HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments APPLICANT 12/8/2008 Page 1 of 1 L1MBIRD Andrew From: Joubert, Ava N [Ava.N.Joubert@erac.com] Sent: Monday, December 08,20088:34 AM To: GRILE Bill; L1MSIRD Andrew Subject: RE: Enterprise Springfield .HiSiII, Sorry for the delayed"response, this got lost in my email shuffle! Our new building will probably not create any new jobs. We have been running our business at 1749 Main Street for the last 15 years or so. We simply want/need to upgrade our facility....... (and soon!) Ava From: GRILE Bill [mailto:bgrile@ci.springfield.or,us] Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 9:12 AM To: 11MBIRD Andrew; DONOVAN James; Joubert, AvaN Subject: FW: Enterprise Springfield Importance: High " Andy and Jim: Is there some way we can let Enterprise get started on this pending the final resolution of the final site plan? I have no anxiety about its approval. Enterprise has already suffered too much... thanks to ODOT. On that note:: last weekend I drove my son over to the site to get his opinion about ODOT's position. Cam is a valedictorian civil engineer with a master's in engineering and a transportation specialty. He's been working as a transportation planner/engineer in Portland for five years and knows his stuff. His opinion? On a ten-scale with 10 being most unreasonable, ODOT has hit the mark. He couldn't believe it. Ava: How many new jobs will be created once this operation is up and running? I mentioned this to the Mayor just yesterday morning and we thought there would be about a dozen, total. Is that correct? And how many will be new jobs? It seems ironic that the State is talking about pumping millions into the economy to stimulate it when all they have toido here is demonstrate some common sense and regulatory flexibility. This is not rocket science... an~ doesl')'t require a master's degree in engineering to comprehend. ... Sill From: Joubert, Ava N [mailto:Ava,NJoubert@erac.com] Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 9:03 AM To: 11MBIRD Andrew; GRILE Bill Subject: Enterprise Springfield Importance: High Hi Bill & Andy- I hope you both had a nice Holiday last week. Could I get an update, on the status of our Building Permit? We are still waiting on ODOT (of course) but would like to get going on the construction of the building while we wait for them... Thanks for your time! ' Ava CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed and may contain confidential and privileged information protected by law. If you receiveg this e-mail in error, any review, use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of the e-mail is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete all copies from your system. i' Date Received:--k'lr-"'''.r Planner: AL 12/8/2008 Page I of2 L1MBIRD Andrew From: HOPPER Lisa Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2008 7:13 AM To: PUENT 8avid; CARPENTER Christopher Cc: L1MBIRD Andrew , , Subject: RE: Enterprise Springfield Still waiting on the speCial inspection form Once we receive that, we are good to go. Happy day! Lisa From: PUENT David Sent: Tuesday"Dec~mber 02, 2008 4:S0 PM To: HOPPER Lisa; CARPENTER Christopher Subject: FW: Enterprise Springfield fyi From: DONOVAN James Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 4:48 PM To: LlMBIRD Andrew; GRILE Bill Cc: PUENT David; SINGLETON Todd Subject: RE: Enterp~ise Springfield " That's verY ciose to my blind response (re LDAP and demo)! Seems like you have the DA nearly in hand Andy. They will be up and running and shouldn't need any special attention' JD From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Tuesday, December 02,20081:20 PM To: GRILE Bill Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Enterprise Springfield , I have a scanned copy of the signed De~elopment Agreement from Enterprise (waiting on the original via mail) and there is provision in the agreement for site work prior to ODOT issues being resolved. When Building is ready to issue the petmit, they can start work. Andy From: GRILE Bill Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 9:12 AM To: LlMBIRD Andrew'; DONOVAN James; Joubert, Ava N Subject: FW: Enterprise Springfield ' Importance: High ' Andy and Jim: Is there some way we can let Enterprise get started on this pending the final resolution of the final site plan? I have no anxiety about its approval. Enterprise has already suffered too much ..' thanks to ODOr. On that note, 'last weekend I drove my son over to the site to get his opinion about ODOr's position, Cam is a valedictoriari civil engineer with a master's in engineering and a transportation specialty, He's been 12/3/2008 Ubl,-, {~0Ceived:~/;.,".r ,Planner: AL Page 2 of2 working as a transportation planner/engineer in Portland for five years and knows his stuff. His opinion? On a ten-scale with 10 being most unreasonable, ODOT has hit the mark. He couldn't believe it Ava: How many new jobs will be created once this operation is up and running? I mentioned this to the Mayor just yesterday morning and we thought there would be about a dozen, total. Is that correct? And how many will be new jobs? It seems ironic that the State is talking about pumping millions into the economy to stimulate it when all they have to do here is demonstrate some common sense and regulatory fiexibility. This is not rocket science ... and doesn't require a master's degree in engineering to comprehend. ... Bill From: Joubert, Ava N [mailto:Ava,NJoubert@erac,com] Sent: Tuesday, December O:?, 2008 9:03 AM 1.0: LIMBIRD Andrew; GRILE Bill Subject: Enterprise Springfield Importance: High Hi Bill & Andy- I hope you both had a nice Holiday last week. Could I get an update on the status of our Building Permit? We are still waiting on ODOT (of course) but would like to get going on the construction of the building while we wait for them... Thanks for your time! Ava CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed and may contain confidential and privileged information protected by law. If you received this e-mail i.n error, any review, use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of the e-mail is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete all copies from your system. 12/3/2008 Date r~",ceived: IJ./V;wo! Planner: AL .. Page I of2 , L1MBIRD Andrew From: DONOVAN James Sent: Tuesday,'December 02, 20084:48 PM To: L1MBIRDAndrew; GRILE Bill Cc: PUENT David; SINGLETON Todd Subject: RE: Enterprise Springfield That's very dose to my blind response (re LDAP and demo)! Seems like you have the DA nearly in hand Andy. They will be up and running and shouldn't need any special attention! . , JD From: UMBIRD Andrew Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 1:20 PM To: GRILE Bill Cc: DONOVAN James Subject: RE: Enterprise Springfield I have a scanned copy of the signed Development Agreement from Enterprise (waiting on the original via mail) and there is provision in the agreement for site work prior to ODOT issues being resolved. When Building is ready to issue the permit, they can start work. Andy From: GRILE Bill Sent: Tuesday, December 02,20089:12 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew; DONOVAN James; Joubert, Ava N Subject: PN: Enterprise Springfield Importance: High Andy and Jim: Is there some way we can let Enterprise get started on this pending the final resolution of the final site.plan? I have no anxiety about its approval. Enterprise has already suffered too much... thanks to ODOT. On that note, last weekend I drove my son over to the site to get his opinion about ODOT's position. Cam is a valedictorian civil engineer with a master's in engineering and a transportation specialty. He's been working as a transportation planner/engineer in Portland for five years and knows his stuff. His opinion? On a ten-scale with 10 being most unreasonable, ODOT has hit the mark. He couldn't believe it. Ava: How many new jobs will be created once this operation is up and running? I mentioned this to the Mayor just yesterday morning and we thought there would be about a dozen, total. Is that correct? And how many will be new jobs? It seems ironic that the State is talking about pumping millions into the economy to stimulate it when all they have to do here is demonstrate some common sense and regulatory flexibility. This is not rocket science... and doesn't require a master's degree in engineering to comprehend. ... Bill From: Joubert, Ava N [mailto:Ava.NJoubert@erac,com] sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 9:03 AM To: UMBIRD Andrew; GRILE Bill Subject: Enterprise Springfield Importance: High . Duto i-'(eCeived:_L/l )Co{ Planner: AL 12/2/2008 Page 2 of2 Hi Bill & Andy- I hope you both had a nice Holiday last week. Could I get an update on the status of our Building Permit? We are still waiting on ODOT (of course) but would like to get going on the construction of the building while we wait for them... Thanks for your time! Ava CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed and may contain confidential and privileged information protected by law. If you received this e-mail in error, any review, use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of the e-mail is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete all copies from your system. DatE! Heceived:-4:,/~r . Planner: AL 12/2/2008 Page I of2 L1MBIRD Andrew From: DONOVAN James Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 20084:44 PM To: GRILE Bill; L1MBIRD Andrew; 'Joubert, Ava N' Cc: SINGLETON Todd; PUENT David Subject: RE: Enterprise Springfield BG, My usual tact in this situation is to allow the applicant to get cracking on any site demolition that's necessary and start the earthwork under an LDAP while we finish up the Final Site Plan. If that gets/is done we could consider slab or utility work next, but that usually has some BP phasing issues for Dave's team. I defer to Dave on that one. My questions are: where are we on the FSP and will the demo/earthwork step save substantial time? JD From: GRILE Bill Sent: Tuesday, December 02,20089:12 AM To: 11MBIRD Andrew; DONOVAN James; Joubert, Ava N Subject: FW: Enterprise Springfield Importance: High Andy and Jim: Is there some way we can let Enterprise get started on this pending the final resolution of the final site plan? I have no anxiety about its approval. Enterprise has already suffered too much... thanks to ODOT. On that note, last weekend I drove my son over to the site to get his opinion about ODOT's position. Cam is a valedictorian civil engineer with a master's in engineering and a transportation specialty. He's been working as a transportation planner/engineer in Portland for five years and knows his stuff. His opinion? On a ten-scale with 10 being most unreasonable, ODOT has hit the mark. He couldn't believe it. Ava: How many new jobs will be created once this operation is up and running? I mentioned this to the Mayor just yesterday moming and we thought there would be about a dozen, total.' Is that correct? And how many will be new jobs? It seems ironic that the State is talking about pumping millions into the economy to stimulate it when all they have to do here is demonstrate some common sense and regulatory flexibility. This is not rocket science... and doesn't require a master's degree in engineering to comprehend. ,.. Bill From: Joubert, Ava N [mailto:Ava.NJoubert@erac,com] Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 9:03 AM To: 11MBIRD Andrew; GRILE Bill Subject: Enterprise Springfield Importance: High Hi Bill & Andy- I hope you both had a nice Holiday last week. Could I get an update on the status of our Building Permit? We are still waiting on ODOT (of course) but would Date Received: 1~/~h"oY.._ 12/2/2008 Planner: AL . Page 2 of2 like to get going on the construction of the building while we wait for them... Thanks for your time! Ava CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed and may contain confidential and privileged information protected by law. If you received this e-mail in error, any review, use, dissemination, distribution, or copying of the e-mail is strictly prohibited. Please notify the sender immediately by return e-mail and delete ali copies from your system. \ DatE! Received: /.JI)../~IJ{ Planner: AL I 12/2/2008