listed by ACGIH, IARC, NTP, or CA Prop 65. Epidemiology: Ethanol has been shown to produce fetotoxicity in the embryo or fetus of laboratory animals. Prenatal exposure to ethanol is associated with a distinct pattern of congenital malformations that have collectively been termed the "fetal alcohol syndrome". Teratogenicity: CAS# 64-17-5: Oral, Human - woman: TDLo = 41 gmjkg (female 41 week(s) after conception) Effects on Newborn - Apgar score (human only) and Effects on Newborn - other neonatal measures or effects and Effects on Newborn - drug dependence. Reproductive Effects: CAS# 64-17-5: Intrauterine, Human - woman: TDLo = 200 mgjkg (female 5 day(s) pre-mating) Fertility - female fertility index (e.g. # females pregnant per # sperm positive females; # females pregnant per # females mated). Mutagenicity: CAS# 64-17-5: DNA Inhibition: Human, Lymphocyte = 220 mmol/L.; Cytogenetic Analysis: Human, Lymphocyte = 1160 gmjL.; Cytogenetic Anaiysis: Human, Fibroblast = 12000 ppm.; Cytogenetic Analysis: Human, Leukocyte = 1 pphj72H (Continuous).; Sister Chromatid Exchange: Human, Lymphocyte = 500 ppmj72H (Continuous). Neurotoxicity: No information found Other Studies: II Section 12 - Ecological Information Jl Ecotoxicity: Fish: Rainbow trout: LC50 = 12900-15300 mgjL; 96 Hr; Flow-through @ 24-24.30CFish: Rainbow trout: LC50 = 11200 mgjL; 24 Hr; Fingerling (Unspecified)Bacteria: Phytobacterium phosphoreum: EC50 = 34900 mgjL; 5-30 min; Microtox test CAS# 64-17-5: When spilled on land it is apt to volatilize, biodegrade, and leach into the ground water, but no data on the rates of these processes could be found. Its fate in ground water is unknown. When released into water it will volatilize and probably biodegrade. It would not be expected to adsorb to sediment or bioconcentrate in fish. Environmental: CAS# 64-17-5: When released to the atmosphere it will photodegrade in hours (polluted urban atmosphere) to an estimated range of 4 to 6 days in less polluted areas. Rainout should be significant. Physical: No information available. Other: No information available. II ~l Section 13 - Disposal Considerations Chemical waste generators must determine whether a discarded chemicai is classified as a hazardous waste. US EPA guidelines for the classification determination are listed in 40 CFR Parts 261.3. Additionally, waste generators must consult state and local hazardous waste regulations to ensure Date Received: ,/;~ / dVP'f Planner: AL / I r ')f 7 15-Mar-09 19:59 https:11fscimage.fishersci.com/msds/45416.htm complete and accurate classification. RCRA P-Series: None listed. RCRA U-Series: None listed. II L Section 14 - Transport Information Shipping Name: Hazard Class: UN Number: Packing Group: Additional Info: ! US DOT ETHANOL SOLUTION 3 UN1170 II Canada TOG FLAMMABLE LIQUID NOS (ETHANOL) 3 UN1993 II FLASH POINT 8 C II Section 15 - Regulatory Information -~ US FEDERAL TSCA CAS# 7732-18-5 is listed on the TSCA inventory. CAS# 64-17-5 is listed on the TSCA inventory. CAS# 7681-82-5 is listed on the TSCA inventory. CAS# 7553-56-2 is listed on the TSCA inventory. Health & Safety Reporting List None of the chemicals are on the Health & Safety Reporting List. Chemical Test Rules None of the chemicals in this product are under a Chemical Test Rule. Section 12b None of the chemicals are listed under TSCA Section 12b. TSCA Significant New Use Rule None of the chemicals in this material have a SNUR under TSCA. CERCLA Hazardous Substances and corresponding RQs None of the chemicals in this material have an RQ. SARA Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances None of the chemicals in this product have a TPQ. SARA Codes CAS # 64-17-5: Immediate, delayed, fire. CAS # 7681-82-5: immediate. CAS # 7553-56-2: immediate, delayed, fire. Section 313 No chemicals are reportable under Section 313. Clean Air Act: This material does not contain any hazardous air pollutants. This material does not contain any Class 1 Ozone depletors. This material does not contain any Class 2 Ozone depletors. Clean Water Act: None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Hazardous Substances under the CWA. None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Priority Poliutants under the CWA. None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Toxic Pollutants under the CWA. OSHA: None of the chemicals in this product are considered highly hazardous by OSHA. STATE CAS# 7732c18-5 is not present on state lists from CA, PA, MN, MA, FL, or NJ. CAS# 64-17-5 can be found on the following state right to know lists: California, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Massachusetts. r ')f 7 Date Received: Planner: AL ~/;r~ '1 15-Mar-09 19: 59 httpS:llfscimage.fishersci.com/msds/45416.htm CAS# 7681-82-5 is not present on state lists from CA, PA, MN, MA, FL, or NJ. CAS# 7553-56-2 can be found on the fOllowing state right to know lists: Caiifornia, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Massachusetts. California Prop 65 WARNING: This product contains Ethyl alcohol, a chemical known to the state of California to cause developmental reproductive toxicity. California No Significant Risk Level: None of the chemicals in this product are listed. European/International Regulations European Labeling in Accordance with EC Directives Hazard Symbols: F Risk Phrases: R 11 Highly flammable. Safety Phrases: S 16 Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking. S 33 Take precautionary measures against static discharges. S 7 Keep container tightly closed. S 9 Keep container in a well-ventilated place. WGK (Water Danger/Protection) CAS# 7732-18-5: No information available. CAS# 64-17-5: 0 CAS# 7681-82-5: 1 CAS# 7553-56-2: 1 Canada - DSL/NDSL CAS# 7732-18-5 is listed on Canada's DSL List. CAS# 64-17-5 is listed on Canada's DSL List. CAS# 7681-82-5 is listed on Canada's DSL List. CAS# 7553-56-2 is listed on Canada's DSL List. Canada - WHMIS This product has a WHMIS classification of B2, D2B. This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations and the MSDS contains all of the information required by those regulations. Canadian Ingredient Disclosure List CAS# 64-17-5 is listed on the Canadian Ingredient Disclosure List. CAS# 7681-82-5 is listed on the Canadian Ingredient Disclosure List. CAS# 7553-56-2 is listed on the Canadian Ingredient Disclosure List. I[ II Section 16 - Additional Information MSDS Creation Date: 9/02/1997 Revision #7 Date: 10/30/2007 The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However. we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular purposes. In no event shall Fisher be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for lost profits or any special, indirec~ incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if Fisher has been advised of the possibility of. such damages. , ')f 7 Date Received: ~/5/J.n,9 Planner: AL 15-Mar-09 19: 59 http://fscimage.fishersci.com/msds/89530. htm Material Safety Data Sheet Isopropyl alcohol 70% in water ACC# 89530 II Section 1 - Chemical Product and CompCjny Id~~~fication :- JI MSDS Name: Isopropyl alcohol 70% in water Catalog Numbers: AC613190040, AC613245000, A459-1, A459-20, A459-4, A459-500, NC9290641, NC9405257, NC9524653, NC9761180 Synonyms: Isopropanol; Dimethylcarbinol; sec-Propyl alcohol; Rubbing alcohol; Petrohol; l-Methylethanol; 1-Methylethyl alcohol; 2-Hydroxypropane; 2-Propyl alcohol; Isopropyl alcohol; Propan-2-01; IPA; 2-Propanol. Company Identification: Fisher Scientific 1 Reagent Lane Fair Lawn, NJ 07410 For information, call: 201- 796- 7100 Emergency Number: 201-796-7100 For CHEMTREC assistance, call: 800-424-9300 For International CHEMTREC assistance, call: 703-527-3887 ~ Section 2 - Composition, I nformation on Ingredients II CAS# 67-63-0 7732-18-5 Chemical Name I sopropyl alcohol Water Percent 70 30 EINECS/ELlNCS 200-661- 7 231-791-2 II IL_~..u Section 3 - Hazards Identification EMERGENCY OVERVIEW Appearance: colorless liquid. Flash Point: 18 deg C. Warning! Flammable liquid and vapor. Breathing vapors may cause drowsiness and dizziness. Causes eye and respiratory tract irritation. Aspiration hazard if swallowed. Can enter lungs and cause damage. Prolonged or repeated contact causes defatting of the skin with irritation, dryness, and cracking. May cause central nervous system depression. Target Organs: Central nervous system, respiratory system, eyes, skin. Potential Health Effects Eye: Produces irritation, characterized by a burning sensation, redness, tearing, inflammation, and possible corneal injury. May cause transient corneal injury. In the eyes of a rabbit, 0.1 ml of 70% isopropyl alcohoi caused cof1junctivitis, iritis, and corneal opacity. Skin: May cause irritation with pain and stinging, especially if the skin is abraded. Isopropanol has a low potential to cause allergic skin reactions; however, rare cases of ailergic contact dermatitis have been reported. May be absorbed through intact skin. Dermal absorption has been considered toxicologically insignificant. The cases of deep coma associated with skin contact are thought to be a consequence of gross isopropanol vapor inhalation in rooms with inadequate ventilation, rather than being attributable to percutaneous absorption of isopropanol per se. - ')f 7 Date Received: Planner: AL ?Y~f 09-Dec-08 19: 52 http://fscimage.fishersci.com/msds/89530. htm Ingestion: Causes gastrointestinal irritation with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. May cause kidney damage. May cause central nervous system depression. characterized by excitement, followed by headache, dizziness, drowsiness, and nausea. Advanced stages may cause collapse, unconsciousness, coma and possible death due to respiratory failure. Aspiration of material into the lungs may cause chemical pneumonitis, which may be fatal. The probable oral lethal dose in humans is 240 ml (2696 mg/kg), but ingestion of only 20 ml (224 mg/kg) has caused poisoning. Inhalation: Inhalation of high concentrations may cause central nervous system effects characterized by nausea, headache, dizziness, unconsciousness and coma. May cause narcotic effects in high concentration. Causes upper respiratory tract irritation. Inhalation of vapors may cause drowsiness and dizziness. Chronic: Prolonged or repeated skin contact may cause defatting and dermatitis. 11- ..--........, __ 0-"_" II Section 4 - First Aid Measures Eyes: In case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for a t least 15 minutes. Get medical aid. Skin: In case of contact, flush skin with plenty of water. Remove contaminated clothing and shoes. Get medical aid if irritation develops and persists. Wash clothing before reuse. Ingestion: Potential for aspiration if swallowed. Get medical aid immediately. Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. If vomiting occurs naturally, have victim lean forward. Inhalation: if Inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical aid. Notes to Physician: Urine acetone test may be helpful in diagnosis. Hemodialysis should be considered in severe intoxication. Treat symptomatically and supportively. II J Section 5 - Fire Fighting Measures General Information: As in any fire, wear a self-contained breathing apparatus in pressure-demand, MSHAlNIOSH (approved or equivalent), and full protective gear. Vapors may form an explosive mixture with air. Use water spray to keep fire-exposed containers cool. Flammable liquid and vapor. Vapors are heavier than air and may travel to a source of ignition and flash back. Vapors can spread along the ground and collect in low or confined areas. Extinguishing Media: Water may be ineffective. Do NOT use straight streams of water. For large fires, use dry chemical, carbon dioxide, alcohol-resistant foam, or water spray. For small fires, use carbon dioxide, dry chemical. dry sand, or alcohol-resistant foam. Cool containers with flooding quantities of water until well after fire is out. Flash Point: 18 deg C ( 64.40 deg F) Autoignition Temperature: 399 deg C ( 750.20 deg F) Explosion Limiis, Lower:2.0 vol % Upper: 12.7 @ 93.30C NFPA Rating: (estimated) Health: 1; Flammability: 3; Instability: 0 11_- -' II Section 6 - Accidental Release Measures General Information: Use proper personal protective equipment as indicated in Section 8. Spills/Leaks: Absorb spill with inert material (e.g. vermicuiite, sand or earth), then piace in suitable container. Use water spray to dilute spill to a non-flammable mixture. Clean up spills immediately, observing precautions in the Protective Equipment section. Remove all sources of ignition. Use a spark-proof tool. Provide ventilation. A vapor suppressing foam may be used to reduce vapors. ~ ')f7 Date Received: Planner: AL ~;lt./~L 09-Dec-0819:52 http://fscimage.fishersci.com/msds/89530. htm 11__- Section 7 - Handling and Storage ~ Handling: Wash thoroughly after handling. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. Ground and bond containers when transferring material. Use spark-proof tools and explosion proof equipment. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Empty containers retain product residue, (liquid and/or vapor), and can be dangerous. Take precautionary measures against static discharges. Keep container tightly closed. Do not pressurize, cut. weld, braze, solder, drill, grind, or expose empty containers to heat, sparks or open flames. Use only with adequate ventilation. Avoid breathing vapor or mist. Storage: Keep away from sources of ignition. Store in a tightly closed container. Keep from contact with oxidizing materials. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompatible substances. Ie Section 8 - Exposure Controls, Personal Protection ~I Engineering Controls: Use explosion-proof ventilation equipment. Facilities storing or utilizing this material should be equipped with an eyewash facility and a safety shower. Use adequate general or locai exhaust ventilation to keep airborne concentrations below the permissible exposure limits. Exposure Limits I Chemical Name ACGIH NIOSH 400 ppm TWA; 980 mg/m3 TWA 2000 ppm IDLH (10% . LEL) none listed OSHA - Final PELs Isopropyl alcohol 200 ppm TWA; 400 ppm STEL 400 ppm TWA; 980 mg/m3 TWA Water Inone listed none listed OSHA Vacated PELs: Isopropyl alcohol; 400 ppm TWA; 980 mg/m3 TWA Water; No OSHA Vacated PELs are listed for this chemical. Personal Protective Equipment Eyes; Wear chemical splash goggles. Skin: Wear appropriate protective gloves to prevent skin exposure. Clothing: Wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent skin exposure. Respirators: A respiratory protection program that meets OSHA's 29 CFR 1910.134 and ANS I Z88.2 requirements or European Standard EN 149 must be followed whenever workplace conditions warrant respirator use. II -II Section 9 - Physical and Chemical Properties Physical State: Liquid Appearance: coloriess Odor: alcohol-like pH: Not available. Vapor Pressure: 33 mm Hg @ 20 deg C Vapor Density: 2.1 (Air=1) Evaporation Rate: 1.7 (n-butyi acetate= 1) Viscosity: 2.27 mPas @ 20 deg C Boiling Point: 82 deg C @ 760 mm Hg Freezing/Melting Point:-88 deg C Decomposition Temperature: Not available. Solubility: Miscible. Specific Gravity/Density:0.7850 (water= 1) Molecular Formula:C3H80 ~of 7 Date Received:~)1J#L Planner: AL 09-Dec-0819:52 http://fscimage.fishersci.com/msds/89530. htm Molecular Weight:60.09 t~- Section 10 - Stability and Reactivity ~.~.....~- -~ ~ Chemical Stability: Stable. Conditions to Avoid: Ignition sources, excess heat. I ncompatibilities with Other Materials: Strong oxidizing agents, strong acids, strong bases, amines, ammonia, ethylene oxide, isocyanates, acetaldehyde, chlorine, phosgene, Attacks some forms of plastics, rubbers, and coatings., aluminum at high temperatures. Hazardous Decomposition Products: Carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide. Hazardous Polymerization: Wili not occur. If Section 11 - Toxicological Information ~I RTECS#: CAS# 67-63-0: NT8050000 CAS# 7732-18-5: ZC0110000 LD50/LC50: CAS# 67-63-0: Draize test, rabbit, eye: 100 mg Severe; Draize test, rabbit, eye: 10 mg Moderate; Draize test, rabbit, eye: 100 mg/24H Moderate; Draize test, rabbit, skin; 500 mg Mild; Inhalation, mouse: LC50 ~ 53000 mg/m3; Inhalation, rat: LC50 ~ 16000 ppm/8H; Inhalation, rat: LC50 = 72600 mg/m3; Oral, mouse: LD50 ~ 3600 mg/kg; Oral, mouse: LD50 = 3600 mg/kg; Oral, rabbit: LD50 = 6410 mg/kg; Oral, rat: L050 = 5045 mg/kg; Oral, rat: LD50 ~ 5000 mg/kg; Skin, rabbit: L050 ~ 12800 CAS#.7732-18-5: Oral, rat: LD50 ~ >90 mL/kg; Carcinogenicity: CAS# 67-63-0: Not listed by ACGIH, IARC, NTP, or CA Prop 65. CAS# 7732-18-5: Not listed by ACGIH, IARC, NTP, or CA Prop 65. Epidemiology: No information found Teratogenicity: A rat & rabbit developmental toxicity study showed no teratogenic effects at doses that were clearly maternaiiy toxic. In a separate rat study, no evidence of developmental neurotoxicity was associated with gestational exposures to IPA up to 1200 mg/kg/d. Reproductive Effects: See actual entry in RTECS for complete information. Mutagenicity: See actual entry in RTECS for complete information. Neurotoxicity: In rats exposed to isopropanol by inhalation, acute neurotoxicity was noted at 1 and 6 hours at 5000 ppm, but only minimal effects were seen at 1500 ppm and the animals recovered within 5 hours. No toxicity was noted at 500 ppm. Other Studies: ~ ')f 7 Date Received: 6/;6/~f I I Planner: AL ~II Il Section~~_~~c9Io9ical Information 09-Dec-0819:52 http://fscimage.fishersci.com/msds/895 30. htm Ecotoxicity: Fish: Fathead Minnow: >1000 ppm; 96h; LC50Daphnia: >1000 ppm; 96h; LC50Fish: Gold orfe: 8970-9280 ppm; 48h; LC50 IPA has a high biochemical oxygen demand and a potential to cause oxygen depletion in aqueous systems, a low potential to affect aquatic organisms. a low potential to affect secondary waste treatment microbiai metabolism, a low potential to affect the germination of some plants, a high potential to biodegrade (low persistence) with unacclimated microorganisms from activated sludge. Environmental: No information available. Physical: THOD: 2.40 g oxygen/gCOD: 2.23 g oxygen/gBOD-5: 1.19-1.72 g oxygen/g Other: No information available. II Section 13 - Disposal Considerations II Chemical waste generators must determine whether a discarded chemical is classified as a hazardous waste. US EPA guidelines for the classification determination are listed in 40 CFR Parts 261.3. Additionally, waste generators must consult state and local hazardous waste regulations to ensure complete and accurate classification. RCRA P-Series: None listed. RCRA U-Series: None listed. Jl t__ Section 14 - Transport Information Shipping Name: Hazard Class: UN Number: Packing Group: US DOT ISOPROPANOL 3 UN1219 II Canada TOG ISOPROPANOL 3 . UN1219 II II Section 15 - Regulatory I nformat~on J US FEDERAL TSCA CAS# 67 -63-0 is listed on the TSCA inventory. CAS# 7732-18-5 is listed on the TSCA inventory. Health & Safety Reporting List CAS# 67 -63-0: Effective 12/15/86, Sunset 12/15/96 Chemical Test Rules CAS# 67-63-0: 40 CFR 799.2325 Section 12b None of the chemicals are listed under TSCA Section 12b. TSCA Significant New Use Rule None of the chemicals in this material have a SNUR under TSCA. CERCLA Hazardous Substances and corresponding RQs None of the chemicals in this material have an RQ. SARA Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substances None of the chemicals in this product have a TPQ. SARA Codes CAS # 67-63-0: immediate, deiayed, fire. Section 313 - 'If '7 Date Received: ~/;~);n, Planner: AL 09-Dec-0819:52 http://fscimage.fishersci.com/msds/895 30. htm This materiai contains Isopropyl alcohol (CAS# 67-63-0, 70%),which is suQject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of SARA Title III and 40 CFR Part 373. Clean Air Act: This material does not contain any hazardous air pollutants. This material does not contain any Class 1 Ozone depletors. This material does not contain any Class 2 Ozone depletors. Clean Water Act: None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Hazardous Substances under the CWA. None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Priority Pollutants under the CWA. None of the chemicals in this product are listed as Toxic Pollutants under the CWA. OSHA: None of the chemicals in this product are considered highly hazardous by OSHA. STATE CAS# 67 -63-0 can be found on the following state right to know lists: California, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Massachusetts. CAS# 7732-18-5 is not present on state lists from CA, PA, MN, MA, FL or NJ. California Prop 65 California No Significant Risk Level: None of the chemicals in this product are listed. European/ I nternationa I Regulations European Labeling in Accordance with EC Directives Hazard Symbols: XI F Risk Phrases: R 11 Highly flammable. R 36 I rritating to eyes. R 67 Vapours may cause drowsiness and dizziness. Safety Phrases: S 16 Keep away from sources of ignition - No smoking. S 24/25 Avoid contact with skin and eyes. S 26 In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. S 7 Keep container tightly closed. WGK (Water Danger/Protection) CAS# 67-63-0: 1 CAS# 7732-18-5: No information available. Canada - DSL/NDSL CAS# 67-63-0 is listed on Canada's DSL List. CAS# 7732-18-5 is listed on Canada's DSL List. Canada - WHM I S This product has a WHMIS classification of B2, D2A. This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations and the MSDS contains all of the information required by those regulations. Canadian Ingredient Disclosure List CAS# 67-63-0 is listed on the Canadian Ingredient Disclosure List. II Section 16 - Additional Information MSDS Creation Date: 7/27/1999 Revision #11 Date: 2/18/2008 The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we make no r ')17 Date Received:~/J<rz> f Planner: AL 09-Dec-0819:52 http://fscimage.fishersci.com/msds/89530.htm warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied. with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular purposes. In no event shall Fisher be liable for any claims, 105ses, or damages of any third party or for lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if Fisher has been advised of the possibility of such damages. - ')f 7 Date Received: t/;(Jd-tJL Planner: AL / ' 09-Dec-0819:52 Item Number: 804 04/29/2008 Page I of 5 Material Safefy'DataSh~et Section 1: PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Vi-Jon Incorporated 8515 Page Avenue Saint Louis, MO 63114 Product Name: 91% WG Isopropyl Alcohol Product Code: 804 Product Use: Various Issue Date: 04/29/2008 Supersedes Date: None Phone: 314-427-1000 In Case of Spill Emergency Contact: Chemtrec: 1-800-424-9300 'Section 2: HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW: Keep out of reach of children. Appearance/Odor: Clear, colorless, mobile liquid with a characteristic odor. WARNING: Flammable (isopropyl alcohoi) Target (isopropyl alcohol) respiratory system, skin, eyes, CNS, liver, blood and reproductive system. Potential Health Effects: See Section 11 for more information. Symptoms of Exposure: Inhalation: May cause irritation of the respiratory tract. Ingestion: May cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Eyes: May cause irritation to the eyes. Skin: May cause irritation to the skin. This product does not contain any carcinogens or potential carcinogens as listed by OSHA, IARC orNTP. This material contains a component that is considered hazardous by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). Potential Environmental Effects: See Section 12 for more information. Date Received: ~/;b/.:No9 Planner: AL Item Number: 804 04/29/2008 Page 2 of 5 Section 3: COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS ,i' Comoonent CAS# Isopropyl Alcohol 67-63-0 %byWl. 91% .Section 4: FIRST AID MEASURES Emergency first aid procedures by route of exposure: Inhalation: If symptoms are experience, remove source of contamination or move victim to fresh air. If affected person is not breathing, appiy artificiai respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical altention. Do not induce vomiting. If the material is swallowed, get medical altention or advice. If irritation is experienced, flush with water. If irritation persists, get medical altention. Immediately flush eyes with water for at least 15 minutes while holding eyelids open. If symptoms persist, get medical altention. Ingestion: Skin: Eyes: 'Section 5: FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES Flash Point: 14'C (57.2'F) Auto Ignition: (Isopropyl Alcohol) 399'C Flammability Classification: Flammabie Liquid IB Extinguishing Media: Use methods appropriate for the surrounding fire. Consider water spray or fog, carbon dioxide, dry chemicai powder, or alcohol resistant foam. Products of Combustion: Upon decomposition this product may emit carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and/or low molecular weight hydrocarbons. Fire Fighting Equipment/Instructions: Wear protective clothing and equipment suitable for the surrounding fire, including helmet, facemask, and self contained breathing apparatus. NFPA Rating: Health:1 Fire: 3 Reactivity:O Hazard Scale: 0 = Minimal 1 ='Slight 2 =.Moderate 3 = Serious 4 = Severe SectlonG: ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal Precautions: For large spills wear gioves, safety glasses and when levels exceed OSHA PEL use appropriate NIOSH approved respiratory protection. Keep unnecessary personnel away. Eliminate all sources of ignition or flammables that may come into contact with a spill of this material. Environmental Precautions: Prevent discharge to open waters. Method for Containment: Absorb spilled liquid in suitable non-flammable inert material such as clay, vermiculite or diatomaceous earth. Methods for Clean-Up: Ventilate area of leak or spill. Use spark-proof tools to sweep or scrape up and containerize in approved chemical waste container. Wash spill area with water. Date ~eceived: ~rJ;v1 Planner: AL Item Number: 804 04/29/2008 Page 3 of 5 Section 7: HANDLING AND STORAGE , Jr Handling: Keep away from heat, sparks and flame. Prevent contact with eyes. Avoid inhalation. Storage: Keep the container tightly closed and in a cool, well ventilated place. :Section'S: EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Exposure Guidelines Isopropyl Alcohol (67-63-0) ACGIH: 200 ppm TWA OSHA: 400 ppm TWA; 980 mg/m3 TWA Engineering Controls: Normal room ventilation is usually adequate under normal use. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Eye/Face Protection: None needed under normal use. Skin Protection: None needed under normal use. Respiratory Protection: None needed under normal use. General Hygiene Considerations: None needed under normal use. ;Section 9: PHYSICAL AND.CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Appearance/Color: Clear, colorless, mobile liquid Odor: Alcohol Physical State: Liquid pH: Not Available. Vapor Density: (Isopropyl Alcohol) 2.07 (air = 1) Boiling Point: (Isopropyl Alcohol) 82.50C [DIN 43171] Vapor Pressure: (Isopropyl Alcohol) 42 hPa at 200C Melting Point: (Isopropyl Alcohol) -90oC Freezing Point: Not Available Flash Point (see section 5) Flammability Properties (see section 5) Solubility (in water): Soluble Density @ 20oC: 0.784-0.786 g/cm3 Evaporation Rate: Not Available OctanollWater partition coefficient (Kow): (Isopropyl Alcohol): 0.05 at 250C Auto-ignition temperature: (Isopropyl Alcohol) 3990C Decomposition temperature: Not Available Section 10: STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability: Stable under normal ambient temperatures 700C (210C) Condition to Avoid: Avoid excessive heat or sources of ignition. Incompatible Materials: This product reacts with strong acid, strong bases, and oxidizing agents. Hazardous Decomposition: upon decomposition, this product evolves carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and/or low weight hydrocarbons. Hazardous Reactions: Hazardous polymerization will not occur. Date Received:-#o/';""'L Planner: AL Item Number: 804 04/29/2008 Page 4 of 5 Section 11: TOXICOLOGY INFORMATION ACUTE EFFECTS: A: General Product information Product contains isopropyl alcohol. B: Component Analysis LD50 Isopropyl Alcohol (67-63-0) Inhalation LC50 Rat: 72.6 mg/L/4H Oral LD50 Rat: 4396 mg/kg Dermal LD50 Rat: 12800 mg/kg Dermal LD50 Rabbit: 12870 mg/kg CHRONIC EFFECTS: Component isopropyl Alcohol (67-63-0) Carcinogenicity: ACGIH A4 - Not Ciassifiabie as a Human Carcinogen Neurotoxicity: This product contains isopropyl alcohol, a central neNOUS system target. Mutagenicity: No information available for product. Reproductive: No information available for product. Developmental: This product contains isopropyl aicohol, a developmental hazard. Target Organs: skin, eyes, CNS, Kidney, Developmental and respiratory system. :Section 12: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ecotoxicity: Isopropyl Alcohol (67-63-0) 96 Hr EC50 Scenedesmus Subspicatus: >1000 mg/L 72 Hr EC50 Scenedesmus subspicatus:>1 000 mg/L 96 Hr LC50 Pimephales promelas: 9640 mg/L [flow through] 96 Hr LC50 Pimephaies promelas: 94900 mg/L [flow through] (29 days old) 96 Hr LC50 Pimephales promelas: 61200 mg/L [flow through] (31 days old) 5 min EC50 Photobacterium phosphoreum: 35390 mglL 48 Hr EC50 Daphnia magna: 13299 mg/L :Section 13: DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Dispose of in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations. .Section 14: TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION Shipping Name: Consumer Commodity ORM-D Proper Shipping Name for Non-Consumer Commodity: Isopropanol, 3, UN1219, PGII. Section 15: REGULATORY INFORMATION Isopropyl alcohol, a component of this product, is on the TSCA inventory. The following components appear on one or more of the following state hazardous substance lists: I Component I Isopropyl Alcohol CAS# 67-63-0 CA YES MA YES MN YES NJ YES PA YES Date Received: ~;/6'/...bJf Planner: AL Item Number: 804 04/29/2008 Page 5 of 5 Section 16: Other Information Prepared by: Vi-Jon Inc. Disclaimer: The information and recommendations contained in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are supplied pursuant to 29 CFR 1910.1200 of the Occupational Safety and Heaith Standards Hazard Communication Rule. The information and recommendations set forth herein are presented in good faith and believed to be correct as of this date hereof. Vi-Jon, however, makes no representation as to the completeness or accuracy thereof, and information is supplied upon the express condition that the persons receiving the information will be required to make their own determination as to its suitability for their purposes prior to use. In no event will Vi-Jon be responsibie for any damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of, reliance upon, or the misuse of this information. User assumes all risk of use. storaoe ilnd handlina of the oroduct in comoliance with aoolicable federal. state and local laws and reaulations. NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES: EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OF ANY OTHER NATURE, ARE MADE BY VI-JON HEREUNDER WITH RESPECT TO INFORMATION OR THE PRODUCT TO WHICH THE INFORMATION REFERS. The information as supplied herein is simply to be informative and intended solely to alert the user of the substance which is the subject matter of this MSDS. The ultimate compliance with federal, state or local regulations concerning the use of this compound, or compliance with respect to product liability, rests solely upon the purchaser thereof. This information relates to the material desionated and mav not be valid for such material used in combination with anv other materials nor in anv orocess. Date Received: Planner: Al 6)i~f / Material Safety Data Sheet according to ANSI Z400.1- 2004 and 29 CFR 1910.1200 t9ohnson A FAMILY COMPANY ,. g. Version 1. WINDEX@ ORIGINAL GLASS CLEANER Print Date 01/22/2009 Revision Date 01/16/2009 MSDS Number 350000004274 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product information Trade name Use of the Substance/Preparation Company Emergency telephone 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Emergency Overview Appearance { Odor Immediate Concerns Potential Health Effects Routes of exposure Eyes Skin Inhalation Ingestion Aggravated Medical Condition WINDEX@ ORIGINAL GLASS CLEANER Hard Surface Cleaner S.C. Johnson & Son, Inc. 1525 Howe Street Racine WI 53403-2236 24 Hour Transport & Medical Emergency Phone (866) 231- 5406 24 Hour International Emergency Phone (952) 852-4647 blue {liquid / characteristic Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing. Eye, Skin, Inhalation, Ingestion. None known. None known. None known. None known. None known. 3. COMPOSITIONilNFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS I.; ChemitaFNarne I Water I Isopropanol I Ethyleneglycol Monohexvlether 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Eye contact CAS-No. 7732-18-5 67-63-0 112-25-4 Weiqht % . 60.00 - 100.00 1.00 - 5.00 0.10- 1.00 Rinse with plenty of water. Get medical attention if irritation 1/7 j 0//6/.Ju-bf / / ' Date Received: Planner: AL Material Safety Data Sheet according 10 ANSI Z400.1- 2004 and 29 CFR 1910.1200 <.9ohnson A FAMilY COMPANY WINDEX@ ORIGINAL GLASS CLEANER Version 1. Print Date 01/22/2009 Revision Date 01/16/2009 MSDS Number 350000004274 develops and persists. Skin contact Wash off with soap and water. Get medical attention if irritation deveiops and persists. Inhalation Remove to fresh air. Ingestion Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Get medical attention immediately. 5. FIRE-FIGHTING MEASURES Suitable extinguishing media Alcohol foam, carbon dioxide, dry chemical, water fog Specific hazards during fire fighting Container may melt and leak in heat of fire. Further information Although this product has a flash point below 200 De9 F, it is an aqueous solution containing an alcohol and does not sustain combustion. Standard procedure for chemical fires. Wear full protective clothing and positive pressure self- contained breathing apparatus. Flash point 130 OF Method: Tag Closed Cup (TCC) Flash point 540C Method: Tag Closed Cup (TCC) Lower explosion limit Note: no data available Upper explosion limit Note: no data available 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions Remove all sources of ignition. Methods for cleaning up Soak up with inert absorbent material. Sweep up and shovel into suitable containers for disposal. Dike large spills. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling Advice on safe handling KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN AND PETS. 2/7 I Date Heceived:_~/;f~7 Planner: AL Material Safety Data Sheet according 10 ANSI 2400.1- 2004 and 29 CFR 1910-.1200 ~ohnson A fAMilY COMPANY Version 1. WINDEX@ ORIGINAL GLASS CLEANER Print Date 01/22/2009 Revision Date 01/16/2009 Advice on protection against fire and explosion Storage Requirements for storage areas and containers MSDS Number 350000004274 Use only as directed. Keep away from heat and sources of ignition. Keep container closed when not in use. Keep in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Do not freeze. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION Occupational Exposure Limits CAS"No, Isopropanol Isopropanol Isopropanol Personal protective equipment Respiratory protection Industrial setting Household setting Hand protection Industrial setting Household setting Eye protect/on Industrial selting Househoid setting Hygiene measures 67-63-0 'ACGIH STEL 400 ppm 67-63-0 200 ppm ACGIH TWA 67-63-0 980 mg/m3 OSHA TWA 400 ppm No personal respiratory protective equipment normally required. No personal respiratory protective equipment normally required. not required under normal use not required under normal use No special requirements. No special requirements. Use only with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Substantial amounts of mist/vapors can be controlled with local exhaust ventilation or respiratory protection. Wear suitable protective clothing. 3/7 Date Received:_~rdn.L Planner: AL . Material Safety Data Sheet according to ANSI Z4DO.1- 2004 and 29 CFR 1910.1200 ...~I Wohnson A FAMILY COMPANY WINDEX@ ORIGINAL GLASS CLEANER Version 1. Print Date 01/22/2009 Revision Date 01116/2009 MSDS Number 350000004274 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Form liquid Color blue Odor characteristic pH 10.5 -11.0 Melting point no data avaiiable Boiling point no data availabie Freezing point no data available Flash point 130 OF Method: Tag Closed Cup (TCC) 540C Method: Tag Closed Cup (TCC) Flash point Evaporation rate no data available Autoignition temperature no data available Lower explosion limit no data available Upper explosion limit no data available Vapour pressure similar to water Water solubility completely soluble Partition coefficient: n- octa nol/water no data available Specific Gravity 1.0 estimated 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Conditions to avoid None known. Materials to avoid Strong oxidizing agents Hazardous decomposition products When exposed to fire, produces normal products of combustion. 4/7 '[ I ~/dlr#o7 Date Received: Planner: AL Material Safety Data Sheet according to ANSI Z400.1~ 2004 and 29 CFR 1910.1200 <t)ohnson A FAMilY COMPANY WINDEX@ ORIGINAL GLASS CLEANER Version 1. Print Date 01/22/2009 Revision Date 01/16/2009 MSDS Number 350000004274 Hazardous reactions Stable 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute oral toxicity LD50 Dose: estimated> 5,000 mg/kg Acute inhalation toxicity LC50 rat Dose: > 2.5 mg/i Acute dermal toxicity LD50 rabbit Dose: estimated> 2,000 mglkg Chronic effects Carcinogenicity no data available Mutagenicity no data available Reproductive effects no data available Teratogenicity no data available Sensitisation Not known to be a sensitizer. 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Ecotoxicily effects Not Available 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Industrial setting ObseNe all applicable Federal, Provincial and State regulations and Local/Municipal ordinances re9arding disposal. Household setting Consumer may discard empty container in trash, or recycle where facilities exist. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION Land transport 5/7 iL Date Received: f/6/.;;>tn'r 1 Planner: AL Material Safety Data Sheet according 10 ANSI Z400.1. 2004 and 29 CFR 1910.1200 <9ohnson A FAMILY COMPANY WINDEX@ ORIGINAL GLASS CLEANER Version 1. Print Date 01/22/2009 Revision Date 01/16/2009 MSDS Number 350000004274 U.S. DOT and Canadian TOG Surface Transportation: NA number 1993 Proper shipping name Combustible Liquid, N.O.S. Class: Combustible liquid Packaging group: III Note: SC Johnson ships this product as "Non-Regulated" per DOT exception for Combustible Liquids. (49 CFR 173.150) Sea transport IMDG: UN-Number: Packaging group: Proper shipping name Class: None. None. not regulated None. Air transport ICAO/IATA: Class: Packaging group: Proper shipping name UN/ID No.: None. None. not regulated None. 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION Global Chemical Inventories Notification status All ingredients of this product are listed or are excluded from . listing on the U.S. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substance Inventory. All ingredients of this product comply with the New Substances Notification requirements under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA). California Prop. 65 This product is not subject to the reporting requirements under California's Proposition 65. This product has been classified in accordance with hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations and the MSDS contains all the information required by the Controlled Products Regulations. 6/7 I Date Received' o/to/dd#1 Planner: AL Material Safety Data Sheet according to ANSI Z400.1- 2004 and 29 CFR 1910.1200 (jJohnson A FAMILY COMPANY WINDEX@ ORIGINAL GLASS CLEANER Version 1. Print Date 01/22/2009 Revision Date 01/16/2009 MSDS Number 350000004274 16. OTHER INFORMATION HMIS Ratings , Health o Flammability 2 Reactivity o NFPA Ratings Health o Fire 2 Reactivity Special o Further information This document has been prepared using data from sources considered to be technically reliable. It does not constitute a warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information contained herein. Actual conditions of use are beyond the seller's control. User isresponsible to evaluate all available information when using product for any particular use and to comply with all Federal. State, Provincial and Local laws and regulations. I Prepared by: I SC Johnson Global Safety Assessment & ReQulatory Affairs (GSARA) 7/7 J Date Received: f)~~f Planner: AL . . .. eJil'. :ScienC8' uab,.com ..~) Chemi~als&~~oiat9ry .Eq~ipin~nt ~l- -- : Health 2 Fite . 2 Reactivity 0 I Personal J Protection Material Safety Data Sheet Witch Hazel MSDS Section 1: Chemical Produc:t and Company Identification Product Name: Witch Hazel Contact Information: Catalog Codes: SLW1105 CAS#: Mixture. Sciencelab.com, Inc. 14025 Smith Rd. Houston, Texas 77396 US Sales: 1-800-901-7247 International Sales: 1-281-441-4400 RTECS: Not applicable. TSCA: TSCA 8(b) inventory: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof CI#: Not appiicabie. Order Online: ScienceLab.com Synonym: Witch Hazel, double distilled extract Chemical Name: Not applicable. CHEMTREC (24HR Emergency Telephone), call: 1-800-424-9300 International CHEMTREC, call: 1-703-527-3887 Chemical Formula: Not applicable. For non-emergency assistance, call: 1-281-441-4400 - Section 2: Composition and Information on Ingredients Composition: Name Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof I Witch Hazel Extract CAS# 64-17-5 % by Weight 14-15 85-86 Toxicological Data on Ingredients: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof: ORAL (LD50): Acute: 7060 mg/kg [Rat.]. 3450 mg/kg [Mouse]. VAPOR (LC50): Acute: 20000 ppm 8 hours [Rat]. 39000 mg/m 4 hours [Mouse). Section 3: Hazards Identification Potential Acute Health Effects: Hazardous in case of eye contact (irritant), of ingestion, of inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant, permeator). Potential Chronic Health Effects: CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified PROVEN by State of California Proposition 65 [Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof]. Classified A4 (Not classifiable for human or animaL) by ACGIH [Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof]. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. [Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof]. Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast. [Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof]. TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified PROVEN for human [Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof]. DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Classified Development toxin [PROVEN] [Ethyl alcohoi 200 Proof]. Classified Reproductive system/toxin/male [POSSIBLE] [Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof]. Date Received' ~/r.J#Y p. 1 Planner: AL The substance is toxic to blood, the reproductive system, liver, upper respiratory tract, skin, central neNous system (CNS). Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs damage. Section 4: First Aid Measures Eye Contact: Check for and remove any contact lenses. Immediately fiush eyes with running water for at least 15 minutes, keeping eyelids open. Cold water may be used. Get medical attention. Skin Contact: Wash with soap and water. Cover the irritated skin with an emollient. Get medical attention if irritation develops. Cold water may be used. Serious Skin Contact: Not available. Inhalation: If inhaled, remove to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical altention if symptoms appear. Serious Inhalation: Evacuate the victim to a safe area as soon as possible. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Seek medical attention. Ingestion: Do NOT induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Loosen tight clothing such as a collar, tie, belt or waistband. Get medical attention if symptoms appear. Serious higestion: Not available. Sec!ion5: Fire and Explosion Data Flammability of the Product: Flammable. Auto-Ignition Temperature: The lowest known vaiue is 3630C (685.4 OF) (Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof). Flash Points: OPEN CUP: 43.3330C (1100F). Flammable Limits: The greatest known range is LOWER: 3.3% UPPER: 19% (Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof) Products of Combustion: These products are carbon oxides (CO, C02). Fire Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Flammable in presence of open fiames and sparks, of heat. Slightly flammable to fiammable in presence of oxidizing materials. Non-fiammable in presence of shocks. Explosion Hazards in Presence of Various Substances: Risks of explosion of the product in presence of mechanical impact: Not available. Risks of explosion of the product in presence of static discharge: Not available. Slightly explosive in presence of acids. Fire Fighting Media and Instructions: Flammable liquid, soluble or dispersed in water. SMALL FIRE: Use DRY chemical powder. LARGE FiRE: Use aicohol foam, water spray or fog. Cool containing vessels with water jet in order to prevent pressure build-up, autoignition or explosion. Special Remarks on Fire Hazards: Containers should be grounded. CAUTION: MAY BURN WITH NEAR INVISIBLE FLAME Vapor may travel. Date Received:-#1k9 p. 2 Planner: AL considerable distance to source of ignition and flash back. (Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof) Special Remarks on Explosion Hazards: Ethanol has an explosive reaction with the oxidized coating around potassium metal. Ethanol ignites and then explodes on contact with acetic anhydride + sodium hydrosulfate (ignites and may explode), disulfuric acid + nitric acid, phosphorous(lIl) oxide platinum, potassium-tert-butoxide+ acids. Ethanol forms expiosive products in reaction with the following compound: ammonia + silver nitrate (forms silver nitride and silver fulminate), iodine + phosphorus (forms ethane iodide), magnesium perchlorate (forms ethyl perchlorate), mercuric nitrate, nitric acid + silver (forms silver fulminate) silver nitrate (forms ethyl nitrate) silver(l) oxide + ammonia or hydrazine (forms silver nitride and silver fulminate), sodium (evolves hydrogen gas). (Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof) Section 6: Accidental Release Measures Small Spill: Dilute with water and mop up, or absorb with an inert dry material and place in an appropriate waste disposal container. Large Spill: Flammable liquid. Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Stop leak if without risk. Absorb with DRY earth, sand or other non-combustible material. Do not touch spilled material. Prevent entry into sewers, basements or confined areas; dike if needed. Be careful that the product is not present at a concentration level above TL V. Check TL V on the MSDS and with local authorities. Section ~1: Handling and Storage Precautions: Keep locked up.. Keep away from heat. Keep away from sources of ignition. Ground all equipment containing material. Do not ingest. Do not breathe gas/fumes/ vapor/spray. Avoid contact with eyes. Wear suitable protective clothing. In case of insufficient ventilation, wear suitable respiratory equipment. If ingested, seek medical advice immediately and show the container or the label. Storage: Store in a segregated and approved area. Keep container in a cool, well-ventilated area. Keep container tightly closed and sealed until ready for use. Avoid all possible sources of ignition (spark or flame). ,SectiofL8: Exposure Controls/l"ersonal Protection!! Engineering Controls: Provide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrations of vapors below their respective threshold limit value. Ensure that eyewash stations and safety showers are proximal to the work-station location. Personal Protection: Splash goggles. Lab coat. Vapor respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Gloves (impeNious). Personal Protection in Case of a Large Spill: Splash goggles. Full suit. Vapor respirator. Boots. Gloves. A self contained breathing apparatus should be used to avoid inhalation of the product. Suggested protective clothing might not be sufficient; consult a specialist BEFORE handling this product. Exposure Limits: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof TWA: 1000 (ppm) from ACGIH (TLV) [United States] [1999] TWA: 1000 (ppm) from OSHA (PEL) [United States] Date Received: Planner: AL 6jt~ / 1 p. 3 TWA: 1900 (mg/m3) from OSHA (PEL) [United States] TWA: 1000 (ppm) from NIOSH TWA: 1000 (ppm) [United Kingdom (UK)] TWA: 1920 (mg/m3) [United Kingdom (UK)] TWA: 1000 STEL: 1250 (ppm) [Canada] Consult local authorities for acceptable exposure limits. Section 9:'Physicaland Chemical Properties Physical state and appearance: Liquid. Odor: Characteristic Witch Hazel (Strong.) Taste: Not available. Molecular Weight: Not applicable. Color: Clear Colorless. pH (1% soln/water): Not available. Boiling Point: 880C (190AOF) Melting Point _80C (17.60F) Critical Temperature: The lowest known value is 2430C (469AOF) (Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof). Specific Gravity: 0.979 - 0.983 @ 25 C(Water = 1) Vapor Pressure: 2.5 kPa (@ 200C) Vapor Density: 1.03 (Air = 1) Volatility: Not available. Odor Threshold: The highest known value is 100 ppm (Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof) Water/Oil Dist. Coeff.: Not available. lonicity (in Water): Not available. Dispersion Properties: See solubility in water, methanol, diethyl ether, acetone. Solubility: Easily soluble in cold water, hot water. Soluble in methanol, diethyl ether, acetone. Section. 10: Stability and Reactivity Data Stability: The product is stable. Instability Temperature: Not available. Conditions of Instability: Heat, ignition sources (sparks, flames), incompatible materiais Incompatibility with various substances: Slightly reactive to reactive with oxidizing agents, acids, alkalis. Corrosivity: Non-corrosive in presence of glass. Special Remarks on Reactivity: Date Received: ~;'::~Ji".",f- p. 4 Planner: AL Ethanol rapidly absorbs moisture from the air. Can react vigorously with oxiders. The following oxidants have been demonstrated to undergo vigorous/explosive reaction with ethanol: barium perchlorate, bromine pentafluoride, calcium hypochlorite, chloryl perchlorate, chromium trioxide, chromyl chloride, dioxygen difluoride, disulfuryl difluoride, fluorine nitrate, hydrogen peroxide, iodine heptafluoride, nitric acid nitrosyl perchlorate, perchloric acid permanganic acid, peroxodisulfuric acid, potassium dioxide, potassium perchlorate, potassium permanganate, ruthenium(VIII) oxide, silver perchlorate, silver peroxide, uranium hexafluoride, uranyl perchlorate. Ethanol reacts violenliy/expodes with the following compounds: acetyl bromide (evolves hydrogen bromide) acetyl chloride, aluminum, sesquibromide ethylate, ammonium hydroxide & silver oxide, chlorate. chromic anhydride, cyanuric acid + water, dichloromethane + sulfuric acid + nitrate (or) nitrite, hydrogen peroxide + sulfuric acid, iodine + methanol + mercuric oxide, manganese perchlorate + 2,2-dimethoxy propane, perchlorates, permanganates + sulfuric acid, potassium superoxide, potassium tert-butoxide, siiver & nitric acid, silver perchlorate, sodium hydrazide, sulfuric acid + sodium dichromate, tetrachlorisilane + water. Ethanol is also incompatible with platinium, and sodium. (Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof) Special Remarks on Corrosivity: Not available. Polymerization: Will not occur. Section 11: Toxicological ihforl1'latiOl1 Routes of Entry: Absorbed through skin. Eye contact. Inhalation. Toxicity to Animals: Acute oral toxicity (LD50): 23793 mg/kg (Mouse) (Calculated value for the mixture). Chronic Effects on Humans: CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified PROVEN by State of California Proposition 65 [Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof]. Classified A4 (Not classifiable for human or animaL) by ACGIH [Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof]. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagenic for mammalian somatic cells. [Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof]. Mutagenic for bacteria and/or yeast. [Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof]. TERATOGENIC EFFECTS: Classified PROVEN for human [Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof]. DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Classified Development toxin [PROVEN] [Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof]. Classified Reproductive system/toxin/male [POSSIBLE] [Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof]. Other Toxic Effects on Humans: Hazardous in case of ingestion, of inhalation. Slightly hazardous in case of skin contact (irritant, permeator). Special Remarks on Toxicity to Animals: Not avaiiable. Special Remarks on Chronic Effects on Humans: May affect genetic material (mutagenic) Causes adverse reproductive effects and birth defects (teratogenic) , based on moderate to heavy consumption. May cause cancer based on animal data. Human: passes through the placenta, excreted in maternal milk. (Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof) Special Remarks on other Toxic Effects on Humans: Section 12: Ecological Information Ecotoxicity: Not available. B005 and COD: Not available. Products of Biodegradation: Possibly hazardous short term degradation products are not likely. However, long term degradation products may arise. Toxicity of the Products of Biodegradation: The product itself and its products of degradation are not toxic. Date Received' tj'/i>>-Pf Planner: AL / / p. 5 I Special Remarks on the Products of Biodegradation: Not available. . Section .13: DisposCiIConsiderations Waste Disposal: Waste must be disposed of in accordance with federal, state and local environmental control regulations. Section 14: Transport.lnformatloh DOT Classification: CLASS 3: Flammable liquid. Identification: : Ethanol solution (Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof) UNNA: 1170 PG: III Special Provisions for Transport: Not available. 'Section 15: Other Regulatory Information Federal and State Regulations: California prop. 65: This product contains the following ingredients for which the State of California has found to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm, which would require a warning under the statute: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof California prop. 65: This product contains the following ingredients for which the State of California has found to cause birth defects which would require a warning under the statute: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof California prop. 65: This product contains the following ingredients for which the State of California has found to cause cancer which would require a warning under the statute: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof Rhode Island RTK hazardous substances: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof Pennsylvania RTK: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof Florida: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof Massachuselts RTK: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof New Jersey: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof TSCA 8(b) inventory: Ethyl alcohol 200 Proof Other Regulations: OSHA: Hazardous by definition of Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). Other Classifications: WHMIS (Canada): Not controlled under WHMIS (Canada). DSCL (EEC): R10- Flammable. S2- Keep out of the reach of children. HMIS (U.S.A.): Health Hazard: 2 Fire Hazard: 2 Reactivity: 0 Personal Protection: j National Fire Protection Association (U.S.A.): Health: 1 Flammability: 2 Date Received: ~fy~'1 Planner: AL . p. 6 .... Reactivity: 0 Specific hazard: Protective Equipment: Gloves (impeNious). Lab coat. Vapor respirator. Be sure to use an approved/certified respirator or equivalent. Splash goggles. References: Not available. Section 16: Other Information Other Special Considerations: Not available. Created: 10/10/200512:16 AM Last Updated: 11/06/200812:00 PM The information above is believed to be accurate and represents the best information currently available to us. However, we make no warranty of merchantability or any other warranty, express or implied, with respect to such information, and we assume no liability resulting from its use. Users should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information for their particular purposes. In no event shall ScienceLab. com be liable for any claims, losses, or damages of any third party or for lost profits or any special, indirect, incidental, consequential or exemplary damages, howsoever arising, even if ScienceLab.com has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Date Received: ~1dH>" , Planner: AL p. 7 APPENDIX C - HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORAGE LOCA TlON DRAWING WALGREENS CLINICAL PHARMACY HMMP - JUNE 2009 - REVISED FINAL KTAASSOCIATES, INC. Date Heceived:--1p~f Planner: AL . "tlO -Ill Ill_ ::l{J) ::l CD::l':l :"! CD () )> ~. r< CD c. ,~ ,~ ,t ~ 'lii> "/HMJ>lD1O< EN"'"","'''''''''''' ..""'''''',."""". -...,,,,,,,,,,,",,,, """""'''''''''-'''' """"'""","'.... 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"""'~ ----- ,- D1 ""'T>:. ____ ffi I~~ -- ,...- .~.. .,.. ----,....~--, .. ~...,--,,""" APPENDIX D - DNAPL UST WAlGREENS CLINICAl PHARMACY HMMP -JUNE 2009 - REVISED FINAl KTAASSOCIATES. INC. Date ~eceived:--Pp/~_ Planner: AL Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs) Prohibited From Use in the Time-or-Travel Zones Identified in Springfield City Code Adopted by the Springfield Utility Board March 28, 2005 Definition Dense Non-aqueous Phase Liquids (DNAPLs) are: . Heavier than water (specific gravity >1) . Have a low solubility rate (<lOg/lor 1%) . Degrade to other compounds that are even more of a health hazard For the purposes of Drinking Water Protection, DNAPL chemicals are defined as "all chemicals displaying the characteristics of a DNAPL chemical or a material containing a substance considered a DNAPL chemical". DNAPL Chemicals DNAPL chemicals are commonly used as cleaners, de-greasers, coolants, pesticides, and for treating wood. The following DNAPL chemicals are identified specifically but are not a comprehensive list of chemicals considered DNAPLs. If a chemical meets the Definition above it is regulated and prohibited. Common DNAPL chemicals are listed below. Chemical Name I, 1,2,2-tetrachloroethane I Alternative Name I Acetylene tetrachloride; Symmetrial tetrachloroethane Ethane trichloride; B-trichloroethane; V iny] trichloride 1,1- DCE; I,I-Dichloroethene; asym-Dichloroethylene; NCI- C54262; RCA waste number U078; Sconatex; VC; VDC; Vinylidene chloride; Vinylidene chloride (II); Vinylidene dichloride; Vinylidene chloride; I, I ,2-trichloroethane 1,I-dichloroethylene CAS Number 79-34-5 79-00- 5 75-35-4 Date Received: t/~#Vf Planner: AL Chlorinated hydrochloric ether; ],I-Dichloroethane; asym- Dichloroethane; Ethylidene chloride; Ethylidenedichloride; I,]-Ethylidene dichloride; NC]- C04535; RCRA waste number U076; UN 2362; Asymmetrical dichloroethane 1 Propylene dichloride; Dichloro- 178-87-5 1,2-propane I, I,] - TCA; Aerothene; Aerothene 71-55-6 TT; Baltana; Chloroethene; Chloroethene NU; Chlorothane NU; Chloroethene; Chloroethene NU; Chloroethene VG; ChI orten; Genklene; ]nhibisol; Methyl chloroform; Methyltrichloro- methane; NCI-C04626; RCRA waste number U226; Solvent III; - T; I, 1,1- TCE; Trichloroethane; Tri-ethane; UN 283] Allyl trichloride; Glycerol trichlorohydrin; Glyceryl trichlorohydrin; Trichlorohydrin I Unsym- Trichlorobenzene; ] ,2,4- Trichlorobenzol Acetylene dichloride; cis-Acetylene dichloride; trans-Acetylene dichloride; sym-Dichloroethylene Carbon chloride; Carbon tet; Freon@ 10; Halon@ 104; Tetrachloromethane I Aroclor<ID ]254; PCB; Polychlorinated biphenyl I Methane trichloride; Trichloromethane bis (2-Chloroethyl)ether; 2,2- Dichlorodiethyl ether; 2,2- Dichloroethyl ether 11,2-Dibromoethane; Ethylene bromide; Glycol dibromide; EDB II ,2-DichlOro. ethane; Ethylene chloride; Glycol dichloride SUB DNAPL chemical lis! Page 2 of5 I,I-Dichloroethane 11,2-Dichloropropane I, I , I-Trichloroethane 1,2,3- Trichloropropane 11,2,4-trichlorobenzene 1,2-dichloroethylene Carbon tetrachloride I Chlorodiphenyl I Chloroform Dichloroethyl ether I Ethylene dibromide I Ethylene dichloride 75-34-3 96-]8-4 120-82-1 540-59-0 56-23-5 111097 -69-] 167 -66-3 111-44-4 1106-93-4 1107-06-2 Date Received: fr.l<n>f Planner: AL SUB DNAPL chemical iis! Page 3 of5 Methylene chloride Aerothene MM; DCM; Dichloromethane; Freon 30; Methane dichloride; Methylene bichloride; Methylene dichloride; Narcotil; NCI-C50I02; RCRA waste number U080; Solaesthin; Somethine; UN 1593 o-DCB; 1,2-Dichlorobenzene; ortho- Di chi orobenzene; o-Dichlorobenzol I Ethane pentachloride; Pentalin I Halowax@ 1013; 1,2,3,4,5- Pentachloronaphthal ene I PCP; Penta; 2,3,4,5,6- Pentachlorophenol PCM; PMM; Trichloromethane sulfenyl chloride; Trichloromethyl sulfur chloride PCE; PERC; Perchlorethylene; Ankilostin; Antisol I; Carbon bichloride; Carbon dichloride; Dee-Solv; Didakene; Dow-per; ENT 1,860; Ethylene tetrachloride; Fedal-UN; NCl- C04580; Nema; PER; Perawin; Perchlor; Perchloroethylene; Perclene; Perclene 0; Percosolv; Perk; Perklone; Persec; RCRA waste number U210; Tetlen; Tetracap; Tetrachlorethylene; Tetrachloroethene; 1,1,2,2- Tetrachloroethylene; Tetraleno; Tetralex; Tetravec; Tetroguer; Tetropil; UN 1897 Acetylene dicloride; trans- Acetylene dichloride; 1,2- Dichloroethyene; (E)-I ,2- Dichloroethene; trans- Dichloroethylene; 1,2- trans- Dichloroethene; 1,2-trans- dichloroethylene; sym- Dichloroethylene; Dioform o-dichlorobenzene pentachloroethane pentachloronapthalene pentachlorophenol perchloromethyl mercaptan Tetrachloroethylene Trans-l,2-dichloroethylene 75-09-2 95-50-1 76-01-7 1321-64-8 87 -86-5 594-42-3 127-18-4 540-59-0 Date Received: ~1~1 Planner: AL SUB DNAPL chemical iis! Page 4 of5 Trichloroethylene TCE; Acetylene trichloride; AIgylen; Anamenth; benzinol; Blacosolv; Blancosolv; Cecolene; Chlorilen; I-Chloro-2,2- dichloroethylene; Chlorylea; Chlorylen; Circosolv; Crawhaspol; Densinfluat; 1,1- Dichloro-2-chloroethylene; Dow- tri; Dukeron;Ethinyl trichloride; Ethylene trichoride; Fleck-flip; Flock-flip; Fluate; Gemaglene; Germalgene; Lanadin; Lethurin; Narcogen; Narkogen; Narkosoid; NCI-C04546; Nialk; Perm-a- chi or; Perm-a-clor; Petzinol; Philex; RCRA waste number U228; Threthylen; Threthylene; Trethylene; Tri; Triad; Trial; TriasoJ; Trichloran; Trichloroethene; 1,1,2- Trichlororthene; 1,2,2- Trichloroethene; 1,1,2- Trichloroethylene; ] ,2,2- Trichloro-ethylene; Tri-clene; Trielene; Trieline; Triklone; Trilen; Trilene; Triline; Trimar; Triol; Tri-plus; Tri-plus M; UN 17]0; Vestrol; Vitran; Westersol Halowax@; Nibren wax; Seekay wax Chlorethene; Chlorethylene; Chloroethene; ] -Chlorethene; Chloroethylene; ] -Chloroetyne; Ethylene monochloride; Monochloroethene; Monochlor- ethylene; MVC; RCRA waste number U043; Trovidur; UN 1086; VC; VCM; Vinyl C monomer; Vinyl chloride monomer trichloronaphthalene Vinyl chloride bromodichloromethane Dibromochloromethane Bromoform Trichlorofl uoromethane Cis-I,2-dichloroethylene tribromomethane 79"01-6 132] -65-9 75-01-4 75-27-4 124-48-] 75-25-2 75-69-4 Date t'{eceived: tf~~1 Planner: AL SUB DNAPL chemical list Page 5 of5 1 Trans-I,3-dichloropropylene 1 bis (chloro) methylether Ibis (2-chloroethyl) ether 1 bis (2-chloroisopropyl) ether I 2-chloroethylvinylether 1 chlorobenzene 1 bromomethane 1 m-dichlorobenzene 1 dibromomethane I chloroethane 1 hexachloroethane I tetrachloronapthalene I Dichlorofluoromethane (in compressed form) 1 1,1, I ,2- Tetrafluoroethane 11,l,l,3,3-Pentafluoropropane I S:nancylm/DNAPL2 Ethane; 2-chloroethoxy 1 1 methyl bromide 11,3-Dichlorobenzene 1 1 I Halowax@; Nibren wax; Seekay wax I 1111-44-4 I 39638-32-9 /110-75-8 108-90- 7 1 74-83-9 1541-73-1 74-95-3 1 75-00-3 67-72-1 1335-88-2 1112-TFE PFP 75-71-8 811-97-2 1460-73-1 1 Date f~eceived: 6flJrff"1 Planner: AL APPENDIX E - HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORAGE MONTHLY INSPECTION FORM WALGREENS CLINICAL PHARMACY HMMP - JUNE 2009- REVISED FINAL KTAASSOCIATES.INC. Date R~ceived:~hYJe'of Planner: AL HAZARDOUS MATERIAL STORAGE MONTHLY INSPECTION FORM Storage Area(s) Date/time Name Reviewed bv I I I I I I I I I I Communir.ation SYStem!!. Phone is accessible. I Emerqen~ phone numbers are posted next to o.hone. J Posted safety and waminq sians are evident and orooerlv disolaved. I MSDSs are accessible and available. Protective Equiqri1ent Personnel Protection Eauioment is readily available. General Work Area Clinic/storaoe area is maintained secure: No smokinq in area is oermitted. doors are locked when unattended. Secondarv ContainmlO!nt Haz"lrdous material conlail1ers are stored in aooropriate se(:ondarv containment. Product containers are nolleakinq, rusted. bulflinll or daman.ed. The base under containers is in qoodcondilion (clean. dry. l!ouid-liqht, and free of any cracks or defects), Sumps and collections systems are in (load condition: any drainan8 or release flows 10 controlled location. Containers of stronn acids are stored in oolvethvlene trays or tubs. lncomoatible materials are stored seoarateiv. EmerqencY EauiDment Fire extinquishers are present and fullv charoed. Date of ias! fire extinauisher insoection is noted and current. Spill control equioment (spill kit. neutralizers. absorbent oads) is accessible and available. Spill PmVlmtinn Ml'!::l!':.lIrl'!S Hazardous material containers are labeled. Hazardous material containers are keot closed. Hazardous material storaQe area has sians with safety and spill resoonse infonnation. All oersons mananina hazardous material have received cruDer traininQ. Storaqe areas are clean. well-lit. and in ClClIXJ condition. No hazardous materials are stored in inappropriate locations. Emoty containers are manaaed orooerlv. Area Hazardous Materials Inspection Topic OK Comments General Work Area Emergency Equipment Communications Systems Protective Equipment Secondary Containment Spill Prevention Measures j General Work Area J Emergency Equipment I I Communications Systems I I Protective Equipment I I Secondary Containment I I Spill Prevention Measures _I- I General Work Area I I J Emergency Equipment I I I Communications Systems I I J Protective .Equipment I I J I Secondary Containment I I I -- _--+~Pill Prevention Measur~~I_ ..J General Work Area I I I Emergency Equipment I I I Communications Systems I I I Protective Equipment I I I Secondary Containment I I I Spill Prevention Measures I Comments: WALGREENS CUNICAL PHARMACY, SPRINGFIELD, OR MAY 2009