HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Work PLANNER 1/13/2009 Notice of Decision - Minimum DeveloDment Standards ~ - Project Name: M & M Land Company Project Proposal: Placement of common refuse/recycle dumpsters at existing multi-tenant development Case Number: DRC2008-00075 Project Location: 1989 Mohawk Blvd 17-03-25-13 TL 500 ~- I r Zoning: CC Metro Plan Designation: CC t~~SI':i \,.a'M""idtjjC"'~ LoriiOnd Ave ..I'U..";~~. D; ~l~I.t.um:J 1: . 1111'1 ';;;~_Bonnl. Ln TS\ /1 ;; \ llIJ1UI.< Ul .. JJ:J:lllm~~SIC'I;;J ~ f OJ OJ == tJ "- Marco!. Rd ~i~111 ~~ QL ~ lIlIID~ <if '.105 mEtlf3=lB;r .....;m"" b" .....r I I I I I .... rrrrr~_5_Oj:;Ul-'"' :rm~~...~fi:5-.t.;... - .:;j~~WJ -... CII - ffiii!E' ~_ -/.to!l- " OlympicS ___' HH~~FfJjffl!e&.I.l!'('" ~ fill) I , f Overlay Districts: Drinking Water Protection Overlay 5-10 year I U I L Application Submitted Date: November 7. 2008 Decision Issued Date: January 13. 2009 Recommendation: Approval with Conditions Appeal Deadline Date: January 28. 2009 Associated Applications: ZON200S-00029 Zone Change; DRC2006-00044 . ~ ",,",,e ,,\;jcell/ea: I /3 o<f _ L Planner. 0D tttpthA ,~~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT REVIEW TEAM I POSITION I Planner /I I Transportation Planning Enllineer I Public Works Engineering I Public Works Engineering I Deputy Fire Marshall I Community Services Manager APPLlCANT/OWNER Alan Evans M & M Land Company do 101 East Broadway, Suite 101 Eugene. OR 97401 REVIEW OF Land Use Planning Transportation PHONE 726-3632 726-3679 NAME Lissa Davis Jon Driscoll Utilities & Easements Sanitary & Storm Sewer Fire and Life Safety I Building Man Stouder Man Stouder Gilbert Gordon Dave Puent 736-1035 736-1035 726-2293 726-3668 APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Scott Morris Olson & Morris 380 Q Street Springfield OR 97477 SITE INFORMATION: The approximately 37.635 sq. ft. (0.86 acre) development site is located at the southeast corner of 19'" Street and Mohawk Road in Springfield. The subject property is a triangle of land which abuts busy public rights-of-way on the north and west. The site abuts a Community Commercial zoning district to the southeast (occupied by an apartment and motel complex and a restaurant). A shopping center is located on the north side of Marcola Road. The site is developed with one multi - tenant building, landscaping and a paved parking area. The development was approved as DRC2006-00044. At time of approval. the applicant indicated that common facilities were unnecessary and opted for individual receptacles for each tenant. SDC 5.15-120: STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO MDS APPROVAL In order to grant MDS approval. the Director shall determine compliance with all applicable standards specified below. Final occupancy is contingent upon the completion of required site improvements. A. A 5-foot wide landscaped planter strip. including street trees. with approved irrigation or approved drought resistant plants as specified in Sections 4.4-100 and 4.2-140 shall be installed between the sidewalk and parking area or buildings. unless the conditions of exceptions I and 2 are applicable. Finding: This condition was met during Site Plan Review and will not be affected by this application. B. Trash receptacles and outdoor storage areas shall be screened by a structure or enclosure permanently affixed to the ground as specified in Section 4.4-110. Finding: The trash enclosure is screened by slatted chain link and existing landscaping. The roof structure is constructed of 'I, inch PT plywood and corrugated metal roofing. Date ReceiVed: Planner: Lt> \ 'Blo" .L ~~ FUfW ~S C. Bicycle parking spaces shall be added to meet the numerical standards for the appropriate use or upgraded to meet the standards specified in Sections 4.6-140, 4.6-145. and 4.6-155. unless the condition of exception is applicable. Finding: This condition was met during Site Plan Review and will not be affected by this application. D. Parking and circulation areas shall be paved and striped and wheel stops installed as specified in Sections 4.6-100 and 4.6-120. Required paving and other impervious surfaces on the site shall comply with on-site stormwater management standards as specified in Section 4.3-110 for required parking. circulation area and storage area impervious surfaces only, unless the condition of exception is applicable. Finding: This condition was met during Site Plan Review and will not be affected by this application. E. Access to the public right-of-way shall comply with Section 4.2-120. I. Where the property abuts an improved street, any non-conforming or unsafe driveways. as determined by the Transportation Manager. shall be removed and replaced with curb. gutter and sidewalk. 2. Where the property abuts an unimproved street, any non-conforming or unsafe access points. as determined by the Transportation Manager, shall be: a. Removed by the use of fencing. extruded curbs or other method of approved barricade; and b. The property owner shall sign an Improvement Agreement guaranteeing future participation in a local Improvement District. 3. If an existing driveway or access point is closed, the Director may require a joint use access agreement with a neighboring property as specified in Section 4.2-120. Finding: This condition was met during Site Plan Review and will not be affected by this application. F. Concrete sidewalks shall be installed where the site abuts a curb and gutter street as specified in Section 4.2-135. Finding: This condition was met during Site Plan Review and will not be affected by this application. G. Streetlights shall be installed as specified in Section 4.2-14S. Finding: This condition was met during Site Plan Review and will not be affected by this application. H. The development shall connect to public utilities as specified in Sections 4.3-105, 4.3-110. and 4.3-120 and comply with the Springfield Building Safety Codes, where applicable. Easements may be required as specified in Subsection 4.3-140. Date Received: Planner: lb I I~(b'i .L SJ~ NfCW --- ?I;f~ Finding: The applicant is required to provide a hydrologically isolated drainage system in accordance with the Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures (EDSP)3.03.4.A which references higher-risk activities that may contribute to water quality degradation. This section is based on Chapter 4.4.C of the City of Portiand Bureau of Environmental Services' (BES) Stormwater Monagement Manual, which includes solid waste storage areas. containers. and trash compactors. Finding: The closest connection to the sanitary system is 235 feet from the enclosure and is not deep enough to provide for a gravity connection. Installing a pump system is not feasible as the nearest electrical hookup is located a distance from the enclosure. Finding: The applicant proposes a self-contained system that can be naturally cleaned. The plan calls for a standard catch basin with a minimum 36-inch depth and the outlet pi ugged. Condition I: Applicant shall record a maintenance agreement stipulating monitoring and pumping of the catch basin. Conclusion: As conditioned, the application meets the criteria of Section 5.15-120. Timelines and Conditions of Approval: The property owner and/or applicant has 30 days from the date of this decision to submit a Final Plot Plan (the Final Plot Plan must be to scale and indicate the scale on the plan> demonstrating compliance with the following Conditions of Approval: Condition I: Applicant shall record a maintenance agreement stipulating monitoring and pumping of the catch basin. In order to complete the review process. a Development Agreement is required within 45 days from the date of this decision to ensure the terms and conditions of this application are binding upon both the applicant and the City. This agreement will be prepared by Staff and upon approval of the Final Plot Plan. must be signed by the property owner prior to issuance of a building permit and land use approval. The construction of the required improvements shall begin within 90 days of the date of this decision. If the established time line cannot be met, the applicant may submit a written request for a time line extension as specified in SDC Section 5.15-125. The Director may allow a one-time extension of the 90-day start of construction time line due to situations including but not limited to, required permits from the City or other agencies. weather conditions and the unavailability of asphalt or the unavailability of street trees. If the time extension is allowed, security shall be provided as specified in SDC Section 5.17-150 of this Article. The time line extension shall not exceed 90 days. If the established time line is not met and the applicant has not requested an extension, the Director shall declare the application null and void if the property is occupied and the property owner shall be considered in violation of this Code. If the established time line is not met and. the applicant has requested an extension and that time line has not been met, the Director may require the improvements be installed as specified in SDC Section 5.7-150. Date ReceiVed: I) I ~ \ 041\ Planner:'U> ~ rtpli\f t1~5 Permits That May Be Required: . All new sewer taps will require permits from the Public Works Department prior to connection. Additional Information: The application. all documents. and evidence relied upon by the applicant, and the applicable criteria of approval are available for free inspection and copies are available for a fee at the Development Services Department, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon. Appeals: This Type I decision is exempt from the provisions of ORS 197.195, 197.763 and 227.173 and therefore cannot be subject to the appeal provisions of SDC Section 5.3-100, Appeals. Questions: Please call Lissa Davis in the Planning Division of the Development Services Department at (541 )n6-3632 if you have any questions regarding this process. Date Received' Planner: U> ~II( 011 ~ rupvJ- .~~S"