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Permit Correction Notice 2009-8-20
_.........'''..,"'_'l'IIW_~~~':''~~~W(~''''~~-r..,~'' ,,' ~'.. ." . 'n-" City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 22S Fifth Street ,r p ~/~;~O~V ~/~~ ~~ t- Date: 7j ,20/ ocr ~ lob# CCf -j /q / Address: Iq 7 'if /_ ~ (. Inspecti~n Type:Fwl.J t:;/<c-.{-.r, ~ ....-"":- TO:-rCV~V [)rUvle,t;" /1/;:;('//C>,/7: i)'S~W,,-~ldvP1ecdJ f,.. 6~ /"1s/",/I,,"/ovN-fl/7 ,'VJ$I.,I("//',, /go>.r , ../- 81b "1/..,.1 crHf!.. /II/ft:Llt?6,1/: /C./tCt.r'11 Yc'O:f2h-(I/~J I-'Jt',,";'.ft, 6-( 7~"':/lr'/ vl's;~4'rlJ... /V!fr t(06 ,//-1"' '106, 3(D'f.3YB): vcr~#lv-dc 6& !()({/ Pa ~/~ / v1tdJ -10 6 <:.- TC'Jt1prr v~5~,'7'7': .j- (drr... hole-del No e&fA.,?hYl<~ I- (,VO"11-1J. tv/!? '?ftI.2/ ; t1/)"t IMtJn ~(Ul Vf{ UC<-/:) J4-V{)VfvJ l3ox~j \'" ". , ' ..',.::<',.",}('::::':..F'"~"""v;,,"" .~", ::. ,",:' :,.,;~~/(~~...,f';::,.>~;1'!::::""\:,,. .', ',"}' "/'" ,.;'< ','." ,\. :'~~rlfo~r~~~t~~~~'iMr~~H!~~~~~i~i~~~:~r~~;JL~~~~';';~-5;~~~.~~a,t~~;~Y~~~~~t~::~~"~';:~o.,'; ;:,::' " :'. ; '. : ,', "!';";';;~~;;';:':;';N,,,,;;"'califorii1~p~ctioi1' 726~3769"!"';;'''''';';;;'';~N''''';QuestionS)26.-37.59",,,,;;',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,' . ':. ',:~.:~~~t~:.:\t;.i~~ '. ,~~::~~~~:~.:1t~_;_~~~~:fi~~~:~:;:~~t,C~\~~~~~r~'~:;.,~~,:2~:;~:~*;~i\~~,~,~t::~~.i1:~-.~,j/;~:~:;~::~.,~.-!~;;,~~i~~~~t~~~.\t;:~~~$;';:~:,;;'~~':~r R~;~ ;'1~~?'~~4~';"~ :~.c ,~.I;.:t'l ~ :\~..~.": t:.~t:,.~~~ 4'i~. ".;~