HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PLANNER 2/23/2009 ~J ~ .. L1MBIRD Andrew 'From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Monday, February 23, 2009 9:24 AM 'J McLaughlin' RE: Helfrich Partition Case # SUB2008-00039 Jim: I should probably clarify that there is a pre-submittal meeting required for the Final Plat. The Final Plat application form link that I sent previously can be used for both the pre-submittal and final submittal. Andy From: 61blur@gmail.com [mailto:61blur@gmail.com] On Behalf Of J Mclaughlin Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 20093:40 PM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject: Re: Helfrich Partition Case # 5UB2008-00039 Andy- I am preparing to submit the final documents for Helfrich Partition Case # SUB20080039 Helfrich. Can you let me know were I can find the specific requirements is for the package of documents and applicant's statement, along with any information .on fees? Thanks ... jim 729-4886 On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 9:57 AM, LIMBIRD Andrew <alimbirdfalci.sorinl!field.oLus> wrote: Hi Jim, here is a link to the City's Engineering Design Standards Manual that list, suitable street trees in Chapter 6: httD:1 Iwww.ci.sDrinl!field.or.us/Dubworksl desi ",,/06. 00 Street Trees. Ddf Because there are no overhead power lines along the property frontage, almost any listed tree should be acceptable. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks Andy Limbird City of Springfield l' Date ~acejved: .2/23/ ;2ol?f Planner. AL / . / . .. From: 6] bh,r@Rmail.com [mailto:6] blur@Q1llail.coml On Behalf Of J McLaughlin Sent: Wednesday, January 2], 2009 6:13 AM To: L1MBIRD Andrew Subject: Re: Helfrich Partition Case # SUB2008-00039 Andy - Can you provide me with a list of suitable street tree species? thanks,... jim , " i-mcl@comcast.net On Sun, Jan 11,2009 at 9:31 PM, J McLaughlin <i-mcl@comcast.net> wrote: Andy - I have a few questions, hopefully you can assist me.. 1. Will the City prepare'the improvement agreement referred to in condition #1 ? 2. Do you have an example of a suitable deed restriction referred to in condition #2 ? , 3. Dean is interested in asking the fire marshall if a private ' well coula be considered in leu ofthe fire hydrant, can you provide me with the most direct contact information for the fire marshall? thanks.. jim cell - (541)729-4886 2 batt:! Received: 7Y.:>"4'1 planner: AL I I ! L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Subject: L1MBIRD Andrew Monday, February 23, 2009 9: 17 AM 'J McLaughlin' RE: Helfrich Partition Case # SUB2008-0D039 Hi Jim, you should be able to find all necessary information on the City's website, and specifi.cally the Planning . a'pplications page. Here are the links to the FeeScheduie and Final Platapplication, which includes a checklist. Please let me know if you have any questions. Andy Final Plat: htto:/ /www.ci.soringfield.or.us/dsd/Pla n ning/2008%2DPla n ni ng%2 OM a ste r%2 DADO I icati 0 ns/La nd %2 ODivision%20Plat% 201.1.08%20MEM.odf Fees: htto:l /www.ci.soringfield.or.us/dsd/Pla n n i ng/Pla n n i ng%20Fee%20Sched u les/ J ulv%201. %202008%20 Fee%20Sch ed u Ie. 0 df From: 61blur@gmail.com [mailto:61blur@gmail.com] On Behalf Of J Mclaughlin Sent: Wednesday, February, 18, 2009 3:40 PM To: 11MBIRD Andrew Subject: Re: Helfrich Partition Case # 5UB2008-00039 Andy~ I am preparing to submit the final documents for Helfrich Partition Case # SUB20080039 Helfrich. Can you let me know were I can find the specific requirements is for the package of documents and appliCant's statement, along with any information on fees? . Thanks ... jim 729-4886 On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 9:57 AM, LIMBIRD Andrew <aIimbird@ci.snrin2:field.or.us> wrote: Hi Jim, here is a link to the City's Engineering Design Standards Manual that lists suitable street trees in Chapter 6: htto:/ Iwww.ci.sorin<!field.or.us/oubworks/ des; Q11lO6. 00 Street Trees.odf Because there are no overhead power lines along the property frontage, almost any listed tree, should be acceptable. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks 1 DatE! Received: Planner: AL ;/)J/ ,;h?1IJ1 / / Andy Limbird City of Springfield From: 61 blurrWlm1ail.com [mailto:61 blurrWlm1ail.com 1 00 Behalf Of J McLaughlin Sent: Wednesday, January 2],20096:13 AM To: LIMBIRD Andrew Subject: Re: Helfrich Partition Case # 8002008-00039 Andy - Can you provide me with a list of suitable street tree species? thanks ... jim i-mcl!iVcomcast.net On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 9:31 PM, J McLaughlin <i-mcl!iVcomcast.net> wrote: Andy - I have a few questions, hopefully you can assist me .. 1. Will the City prepare the improvement agreement referred to in condition #1 ? 2. Do you have an example of a suitable deed restriction referred to in condition #2 ? 3. Dean is interested in asking the fire marshall if a private well could be considered in leu of the fire hydrant, can you provide me with the most direct contact information for the fire marshall? thanks.. jim cell - (541)729~4886 2 DatE! Received' -Y.lsj..uOj Planner: AL