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Application APPLICANT 12/21/2007
,I';. c City of Springfield Deyelopment SerYices Department 225 Fifth Street Springfieid, OR 97477 Site Plan Application, Type II . .. Site Plan Review: ~ Major Site Plan Major Modification 0 " . -. . . . Applicant Name: Company: Address: Kelly O'Brien I Northwest Construction Ser~ices P.O. Box 231087 OR 97281 Applicant's R~p.: Company: Mike Kaiser I Poaqe Enqineerinq P,O. Box 2527 Phone: ,IFax: 541-485-4505 541-485-5624 OR 97402 Property Owner: Company: Address: Joseph A. Tokatly, Member TTT Ranch LLC P.O, Box 2121 Jasper, OR 97438 Phone: 541-510-8454 IFax: ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 170232 31' Property Address: 4396 Main St Size of Property: 26,426 Name TAX LOT NO(s): 100 I Acres 0 Square Feet [2;J Rent A Car Description of Proposal: Construction of a 2,100 square foot buiiding with 7 employee/customer parking spaces & paved exterior storage for rental cars, Includes removal of all existing buildings but will use existing curb cuts, 21,622 sf prop'd imp, less 14,822 ex, imp, = 6,800 sf new imp, # of Lots/Parcels: 1 Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: 26,426 sf Density: na dujacre , , , New Impervious Surface Coverage: 6,800 sf Bldg. Gross Floor Area: 2,100 sf at~J ,~jy~~-z> 51J0:'Yt$il?clmrmIR#1&1~lfr1,.;;;ni$fJ.u%i;X~S: r~rji~~fa::4~{r>(, ,a 'M,h\! ~1::~1i"'!:F''I''hf~iFJi;n~1 '~im5!t (1\jr if :LL.-tL '1' Xf:R"t ;fl<~~iii1 ~J';M',jfl1Af0* yC;S;:] ~~ Applicable Refinement Plan: Plan Designation: I Location: ' City Limits 0 Urban Growth Boundary 0 Pre-Submittal ooo'1~ Case No,: PRe- 2007-~' Date: 11/6/2007 Case No.: b'lUtq'7- {)IlOBk: 'l.1d.:Z1P Application Fee: $ 04l,- Technical Fee: $ . ')01{ t:rL::. TOTAL.FEE'S $ L1i1Sg.1S - .., . ' Reviewed by: Reviewed by: Postage Fee: /Yl~.v'V' $ {{" (' Updated 12/8/2006 Brenda Jones Date, r'leceived: 12/i/""D"_ Planner: AL Steps in the Process: r " 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre"Submittal Meeting Application The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory, Piease refer to the Springfield Fee Schedule for the Pre-Submittal Application fee. The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this'form. You are required to submit Nine (9) copies of the submittal requirements packet for pre-submittal reYiew, Pre-submittal meetings will,be conducted eyery Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 am and noon. We will striye to ,conduct the Pre-Submittal meeting within fiye to seyen working days of receiYing the application. 2, Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We strongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend, the Pre-Submittal meeting. The meeting wiil be held with representatives from Public Works Engineering and Transportation, Community Services (Building), Fire Marshall's office, and the Planning Division. The meeting will be scheduled for 30 to 60 minutes. The Planner will proYide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required to make the application complete-if it isn't already complete. You will then have 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City, 3, Applicant Submits a Complete Application When you haye addr:essed all of the items on the Pre-Submittal Checklist, please submit 18 copies of the complete application to the City. A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar reYiew period will begin. When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft will be mailed/faxed to the applicant/owner/design team for I ' their review, At the applicant's request, the planner will schedule a meeting to reYiew,the draft with appropriate staff if certain issues need resolution before the final land use decision is issued, . Owner's Signature This application will be llsed for both the required Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequent complete application submittal, Owner's signatures are required at both stages in the application proces's. An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. The undersigned aCkn~wledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate for scheduling of they e-Submittal Meeting. , ,/' ~ -------.- X Owner: f ~' 'rature Joseph A. Tokatly Print Date: 1.2.:..... /3 -07'- \ " 'd' Iv~l;itJD7 DatE' y'(ecelve .~~ Planner: AL , Updated 12/8/2006 Brenda Jones , .r' I represent this application to ,be complete for submittal to the City. Consistent vVith the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting; I/affirm the information identified by. the City as necessary for processing the application is p~oYided herein or the information will not be proYided if not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the application with the information as submitted. This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227,178 pertaining to a complete applicatio Date: 12-13-"7' ~ Owner: Joseph A. Tokaktly Print -rJ-rLE ~1:>oR-.l :5'-\8M, I I c:-J:> J /'1/~DO \ \ \ \ , , Date Neceived: IYZI,).,O/ _ Planner: AL / " \. Updated 12/812006 Brenda Jones , -, Site Plan Submittal Requirements Checklist *If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. \ Applicati fee-refer to the Deyelopment Code Fee Schedule for the a ropriate fee calculatio fo ula, A copy of the fee schedule is ayailable at the Dey pment Services Departmen , e application fee and current postage fee is collected t the time of complete applic tion submittal. , / Copy of the dee and a preliminary title report-one copy is ed within the past 30 days documenting wnership and listing all encumbrances, I>>. /- e applicant is not the property owner, wri en permission from the property owner; s required. j , One additional copy f the Site Plan reduced to 8'121:' 11", which will, be mailed as part of the requir.ed nei hboring property notification p /, keto " :',"" Right-af-Way Approac Permit application mus ~e provided where the property has frontage on an Oregon epa'rtment of Transp /, ation (ODOT) facility. Stormwater Management ystem Study-fo 4 copies of a study with the completed Starmwater Scaping Sheet\ttached, The../lan, supporting calculations and documentation must be consist\.swith the ngineering Design Standards and Procedures Manual. Traffic Impact Study-four copies { tudy prepared by a Traffic Engineer in accordance with SDC Section 32.020 )(c), Traffic Impact Studies (TIA) allow the City to analyze and eyaluate the traffic imp' ct\~~d mitigation of a deyelopment on the City's transportation system. In genera a TI"must explain how the traffic from a giyen development affects the transpo ation system in terms of safety, traffic operations, access and mobility, and imme ate and ad)oining street systems. A TIA must also address, if needed, City, metr. plan and sta~ land use and transportation policies and objectiyes, ~ Nine (9) copies of the fo wing plan sets for th Pre-Submittal, Meeting ~,' OR _ Eighteen copies of th ollowing plan sets for Comp'lete Applicaticin Submittal . .~\ .: ." ",. . All of the following ~I ns must include the scale (appr riate to the area involved and sufficient to show d tail of the plan and related data, s has 1:' = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100'), north arro ,and date of preparation. All plan set must'be folded to 8V,' by 11" and bound by r ber bands for submittal. a. Site Ass ssment of Existing Conditions o Pre red by an Oregon licensed Landscape Architect "Vi nity Map o li e name, location and dimensions of all existing site fe ures including uildings, curb cuts, trees and imperyious surface areas, c arly indicating what is remaihing and what is being remoyed Required setbacks to the proposed new property lines for exi 'ng structures to 'remain on site . o The name, location, dimensions, direction of flow and top of ban of all watercourses ar;1d required riparian setback that are shown on the Water Quality Limited Watercou~se Map on file in the Deyelopment Services Department Date F':eceived:_1 fu /m,,, I Updated 12/8/2006 Brenda Jones Planner: AL I 1. 2, 3. 4, 5. 6, 7. 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 ' 541-726-3759Phone Job/Journal Number DRC2007-00083 DRC2007-00083 DRC2007-00083 Payments: Type of Payment CreditCard cRcceintl RECEIPT #: Description CTY Site Plan Review Postage Fee Type II - $155 + 5% Technology Fee Paid By KELLY J OBRIEN SR '- ~~~ r: C'~ of Springfield Official Receipt D.,.,elopment Services Department Public Works Department 3200700000000000821 Date: 12/21/2007 2:58:50PM Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received mem 020377 In Person Payment Total: Amount Due 4,099,00 155,00 , 204,95 $4,458.95 Amount Paid $4,458,95 $4,458.95 , . d"" 61/')007 Date ReeeIV€#. .~/"'o/';- " Planner: AL Page I of 1 12/21/2007 " SITE PLAN REVIEW NARRAtIVE DESCRIPTION FOR ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR 4396 Main Street Assessor's Map No. 17-02-32-31; Tax Lot 100 Springfield, Oregon December 14, 2007 This application is to construct a new building at 4396 Main Street for Enterprise Rent A Car to use as a rental car site, Normal operation of the rental car lot includes service for approximately l5 customers (auto and'truck rentals) per day. Proposed improvements include construction of a 2 1 00 square foot building and 7 employee/customer parking spaces for the 3" 6 employees, Additional paved areas for exterior storage ofrental vehicles is proposed along the north and west sides of the parking/driveway access areas, Utilities are to be upgraded to serve the new building and include typical utilities (power, phone, water, gas). The plan also includes the construction ofa private storm water management system, including a vegetated swaJe along the northwesterly boundary, The wash bay, where rental vehicles are hand washed, and the covered refuse!recycle area have floor drains that drain to the sanitary sewer (via the oil/water separator) No public improvements are required to be constructed with this development as all public services are available to the site, The subject property is located at the northwest corner of 44th and Main Street and has three existing structures, all to beremoved,' There are two existing accesses to the property, one on Main Street and one on 44th Street, both proposed to remain unchanged, An application has been made to ODOT for the existing approach on Main Street (ODOT permit Application No, 7395) and is in the process of being reviewed, The existing use ofthe site is for a residence and an auto repair shop. The site is zoned Community Commercial (CC), It was formerly a split zone property as Light Medium Industrial (LMI) and CC. A/zone change application to drop the LMI was approved in June 2007 in order to bring the site into conformance with the Metro Plan designation for the property, Two of the adjacent properties to the west of the site are also zoned CC, tax lots 1 915 & 1914, T~e two lots on the north and northwest of the site are zoned MDR, The site ranges between 483,5 and 486 feet in elevation and is relatively fiat. Existing improvements cover approximately 14,822 square feet while the proposed improvements cover 2] ,622 square feet. The result is a net gain of approximately 6,80,0 square feet of neW: impervious surface coverage, The proposed parking and driveway areas will be designed to support an 80,000 lb vehicle and provide a clear width of 20' through the parking lot between Main Street & 44th Street. The proposed building meets the setback requirements within the CC zone, being a minimum of] 0 feet from both the 44th Street and Main Street. Proposed on site lighting is shown on th~ civil site plan (sheeICI) and is proposed to comply with all standards of the Springfield Development Code, The landscape plan was prepared by DMS Architects. All plantings within required planters shall comply with the Springfield Code for size, species, and planting method, The final site plan package will include a landscape plan prepared by a licensed Landscape Architect and: will include plahs and specifications for a fully automatic irrigation system, N~rrative Description for Enterprise Rent A Car Site Review December 14, 2007 /, ,/. 3873WSl.Wpd Date Heceived:. i2-.;2!f.HU'? Planner: AL ' Page 1 of 1 MI , CITY OF SPRIN~.r1.J!,l...lD ".llv.ll~,U 'MAP DRC2007-00083 4396 Main Street ~ III d llJ ~ MAIN 6T- ~11J!., Map 17-02-32-31 Tax Lot 100 po, i:Ij I Ii ~ "5i: "<t cA Date Received:../.7-}~]_ Planner: AL .w RETURN TO CASCADE rffi' - -= CASCADE TITLE CD. Division 0' Chi, ..puty CJerk Lana COYntv D_d. .nd Record. 2001.004288 TITLE NO, 0252627CS ESCROW NO, EU06-2901 TAX ACCT, NO, 0126571 TAX ACCT, NO, 4192561 MAPffAX LOT NO, 17-02-J2-3H10IOO 11111111111111111111 11111111111111111"1111111111 $31,00 00877016200700042880020020 , 01/19/2007 03:05:09 Pft RPR-OEED Cnl=1 Sln=S CASHIER De 'I~.OO SII.OO SIO.OO WARRANTY DEED - STATUTORY FORM MIKE R. WARD, Grantor, conveys and warrants to TIT RANCH, LLC, an Orer.oD Limited, Liability Company, Grantee, the following described real property free of encwnbrances except as specifically set forth herein: SEE EXHIBIT A WHICH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE' SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197.352, THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALWW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATlON OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATlONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRlATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30,930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY. UNDER ORS 197.352. Except the following encwnbmnces: Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, Easements and Rights of Way of record. ifany. The true consideration for this conveyance is $250,000.00 . Dated this llo day o;J; 1"\LI1ll....t{ . 7m 1 ~,;e-.;~ MIKE R. WARD State of Oregon County of LANE. . - . This instrument was acknowledged before me;!o ~Yl.{ \ \0 2007 by MIKE R, WARD, ~ OFFlCW.SEAI. " / ~ '.-/"'\ -- C SHORT--- ::-- \. ----... ", NOTARY PUBL~. OREGON otary Public for Oregon~ --- ..J \. .... MY~5::SN~='km Mycommissionexpires O~J(jV MIKE R. WARD PO BOX 1102 FALL CREEK. OR 97438 GRANTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS Until a change is requested all tax statements shall be sent to the following address: ".SAME AS GRANTEE... TIT RANCH. LLC PO BOX 2121 , JASPER, OR 97438 GRANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS After recording return to; _ CASCADE TITLE CO, 811 WILLAMErTE EUGENE, OR 97401 ,- WRD Date Received:--il-h.!.;k107 Planner: AL I . , EXHIBIT A Lots 1, 2 and 3 of the PLAT OF HOLLYSON, as platted and recorded in Book 13, Page 3. Lane County' Oregon Plat Records. in Lane County. Oregon. ALSO, the Easterly 60.72 feet of Lot 15, FISHER.'S PLAt', as platted and recorded in File 73, Slides 173-174, Lane County Oregon 'plat Records', Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, all within'Section 32, Township 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willamette Meridian. Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, ~ Date Received: Planner: AL IZ/).J/'lbD7 I ( ".J " 1ft> l{2. t..ZOD j - rxJ)53 , " ~. ~ 1" . Ckegon Jl/f'ii::;;::: , I APPLICATION FOR STATE HIGHWAYI:APPROACH , , '. 'II,' RequireG Infonnation ' ' ,,' II The applcant must submit the following information with the Application .for State Highway Approach, ODOT will notify the applicant if additional information is required, " II , . All a~,achments required by answers on the application form, including applicant signatur~, . II the applicant is not the owner 01 the property to be served by the approach, then the ptoperty owner must authorize the applicant as a designated agent Theappiicant must have the property owner complJte the Authorization of Designated Agenl block on this form OR submit a signed letter fro(Tl the property. owner ~uthorizing the appiicant as the designated agent ',\, " II ' ., Site plan and vicinity map approved or currently being reviewed by the local government1i . A La.d Use Compatibility St'!tement (LUCS) 'tor a Stale Highway Approach (page 4 01 t~is application) must be corn~leted by the local government ' ,I . A copy olthe current County tax lot map for the property served by the approach, Map must highlight all property that would be served by the approach and list all owner name(s) on adjacent properties, Mak'e a note on map ilownership of adjacent property is same as subject property, Identify the location of the proposed aribroach on map, . A copy of the recorded easement(s), it'the subject property has'an existing easement(s)'ior access to the property, .. A co~y of any existing state or local governm~nt~approach permits for the property., In addition to the above submittals" the applicant may be required to place stakes or markings near the highway shoulder at the proposed approach location, " II' Definitions for commoniy' used terms are in the attached brochure, The brochure is aiso available on the ODOT website located at: 'htto://wwworeaon,oov/ODOT/HWY'/ACCESSMGT/ II Last name: Kaiser /company! Poage Engineering I Street address: 990 Obie Street I[ I ICity Eugene !State OR !ZIP: 97402 Icouniy USA! IMailing address: PO Box 2527 ' II I fcrry Eugene State: pR IZIP:97402' [county: USA 1 I Phone: 541-485-4505 Fax ~41-485-5624 I Cell/pager: I E-mail: mkaiser@poage:net ii I Is applicant working as an agent of the owner? '~Yes 0 No , If yes, the owner must complete the'Authorlzation of Designated Agent section below, OR t~e applicant attach a letter from the owner authorizing the applicant to act.as his/her agent ' I Highway name - May'be a statewide highway mime, such as Pacific Highway, or a local narne, such as East Main Street Route name - The posted highway number, such as i-5 or US-84, ' Highway name McKenzie Highway Route number: 015 CountY:,_ane Milepoint: 4,8 Side of highway: " ~ North 0 South 0 East 0 West Is the highway in a national lorest area?' 0 y~s ~ No ][ ,II Date Hece,ived:-Lb1u Ic"'n;_ .planner: ,a;L I '/ C , II I 734-2680. (9/07) Page 1 of 4 . " I, Joseph A.Tokatly, MemberTIT Ranch: LLC authorize Michael J, PRINT NAME OF PROPfrTY OWNER to represent me in the matter o( thijl highway a'pproach permit application, Kaiser!lofPoage Engineering PRINT NAME OF APPLICANT Ir NOTIFICATION TO The ODOT District Office wili contact' you when your applidtion has been reviewed, If additional documents are required to continue the application process you will be notified, VVh~n all of the necessary documents have been received, the application will be deemed complete, if your completed application is approved, preliminary construction spe.cifications will be issued, A performance bond and liability insurance will be required before any construction w.ork can begin on the highway right of way, For the complete rules regarding approach permitting, see OAR ' Chapter 734 Division 51,' " The Applicant declares, certifies, and affirms under penalty of applicable state or federal laws that all information provided on this form and attachments are true and complete to kn~lNledge. I Print name: Michael J, Kaiser o New Approach - There is no existing' permitted or grand'fathered approach road at ttie lobation requested in this application, ,! Temporary Approach - The approach requested will be removed after a specified period'lof time, . ,Ii. " Existing Approach - This'application affects, or may affect, an existing approach, I: Re~tricted Use Approach - The approach requested is for emergency services, government, utility access or similar specific uses with limited traffic, :i o ~ o Last name: Tokatly ICompan'Y: TTT Ranch LLC I Street address: None 11 ICity: IState: IZIP ICou:hty I Mailing address: PO Box 2121 II I City: Jasper State: OR IZIP:97438 ICourty: USA I Phone: 541-510-8454 Fax: I Cell/pager I IC E-mail: 'I Are there additional owners 6f the subject property? '0 Yes', [2g No', '. ' . j If Yes, attach the same contact information ,as above for each of the cocowners on a separat~ sheet. !Subject property addressees): 4396 Main Street Icrry: Springfield IState ,OR ZIP 97478 Ico~:nty: Lane Township(s): I Range(s):' Section(s): , ,lllTax lot(s): 17 02 32 JI 100 Current zoning: Community Commercial Proposed zoning: Comm~nity Commercial In the boxes below, describe the existing and proposed land use(s) on the property, including square footage or acreage, Existing: Proposed: Residentiai and commercial (auto repai'f shop) Rental Car Facility 734-2680 (9!~7) Page 2 of 4 DatE1' Receiyed:,~h!.Jo"L Planner: At II a plan !he local government approved a site plan or for tre'proposed land use? o Yes, (If yes, attach' a copy of the plans being reviewed by the local government) o No llQ~QlI(r~it~2P!~rr~~gql1it~m~n~};fq?5;!i5ftifli)i1i:Wi0jJl2i:iiii.'l,5.iifiij[i;C1t"fF";,xx,i,.':i,.;;,"'.";:;.ii..,f'XD.,.. '" Submit drawing(s) no larger than 11'" x 17", in size, Site plan(s) shall include all applicable infonnation listed below: ' u_. r: <;>::',;c..:':,:c;' Property location and property lines,including: o North arrow ;1 o Show all lots or parceis that are part of the property or development with their corresponding tax lot numbers identified ' il o Distance from the property lines to the center of the proposed approach , , ' II Using solid lines, show:. ' ,'Ii' o Proposed approaches with req~ested width and turning move merits shown o Proposed & existing buildings and structures to be retained I! o Proposed use of existing buildings and structures to be retained !I o ,Other proposed equipment or facilities and their proposed use ii o Proposed access or "cross-over" easements with neighboring properties o Nearest approaches on both sides of the highway within 500' of theprbposeq appro?ch center-line Using dashed lines, show: o Existing approaches with width and turning movements shown D Place an "X" on approaches to be removed o Existing buildings and structures to be removed o Existing equipment or facilities' to be removed 0, Other existing facilities to, be removed ii o Existing access or "cross-over" easements with neighboring properties II Show proposed on-site circulation, including:' o Travel lanes with travel directions indicated D Travel lane widths o Parking spaces or parking areas o Access locations to the parking spaces or areas Show nearest landmark or cross street: o Provide nearest cross street name II o Distance from tlie requested approach location to the nea'rest cross street o All pubiic streets that abut the property(s) 734-2"680 (11f07 - Distric(5) Page 3 of 4 II I I ( J Date f~eceiv 3d: 12/ZI/;)o"7 Planner: AIJI ' II "I DATE RECEIVED BY ODOT: 'CHAMPS ID#t ]1 Oregon Department of Tlilnsportation il LAND USE; COMPATIBILITY STATEME~T (LVCS) " .. " "l What is a !-ueS? ALand Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS) is the form ODOT uses to ensure that Highway Approach Permits ore consistent with local land use requirements', -,,:, Why is a LUeS Required? ODOT Coordination Rules, OAR 731-015, identitY Highway Approach Permits as permits that affect land use, State law requires ODOT-activities that affect land use to be consistent with acknowiedg'ed local, , ' comprehensive plans.., " ,I When isa LUeS Required? An ODOT LUCS must be submitted with every,ODOT Highway Approach Permit Applicati~n, ' - ' How to Complete the LUeS: The applicant .completes Section 1, Section 2 must be local jurisdiction, , The applicant then submits the completed LUCS to ODOT as part ofthe Highway Approach !Applicant name: Michael j Kaiser I Applicant signature: 'x,~ J~~ Ii IDate: 1-09-08' I I Property owner name: TTT Ranch LW ' II I I Subject property address 4396 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97478 II ,I, I Site"description: 0.61 acre site developed w/1 residential & 1,: commercial structure & outbuildings located at the NW c~rner of M~in (~ckenzie Hwy) & 44th St. I I Describe the proposed activity, use or devel?pment, including type and volume .of traffic it willjgenerate:Redevelop site by removing ai eXisting structures, replacing wi a 2100 sf bUl,ldmg for,;a rental car facIlity generatmg approx. 60 ADT, 40 ADT u~lng the a~proach to the McKenzie Hwy. I IToWnShiP(S): ,[Range(S): !Sectiori(S): ]\Tax lot(s): I 17 02 32 ' , 1 00 Section 2 must be':,completed by a Local Pla'nning Official. 'II The subject property is ~ Inside city limits 0 Outside city limits 0 Inside UGB [] Current Comprehensive Plan designation: Current zoning!, 00-- Is a, Comprehensive Plan or zoning 'amendment proposed? 0 Yes IZl No 'II If yes, list the proposed plan designation: Proposed zoning: II Does the activity, use,or development require land use review tei determine compliance with ;regulationS? 'lID Yes 0 No If no, it means that no local land use review is required, Skip to, Local Planning Official Information section below, If yes, what is the status of the' land. use applicati6n? 0 Approved 0 Denied ~ undJlr review 0 Not yet received List fiie numbers ()\Z..C '7,r::r)=i'~(J'J.)9S7;(,':c,;'t,,-r;;'o~ I~>'-'" ') Is the de~'s'on final? 0 Yes [g] No Comments: /1 ''0' '.\ \~J,,,,,,-,-x;o:F I II Ii " 11 II I II I " C~lI/page:>r: ' II " I il I: Date Received: Planner: AL ii Date: ! /1 lOr:?, ; 2-h 1/2.007 I IJurisdiction: ..S;",\ "C-~ "2f!~\ Iplanning official na~e and\.t1tI~: '-rccv",- "'::JOV\"''' I Mailing address:::'2S - <:)-""- '6--t ICity, state, ZIP ~::'e\--\c;,,-f-',o_Qc-~ crz 'Q'141'f Iphone: tp,t( \ =r"c- 7Cot,'2. [Fax: SLit 1L{,,- sic, '1 (,0 .IE-mail: +)OV'''''-C~ c'" C"Q'-"Vl,J;oOd ,,,,r, u.S. Planning o~Cial signature: x" "-(~',n,,/\~'.c.,:l.'- " 734-2680 (9/0?) ,(J " Page 4 of 4 ~.ABI~t-.._.,.,.a;-..",; "";...,, [~'" ...,.."', 'NO I'L><IC1JL>Il _~, 10.....,_ L.ANQSC,~eE2<EY ~~::~:::":'_ '.;""'JO."~ . ._ ____ __. ""l""'''':.'''''''"."''''''''"''''''''' 1 "D- -~.~'::~;t~~~~;;~""o.":;1'1 ."''''"",,DslANll'''''"",,"",,^''''' . . ,-I , i II \~""";w,,, i::":i,c~~" "'''''''''['' \,-,' ,-- "'[I",,", "",0"'" t~l~[/ t.l'IIUL / -rTJ l ~'--- ' , ., ~ "",=~~~j,,- ~ 1- rr::; StILSJ.!.MM!lKl: OS'.,' '''-," .....""',,,..,, \ ,-""~,,, to,,,,:, ~^" ,.....'" '''LO', """A.'''"', """',''''''''-0..... " ,",m... "O~"Jl '" ,"_,' I -~SCRm<ItOff"""'..E>1f..,O~"D'l_ ""ALL OE ",,"_"""~C"" ac "'''' ",,-""""'MIl"'''.''''''''''''''' .oo1'eIl""Q"""'l "_"'''^''''''L't>.t~C'''' 10000 --~' \Rpo;:) - -- ~-~ (~ ~ _:..~ \_ ~ __ ==-_ ~...J::!4 I :_=_;_~ ~_~_:_= = = EJ.HI"""''' ^"Jrl 7"""ttQ '-j ~_tD'\1]~<>:')i:.~11~ '"''.'L.''' '0 "' ''''0,",''' ....MI_"-'. ,"",,,n"1!lOO',,,,,,.'NTI-..,Oop ",oroW;'BlD'c<MR'or. 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U D ~ /~l"::'N'o';.~~';~lI~'~or ~:,'~ <;Ot"""""Lt~_I'MlW'''"' ~GR"'-'~oU>,(t ."'" ..."" '"O"~ '".I. ",'.1(><",,'" "'51."'0>,"'" "',.,,,.,",,. f.~;,r, 3i 1('1 ~ ~1(-Hl:Z "- ~,"~ 0' <( U <( I "0 Q) >-l ~(ii <( o ill i...: G::tD (\j~ -m m_ au.. '- /': uJ 0:: W 0" (L Q.. (L -1.11 r- z w "5 ;~ ~5 ~! z :5 ", ~ "000016 ~~"""o OMS o:;j'-i2=10~07 ~"'" -,~~[;-_._.._-"-- 501",) I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I POAGE I ENGINEERING & SURVEYING. INC. STORMW ATER ANALYSIS FOR ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR SITE DEVELOPE ME NT 4396 Main Street December 18, 2007 , Date, Received::/.2.-f!J<>o7 Planner: AL " CIVIL / ENGINEERING . SURVEYING p,O, BOX 2527 EUGENE, OR 97402-0152 990 aBlE ST, 541/485-4505 FAX 5411485-5624 WWW,POAGE,NET " " I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 Page 2 - 3 Page 3 Appendices: TABLE OF CONTENTS - PROJECT OVERVIEW - DRAINAGE AREA SUMMARY - WATER OUALlTY (EDSPM Chanter 3) - ~ENERAL STUDY REOUlREMENTS (EDSPM Chanter 4) - DESIGN OF STORM SYSTEM (EDSM Section 4.04) - CONCLUSION City of Springfield Stormwater Management Scope of Work STORM DRAINAGE & GRADING PLAN ' Spreadsheets - : 2- YEAR EXISTING CONDITION (SBUH, ENTIRE SITE) 2- YEAR DEVELOPED CONDITION (SB~, TO SW ALE) 2- YEAR DEVELOPED CONDITION (SBUH, ENTIRE SITE COLLECTED) 2- YEAR DEVELOPED CONDITION (SBUH, ENTIRE SITE) Hydraulic Calculations for System (Haestad Methods printouts) , Date Received:j.2-h/~7 Planner: AL I ' I .' . I I . I . I I . . I I I I I I I I PROJECT OVERVIEW This report is being written to show how the proposed Enterprise Rent A Car site development will I' .Ii comply with all all applicable engineering and city codc requirements with regards to stormwater runoff. The project is to develop the site at 4396 Main Street with a new 2,100 s4uare foot building and associated parking and vehicular storage areas for a rental car business. Ther~ is an ~xisting mobile home, shop, and auto repair garage located on the site that are to be remoted as ~ part of this development. ' DRAINAGE AREA SUMMARY The site contains approximately 26,426 square feet (sf), with 2 I ,622 sf proposed to be irripervious buildings or paved areas, The existing improvements on site (to be removed) acdount for , . approximately l4,822 sf of impervious areas. Of the areas proposed to be imperVious, approximately 1 8,346 sf are to be AC,paving for vehicuhlr use, 2,100 sffor buildings and 1, 1 76 ~ffor concrete sidewalks for a total of 21 ,622 sf. The net gain of impervious area is 6,800 sf. Elcept for the small " areas adjacent to the street at the driveways (540 sf) and sidewalk connections (l~5 sf), all of the paved areas (AC & concrete) will drain tathe grassy swale. Ii I WATER OUALITY (EDSPM Chanter 3) !i , 'I I , l The attached City Stormwater Scope of Work Sheet required that all non-building rooftop (NBR) impervious areas be pretreated and additionally a minimum of 50% of the NBR irhpervious surface shall be treated by vegetative methods, The proposal complies with this require4ent as most of the NBR impervious areas are being treated in the swale, The proposal includes appi~ximately 1 9,517 sf ofNBR impervious areas of which 735 sfwill drain to the public street. The rem~ining 18,787 sf, or 96% will drain to the swale. As such, the proposal complies with this section for:I'water quality, .1, II GENERAL STUDY REOUlREMENTS (EDSPM Chanter 4) Hydrologic analysis of the proposed development was done per the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures (EDSM), adpotedOctober 2002, and per the City Storl:nwater " II. ,[ Scoping Sheet (attached), The Santa Barbara Urban Hydrograph (SBUH) method was used to " determine peak flows for a 2 year, 24-hour SCS Type IA Design Storm. The SBUH analysis is shown ; ~r .j on the attached spreadsheets, The peak 2"year existing flow for the site is 0.40 cfs, The ,developed peak 2-year flow to the swale is 0.44 cubic feet per second (cfs) , The developed peak 2-year flow collected on the site will be 0.51 cfs, If tlie 735 sf of impervious area draining to :the public right of way were included, the developed peak 2"year flow would be 0.52 cfs. Date, Received: 1,}.';;./~7 j' -; '/" DESIGN OF STORM SYSTEM (EDSM Section 4.04) Planner: AL " The pipe collection system aiJd swale are designed to convey stormwater per applIcable code requirements, Both the swale and the 8" pipe conveying collected flows from th~: site to:the public storm pipe in 44th Street can handle the d~sign flows as shown on the Hydraulic qalculations for the System (Haestad Methods printouts), The 2 year storm event will create flow de~ths of 0.19 feet (ft), 'I 2 " I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I or just over 2-1/4 inches in the swale and a flow velocity of 0.84 feet per second (fps). For the 2-year event"the 8" pipe will be 41 % full and have a velocity of3,75 fps, with a pipe slope of 1.0%, The final design could be changed to allow fOli slow pipe velocities once the existing public pipe in the streetis potholed and the exact connection elevation can be determined, Ifthe slope of the pipe were 0.55% then the flow velocity for the 2-year event would be 3.0 fps, For a 25 year event flows in the swale will be at 0.25 ft (3 inches) deep with velocity of 1.0 fps, The 8" pipe in a 25 year event will be 57 % full and flowing at 4.3 fps. Therefore the proposed system can handle design flow~ for storm events up to and including a 25-year event. CONCLUSION The proposed development of the subject property for Enterprise Rent A Car complies with all applicable standards of the Springfield D~velopment Code and the City of Springfield Engineering Design Standards and Procedures, specifically as related to storm water management as outlined herein. , " Date ReC~ived: 12-/2/9-7 Planner: AL leT " I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I APPENDICES Date Received: /~/.J00;7 Planner: AL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I City of Springfield Stormwater Management Scope of\Vork ' Date Recciived: /z;f;60~L Planner: tL II, I 08/:}0/2007 12: 0;) FAX 54I 7J6 1021 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW ~002 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _rPMI...."'IILI>=~ " ' ' I (:" ,,,,,,'1";~. .,,-' _ . _ '" ......~"1l'""~it!;,'~..'-~ll. . ' , , ~~'., PUBUCWORKS DEPARTMENT I Engineering Division Phone: (541) 721>-3753 Fax: (541) 736-1021 STORlVIWATERMA.NAGKMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK I I J I ~- . (Area belolt; titL',- -line fiJItd our /.tV Applic~ (please raumto Matt SIouder @ Ci.ty alSprin'fffield Pui;Jlic Work:; Engineering; Fa::: -# 73~102j, Phone # i36..10S5), e;mail:mnouder(?fJc;.sprinfdield..or. W' IJoo TokatJy llU:!&loi i54J~g5-4505 rs41~85-5624 Ik&iac:r@pon~.l1I:i Project Name; 13873 ___ ABsessors Parcel 117-"2-32-3111.100 LandUse(s); _r..._.. .-.>:"",'!,(. Project Size (Acres): 1,&1 Approx. ImperviOUS Area: 19146 SF ---.J Applicant: - I Date: Phone #: iFax#: I Email: ProjectcDescriotion Qnclude a COPy of Assessor's maD): " Redevelopment of c:l;isting site for a o::w C-J:t rental radiit)'. RcdevdopmetH to-illduot:; m~W buj]dings\ car"pa;king,~driv~Wi1)'::l ano U'l:Hiues_ I Draina:!e Prnoosal (P\lblic connoction(s). discha""e location(s), o:c, Anach additional sheet(s) ifnee-.-ssary: Portions of storm water discharge will be directod'to the I5" storm water system on 44th sfeet via a double-chambered catch basin w/oi! fiJtration media for stonnwater quality, All other storm water will be handl~d by an on site grassy swale with. a single catch ba.s=~ that directs stonnwater to 3611 stonn water gystem on Main street r ProDosed Stormwater Best M"na~ement Practices: ' .,., ,-~ ' All Don-buiJdin!o'!; rooftop (NBR) impervious surfac:;:ssha.ll"bc prc-tn::aIed with a doublc~cb.ambert:d catchbasiD wioil filtr.\tioD media for storrnwaIe1' quality. Additionally, a minimum of 50% of the NER impervious surfac:: shall be treated. by, a grassy s'Wale. " ~ I J .. -.. - (c4reo hdUr1/ this line filled aut bl' tlu! Cltl'; crnd Rernn1ed to tileADuile1VftJ ?d1 a minimum; all boxes checked by 'the OX)' all the front and back (Jf !h~ sheeT sha.ll be sl"wmitt.ea' . for an af'vlic:Jrion to be CDTTrPlete (ar submittaL airhofJf!n other reguUemtZrlts maV be neceESa1"').) Drain,,!!e Study T'roe (EDSPM Section 4.D3,1.): (Note. lJH mav be substituted for Rational Method]. n Srilall. Site Study - (uS~ Rarionaj:~~od for ~lcu.Jations) ~ Mid-Level Development Srody - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculations) o Full Drainage DevelopmeIIt Srody - (u.se Licit Eydrograph Method fOT oalcuiations) Environmental Considerations: ~ W ~~ad Zone: "1.0 ~ "1"\ ~,I>C ~ Wet1andlRiparian: .J#' g Soil Type: !,.,/ - ;;) ,..~" '1.1 Downstream Analvsis:, 'P':'vJl JI~ Jj>." NIl>< o Dr'lT ~ Hillside Development --- . ~ FloodwaY/FloodplJino W Other Jurisdictions" Ii r h:,Ji LA MJ '~ ~ o o N/A Flow line fol' smrting water surfuce elevanon: Design HGL to use, for stllrting water surface elevation: Manhole!Juncnoll to take analysis to: i, RBtum to Matt Stouder@ Cicy of Springfield. emaiJ: mstomferrroci.sDrinttfieJd.or.llS.. FAX: (511) 73&1021 Date Rec~ived: /z.h/ ~7 Planner: AL -:7 Y"" II I aSnOJ2D07 12: 0.3 FAX 541 736 10?1 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW !4J 003 , 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 I I 1 1 1 1 I, I 1 1 COMYLETESTlmYITEMS I ForOffi~iill Ulit!' Only: MA$ * Easet{ Up01/ the I1!formanon provide.d on thejront of this sheet. thefolluwi:ng ,..epr~e~ a minimum a/what is ne~d~ for an application tt:J be complete for ::uhmirral with respect ~tJ 'd~ainc.ge; howe:ver, this list should not be used'in lierJ. afthe. Springfield Development Code. (IDe) or the City 'cS Engineeri.1l.g De..ngn Mll1tt.U1l. Compliance with these reqznremtaUs dOes nor constilute siU1 approvo.i.' A.da'itionai ,,-ite .spec~fic iriform.ti.tion may be requi~....d.. Note: Upon SCOp'ing sheet submt.tta.{, em:urt):completedjOrm has been signed in the :;pace provided below: Interim Design StaD<lardsIWater QUality (EDSPM Chapter 3) Req 'J NIA ' ~ 0 All non-building "rooftop (NBR) tmpervicus surfa.c::" shal.! be: pre-trur.ed (e._g. mulri-chwnbered. ,catchbasin w/oil fi1rrarion media) for Stotmwate::- quality. A...dilirionally; a ro.il1imum of 50%, af the NBR impcr,.rlous suri'ace shall bc treated by vegetated methods. " liJ D Wbi:X.r~quiTl::d, vegdativc stonnwate:- design shall b~ consistent with into1Jn design st.wdards (EDSP::v.t Section 3.02), 9et forth by the Bureau ofEnvtronmental Scrv1~ (BES) or Qca:n WaIer.Se:-vices (CWS). ~ 0 For new"NBR imp~ious arC3 Jess dUUl l.5~OOO square fcti, E!. simpliii~ design approach may be followed as sp~:::ificd by the BES for ve~~tjvc ~i:ment ~ 0 If a stOOIlwate:- treatmcrt.t s-.,.:a1e is propost:d, submit calculations/specifications for sizing. velocity) rlow1 side. slopes, bottom slope, ana sa:d. mix, consisre:nc with citb~ BES or CWS requiremenrs:. ~ D Wat~ Quality calculations as requiTt::d in Section 3.03.1 of die EDSPlvf ~ 0 AJJ building rooftop.mounted ~quipmc:::Jt, or'bther i1uid containmg equipment located outside ofllie buDding, shall be provided wjr.h" secondary containment or weather T1:S15"...aJ11 enclosure. General Study ll.equirem=to (EDSPM $eerio. 4.03) it 0 Drainag.; study prepared by a P'9fes...'rionaJ Civil Engineer li~ed' in the state of Oregon. o 1jjj A complclc dr.3.inage stUdy, as n:qui=J in EDSl'M S<:cti"" 4,03,], including . bydrolo~caJ studY., map. " >> 0 Calculations showiTJg sysremcapacity for a 2-year stonn t::Vent andoverDow cif~'"tS of a 25~year star:rn r:vcnt. _ 0 The rime: OfCOIlC:ut:ratlon (Te) .mall be d~ine.d using a 10 minute S'".m time for d~vcJoped baSins. Review ofDownsIre2.m System (EDSPM Sec.tioJl 4.03;4.Q o ~ doWnstream drainage analysis as d.e:scr:lbe~ in EDSPM Se.......nOfl 4.03.4.C. On-site drainage shall be governed by the Oregon Plumbing Spccialry Cade (Opsq, o ~Elcva.rions of the HGL and flow lines fur botb city and pnvaic syst~5 where applicable. Desip of Storm Svstems (EDSPM Section 4.04) " 0 Flow lin"c::s, slopes, rim elevations, pipe type. and siz::s clearly indicated on thl: plan se'_ o It}.furimum pipe cover shall be 18 inc~cs for .....;..~:...........;..d pipe ano 36 wc:.l,es for plain concrete.a.nd plastic pipe :met~als. or proper e!lgi...nc:ring calcu1arioDsshalJ 'be ptovided when lcss. Tne cover'shall be sufficiot 10 support an 30,000 1b load wTtbou! failure or the viDc $UUCt11rf;. o _Manning'S '''u'' vaiucS.f~r pjpes shalJ:b:=; ccnstste::Jt with Table 4-1 of the EDSP, All StOrm pipes sbail be designed 10 achi-.:vc Ii minimum velocity of1;h1-ee:,(3) fe~;pe:- sc::ono. ar 0.5 pipe full bascC on Table 4-1 as well, Other/Mise 5i . o o Existing and proposed contOJill;, located ar one foot inte;-veil. !ncluq.espot devation.,.. and site grades showing"bOW sire dr.1ins o Private stormwatcrea5e:lJ1e:J.t5 shall DC clca:r}y depicted on plans when private storm\V8.'tc: flows from one J"" ~:-'- '.I to anothe!' li}:ory-..:r..eHs shall not r~ve nmofffrom allY surface w;o being n-e:area by one or more BN!Ps, with the cxc:--ption ofresid.enria.l building roof.; (EPSP SectioD. 3.03.4..A)" ..o\.d~rional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Refl!r to the websitc: W'ww_derJ_stan::.or_uc;/wn/9'rrmndwa!uic1nme_hcm for more infonnatioD... _Detention ponds shall be designed to .llrn:it i'~offto pn:-cievelopment raies for the 2 through 25-year storm eVentS ~his form shall bt: im:lu.tU:d as an tU1D.Cltmerzt, inside dr.efroltt coover, of tnf:. storm.water srud:v i' - *JMf'ORTAJ\'T: ENGINEER PLEASE RE4.D 8ELOWAND SIGN! I o As tbe 0llg1nee!'" ofrecorrl., I hereby c=rtiry the above required items aJc: complete and included w:i~h the submitted sr.or:mW'9!el' study and plan se: gh.? 4 , I~! Wi'" '1_ .7 ',1. Signature ~ 11, J/' I Form Y'CfSlon.2; March 20D4 Date Received' :~~7 Planner: AL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I STORM DRAINAGE & GRADING PLAN Date Received: 10~407 Planner: AL ., ,i,!.1~.i'-+i.i I.:. ';~~);,,;\.r:!'\LItE ~ ~~W~r,.'n ~~~"U ill : \ ~~" \\\ ~ "'>OOJ'D<r~ ~FifilJFLd :, ! 1/1":." :\ ____I~u...n'''''''~~--__ , 1 . 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O/I.'".'M~ Z 1 ~ '" ~ \5 1_ , Z ~~ ~ fl:, ll. ~ ~. ~! ;j ~ ~~'~'~ f-llx#1U (6 ~ :c:~'~' a !Ii hJ n!n .! v:..,. . . ,::,i:." ~.. .~:' =. i.".~_'- ~O' U?fVI'llrJW, ~~~~~~~~~H~~l , , ~t"';'~~._.N.i-1 !'2.;J"",::.E~QL_ ",,",m :;;~;;';T';;', 1 C 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2- YEAR EXISTING CONDITION (SBUH, ENTIRE SITE) Date Received: ;ii,ftt17 , Planner: AL " il I I Existing 2-year, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm I BUSHNELL SUBDIVISION EXISTING CONDITION (ENTIRE SITE) I 24-Hour SCS Type 1A Design Storm - 2 Year total area = 26426 0,61 (acres) File No: 3873 U2,QPW pervlOus area = 11604 0.27 (acres) 12-18-07, MJK I Impervious area = 14,822 0.34 (acres) pervious CN = 74 S= 3,5135 0.2S = 0,7027 I impervious CN = 98 S= 0.2041 O.2S = 0.0408 I total depth rain Pt= 3.12 (inches) dt= 10 (min) Existing 2- Year Peak flow from site = O.40cfs < I PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS I Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Accum, . Accum, Incre, ' Accum, Incre, Total hlstant Time distr. Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrale (min) dislr. (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) ~, ~Jcfsl_ I ------ ------- , 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0< 10 0.40% 0.40% 0.012 0,012 0.000 0.000 0,000 0,000 0.000 0,00 < I 20 0.40% 0.80% 0,012 0.025 0,000 0,000 0.000 0,000 0,000 0,00 < 30 0.40% 1.20% 0,012 0,037 0,000 0,000 0,000 0.000 0,000 0,00 < 40 0.40% 1.60% 0,012 0,050 ,0.000 0,000 0,000 0.000 0,000 0.00 < I 50 0.40% 2,00% 0.012 0,062 0.000 0,000 0,002 0,002 0.001 0.00 < 60 0.40% 2.40% 0.012 0,075 0,000 0,000 0,005 0,003 0,002 0,01 < 70 0.40% 2,80% 0,012 0.087 0,000 0,000 0,009 0.004 0,002 0,01 < I 80 0.40% 3.20% 0,012 0,100 0,000 0,000 0.013 0,005 0,003 0.01 < 90 ' 0.40% 3.60% 0.012 0,112 0.000 0,000 0,019 0,005 0,003 0.01 < 100 0.40% 4.00% 0,012 0.125 0,000 0,000 0.024 0,006 0.003 0.01 < I 110 0,50% 4.50% 0,016 0,140 0,000 0,000 0.033 0,008 0,005 0,02 < i20 0.50% 5,00% 0.016 0,156 0.000 0,000 0,042 0,009 0,005 0.02 < 130 0,50% 5,50% 0,016 0,172 0,000 0,000 0,051 0,010 0.005 0.02 < I 140 0.50% 6.00% 0,016 0,187 0,000 0,000 0.061 0,010 0,006 0.02 < 150 0.50% 6,50% 0.016 0.203 0,000 0,000 0,072 0.011 0,006 0.02 < ~\ 160 0,50% 7,00% 0.016 0,218 0.000 0,000 0,083 0,011 0,006 0.02 < ; I 170 0,60% 7.60% 0,019 0.237 0,000 0.000 0,096 0,014 0.008 0,03 < 180 0,60% 8.20% 0,019 0.256 0,000 0,000 0,110 0,014 0,008 0.03 < ~"\ 190 0,60% 8.80% 0.019 0.275 0,000 0,000 0,125 0.014 0,008 0,03 < ~ I 200 0.60% 9.40% 0,019 0.293 0.000 0.000 0,140 0.015 0,008 0,03 < 210 0,60% 10.00% 0,019 0.312 0,000 0,000 0,155 0.015 0,008 0,03 < '0 220 0,60% ]0,60% 0.019 0.33] 0.000 0,000 0,170 0.QJ5 0,009 0.03 < !!2 '- -' I 230 0,70% 11.30% 0.022 0,353 0.000 0.000 0,]88 0,018 0.010 0,04 < &<( 240 "0,70% 12.00% 0,022 0.374 0,000 0,000 0,207 0,019 0.010 0,04 < OJ i..: f,;~: (l) 250 0,70% 12,70% 0.022 0.396 0000 0,000 0.226 0,019 0,011 0,04 < Q' C ~c: 260 0,70% 13.40% 0.022 0.418 0.000 0,000 0.245 0.019 0,011 0,04 mrn I 270 0,70% 14,10% 0,022 0,440 6,000 0.000 0.264 0.019 0,011 " 0,04 ciS: I I Existing 2-year, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm I PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS , Rainfall ' Incre. Rainfall Accum, Accum, Incre, Accum, Incre. Total Instant Time dislr, Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrale I (min) dislr, ---.1in) nJ~ ---.1in) (in) (in) (inL~_ " (cfL --~-,- 280 0,70% 14.80% 0.022 0.462 0,000 0.000 0.283 0.019 0,011 0.04 I 290 0,82% 15,62% 0.026 0.487 0,000 0,000 0.306 0.023 0,013 0.05 300 0,82% 16.44% 0.026 0.513 0,000 0,000 0.330 0,023 0.013 0,05 310 0,82% I7 .26% 0,026 0.539 0.000 0,000 0,353 0,023 0.013 0,05 I 320 0,82% 18,08% 0,026 0.564 ' 0.000 0,000 0,376 0,023 0,013 0.05 330 0.82% 18.90% 0,026 0.590 '0.000 0.000 0.400 0.024 0,013 0.05 340 0.82% 19.72% 0.026 0,615 0.000 0.000 0.424 0,024 0,013 0,05 I 350 0.95% 20.67% 0.030, 0.645 0,000 0,000 0.452 0.028 0.016 0.06 360 0,95% 21.62% 0.030 0.675 '0,000 0,000 0.479 0,028 0.016 0,06 370 0,95% 22.57% 0,030 0,704 0.000 0,000 0,507 0,028 0.016 0.06 I 380 0,95% 23,52% 0,030 0,734 '0.000 0,000 0,535 0.028 0,016 0.06 390 0.95% 24.47% 0.030 0,763 0.001 0.001 0,564 0.028 0,016 0.06 400 0,95% 25.42% 0.030 0,793 ,0,002 0,001 0.592 0.028 0,016 0.06 I 410 1.34% 26,76% 0.042 0.835 0.005 0,003 0.632 0.040 0.024 0.09 420 1.34% 28,10% 0,042 0.877 0.008 0,003 0,672 0.040 0,024 0,09 430 1.34% 29.44% 0,042 0,919 "0.012 0,004 0,712 0,040 0,024 0,09 I 440 1.80% 31.24% 0,056 0,975 0.020 0.007 0,766 0.054 0,034 0.12 450 1.80% 33.04% 0.056 1.03 I 0,028 0.008 0,821 0.054 0.034 0,13 460 3.40% 36.44% 0.106 1.137 0,048 0,020 0,924 0,103 0.067 0.24 I 470 5.40% 41.84% 0,168 1.305 0,088 0,040 1.089 0,165 0,110 0.40 480 2,70% 44,54% 0.084 1.390 0.Il2 0,024 U72 0.083 0,057 0.21 490 1.80% 46.34% 0,056 1.446 0,130 0.017 1.227 0,055 0,039 0.14 I 500 1.34% 47.68% 0.042 1.488 0,143 0,014 1.268 0.041 0,029 0,11 510 1.34% 49.02% 0.042 1.529 0.157 0,014 1.309 0,041 0.029 0,11 520 1.34% 50.36% 0,042 1.571 0.172 0,015 1.350 0,041 0,030 0,11 I 530 0.88% 51.24% 0,027 1.599 ~O,182 0,010 1.377 0,027 0,020 0.07 540 0,88% 52,12% 0.027 1.626 0,192 0,010 1.405 0.027 0,020 0.07 550 0,88% 53,00% 0,027 1.654 0.203 0.010 1.432 0.027 0,020 0.07 I 560 0.88% 53,88% 0,027 1.681 0.213 0,011 1.459 0.027 0.020 0.07 570 0,88% 54,76% 0,027 1.709 ,0.224 0,011 1.486 0,027 0,020 0,07 580 0,88% 55.64% 0.027 1.736 0.235 0.011 1.513 0,027 0,020 0,07 I 590 0.88% 56,52% 0.027 1.763 0.246 0,011 1.540 0.027 0,020 0,07 600 0,88% 57.40% ' 0,027 1.791 0.257 O,OIl 1.567 0.027 0.020 0.07 610 0,88% 58.28% 0.027 1.818 0.269 0,012 1,594 0.027 0,020 0,07 (\. ,,' I 620 0.88% 59,16% '0,027 1.846 0.281 0.012 1.622 0,027 0,020 " 0.07 ~ 630 0.88% 60,04% 0.027 1.873 0.293 0,012 1.649 0.027 0,020 0.08 ~" 640 0,88% 60,92% 0,027 1.901 0.305 0,012 1.676 0.027 0.021 0.08 I 650 0,72% 61.64% 0,022 1.923 0.315 0,010 1.698 0,022 0,017 0,06 ~, 660 0,72% 62.36% 0.022 1.946 0.325 0,010 1.720 0,022 0,017 " 0,06 -a 670 072% 63,08% 0,022 1.968 0.335 0,010 1.743 0.022 0.017 0,06 OJ >-1 I 680 0,72% 63,80% 0.022 1.991 0.345 0,010 1.765 0,022 0,017 0,06 'Iii< 690 0,72% 64.52% 0.022 2,013 0.356 0,010 1.787 0,022 0,017 0,06 () .:~) \,..: 700 0,72% 65.24% 0,022 2,035 0.367 0,011 1.810 0.022 0,017 " 0.06 ~':'.' ~ - ~, 0,72% I" ,_A I 710 65,96% 0.022 2.058 0.377 O.OIl 1.832 0,022 0,017 0,06 ':.~ .r~ 720 0,72% 66.68% 0,022 2.080 0.388 Om) ),854 0.022 0.017 0,06 CJ f.l., I I Existing 2-year, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm I PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall Inere, Rainfall Aeeum, Aeeum, Inere, Aeeum, Inere, Total Instant I Time distr. Rainfall Inere, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (min) distr. (in)_, (in) (in) (in) (in) ~ (in) (efs) 730 0,72% 67.40% 0,022 2,]03 0.399 0,01 I 1.876 0,022 0.017 0.06 I 740 0,72% 68,12% 0,022 2.125 0.4]0 0,01 I 1.899 0,022 0,017 0.06 750 0,72% 68.84% 0,022 2.148 0.42] 0,01 I 1.92] 0,022 0.017 0,06 760 0,72% 69.56% 0,022 2.170 0.432 0.01 I 1.943 0,022 0.017 0,06 I 770 0,57% 70,13% 0.018 2.188 0.441. 0.009 1.96] 0.0]8 0,0]4 0.05 780 0.57% 70,70% 0.018 2.206 0.450 0.009 1.979 0.0]8 0,014 0,05 790 0.57% 71.27% om 8 2.224 0.459 0,009 1.996 0.0]8 0,014 0,05 I 800 0.57% 71.84% 0.0]8 2.24] 0.469 0,009 2,0]4 0.018 0,014 0.05 810 0.57% 72.41% 0.0]8 2.259 0.478 0,009 2.031 0.018 0.014 0.05 820 0,57% 72.98% 0,0]8 2.277 0.487 0,009 2,049 0,018 0,0]4 0.05 I 830 0,57% 73.55% 0,018 2,295 0.496 0,009 2.067 0,018 0,0]4 0.05 840 0,57% 74,]2% 0,018 2.313 0.506 0,009 2,084 0.018 0,014 0,05 850 ,0.57% 74,69% om 8 2.330 0,515 0.009 2,]02 0.0]8 0,014 0.05 I 860 0,57% 75.26% 0.018 2.348 0,525 0,010 2,]20 0.0]8 0,014 0,05 ,870 0.57% 75.83% om 8 2.366 0,534 0,010 2,137 0.018 0,014 0,05 880 0,57% 76.40% 0.0]8 2.384 0.544 0,0]0 2.155 0,018 0.0]4 0.05 I 890 0,50% 76.90% 0,0]6 2,399 0.552 0,008 2,171 0,016 0,0]2 0.05 900 0,50% 77 .40% 0,0]6 2.4]5 0.56] 0,009 2.186 0,016 0,0]2 0,05 9]0 0.50% 77.90% 0,016 2.430 0.570 0,009 2.202 0,016 0,012 0,05 I 920 0,50% 78 .40% 0,016 2.446 0.578 0.009 2.2]7 0.0]6 0,012 0,05 930 0,50% 78,90% 0,016 2.462 0.587 0.009 2,233 0.0]6 0,012 0,05 940 0.50% 79.40% 0.016 2.477 0,596 0,009 2.248 0,016 0,013 0.05 I 950 0.50% 79.90% 0.016 2.493 0.604 0,009 2.264 0,016 0.0]3 0.05 960 0.50% 80.40% 0.0]6 2,508 0,613 0,009 2,279 0,016 0,013 0,05 970 0.50% 80.90% 0,0]6 2,524 0.622 0,009 2.295 0,016 0,013 0,05 I 980 0.50% 81.40% 0,016 2.540 0,63] 0,009 2,310 0.0]6 0,013 0,05 990 0,50% 81.90% 0,016 2.555 0,640 0,009 2,326 0.0]6 0,013 0.05 1000 0.50% 82.40% 0.016 2.571 0,649 0.009 2,34] 0.0]6 0,0]3 0.05 I 1010 0.40% 82,80% 0.0]2 2.583 0,656 0,007 2,354 0.0]2 0,010 0,04 1020 0.40% 83.20% 0,012 2.596 0.663 0,007 2.366 0.012 0.010 0.04 1030 0.40% 83,60% 0,012 2,608 0.670 0,007 2.378 0,012 0.010 0.04 I ]040 0.40% 84,00% 0,012 2.62] 0,677 0,007 2.39] 0,012 0,0]0 0,04 ]050 0.40% 84.40% 0.012 2.633 0,685 0.007 2.403 0,0]2 0,010 0,04 I'- "" 1060 0.40% 84,80% 0.0]2 2,646 0,692 0,007 2.4]6 0.0]2 0.010 0,04 ~ I 1070 0.40% 85.20% 0,0]2 2,658 0,699 0,007 2.428 0,012 0.0]0 0,04 1080 0.40% 85,60% 0,0]2 2,67] 0,707 0,007 2.441 0,012 0,010 0,04 ~\ 1090 0.40% 86,00% 0.012 2,683 0,7]4 0.007 2.453 0,012 0,010 0,04 ~\ I 1100 0.40% 86.40% 0.012 2.696 0,721 0.007 2.465 0.0]2 0.010 0,04 " ] 110 0.40% 86.80% 0.012 2.708 0,729 0,007 2.4 78 0.012 0.010 0,04 -0 ] 120 0.40% 87.20% 0.0]2 2,72] 0.736 0,007 2.490 0,012 0,0]0 0,04 g:-l I 1130 0.40% 87,60% 0,012 2.733 0,744 0,007 2.503 0,012 0,010 0.04 '0) <( 0 ] 140 0.40% 88,00% 0,012 2.746 0,75] 0,007 2.5]5 0,012 0,010 0.04 ~~j l.-: ,S;.' <g ]150 0.40% 88.40% 0.012 2,758 0,759 0.008 2,527 0,012 0,0]0 0,04 t-:: C I 1160 0.40% 88.80% 0.012 2,77] 0,766 0,008 2,540 0.0]2 0,010 0,04 "ij S:1 Of.!. 1 ]70 0.40% 89.20% 0,0]2 2,783 0.774 0,008 2.552 0.012 0,010 0,04 I I Existing 2-year, SCS Type t A 24 hour Storm I PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall (nere, Rainfall Aeeum. Aeeum, Inere, Aeeum, Inere. Total Instant Time distr. Rainfall Inere, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate I (mLnL dislr. (in) (in) (irl)_.---.ili0_ (in) , ..fi11L (in) (efs) 1180 0.40% 89,60% 0.012 2,796 ,0,781 0,008 2,565 0.012 0,010 0,04 I 1190 0.40% 90.00% 0,012 2.808 0,789 0,008 2,577 0.012 0.010 0,04 1200 0.40% 90.40% 0,012 2,820 0,796 0,008 2,590 0,012 0.010 0,04 1210 0.40% 90,80% 0.012 2.833 0,804 0,008 2.602 0,012 0.010 0.04 I 1220 0.40% 91.20% 0.012 2,845 0,812 0,008 2.614 0,012 0,010 0.04 1230 0.40% 91.60% 0.012 2,858 0.819 0,008 2.627 0,012 0,010 0,04 1240 0.40% 92.00% 0.012 2,870 0.827 0,008 2.639 0,012 0,010 0.04 I 1250 0.40% 92.40% 0.012 2.883 0.835 0.008 2,652 0.012 0,010 0,04 1260 0.40% 92,80% 0.012 2,895 0.843 0.008 2,664 0.012 0,010 0,04 1270 0.40% 93,20% 0.012 2,908 0.850 0.008 2,677 0.012 0,010 0.04 I 1280 0.40% 93,60% 0,012 2.920 0,858 0.008 2,689 0.012 0.010 0.04 1290 0.40% 94.00% 0,012 2.933 0,866 0,008 2,701 0,012 0,010 0.04 1300 0.40% 94.40% 0,012 2,945 0,874 0,008 2,714 0.012 0,010 0.04 I 1310 o .40'Yo 94.80% 0,012 2.958 0,882 0,008 2,726 0,012 0,010 0.04 1320 0.40% 95.20% 0,012 2,970 0,889 0,008 2.739 0,012 0,010 0,04 1330 0.40% 95,60% 0.012 2,983 0.897 0,008 2.751 0.012 0,010 0.04 I 1340 0.40% 96,00% 0.012 2,995 0.905 0,008 2,763 0.012 0,010 0,04 1350 0.40% 96.40% 0.012 3,008 0.913 0.008 2,776 0.012 0.010 0.04 1360 0.40% 96,80% 0.012 3.020 0.921 0.008 2,788 0.012 0.010 0.04 I 1370 0.40% 97,20% 0,012 3.033 0,929 0.008 2,801 0,012 0.010 , 0,04 1380 0.40% 97,60% 0,012 3.045 0,937 0,008 2,813 0,012 0.010 0.04 1390 0.40% 98.00% 0,012 3,058 0,945 0,008 2,826 0,012 0,010 0.04 I 1400 0.40% 98.40% 0,012 3,070 0,953 0,008 2.838 0,012 0,010 0.04 1410 0.40% 98.80% 0,012 3,083 0.961 0,008 2.850 0,012 0,011 0.04 1420 0.40% 99.20% 0.012 3,095 0.969 0,008 2.863 0.012 0,011 0.04 I 1430 0.40% 99,60% 0.012 3.108 0.977 0.008 2.875 0.012 0,011 0,04 1440 0.40% 100,0% 0.012 3.120 0,985 0,008 2,888 0,012 0.D11 0.04 I I I I I Date Received: I ~/:z/ )007 Planner: AL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2-YEAR DEVELOPED CONDITION (SBUH, TO SW ALE) Date Received: /2//2-/ ~_ Planner: AL I I Developed 2-year to swale, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm I ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR (4396 Main St.) DEVELOPED CONDITION (to swale) I 24-Hour SCS Type 1A Design Storm - 2 Year total area = 20062 0.46 (acres) File No: 3873 D2swale.QPW I pervlOus area = 1275 0,03 (acres) 12-18-07, MJK ImpervIOUS area = 18787 0.43 (acres) I pervious CN = 74 S= 3.5135 'O.2S= 0,7027 impervious CN = 98 S= 0.2041 0.2S = 0,0408 I total depth rain Pt= 3,12 (inches) dt= 10 (min) Developed 2- Year Peak flow to swale = 0.44 cfs < I I PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall locre, Rainfall Accom. Accum. Incre, Accum, Incre, Total Instant Time distr, Rainfall lncre. Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (min) distr, (in) (in) (in) n_iin) (in) (in) (inl--"icfs) I .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o < 10 0.40% 0.40% 0.012 0.0]2 0,000 0,000 0.000 0,000 0,000 0,00 < I 20 0.40% 0,80% 0,012 0,025 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0.000 0,00 < 30 0.40% 1.20% 0,012 0.037 0.000 0,000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0,00 < 40 ,0.40% 1. 60% 0,012 0.050 0.000 0.000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0.00 < I 50 0.40% 200% 0,012 0,062 0.000 0,000 0,002 0,002 0,002 0,00 < 60 0.40% 2.40% 0,012 0,075 0,000 0,000 0,005 0,003 0,003 0,01 < 70 0.40% 2.80% 0.012 0,087 0,000 0,000 0,009 0,004 0,004 0.01 < I 80 0.40% 3.20% 0,012 0.100 0.000 0,000 0,013 0,005 0,004 'I, 0,01 < 90 0.40% 3,60% 0,012 0,112 0,000 0,000 0,019 0,005 0,005 0,01 < 100 0.40% 4,00% 0,012 0,125 0,000 0,000 0,024 0,006 0,006 0,02 < I 1]0 hO.SO% 4,50% 0,0]6 0.140 0,000 0,000 0,033 0,008 0,008 0,02 < 120 0.50% 5,00% 0,016 0,]56 0,000 0,000 0,042 0,009 0.008 0,02 < 130 0,50% 5.50% 0,016 0,]72 0,000 0.000 0,051 0,010 0,009 0.02 < I 140 0,50% 6.00% 0,016 0,187 0000 0,000 0,06] 0,010 0,009 0,03 < 150 0.50% 6,50% 0.016 0,203 0,000 0,000 0,072 Oml 0,010 0,03 < " 160 0.50% 7,00% 0,016 0.2]8 0,000 0,000 0,083 0.011 0,010 0,03 < Il. I 170 0.60% 7.60% 0,019 0.237 0,000 0.000 0,096 0,014 0,013 0,04 < ~ 180 0.60'Yo 8.20% 0.0]9 0.256 0,000 0,000 0,110 0,014 0,013 0,04 < ~' 190 0,60% 8,80% 0,019 0.275 0.000 0,000 0,125 0.014 0,014 0,04 < I 200 0,60% 9.40% 0,019 0.293 0.000 0.000 0,]40 0,015 0,014 0,04 < ~, 210 0.60% 10,00% 0,019 0.312 0,000 0,000 0,155 0,015 0,014 0,04 < 'U Gl 220 0,60% 10,60% 0.019 0,331 0,000 0,000 0,170 0.015 0.014 0.04 < >--1 I 230 0,70% 11.30% 0,022 0.353 0.000 0,000 0,188 0,018 0,017 0,05 < .m <( u 240 ' O,70'X, 12.00% 0,022 0.374 0,000 0,000 0.207 0,0]9 0,017 0,05 < Wi...: , ft:Gl 250 0,70% ]2,70% 0.022 0.396 0,000 0,000 0.226 0,019 0,018 0,05 < <Dc _c I 260 0.70% 13.40% 0,022 0.418 0,000 0,000 0.245 0.019 0.Dl8 0,05 roctl Oll.. 270 0,70% ]4,10% 0,022 0,440 0,000 0,000 0.264 0,019 0,018 0,05 I I ,Developed 2-year to swale,SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm I PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Accum, Accum, Incre. Aecum, Inere, Total Instant I Time distr, Rainfall !ncre, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flo~~are (min) distr, (i1'l.__ (igL ~in)_(inL -1ir1L _(in) (in) :'(cfs) I 280 0,70% 14.80% 0,022 0.462 0,000 0,000 0.283 0,019 0,018 0.05 290 0,82% 15,62% 0,026 0.487 0,000 0,000 0.306 0,023 0,022 0.06 '300 0,82% 16.44% 0,026 ' 0.5i3 0,000 0,000 0,330 0,023 0,022 0,06 I 310 0,82% 17.26% 0,026 0.539 0,000 0,000 0.353 0,023 0,022 0,06 320 0,82% 18,08% 0.026 0,564 0,000 0,000 0,376 0,023 0,022 0.06 330 0,82% 18.90% 0.026 0.590 0,000 0,000 0,400 0,024 0,022 0,06 I 340 0.82% 19,72% 0,026 0.615 0,000 0.000 0.424 0,024 0,022 0.06 350 0,95% 20,67% 0.030 0,645 0,000 0,000 0.452 0,028 0,026 0,07 360 0,95% 21.62% 0.030 0,675 0.000 0,000 0.4 79 0.028 0,026 0.07 I 370 0,95% 22.57% 0.030 0,704 0,000 0,000 0,507 0.028 0.026 0,07 380 0,95% 23 .52% ,0.030 0,734 0.000 0,000 0,535 0.028 0.026 0.07 390 0,95% 24.47% 0.030 0,763 0.001 0,001 0,564 0.028 0,026 0.07 I 400 0,95% 25.42% 0.030 0,793 0.002 0,001 0,592 0.028 0.027 0.07 410 1.34% 26,76% 0,042 0,835 p.005 0,003 0,632 0,040 0.038 0,10 420 1.34% 28,10% 0,042 0,877 0,008 0,003 0,672 0,040 0.038 0,11 430 1.34% 29.44% 0,042 0,919 0,012 0,004 0,712 0,040 0.038 0,11 I 440 1.80% 31.24% 0,056 0,975 . 0.020 0,007 0,766 0,054 0,051 0,14 450 1.80% 33,04% 0,056 1.031 0,028 0,008 0.82] 0,054 0,052 0,14 460 3.40% 36.44% 0,106 1.137 0,048 0,020 0,924 0,103 0,098 0.27 I 470 5 .40% 41.84% 0,168 1.305 0,088 0,040 1.089 0,165 0,157 0.44 480 2,70% 44.54% 0,084 1.390 0,112 0,024 1.172 0,083 0,079 " 0.22 490 1.80% 46.34% 0,056 1.446 0,130 0,017 1.227 0,055 0,053 0,15 I 500 ' 1.34% 47.68% 0,042 1.488 0,143 0,014 1.268 0,041 0,039 0,11 510 1.34% .49,02% 0,042 1.529 0,157 0,014 1,309 0,041 0,039 0,11 520 " 1.34% 50,36% 0,042 1.571 0,172 0,015 1.350 0,041 0,040 0,11 I 530 0,88% 51.24% 0,027 1.599 0,'182 0,010 1.277 0,027 0,026 0.07 540 0,88% 52,12% 0,027 1.626 0,192 0,010 1.405 0,027 0,026 0.G7 550 0,88% 53,00% 0:027 1.654 0.203 0,010 1.432 0,027 0,026 0.G7 I 560 0.88% 53.88% 0,027 1.681 0,213 0,011 1459 0,027 0,026 0.07 570 088% 54,76% 0.027 1.709 0,224 0,011 1,486 0,027 0,026 0.G7 580 0,88% 55,64% 0,027 1.736 0.235 0,011 1.513 0,027 0,026 0.G7 I 590 0,88% 56.52% 0,027 1.763 0,246 0,011 1.540 0,027 0,026 0.G7 600 0,88% 57.40% 0,027 1.791 0.257 0,011 1.567 0,027 0,026 0.07 t\ 610 0,88% 58.28% 0,027 1.818 0.269 0,012 1.594 0,027 0,026 0.07 ~ I 620 ' 0,88% 59,16% 0,027 1.846 0.281 0,012 1.622 0,027 0,026 0.07 630 0,88% 60.04% 0.027 1.873 .0.293 0,012 1.649 0,027 0,026 0.07 "\. 640 0,88% 60,92% 0.027 1.901 0,305 0,012 1.676 0,027 ' 0,026 0.G7 ~ I 650 0,72% 61.64% 0,022 1.923 0,315 0,010 1.698 0,022 0,021 0,06 ~ ' 660 0,72% 62.36% 0.022 1.946 0,325 0,010 1.720 0,022 0,021 0.06 " 670 0,72% 63.08% 0,022 1.968 0.335 O,OJO 1.743 0,022 0,021 0.06 '0 (j) I 680 072% 63,80% 0.022 1.991 0.345 O,OJO 1.765 0.022 0.022 0.06 >...J 'm <( 690 0,72% 64.52% 0.022 2,013 0.356 0,010 1.787 0,022 0,022 0,06 0 0) i..: 700 0,72% 65.24% 0.022 2.035 0.367 Oml 1.810 0,022 0,022 0.06 ~,'< ~ 710 072% 65.96% 0,022 2.058 0.377 0.011 1.832 0,022 0,022 0.06 - - I {.. r' ~... iC 720 ' 0,72% 66.68% 0,022 2.080 0.388 0.011 1.854 0,022 0,022 0.06 c:. ._ (JrL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Developed 2-year to swale, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall Inere, Rainfall Aeeum. Aeeum, Inere, Aecum, Time disIT, Rainfall Inere, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff (mm~_ _disp'-'-._(in)__(inJ. ---.Sin) (in) (in) 730 740 750 760 770 780 790 800 810 820 830 840 850 860 870 880 890 900 910 920 930 940 950 960 970 980 990 1000 1010 1020 1030 1040 1050 1060 1070 1080 1090 1100 1110 1120 1130 1140 1150 1160 1170 0,72% 67.40% 0,72% 68,12% 0,72% 68.84% 0,72% 69.56% 0.57% 70.13% 0.57% 70.70% 0.57% 71.27% 0.57% 71.84% 0.57% 72.41 % 0.57% 72.98% 0.57% 73.55% 0.57% 74,12% 0.57% 74,69% 0,57% 75.26% 0.57% 75.83% 0.57% 76.40% 0.50% 76,90% 0.50% 77.40% 0.50% 77.90% 0.50% 78.40% 0.50% 78,90% 0.50% 79.40% 0.50% 79,90% 0.50% 80.40% 0.50% 80,90% 0.50% 81.40% 0.50% 81.90% 0.50% 82.40% 0.40% 82,80% 0.40% 83.20% 0.40% 83,60% 0.40% 84,00% 0.40% 84.40% 0.40% 84,80% 0.40% 85,20% 0.40% 85,60% 0.40% 86,00% 0.40% 86.40% 0.40% 86.80% 0,40% 87.20% 0.40% 87,60% 0.40% 88.00% 0.40% 88.40% 0.40% 88.80% 0.40% 89.20% 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.022 0.018 0,018 0.018 0.018 0.018 0.D18 0,018 0,018 0,018 0.018 0,018 0,018 0,016 0.016 0,016 0,016 0,016 0,016 0.016 0,016 0,016 0,016 , 0.016 0,016 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0.012 0.012' 0,012 2.]03 2.125 2.148 2,170 2,188 2.206 2,224 2.241 2.259 2.277 2.295 2.313 2.330 2.348 2.366 2.384 2,399 2.415 2.430 2.446 2.462 2.4 77 2.493 2.508 2.524 2.540 2.555 2.571 2.583 2,596 2,608 2,621 2.633 2,646 2,658 2,671 2.683 2,696 2.708 2,721 2,733 2,746 2,758 2,771 2,783 0.399 0,410 0,421 0.432 0,441 0.450 0.459 0.469 0.4 78 0.487 0.496 0.506 0.515 0.525 0.534 0.544 0.552 0.561 0.570 0.578 0.587 0.596 0.604 0,613 0,622 0.631 0.640 0.649 0,656 0,663 0,670 0,677 0,685 0,692 0,699 0,707 0,714 0,721 0.729 0,736 0,744 0.751 0,759 0,766 0,774 0,011 0,011 0,011 0.011 0,009 0,009 0,009 0.009 0,009 0,009 0,009 0,009 0,009 0,010 0,010 0,010 0,008 0,009 0.009 0.009 0,009 0.009 0,009 0,009 0,009 0,009 0,009 0,009 0,007 0,007 0,007 0,007 0,007 0,007 0,007 0,007 0,007 0,007 0.007 0,007 0,007 0,007 0,008 0,008 0,008 ' Inere, T olal Instant Runoff Runoff flowrate (in) (in) (efs) 1.876 1,899 1.921 1.943 1.961 1.979 1.996 2.014 2,031 2,049 2,067 2,084 2,102 2,120 2,137 2,155 2.171 2,186 2.202 2.217 2,233 2.248 2.264 2,279 2,295 2,310 2.326 2.341 2,354 2.366 , 2.378 2,391 2.403 2.416 2.428 2.441 2.453 2.465 2.478 2.490 2,503 2.515 2.527 2,540 2.552 0,022 0,022 0.022 0,022 0,018 om 8 0.018 0.018 0,018 om 8 om 8 0.018 0,018 0.D18 0,018 0,018 0.016 0.016 0.016 0,016 0,016 0.016 0,016 0,016 0.016 0.016 0,016 0,016 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0.012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0.012 0,012 0,012 0.022 0,022 0,022 0,022 0.017 0.017 0,017 0,017 0,017 0,017 0,017 0,017 0,017 0.017 0,017 0,017 0,015 0,015 0.D15 0.015 0,015 0,015 0,015 0.D15 0,015 0,015 0,015 0,015 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0.012 0,012 0,012 0.012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0,012 0.06 0.06 ,0.06 0,06 0.05 0,05 0,05 0.05 0.05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0,05 0.05 0.05 0,04 0,04 0.04 0.04 0,04 0,04 0,04 0,04 0,04 0.04 0.04 0,04 , 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0.03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0.D3 0.03 0,03 0.03 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,03 1\ ~ ~' !II' " "C Q) >...J '(i3 <( o "' ,. ~ .. ~v 0) -: c ~ c: r::5.g o t.L I I Developed 2-year to swale, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm I PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall Inere, Rainfall Aeeum, Aeeum, Inere, Aeeum, Inere, Total Instant I Time distr, Rainfall Inere, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (min) distr, (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (efs) --,-~~~- I 1180 0.40% 89,60% 0.012 2,796 0,781 0,008 2,565 0.012 0,012 0.03 II 90 0.40% 90,00% 0.012 2.808 0,789 0,008 2,577 0,012 0.012 0.Q3 1200 0.40% 90.40% 0,012 2.820 0,796 0,008 2,590 0,012 0,012 0.Q3 I 1210 0.40% 90.80% 0:012 2,833 0,804 0.008 2,602 0,012 0,012 0,03 1220 0.40% 91.20% 0.012 2,845 0,812 0,008 2,614 0.012 0.012 0.03 1230 0.40% 91.60% 0.012 2.858 0.819 0,008 2,627 0,012 0.012 0,03 I 1240 0.40% 92,00% 0.012 2.870 0.827 0,008 2,639 0,012 0.012 0.03 1250 0,40% 92.40% 0,012 2.883 0.835 0,008 2,652 0,012 0,012 0.Q3 1260 0.40% 92.80% 0,012 2,895 0,843 0.008 2.664 0.012 0,012 0.03 I 1270 0.40% 93.20% 0.012 2,908 0,850 0,008 2.677 0.012 0.012 0,03 1280 0.40% 93,60% 0.012 2,920 0,858 0,008 2,689 0.012 0.012 0,03 1290 0.40% 94,00% 0,012 2,933 0,866 0,008 2,701 0,012 0,012 0,03 1300 0,40% 94.40% 0,012 2.945 0.874 0.008 2,714 0.012 0,012 0.03 I 1310 0,40% 94,80% 0,012 2,958 0,882 0,008 2,726 0.012 0,012 0.Q3 1320 0.40% 95.20% 0.012 2,970 0.889 0,008 2,739 0.012 0.012 0,03 1330 0.40% 95.60% 0,012 2.983 0.897 0,008 2,751 0,012 0,012 0.03 I 1340 0.40% 96.00% 0,012 2,995 0,905 0.008 2,763 0,012 0,012 0.03 1350 0.40% 96.40% 0,012 3,008 0,913 0.008 2,776 0.012 0,012 0,03 1360 0.40% 96,80% 0,012 3,020 0,921 0,008 2,788 0,012 0,012 0,03 I 1370 0.40% 97.20% 0.012 3.033 0.929 0,008 2,801 0.012 0,012 0.03 1380 0.40% 97.60% 0,012 3,045 0,937 0.008 2.813 0,012 0,012 0.03 1390 0.40% 98.00% 0,012 3,058 0,945 0.008 2.826 0.012 0.012 0.Q3 I 1400 0.40% 98.40% 0,012 3,070 0.953 0,008 2,838 0.012 0,012 0,03 1410 0.40% 98,80% 0.012 3.083 0,961 0,008 2,850 0,012 0,012 0.Q3 1420 0.40% 99.20% 0,012 3,095 0,969 0,008 2.863 0,012 0,012 0,03 I 1430 0'.40% 99,60% 0,012 3,108 0.977 0,008 2,875 0.012 0.012 0.Q3 1440 0.40% 100,0% 0.012 3.120 0,985 0,008 2,888 0,012 0,012 0,03 I I I I I Date Received: /0!~7 Planner: AL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2- YEAR DEVELOPED CONDITION (SBUH, ENTIRE SITE,COLLECTED) Date Received: /2/Y ~7 Planner: AL / I I I Developed 2-year entire site, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm I ENTERPRlSE RENT A CAR (4396 Main St.) ,DEVELOPED CONDITION (Entire Site collected) I 24-Hour SCS Type 1A Design Storm - 2 Year total area = 25691 0.59 (acres) File No: 3873 D2 site.QPW I perVIOUS area = 4804 0,]] (acres) 12-18-07, MJK ImperVIOUS area = 20887 0.48 (acres) I pervious CN = 74 S= 3.5135 O.2S= 0,7027 impervious CN = 98 S= 0.2041 0.28= 0.0408 I total depth rain Pt= 3,12 (inches) dt= 10 (min) Developed 2- Year Peak flow from site = 0.51 cfs < I PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS I Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Accum, Accum, !ncre, Accum, !ncre, Total Instant Time distr. Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate ~p) distr, (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (cfs) I ---------- ---- ----- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o < 10 0.40% 0.40% 0,012 0.012 0,000 0.000 0,000 0.000 0,000 0.00 < I 20 0.40% 0.80% 0,012 0.025 0,000 0.000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0.00 < 30 0.40% 1.20% 0.012 0,037 0.000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0.00 < 40 0.40% 1.60% 0,012 0.050 0,000 0,000 0,000 0.000 0.000 0.00 < I 50 0.40% 2,00% 0,012 0,062 0,000 0,000 0,002 0,002 0,001 0,00 < 60 0.40% 2.40% 0,012 0.075 0,000 0,000 0,005 0,003 0,002 0,01 < 70 0.40% 2.80% 0,012 0,087 0,000 0,000 0,009 0,004 0,003 0.01 < I 80 0.40% 3.20% 0,012 0.100 0,000 0,000 0,013 0,005 0,004 0.01 < 90 0.40% 3.60% 0.012 0,112 0,000 0.000 0,019 0,005 0,004 0,02 < 100 0.40% 4,00% 0,012 0,125 0.000 0,000 0,024 0,006 0,005 0,02 < I 110 0.50% 4.50% 0.016 0.140 0,000 0,000 0,033 0,008 0,007 0.02 < 120 0,50% 5,00% 0.016 0,156 0,000 0000 0,042 0.009 0,007 0,03 < 130 0.50% 5.50% 0,016 0,172 0.000 0,000 0,051 0,010 0,008 0,03 < I 140 0,50% 6,00% 0.016 0,187 0,000 0,000 0,061 0,010 0.008 0,03 < " ~' 150 0,50% 6.50% 0.016 0.203 0,000 0,000 0,072 0,011 0.009 0,03 < ~ 160 0.50% 7,00% 0,016 0,218 0.000 0,000 0,083 0,011 0,009 0,03 < ~' I 170 0,60% 7,60% 0,019 0,237 0,000 0,000 0,096 0,014 0.011 0.04 < ]80 0,60%, 8.20'Y, 0.019 0.256 0,000 0.000 0,110 0.014 0,0] I 0,04 < ~"\ " 190 0.60% 8,80% 0,019 0.275 0,000 0000 0,125 0,014 0,012 0,04 < I 200 0,60% 9.40% 0.019 0,293 0.000 0,000 0.140 0,015 0,012 0.04 < "'0 (j) 210 0,60% 10,00% 0.019 0.3]2 0,000 0.000 0,155 0,015 0,0]2 0,04 < >...J .ijj <:( 220 0,60% 10,60% 0,019 0.331 0.000 0,000 0,170 0.015 0,013 0.04 < (,) ~u i..:' I 230 0,70% 11.30% 0,022 0.353 0,000 0.000 0,188 0.018 0,015 0,05 < ,{,... Q) ~~..: c 240 0,70% ]2,00% ' 0.022 0.374 0,000 0,000 0,207 0.019 0.Gl5 0,05 < I:, C ~R; ,rg 250 0,70% 12,70% 0,022 0.396 0.000 0,000 0,226 0,019 0,015 0,05 < !:J 0.. I 260 0,70% 13 .40% 0.022 0.418 0,000 0.000 0.245 0,019 0.Gl5 0,06 270 0,70% 14,10% 0,022 0.440 0.000 0,000 0,264 0.019 0,016 0,06 I I Developed 2-year entire site, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm I PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Accum, Accum, Incre, Accum, Incre, Toral Instant I Time distr, Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (min) dis,tr ___{inL_, JiI1L (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) JcfsL I 280 0,70% 14.80% 0,022 0.462 q,ooo 0,000 0.283 0,019 0,016 0.06 290 0,82% 15.62% 0,026 0.487 0.000 0,000 0.306 0,023 0,019 0.07 300 0,82% 16.44% 0,026 0.513 0,000 0.000 0.330 0,023 0,019 0,07 I 310 0.82% 17.26% 0.026 0,539 0,000 0,000 0.353 0.023 0.019 0.07 320 0.82% 18,08% 0.026 0.564 0.000 0,000 0,376 0,023 0,019 0.07 330 0,82% 18.90% 0,026 0.590 0.000 0,000 0.400 0,024 0,019 0,07 I 340 0,82% 19,72% 0.026 0,615 0.000 0.000 0.424 0,024 0,019 0.07 350 0.95%, 20,67% 0.030 0,645 0,000 0.000 0.452 0.028 0,023 0.08 360 0,95% 21.62% 0.030 0,675 0,000 0,000 0.479 0.028 0.023 0,08 I 370 0.95% 22.57% 0,030 0,704 0.000 0,000 0.507 0,028 0,023 0,08 380 0,95% 23.52% 0,030 0,734 0.000 0,000 0,535 0,028 0,023 0.08 390 0.95% 24.47% 0,030 0,763 0.001 0,001 0.564 0,028 0,023 0.08 400 0,95% 25.42% 0.030 0,793 0,002 0,001 0.592 0.028 0,023 0,08 I 410 1.34 % 26,76% 0.042 0.835 0,005 0,003 0,632 0.040 0,033 0,12 420 1.34 % 28,10% 0.042 0.877 0.008 0,003 0,672 0,040 0,033 0,12 430 1.34% 29.44% 0.042 0.919 0.012 0.004 0,712 0,040 0,034 0.12 I 440 1.80% 31.24% 0.056 0,975 0.020 0,007 0,766 0.054 0.045 0,16 450 1.80% 33.04% 0.056 1.031 0.028 0,008 0,821 0.054 0,046 0,16 460 3.40% 36.44% 0,106 1.137 0.048 0,020 0,924 0,103 0,088 0.31 I 470 5.40% 41.84% 0,168 1.305 0,088 0,040 1.089 0.165 0,142 0.51 480 2.70% 44.54% 0.084 1.390 0,112 0,024 1.172 0,083 0.072 0.26 490 1.80% 46.34% 0.056 1.446 0.130 0,017 1.227 0,055 0,048 0,17 I 500 1.34% 47,68% 0,042 1.488 0,143 0,014 1.268 0,041 0,036 0,13 510 1.34% 49,02% 0,042 1.529 0,]57 0.0]4 1.309 0.041 0,036 0,13 520 1.34% 50.36% 0,042 1.571 0,172 0,015 ] .350 0.041 0,036 0,13 I 530 O.88,}~ 51.24% 0.027 1.599 0.182 0,010 ],377 0,027 0,024 0.09 540 0.88% 52,]2% 0,027 1.626 0,192 0,010 1.405 0,027 0,024 0,09 550 0,88% 53,00% 0.027 1.654 0.203 0,010 1.432 0,027 0.024 0,09 I 560 0,88% 53,88% 0.027 1.681 0.213 0,011 1.459 0,027 0,024 0.09 570 0,88% 54,76% 0,027 1.709 0.224 0,011 1.486 0,027 0,024 0,09 580 0.88% 55,64% 0.027 1.736 0.235 0.011 1.513 0,027 0,024 0.09 I 590 0,88% 56.52% 0,027 1.763 0.246 0,011 1.540 0,027 0,024 0.09 600 0,88% 57.40% 0,027 1.791 0.257 0,011 1,567 0,027 0,024 0.09 1- 610 0.88% 58,28% 0,027 1.818 0,269 0.012 1.594 0,027 0.024 0,09 ~. I 620 '0.88% 59,16% 0,027 1.846 0.281 0,012 1.622 0,027 0,024 0.09 ~ 630 0.88% 60,04% 0,027 1.873 0.293 0.012 1,649 0,027 0,024 0,09 ~.... 640 0.88% 60,92% 0.027 1.901 0.305 0,012 1.676 0,027 0,024 0.09 ~'- " I 650 0,72% 61.64% 0.022 ],923 0.315 0,010 1,698 0,022 0,020 0.07 660 0.72% 62.36% 0,022 1.946 0.325 0,010 1.720 0,022 0,020 0.07 -0 Q) >...J 670 0.72% 63,08% 0,022 1.968 0,335 0.0]0 1.743 0.022 0.020 0.07 '(jj <( I 680 0.72% 63,80% 0,022 1.991 0.345 0,010 1.765 0,022 0,020 0,07 0 CJ to.: 690 0.72% 64.52% 0,022 2.013 0.356 0.010 1.787 0,022 0,020 0.07 ~t. Q) _ c 700 0.72% 65,24% 0.022 2,035 0.367 0,011 1.810 0,022 0,020 0,07 ~c (';'j~ I 710 0.72% 65.96% 0,022 2,058 0.377 0.D11 1.832 0.022 0,020 0,07 C~ n.. 720 0,72% 66,68% 0.022 2,080 0.388 0,0]1 1.854 0.022 0,020 0.07 I I Developed 2;year entire site, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm I PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall Inere, Rainfall Aeeum, ACGum. Inere, Aeenm, lucre. Total Instant I Time dislr, Rainfall Inere, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (min) dislr, (in) (in) (in) "~ (in) (in) (in) ( efsL_ --~--- I 730 072% 67.40% 0.022 2,103 0.399 0.01 I 1.876 0,022 0,020 0,07 740 0,72% 68,12% 0,022 2,125 0.410 0.011 1.899 0.022 0,020 0,07 750 0,72% 68.84% 0,022 2.148 0.421 0.01I 1.921 0,022 0,020 0,07 I 760 0,72% 69.56% 0.022 2.170 0.432 0,01 I 1.943 0,022 0,020 0,07 770 0.57% 70.13% 0,018 2,188 0.441 0,009 1.961 0.D18 0,016 0,06 780 0.57% 70,70% 0,018 2.206 0.450 0,009 1.979 0,018 0,016 0,06 I 790 0.57% 71.27% 0,018 2.224 0.459 0,009 1.996 0,018 0.016 0.06 800 0.57% 71,84% 0.018 2.241 0.469 0,009 2,014 0,018 0.016 0.06 810 0.57% 72.41 % 0,018 2.259 0.4 78 0,009 2,031 0,018 0.016 0,06 I 820 0.57% 72.98% 0.018 2.277 0.487 0,009 2,049 0,018 0,016 0,06 ';, 830 0.57% 73,55% 0,018 2.295 0.496 0,009 2:067 0,018 0,016 0.06 840 0.57% 74,12% 0.018 2.313 6.506 0,009 2,084 0,018 0.016 0,06 850 0.57% 74,69% 0,018 2.330 0.515 0,009 2,102 0,018 0.016 0.06 I 860 "0.57% 75.26% 0.018 2.348 0.525 0,010 2,120 0,018 0.016 0,06 870 0.57% 75.83% 0.018 2,366 0.534 0.010 2,137 0,018 0,016 0,06 880 ,0,57% 76.40% 0.018 2.384 0.544 0.010 2,155 0.018, 0,016 0,06 I 890 0.50% 76,90% 0.016 2,399 0.552 0,008 2,171 0.D1 6 0.014 0,05 900 0.50% 77.40% 0.016 2.415 0.561 0,009 2,]86 0,016 0.014 0.05 " 910 0.50% 77 .90% 0,016 2.430 0.570 0,009 2.202 0,016 0,014 0.05 I 920 0.50% 78.40% 0,016 2.446 0.578 0,009 2.217 0.016 0,014 0,05 930 0.50% 78,90% 0,016 2.462 0.587 0,009 2.233 0.016 0,014 0.05 940 0.50% 79.40% 0,016 2.477 0.596 0,009 2.248 0.016 0,014 0,05 I 950 0.50% 79,90% 0,016 2.493 0.604 0,009 2.264 0.016 0,014 0.05 960 0.50% 80.40% 0,016 2.508 0,613 0,009 2.279 0,016 0,014 0,05 970 0,50% 80.90% 0,016 2.524 0.622 0,009 2.295 0,016 0,014 0,05 I 980 0.50% 81.40% 0,016 2,540 0.631 0,009 2.310 0.016 0,014 0,05 990 0,50% 81.90% 0,016 2.555 0.640 0,009 2.326 0,016 0,0]4 0,05 1000 0,50% 82.40% 0.0]6 2,571 0.649 0,009 2.341 0,016 0,014 0,05 I 1010 0.40% 82,80% 0,0]2 2.583 0.656 0.007 2.354 0,012 0,01] 0,04 1020 '0.40% 83.20% 0,0]2 2.596 0,663 0,007 2,366 0,012 O,OII 0,04 1030 0.40% 83,60% 0,0]2 2.608 0,670 0,007 2.378 0,0]2 0,01 ] 0,04 I 1040 0,40% 84,00% 0,0]2 2.621 0,677 0,007 2.391 0,012 0,0]1 0,04 (\ 1050 0,40% 84.40% 0,0]2 2,633 0,685 0.007 2.403 0,012 0,0]] 0,04 'i' 1060 0,40% 84,80% 0.0]2 2.646 9692 0.007 2.416 0,012 0,0]1 0,04 I 1070 '0.40% 85.20% 0.0]2 2658 0,699 0,007 2.428 0,012 0,01 I 0,04 ~' 1080 0,40% 85,60% 0,0]2 2,671 0,707 0,007 2.441 0.012 0.0] ] 0,04 :'l' 1090 0.40% 86,00% 0,0]2 2,683 0,714 0.007 2.453 0,012 0,0]] 0,04 " I 1I00 .0.40% 86.40% 0.012 2,696 0,721 0,007 2.465 0.012 0,011 0,04 U 0) 1110 ,0.40% 86,80% 0.012 2,708 0,729 0,007 2.478 0,012 0,011 0,04 >....J 'w <( 1I20 '0.40% 87.20% 0,012 2,721 0736 0,007 2.490 0,012 0,011 0,04 0 OJ >..: I 1130 0.40% 87.60% 0,012 2.733 6,744 0,007 2.503 0,012 O,OII 0,04 ft' Q) .- c 1140 '0.40% 88.00% 0,012 2.746 0,751 0,007 2.515 0,012 0.011 0,04 tf;c -ro ro _._ 1150 ' 0.40% 88.40% 0,012 2,758 0.759 0,008 2,527 0,012 O,OII 0,04 o Cl_ I 1160 0.40% 88.80% 0.012 2,77.1 0,766 0,008 2.540 0,012 0,012 0,04 1170 0.40% 89,20% 0.012 2,783 0.774 0,008 2.552 ,0,012 0,012 0.04 I I Developed 2-year entire site, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm I PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall Incre. Rainfall Accum. Accurn. Incre, Aecum, Inere, Total Instant I Time distr Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (min) distr, (in) (in) (in) (i.11L _ Jin) (in) (in) (cfs) - u -~._-.,- "~--_._.. I 1180 0.40% 89,60% 0.012 2,796 0,781 0,008 2.565 0,012 0,012 0,04 1190 0.40% 90.00% 0.012 2.808 0,789 0,008 2.577 0,012 0.012 0.04 1200 0.40% 90.40% 0.012 2.820 0,796 0,008 2,590 0.012 0,012 0.04 I 1210 0,40% 90,80% 0.012 2.833 0.804 0.008 2,602 0.012 0,012 0,04 1220 0.40% 91.20% 0,012 2.845 0.812 0.008 2,614 0,012 0,012 0.04 1230 o .40')\, 91.60% 0,012 2,858 0.819, 0,008 2,627 0,012 0,012 0,04 I 1240 0.40% 92.00% 0.012 2,870 0.827 0,008 2,639 0,012 0.012 0,04 1250 0.40% 92.40% 0.012 2,883 0,835 0,008 2,652 0.012 0.012 0,04 1260 0.40% 92,80% 0.012 2,895 0,843 0,008 2.664 0,012 0,012 0,04 I 1270 0.40% 93.20% 0.012 2.908 0.850 0,008 2,677 0,012 0,012 0,04 1280 0.40% 93.60% 0,012 2,920 0.858 0.008 2,689 0,012 0,012 0.04 1290 0.40% 94.00% 0,012 2,933 0,866 0,008 2.701 0,012 0,012 0,04 I 1300 0.40% 94.40% 0.012 2,945 0.874 0,008 2,714 0.012 0.012 0,04 1310 0,40% 94,80% 0.012 2.958 0,882 0.008 2,726 0.012 0,012 0,04 1320 0.40% 95,20% 0.012 2.970 0.889 0.008 2,739 0,012 0,012 0,04 1330 0.40% 95,60% 0.012 2.983 0.897 0.008 2,751 0,012 0,012 0,04 I 1340 0.40% 96.00% 0,012 2,995 0,905 0,008 2,763 0,012 0.012 0.04 1350 0.40% 96.40% 0.012 3,008 0,913 0,008 2,776 0,012 0,012 0,04 1360 0.40% 96.80% 0.012 3.020 0,921 0,008 2,788 0,012 0,012 0,04 I 1370 0.40% 97.20% 0,012 3.033 0.929 0.008 2,801 0,012 0,012 0.04 1380 0.40% 97,60% 0,012 3,045 0.937 0.008 2,813 0,012 0,012 0.04 1390 0.40% 98,00% 0.012 3,058 0,945 0,008 2,826 0.012 0,012 0,04 I 1400 O.40~~ 98.40% 0.012 3.070 0,953 0,008 2,838 0,012 0,012 0,04 1410 0.40% 98,80% 0,012 3.083 0,961 0.008 2,850 0,012 0,012 0.04 1420 0.40% 99.20% 0,012 3,095 0,969 0,008 2,863 0,012 0.012 0.04 I 1430 0.40% 99,60% 0.012, 3,]08 0,977 0,008 2.875 0.012 0.012 0.04 1440 0,40% 100,0% 0.012 3.120 0,985 0,008 2,888 0.012 0,012 0,04 I I I I I Date Received: /0/AxL I Planner: AL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 2- YEAR DEVELOPED CONDITION (SBUH, ENTIRE SITE) Date Received: /~/.doU? Planner: AL I I Developed 2-year entire site, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm , I PERVIOUS ]MPERVIOUS Rainfall Inere, Rainfall Aeeum, Aeeum, ]nere, Aeeum, Inere. Total Instant Time distr, Rainfall Inere, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate I (min) dislr. (inl n_-.lin) . . _Ji~.{in) _, (in) CiI11, (in) (cfs) ----------- 280 0,70% 14.80% 0.022 0.462 0,000 0.000 0.283 0,019 0,0]6 0.06 I 290 0.82% 15,62% 0.026 0.487 0,000 0,000 0.306 0,023 0.019 0.07 300 0.82% 16.44% 0.026 0.513 0,000 0,000 0.330 0,023 0.019 0.07 310 0,82% 17.26% 0.026 0.539 0,000 0,000 0.353 0.023 0,019 0.07 I 320 0,82% 18,08% 0.026 0,564 0,000 0,000 0.376 0.023 0,019 0,07 330 0,82% 18,90% 0.026 0.590 0.000 0,000 0.400 0.024 0,019 0.07 340 0,82% 19.72% 0,026 0,615 0.000 0,000 0.424 0.024 0,0]9 0,07 I 350 0,95% 20.67% 0,030 0,645 0.000 0,000 0.452 0.028 0,023 0,08 360 0,95% 21.62% 0,030 0,675 0.000 0.000 0.479 0,028 0.023 0,08 370 0.95% 22.57% 0.030 0.704 0.000 0.000 0,507 0,028 0.023 0.08 I 380 0.95% 23.52% 0.030 0,734 0,000 0.000 0,535 0,028 0.023 0,08 390 0,95% 24.47% 0.030 0.763 0,001 0,001 0,564 0,028 0,023 0.09 400 0,95% 25.42% 0.030 0.793 0,002 0,001 0.592 0,028 0,023 0.09 I 410 1.34% 26,76% 0.042 0.835 0,005 0,003 0.632 0.040 0,033 0,12 420 1.34% 28,10% 0,042 0.877 0.008 0,003 0.672 0.040 0,033 0,12 430 1.34% 29.44% 0,042 0,919 0.012 0,004 0,712 0.040 0,034 0,12 I 440 1,80% 31.24% 0,056 0.975 0.020 0.007 0,766 0.054 0.046 0,17 450 1.80% 33.04% 0,056 1.031 0.028 0.008 0,821 0,054 0.046 0.17 460 3.40% 36.44% 0,106 1.137 0.048 0.020 0,924 0,103 0,088 0.32 I 470 5.40% 41.84% 0,168 1.305 0.088 0,040 1,089 0,165 0,142 0.52 480 2,70% 44.54% 0.084 1.390 0,112 0,024 1.172 0.083 0,072 0.26 490 1.80% 46.34% 0.056 1.446 0.130 0,017 1.227 0.055 0,048 0,18 I 500 1.34% 47.68% 0.042 1.488 0,]43 0,014 1.268 0.041 0,036 0,13 510 1.34% 49,02% 0,042 1.529 0.157 0.014 1.309 0,041 0.036 0.13 520 1.34% 50.36% 0,042 1.571 0,172 0.015 1.350 0,041 0.036 0.13 I 530 0.88% 51.24% 0.027 1.599 0.182 0.010 1.377 0,027 0.024 0,09 540 0,88% 52,12% 0.027 1.626 0,192 0,010 1.405 0,027 0,024 0,09 550 0,88% 53,00% 0,027 1.654 0.203 0,010 ] .432 0,027 0,024 0.09 I 560 0,88% 53.88% 0,027 1.681 0,213 0,011 1.459 0.027 0,024 0.09 570 0,88% 54,76% 0,027 1.709 0.224 0,011 1.486 0.027 0,024 0.09 580 0,88% 55,64% 0,027 1.736 0.235 0.011 1.513 0.027 0,024 0,09 I 590 0.88% 56.52% 0.027 1.763 0.246 0.011 1,540 0,027 0.024 0,09 ^ 600 0,88% 57.40% 0.027 1.791 0.257 0.01 I 1.567 0,027 0,024 0,09 ~' 610 0,88% 58,28% 0.027 1.818 0.269 0,0]2 1.594 0,027 0,024 0,09 ~ I 620 0,88% 59.16% 0,027 1.846 0,281 0,012 1.622 0.027 0,024 0,09 ~' 630 0,88% 60.04% 0,027 1.873 0.293 0,012 1,649 0.027 0.024 0.09 640 0,88% 60.92% 0,027 1.901 ,0.305 0.012 1,676 0,027 0.024 0.09 ~, , I 650 0,72% 61.64% 0.022 1.923 0.315 0,010 1,698 0,022 0,020 0,07 660 0,72% 62,36% 0.022 1.946 0.325 0,010 1.720 0.022 0,020 0.D7 "0 <I.l 670 0,72% 63.08% 0,022 1.968 0,335 >...J 0,010 1.743 0,022 0,020 0.D7 'iJ3 <t: 680 0,72% 63.80% 0,022 1.991 0.345 0,010 1.765 0,022 0.020 0.07 (.) I q)l.,.; 690 0,72% 64.52% 0.022 2,013 0.356 0.010 1.787 0.022 0,020 0.D7 C'::' Q) .. c 700 0,72% 65.24% ' 0.022 2.035 0.367 0.011 1.810 0.022 0,020 0.07 '.J~ c .~-;~ ro \.J_ I 710 0,72% 65,96% 0.022 2.058 0.377 0,01 I 1.832 0,022 0.020 0.07 0eL. 720 0,72% 66.68% 0,022 2.080 0.388 0,011 1.854 0,022 0.020 0.07 I I Developed 2-year entire site, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm I PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Accum, Accum, Inere, Aceum, Incre, TOlal Inslant Time distr, Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate I (minL ' distr, Jii1L (in)_ (in) ~in) ~ (inL_ (in) (cfs) -- --- 730 '0,72% 67.40% 0,022 2,103 '0.399 0,011 1,876 0.022 0,020 0.07 I 740 0,72% 68,12% 0.022 2.125 0.410 0,01 I 1.899 0.022 0.020 0,07 750 0,72% 68,84% 0.022 2.148 ;0.42] 0,011 1.921 0,022 0,020 0,07 760 0,72% 69.56% 0.022 2,170 0.432 0,011 1.943 0,022 0.020 0,07 I 770 0.57% 70.13% 0,018 2,188 0.441 0,009 1.961 0.018 0.016 0,06 780 0.57% 70,70% 0.018 2.206 0.450 0.009 ' 1.979 0.D18 0,0]6 0.06 790 ' 0.57% 71.27% 0.D18 2.224 0.459 0.009 1.996 0,0]8 0,0]6 0.06 I 800 0,57% 71.84% 0.018 2.24] 0.469 0.009 2,0]4 0,018 0,0]6 0.06 810 0,57% 72.41% 0,018 2,259 0.4 78 0,009 2,031 0,018 0,016 '0.06 820 0.57% 72.98% 0.018 2.277 0.487 0,009 2,049 0.0]8 0.016 0.06 I 830 0.57% 73.55% 0.D18 2.295 ,0.496 0,009 2.067 0.0]8 0.016 0.06 840 0.57% 74.]2% 0.0]8 2.313 0.506 0,009 2.084 0.0]8 0.016 0,06 850 0,57% 74,69% 0.018 2.330 0,515 0,009 2,102 0,018 0,016 0.06 I 860 0.57% 75.26% 0,018 2,348 0.525 0,010 2,120 0,018 0,0]6 0.06 870 0,57% 75,83% 0,0]8 2.366 0.534 0,010 2,137 0,0]8 0,016 0,06 880 0,57% 76.40% 0.D18 2.384 0.544 0,010 2.]55 0.0]8 0.016 0,06 . I 890 ,0.50% 76.90% 0.016 2.399 0.552 0,008 2.171 0.0]6 ,0.0]4 0.05 900 0.50% 77 .40% 0.016 2.415 0,561 0.009 2,186 0,016 0,014 0.05 910 0,50% 77,90% 0,016 2.4 30 0.570 0.009 2.202 0,016 0,0]4 0.05 I 920 0,50% 78.40% 0,016 2.446 0.578 0,009 2,217 0,016 0,0]4 0,05 930 , 0,50% 78,90% 0.0]6 2.462 0.587 0,009 2.233 0,0]6 0,014 0,05 940 0.50% 79.40% 0.016 2.477 ,0.596 0,009 2.248 0.0]6 0,014 0,05 I 950 ' 0,50% 79,90% 0.016 2.493 0,604, 0.009 2.264 0.0]6 0.014 0.05 960 ,0,50% 80.40% 0,016 2,508 0,613 0.009 . 2,279 0,0]6 0,0]4 0,05 970 0.50% 80,90% 0,016 2,524 0,622 0,009 2,295 0,0]6 0,0]4 0,05 I 980 0.50% 81.40% 0,0]6 2.540 0.63] 0,009 2,310 0.016 0,014 0.05 990 0,50% 81.90% 0,016 2.555 0.640 0,009 2.326 0.016 0,014, 0,05 1000 0.50% 82.40% 0,0]6 2.57] 0.649 0,009 2.341 0.0]6 0,0]4 0.05 I 1010 0.40% 82.80% 0,0]2 2.583 0.656 0.007 2.354 0,012 0.D1] 0.04 1020 0.40% 83.20% 0.012 2.596 0,663 0.007 2.366 0,012 0,0]] 0,04 ]030 ' 0.40% 83.60% 0.012 2.608 0,670 0,007 2.378 0.012 0.011 0,04 I ]040 0.40% 84.00% 0,012 2,621 0,677 0,007 2,391 0,012 0.011 0,04 " 1050 0.40% 84.40% 0,012 2,633 :0,685 0,007 2.403 0.0]2 0.0] 1 0.04 ~ ' ~ 1060 0.40% 84,80% 0,012 2,646 0.692 0,007 2.416 0.012 0.011 0.04 I 1070 ' 0.40% 85.20% 0,012 2.658 0.699 0,007 2.428 0,012 0,011 0,04 ~' 1080 ' 0.40% 85,60% 0,012 2.67] 0.707 0.007 2.441 0,012 0,0]1 0,04 oi, 1090 0.40% 86,00% 0.0]2 2.683 0,714 0,007 2.453 0,012 0,011 0.04 '\ I ] 100 0.40% 86.40% 0.012 . 2.696 0,721 0.007 2.465 0,012 0,0]2 " 0.04 -0 1110 0.40% 86.80% 0.012 2.708 0,729 0,007 2.478 0,012 0,012 0.04 (J) >...J 1120 0.40% 87.20% 0.012 2,721 0,736 0,007 2.490 0,012 0,012 0,04 'ij) <( 1130 0.40% 87.60% 0,012 2,733 0,744 0,007 2,503 0 I 0,012 0,0]2 0,04 Gi) i,.,; ",' (j,) ] 140 0.40% 88.00% 0,012 2,746 0,75] 0,007 2.5]5 0.012 0,012 ' 0,04 ,:.~ r:: \.. t.."".: ] 150 0.40% 88.40% 0,012 2,758 0,759 0,008 2.527 0,012 0,012 0,04 .r':,:. i~ 1160 0.40% 88,80% 0,012 2,77] 0.766 0.008 2.540 0.012 0,012 0,04 C~ O~, I 1170 0.40% 89.20% 0.012 2.783 0,774 0.008 2.552 0,012 0,0]2 0,04 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Developed 2-year entire site, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall Inere, Rainfall Aeeum, Aeeum, Inere, Aeeum, Inere. Total Inslant Time distr. Rainfall Inere, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (min) distr, {in) (in) _ --.iir1~(inL (in) (in) ,(in) (efs) ---- 1180 0.40% 89.60% 0.012 2.796 0.781 0,008 2.565 0,012 0,012 0.04 1190 0.40% 90.00% 0.012 2,808 0.789 0,008 2.577 0,012 0,012 0,04 1200 0.40% 90.40% 0.012 2.820 0,796 0,008 2.590 0,012 0,012 0,04 1210 0.40% 90.80% 0.012 2.833 0.804 0,008 2.602 0,012 0,012 0,04 1220 0.40% 91.20% 0.012 2.845 0.812 0,008 2.614 0.012 0.012 0.04 1230 0.40% 91.60% 0.012 2.858 0.819 0,008 2,627 0.012 0,012 0.04 1240 0.40% 92.00% 0,012 2.870 0.827 0,008 2,639 0.012 0.012 0,04 ' 1250 0.40% 92.40% 0.012 2.883 0,835 0.008 2,652 0.012 0,012 0,04 1260 0.40% 92.80% 0.012 2.895 0,843 0.008 2,664 0.012 0,012 0,04 1270 0.40% 93.20% 0.012 2,908 0,850 0.008 2,677 0,012 0,012 0,04 1280 0.40% 93.60% 0.012 2,920 0,858 0,008 2,689 0,012 0,012 0,04 1290 0.40% 94.00% 0,012 2,933 ,0,866 0,008 2,701 0,012 0,012 0,04 1300 0.40% 94.40% 0,012 2,945 0,874 0.008 2,714 0,012 0,012 0.04 1310 0.40% 94.80% 0,012 2,958 0.882 0,008 2.726 0,012 0.012 0.04 1320 0.40% 95.20% 0,012 2,970 0.889 0,008 2.739 0,012 0,012 0.04 1330 0.40% 95,60% 0,012 2,983 0.897 0,008 2.751 0.012 0.012 0,04 1340 0.40% 96,00% 0.012 2.995 0.905 0,008 2.763 0.012 0,012 0,04 1350 0.40% 96.40% 0.012 3.008 0,913 0,008 2,776 0.012 0,012 0,04 1360 0.40% 96.80% 0.012 3.020 0.921 0,008 2,788 0,012 0,012 0,04 1370 0.40% 97.20% 0.012 3,033 0,929 0.008 2,801 0,012 0,012 0.04 1380 0.40% 97.60% 0.012 3.045 0,937 0,008 2,813 0,012 0,012 0.04 1390 0.40% 98,00% 0,012 3,058 0,945 0,008 2,826 0,012 0,012 0.04 1400 0.40% 98.40% 0,012 3,070 0,953 0,008 2,838 0,012 0.012 0.04 1410 0.40% 98.80% 0,012 3,083 0.961 0,008 2,850 0,012 0.012 0.04 1420 0.40% 99.20% ,0,012 3,095 0.969 0,008 2.863 0.012 0.012 0,04 1430 ' 0.40% 99,60% 0,012 3,108 0.977 0,008 2,875 0.012 0.012 0,04 1440 0.40% 100,0% 0.012 3.120 0.985 0.008 2,888 0,012 0,012 0.04 Date ReCeiYed:_Li'~/::>..o I Planner: AL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 25-YEAR DEVELOPED CONDITION (SBUH, TO SW ALE) Date Received. /z.fPd7 Planner: AL I I Developed 2s:.year to swale, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm I ENTERPRISE RENT ACAR (4396 Main St.) DEVELOPED, CONDITION (to swaie) I 24-Hour SCS Type 1A Design Storm - 25 Year total area = 20062 0.46 (acres) FileNo: 3873 025 swale,QPW I pervIOus area = 1275 0,03 (acres) 12-18-07, MJK ImpervIOus area = 18787 0.43 (acres) I' 'pervious CN = 74 S= 3.5135 O.2S= 0,7027 impervious CN = 98 S= 0.2041 0.2S = 0,0408 I total depth rain Pt= 5,18 (inches) dt= 10 (min) Developed 25- Year Peak flow to swale = 0.75 cIs < I I PERVIOUS I IMPERVIOUS I Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Accum, Accum, Incre, Accum. Incre, Total Instant Time distr, Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Rimoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (min) , distr. (in) (in) , (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (efs) I ---- -------- ----- --- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0< 10 0.40% 0.40% 0,021 0,021 0,000 0,000 0,000 0000 0,000 0.00 < I 20 0,40% 0,80% 0,021 0.041 0:000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0.00 < 30 0.40% 1.20% 0,021 0.062 0:000 0000 0,002 0.002 0.002 0.01 < 40 0.40% 1.60% 0,021 ' 0.083 0:000 0,000 0,007 0,005 0.005 om < I 50 0.40% 2.00% 0,021 0,104 0:000 0,000 0,015 0,008 0.007 0.02 < 60 0,40% 2.40% 0,021 0,124 0:000 0,000 0,024 0,009 0,009 0,02 < 70 0,40% 2.80% 0,021 0,145 0'000 0,000 0.035 0,01 ] 0,010 0,03 < I 80 0,40% 3.20% 0,021 0,166 0.000 0,000 0,047 0,012 0,011 0,03 < 90 0,40% 3,60%' 0.021, 0,186 0,000 0,000 0.061 0,013 0,012 0,03 < 100 0.40% 4,00% 0,021 0.207 0.000 0,000 0.D75 0.014 0,013 0.04 < I 110 0.50% 4.50% 0.026 0.233 0,000 0,000 0,093 0,019 0,017 0,05 < 120 0.50% 5,00% 0,026 0,259 0.000 0,000 0,113 0,019 om 8 0,05 < 130 0,50% 5.50% 0,026 0.285 0,000 0,000 0,133 0,020 0,019 0,05 < I 140 0,50% 6,00% 0,026 0,311 0,000 0,000 0,154 0,021 0,019 0,05 < 150 0,50% 6.50% 0,026 0.337 0,000 0,000 0,175 0,021 0,020 ' 0.06 < "- 160 9.50% 7,00% 0,026 0.363 0:000 0,000 0,197 0,022 0,020 0,06 < i I 170 0,60% 7,60% 0,031 0.394 0.000 0.000 0,224 0.027 0.G25 0,07 < 180 0.60% 8.20% 0.03J 0.425 ,0,000 0,000 0,251 0,027 0,025 0.07 < "i' 190 0.60% 8.80% 0,031 0.456 0.000 0,000 0.278 0,028 0.026 0.D7 < ~, I 200 0.60% 9.40% 0,031 0.487 0.000 0,000 0.306 0.G28 0.026 0,07 < '0 210 0,60% 10,00% 0,031 0,518 0,000 0,000 0.334 0,028 0,026 0.D7 < Cl >...J 220 0.60% 10.60% 0,031 0.549 0,000 0,000 0.363 0.G28 0,027 0,07 < (ii<( 230 0,70'% 11.30% 0,036 0.585 0:000 0,000 0,396 '-' I 0,033 0031 0,09 < .:~) i... 240 0,70% 12,00% 0.036 0,622 0,000 ..:' <D 0,000 0,430 0.034 0,032 0.09 < ..' ,.. ~ ~: '( \0.. 250 0,70% 12,70% 0.036 0.658 0,000 0,000 0.464 0,034 0,032 0.09 < .,~ ~TI I 260 0,70% 13.40% 0,036 0.694 0,000 0,000 0.498 0,034 0,032 0,09' Ct.!'.:;.. 270 0,70% J4,10% 0.036 0,730 0.000 0,000 0,532 0.034 0,032 0,09 I I Developed 25~year to swale, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm I PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall lucre. Rainfall Accum, Accum, Incre, Accum. Incre, Total Instant I Time distr, Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Run,off Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (min) distr, (in) (in) (ill) (in) (in) (in) _ (in) (cfs) I 280 0,70% 14,80% 0,036 0,767 0.001 0,001 0.567 0.034 0,032 0,09 290 0,82% 15,62% 0,042 0,809 0.003 0,002 0,607 0,041 0,038 O,ll 300 0.82% 16.44% ,0.042 0,852 0.006 0,003 0,648 0,041 0.Q38 0,11 I 310 0.820/0 17.26% 0:042 0,894 0,010 0,004 0,689 0.041 0.038 O,ll 320 0.82% 18.08% 0.042 0,937 0,015 0,005 0,730 0.041 0.039 O,ll 330 0.82% 18.90% 0.042 0,979 0,020 0,006 0,771 0.041 0.039 0.11 I 340 0.820/0 19.72% 0.042 1.021 0,027 0,006 0,812 0,041 0.039 O,ll 350 0,95% 20,67% 0.049 1.071 0.035 0,008 0,860 0.048 0,045 0,13 360 0.95% 21.62% 0.049 1.120 0.044 0,009 0,907 0,048 0.045 0,13 , I 370 0,95% 12.57% 0,049 1.169 0,055 0,010 0,955 0,048 0,046 0,13 380 0,95% 23.52% 0.049 1.218 0.066 0,011 1.004 0,048 0,046 0,13 390 ' 0,95% 24.47% 0.049 1.268 0,078 0,012 1.052 0,048 0046 0.13 400 0.95% 25.42% 0.049 1.317 0,091 0,013 1.100 0,048 0,046 0.13 I 410 1.340/0 26,76% 0.069 1.386 0,111 0,020 1.168 0.068 0,065 0,18 420 1.34% 28,10% 0,069 1.456 0,133 0,022 1.236 0.068 0.065 0,18 " 430 1.340/0 29.44% 0,069 1.525 0,156 0,023 1.305 0,068 0.065 0,18 I 440 1.80% :31.24% 0.093 1.618 0.189 0,033 1.397 0092 0.088 0.25 450 1.80% 33,04% 0,093 1.711 0,225 0,036 1.489 0,092 0.088 0,25 460 3,40% 36.44% 0.176 1,888 0.299 0,074 1.663 0,174 0.168 0.47 I 470 5.40% 41.84% 0.280 2,167 0.431 0,]32 1. 940 0.277 0.268 0,75 480 2,70% 44.54% 0,140 2.307 0.503 0.072 2,079 0,139 0,135 0.38 490 1.80% 46.34% 0,093 2.400 0.553 0,050 2,172 0.093 0,090 0.25 I 500 1.34% 47,68% 0.069 2.4 70 0.591 0,038 2,241 0.069 0,067 0,19 510 1.34 % 49.02% 0,069 2,539 0.630 0,039 2.310 0.069 0,067 0,19 520 1.34% 50.36% 0.069 2,609 0.670 0,040 2.379 0,069 ' 0,067 0.19 I 530 ,0.88% 51.24% 0,046 2,654 0.697 0,027 2.424 0,045 0,044 0,12 540 0.88% 52,12% 0.046 2,700 0,724 0,027 2.469 0,045 0,044 0,12 550 '0,88% 53,00% 0,046 2,745 0,751 0,027 2,515 0,045 0,044 0.12 I 560 0,88% 53.88% 0,046 2,791 0,778 0,028 2:560 0,045 0,044 0,12 570 0.88% 54,76% 0.046 2.837 0,806 0,028 2,606 0,045 0,044 0,12 580 0.88% 55,64% 0,046 2,882 0,834 0,028 2,651 0,045 0,044 0,12 I 590 0.88% 56.52% 0,046 2,928 0,863 0,028 2,696 0,045 0,044 0,12 600 0,88% 57.40% 0,046 2,973 0.891 0.029 2,742 0,045 0,044 0,12 t--. 610 0,88% 58.28% 0,046 3,019 0,920 0,029 2,787 0,045 0,044 0,12 i I 620 0,88% 59.16% 0,046 3,064 0.949 0,029 2,832 0.045 0,044 0,12 630 0,88% 60.04% 0,046 3,110 0.979 0,029 2.878 0.045 0,044 0,12 ~" 640 0,88% 60.92% 0,046 3,156 1.008 0,030 2,923 0,045 0,044 0.12 ~" I 650 0,72% 61.64% 0,037 3,193 1.033 0,024 2.960 0,037 0,036 0.10 -0 ,; 660 0,72% 62.36% 0,037 3.230 1,058 0.025 2,998 0,037 0,036 0,10 OJ 670 0,72% 63.08% 0,037 3.268 1.082 0.025 3,035 0,037 0,036 0,10 :>..-J '(fj <.( I 680 0,72% 63.80% 0.037 3.305 1.1 07 0,025 3,072 0.037 0,036 0,10 (') '.:;'~ '\..: 690 0,72% 64.52% 0,037 3.342 1.132 0.025 3,109 0,037 0,036 0.10 ,~; J,~,~ - 700 0,72% 65.24% 0,037 3.379 1.157 0,025 3,146 0,037 0,036 0,10 --';.:; .:...2 I 710 0,72% 65,96% 0,037 3.417 1',183 0.025 3,183 0.037 0,036 0,10 Cl (l~ 720 0,72% 66,68% 0,037 3.454 , 1.208 0,025 3.221 0,037 0,036 0.10 I I Developed'25-year to swale, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm I PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Accum, , Accum. Incre. Accum. lucre, Total lustant I Time distr, Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate' _(min)_ , distr, (in) JirlL' _' (in) (in) (in) (inL (in) [ofs) -.'-~- I 730 0,72% 67.40% 0,037 3.491 1.234 0,026 3.258 0,037 0,036 0,10 740 0,72% 68,12% 0.037 3.529 1.260 0,026 3.295 0,037 0,036 0,10 750 0,72% 68,84% 0.037 3.566 1.286 0,026 3.332 0.037 0,036 0.10 I 760 0,72% 69.56% 0,037 3.603 1.312 0,026 3.369 0,037 0.036 0.10 770 0.57% 70,13% 0,030 3,633 1.332 0,021 3,399 0.029 0.029 0,08 780 0,57% 70,70% 0.030 36621 1'~353 0,021 3.428 , 0.029 0.029 0,08 I 790 0.57% 71.27% 0.030 36921 1.374 0,021 3.458 0.029 0.029 0,08 800 0.57% 71.84% 0,030 3.72] 1:395 0,021 3.487 0.029 0.029 0,08 810 0,57% 72.41% 0,030 3,751 1.416 0.021 3.517 0,029 0,029 0,08 I 820 0.57% 72,98% 0,030 ,3,780 1.437 0,021 3.546 0,029 0,029 0,08 830 0.57'% 73,55% 0,030 3.810 1.458 0,021 3.575 0,029 0,029 0,08 840 0.57% 74,12% 0,030 3.839 1.479 0,021 3,605 0,029 0,029 0,08 850 0.57% 74,69% 0,030 3.869 1.501 0,021 3,634 0,029 0,029 0,08 I 860 0.57% 75,26% 0.030 3.898 1.522 0,021 3.664 0.029 0,029 0,08 870 0.57% 75,83% 0,030 3.928 1.544 0,021 3,693 0,029 0,029 0,08 880 0.57% 76.40% 0,030 3,9581 1.565 0,022 3,723 0.029 0,029 0,08 I 890 0.50% 76,90% 0.026 3,983 1.584 0,019 3,749 0.026 0.025 0,07 900 0,50% 77.40% 0.026 4,009, 1.603 0,019 3,774 0,026 0.025 0,07 910 0,50% 77 ,90% 0.026 4,035 1.622 0.019 3,800 0.026 0.D25 0,07 I 920 0.50% 78.40% 0,026 4,061 1.641 0.019 3,826 0.026 0.025 0.D7 930 0.500;(, 78.90% 0,026 4,087 1:660 0.019 3,852 0.026 0,025 0.07 940 0.50% 79.40% 0,026 4,113 1.680 0,0]9 3,878 0,026 0,025 0,07 I 950 0.50% 79,90% 0,026 4,139 1.699 0,019 3,904 0,026 0,025 0,07 960 0.50% 80.40% 0,026 4,165 1.718 0,019 3,929 0,026 0.D25 0.07 970 0.50% 80,90% 0,026 4,191 1,738 0,019 ,3,955 0,026 0.D25 0,07 I 980 0,50% 81.40% 0,026 4.217 1.757 0,019 3,981 0,026 0,025 0,07 990 0,50% 81.90% 0,026 4.242 1.776 0,019 4,007 0,026 0,025 0,07 1000 0.50% 82.40% 0,026 4.268 1.796 0,019 4033 0,026 0,025 0.D7 I 1010 0.40% 82,80% 0,021 4.289 1.812 0,016 4,053 0,021 0,020 0,06 1020 0.40% 83.20% 0,021 4.310 1.827 0,016 4,074 0,021 0,020 0,06 1030 0.40% 83,60% 0,02] 4.330 1.843 0,0]6 4,095 0,02] 0,020 0,06 I 1040 0.40% 84,00% 0,021 4.351 1.859 0,016 4,116 0,021 0,020 0,06 " 1050 0.40% 84.40% 0,021 4.372 1,874 0,016 4,136 0,021 0,020 0,06 ':!O 1060 0.40% 84,80% 0,021 4.393 L890 0,016 4.157 0,021 0,020 0,06 '1, I 1070 0.40% 85.20% 0,021 4.413 1,906 0,016 4,178 0,021 0,020 0,06 ~" 1080 0.40% 85,60% 0.021 4.434 1.922 0,016 4198 0,021 0,020 0,06 ~' 1090 0.40% 86.00% 0.021 4.455 1.938 0,016 4.219 0,021 0,020 0,06 I 1100 0.40% 86.40% 0,021 4.476 1.954 0,016 4.240 0,021 0,020 0,06 u t!l 1110 0.40% 86,80% 0,021 4.496 1.969 0,016 4.260 0,021 0,020 0,06 >...J 'ill <( 1120 0.40% 87.29% 0,02] 4.517 1.985 0,0]6 4.281 0,02] 0,020 0.06 () <Vi..: I 1130 0.40% 87.60% . 0,021 4,538 2.001 0,016 4.302 0,021 0,020 0,06 f?::CJ) _ c 1140 0.40% 88.00% 0,021 4.558 2.017 0,016 4.322 0.021 0,020 0.06 t\J c -ro (1)_ 1150 0.40% 88.40% 0,021 4.579 2.033 0,016 4,343 0,021 0,020 0.06 Cl a.. I 1160 0.40% 88.80% 0.021 4,600 2.049 0.016 4.364 0,021 0,020 0.06 1170 0.40% 89.20% 0.021 4,621 2.066 0.016 4.384 0,021 0,020 0,06 I I Developed 25-year to swale, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm I PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall lncre, Rainfall Accum, Accum, lncre, Accum, Incre, Total lnstanl I Time distr, Rainfall lncre, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (min) distr, (LuJ. (inL --.fin) (in) _ (in) (in) (in) (efs) I ]]80 ,O.40,}~ 89.60% 0.021 4,64] 2.082 0,016 4405 0,02] 0,020 0.06 1190 040% 90.00% 0.021 4,662 2.098 0.016 4426 0,02] 0.Q20 0,06 1200 0,40% 9040% 0.021 4,683 2.114 0,016 4.446 O,02J 0,020 0,06 I 1210 0,40% 90,80% 0.021 4,703 2.130 0,016 4467 0,02] 0.020 0,06 1220 '040% 91.20% 0,021 4,724 2.146 0.016 4488 O,02J 0,020 0.06 1230 040% 91.60% 0,021 4,745 2,163 0,016 4.508 O,02J 0.Q20 0,06 I 1240 040% 92,00% 0,021 4,766 2,179 0,0]6 4.529 0,02] 0,020 0,06 1250 0.40% 9240% 0,021 4,786 2.195 0.016 4.550 0,02] 0,020 0,06 1260 ,,0,40% 92,80% 0,021 4,807 2.211 0,016 4.571 0,02] 0,020 0,06 1270 0,40% 93.20% 0,021 4.828 2.228 0,016 4.59J 0.021 0,020 0.06 I 1280 040% 93,60% 0,021 4,848 2.244 0,016 4,612 0,02] 0,020 0,06 1290 '0,40% 94,00% 0,02] 4.869 2.260 0,016 4,633 0,021 0,020 0.06 1300 040% 9440% 0,021 4.890 2,277 0,016 4,653 0,021 0,020 ' 0,06 I 1310 040% 94,80% 0,021 4,911 2.293 0,016 4,674 0,021 0,020 0,06 1320 040% 95,20')10 0,021 4,931 2.310 0,016 4,695 0,021 0,020 0,06 1330 040% 95,60% 0,021 4,952 2.326 0,016 4,715 0,021 0,020 0,06 I 1340 :040% 96.00% 0,021 4,973 2343 0,016 4,736 0,021 0,020 0,06 1350 040% 9640% 0,021 4,994 2.359 0,0]7 4,757 0,02] 0,020 0,06 1360 040% 96.80% 0,021 5,014 2.376 0,017 4,777 0,021 0,020 0.06 I 1370 ,0.40% 97.20% 0,021 5,035 2.392 0,017 4,798 0,021 0,020 0,06 1380 '0.40% 97,60% 0,02] 5,056 2.409 0,017 4,819 0,021 0,020 0,06 1390 040% 98,00% 0.021 5,076 2.425 0,017 4,839 O,02J 0,020 0.06 I ]400 0,40% 9840% 0,021 5,097 2.442 0,017 4,860 0,02] 0,020 0,06 1410 040% 98,80% 0,021 5,]]8 2.459 0,017 4,881 0,021 0,020 0.06 1420 0,40% 99,20% 0,021 5,139 2475 0,017 4,902 0,021 0,020 0,06 I 1430 0,40% 99,60% 0,021 5,]59 2.492 0.017 4,922 O,02J 0,020 0.06 1440 0,40% 100,0% 0.021' 5,]80 2.509 0.017 4,943 0,02] 0,020 0,06 I I I I I Date fiteceived: /0~"7 Planner: AL I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 25-YEAR DEVELOPED CONDITION (SBUH, ENTIRE SITE COLLECTED) Date Received: /~~7 Planner: AL I I Developed 25"year entire site collected, SCS Type I A ~4 hour Storm I PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Raiofall Incre, Rainfall Accum, Accum. Incre, Accum, !ncre, To1a1 Instant Time distr, Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff f!owra1e I (min) distr, (in) (in) (inL (in)_ (in) (in) (in) (cfs) ---.- -- 280 0,70% 14.80% 0,036 0,767 0,001 0,001 0,567 0.034 0,028 0,10 I 290 0,82% 15.62% 0.042 0,809 ,0,003 0.002 0,607 0,041 0,033 0,12 300 : 0.82% 16.44% 0.042 0,852 0,006 0,003 0.648 0,041 0,034 0,12 310 ' 0,82% 17.26% 0.042 0.894 0,010 0,004 0.689 0,041 0,034 0,12 I 320 0,82% 18.08% 0.042 0.937 0.Q15 0,005 0,730 0.041 0,034 " 0,12 330 0.82% 18.90% 0,042 0,979 0.020 0,006 0,771 0.041 0,034 0,12 340 " 0.82% 19.72% 0.042 1.021 0.027 0,006 0,812 0.041 0,035 0.12 I 350 " 0,95% 20,67% 0,049 1.071 0.D35 0,008 0,860 0.048 0.040 0.14 360 0,95% 21.62% 0,049 1.120 '0,044 0.009 0,907 0.048 0.041 0,15 370 0,95% 22.57% 0:049 1.169 0,055 0.010 0.955 0,048 0,041 0,15 I 380 0,95% 23.52% 0.049 1.218 0,066 0.011 1.004 0,048 0,041 0,15 390 0,95% 24.47% 0,049 1.268 ,0.078 0,012 1.052 0,048 0,041 0,15 400 0,95% 25.42% 0,049 1.317 0.091 0,013 1.100 0,048 0,042 0.15 I 410 1.34% 26.76% 0,069 1.386 0,111 0,020 1.168 0.068 0,059 " 0.21 420 1.34% 28.10% 0,069 1.456 0.133 0,022 , 1.236 0.068 0.060 0.21 430 1.34% 29.44% 0,069 1.525 ,0,156 0,023 1.305 0.068 0.060 0.21 I 440 , 1.80% 31.24% 0,093 1.618 ,0,189 0,033 1.397 0.092 0.081 0.29 450 1.80% 33,04% 0.093 1.711 0.225 0.036 1.489 0,092 0.082 0.29 460 3.40% 36.44% 0.176 1.888 :0.299 0,074 1,663 0,174 0.155 0,55 I 470 5.40% 41.84% 0.280 2.167 '0.431 0.132 1.940 0.277 0.250 0,89 480 2,70% 44.54% 0,140 2.307 0.503 0,072 2,079 0,139 0,126 ! 0.45 490 ' 1.80% 46.34% 0,093 2.400 0.553 0,050 2,172 0,093 0,085 0.30 I 500 1.34% 47,68% 0,069 2.470 0.591 0,038 2,241 0,069 0,063 0.23 510 1.34% 49,02% 0,069 2,539 ,0,630 0,039 2.310 0,069 0,063 0,23 520 1.34% 50.36% 0,069 2,609 0,670 0,040 2,379 0.069 0.064 0,23 I 530 0.88% 51.24% 0,046 2,654 0,697 0,027 2.424 0,045 0.042 0,15 540 0,88% 52,12% 0.046 2.700 0,724 0,027 2.469 0.045 0.042 0,15 550 0,88% 53.00% 0,046 2,745 0.751 0.027 2.515 0,045 0,042 0,15 I 560 0,88% 53,88% 0,046 2.791 :10,778 0.028 2.560 0,045 0,042 0,15 570 0,88% 54,76% 0.046 2.837 0,806 0.028 2,606 0,045 0,042 0,15 580 ' 0,88% 55,64% 0.046 2.882 ,0,834 0,028 2,651 0,045 0,042 0,15 I 590 0,88% 56.52% 0.046 ' 2.928 0.863 0,028 2,696 0,045 0,042 0.15 600 0,88% 57.40% 0,046 2.973 0.891 0,029 2,742 0,045 0,042 0,15 " 610 0,88% 58.28% 0,046 3,019 ,0.920 0,029 2,787 0.045 0,042 0,15 ~ I 620 0.88% 59,16% 0,046 3,064 0.949 0,029 2,832 0.045 0,042 0,15 ~' 630 ., 0.88% 60.04% 0,046 3,110 0,979 0,029 2,878 0,045 0,042 0.15 'I' 640 0.88% 60.92% 0,046 3,156 1.008 0,030 2,923 0.045 0.042 0,15 "- I 650 0,72% 61.64% 0,037 3,193 1.033 0,024 2:960 0.037 0,035 ! 0,12 u 660, 0,72% 62,36% 0,037 3.230 1,058 0,025 2,998 0.037 0.D35 II 0,12 ~.....I 670 0,72% 63.08% 0,037 3.268 ,,1.082 0,025 3,035 0.037 '(j) <( 0.D35 ' 0.12 (:.f 680 0,72% 63.80% 0,037 3.305 ' 1.1 07 0.025 3,072 0.037, 0,035 i 0,12 ,.. I " 92 690 0,72% 64.52% 0.037 3.342 1.132 0.025 3,109 0,037 0.035 I: 0,12 -. ... 700 0,72% 65,24% 0.037, 3.379 1.157 0.025 3,146 0,037 0.035: 0.12 i".. ,{j 710 0,72% 65,96% 0.037 3.417 1.183 0.025 3.'183 0,037 0.D35 II 0,12 .: ~', ~: I 720 0,72% 66,68% 0.037 3.454 1.208 0,025 3.221 0,037 0,035 0,12 I I Developed 25-year entire site collected, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm I PERVIOUS ]MPERV]OUS Rainfall ]ncre, Rainfall Accum, Accum. ]ncre, Accum. ]ncre, Total Instant Time distr, Rainfall ]ncre, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff floWTare I (min) distr, (in) (in) (in) (in)_ (in) (in) (in) (efs) -- 730 0,72% 67.40% 0.037 3.491 1.234 0,026 3,258 0.037 0.Q35 0.12 I 740 ' 0,72% 68,12% 0.037 3.529 1.260 0,026 3.295 0.037 0,035 0.13 750 0,72% 68.84% 0.037 3.566 1.286 0,026 3.332 0.037 0.Q35 0.13 760 0,72% 69.56% 0,037 3,603 1.312 0,026 3.369 0,037 0.035 0.13 I 770 0.57% 70,13% 0,030 3,633 1.332 0.021 3.399 0,029 0.028 0,10 780 0,57% 70,70% 0,030 3,662 1.353 0.021 3.428 0.029 0.028 0,10 790 0.57% 71.27% 0.030 3,692 1.374 0,021 3.458 0,029 0.028 0,10 I 800 0.57% 71.84% 0.030 3.721 .1.395 0,021 3.487 0.029 0,028 0,10 810 0.57% 72.41% 0.030 3.751 "1.416 0,021 3.517 0.029 0,028 0,10 820 0.57% 72,98% 0,030 3.780 ,1.437 0,021 3.546 0.029 0,028 0,10 I 830 0.57% 73,55% 0,030 3.810 ;1.458 0.021 3.575 0,029 0,028 0.10 " 840 0.57% 74,12% 0,030 3,839 1.479 0,021 3,605 0.029 0,028 0.10 850 0,57% 74,69% 0,030 3,869 1.501 0.021 3,634 0,029 0.028 0.10 I 860 0,57% 75.26% ' 0.030 3,898 ,1.522 0.021 3,664 0,029 0.028 0,10 870 0,57% 75.83% 0,030 3.928 1.544 0,021 ' 3,693 0.029 0.028 0,10 880 0,57% 76.40% 0.030 3,958 1.565 0,022 3,723 0.029 0,028 0,10 I 890 0,50% 76.90% 0.026 3.983 1.584 0,0]9 3,749 0.026 0,025 0,09 900 0.50% 77.40% 0.026, 4.009 1.603 0,019 3.774 0,026 0,025 0.09 910 , 0.50% 77.90% 0,026 4,035 :1.622 0.0]9 3.800 0.026 0,025 0.09 I 920 0,50% 78 .40% 0,026 4,061 1.641 0,019 3,826 0.026 0.025 0,09 930 0,50% 78,90% 0,026 4,087 1.660 0,019 3,852 0,026 0.025 0,09 940 0,50% 79.40% 0,026 4,113 1.680 0.019 3,878 0,026 0.025 0,09 I 950 0.50% 79.90% 0,026 4,139 1.699 0,019 3,904 0,026 0.025 0,09 960 0.50% 80.40% 0,026 4,165 ,1.718 0,0]9 3,929 0,026 0.025 0,09 970 0,50% 80.90% 0.026 4,]91 1.738 0,019 3,955 0,026 0,025 0.09 I 980 0,50% 81 .40% 0.026 4.217 1.757 0,019 3,981 0,026 0,025 0,09 990 0,50% 81.90% 0.026 4.242 1.776 0',019 4,007 0.026 0,025 0,09 1000 0.50% 82.40% 0.026 4.268 1.796 0,0]9 4,033 0.026 0,025 0,09 I 1010 0.40% 82.80% 0.02] 4.289 1.8]2 0,0]6 4.053 0.02] 0,020 0,07 1020 0.40% 83.20% 0.021 4.310 1.827 0,0]6 4.074 0.021 0,020 0,07 " 1030 0.40% 83.60% 0.021 4,330 1,843 0,016 4.095 0,021 0.020 '0,07 ~ I 1040 0.40% 84,00% 0,021 4,35] 1,859 0.016 4,116 0,021 0.020' 0,07 ~, ]050 0.40% 84.40% 0,02] 4,372 1.874 0.0]6 4,136 0,021 0.020 0,07 ~" 1060 0.40% 84,80% 0,021 4,393 [,890 0.016 4,]57 0,02] 0.020 0.07 ~" I 1070 0.40% 85.20% 0,021 4.413 ,1.906 0.016 4,178 0,021 0.020 0,07 1080 0.40% 85,60% 0,021 4.434 '1.922 0,016 4,198 0,02] 0.020 0,07 "0 1090 0.40% 86,00% 0,021 4.455 1.938 0,016 4,219 0.02] 0.020 0.D7 QJ >...J I 1]00 0.40% 86.40% 0,021 4.476 1.954 0,0]6 4,240 0.021 0.020 0.D7 '$ <{ 1110 0.40% 86,80% 0.021 4.496 1.969 0,0]6 4.260 0.02J 0.020 0,07 0 1>.) i.'; 1120 0.40% 87.20% 0,021 4.517 1.985 0.016 4.281 0.021 0.020 ,n- QJ 0,07 :<:' c 1130 0.40% 87,60% 0,021 , 4.538 '2.001 0,016 4,302 0.021 0.020 ., c I 0,07 ,~1 1140 0.40% 88,00% 0.021 4.558 ,2.017 0,016 4.322 0,02] 0,020 0,07 ,.~~., 1150 0.40% 88.40% 0.021 4.579 2,033 0,016 4.343 0,021 0,020 0.07 I 1160 0.40% 88,80% 0,02] 4.600 2.049 0.016 4.364 0,021 0,020 0.07 1170 0.40% 89.20% 0.021 4.621 2,066 0.016 4.384 0,021 0,020 0.07 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Hydraulic Calculations for System (Haestad Methods printouts) Date Rrceived: /~;iJ;M?- Planne~: AL I I I I I I I Project Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For I nput Data Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Lelt Side Slope Right Side Slope Bottom Width Discharqe I Results Depth Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcritical. I I I I I I I I I I I 12120/07 01:51:16 PM SWALE - 2 YEAR Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel flprojects\haestad\flowmaster files\3873 sw1,fm2 SWALE Trapezoidal Channel Manning's Formula Channel Depth 0,035 0,005000 ftllt 4,000000 H : V 4.000000 H : V 2,00 It 0.44 cis 0,19 It 0,53 It' 3,57 It 3,52 It 0,11 It 0,040251 ftllt 0,84 ftls 0,01 It 0,20 It 0,38 Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 " Date Received: Planner: II Al " (203) 755-1666 11 , I 1");4/ J&o1 / / FlowMaster v5.13 Page 1 of 1 I I I I I I I I Proiect Description Project File Worksheet Fiow Element Method Salve Far Input Data Mannings Coefficient Channel Slape Diameter Discharae Resu Its Depth Flaw Area Wetted Perimeter Tap Width Critical Depth Percent Full Critical Slape Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Maximum Discharge Full,Flow Capacity Full Flaw Slape Flaw is supercritical. I I I I I I I I I I I 12120/07 01:49:58 PI\I1 8" PIPE - SWALE TO STREET - 2 YEAR Worksheet for Circular Channel f:\projects\haestad\flowmaster liles\3873 sw1.fm2 SWALE TO STREET Circular Channel Manning's Formula Channel Depth 0,011 0,010000 ftllt 8,00 in 0,51 cis 0,28 It 0,14 1t2 0,93 It 0,66 It 0,33 It 41,30 0,005040 ftllt 3,75 ftls 0.22 It 0.49 It 1.45 1,54 cis 1.43 cfs 0,001275 ftllt .. . af-i/M07 Date, Rece\\led.- I Planner: ~L ii Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road . Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1686 FlowMaster v5.13 Page 1 af 1 I I I I Project Description Project Fiie Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For I I I Input Data Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Left Side Slope Right Side Slope Bottom Width DischarQe I I Results Depth Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Critical Depth Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Flow is subcriticaL I I I I I I I I I I 12/20/07 01:51:41 PM .' SWALE - 25 YEAR Worksheet for Trapezoidal Channel f:lprojectslhaestadlflowmaster fiiesl3873 sw1.fm2 SWALE Trapezoidal Channel Manning's Formula Channel Depth 0,035 0,005000 IUft 4,000000 H : V 4,000000 H : V 2,00 ft 0,75 cfs 0,25 ft 0,76 ft' 4,09 ft 4,03 It 0,15 It 0,036737 IUft 0,98 IUs 0,01 ft 0,27 ft 0.40 Dat~ Rece\Ved: 12-;A;;5M'L Planner: AL " Haestad Methods, Inc. 37 Brookside Road WaterburY, CT 06708 (203) 755-1!366 FJowMaster v5.13 Page 1 of 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Proiect Description Project File Worksheet Flow Element Method Solve For I nput Data Mannings Coefficient Channel Slope Diameter Discharqe Results Depth Flow Area Wetted Perimeter Top Width Critical Depth Percent Full Critical Slope Velocity Velocity Head Specific Energy Froude Number Maximum Discharge Full Flow Capacity Full Flow Slope Flow is suoercritical. I I I 12120107 01 :50:46 PM 8" PIPE - SWALE TO STREET - 25 YEAR Worksheet for Circular Channel f:\projects\haestad\flowmaster flles\3873 sw1 1m2 SWALE TO STREET Circular Channel Manning's Formula Channel Depth 0,011 0,010000 ftllt 8,00 in 0,89 cfs 0,38 It 0,21 1t2 1,14 It 0,66 It 0,45 It 57,17 0,006214 ftllt 4,31 ftls 0,29 It 0,67 It 1,36 1,54 cfs 1.43 cfs 0,003884 ftllt Date, Received:~d-0t7t7;.- Planned AL " Haestad Methods, In'c. FlowMaster,.: v5.13 Page 1 of 1 37 ~rookside Road Waterbury, CT 06708 (203) 755-1666 "