HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice Miscellaneous 10/14/2008 ... .. " ~ ,1;:. '* , . ..~ ~ OJ. _i ' r..;:"~ 1 ~ '~.', ,~.., , PHONE (541 )726-3753 FAX (541)726-3689 www.ci.sr;)fjnafield.or.us cmott@ci.springfield.or.us DATE ISSUED: September 23, 2008 NOTICE OF VlOlAITON CASE#: 2008-581 NAME: Richard Hunsaker M&M Land Company 36986 Camp Creek Road Springfield, OR 97478 .~t ~(\'Dlb'~lO C6<6 cot ttQcd~~qlt)7J , 2f~d I- LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 1989 Mohawk Boulevard, Springfield, OR 97477 The City received a complaint that the property listed above is in violation of a Springfield'City Code and/or ordinance. Rather than issuing a citation or taking immediate legal action, it is the City's standard practice to inform citizens ofthe violation and request that it be corrected. SPECIFIC VIOLATION: Section 5.17-155 Maintaining the Use ofthe Springfield Development Code. A Site Plan application was submitted and approved for the development of this site. A finding of this approval states: The applicant's plans do not indicate a proposal for a trash/recycling enclosure. Thus, insufficient detail is provided in the plans to determine compliance with SDC 31.160(1)(d) and 31.160(2) (a) 3. Condition 12 of the approval states: In the Final Site Plan, provide sufficient detail to indicate where trash/recycling containers are proposed to be located and demonstrate that such trash enclosurelfacility shail not be visible from a public street, customer or resident parking area, or adjacent property, in accordance with SDC 31.160(1)(d) and 31.160 (2) (a)3. The enclosure shail include a solid gate to provide fuil screening. If placed outdoors, faciiities must be covered and piped to the sanitary sewer. The final site plan did not include any outside trash receptacle area. The City received a complaint about trash receptacles and a fence which has been instailed post site plan approval. The enciosure is partiaily located in the landscape strip and is not covered or piped as required by Code. REQUIRED CORRECTION: Remove the fencing and outside trash receptacles as they were not approved through the site plan review process and do not meet the standards for approval. Contact Planning Staff to determine the appropriate modification to your approval to permit outside trash receptacles if outside receptacles are' necessary. For reference when contacting Planning Staff your Site Plan approval reference is DRC2006- 00044. In order to avoid actions being taken against you or your property we encourage you to proceed quickly. In the . event that you have not taken corrective action by the assigned time deadline, a civil infraction citation wiil be issued to the resident and/or property owner. Civil Infraction fines: $500.00 first offense1$1000.00 second offense. Each day a violation continues constitutes a separate offense and citations can be issued daily. DEADLINE FOR COMPLIANCE: Ten (10) days for the removal of outside trash receptacles and fencing. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you wish to discuss the violation, or the required correction, Code Enforcement staff can be reached.by calling 726-3659. Voice mail is available for messages throughout the day. copy: Liz Miller, Tara Jones, Deyette Keily - Planners '0 ',/.I ../ 01:- Ud(I':; r'l:lCelved: IJ::!j 0 Planner. U> C~ A}oV I ep- t.{ ';, . ~1~' :~,'-"';' ~?F">;. PHONE (541)726'3753 FAX (541)726-3689 www.ci.sr;>rinqfield.or.us . cmott@ci.springfield.or.us DATE ISSUED: October 14, 2008 WARNING CITATION CASE#: 2008-581 NAME: Richard Hunsaker M&M Land Company 88001 Heather Drive 'Springfield, OR 97478 LOCATION OF VIOLATION: 1989 Mohawk Boulevard, Spfld, OR SPECIFIC VIOLATION: Section 5.17-155 Maintaining the Use of the Springfield Development Code. 'A Site Plan application was submitted and approved for the development of this site. A finding of this approval states: The applicant's plans do not indicate a proposal for a trash/recycling enclosure. Thus, insufficient detail is provided in the plans to determine compliance with SDC 31.160(1)(d) and 31.160(2) (a) 3. Condition 12 of the approval states: in,the Final Srte Plan: provide sufficient detail to indicate where trashlrecycling containers are proposed to be located and demonstrate that such trash enclosure/facility shail not be visible trom a public street, customer. or resident parking area, or adjacent property, in accordance with SDC 31.160(1)(d) and 31.160 (2) (a)3. The enclosure shail include a solid gate to provide fuil screening. If placed outdoors, facilities must be covered and piped to the sanitary sewer. The final site plan did not include any outside trash receptacle area. The City received a complaint about trash receptacles and a fence which has been instailed post site plan approval. The enclosure is partiaily located in the landscape strip and is not covered or piped as required by Code. REQUIRED CORRECTION:' Remove the fencing and outside, trash receptacles as they were not approved through the site plan review process and do not'meet the standards for approval. Contapt Planning Staff to determine the appropriate modification to your approval to permit outside trash receptacles if outside . 'receptacles are necessary. For reference when contacting -Planning Staff your Site Plan approval reference is DRC2006-00044. Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you' wish to discuss the violation, or the required correction, Code Enforcement staff can be reached by calling 726-3659. Voice mail is available for messages throughout the day. POTENTIAL SCHEDULED FORFEITURE: $500.00 first offense/$1000.00 second offense. Each day a violation continues constitutes a separate offense and citations can be issued daily. IF COMPLIANCE IS NOT ACHIEVED WITHIN SEVEN (7) DAYS OF THE DATE OF THIS WARNING, A CIVIL INFRACTION CITATION WILL BE ISSUED. ' . Date Received: . Planner. U> 10[11{ lt7f co[. N otJ -z;~4< ~~1~,1',\\ r--w I :PlJO';;<.:I ., C"l,.~or--<c 11"(5 )Cf)j~ ~ ~ ;'..N .'~." - e(/) I' w .. 0 ~: S : ; ~ ~,a. "\~'>=-'''' ij ,~\T,'\ j:J "'1) i' /1'='IO'flCJ03U J f f II .' 1:.11 ,..\ ,." o ''!n "' 0- "' o o o o o '" : "' ~ o o r-- ~ . ~ ~""" i::: \ ~<: ~ ~~Iii~ . ,,""~l1Ja ~Cl:g:C:i ~f2.(J)uj tl.<::r:a: OIllG:C!l ~~it~ III 0 109: Q(J1i:j(J) ",>- ~:1' ",0.' ",,,, zOO ::>UJ ::c 0 ~ oze "':'i: :b: u." 0::2: <0-. ~ . 0 , , rl , - 0 ~ rlO Z - rlW OW - . 00 . . - "" . W 0 0 0 oz , z ," . W rl. . . W 0 , 0 - WQ . .. %X W . z - 0 ,0 . 'w 0 ., W .. - M 0" W ~ x>- 0" . .OM OW > It::XXlt <<<<OW - 3Ullill-- ~ .z " = ~i~~ . " . o ~ , ~ :~ In '. '. r. "t "- 'n ",' z. w " ~ c~. r-.. Lrl~ ~ ~o ~ ~ffHn~ a;S?:;o D..~"'..J OOUJ"'W ~.~gjffi ~ifj- ~ _" 0. ug en w "' " is mJ:: H~ !~ ~!tS -c::. 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