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Permit Correction Notice 2009-8-13
1"I""'-Y~1.,....~r~-"""""'l(i">J'-"""-----w.o'~~~-"":'~~~~.~::fR""",",.f'..~-t'f;~lF~'ll.:,lf~;''I''YiIf/'I'''n,.~~T"T""r~J,'f""J">,""'F",,;a~el\,"""'~:~:II"<l"'""~''''-'''''I4.,''oU-'''' City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Date:' <6 1 !) / 61 Job# COf - <;;ro Address:. tOt?tI 6 r", Y <;,b.," ?a Inspection Type:j7",J Br-c,(..1<: ~ TO: !-J- E t.(u.{-vi c.. I//~~vf (1)v.ls I;J~ #('('<'55 ,iCe; ~ Jo fb cu... u~ Tv.-I ()J?t''4~'/ >"0 r- ,cCP..... .f ('c, -j--- 1i...c r, Fa- , j" .' J, ~ ' . . . '. ~-~ . "" .' -~, .'" ,;<:':'.' .' . _;,':.-~,7:,..,.J;::'.~'::."."'!,~,_:;,--~~,,,;;,t~ ~~;,;.~~'~ ..... }~.~;."r;-,~h,',-.'.\,_ '. ;~.b:I' !','k,';;': ,."';...,~..4.;,,.,:>.>.")':.~:j. .,",~,:..\.:~.;:.',~/~~~t:...',. .' - ,-.' ,./.: ,,:;:' : ~.'.~.~ :."~ , _O;j '". ,',,~. ',' ;,,' "..' .'. · "'/', . ,..-}~;L~;~:f";~>,:,:., . ' . ;,.Corrections ;md):einspectiori requesH~all bemaJle within ,; ,7.0.,..clllendar days., ,.' t?" . ..'.'.'Call forr.einspectiori~es'DNoL:::\:1',!5pe~or'''VYu",,''~v'lf',{;:Ai;;, .<. "Date:'(,7:!l ~?7q . 'NN";~~';'~~~;':;~';;';;Call'for inspection 726-3769~N";;~N~~~~~";Questions 726-3759~~~~~~~~N ., .!;.<~;:: ,.'~,~., "~,' .. ':~'(":~.:" r,'!~:""; "';{{~::.,~": :~~)';f~~;~:'X~~,~' jn'::'~"'.<~~,';!;"l" ~ '_:"~' :'il '~'~ ,~r(~ifi:;~1:~L'i'::' .,.i' .", '. ',. . I.- . '.i~ ..,: "'i. ,,~,' -,;~,:.. ;.1:'\.;,.: .. " ". .,.... ....~~ _.1