HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 6/9/2008 Page 1 of 1 HOPKINS Steve From: Fred Fawbush [chaparelle@hotmail.com] Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 8:04 AM To: HOPKINS Steve Subject: DISGUSTED WITH YOU and SONIC As you never had ,the courtesy to respond to our previous email, 1m resending and plan to forward a copy to the newspapers. Mr Hopkins We are writing to express our extreme disgust at being screwed over by you and the prospective developers.. How many times do we have to tell you that the so called wooden fence is NOT ACCEPTABLE.. These developers are just plain uncaring, but I guess when you have that much money, you can afford to screw over the little people, Walmart and Jenys at least listened to the home owners requests and obliged them by building a brick wall.. A wooden fence will not last any where near what a solid brick wall would.. These people are greedy and cheap"guess thats why they have money, by screwing people over. We demand nothing less than an 8ft high solid brick or concrete wall, we know they have to be able to afford it. Having this Sonic behind us is going to lower our property value and probably even prevent us from ever selling as 1m sure no'one wants a fast food place in their back yard, And now we are being bombarded with commercials for Sonic, on the television, saying they are open to midnight or later.. How would you like to have fast food aholics driving in your back yard ordering th~ir burgers etc all hours of the night..?We feel we are being forced out of our home just avoid the noise and disruption to our lives, you obviuosly dont care as 1m sure you dont have a fast food burger place in your back yard.. or DO YOU?..We are'nt in the financial position to really afford to move, so these people need to be fair and make it easier for us to stay in our own home.. They have the money to engage lawyers etc as we do not and they know we cant fight corporate America, but this does'nt give them the right to screw, us over.. Having the money they have, does'nt make them better than us. I guess there is real truth to the, point" the rich get rich and the poor get poorer".. and we do NOT like being forced out of our homes by people who no doubt live in mansions on SNOB hill. You have sold us out and we are !'JOT HAPPY nor are our immediate neighbours. Dianne and Fred Fawbush E'mail for the greater good. Join the i'm Initiative from Microsoft. Enjoy S GB of free, password'protected online storage. C:;et Winnnws Live SkvDrive. UzI1- oeceM31:!:- J oate f' H P\~ooer: S - 6i9/2008 Page 1 of1 ;" . '.: . HOPKINS'Steve From: Fred Fawbush [chaparelle@hotmail.com] Sent: Friday, May 30, 2008 5:37 PM To: HOPKINS Steve Subject: DISGUSTED WITH YOU Mr Hopkins, We are writing to express our extreme disgust at being screwed over by you and the prospective developers.. How many. times do we have to tell you that the so called wooden fence is NOT ACCEPTABLE.. These developers are just plain uncaring, but I guess when you have that much money, you can afford to screw over the little people. Walmart and Jerrys at least listened to the home owners requests and obliged them by building a brick wall.. A wooden fence will not last any where near what a solid brick wall would.. These people are greedy and cheap"guess thats why they have money, by screwing people over. We demand nothing less than an 8ft high solid brick or concrete wall, we know they have to be able to afford it. ' Having this Sonic behind us is'going to lower our property value and probably even prevent us from ever selling as 1m sure no'one wants a fast food place in their back yard, And now we are being bombarded with commercials for Sonic, on the television, saying they are open to midnight or later.. How would you like to have fast food aholics driving in your back yard ordering their burgers etc all hours of the night..?We feel we are being forced out of our ,home just avoid the noise and disruption to our lives, you obviuosly dont care as 1m sure you dont have a fast food burger place in your back yard.. or DO YOU?..We are'nt in the financial position to really afford to move, so these people need to be fair and make it easier for us to stay in our own home.. They have the money to engage lawyers etc as we do not and they know we cant fight corporate America, but this does'nt give them the right to screw us over.. Having the money they have, does'nt make them better than us.' ' I guess there is real truth to the point" the rich get rich and the poor get poorer".. and we do NOT like being forced out of our homes by people who no doubt live in mansions on SNOB hill, You have sold us out and we are NOT HAPPY nor are our immediate neighbours. Dianne and Fred Fawbush E'mail for the greater good. Join the i'm Initiative from MicrQS9ft, .. , . , 6 1i1- Date Received:-. Planner: SH , 6/2/2008 Page 1 of 1 ~ HOPKINS Steve From: Fred Fawbush [chaparelle@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 2:37 PM To: HOPKINS Steve Subject: NOT ACCEPTABLE Mr Hopkins, We have gone over the proposal that was faxed to Mr Houser and emailed to us. We.c Mr Robert Mercer, Mr Wes Houser, and ourselves Fred and Dianne Fawbush).. And we find the proposal totally un,acceptable. We are sick of being lied to and sick of being screwed over.. First off we are told there is NO easement.. now their excuse is, they cant build a solid concrete wall because of the easement, which has mysteriously appeared, We all have a right to live in peace and not have to deal with listening to people ordering burgers all night long. As my wife said we are being deprived of our aVIL rights. We have the right to sub divide and you and Sonic are taking , it away for us. Mr Mercer, will be in to the Springfield City offices to discuss the above matter and will be speaking on behalf of all parties concernedWe DO NOT accept this less than reasonable offer, especially as we feel they are trying to do it on the cheap, but at our expense: We will have to take this to the newspapers and let everyone know what is going on. Of course there will be many who welcome Sonic to the neighoburhood, but then they dont have to live with it in their backyard and Jorgo any privacy they are accustomed to. Dont see why they cant build over in the area near the 8i Mart, there would be a lot more room. Dianne and Fred Fawbush In a rush? Get "re;'lI,time answers with Windows live Messenaer. , 4 f7~ , Date Received:~ Planner: SH 6/2/2008 Page I of I . HOPKINS Steve From: Fred Fawbush [chaparelle@hotmail.com] Sent: Monday, April 28, 2008 4:15 PM To: HOPKINS Steve Mr Hopkins, Well I can not speak for the others right now, but I am not happy with the proposal as I dont see how a cedar fence will block out any noise.. But then I guess you dont care, as you wont have to live with it, nor will the "so called powers that be"who run Sonic. The same ones who will no doubt have fancy homes and a good retirement, of which they are now depriving us of having.. ' FYI.. this is not Fred Fawbush writing, but his wife and 1m disgusted that we are being screwed over and over by these people..and you obviously dont care either..AII they care about is how much money they can make, at our discomfort and expense. I will show Fred what I feel is an unacceptable proposal. Dianne fawbush Express yourself wherever you are. Mobilize! " .' /r/-Z7f- Oate Recelved.- Planner: SH . 6/2/2008 Page I of I . HOPKINS Steve From: Fred Fawbush [chaparelle@hotmail.com] Sent: Monday, April 28, 20084:15 PM To: HOPKINS Steve Mr Hopkins, Well I can not speak for the others right now, but I am not happy with the proposal as I dont see how a cedar fence will block out any. noise.. But then I guess you dont care, as you wont have to live with it, nor will the "so called powers that be"who run Sonic. The same ones who will no doubt have fancy homes and a good retirement, of which they are now depriving us of having.. FYI.. this is not Fred Fawbush writing, but his wife and 1m disgusted that we are being screwed over and over by thesepeople..and you obviously dont care either..AII they care about is how much money they can make, at our discomfort and expense. I will show Fred what I feel is an unacceptable proposal. ,Dianne fawbush Express yourself wherever you are. Mobilize! . d' 4/zc; Date Receive :~' Planner: SH 4/28/2008