HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes, Work PLANNER 8/15/2008 CASE NOTES FORM Case No. D JZ? ,( {)07:f tJozj z 3 Date: 0/ J':::; lOA . . -- ,'::;,. fJ-f 0. fit""., b+ f..r.. OP \; c a. t1.J M SI'<lJ-o +L.", r::lA. ./ - I:WorldJow processcslPlanning Forms/Case Notes Form 2-12-08 07/29/2008 14:07 15417455585 07128/2~08 14:06 FAX' ,." 07'l2S/0S MON 14:0% !'AX 5417U3USS' CITY OF SPRJNCirU;;LD PAGE 02/04, @j003/005 Ij!J002 SIn; PL#-N REVIEW DEVELOPMeNT AGREEMENT This DEVELOPMENT AGRe::MENT, hereafter "Agreement" is \;0, ,;..,..J Into this 2&'J day of -r ~ I 'l ' 2008 (the "Effeollve Date") by and between the CITY 9F SPRlNGPIELD, hereinafter City" al'ld Polen Futures LLC, hereinafter "appllcant,"1n accordance wilt! SIlcIion 5.17.140 of the :,pril1gflald Dllvelopmenl Code. RECITALS WHERiAS, 01'1 the J'1 day of ::r lA \ \f . 200S,the City ap,.. ,j the Final Site PI..n ....ppllcatlon submitted by the Appllcaht fortha pu",osBofthe following: CITY JOURNAL NUMBER DRC200B~0023, Type II S1te Plan Review requesllng approvill tQ Demolish the existing struclur!ll and constN..t a 1,248 sf SQnic D~n and a 4,832 sf Abby's PiualDeli. '!he property is loeated at map and tax 101$ 17.03-26-42 #600; 600; 700; 800 and 900. Th~ property is zonod MRC (Major Relail Commercial). Wl1EREAS, In cOl1sid",ration for Type II Site Plan approval, the IsslJanr;;e Q1 . 8Ulldlng Pennll, and Ihe lllsuance of' en occuplincy Penn It, aili s!,eclfled in the Sp. [ ..11 ij Develo!,ment Cooe Section ~.17-140, Applieanllllgrees \Q complY WIth all of the standards in the Springfield Developmenl Code and the Springfield MunICipal Code which may be applicable to this development project ..nless modified or excepted by the S!Ie Plan R.eview Development AyrltBment, Dwe10pment Services Director. Planning CommlsBlolI, Building Official or thlllr agents, or tlle Fire Ma~hal, Which modifications or e~C8ptionll shall bs reduCQd to writing. WHEREAS, In considQnltion for Site PlanapI'rovel, 1tle iss1.lance of a Building Pennit, and the 198uenre 01 an Occ"pancy Permit, as spacffied in the Sprinllfield Development Code :l<ection 6.17-14D, Applicant !1grel!l1!: to comply with the following specific conditions ilTlposl'd by Ihe city as part of the Siltl Plan approvel: . . All improvemel'lW mu!.'t be ccnstruc.tedlinatalled as 5lhown on the Fina' Sino Plan and . appnwe(j construction plans prior to the final building im.pectron. . The applicant shl3l1 comply with DrinKing W.r Protection standards of BOC 3,2-200. THEREFORE IN CONSIDERATION OF THE FOREGOING RECITALS WHICH ARE EXPRESSLY MADE A PART OF THIS AGREEMENT, CITY AND' APPLICANT AGREE AS FOl.LOWS: 1. FINAL SITe PLAN. r'1e Applicant "118 submitted a Final SiIe Plan In QcccrdanCliil with Section 5,17.135 of th" lilpr1ngfleld Development Code, 2, STANDARDS. The Applicant agrees to fulfill all applicable standards 5pedfled in the Springfield Developm'~rrt Coda and the specific standards listed in the RECITALS prior to the occupancy, unleBscertlln lXInditions have been deferred to alawr date In accordancewilh Sectbn 5,17-150 of the Springfield Cevelopment Oode. :l CONDITIONS. . The AppllClrant agreeD to fulfill ell specific Cl)ndltlOl'lll of BpproVlllI required. by the Clly Ii~tecl in ltle RECITAI.S prior to cCClJpancy, unlssll certain SCII>IofAbby's ~ Date Received' 'Z5 - } !::J . Planner: SH I e>f3 07/29/2008 14:07 15417455585 U(/~~/~U08 14:06 FAX 0"28/08 MOM l~;02 FAX 5~172b"d89 CITY or SPRINGFIELD PAGE 03/04 @004/005 llIoo~ conditiQn~ have been deferred to a later date in accordance with Section.S,17-1!l0 Of the Spri~fie'd Develo.'l11ent Code. 4. MODIFICATIONS. Thill AppllC1!l11l agree$ not'to modify the approved Final Site Plan \\11th cut nnlt notlf'ylng the City, Modl1'1011lione to the Final Si1e PlEIn ekall be revJe1Wed In accordamoe with Section 5,15-100 of the Springfield Devolopmal'lt Code, 5. MAINTAINING THE USE. The Applicant agren to the foIlQWirJ5l: liI. Thl!! bldldlngs and :lite shall be maintained in accorm.nce with the PfO'Iislon9 of t~ Springfield Development Code In otder to contlnueuel!!. b. It shall be the Qontinu/ng obligation of the property owner to maintain the plarrting required by Seclion 4.4.100 of lI1e Sprl"gfield Developmem Ctlde In an attractive mSlnner free of weeds Elnd other invading vesetatlon,. c. UndllVelopsd land within ths developmElnt area, if E1ny, sl'lall be maintained free of tl"ll~h anu stored materilllll and kept in a mowed and attraotlVtl manner. Undeveloped land ..hall nolbe used for parldng. d. 'Parl<;jn~ lots shaH be maintained by the property owner or tenElnt In a oondlti'ln free of litter or dust, and deteriorated pavement ccmdltlona Shall be improved to maintaIn comormanc:e with these standardll. 6, In eddlllon to all other ll'..madies whIch may bl! provided llY law or equity (InelLlding but "01 limited to pe""ni"s provided by IIppliCollble Stllle Law or City OrdiT1<lncee), Applicant agrees the City may enfo1Ca Applicant's responsibiltlles by withholding Appllcanl's Final Qo;llpancy Permit and terminating any Temporary OccLlpancy Permit whIch may havlJ been gramed. 7. Any Fine! Site Plen approved becames null BTld void if coonslr\lclion dOOlS not . commence within two )/".liars tlf the dale of the agreement. ~iclAbby'. ,- Date Received: "P -} ~ Planner: SH 2of3 07/29/2008 14:07 15417455585 ur/~~/~Q08 14:06 FAX Q7J~~IU~ IJION 14:02 FM 5417, 688 , , CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PAGE 04/04 ~ 005/005 ~004 IN WITNESS WHI:REOF, the Applicant and City have executed \his Agreement B~ of 111" date first hel8ln above written, APPLICANT '/ h11'J~ Oale B; ~'rf- (() L.ut. -to.. &J e V1 f<4t....r-d I lLC STATE OF OREGON, County of G~ ~ ,20oa. Personally appeared ~/I' /t; tuv '.' ;';pJsentallve of Polen Future-s LLC.. who a~ngwledQed tha fOl'llgoing Ins!r\lment to be a voluntary act. B6'foro me: . . '. ~ '~~l&I'''''''l&J'idl'.JaI''''''~'~''I.:lIo....''JIlII..\D'''''rw.'.'''''",,~ oJl'l' I; 0fflC1N. SEAL . I ! llWl! J lCltlG I IIJJTMI' PI.IBLJC . ClREGOH 1!~~~~~; Notary Public for orti'gcn . My Comml;lIion expll1!llil l;j 4 )OlD CITY Dale STATE OF OREGON, County of By;' ,200S. Personl!\lIy appeared the above named steve Hopldns. who acknowledged the foregOing instrument 10 b@ a voluntary ael B8fore me: Notary Public for Oragon My Commission lI)(pirell SaniofAbb:f:S 30(3 Date Received: ~ - ,!) Planner: SH 225 Fifth ST Phone: 726-3649 Fax: 726-3689 CitY of Springfield Fax To: John Brown From: Steve Hopkins Fax: 345-9649 Date: July 28, 2008 Phone: Pages: 4 including cover sheet Re: sonic CC: [Click here and type name] D Urgent D For Review D Please Comment D Please Reply D Please Recycle -Comments: Development Agreement for the Sonic/Abby's project. Sign, notarize and retum the original.