HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2009-7-31 or] ,., , 'Electrical Permit Application . I 225 Fift~ Streett Springfield, OR 97477tPH(541)726.3753tFAX(541)726~3689 Il:"~f:9E~~RT~ENi,'USE\C>~tr;'f~:I!' I pennitnoc:.q - ~C\ \ I I Date. . /'?!- D1 I This permit is issued under OAR918-309-0000. Permits are nontransferahle. Permits expire if w~rk is not started within 180 days of issuance or if work is suspended for 180 days. 1,4;\"f''''l''''''OC'A'''"GOVERN MEN' To"AnnRO VA""'" '}(""'''''''''j 1":1:'!i'1i::':':';"",~",",,..";;c1iZ4"EE"_'SCHEDU' "E:', -i-. .~-;-''-i--'l.:;;'".;i;:'::"",c:.. . L;;f. .. ' 'A , r:r.;: '.' L-'{":<;A. -....~"..~."'-''4'''. '.,_."c-"'_.< ..., ""__ ..r.._.." ".".. ,;,".~r; _ . . L;; ,~"." I lonin. g approval verified? D'Yes, D No If;~'i(Ii~~?~~'~~~~~1ti2~~1;~flit~~_~)~;':IQ~I:~~~~~~~~::'~lt~t1i~~I,~~1 1:~t;:~~:i~IATEGIR~~~~:::~TRUI~O~~~~~~:~t;:':i 11'~:s7~e:~:~'pe;un;t,::r~i::i:CI;::;; ,., ""',' AI IE\crEC:'JOB'~SITEmINF.ORMA1JONF'AND~lliOCATIONN!,fu:;1!S~1 1.000 sq. .or less (4).. $134.00. $ I I . . . S......a I " 'I I Each additional 500 sq. ft. nr portion $ 25.00 $ I Job sIte addres.. I 10 mAl" .5f<.Wrthereof 1 City.5'#",.~ U I State.c<" . I ZIP. If")<{ 7'0 I I Limited energy (2) $ 32.00 S I ilo~~~:::~~*~;'~'~~~S~~~:~OFi'wJ~~:;;~Q~)~i I ~~~~I~~nS~~~~~~~e:~r(;rodut $ 63.00 > I I ~ AI ....-:- 1 J J I -I Services or feeders: installation, alteration, relocation '1 t"iJ'\,.l.,.. A/~ \ I'lo&n--u,,~ . I I 200 amps or iess (2) $ 81.00 S I ',,,,,O?#;J'I;;;pw""i''''''''''''RO''ER''"''''O W NER,":nc,""":'.\;;"," !'i>iiL1','''c I 201 to 400 amps (2) $ 95.00 $ . ../o.""-^'1 ~..'" ';':";;';' ". "'.[':".. ,.. -;o~. - . ,~~ r:;: r; . I ~,.I ;'o( . 1*,'~,~":",,i"- -"-"",""\-"''!:<;;'~'' .,.~~,;\l"I'j,.%'#,.":; I Name.~ ~~ 1401 to 600 amps (2) $158.00 $ I AddressA,.ICf '"1 (V\J.J..'~ p~ I 601 to 1,000 amps (2) $205.00 $ I City~'1Ml ' I Sta~ rt)..1 ZIP: Cfl417 lOver 1,000 amps or volts (2) >469.00 $ I I I Reconnect only (2) $ 63,00 $ Phone. - Fax. - - I E-mail: I Temporary services or feeders: j'fstti/lation, alteration. relocation I 200 amps or less (2) I $ 6300 $ This'installation is being made on residential or farm property . owned by me or a member of my immediate family. This I 201 to 400 amps (2) $ 87.00 $ property is no~ intended for sale, exchange, lease, or rent. OAR 479.540(1) and 479.560(1). 401 to 600 amps (2) >126.00 $ Signature: Over 600 amps or 1,~OO volts, see s~ces or feeders section above 'I 1~~~D~::~tk~~JlcON1!RACrbR~INS;rAl!iiAtION!~~~~'~~r~~Nl~~;t:~~ @;~~ I Branch circuits: new, alteration, ~ten~ion per panel I. I Businessname:~~ ~ - \o..",{>:A&..lse) I I a. Fe'e for,branch circuits with purchase ofa service orfeecter fee: I I Addres.. l"Ioto ~ ~19'Il'. I I Each branch circuit I $ 6.00 I $ I I City: ,~OLu'\,.r(t1Jl ' I, StateOA...:. 'I lIP: 'i7Cf17 I 1< b. Fee for branch circuits without p)lrchase ofa service or feede: fee: 1 I Phone5'1~ ~3.~3. -S"'S"I.'5"' I Fax:~<tI-~'ZEl'-t '37S11 I Firsthranchcircuit(2) I $ 55061$ I .1 E-mail: t D (,..I.oof ~ t.c.~~. n.c.J- I I Each additional branch circuit $ 6.00 $ I I eCB Iicen~ no.~ ".,( tj~ r BCp license no.: $-'SS1LLJ:' I I Miscel~aneous fees: service orfeeder ;lOt,inclilded I I Signing supervisor's license no.: 1..Ji)~U LV.A. . I I Each pu'mp or irrigation circle (2) $ 63.00 $ I . I Print name of signing supervisot:(" Q--1"\ ~ I I Each sign or outline lightin&, (2) $ 63.00 $ I. .... '.-1" [L.., ii' Signal circuit or a limited-energy panel, I $ 63.00 J_)' SIgnature of slgnmg supervIsor.. 10-, _ ). . alteration, or extension (2) $l; . w~ I Each additional inspection: (I) $58.00 > I ATTENTION: Oregon law requires you to ._ ~ l~f~'IL~~_$AR~l!ICAN;rwiusS!~'llf~~,r;:!!~1 follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility ~ ~ I (A) E b I f bel . . nter su tota 0 a ove lees ? Nollflcatlon Center. Those rules are set forth .. \:" "$ {j / in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952.001- ,-: N (Minimum Permit Fee $58.00) 0090..Youmayobtain'copi&~Oft'. rUleS~T1CE~ I (B)EnterI2%surcharge(12x(A]) $ 1.5& I calling the center. (Note: If, ,ephon IS' I C)TeclinologyFee(5%0f[A]) $ 7"/~ I number for the oreg~n ,. Ii Notlficatlo PERMIT SHA~ ""0:1:-;:";: - H \ I Cente~is -8 '. " 2 r-il. AUTHORIZED UND~ ~Or~i'~~~~La,J.d1'iir~\\a~Ms (A ,through C): >7i 7/ I ~ ~ I /,Iv cLn,v,ll '01VUI C-! COMMENCED DR IS ABANDONED FOR 440-2584-) (9/08/COM)' ANY 180 DAY PERIOD, 'I I 225 Fifth Street . i SFingfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone City of Spr~ngfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Publie Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2009-00597 COM2009-00597 COM2009-00597 Payments: Type of Payment CreditCard cReceiot! RECEIPT #: 1200900000000000856 Date: 07/31/2009 Description Low Voltage - Commercial Indus + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge Paid By STEVEN SCHMUNK Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received lIh 005848 In Person ) Payment Total: . , Page 1 of I 12:09:52PM Amount Due 63.00 3.15 7.56 $73.71 Amount Paid $73.71 $73.71 7/31/2009