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Permit Correction Notice 2009-8-14
~....,...~",,-qrRJl"'-'-'I>__~A-l).ilf"""'R~t~"'~:!i~~.j'i~~~~~""""~~~-bI~'6I'i"'>~""--'---""" City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety i25 Fifth Street r J<,6<~ ~ ".J &' Date: rg ,I'f / ocr lob# err<: - 1'1 7'1 Address:) 2 72. '52".. Sf Inspection Typeitlu",,!<<rl..w,.J Ik_ f'1",..,'~ ~ TO: mil T /lh()I1~V / OM/iP$L.T411! )-fS:jl~Xf,(,V\j<-y}/r;"'f~ nuJr h (,r t;tAM~,I,j f'Wvv?21~t:(<<' , ; , 0I11/JPSc..S-2.I-f(C): w(J.fu /,;.,<.- lA.td" -t 6~ Z'll<-rd"..~ jk~J/J. rV(),-I I,:'" 15 /2Ng4 + :;;',1- "'td, .fo 6, IZ ,,,,,t., s jp"'/bO<.l ;,,-p<;II~-<.. '-' ' '"'.' ,; ~"o i:.' .,.' ~,'" . "".;', . ~'J".,~ ,~ ".. .' ;';:':'. ~. . .... ,~~.,,"{;':~ ;i""':',:;;..:(;,;,...!:'tj;t;',,('r;;:,I!+"X':Air':!~~lj'~!""i',;"\'.li~:r~;~tp""".\::/,''f;J ":rj.,;->."'j<<;,;.;~-i.', '\::-:~"l~:"}'" ;:,~t!,~"~\",~::",, '::.~" ,.' ~. .': .''''.'' .;::t~,:::;~'\\!:.:Mi:\:~. :':~I,;l~\;;'::;'''~;~!;::,,?'l::~,''''i;;}~~:'''':,~'\',;,,:-, '; !:,: ~f;~;;;::':\ '~,:,~::f.;.~;~,,:: ~','; ~ " , ,," '," '.;'" ' "cor~e~i,?,~~al~dr,!!irspecti~n'r.~~:u.~~fshaUbe'!lade,w,ithiii"~?v",>;~~!en~a'r'da~~;:~: ~',;." " :- ; ,',' " <;alJ forr,elnspectI9n~y':e~ [JNo:,t;),',Insllector"g, Vp'>'1I<,d.. d:('O"1:, " ", "Date:,"'- --;l'L/_ ~7 ~ . ~,. "," -' .... 11;.t ~ . - < -, . , ", ~... '., ':",";'iv"i,~,~~~,~~,,:,~.~~,al! -'elf InsP!'!!=t:lo,n",726~~i;,69':"~_~,~':f.'3',,:"!y-:iv~,~Questlons, 726,-3i;59~':";"~~~N",!~ ~l{;t'."" "",T . .H ' : /" ""~\-; H.P,;',~~ ./.:'" :(,~J 'r:.l)~lr!'~ :-;:~p..",;;\t'!J;;'I~!~ <1'!' ~":: ,!:, I~ .:,-~"," ~~!, ,,<//,r, " ~\~"~ ...... . _~, ::..:~" '" ' . ;,' . '.-^ ' '....'l.,~:~~~;~~>'~'t:~>,.~.:~l~t:>,~~~:,'~;~,~:.~,",l,,~~",,,,:;:'\-;::""" ~..~:~ ~:~.,~._:':'-'f' ,:,," ".' ~'.~" ''':~,'_ (.,r;.~ :,~,'_ -':,,".' '1,', " ;. . " ':1"' ~ ,~