HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence Miscellaneous 4/7/2008 ~~ .. SaHh-ddy AprJ 5..2COO 8:50:18 AM . Page 1 of 1 WebTV Network '7 From: Date: To; Subject: ~am' ~ ',t.; , Date Receiverl' Planner: SH 4/7 /~'D E-!r~H rtl.f>o(:17~ge ~' " .,.,: ..', , . A'TrE~m()N.. Steve Hopkins REF. . .case # DRC2008-O()O?3 .~" ',:;' ''!;! .WNi~:Writing to express Our deep concerns with,n~gardsto.tf.:e p~.()posed buiJdi~g of a SoniC'Drive in restaurant and an 'Abbys piiza.. . ", . '. .' .' We are deeply disturbM and conce~nedabout having these fast food p.!~s rig\1tin,oUR BACKYARD.' . . .' '. : '"'' ....". . ,", .','r .. According to the pJans we received in the mail, there willl?e. parking right up against our back fence and that ofourneighbour; to the immediate east of our property. Our property being: 2OOOSco!t Rood,' Springfield. ' " ' W.e have several things w!1ich we' wish to state and \;'e ar.e in.complete agreement 'Yith "ghbo M D"'~ M .th d J' f".. , ournel .ur, .r.~o""rt errer, WI .regar SID our ls!o.concerns..,.. " Of all the houses .on Scott Road, we are the only two, which 00 not have access to our propeities from. the rear, Having r.ear access wouM be of a great advantage t(}b~th us and Mr R'Obert MeeCe!". . '."" . . This l""l'...rty was purchaSed by .m~ 'parents CharJes and Jeanette Fawbush in the late 60' s and they did have r.ear access until another gr~y develoPer took it away. It was always their intentiou.toselJ off.theback lot to help. fiance. their retirement, .now 1 would like to be able to do.the same. . We reaHse that if we were able toseU off the back lot and put a dwelling there, we wolll4 pave people in " our back yar{\".. However that would be no different than having neighbour& either side.. Jt would be a lot easier to. live with, than the continual noise and heavy traffic 'flow such a place as the fast food establishments will incur. , .Please refer to.attached list and.photogmphs. ~/f? /~0~ Fred R Fawbush ".... j ~> Thrir&iDyAprif3~i(x)~f4":~f:{ifp,&(. Page (o(i" '7 E=1T"'iail1}}Pl:~~~ . From:'-""" . Date: ~5Opm To: ~~~j~ct: pst.?fgnev~nces J . " '_", ...~;", . "''; '. ATTENTION. ;. Steve Hopkins ..'. ,0 . willi refereriteto case#'DR.t2008~OOO23 IiL We would like to have rear a.ccess' tOOlit backyaidfroin th~ i)ack fence a~ this was. the ide:a'ofmy'plil'enrswho' irwned'the,Ja.'1dthe DolJaf Slorenciw stMds on' and did arthe time of sale have rea'tatcesS~ This'Wa.s;soldtbadiweloper ontheproviso'thht there be ba~I(;lccesS'retai!ledh6we'vet; thisrigqt""as'tali.'enawaYfrolhriiy parents.. It'W~t!teir ilitelitioii to sell off the back halforthe lof, tohelij'filiiiiitetheir, retirement.. They are bOth "deCeased: I~'lias,,~eenmf1iope to be abJtj to'selJoff tlie baCk haIfoftlieJot everituallYtohelp'ftilidrriY'tetirement.' . . . ..' .'. ............ .......... '" .' Mypto~erty 'is'allI have, .J]jave lio40fkof anystlchretiremen( I haVe ~o:saVings~ sO basically tilts' piupertf is' aIrI h~ye ari~; to 'be able to sell of( th~ back h'3.if would make things a little better for retirelnent wliiChis'nt all that faraw~yfor me. . . #~,,~Ks' We ti~eour b~ck'Y~~d iIJtillthe s~riimer both during(laYlighi ahdnighttirti~ . . .' '. . . . . .' . .... . "]' .' '.' .... . . ..... h" .'. ff' fI . bours;weare deepl)ieoi!cerrie"abouf 6Sini(oi;i"ptlvacy, aue to', ea"vy tTa ..It ..ow' .... thr6li~W the. .drive in ~ espeCiallY: ~t night a(our .~edroottiiS'inthe baSK of thehbuse..We DONaT "Y:J,nt parking up again$f,?ufb~(* feriCe,thisWill: defi~!teIYintruqe oliour . . Iife~tyle, fqr,which we have a r.ighito~njoy, withou~a1J t1i.ecommotio~~ pJa~e' Slichas...' tbis.wiJLiriclir. We spend 'aId of riigbtS'inthe summer during baseball seasoiieating6ui dinner outside ang :liStl!ning to' galIJes on.the ra"dio; Here igimf the liilise coming form.' . the gtiVe thfo~gh..Willbe a'nuisance as aeeorilirigto tlie plans, the driVe through'window is right near ille hack fence. . . #3.~ We OBJECT to 'the high IightpoJiiS'WhiCh'could'Shihe int6oiifbedrbomafnigJiL .. -:-- . . .' ", '; '. ". . lL Currerlf premiseiafiea4~atti'aG( the ~rori~ cr6wcl as is obviolls oj.< the.gtaffiti on the wall of the current premises; iii'the alleyway: #}:,. We:J)Q:Np:r~ WMLtge }~ge..t:t.";S~ cpnpt{riersl dUmpsters lip against alii-back fence to attract vermin and who knows what else. " - ...., ",' _.'.. "'" - ...." '.' ...... . ,. ,,,,,' .. .. ., . -:' . #6 (A): We wanttQ'k'eepourproperty value ftoi1i'.falling'and~we feel by having' this _)iJ.tWw'fliatJSt~)'-itHa1dSi>m~JatfiJanJ;,prfljle~iJiDur property by decreasing it's Vtl,-uG via }J N) \~ 11 .~ ;t:: &0 ~!... 0~ ~ti Qrr List of gneVllllUs ' ~ J\jiril3, 2001l ~.,jHl" --. Fa...~2~f2 . #7. .Ctitreritl}iwe aPe. classM~s'loii densit)'h6ysing; an~llre,S\1rrounded by ~igh density' housing ~ndhiglf'density 'commerCial: YOlihavetornake upy6iiriniiid' whafthis atea is' tone really Classified as. , .. #&::jw/RJ?ir;CTt:tqth,~ pqsiiiopc!fthe' b!l1i(j,iil~;",I?~t,"if:it!Was''t~b~;.tjirl1edA&9,{tMr~: would be less noise for us. We DONT want to have to deal with the constant flow of traffic behind our house, vie ate geitil1geli6ughproblems\vith speedifig'driverscOlIling dow~ our street; heading to the HJQHDENSJTY commercialpropertie,snearby;, such as Jerrys, Wilcoand,Walm34. We alreadfgeta'fair amount of noiSe' in our bedroolilai" it' is now; tliis' will' uiilke it worSe'~ #9:. )ust'b~causeSollic is corporate America; does'ntgive them the righnomove into aii'area'and depreciate the v:l!ueofpeoples homes. We dontneed another fast food restaurant in our atea;'aie'riiihere enough obese peopleirithiscoUllttynow: Gerup'our of your officeahd lOOK arOund: However jf they goanead and build they need to DO IT RIGHT by the people who have'lived' here most of their lives: piease think' hard; beforeminiri~ our financial secyrity.. lfwe Can have' rearacces's this wouJdbe aJot easier for us; J6tailyftitiiredecision\lie make, With'regatMtoour property:JfthebiliJdingwere to turneilJ80 deg, thenatle:ist the drive through window would be away fromolir hOuse. ,Also it would give more parking either side.. Please REBER toour versiOn o(hoW ii,shouldsit on 'the site.Turn.ingwouldalsb 'allow us re,ar " accesilto'ourpropertY.,AJS?p1eiISe n~fer'tO the attached photOs; showing prOperty Jines etc, as well as the 1iaSh. that currently gathers there. ' , - -. . A"s~ nie:niioned b6fore we ar~ one, of ~o pr6peities in ScotiRoa'd w~o ~o nC;thav~ reat' access.: Everyother,house m the street'does; whether they care tO'make use of It or not, they at Jeastbave tIili'chOiCe, .. we DO NOT. ~fr?~~ Fred R Fawbush, 2000 Scott Road Springfield 97477 , ~ / 7::~6- '. ,fJS.";"-- '<:\" 'r'S~ ., ..t.~iJ . : ...... . Cl ,..l ~ f"l .. )ooo(~r'"lt ~::;:<Sri5 Z <:>- <:> -.. i;P' ob 's. ll.t:ge CI.lZM ~ r-,.....,UO O~l:l:trl >....Cl<:> f-o <:> .. .... 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