HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments APPLICANT 12/9/2008 Page I of I L1MBIRD Andrew From: Joubert, Ava N [Ava.N.Joubert@erac.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 09,2008 11:27 AM To: GRILE Bill; L1MBIRD Andrew Subject: : Enterprise Rent-A-Car - 4396 Main Street The Eagle Has Landed!!! Thank you, Bill & Andy, for your help!! Let's move some dirt! . Ava From: HOPPER Lisa [mailto:lhopper@ci,springfield.or.us] Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 11:08 AM . To: Chris Harris Cc: Joubert, Ava N Subject: RE: Enterprise Rent-A-Car - 4396 Main Street Thank you very much for the special inspection signed form. The plans will be compiled and ready to go this aflemoon, Our office hours are 1-3 pm and 8-noon in the morning. Thank you very much! Lisa From: Chris Harris [mailto:chrish@mci-construct,com] Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 8:29 AM To: HOPPER Lisa Cc: 'Joubert, Ava N' Subject: Enterprise Rent-A-Car - 4396 Main Street Lisa, . Attached is the special inspection form for the new ERAC project on main street, Please let me and/or Ava know if you have any questions, Thanks, Chris Christopher Harris, LEED AP McJnty~e_C_ons.t~uction._'nc.. 1500 Westec Drive Eugene, OR 97402 Phone: (541) 687-2841 Fax: (541) 343-6752 " CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed and may contain confidential and privileged information protected by law. If you received this e-mail in error, any review, use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of the e-mail is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete all copies from your system, fJ,~:h.1 {t~lceived: 10 ~t?,r Planner: AL 12/9/2008 .., '" '" ~ ... o o II!iI ") ::l a' '" ~ ... .t) '" z '" ~ !l g; '" ... @I 0 i:: E ~ ., u .. co co '" .. .. ... '" '. ) .., '" .... '" .. .... ... ~ ... '" ~ '" .. ... ... ., ~ .. '" ... .. ~ .. .... co .. .. ~ .. '" ~, . " .., '" " '" ... t\tl\nrr9.-N1'lPQ ~~t6 ~-- v.mr It rwt:. ~ "'P.~"':I~._..... .43~(P 1'Ibi\~. . . Prq)Ial Add".. CIIY ofS,rbar"ld CommuDllj 8"",1_ DlYl.toa 225 PIfII1 s_ SpdngfloId, OR 91417 T""'pI1one: (541) 726.37S9 FOIl' (:141) l.IG.J619 , 'Sxi~""al bip.;,iiOii aiiii'Tiiiiiiiilu.. ..,'.. '..... .._,.._~' '..-........._.......... 'Ill !lJlIlI1.....ofllR!l_""ILI4n.iI.pcal.,.....IlIII.n..IaI.....' pa'SooIlon 11l14orlllo Oltpn -....ISp..lohtClldo. pl....,""'Ia..If"I_b.~olow. \VI.",,...... 1Ir11.1."'.ool:nowl\dJlO...,,du_oIna 011110 1llIl1",,_ by.13nlllabol'''...d..IIl''.'''Il.... I."'" CUy, . BIlJDRIlA PEllMII' CANlJII, IlIlII1BO. Yj.."",... ..._~, _'1lkIMr, DO lito....."'" "''''' 1Wjl_ Pnd.>ll Sual.... .r Arcl1l1od..holl _1,!It,a/al1..nd ,.d>",ft 10 Iho Cllyfo"""....od.JIlIl1M'IlII.l\Jm......1elooI OD,boIIo.holklnlmln.1r. . . n......... and (10....,.01 ea.....". wlIm .PIlIIeol>l"l 111011 .1';'..m""""aolll.1ll1l.,,'ollooadl1l...0jIjll1_1.ID Spoalal""JICllU.. ""'or"',II". L C_.....I. rll8JlOl1Oft1. ftJr _or '011_ rbl fIa "........... ThIII...r...._ ~. '. Tesalna....IOly..U ...._plla"'....pIn onrl_""uI1lla,,, 10 IIoa1r lIdJ....tcry rorpr..,..,,,"-,"_ orlclU... ,. Capluol.UIa_"_'.1lIId l'""""I...."''''.~....t10'''.Cfl)/b7I1lD.'Th.tIn8A_. 3, 'podoll"',............., I. IblOllbmItlUlll...nd'l"'llIlc:otlon,oro,"''' 8p"'loI ""_1>111. CIly fiI!'.p""",.1 4, 8p....,bp..lll...""nprll.I...Imp...lo. -" ..llIobuWlq .1lIolB1<rt'olIhpoDllOl1.-uO. S. C.nfnclDrl.r"l''''_''...t.". Cl\l' IIJlpro'/ld JIlIlIllIbr..iltt1ou11Il1PooJUi,.. tooll"I'"'lI*omCIII.lI1olm"ll'b...lc4 JllIl1ol1BA (lJI1I'11r1CA'p: OIlOOCllPAIICYWILL UI: 188U8J), 'II1oSllllclollnt,.,DllooApIDlY BbIlIl.ulJlalllolll.hU"naOfllalol nollrloIMlllUuUllltel..r<1IIoltlllc tupaUon'"" ......1ilIfI1....... rap_'" w.....tho .... <rt'lbl ",lIfool"".~1l\ .."_wIIl>... ."'...... plm.. rpcdlIaalloM IIIlII ...plloobl.....1Ionanl1lp _1.1oa&. 'I1IDao 1101111 nolloBIII...dIorl_toil.1m1I bOJlotodlnllto _..... 'lit. -,II III 110... ....;, .: tDlItoClb p...IUlWlu..U.rftao! '-I.... A_",,~ ..UDGEMBNTIl Pf..\\f:R~ p.1-N'\t.LAp., f:S{t:, Y'l\leon- OWllllrtlllma(PrllMd) ,O,....,SIBhfIIora - . J)WS~~.~~~"",,~ I!n~rllf Atohlt... l'lm (PI!Jllod) &11_ ar .....hll"'" S'llIIlluID 0..., OlnllMlafl'hmNalllDlPlflll.d} t' Ae:L~oJ. .Spuol Inll]JllCl.... AIlIIIDl' Nom. (I'D.ted) ([on.... C_tur BlgllBlura lIpeclol InIp. Agcacy Rop Bill" ToIRna lAbolltory Nom. (I'tlrdllll) 1U1lIIri .........."''Y..p. ~1I1t1.. BlllblJ'IIl OIlIollll NBIIIII (PI1l\~ lIulldlns om.laIS'SIIo"''' Dat~ Received: Planner: AL '11~e>' / .< , ' .. ut .... .. .. - '" '" '" 00 .. f: .. '" .. l:l III III <n .'" ~ ~ - a..- Page I of2 . L1MBIRD Andrew From: Joubert, Ava N [Ava.N.Joubert@erac.com] Sent: Monday, December 08,2008 10:13 AM To: Chris Harris Cc: GRILE Bill; L1MBIRD Andrew Subject: Enterprise Rent A Car Springfield Attachments: 4396 Main Street.PDF Hi Chris, This document seems to be the only thing standing between us and a Building Permit from the City of Springfield! Please sign it, get the signature for the company you recommend doing our Special Inspections and forward it back to Lisa Hopper atlhoQper@cLsQrinafield.or.us as soon as possible. Please let me know once it is complete. - I can almost hear the sweet sounds of construction! Thank you! Ava CC: Bill, Andy From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@cLspringfield,or,us] Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 9:35 AM To: Joubert, Ava N Cc: GRILE Bill Subject: RE: Enterprise Rent A Car Springfield Hi Ava, you should contact Lisa Hopper at (541) 726-3790 or \.b.QQQer@cLsQringfield.or.us for details on the Special Inspection form. Lisa mentioned that she also has been discussing this issue with Dave Spitzer (a name I'm not familiar with). He might be preparing the information for submittal to the City, but I can't verify this. Please let me know if you have any questions. Andy From: Joubert, Ava N [mailto:Ava,NJoubert@erac,com] Sent: Monday, December 08,20089:16 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: GRILE Bill Subject: RE: Enterprise Rent A Car Springfield Andy, Thank you for this information. Who should I contact at the City's Building Division, and do you have their contact info? Is there a job number for me to reference? I want to make sure that the City has exactlv what it needs from who ever it needs it from so we can get going on this! ' Thank you! Ava From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@cLspringfield,or,us] Sent: Monday, December 08,20089:05 AM To: Joubert, Ava N Cc: GRILE Bill Subject: RE: Enterprise Rent A Car Springfield Date Received' Planner: AL I.J-/d'~()~ . / 12/8/2008 Page 2 of2 . Ava: Planning has the signed Development Agreement, and all that remains is submittal of a Special Inspection form completed by the project architect or builder. I believe this was requested previously and you can contact the City's Building Division for more details. Thanks ' Andy From: Joubert, Ava N [mailto:Ava,NJoubert@erac,com] Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 8:3S AM To: GRILE Bill; UMBIRD Andrew Cc: Chris Harris Subject: Enterprise Rent A Car Springfield Hi Bill & Andy, Is there anything the City of Springfield still needs from Enterprise to approve the site/building plans? We would like to get started on construction while ODOT drags their feet on our Main Street access. Thank you! Ava *:"'nterprise ,-:~~-?i.~ ;):"" "jf{ ~... A t,,~_ ~~ -&~;" Ava Joubert, CFM Group Operations Manager' 503-612-8111 direcl 503 849 4461 cell 503 -612-8170 lax a'ya.n.iou..!?e11@i;lrac.q:lJTI Enterprise Rent A Car 20400 SW Teton Tualatin, OR 97062 entemrise.C9..!I! CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed and may contain confidential and privileged information protected by law. If you received this e-mail in error, any review, use, dissemination, dislribution, or copying of the e-mail is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete all copies from your system. Date Received: lo1;1/d<:'t'.f' Planner: AL 12/8/2008 ! F Page I of2 ,c L1MBIRD Andrew From: GRILE Bill Sent: Monday, December 08,20089:38 AM To: HOPPER Lisa Cc: L1MBIRD Andrew; Joubert, Ava N; PUENT David; MURDOCH Jacqueline Subject: FW: Enterprise Rent A Car Springfield Lisa: Please do what you can to work magic and get this thing issued ASAP.' I'm certain Enterprise will work with you to tidy up any loose ends :elated to requirements as the construction proceeds. Thanks! ... Bill From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 9:35 AM To: Joubert, Ava N Cc: GRILE Bill Subject: RE: Enterprise Rent A Car Springfield Hi Ava, you should contact Lisa Hopper.at (541) 726c3790 or IhQJ:!l2er@cLsl2ringfield.or.usfordetailson the Special Inspection form. Lisa mentioned that she also has been discussing this issue with Dave Spitzer (a name I'm not familiar with). He might be preparing the information for submillalto the City, but I can't verify this, Please let me know if you have any questions. ' Andy From: Joubert, Ava N [mailto:Ava.N.Joubert@erac.com] Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 9: 16 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: GRILE Bill . Subject: RE: Enterprise Rent A Car Springfield Andy, Thank you for this information. Who should I contact at the.City's Building Division, and do you have their contact info? Is there a job number for me to reference? I want to make sure that the City has exactlv what it needs from who ever it needs it from so we can get going on this! Thank you! Ava < From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@cLspringfield,or,us] Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 9:05 AM To: Joubert, Ava N Cc: GRILE Bill Subject: RE: Enterprise Rent A Car Springfield Ava: Planning has the signed Development Agreement, and all that remains is submittal of a Speciallnspeclion form completed by the project architect or builder. I believe this was requested previously and you can contact the City's Building Division for more details, Thanks ,.'..,V...i'Jeu:~/::n>"( Planner: AL 12/8/2008 I' Page 2 of2 Andy From: Joubert, Ava N [mailto:Ava,NJoubert@erac.com] Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 8:3S AM To: GRILE Bill; LIMBIRD Andrew Cc: Chris Harris Subject: Enterprise Rent A Car Springfield Hi Bill & Andy, Is there anything the City of Springfield still needs from Enterprise to approve the site/building plans? We would like to get started on construction while ODOT drags their feet on our Main Street access. Thank you! Ava ,'- J. ~. . nterpnse .., . .... I ... '" ~ >; . ~ Ava Joubert, CFM Group Operations Manager 503-612-8111 direct 5038494461 cell 503 -612-6170 fax , ~"y~,njQubert@erac.C9!!! Enterprise Rent A Car 20400 SW Teton Tualatin, OR 97062 ~nte.!p1is_e~c..om CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed and may contain confidential and privileged information protected by law. If you received this e-mail in error, any review, use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of the e-mai! is strictly prohibited, Please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete all copies from your system. '::. .j .':.:.ceivedo ~Jianner: AL ld--h~(Ji . / 12/8/2008 Page 1 of2 .- L1MBIRD Andrew From: HOPPER Lisa Sent: Monday, December 08,200810:17 AM To: Joubert, Ava'N Cc: GRILE Bill; L1MBIRD Andrew Subject: RE: Enterprise Rent A Car Springfield Great! Thanks so much! I will keep my eye open for it and let you know "';hen I receive it. Thanks again, Lisa From: Joubert, Ava N [mailto:Ava,NJoubert@erac,com] Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 10: 16 AM To: HOPPER Lisa Cc: GRILE Bill; UMBIRD Andrew Subject: Enterprise Rent A Car Springfield Hi Lisa, Thank you for your time this morning. I was able to get the signed Inspections Form from Dave Spitzer, our architect. I have signed it and forwarded it to our contractor. Just a note, the address on the form said 4890 Main Street, but our address is actually 4396 Main Street. I made the change before forwarding il'lo Mcintyre Construction. Thanks again!!! Ava CC: Bill, Andy From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci,springfield,or,us] Sent: Monday, December 08,20089:35 AM To: Joubert, Ava N Cc: GRILE Bill Subject: RE: Enterprise Rent A CarSpringfield Hi Ava, you should contact Lisa Hopper at (541) 726-3790 or IhoQQer@cLsQringfield.or.us for details on the Special Inspection form. Lisa mentioned that she also has been discussing this issue with Dave Spitzer (a name I'm not familiar with). He might be preparing the information for submittal to the City, but I can't verify this. Please let me know if you have any questions, Andy From: Joubert, Ava N [mailto:Ava.NJoubert@erac.com] Sent: Monday,December 08,20089:16 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew Cc: GRILE Bill Subject: RE: Enterprise Rent A Car Springfield Andy, Thank you for this information, Who should I contact at the City's Building Division, and do you have their contact info? Is there a job number for me to reference? I want to make sure that the City has exactlv what it needs from who ever it needs it from so we can get going on this! Thank you! Ava Date i'{eceived:-44~",r Planner: AL 12/8/2008 . Page 2 of2 I' From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield,or,us] Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 9:05 AM To: Joubert, Ava N Cc: GRILE Bill Subject: RE: Enterprise Rent A Car Springfield Ava: Planning has the signed Development Agreement, and all that remains is submittal of a Special Inspection form completed by the project architect or builder. I beiieve this was requested previously' and you can contact the City's Building Dil(ision for more details. Thanks Andy From: Joubert, Ava N [mailto:Ava.NJoubert@erac.com] Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 8:35 AM To: GRILE Bill; UMBIRD Andrew Cc: Chris Harris Subject: Enterprise Rent A Car Springfield , Hi Bill & Andy, Is there anything the,City of Springfield still needs from Enterprise to approve the site/building plans? We would like to get started on construction while ODOT drags their feet on our Main Street access. Thank you! Ava . Ava Joubert, CFM Group Operations Manager 503-612-8111 direct 503 849 4461 cell 503 -612-6170 lax a_~~..J1.jQ..Ubert@ela_C~m Enterprise Rent A Car 20400 SW Teton Tualatin, OR 97062 _~nteIP1i5e-,-COl!l CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed and may contain confidential and privileged information protected by law. If you received this e-mail in error, any review, use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of the e-mail is strictly prohibited. 'please ,notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete all copies from your system. Date ReceiVed:~/ (..:wo f' Planner: AL 12/8/2008 Page I of 1 L1MBIRD Andrew From: GRILE Bill Sent: Monday, December 08, 2008 8:39 AM To: L1MBIRD Andrew; DONOVAN James; MURDOCH Jacqueline Cc: Chris Harris; Joubert, Ava N Subject: RE: Enterprise Rent A Car Springfield Importance: Hi.gh Jim, Andy, Jackie: Can't we let the building permit go so they can get on with this? Please stop by and let me know what's preventing a thumbs up today. Thanks. ... Bill I., From: Joubert, Ava N [inailto:Ava.NJoubert@erac.com] Sent: Monda,y, December 08, 2008 8:35 AM To: GRILE Bill; UMBIRD Andrew Cc: Chris Harris Subject: Enterprise Rent A Car Springfield Hi Bill & Andy, Is there anything the City of Springfield still needs from Enterprise to approve the site/building pl~ns? We would like to get started on construction while ODOT drags their feet on our Main Street access. Thank you! Ava ~nter-fE)rise ~4i Ava Joubert, CFM Group Operations Manager I 503-612-8111 direct 5038494461 cell 503 -612-8170 fax a~a-=.!!:jQug~e[t@'?ra_c,-c9m Enterprise Rent A Car 20400 SW Teton Tualatin, OR 97062 enterprise_ecoID CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mai( and any files transmitted with it are intended' solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed and may contain confidential and privileged information protected by law. If you received this e-mail in error, any review, use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of the e-mail is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete all copies from your system. Date r<eceived: J~/tJ<>?tf Planner: AL 12/8/2008