HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments PLANNER 9/26/2007
L1MBIRD Andrew
PRIOR.. --ro "PW\N.
L1MBIRD Andrew
Wednesday, September 26, 2007 8:53 AM
'Larry Reed'
RE: L TD Gateway: Site Review Reqmts
~ V"A6ES
Larry: Neither item you mention would be required for the Site Plan Modification
application. However, the City will likely require a Land and Drainage Alteration. Permit
(LOAP) for grading and trenching activities on the site when construction is initiated.
The LDAP permit is usually obtained following Site Plan approval and is issued over-the-
counter by the Public Works Department.
A geotech report is not required for the Site Plan Modification application, but could be
required for the Building Permit review. Due to the nature of the development and its
geographic location, I would think the potential requirement for a supporting geotech
report is low. However, you may wish to contact our Plans Review Engineer, John Pearson,
for verification of this issue. He can be reached at jpearson@ci.springfield.or.us or
(541) 726-3669.
I trust this addresses your inquiry and please let me know i~ you have any further
Andy Limbird
City of Springfield
-----Original Message-----
From: Larry Reed [mailto:LarryReed@jrhweb.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2007 8:37 AM
To: LIMBIRD Andrew .
Subject: LTD Gateway: Site Review Reqmts
HI Andy,
In our review of the City's Site Review application checklist, we notice
under #8 (IIAdditional materials..."), it seems a geotech report may.be
required and a Land and Drainage Alteration permit could also be
required. for this project. In the earlier version of this project when
we were working directly for LTD and project was a Type I, we were
advised these elements were not required. The project has changed to the
extent it's now a Type II however the total disturbed area is less than
1 acre. Seems a little over kill-odd that these two items would be .
required for this project, so I'm wondering whether or not if the City
actually requires them for a Type II. Please advise.
Than ks,
Larry E. Reed, Principal
JRH, Land Use Planning Division
PH (541) 687-1081
Date Heceived: J!z~~7
Planner: AL,
L1MBIRD Andrew
Su bject:
Larry Reed [LarryReed@jrhweb.com]
Wednesday, September 26, '2007 8:37 AM
L1MBIRD Andrew
L TO Gateway: Site Review Reqmts
HI Andy,
In our review of the City's Site Review application checklist, we notice under #8
("Additional materials..."), it seems a geotech report may be required and a Land and
Drainage Alteration permit could also be required. for this project. In the earlier
version of this project when we were working directly for LTD and project was a TyPe I, we
were advised these elements were not required. The project has changed to the extent it's
now a Type II however the total disturbed area is le~s than
1 acre. Seems a little over kill-odd that these two items would be required for this
project, so I'm wondering whether or not if the City. actually requires them for a Type II.
Please advise.
Larry E. Reed, Principal
JRH, Land Use Planning Division
PH (541) 687-1081
Oato Received:_1;!V'rL--
. Planner: AL
L TD Gateway Station DWP
Page 1 of2
L1MBIRD Andrew
From: L1MBIRD Andrew
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 5:02 PM
To: 'rnossaman@bhengineers.com'
Subject: RE: L TD Gateway Station DWP
Ryan: This is considered a Type II Site Plan Modification, and therefore it needs to have a'pre-submittal meeting
scheduled. The meeting date is dependent on the time the pre-submittal packet is received, but it's usually
scheduled within 5-7 business days of receipt. At the pre-submittal meeting the applicant receives a
completeness checklist and then can make any necessary revisions prior to submitting the;,fulI application. The
site plan review application forms detail the pre-submittal requirements (inciuding number of plans to be
submitted, etc.) and are available on the City's website here: .
htto:/lwww.ci.sorinofield.or.us/dsd/Plannino/Aoolications/SITE%20PLAN%20APPLlCA TION%20TYPE%2011%
The waiver is not required for the pre-submittal review. If it is obtained before the Site Plan Modification
application, it should be included with the submittal. If you have any questions please contact me by email or
Andy Limbird
City of Springfield
From: Ryan Nossaman [mailto:rnossaman@bhengineers.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 20074:38 PM
To: LIMBIRD Andrew; CHINill Amy c.; Tina Guard
Subject: RE: LTD Gateway Station DWP
111anks to both of you for the quick response.
, Andy.
We are planning to submit for Site Review on Monday. Oct I. Will the DWP waiver need to be included at that
'nlank you. .
Ryan Nossaman
Civil Designer
Balzhiser & Hubbard Enaineers
Mechanical. Electrical - Civil - Energy - Lighting. Surveying . ~ommissj.oni'ng - Sustainability
100 Wesl13th Avenue, Eugene. Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303
From: LIMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@ci.springfield.or.us]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 20074:26 PM
To: CHINill Amy c.; Ryan Nossaman
Subject: RE: LTD Gateway Station DWP
Thanks Amy, I think the waiver request should be sufficient. The City supports BMPs for water quality protection
and hopes these can be incorporated in the Gateway Station design. The DWP waiver is not required for the
initial pre-submittal meeting, but it should be included with the Site Plan Modification application.
Daie f'<eceived:_ ~j.r4fn7
Planner: AL r'
L TO Gateway Station OWP
Page 2 of2
Andy Limbird
City of Springfield
From: CHINm Amy C. [mailto:AmyC@subutil.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 20074:03 PM
To: Ryan Nossaman
Cc: UM8IRO Andrew
Subject: RE: LTO Gateway Station DWP
In lieu of submitting a DWP application, you can submit a waiver request that expiaius wliat will occur on the site
and why a DWP application docs not apply (e.g.. no hazardous materials will be' stored or used on site). The
waiver request should include an indication of the kinds of measures that will be taken to prevent stann water
and groundwater contamination potentially caused by the activities at the site (i.e.. frequent bus traffic and
standing). The design of the site should include these special precautions to prevent contamination. In addition.
L TD could consider implementing best management practices for source control. Of course. as we discussed. the
site should have wellhead protection signs.
Andy. please add any additional infomlation based on our discussion. "n,anks.
Amy E. Chinitz, M.C.R.P, M.S.
Water Quality Protection Coordinator
Springfield Utility Board
202 South 18th Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Phone: 541.744.3745
Fax: 541.747.7348
From: Ryan Nossaman [mailto:rnossaman@bhengineers.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 3:42 PM
To: CHINm Amy C.
Subject: L TO Gateway Station OWP
Hi Amy,
After you talk with Andy could please reply to this email with your guys decision?
Thank you.
Ryan Nossaman
Civil Designer
Balzhiser & Hubbard Enoineers
Mechanical - Electrical. Civil. Energy - Lighting - Surveying - Commissioning - Sustainability
100 West 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303'
Date Received:_~f~"7
Planner: AL
L TD Gateway Station DWP
Page I of2
L1MBIRD Andrew
From: Ryan Nossaman [rnossaman@bhengineers.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 20074:38 PM
To: L1MBIRD Andrew; CHINITZ Amy C.; Tina Guard
Subject: RE: L TD Gateway Station DWP.
Thanks to both of you for the quick response.
And~ . . . .
We are planning to submit for Site Review on Monday, Oct. 1. Will the OWP waiver need to be included
atthat time?
Thank you.
Ryan Nossaman
Civil Designer
Balzhiser & Hubbard Enoineers
Mechanical - Electrical - Civil - Energy. Lighting - Surveying - Commissioning - Sustainability
.100 West 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303
From: UMBIRD Andrew [mailto:alimbird@cLspringfield.or.us]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 4:26 PM
To: CHINm Amy c.; Ryan Nossaman
Subject: RE: LTD Gateway Station DWP
Thanks Amy, I think the waiver request should be sufficient. The City supports BMPs for water quality protection.
and hopes these can be incorporated in the Gateway Station design. The DWP waiver is'not required for the
initial pre-submittal meeting, but it should be included with the Site Plan Modification application.
Andy Limbird
City of Springfield
From: CHINm Amy C. [mailto:AmyC@subutil.com]
Sent: Wednesday,September 19, 2007 4:03 PM
To: Ryan Nossaman
Cc: UMBIRD Andrew
. Subject: RE: LTD Gateway Station DWP
In lieu of submitting a OWP application, you can submit awaiver request that explains what will occur
on the site and why a OWP application does not apply (e.g., no hazardous materials will be stored or
used on site). The waiver request should include an indication of the kinds of measures that will be
taken to prevent storm water and groundwater contamination potentially caused by the activities at the
site (i.e., frequent bus traffic and standing). The design of the site should include these special
precautions to prevent contamination. In addition, L TO could consider implementing best management
practices for source control. Of course, as we discussed, the site should have wellhead protection
Date Received: ~/;~7
L TO Gateway Station OWP
Andy, please add any additional information based on our discussion. Thanks.
Amy E. Chinltz, M.C.R.P, M.S.
Water Quality Protection Coordinator
Springfield Utility Board
202 South 18th Street
Springfield. OR 97477
Phone: 541.744.3745
Fax: 541.747.7348
From: Ryan Nossaman [mailto:rnossaman@bhengineers.comj
Sent: Wednesday, September 19;2007 3:42 PM
To: CHINm Amy C.
Subject: LTD Gateway Station DWP
Hi Amy,
After you talk with Andy could please reply to this email with your guys decision?
Thank you.
Ryan Nossaman
Civil Designer
Balzhiser & Hubbard Enoineers
Mechanical - Electrical - Civil. Energy. Lighting - Surveying - Commissioning.. Sustainabilily
100 West 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 (ax (541) 345-5303
Date Received:
Planner: AL
Page 2 of2
1Jt J;.,.,7
j .
L TD Gateway Station DWP
Page I of2
L1MBIRD Andrew
From: L1MBIRD Andrew
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 4'26 PM
To: 'CHINITZ Amy C.'; Ryan Nossaman
Subject: RE: L TD Gateway Station DWP
Thanks Amy, I think the waiver request should be sufficient. The City supports BMPs for water quality protection
and hopes these can be incorporated in the Gateway Station design. The DWP waiver is not required for the
initial pre-submittal meeting, but it should be. included with the Site Plan Modification application.
Andy Limbird
City of Springfield
From: CHINffi Amy C. [mailto:AmyC@subutil.com]
. Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 4:03 PM
To: Ryan Nossaman
Cc: LIMBIRD Andrew
Subject: RE: LTD Gateway Station DWP
In lieu of submitting, a OWP application, you can submit a waiver request that explains what will occur on the site
and why a OWP application does not apply (e.g., no hazardous materials will be stored or ~secl on site). The
waiver request should include an indication of the kinds of measures that will be taken to prevent stonn water .
ancl groundwater contamination potentially caused by the activities at the site (i.e., frequent bus traffic ancl
standing). The desi.l,'11 of the site should include these special precautions to prevcnt contaipination. In a'ddition,.
L TO could consider implementing best management practices for source control. Of course, as we discussed, the
site should have wellhead' protection signs.
Andy, please add any additional infonnation based on oUr discussion. Thanks.
Amy E. Chinitz, M.C.R.P, M.S.
Water Quality Protection Coordinator
Springfield Utility Board
202 South 18th Street
Springfield, OR 97.477
Phone: 541.744.3745
. Fax: 541.747.7346
From: Ryan Nossaman [mailto:rnossaman@bhengineers.com]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 3:42 PM .
To: CHINffi Amy C.
Subject: LTD Gateway Station DWP
Hi Amy,
After you talk with Andy could please reply to this email with your guys decision?
Thank you.
Ryan Nossaman
Date Receh/e~:J~("""""L- .
Planner: AL ,
LTD Gateway Station DWP
Civil Designer
Balzhiser & Hubbard Enoineers
Mechanical. Electrical - Civil.. Energy - Lighting - Surveying - Commissioning. Sustainability
100 West 13th Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303
Page 2 of2
Date Received:_.,Jy~
Planner: AL /'..
L TD Gateway Station DWP _
Page 1 of 1 .
L1MBIRD Andrew
From: CHINITZ Amy C: [AmXC@subutil.comj
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 20074:03 PM
To: Ryan Nossaman
Cc: L1MBIRD Andrew
Subject: RE: L TD Gat~way Station DWP
Ryan, .
In lieu of submitting a DWP application, you can submit a waiver request that explains what will occur
on the site and why a DWP application does not apply (e.g., no hazardous materials will be stored or
used on site). The waiver request should include an indication of the kinds of. rneasures that will be
taken to prevent storm water and groundwater contamination potentially caused by the activities at. the
site (i.e., frequent bus traffic and standing). The design of the site should include these special
precautions to prevent contamination. In addition, L TD could consider implementing best management
practices for source control. Of course, as we discussed, the site should have wellhead protection
Andy, please add any additional information based on our discussion. Thanks.
Amy E. Chinitz, M.C.R.P, M.S.
Water Quality Protection Coordinator
Springfield Utility Board
202 South 18th Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Phone: 541.744.3745
Fax: 541.747.7348
From: Ryan Nossaman [mailto:rnossaman@bhengineers,comj
Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 3:42 PM
To: CHINm Amy C.
Subject: LTD Gateway Station PWP
Hi Amy,
After you talk with Andy could please reply to this email with your guys decision?
Thank you.
Ryan Nossaman
Civil Designer
Balzhiser & Hubbard Enoineer~
Mechanical - Electrical- Civil ~ Energy - Lighting - Surveying - Commissioning. Sustainability
100 Wesl131h Avenue, Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 686-8478 fax (541) 345-5303
Date Fieceived:
Planner: AL
I '
9/t 9/2007