HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 10/30/2007 ~~fSpn"gfi'ld. - ~Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street . Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Application, Type I & II I . . . Site Plan Review: D Site Plan Major Modification Type II: ~ Applicant's Rep.: Company: . I Address: I ~~~ 'f' Appli~a~t ~~ine: rD~VE . s'PI';;t-12-'" Company: I OM":. A~(_HTTB:'X'> Address: 2-Z40 I\JE' Property Owner: , Company: . Address: Phone: :SO? 7~rf'li'b I'1\NS<;(W(If)J.tJ ~arS; " Fax: $'01 'Hr-/6/,), ~lv 2J/~7 CO . fH"V\( Y\ .01 D -qA64 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 110Z o2.~l TAX LOT NO(s): /60 Property Address: 4~ll7 tv1.~114- <;;\. SOlLlt-JC::l'f'le'\-D dl2:- q i4,q.... Size of Property: 1-{1,4111 Acres 0 Square Feet ~ ,"~~~,~;:,:t,~~,~~,~4:~~i~,~i''''''~M~.~~f.....~~~,,;~~,.....:.."." ".... .........,....,...,.., Description of N~ i{':,u(~I)'Nb ( Proposal: ~ # of Lots/Parcels: Avg. Lot/Parcel Size: ~sf Density: du/acre ,"~4~:,~~~~~1~~i~~"~~~CZ~~G~:~g~'~~1~::!~,....:~~:,:~:,g~.;,:.~~~~.:~,~g.g'~':~~'~';:i,~,"~~.~...".i~~<r' ~ ., - ki"'. ,'" ,. . '. . , , a a Zoning: Cc. Applicable Refinement Plan: Location: City Limits IS(! Overlay District: PI.an Designation: Urban Growth Boundary D I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~~.~~~:t;;j.f~2,.~t?!;'~lL.;L~S;?"0"'0,""i....."..'.,:~:::e?~1':':.' "',~,~""~:.''',:,,,,,;-..'iZ1s:'': Pre-Submitt~ . Case No.: V yC. '9,"i1r1- $J.:r-S- Date: IO/ZD!o 7- , Reviewed by: ../-... (initial~) !.-Y2- Reviewed by: (initials) '. i, Case No.: Fee: Date: Fee: p~ 1J5TJ1 ~'fP?Cc, .'~ T~ 1\/ <0/01--' Ib:&~ '. Date I'~eceived:~k~ Planner: AL. '.' .!' . ,,' Steps in the Proc~ss: ,., 1. The Applicant Submits a Pre-Submittal Meeting Application , J~ . ~f " "; , ' , I . . The Pre-Submittal Application is mandatory butthere is no additional review fee for this service. The submittal package must conform to the application completeness checklist attached to this form. You are required to submit 7 copies of the submittal ,requirements packet for pre-submittal review. Pre-submittal meetings will be conducted every Tuesday and Friday between 10:00 am and noon. We will strive to conduct the Pre~Submittal meeti[1g within five to .seven, working days of receiving the application, 2. Applicant and the City conduct the Pre-Submittal Meeting We str.ongly encourage you, the owner and design team to attend the Pre"Submittal meeting. The'meeting will be heldwith representatives frorh .'Public Works Engineering and Transportation,' Community Services (Building), Fire.MarshaWs office, and the Plannin~Division, The meeting will,p~ ,sc!:lequled Jor 30 to 60, minutes: .'TlJe Planner will provide you with a Pre-Submittal Checklist at the end of the meeting specifying the items required. to make the application complete-if it isn.'t already complete. You will then have' 180 days to make the application complete for submittal and acceptance by the City. , , 3. Applicant Submits a Complete Application , When you tiaveaddressed all of the items on the Pre-Submittal, Checklis( please submit , ,18 copies of the complete application to the City. A fee will be collected at that time and the 120 day calendar review period will begin. ' When the Planner has prepared a draft land use decision, the draft wilrbe 'mailed/faxed ,to the applicant/owner/design team for, their review. At the applicant's request, the planner will,schedulea meeting to review the' draft with 'appropriatestaff if certain issues need resolution before the final land use ' decision'is issued. " ' " : .. :... . , . ", Owner.'s Signature ' .' , ' . .' .".~,,; ~.~ ~ .. .:- -' ' , This application will be used for both theTequired Pre-Submittal Meeting and subsequ~nt complete application submittal. Owner's signatures are required at both stages in the ' application process. An application without the Owner's signature will not be accepted. Case Number:~2t:;c.::j r C::Y;:t;:rS Date Submitted:' t c> /5c>/-D7 The undersigned acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate :~::..:"g &f;S'bmltt<1 M"7, )Cb"'; /& '-3 C _ ~" Sir]nat1J're " I> . 'r,-f~.D /)~ /I. 7r1~;4 'T Lv ptnt--"'!A- " / , '; '"(JJ .... .\ " ,.... \ ,',1\ ,I \ " ."., -; "~'~~n:~c~ted;::/#!'7 " Owner Authorization (JPEGlmage, 977x1197 p,."'s), Scaled (46%) fi le:IIIC:/Documents%L ,J%20Se\lings/Ke I ly%20J , %20Q'Brien/M u KkB.;C:!E: GL::S5 FAl<. NO. : 34! -72&-eE59 A-..lg. .23 2ad7 05:85PM Todays Date To Whom It ~lay COJ1.:ern: R~: ;1l)36Mai.n St SpringtlelcL Oregon J w(1uld like 10 3mhQri7.e the following: ('ompanies to apply for a Type 11 Re\iiew nfthe propeny 10 the City ofSpril\gticld, The Orc~on Department nfTrnnspnr!J'lllnn andnny other. parties illtcr~stcJ m the re.Ue\'~lopment of my pmpen:y at 4396 Malll Sl Springl1~ld Or L Norrhwesl Construcfion Services. In.:, PO Rm: 2:\IOR7 Tig.'lrct, Or 97281 503 780- t 400 Attn: Kelly (l"Bnen ki .ohrien;'I~:t.om<:as'l.n~ DMS Architect", 111<': 2325 NE 19,11 AVt: Portland.Or9711! 503 335-9040 Dl1'\'CSpil7cr Rachacl Boyk' :In;IL'i:i;on\!~I!.~\:cq.!\! Thank you, Owner: Owner 4936 Main Sf Springfield TTfRanl;;hLLC POBox 21:21 .Ia<jper, Or lJ7H8 ~ Aun: JOC5CVhTOk:l.lI~~'1 ce1l5-l-1 :510-f<454 ! Si(fll~'d c:::::::::;. . Dat. 1/f?,27--0'" " I of I Oat", i'<eGeived' /0;1Jo07 Planner: AL 10/161200711:00 AI I 225 Fifth Street Springfield,Oregon97477 541-726-3759 Phone, 4!I'!..,~~",I;J;"""'..~ ;iffI"""~,',"; ~!~,.," i ~ ' -- '," . .,- -. -,,' - '>..._.....,e.'...__ ..~,.. '_ c,r Springfield Official Receipt Developme*t Services Department' Public Works Department, RECEIPT #: 2200700000000001653 Date: 10/30/2007 3:18:37PM Paid By , KELLY J OBRIEN JR Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received tj 024265 In Person Payment Total: 1 Amount Due 336,00 $336.00 Job/Journal Number PRE2007,00075 Description . CTY Site Plan Rvw Tentative Payments: Type of Payment CreditCard Amount Paid $336,00 $336,00 r \ " , l Date Received: Planner: AL IOPo,6,"7 I I cReceintl Page 1 of 1 10/30/2007 ~ .. iii ;D ~ I! ! (f) o . ,- ~~ .! MAIN 9>T . I: I I ( ; ~ ~I O~. 8CD (Jl 0 , 0 t:: 0 , I~ o '" ~ " " ,/ j__x ~I" Ii !Ii f= ~"~ , ' gcrrC(lOIDlT :! :, II' '!I' ,I! ,! ~I' 'Ii 'll I' . ,. I'll" il! .1 .~' 'I l! 1,1 Ii! Ii Ii! !!' 'I 11~ ~~ ~ ~~ !' \, , ! ! , I I ( ,!" ro/.~,.,.,..,. . , . . . . . ',' . . . ~ . ....... ."..,',., . .......... '.'.... .........,..... . .~' ., 'I -: -: I ...~'.'i ,', .1 ., , ro, :'<Y ~ E~"T""'ClR!>=t 150.12 I U! . , () () N () Z m ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR SITE PLAN +3gelllAlNST SPR1NGflElD,OR I: I-~ I Wil'" s~ ~~ \t ; . ! , , d Ii:"!' ~: ~~ ~ ;'2 9!'; I H! m ,I! II11 'I! ~~!!1 ~E;1 ~r~ Stl~ ~ ~ l ~ ~~.~ I . I e' Ii ! , " I ,'., ~ _~ . _~ _~:{ i i! Ii ~ I' .1' :/'" ,I II ! ~..: ~;: i(~I:' k ~!( ~. " '. '! '! "I . '" .... :~I~ .~!t lilil i ,'u1 l> ~.' 7. ~!! ; ""I I t::~ ~:;:J ~i-.. :, -"(: " ,'1r r Oregon Department of Transportation Application for State Highway::Approach, , , .' -:;<<".;~j~D"W'l"~:(;;''c'-W"'t;-':;;'1'W$!l~''0~f*!jn~0}"''''''''%''''~'#:-C1; J\i1!I~R9LI11,~l",S!',-",.H"&;~~\JQI1; Required Information ii The applicant must submit the following information with the Application for State Highway Approach, ODOT will notify the applicant if additional information is required.' :,,, . All attachments required by answers on the application form, including appli~ant signature, . If the applicant is not the owner of the property to be served by the approach, then the property owner must authorize the applicant as a designated agent. ,The applicant must submit a signed letter from the property owner authorizing the applicant as the designated agent OR have the property owner complete the Authorization of Designated Agent block on this form, . Site plan and vicinity map approved or currently being reviewed by the locali'government . A Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS) for a Stgte High~ayApproach (page 4 of this application) com'pleted by local government ' " II . A copy of the current County tax lot map for the property served by the appr()ach, Map must highlight all property that would be served, by the approach and list all owne~, name(s) on adjacent properties, Make a note on map if ownership of adjacent property is same as subjec(property, , . A copy of the recorded easement(s), if the subject property has an existing easement(s) for access to the property. , , . A copy of any existing state or local government approach permits for the property, , " In addition to the above submittals, the applicant may be required to place stakes or markings near the highway shoulder at the proposed approach location, ,i , " Defihitions for commonly used terms are in the attached brochure. The brochure is also available on the ODOT website located at: htto://www,oreoon,aov/ODOT/HWY/ACCESSMGifJ " Applicant Information Last Name}~pi-\-'U'(' Company: p~c:,A.~1-\ ITff....,-c... MailinJj Address: 'J..240 Wi': lAUL- ,PIII;r(' 'I ~ J... ' City: vtl~lA\4\) State: 0 p.... Zip Code: ''172.1 '2.. Country: VI,S A, PhoneNumber:F>I'1-"?'h-.q040 FAX Number: "70~.:;"';' -se?O E-Mail Address:j)l.tVl,G) OM~61VI.hi-h"()s ,(arY) Is applicant working as an Agent of the Owner? Yes: 0 'No: 0 ' . , r If yes, have owner complete Authorization of Designated Agent section below, orA,TTACH a letter from the owner authorizing applica'nt to act as his/her agent. ~ " j ~uthOrizatlon of Designated Agent ~ matter of this application, 'S First Name: \JA-iB , (printed name of propertY owner) authorize (pri,nt name) to represen! me as my agent in the . ...- -\. .....:,- ",. J..,.:J....(. Date, " Date ['{eceived:_Lol.?;/di>o7_1_ Planner: AL r 1: Signature Owner Information (If different than applicant) Last Name: I 0 ~On First Name: '10 ic.~/LA Company: 'I -, 9_A,~ '~C U U-C Atm: /v.<:..eol1 7o/L4.J/. " Mailing Address: P. 0 ~DX 2-' 2...\ v' ", I jQ~~ 'State: O~ ZipCode:~74~t> Country: U~ Number: ';:74, - '5(0 -9,4'504 FAX Number: E-Mail Address: Are there additional owners? Yes: 0 No: B' If yes, ATTACH name, address and same contact information as above on a separate sheet of paper. , " City:_ Phone Signature' NOTIFICATION TO APPLICANT: The ODOT District Office will contact you when your application has been reviewed,' If additional documents are required to continue the application process you will be notified, When all of the necessary documents have been received, the application will be deemed complete, If your completed application is approved, preliminary construction specifications will be issued. A performance bond and liability insurance will be required before any construction work can begin on the highway right of way, For the complete rules regarding approach permitting, see OAR Chapter 734 Division 51, The Applicant declares, certifies and affirms under penalty of applicable state or federal laws that all information provided on this form and attachments are true and complete to the best of hislher knowledge. Printed Name Signature Date Property Information: Property Address: 4\Cft( (J City: ~1i-l0P IFI P Township II f4A1 I-l. 9", 'State: Range 0 Z. Section 02,-31 Tax Lot OR Zip Code: q ,4{fl, Land Use Describe existing and proposed land use(s) of the property, including square footage or acreage. I Existing Proposed RfniM t'4r /~fr:c~ Approach Location . Highway Nama - May be '8 statewide highway name such as Pacific Highway, or a local-name like East Main Street. Route Number - The posted hi hway number, e.g. 1-5 or US-84. Highway Name: C' Route Nu~: ,County:~f. Mile Point: 'Side of ighway: North: lYJ South: 0 East: 0 West: 0 National Forest?: Yes: D No: ' Additional Approach Information Application is a request for (check all that apply): - . D New Approach - There is no existing permitted, or grandfathered approach road at the location requested in this application, D Temporary Approach - The approach requested will be removed after a specified period of time, gj Existing Approach - This application affects, or' may affect, an existing approach o Restricted Use Approach - The approach requested is for emergency services, government, utility access or similarly specific uses with limited traffic volumes, Turning Movements Turn movements requested (check all that apply): All movements: 0 OR Right In: 0 Right Out: 0 Left In: 0 Left Out: 0 .. ....,t.,1, . Date RlOceived: /i"~.-M07 2 Planner: AL .' . Site Plan and Vicinity Map , , If the local government has approved a site plan or is currently reviewing a plan for the proposed'land use, then skip this page and attach a copy of those plans, Otherwise, draw and label a site plan indicating all applicable information listed below. You may use the space provided or another sheet no larger than 11" x 17", . Piace arrow in box below to indicate direction of north for site sketch orientation,' , . Show distances related to acceSs and on-site circulation. Include distance from property lines to the center of . . , .'1' proposed approach, ' ' .' , ' , I " .' . Show all lots or parcels that are part of the property, and their corresponding tax lot:number(s), . Using solid lines indicate proposed approaches, buildings, structures, equipment and other facilities, . Using dashed lines indicate existing approaches, buildings, structures, equipment and other facilities and easements. Note any existing Approach Road permits \0 the property, ,j; . Note nearest landmark or cross street, and distance and direction from the requested approach location, . Show local streets abutting the property, the location cif the edge of pavement of,the highway, and location and layout of parking areas showing connections to existing driveways, I, . . Include location and distance measured from centerline of approach to nearest approach roads on both sides of the highway for at least 500 feet. Please indicate the width, land use category, arid turning movements of all approaches, . ' , . Place an ':X" across existing approaches to be closed, I' ~Qe~ ._\J " :\ .' "-.~.-:' ....:,.-.. Date Received: '/~O~07 Planner: AL 7- 3 08/23/2007 14:55 50333558"'~ DMSARCHITECTS PAGE 02/0 ) , DATE RECEIVED BY ODOT, ' CHAMPS 10 # \ r Oregon Department of Transportation land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS) Information and Instructions WHAT IS A LUCS? A Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS) is the document thai ODOT relies on to determine that an application to ODOT for a Highway Approach Permit is campatlble with the epplicant's local land use epproval. WHY IS A LUCS REQUIRED,? State law requires state agency activitiee thet affect land use to be consistent with acknowledged' local comprehensive plens, OAR 731-015, ODOT Coordination Rules. identify highway approach permits as affecting land use and must have a process for determining local land use compatibility, ' WHEN IS A LUeS REQUIRED? An OOOT LUCS must be submitted with each application for a Highway Approach'Permit. HOW TO COMPLETE A LUeS: The applicant must havelhis form filled OUI by the local city or county planning office, The local planning office will determine if the proposed land use meets local land use requirements cancemlng planning and zoning, The applicant then submits the completed LUeS to ODOT as part of a Highway Approach Permit application, WHERE TO GET HELP: Questions on the ODOT LUes are to be directed to ODOT District Office stalf responsible for processing the ODOT Highway Approech Permit Applications, District Office contact information attached (or hot link) , ~:.. , . k'J:':,.;..;it';':C',i..,-:"",.,,:',:...,:.," ">"",." ",,..,,~:tf":\lPlkolJ!.tiI1lfq~!il!oi>:'.;:, ," _' ,..'. .', . "" " ,:::~::~:~;"L1~~~t,\ ~;~~ ~;-;'c;::t::!::~~~~~l O~~7~ I Property Owner: I In ~'j'\r}{) L\....t ~:~x:S~;~!@p~\::',;' ' ::c::d:::a:lI::_____ >'.'.', '. . .. , . ~;" ".I I I I "I ", ..... Township(s) '""1.. Range(s): Seelion(s) \ ) 02.... ~2 - 31 . ;"....... "';l1HIj~Of,.di,~/Q '......... it:Uie;~;"f1rt:~.:'tJ'~,:ii~II/;~i. ..,1":,=.~.~e<:,u.."''''fo'''t,,,... ..'""~,,=,,.:Iffl. '.,..-- ..':,:" . '. ..".......... ,..,....,',,',.. ,', ~II\WI~q irlO ()'j':lbn~ 'oldl\'.q itrJ LXi'::f1Vll.l Mldllll/I'" noill.,. _~Vl~, " fltW iefltAl CAl'~. ' :"....' ,:;, ".. ," ::..,.....:, .:..:,:.... '!il'!"'~'~...~?~lT~,-~ri:a'lti,~l\',:.' 1,'1;;iN~J~~~$W~~M~~i~J.~!~91'~'d:'OO~ t~?p'~~~Jffj~~i,f~@~'~I!1~I'~pIJt)':'" I ~utside City Umlts \ In$lde/O~tslde UGB F"~'i:~@'IM~~!i(/"~'Jl!~ci;1~""~1J;~R""';,~:~~i!il:t'I1~" ..' ,,: Tax Lot(s) I QCt..1,,:13IM l~j .'\-'. ,....... . . ~ .,' ". ", ,"..'.. "', '." I 1 '-. . ~ . ' -'-~" " I 1 I I I I I X ConsfstencY,of this facility with the Jacm (;~mpreh8nsive plan liil": ~o.i~ii~g o~ii'ianco ea~nct be deter-mined tlnUJ the ,,11 following local approval(s) are obtained: ' I Conditional Use Approval I Developmsnt Permit I, Plan Amendmenl 1 I Other ~i-k- r'1.>-v. o?auie....> (-\.-L, rc }UJ'1A.';) ~ ~ -i.k \.>1'.-<--) I I A land use application: I Has been epplled for: 10 # I X I Hall Not been applied lor I This land use Is not regulated by the local comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance. This land use has been reviewed llnd is consistent with the 10elll comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance. This land use has been reviewed and ~s not consistent with the local comprehensive plan and zoning ordinance" I Zone Change Local Govemment Planning Omeiel - Review"r Informatlon: Signature: ~'--cT"')'\,-;.,..~ Title: ?\~"'-...- \ ' Telephone Numbsr: (S4l11~ - 1<Sb3 Print Name: 12 V' "^ ,\ a V1 -e c;- Oate: f6/79. /n=1- ~ - .' E-Mail: :J~~<;:.\.~.L....{:..~J.Gy:0s. r -,.. ":1' . Date ~eceived' Planner: AL /oA>'?~&7 4 / / '0 OCT-08-Z007 15:07 ;ADE TITLE 541 485 0307 P.Ol *025262 IE CASCADE TITI.E CD. PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT ISSUED CASCADE ESCROW ATTN: CHRISTIE SHORT 811 WILLAMETTE STREET EUGENE, OR 57401 January 20, 2007 Report No: 0252627 Your No: EU06-2501 seller: WARD Buyer: TTT RANCH, LLC PRELIMINARY REPORT FOR: Ownerrs Standard Policy $250,000,00 PREMIUMS: Owner's Standard Premium: Government Service Fee: Trust Deed Record Fee: $825,00 $25,00 $66,00 We are prepared to issue 1552 ALTA title insurance policy(ies) or 'CHICAGO TITLE INSlJRANCE COMPANY of OREGON, in the usual rorm insuring the title to the land described as follows: Lots I, 2 and 3 ot the PLAT OF HOLLY SON , Page 31 Lane County Oregon Plat Records, , as platted and recorded in Book 13, in Lane County, Oregon. ALSO, the Easterly 60,72 feet of Lot 'IS, FISHER'S PLAT, as platted and recorded in File 731 Slides l' 3-174 I Lane County Oregon Plac Records rO, Eugene / Lane County, Oregon, all within Section 32, TownShip 17 South, Range 2 West of the Willarnette Meridian, Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. Vestee: TTT RANCH, LLC AN OREGON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY DATED AS OF: JANUARY 15, 2007, AT 3:05 PM ' Schedule B of the policy(iee) to be issued will contain the following general and special exceptions unless removed prior to issuance: GENERAL gXCgPTIONS (Standard Coverage policy Exceptions) : 1. Taxes or assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the reco~d5 of any taxing authority chat levies taxes or asseSSments on real property or by the public records. Proceedings by a public a~ency which may result in Caxes Or assessments, Or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency o~ by the public records. 2. Easements, liens, encumbrances, interests or claims thereof which are not shown by the public records. Any facts, rights, interests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by,an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in posseaaion thereof, No liability is assumed hereunder until policy has been issued andfull policy premium has been paid MAI~ OFFICE' 811 WILLAMETTE ST. . EUGENE, OREGON 57401' PH: (541)- FLORENCE . 1901 HWY 101 - S, 2 . FLORENCE, OREGO~ 57439 . PH: (541) EUGENE FAX: 485-0307' E-MAIL: info@cascaoetitle.com . FLORENCE FAX; 687-2233 957-8417 997 - 8246 Date Received' Planner; AL /~h;l~ OCT-OB-200? 16:07 :ADE TITLE 6 1 4B6 030? P.02 order No. 0252627 Page 2 3. Discrepancies, conflicts "in boundary linea, shortage in area,i: encroachments I or any other facta which a correct survey would disclose, and which are not shown by the pUblic records, 4. (a). unpatented mining claims i (b) Reservations: or exceptions:: in patents or in Acts authori~ing the issuance thereof; {c) Water rights, cl~~ms- or eicle to water ,whether or not the matters exoepted under (a), (b), or ,iCe) are shown by the public records. " 5. Any lien or righ~ to a lien, for services, labor or material heretofore or hereafte~ furnished, imposed by 'law not shown by the public ~~cords. SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS: 6. Any improvement located upon the insured~property which is described or defined as a mobile home under the provisions of Chapters 803 and 8~O;~ oregan Revised Statutes and is subject to registration as provided therein. " 7. Public utility easement as shown on the recorded Plats. 8. Public Otiliey Easement, as set forth in ins~rument recorded January 23, 1~43, in Book 241, Page 50S, Lane County oregon Deed Records, 9. Covenants, conditions and restrictions, in91uding the terms abd provisions thereof (but omitting covenants or restricti9nSl if any, based upon race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation/ familial seatus, marital status, disability, handicap, national origin, ancestry, or source "of income 1 as set forth in applicable state or federal laws I except to the extent that said covenant or rest~iction is permitted by applicable law) in Declaration re~orded January 31, 1947, in Book 340, page 490, and amended by instrument recorded August 81 1948, in Book 381, page '417 I La.ne County Oregon Deed Record's. :' 10. Slope Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof I granted .to the ,State of Oregonl :by instrument recorded May ,10, '19661 Reception NO.!:46812, Lane'County Oregon Deed Records. (Lot 15. Fisher! sPlat) 11, Easement. including the terms and provisions thereof, granted~the City of Springfield, by instrument recorded April 14, 1966. Reception, No. 50708, Lane County Oregon Deed Recorqs. (Lot 15, Fisherls ~lat) 12. Agreement, including the terms and provisions thereofr with the City of Springfield, recorded February 6, 1979/ 'Reception No. 7907149~ Lane County Official Records. (Lot 15, Fisher'S Plat) 13, , , Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, granted the City of Springfield, by instrument recorded April. l3, 1979, Reception:INo. 7921265, Lane County Official Records, (Lot' 15, Fisher's Plat) 14. Easement, including the terms and provisions thereof, grantedithe City of Springfield, by instrument recorded April 13, 1979, Reception "No, 7921293, Lane COUlity Official Records, {Lot lS, Fisher r 6 Plat} " 15. Easement, inclUding the terms and provisions thereof, g~anted;the City or Sprinsfield, acting by and throush its SprinSfield Utility Board, by instrument recorded June 3, 1992, Reception No. 9230146, Lane County Official Recorda,' (Lot 3, Block 1, Plat of Hollyson) Date Reci:}iVed:~i..;zu."L Planner:AL OCT-OB-2007 15:07 CADE, TITLE 541 4B5'0307 P,03 Order No. 0252627 Page 3 , 16. Deed of Trust, including the terms and provisions thereof. executed by TTT Ranch, LLC, an Oregon Limited Liability Company, to Cascade 'Title Company, Trustee, Eor the benefit of MiXe R. Ward, Beneficiary, dated January IS, 2007/ recorded January 19, 2007, Reception No. 2007-004289, Lane County Official Records, .to secure payment of a note for $20,000.00" NOTE: The property address as shown on the Assessor's Roll is: "",--, 4396 Main, Street Springfield, O~ 97478 NOTE: ~s of the date hereof, there are no matters against TTT RANCH; LLC, which would appear as exceptions in the policy to 'iesue, except as shown herein. NOTE: This report is being supplemented to correct the owner'g premium amount, to add recording fee and to add new'Exception No. 17. NOTE: The policy of title insurance will include an arbitration provisi~n. The Company or the insured may demand arbitration,. Arbitrable matters' may include, but are not limited tOI any controversy or claim between the Company and, the inaured arising out of or relating to this policy, any service of the Company in connection with its. issuance or the breach of a policy provision or other obllIgation. Please ask your escrow or title officer for. a sample copy of the policy to b~, issued if you wish to review .the arbitration provisions and any other provisions pert~ining to your Title InSurance coverage. Th1s rel'ort become null is preliminary to the issua~ce of a policy and void unless a policy is i~sued and the Of title inSurance full premium paid. c, and shall Cascade Title Co. By: ar: Title,Officer: JIM HIGGINS cc: C: w, WALKER & ASSOCIATES ATTN, GARY MARTIN C/O CASCADE ESCROW ATTN: CRRISTIE SHORT cc: MIKE WARD 43% MAIN STREE~ SPRINGFIELD, OR 97478 cc: TTT RANCH, LLC P,O, BOX 212l JASPER,OR 97438 Date Received: /o/;O/.Jt;tJ7 Planner: AL /., OCT-08-2007 15:07 CD ~RN TO CASCADE TITLE CO. ' .. .- ..-. l;:ASCACE; TITU! co, ,JCADE TITLE 54'1 485 0307 P.04 TITLE NO, OZ!Z627CS ESCROW NO, EU06.2901 TAX AceT, NO, 0126!71 TAX ACCT. NO. 419256] MAPITAX LOTNa, 17,02-J2.JHJQIOO , .. O'"'_lon ., e.,., O_pwly CI.rk 200i-O~j2"'8 LaM. County D..d. .nd R.qorda ~, ~ ~1~JfmWJl~Wml~Jl~Wl~1II11111l11 13t!OO 011191200703:05:09 P" R~-OEEO Cnl_1 Sin" CASHIER 06 $10,00 $11,00 SIO.OO WARRANTY DEED:'" STATUTORY FORM MIKE R. WARD, Granlor, con'lC)'sll.nd warrants lO TIT RANCH, LLC, an.Orei]:oD.Llmlaed LlabUUy Company, Gf"antcl:t the following dcscriba:l real property free of encumb1ances e1!.cept as spe,lilcally sd forth ~eiu; SEE EXHiBIT A )VHICH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFEI<1ONCS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING TIllS INSTRUMENT, TIlE PERSON TRANSFERJUNG FEE TITLE SHOULl> INQUIRE "BOUT TIlE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 197.352. THIS INSTRUMENT !lOES NOT ALLOW USE OF TIlE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF "PPLICAaLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGUL" TlONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUUUNG FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH l1aE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PL~lNG DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY "PPROVED USES, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON L"WSUITS AG"INS'r FARMING OR FOREST PMCTIeES AS DEFINED IN oas 30,9"" AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS OF NEIGllBORING.PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY. UNDER ORS 197.352. [ [ ,[ Except the fallowing eflcumbrunees.: Covenants, Condifion$, Rr::striHions, Easements and Rights of Way ofrt;(:ord, irany. The tl'\le consideration fOJ: this conveyance is $2l0,OOO,OO , D",dtni. ILP d,yo;~"'UI"".LI ,'?rol \ ~A-/~ MIKE R. WARD : State of Oregon County of LANE . This mstrumentwM acknowledgc:d before mc~UlLrt{ , "" G OfRC~LS""" ' / ........ CS~ORT ,_' : ~.~ } NOTAIWPUBUC.OAi!GON '----'CNOIBryPUblleforOptol'l1 _____ .' COMMISSJOitNO,~66548 M".~ ...r/' mCOMM:SSlQNEXfW$Elfro.l~~R2O,;1Ote YCOmmmlOnexpm::s tJ. "''': \ lo 2007 by MIKE R. WARD. -----\ ------ .J MlKER. WARD pO BOX 1102 FALl... CREEK. OR 9743&' ORANTOR'S.N~ME AND ADDRESS Until !l "hange i3 wq\.l"Wd ~U tax statements shall be sent to the follc,",'ing addrus.: ""SAME AS GRANTEE'" TlT RANCH, LtC PO BOX21il JASPE~ OR 97438 GI\ANTEE'S NAME AND ADDRESS AfLer recordIng retum to: C.<SCADE TITLE CD, 811 WILLAMETTE EUGENE, OR' 9"Q 1 WI<<> Date Received:_/r3'<7?tN17 Planner: AL ,I OCT-08-2007 15:07 541 485 0307 P.05 ;ADE TITLE , " EXHIBIT A " Lot. 1, 2 and 3 of the PLAT OF HOLLYSON. as platted and reoorded: in,BooK 1.3. Page J, Lane County Oregon Plat Records{ in Lane County, Oregon, ALSO, the Easterly 6.0,72 feet of Lot 15. FISHER'S PLAT', as platted and recorded in File '3, Slides 173.~74, ~ane County ,ore9on 'Plat necords. E~gene. Lane County, oregon, all within s~ction 32, Township 17 South. Range ~ West of ehe Will.mette Meriai'an, springfield, Lane County. Oreson'. D~te Received: ' 1;4c?~ Planner: AL; , I, OCT-08c2007 15:07, I i f L , , I ~'TI " , "11:'-'- ',I~:'~ gl'" ;"i ~. ~ 'tS... ....tTJ l ",'... .Ji :f:y i ! 1 i i ! ;1 I' I L r ~ ., " " ~,:.,',~J,~ ~I~ \ ~ ',>; ~.;;;j~ (~,/~~ ~ t ~ '" ~~, 'Irl" [f" r:"l':q'1~ ~ {E ~ ~ '\ ;; ~ 1 ~ ~ If! 1 .c- ~ ~ .( ; ~ , b. ~ ~ ;'I ~ ~ ~ : ; l~ j l t'.~ : i . ~ '1 ~ i ~ .. ~ : n' l! f ~ ,j p , ! .. ~ ! I~'" E.!",~~O~ i!! !tJ''':I)~ t '(. ~ I. ':! 1"1 i "':f"^" 7.~t\ ;'" }J i~1 g"" .~,'. ,-' , ' .- ""'/~. :....'... . " . '. t...'. . \ , . , ~ , , Il . , ~~m >-~~' ~, ;~!~~ ~," c ,~~ ~ II ~ l' ~~ tl" ^ ~::--,~ ~.. I ~ ~,e,,~~l/: t ~Ft;lf ~ !t<i!iii'~~ - "'~~Q ,~H~ ~p t4 ~~~~. I.' S . ~D ~~ oi! 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(SBAL) ................". .W_M______ ".... .-. -.>~,==7.7=.-.:..-:-:.:_~~:_;.-~=:-,,===_-:=.::=,-:..::::;7'==:;;.:,~.; P.09 ::r,::{:;.:; :: ::):;:~.~:~~ 'I'"'' I-..,.t': II"'" i;::::.(i:~: i',(,- i' I'" ! J':':i : r,~', I' m " I' d ,';,: II " ]j. II Ii Ii Ii '''.' 'I'" II II I: Ii '! Date Received: /~/.wz,7 Planner: AL 7 . OCT-08-Z007 15:07 1CADE TITLE 541 485 0307 P,10 ;~!:~'1f~~~~J1iJJli~~~~r'rlJlk~" v,.v'" 11" ;;~,~t6:t~~~~~:~:,..,....,......,....)", a~ ,!I;~'1 1~{,:}I'}:,~::ifT!ftf...~RE~JiEi,'JBERED,'T.h.at'o1l lhI8.......J............"da'll of ....._].~;).~~.~~r..Y...."",...h...__.A- D. 19.,:~.';- It. :1)" ."*';?;~~~!..o..,~::~ti~~~~,~.il~und~~Ynsd. -a:.~t.br.){_...cu.hlip_.____._____......_.m... ...,........",...,. ...m............i;- !; ,: ,'.:~ ,~j:~"..:~t.'ii;J,)O';'}idi.J',Cfjftntll.a71d,.Btlttt, '(}cTsonall1JclI'Ppe12I'td tlLc.w1thin m;nned ..De.~.r.,...,~".l)..."::!.~.l.:'l:. il; ;,"< .~li,::,',.',:~tr1;~;:"('i'~~..~'~1 " ;" ~~ 1'1 Bh" d n I ~fe : ".C"( Ji"J(;;:,~~,~,:,.f~~..,._~U.,'Mrn. ".. t,.... \l......~lh.,.~n,.n..N... .:<..," ............,............,,,.... ............."....--.. ,........,,,..... :1 \. ,:::~,;,.1t::~\X;~L..,..;..,'"......._. _'.,."""''''N''''''. _ ...".,,,.....,, ."". wh.o,..,...U~~L... ";;,,,,;.knrnffl '<:;'>.' ,;,~~tt}~~~tD'll1~"':f',li-c tdfmtica.l i1ldi"l.'id1t<<!".2. dB~CTiblld inMUl 1(1ho l!X6ffitJJd fks ,,,,it~(n -ttlJ/tnl.mant MId . i~~ .:i'~',;,-.)./:~;.;;~'.:.,:' ,,:, , , - - . "~~:,,,:I~:;l'I;c~,~'!9J~?lg~',to me' f./Ult.mm..th.:>.S"m..........."'""""...exccute/i the SIlm,g freely an.tl t~OlUJit(Lrllil. '0" ~. ':"'...~,,"J''''''',' :->,:- :"Y.l.:./":"/:.>:.:'.."",~ :" IN TESTIMONY WHEJREOF, J have kct"(!u.nlD Flet. 'filiI hand anil '.; ~':..' ~' ~ ;r.:.."..~:.,)..".' '.. -- - - -- - - '\ ^~~~~~;i~~~~i:>',~;;'::\:. ol/icii1.l 8~l1l t1le day mul Vrtir lrl-'~t. a.l)DJ:/J ?Dl'itttn. ';~;<' ;,' 'C,,,",' '~:t: ""'.\ -,:" .~:: :;!., ""'~~: '.t.; "";' ._, r,,' ff ~'~; ~-~ fl- . ~ i:! ;;i=-!l..):~ .. ~ ~ '" '" ~ ~., :::'~o' ::'ll '!. ~ '" ~ OJ , . ~~~~~e \ a.:? ~ 1:'-: ~\II~a " - Ii; ';l:l ....~i3. !:l ~ ;t [~ ?:J <.. ~ ~~.gl" i .. I >- ':~:, .,~ ~[~ , "' j ~ . ". z ,~, '....' ~~;~ S, l IJ.S.' &~ 1 ~ 1 Q o-J rn ~:t -p IO! '~ I" -< <li, :!ff'- g s' ! '~ ~. , ~ .t.~ ~ ! ,. i ~~, ! i~ m ~ll"'n. ; t:l l!. s:~~, j it ,. -, " Date ReceiV~d:_L~61.,JO07 Planner: AL .' ) 'OCT-OB-ZOO? 15: a? t':~'ll Mil :n4nO nl!:CLARATI'on S!L RESTRTC'l'IONB KNOW ALL lU;Ji BY,TllI!:SE PRESENTS: That tho un<lerelgned, 'J. E. 1I0lly and Agnes J. lio.lly, husband e,ld wlte, WilliaM 1. Holly and ~hld.red A. HollY. husband and ~1re, do hereby maka the following Declaration of Bulld.1ng R.B,trlctlon9 with rotorenoo tO'the plat ot ROllyson in Sootlon 32. TownBhip 17 South a."ge e, West at Will.motto Morl~lo", 10ne ~oUllty Oregon, ~s the s$me 19 tiled e~d ~ecordsd ~1tb the Wcunty ~l~rk, Lane ~ountYl Oregon, and toat the e81~ restr1ot1~no aholl run with the. land en~ Bh811be 8 charge thereon: 1. All 10tB ill Boid tract .hell be limite<l tor use tor residential purposes, upon eBo.h of which Ba1l:1 leta there ahall be construc.ted not mora than One detached family awel11ng. and nct'to ~xceed two stories in height, and to have thereon not more than One two-car garage. 2. )10 bUlldl"S. BhOll be erected 0" any reBldentio]. ].ot, any por- tio" of which $o61l'b. closer then twenty-throa (23) feat trmn the front 11ne, [lOr nearer tban 6 tuet to any aide lot ,line. except for'a garags, wtjcb may be located clOser to ;the 5ida lot line it on the rtjB.I' one"'quar'tel'ot .s~1d lot. - 3. No r631'a.ent1al or COlnmerclal bUilding shall be plao~,d On any , lot u.nle&s the ~a.m.e be tmbBtant1e.l in structure and. 'sttractiVfj in appearance. Ita re!1dElnCB shall te er~cted. on any, lot, th6 original co~t of whioh sball be lesB than twentY-f1y~ hundred doHors (t2500.00 I. llo dwelllng .holl bo ereoted on eny lot unlea3 1t be of Boad. des1gn and in keePing 'With the _otber dwellings on eaid traot. Ho struoture or any kind, ahall be moved onto Bny lot Unless it shall conform in genera,l arobiteo- ture w1th the eztstlng structures on sSid tract. 4. Ho-trailer, basement, tent, Sh9CK, garage. or other ,_out-buildings erected in the traot 13hall at any time be used as B rBSidence., temporarily Or permBnentl~, DO~ shall any residenoe ot' 8 tem- porary oharaotar be permitte~. , -I ~. No resident on any lot, 1n the t:r80t ahall keep upon aaid lot any birds or, 8nilnal~or any kind, seVe and. exoept household pets. It any ot the .proporty in t,ne trsot h aVElr SOld, renteu, leaaeci. Or given to any perSOn or ~er5ona other than a perSon or pBr~cDa of the Caucasian raoe) then, in suCh avent, the t1tla for ~uoh property'shall revert baok to the or1S1nal owners; except that thh reatriot1on .shell not. apply- to qomost!o serve:o.ts, ot the OWDer8 Or t~nant8 of ' the property in thO tract. All plumbing in any building 3nd all sewage facll1ties mUBt rulf11l the requ1rereenta set by Gtate, aounty and mun1c1pnl hs.lth suthoritie.. No hUildl"g shall bo oooupled until ths ,plwub1ns 8cd .sewage t'AC:il1tlee ara 1n8tel1C1d. ,. No bU11dingB or Btructuree ahall he meved to ~ny part ot the. -above Qesor1beO lanaa unless they conform structurally and in ~heir looation to all bUilding regUlQtlons ana athsrrsatr1o- t1~n6 eet forth here1n. Tha groUnd rloor a~ea or tbft res1dent1al st~uoture On any building lot, exolua1vs.ot on6-~tory opeO porches anct ga~agea , .$ball not be less than 700 aquare, reet. ' llo reel<lentl.l ].ots shall bo Bub-dlvl<leQ lnto bUlldl"B 10tBjhOW_, aver a specifiC exemption to thiS clause 1s_mfiu6 to E.OCka ~ and 5. ~rom C18~se : i a specific exemption 18 to be made to lot i, blaok 60- 12. ham clauses l~ 2 ~d 10 as above. re,01ted. a speoifio., 8:1:eJUpt.1on is to h~ mad& to lote 1 and. 2 ot blOCk: 3J lots 1 and. 2 O! bloQk 1. lots l ana a of blook 2 arid lot$ l-and a or bloOK 6, which lota may be used tor commerOial PUrPQSe8t 6. 7. e. ~. 10. 11. 13, TheBe Covenants ahall run with the land and ahall be bindioe on t be Olll'lers or tenants t or any or all of said land; ,snd. all p~ :~o.na 6181ll1.1n~ 'by, through or unuer theml until the Ii year Date ReCejVed;J~;I.Ju6'7 Planner: AL. OCT-OB-2007 .II!~ ' ' o ! o -'I~'.' . ."::.i . ~~F) (N. C\! '" ~\:', :t:i~ 15:07 "C~DE I. II '01""...1,1 TITLE 5 1 4B5 0307 P,I2 ., " 1._, 1i I . :: c,':':\ 340 r~,~491 lV70, at whioh time the said covenants and re$tricti<Jns ![Jay terllllnat s. If the partie. hereto, or eny of them. 'Jr their he 11'. or ',osign., shall violate or attempt to violate any ot the oovendnts or restriotions here in, be.fore the y"~a.r lQ70, it shall be la"!'.I1 for any other person Or pars'on$ owning any other lots in the track to prosecute. any prooeadinBB at law or in equl ty against the pereon or ll'reons violating or attempting to violate any suoh oovenant Or restriction. and either to prevent him or them from ao doing. or to reoover uamages or duea for such violation. 14. Tnval1aatio" of any of these covenants by judgment Of 0:> urt order ahall in no WiSe effect any of the' other provlaiona. which shall remain in fu,l1 force and etCect. It IS, agreed that all of .aid lots shall be eubJect to the restriction. ebove r"ferred to. end the said restriction. are hereby mea. 'a charge upon the aa1j real property. ' T/I WTTNESS mmR1WF the par.Jtie. her.to have hereulltQ !,et thelrhanda .l.. 7 "<1.....u.'l' IlfL7 and' seale thls clay of L..~__.., lJ9>I~'4f!; eft,' ", - . /_f' ~ (SEAL) - !/'; ..', II n __ .: J ,1..../;>. :>'u (SEAL) &'lV,,, '/'/, ' ('] ,;'~ : ,,& --LZ~?",'.I4'_._"A ~. .. ,~;~, lSEAL) \ . ."'" .-tl.".'. C' t _~ ~ ':-~ r:':i ,~.u (SEAL) STJ.T:, OF <Jll~OOIi) ) ) ~ounty of Lane ) 55. Jd'l!wrylTf7 BE cT RE"l1.iliERE~ that ~n thia ~7 clay of Deeamse~. l~o, personally Oama before me. a Notary Publ1c in and for a/lid county. the within nam",d J. 'j;,!lOlly on,1 Ai;ne. J. Holly, hu.bano and wife. W1lliam J, Holly and Mildr"", J.. P.olly. husband and wife. to me perSonally kllown' to be the identical persons desCflbad in and who exec'>ted tho w1thln' I".trument, and scl<nowlodged to me that they executecl the same freely aD" voluntarlly Cor the uses and purposes. there1n named., '. Witneao ,my hend and 6eel this da~.an::~:~_==. _::j',.... " t;if.l,:y. ?ublio r~r Oregon ..., My '~bmml" ~Ql1 llxplresJuly 25. H49. //;- Builcliri:~Re&tf10t1ona w 2, ":". ,\.," . Date Received:_ Planner: AL 5~:1 485 0307 '. ; ~ f~ql( '},n c. f:,- " M1E;<Di".Wl' ~.C DECLAHA'l';ON Of R;.;STliICTIO\lS, Whereas. 'J. E. Holly ~n~ Agn~B 'J. Ha~lYI hU6ba~d and wife; and ;,','1111.&.m J. Holly ~i1ti M11dred. A. .HollY, hU6bano and \.Jlfc,. cd.used to b~ record('d en J.mu~ry 271 1947 in 800k 340 1;1.1. fJs.~e: 490 of the Deed. RecordE: of Lane Count.y, Oregon; a.~~ c€.r'Cain Declar.j.t.ion of Reetrlctl(jns. cove-ril1:E; the Ple.t 0(:. r.ollyson ln Sec. 32, Township l~i, S"utl1 .Range. 2 ~'lest of thE! . 1,-i'111a'mutte iJierlc.ie.n in Lc.ne County, Oregon &athe sa~e is filed !:l.n.:i recorued wi th tr.e County Clerk of Lane County, 9re/!~nf Md I: " \~hcre6.E! it l.A now t!1e deslre of S!;il~ 'Ofil"tles and. ea'ch of them and all of tnflrrl to remove para.gre.Ph" No. (, of 1:S1dl' Restrictions @nt!~ely an tne pravls~~n9 thereof haYS now bUt" liullifiec. by trl('! sUJ:..re-me Cou:,t of the Unl.te"- Statebl Now Therefore! tnI'! sai.d pa:rties sl,love na.:nec., .fot" them6elveFi, ..,.r,eir helre",nd $ssigns r hereby 9.menc. 6.00.10 Dtclaration aboVe ir.i.entlfled. by removing therffrom said . Parap,.~,tn No.6 in Hs entirety, d.nd here~~: r~le~gp.i ~D1~': restriction in full. In \Hto'!:st '!,'~:ereof GSl,ic partleFi i1~Ve, .;ffi:xed thetr" h",l'l.d~ 3..nd seale ttd;s 2u.th elf',;' of .Hui-)l~t,114e~ ,4Jfcf~ ~'- j ~ J ;'/J-,1it,~1 ' 1d~t!O ,yU:., ____~.~,C <\ ti~; .-- : I Sta.te of Oreg::m County 01' L~ne .s b~ IT REMSM~ERED Th2t on thi~ 24th day of August, 1948, perr.~nally C&~~ b~fore ~e,a Notary PubliC 1" and for ~ald , COi.ln~~'. the ""1.thin named J. E. Holly .:.r,d A;::;!lee. J. EollY,::hus"os,nd 1i.nd loIife; and ,1\rl111am J. nolly .,:"nd j-l:~ldred A. iiolly, husbanrt J;ind wife, to 1H~ persone~ly .f.::1"'I'm to be tl"le ld.e!'l.t1c.'1,l !,-,~rsone dcocriued i.n ~n~ w~o executed ~~e ~bove instrument, ana acknDW- ledged tome tlu.t tiley e::a:.ecuted the same freely a.r.d voluntarily '[nI' the uses &nt1 purposes therel.!'l named. ' Witness my hfl,l"1u .""nG G'!al the d~y G.nu ~(:ar l~st C1.bove \'irl. tte:n. 1: \"" t. '.. -. \.::-....... -... ,.r.. .,._.~ :........ i 'A/t....X"" , .t"t.d~ Nota'ry Public' fot"or~ ~ ~xp. Wee. 10, 1950 01 L"'; (f.) U') ,~~'" . ~11! ]c::-e I'l_...;. .. -- .l1iH l,.).~'il... 1>0":;"'" ..~.g ~ ~1l2:~ ~B~- 1, '- o~ g' ~;;~ ~ ~~a" o....=~,,~ ~:fi!:l~-= .!~...gll~ s_~' Sa. oU'E IIlU ~'::'fl.. N '" ~ ~" i ~ !~ Ji tr !o:tf! .: ~L~ ~ P.I~ OJ ! rx:i. jj ~:!~ ~~ ;J g~, ~ ~~ m . ,. ~, '" il! @ ~ ! ~i ~1~ !!\f'l.:i': 00 ... ~ U) ~ Date Received: Planner: AC',' /qJO/.hJl7]' '/ I '., .: ./: P,13 ~~ .. ~ ~ \.II , '. ~~ ,', "4 "~ l:" :i ... 'f, 1-1 ,"<. OCT-OB-Z007 15;07 3CADE TITLE 541 4B5 0307 P,14 r~ '.'1' ,,:,~.?~;:;~: ..~:' ;'r';:2:;:'"U: t'~::3L_-=.;,.,.~w'.~ "!.'i:' "<;,,".,'" . ,~~~... ",' , . ..:\": ")."';;'~ -I:/~~ "~~'''~''~-.'''';'''-'''''7''''''''':'"': 46$102, HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION fEfJ1LT File No.~of'$~'''' 19tb Street-7~'; Str..t Se~tio~ McKenzi. Highway tn consideration of the mutual benefits to be derived betw68n the underaianid and tho. State of Oregonl by and through its oregon Stste. l!tahwtly CCll\ll'Iis&lo0 and:it.hc City of Spdn8field, amunicipel corporation. it La hereby agte.cS eh8.t th~ Oreson StJilte Highwey Commission. its agent~. employees, and contrA~tor'.moy ~nter upon the real property owned 17' iit7 " Sock~, page..s-b ,Lane COl.lnt)' nc..", Re., cords ~ f~ 1-7'1 1- . :' feet ~ar811el.to the e~lstina riabt of w~y af the by the underltgned 8S describe~ in a dist&nco noe. t.o e%casd ~ McKenzie Highway, eo finish slopes and wh~re required sn additional . feet to ,. pt;ovid.o storm drainAge hc1titiell .along the saia highway, .end further, i~ 11 hereby eAred ii th~t the City of Sp.iUifield. its a~ents~ employee. .~d c~tractorsf may enter UpOn said real PfOpBrty att~r ~onstruction to~f.nt~iD ,aid ~to~ draina~e fBciliti&l, p~idln9: , , 1 i~ 4;" I}" \':.1: " -. ~.:;j ,0.,. , (.:; . 1 . , - ;:. '::~ ~'I : " , " '.T. ,; '.r v r , I... :\ 1. The olop,es will be finished in A w~tk=anlike.manner and will ateepne~s two (2) f~t horizontal to.one (1) foot ve;tie~l. ',' RxiB~ini ~~d approaches will be~recQnstruet.~ where di8~rbBd~ ii not ~z:ceed in I 2. 3. Any neca~sary mainten~nce of anyttorm.dralnsae.facllitiBb incLudini e~t~h b'esil'ls ',:lnstalled on~:&r&\nel)l;". property for thQo pl.I.rpCi!j:c.','of ,~~:ali. of Il,urf:a~e w~tClr ,m.3yb.e done by ,tbe. C~'ty: ,of Sprir:!gfiald. Th~'.::~~Je'JI~8'ft",~y:",~o~t~Blon v~ll.hot be respontfibl'e fl)"(' se:~d operation or 'lI'Ilint.n~ce:, ,., !: ,".'. )hHN~_ :pstd -fl)j' " " A.~5'f..~1~QW8 : ., .. Shrubs QI' otau 1.1lIp~OVl!mentB within the slope 8re~ wtu b@ ::.1':.... '.' 5. Other conditions: .,:th~,l:r hB1r~ and assigns. fully Tcll;SSe the St.ate H18hwsy 'i Upon .~cmpl~tion of the work, Bnd anYP~yr08nt$ to b~ made hereundB~ th6 under~igned I, Comm1$.l~ frem any furthe~ ~laj~ ,,', "~ ": '".,. ,., fJ .j:";' &I''':~r ,:m'C<OPtct to the hqhwoy (mprovamonO eovond he::::~; ~7i'}.f~:...~. ,. ..-' i:,~ f;;:r,"~{~-l!.~: ~ ,"!"~i'Md' f: ~"J :r-;,j Sig'l'l 55. ~ i~;~ !j~~ -;.~ .. ,I " ..' ,.... Be!!.l the 'd~y' .nl1: Y,~r. ~,~n. ~bcv.lt '~it:tl!.n:: -;\; j . ,~.,,:''-::: ;~::..:>:,; "tl::;>A~"i6?"~;;.i'i~: :~:'.,'~:,'ff:;.:~' ;,:.?~:'~, '::"'::\~~,;,,:,~~,.'~:,"~fY~i;~~:^:;-~,~f~.i~~r,.~:)J~ ,~"',~~~~~(lrt;;:~:.:.p:[r~~,~,:,.,t.;.!"..,,,..,._,,~:\...~ ~ ;'tJr~~~i~~~~[l:']~~~~~i~~~\"~~xj~~~~~:~*~;&;l~i;;\~~~; Date r~eceived' /94r~7 Planner: Al OCT-OB-2007 15:07 3CADE TITLE 541 4B5 0307 1 , P.15 'j,' \' ,- ---,--,~...'-'''-'' ~ "'r,,",;'" '; 2' 'm~~~._~.~.l~I~"~:~l":~._ ..~..""_~~__~_.__._ __~___,,~___~_n. "~"~-'M~-_~.~J~~~~ "';;t:S',<._L-"- ~:=_=.=:,~-'_...,_. , "I~litj' _.p..,. ;~,..:. .,:i\,Il\{\.r...... ~,:,.J...... ~ I.;", ,,,,, :'. ", " . iWILI :E'~'" . " .'. , .. '," , < - '::1 ,~-' - .,-,. ~., 1I;lf-;.I ; .,'. . '1' ~;r.rIl"'~,::l..,.I.I''I'-, ,I,u..:' ~~\.t';.=,- '1 t"t.-'w'l' ..i'.,,.,," ~.)--\~t'.!!~~\ "')' "',, " .I~' '~,",'. :,,"'d~'" ,,' I,..~,W;" ," '1,,/ .~ . t -:,l~ t!l,' I :r,''''~''- (' ,,;;-,-',,:"'tt. ~: :A' DO') 'v, . ,~~ . 6\~~_l'.J:1";:'",~'-~!:ll1"~1 '-,j;j,,,~'\l""'a' -'f./.....'1,;;-~',..\ :- - -i ...,i, ,j, t: ' ~~\ ~,..r~';~ l-t. l~~..:,:. .,. ,~~,,;:'aia~~~ ~; ,J..q,):":;'~}::/'~:.r h-'..:~~t:J ~ ~",,1{~<iR '&!/'!tl . ~ 01 , ",," F y;,;, ".,-41._,,~,,~~. ., ,^ ",.) l' 1", , ' 'I ;,\".;. _ ~ ;p.:vt:.lt _~'f::r" J J '1'~ ,~,p' if;.''.-'\, \' -,r'~"';:1;i"4f',!~ ~',1!~ t:l~f 'Q~I ':, IT '1.. l~"ti.\;~ 4(< "'~ J.tt>t ,";:: "'"3' ~ /0. ~{\~"'t,\l;.,~..\ ',I",ll.Jt'. ~;"j.,....' f':':";~. 111~;~ I",,"" :'i;.' ...~':: "J;l;~r~ :~rt;j, . ,/~r~"."':L).;;.o:. ' 'ff) -'~:.l,^ .~~~.~!,:::i.~~,~",,' ~\ .,'. ., ^~'.'!'r ~ - ,',.....' ''(;SII'' ~ > ,~-.."I I li" , \1" ,q"'~"^'S..j'","."\i'!'; "'''''!"';~,,,!, "';1"" ~" ifiI' ".?$,. ~,. ....~ #thw' /i~;:?;fi,- ':'~,:\~'> . ", '., ' t, /J~ -. _ i\-:::"-:- .~ ,!f>;:_ ~ ~ ~ 11 \'I~..\'a~1J "(~~ l~:~' -: f ' ~. ,t.h;"{ -,,':'} "t' AVr. ,jt~ .", I'ltl ~ ~,.... )itl~ 'Z~l~~, " :' /'1011 -,.It r."l>:.o:.6,!;q .It) ~:(;,....{t~~,"~" . ~ ~~:\,~ ',~-';'" I I~~ ;;O)&l3;)~~ill?:t~~~b;rj;, ~:n. 11~i\~ (<"I.~,'W 1,'." ;::FV i; '/'I':'"!<,~, ::: '#;r, ~l_",q \lip" ~ ;.:J~;>I.,t~~',...,\,'~;'"~"'~,' r > "'~)I ~.^,., ~j '(1t:~, I' ~(,! "vt",~j; ''X' , ' .' ',' ,',. "I I, i ' I -t!<; 1"~)f~!fr*~1"~"Rrl:'/l'1~';/ iaV'1[~f'~l;r!f....q'. ,~'r~' ",,",r.":'y "\":..:.t~: . ,:~tt.;.:~,_t:l"!om~ :il~;<'J.. t J-Ct; !~'~"~~~' -.- ,.' ," :0:11' "" r,,., .J" ' .. J ;'...~."',...:.:;-~"'-~...it~~..-.,~__~~ ~ t ~ ' " '..,'" '~'~~~}-3'j~QIt.~t;;:;~f&.'i)f.:~. ~U:"'1 r r,\<""~~' >1~ji~;':;i<ij-+<'~1It't;~1:Jlf~),4",'~,iM :t~"::.~IIf,~-;~'rt1:t-~L~J~J. ~M~li'g r~ ~'~-L)((:1'~\<-;:, ~:~~.~;"t~,~\. _~ : - ,:",,~:,' 'i L . . , " .' ,<' _1'.,. Date Recelv~d: IryJo?aJ7 Planner: A~I 11 t , 1 I! p~:.~' ~obtty --~-,::_~"g . . and' .i! the:L ne"~o.l' , :,' ~'~~ec.utad-thI;!,_.N.U~~...BmL1IIIh!'l Md;!.0l'I1'Aonal1v: .:.:.. . e~:~d the UlD8. !t'eely and votUnt811y foI' tb~ ~"lI. -m ~... ": _.. ,_... ,_ ,_" __ _" .....'.._m,'..__ '_~----'-~j , ..,.,.,:. -1' t _.~'rt OCT-08-Z007 15:08 !I 1 541 485 0307 ,I ,. !~ 3CADE TITLE ~.~" '"tj~';;'."cj';i.::'''~4i?j~:~;: ~ -HIW\iAY coo$'l'aUCTtON P!aHt'r .. .;f~~~~~~~~~~~:;';~'- -:. .--" --....-. ",.\ ..:-. . s~etro~" .. .... ". ,'" ~fl~""1t~~ .... '. . ~ . . .. , ". . .,,-1~t'l!.~t.'71iii.t';S:"r-eet . MeK~n3ie Hfghwey' --,-. '. ,,....-,.,.;, '~~'. .~::,~.:~:.-~~~MW'~1,~n QL~)>l!. ~l1ttlBlj~m~ to b.l;! 9~!.l~'f~~:,.~~,t"'eeD~!l,~_~~~~~~f]~~. ~.n,' 'C-,--'-' ..A.~' ,tbi!. St&te'~i O'[:e$ol'l. b"y and'thTCll,lgh it.. Crraon. 9t,Il.t.l!. KiS1'iwll'y C:QllImtll.~i?11 e~d' the CHy. " ' ","'".. , ' ,'," , f..~:~:~.~/J"h~~t~l~~ "a ~U~~C1pel cor~t i~n. :Lt, is" be,reb: a~r,e~d t~8t t~e_.~:~~:~.lt~t,a..,H,~~~~_~_, ',COmmr6.si.cii:~ j,ts .agen!;~ emPloyees. ~nd eO'l\tr,.ectOl'B,QlBY ~fJter upon the .["',e$1 property ~.d ,,' , '-'." '"t~, '~,_, " ~ ," ;:1::~:::.::-;~;e::C'~~~ 1~;-~;e:'~:::~1 :::~tYf.: :.~~~:n:::~, :~~:~:~:~I""/' :1' ~1 M<:K~n..zlli iU.ghwBYI to' f1nhh r;Lopos ,md whet"l'! re.qu1l."e.d an additional S,;,I --r-- teet. 1; .~ .- ~ ....'lYI.q,a SI:Ot'l'tl-E.!~lJ\aQ.ar!l~pi.t~e~ Il.l2.n.i. ~p.e 88.1d hiS~~a.~~ _.9n~ _.funher, it 1sl,he.cby Ba eed ~ . f" j ! I , 'j'" tQst the Ci~Y of Springfield. ,its' ~g8nt" employees and-contractors. may'.nt~r ~pon BBld - real 'p~QP~ity aft!'!r construct 1'011 to mainu In eaid' Ilt.Ot'lli 'clr~ln~8~ f~c1,litie5, ;;proY~d i ng: J ,- L. f f , ' ,1', The. slopes vill be finUhQd In .. VQrb.9\'111k~ marther Bnd .....ill B~e~p~~88 two (2) feet horizontal to one (1) foot v.t'ei~~l. n~t exce:gd ~T1 1 2, ,'~. Extstfng'"T'om:ll!.ppt'oB.che.s wilt be' reconstructed when dUt1,l.t'bed~ 'Any' ne.;euOl.Y l!I.lI.intQnAn~~ of eny Bt.orn drsinoage f9l;:l,.Ut~...1l; including i;,9,cch basins tn~tDllod an grantor's property for th. p~rpase of r~~oY81 of 8u.f~~e : wet~r may b~ done by the City of, Sprtngfhld. ThoScc.te Hi.gb...."y Cl;.vmdUion _ .,~i1L_o.o.t_...be.., l:.e.ap~msJ.p-w.f!;ll:".a~d. opeuti..on. or ma.i..nt.e.nBn~_,__~~:... __.. ___ 4 , " i Shrubs or' cthe.r improvement$ within tne slope ares will be p'Qid for as ~ollo~B: ~ ,- ~ " ,. Other I;l;md~ti-cT1S:~,UI7'l~I7+ -bt ~,.. .,.+ S~..J..u.. /II alii- 10 4A,,:,"_ "t:io b< _~"'(. f Of ..~, Rlu J 'n~_ il".;"II~) 1 Sl'lY paymel'lt. to be m~d8 hlll'e'l.ll'idel",' the - , ,; und~rsi~n8d, Uporr..eol!lp-I'8'tion of the W(',l"k. Ilrtd :~~r he~rs 8~d 46stgns, fully .~lea&~ t~... State Hiihwsy Comml~slnn frQm~ny't~~ther'Cl;imB .--1...." ......~~-t.o the hightJ-ay i1ll.p~"etIIel'it coyered herein.' , ':;, " SLi!1-8i;1; :~tined ;,- .,., ,__ .._~, <-,1.." ',', ".,"ned'tft-;;" " " ' S~gRc.d: I ,_ '" ",,: '/ ',j ~l ,r i ) ) SS. .n _--'... ____ .' " ---~~,._-'~ P ,16 L' [i' tt " : 1 ;, I '! " " '" 1 ,;:::.j.' , I , 'i , , Ii, " ',:1 " r , '''1 "" J' I' 0 / Dat(, YWCE:ive, d:,_I.O _SP/rl<Jo7_ , f' Planner; AL:; OCT-08-2007 15:08 ~,' ., J I I ! r;tJ o - ~~' ',\tl ~. ';.... .ic~~ "i$~,--_... 'J".., :ADE TITLE !..., ~, ~itt : uJ i . ~ r ~~~ i ~ _ _ ~-"l & E tQ . - ' lS:.,(.l"g .. ~ l., ."1' H~~] ::z 'Y\ V) I ~ 'D~iIl~<..I , ',' ",-,*,"'lpll"j'l:' ,S 0-.:. ,~ __ _..L,} g -; '1. i\; ""v:;-',,' ,"...... 'i, !'~..!$~= ,- ~'4-'. .W"l:l'- ,~ '.'ft -J' ,~' 'JsH - .. "~. ,':', .... I ".~ . ~ " . , '~ "13 .0-.-. ~ '-<\\ ~, 1 F , , , . Q 'J '3 541 '485 0307 P.17 )" " '". II . Eg.:!:" '" R-r- .s"1 -----;".:l ~" ~. ~ i ~,I'~ g:; . i :J~a~ a &i ! ,I, ~ ~ i i l~i' , .~~, Q Q ~!9 . =~ . i. -' W~~"-"h~,_,_..: .~:...~.---- '1"-- ~ ~, g~ ~~' , JQ': , -..4 '~ ~ " Oato l-'<eCei~'';d: lo}O/;;t>tf7 Planner: AL 7 ; OCT-08-2007 15:08 ,CADE TITLE 541 485 0307 P,18 -.....", :,~,''''''.''::f..J'~''':71.'':c: :." ~,,: J.:: :.,: 1".', .! :;'.',,: ',; ','>" ::;l;"' " ;'?~t;;;t~~j0f:~' ,,',' '''N'\'<:, .@):/, .'^.,...'..If'i;,.,I..,,.;...... ,)""~':" "~.,~ ,fkV' , I' ~~, . &\1' ;~: I." '~ ' ~,; '~:, ",it: \i.l.., ';)l; \i!', ~::r::'_: t.\t&;; " , '1'<<SiATE ,or OR~GON,' ,) V~~~~:~1.~ll;~n. { ,'.,. , " ,'(:'::::,:~w,~~;6idii~il',,,dt~td:Q'@e4,.:tn;'J.q:#\d;~ ot~ wz:? " ' ,lP~r;'i~):{)~j.&~;;~~J,i~.;:"~A;',:;,:.'....:;;;,'"&";L~~~~2~~"',,,: " (~,,,,,,-'-.,~CV;!i;.@,y~ """","'1;""',' .l@""E"Jfg-'..'_.,..,,--- ,", 1" ..',' t;. O".'"~l~ tr~'~ . .... .. v' ~'on:1Il :SS' 't.ItI xpl"res; :: :t:: . !: tv.. "1' 9 ::::i " l'~ \ - ~i.'G' , l.,~~. e 'Cl ~; 0;; ~:t.f.\? " '~/('''~fj~' '. ". ',:I .".rr"'.:l;;-.......!-...- i'{:";' ;~~.;;' 1~:.,'ol'S~ .'::~i.~.O;.:;'.;...:ii.\~'.,~ . ~~; 11,\1,1,'; , I... 1'\ '. (:,. I,j< , \~' . -W, " I' ~il,:, ;.~'; ~~,,; f\' , I': ',;' ,; ,'i :ti ;';'':,.' '~,.,..:.,: .~,.~...,~"''', ..."".." .- 7907149 -:;:, ...".;~~1,;.~ "Mf~(tMENT'1 WHEREAS, the under$looed owners and/or doveloo,r, desir, that the City of Sprinnfj,jd allow dflve Jopm~nt -of 'p'r'oPQ'r."ty."chiscr'i'b-ed as (on QWs: '. ,l-o'ts'"J,"2f; 1'3'/'1'-4,15, lih J9"arid 20', .. '." F'1,'s~@'r',1 s" Pl.:it". 'as':'plat.ff!d ~'<!nd';rec'ord~. in" Fi.1e '73. S-ll'd~ 173. Lll:ne' Coi:ln-t'.V" ., ~;~~OI1 ,p:1:at~'R~ttO~il,S 'i,~ :t:~~~.. t'~~ri:t:Y,t Or~.~on':,. .' :~. "I ; \~nere~~.;, ~fl~,~'/C.tty fl).F' .:sp)':fngf~ ~I d. Cod'e 'J'le~LL.1'f'e$'],tha t<a\fl;A?filHJ'~:.Jfll~rO\l,em.e'rT~'~';';'b~':,."friS.t'~lled "O.r-':. . 9ua-rilh'tee~':~~~.i Or:'~ ,to :-'tti'@ ':;,{ji:!:~~J-oPi~etf.t':\:O ,rt>s-aJj;Jfy.r6~e:li.tYi":lln'd.; :tli If -ir.e'r1ti j:raiiie,n't,\t',fo):j";:' s-. .~P..lat-" _ '., J'. ,'WePf'!i~fi~)~lil!,M'aittH~ ,'S~I'I~tif!fidi~!."~1~h~~biliT\~$j~,,i},,'t:heil'c:AuW,t;'39)>~s, :iMi;f;:y>:':; ".e". th'~',:UUg~nJ.9"d, bH<T;J th.,oWue'r! ,"diol' ,M"el;up." uf saId' ntbPert),;~9::~qfiJ'l' ~i,;1"!i'. . ",h:dtllc<tl1, ",e'f~qn'dla,r);"'COUrJ'C:1;.l':'Of;. 't~~,,,,,C1.tY)O,.t.c/s.pb)r9f,te1;d:;,,; o,tatlQ~,':-t, ~P, UlJ'~'Ui1,ft,.tf..t,";,/'.JiJ,' &~fn, ' . ?',;,..rYrli},',J-;:, v,ii:li;!'I:lirf.{)r~':J n',til'i~:~p~in~n;l,a 1 d :'totle'.-decla~1, tt,S,;:ii1t"ih.t 1'on ":by :~;r..e,s"ci:r{jli Qrt(;td'iC .t' :;,I~'lic:t~; ,t. . td;.'_q.e;( e~~~d'~:M:t~. to :'C',on$",~ru.c ,t7, :.s a I\i~t'ilify;.i 5ewe~.:.,:d r: .!lJno ~e:i ';Slil,' o,\'{~, l~~'~,;.f:",$J~.~ , ~V~1:57~ ~av'M~".61lpr,o-"'eme'r1ts ':'.f.01"'. S~l1tti, OrlY~ :'as' :speci,f1l!~..b.". the ,'Spr,I,Jj!\,f:~;~)di,'Pt~r::.1) ,. '~';';':"'~ t1nd.ery:~trafn:~W\ie:rs', aM(Qt' "devel.o'p~'rs.',o:f' !iil'10 pr,(m~r.~y...trer,eb,Y, c.o.n~~nJ':I/~t1~.lt, :':?.P..r.<!~...:}'j,~r.) fiel d:'may' .conStrmct,,-sa;ld, '1mprove;nent('s). Ettld 1 ~,t the .cotltrllct "t~ere'for:e>; '~I1- '~'J.:.f'5;.;"P~~S";-)i; dero~~,.lI()~,~.. adwiiitaY~OlJli" i\nd'-witho~t hold1 h,9 ~ .!)lJb,lic .h~~ri n\):~~e~e.ror~~,"~:~.. ." ,\, ',>'" j!fWip,;~n:\,.~~ hereby'~.w..n ve:.no_t1e~ ,'of thi:! il$'$'~5sment agai n'.tt said prm:Jel"t.y for th~' :c~r1~'t'~~'~~~I!'I':l!f?~b'~.'~'~~~;~~~::4: inr;' lIth"9 C1 ty En{J1 near's ehi\r~es. and heretiy @xpresst.y wt! lV@; any llnd .;111 lr.,re~u:l~t.:'.f:'t,f'~$:'';"1"i'(':;'.:)~St the procf@c1n,9$ .and h@r,eby,rat1fY and' c;Onf.l nn ,3 n th~trna.y :be don~ :O'!'.-:~Md)t~l~i$e,r::~tf~::~,Qiil.dX"~\,~: Sent that all C05tS of the construct lOr; of sa i(l' IIM:Jrovelnent (s I. i nc1udiriO""C1t::i~[n'\'l~M'er~~ .(',:,:<~'::': ch6r!jl;!S for 'adl1l1 ni stra t ion. 1 eg~ 1 fees. siJDel'"\li s ton. inspection" 'and Ildvel't-iS"in.ni: ~iai;,:.tie', :. ~'. :';,:,i:':..; pai~ by the~1ty from the developer's sbvin1l5 ac:count /lSSiin~(1.'~o~~~.Cit'l.:to/mH!,r~ntt!~:, .~.;::"';:'?:,~); compll ante \'11th thi $ ilgrl!ement. .," . , " ;_:: .:',~-,;:::,.',,;, ".' '.:: ,:'","'/:. ,:': ':::.L<L'{i[l The und~r~ igneQ own@rs lind/or developers. lH~ree thij t a' va'l l(j' eMI-t:.r:it't.'-'ilP~_r.(J.v~e_d,,'l~_v:'\:_~'~~,~,~}i;~Y,::,';:~':~'1:~::~~.: of Sprlngft!:!ld for c:cnstruc tion of the intpro....el~len~$ stiilted abOxe",.w1:p..,bii!~:'.e-~t$rg~>i,,!,"~p;;rEtli:,;:~:s: :'::;'.~.: a licensed contractor priol" to July 1.1980, elther by th~ P\"Otedllre'$~':it;tted-'ahoye'.:ot'-;..oy_'. ;/;J~-:N!;:. the own~rs and/or develop~rs employing s41~ conEractoi- tQ pel"f'o-rm the' ilnJJro/~m~'n~t'5';::'X' . ';,:.,,:lt~!~} . . . ',; ., (- -- . ',:, ,.,", .': :..' ~:. :i. Thi!1 a9~ement Sh41l 1nC1Ude a 11 n.~ tte~5 pertai n1n'g to t'he r;ontrjl:ct ~'9,~b~: }~t::'PP:S~:'u,~:rij~\~~y.~',~::;:(;~;; cho!ltllJel by Chanqe Ol"der" or othi:!'rWHE!, 1n the scope Or p.xtent of the ''Con.t-tllct::~nb:?tVl:'a)':y,:!~o;: ~',~:}'(~:" the intent of the COr'ltract which may b~ deemf!d n~c:essary b.Y tne En!ljp'~~ir1t\qro'i:~1'~rO~",~o:~i.~~.~~f>';t:~~ Cay of Springfield. 'Il', '. ::' ~I ::~~'i',::",:.<~::~::~; , , _' . _,: . '::: , '. ,," "i." ,\..."..t,~~'::;; fURT-HEfV'10RE! th~ undersigned .wa!v~ nny ri']h~s.to eontribution o~ sha_i'l.I),C? of."S-Q~ttJYJ~~~~::;(,~::,:~~~':~~L CHi' of Spr'i119fTeld undl?r eXlstlnC) C1ty polTc1es or pol fe1es WhlCh may 00'. hl!r~.~:~:l:~r"';il#.of?te:cr~:r:.:,::':.'~" and llnderstand thllt no p<lrt1al st.reet 'imprOY(l!l\t:ot mlIy oe financ:ed unde!:"the',C-f.-tY'~):!'-[lifI:r',:. . ~.'~>'::1' crofting plan. , . ',;:" ,,:,.':':',~::,:'..,><'::;),.>t The un~e..s isned I Ql'o'ners and/or de vel opel"S. WIll defray al1 nr,;va,tll"~~\ri'~.ee"if!ve~)":~~, f!!,li~~~~;~;~~':~~: t.o eng1neerlng improvel1lents described abovQ and $;Ime ~hall riot be Bi)ncrO;ftetr-tln'"$"~n' ',;-':~::';.i";:i,~i appropr-iati:! COntract for' englneer1no s!;'rvices is approved' b.y .t.n~"CHy. . '" ':":-::,'''(G~ The unders 1Qned ownQr .!lind/or de've loper5 hav~ a~s;'igneo' sav1 nq~ <1ctount"ri8'~ 1'6f3~5'l.~<88'\~:';~~~:/" "),~:;, Springfield Brilnch of Citizens Bank of Orego!,! to 9l,.larante~ f,tdthful coniplil1r;c:e:.,\lj'.1th:'~fife"" . .'..','.':'\.:~,L{! termS af this t1gn:!elllent, 50id assignment af $a'ving&'acI;01.lnt h' "tta~Ile-tl';he,f6't:dli~iia";'fIl.ai:l,~,,~,,/\:':;t( pllrt of this agreement.. '.;,?',:'/, . It,.' ", . " '~,,:.f~.~~:; and/or d~v~loper5 ~: th.et'r".'he4d;:.' '.. .~:'~! , ; , . '~. ",; , . ,':..~,,':':.,V~~: A 3 . '," W lIB 'l'Ii:~'o/S,~!;t " , ,,,,~ .:;.. . I, , this agreement ':Md &$-$19n5. ,OATt: Va-trJ' ~':'~'dEZ2__,__ shall be binding upon the ynd~tSlgned owners , W,i t.n-'!f, 'e~ss:: . . .~ """"'. : ~:~~~." c)~L" "'. '~.'; ':;::',~~ :: .': ~.:;{:; ",.,.; :.............o-...~ ::'~,i~;>;}~:, ",',!" . ...-". .~ . , :- .,:.',~: " ~.:-}:~ <j,:~ ;"t.;' :,' IJ3 ;.$'"" , " " ..-.,...,.."..,.....-.,'. II Date Received,:. /o;i;I~7 Planner: AL :, ~ :~~!~ ".'. . :i (t" ;}/.r '~"'Ii,''''''" ,. .' '. '''.- .."....~...,.,....... {" " "1,.~~~.,'~~.. c .~. ~ ,"~"" ,c. ,",I'" ,. . OCT-OB-2007 15: OB ~ :!l', :,,;~" "I" " ~;Ii- ~,~ " I""'. "1"')' ',w. L >i' ", ~ i~" ~ : " 'CADE TITLE 541 4B5 0307 P.19 , , . . j 'it,' ,:Y~rh;~~:.~'3\~~?~:':fi,::fi":3d~'f~1::;t,-;~tj.\,::.:~,.w;l~f.:! \';:;':;i'~"~'~:::h~~\~i':'?";':;::;i.},\<':::;:'\);'~-'.~,,~,~~:,~:;;t~ '~:;n~~:~~~..~ ~.",' '( ASSI<NiENr,QF SAVINGs ACOOUNT 790714:9rJj""", '!"'''''7f ',r""," , ~~^"~~. , .' . , .... . ,,",,~%~ i:': 5""': , 'I1IIS,'~s~lr':IS'FOK'lllE'l'\lIWOSE; OF Sl;CURDXl 'lllE PAlllllllL PERFORMllNCI! ""k'>' ,:;")""';~~~C~~~~~~~A , :, pA!l'I;!tlF!'I'IltlI'A~S~:AS'i~ifW.Y ,si;:T:;oml'IlEREnI; '. :'rh>'~~~'.~t1i#::~"~r.i>rM;llereby'"".!gn' tranafer,' and '.~t'.,y~\lil~d"t'l!.j:()j[~,':";i"~':,'<;i';ipp~~',g;':i\iliilllit'; .t:i, tl.ll~'ktMit, ',t!,",,' .:orid '. to.;,tIie'! ' ,df':~oM!rItt,'~"'~!iI:>{'lOO;",.......-----_._._~~_.__--~'diiJ,lilr', , lieS "G'~dN~'j;23"57183; ," :i(il'th.i''Ilpt.ti'ifi;;ldi'!l:'liiidl'<if.illil5:i:eris ' , '.;1 ,:::,'~'Jl#lt'i~;''1''!!''';2;~lJl.llnal''','f:\,l''~~/;~~~d~,;;il)d~,>!.!iBno~fu: ";~ .:to,~ ~I:, '.4,i'1r .';anu~~~~~ylt:l' .. ','.~ ~'l1~;l.tt~seven\iJ,':',1.U"I,Uo'I"","",'<iI."",tiO/:' f~POl'~, ...:..::/:~,: "(~1 ")'bf~'~~"'6i3'5nM' ,'t,"tliPoi'" "w,,,, '"., .",','..'.."'.,'t~~~i~~~,;;1~'~1~~;i:,~~,:{1,M~;~f~;,f~~~ ~'>f! ~"" ""Z"'~I'Mill\:he':e~ey'" 0')"<"" ";(}'1Qiq6P~~2a=~~~~~k" ,M\W,:,~iiJ,,;if;~:': ~~~ 'No, 6U'SltiiB" .iii'Wtfiit"tli<i"~'I~$\iii~;";,"':;l' :;;:~~;..fah~~~=~"~~oe;:-,,t:i~t,li;)W!l.~~'/';~i!:;:;f:: Slpj ODd datod at Sprlrigfield, Oregont/i:Ql17tl\ &lY,of.J~;.,~19:',;\~~?i.ii , s~cn of =:~~;r~'i~;'Nit~ ~~~~~~~t!,\ . /~if~0",ard ~fJ=lh '/';~I;'lf}':~'.'i~~i~~ i J \~oTA1'I ',,' ,: ' 9; '.~~'ii'1;i 1~1~;:" \~Y2; . \.~~~ .__=_h__..';,,~~il~ ""count No.. 623$18B in the'S\llIl of Seventy~und,.ona:!li\Il00:~"",":i,,:i'i"j and ';::"::::t=:~:'::=~:=:~':~:"lgi~~~:fW;':;1;~, Aiil'ho.:ized.!:gOat:ur. ond addUs~'of,':"'_,.' ',;.,,: '!,..". ~.'. ..'- . . .;'~." .""": ~-.,...", '.., ,.~', .,..-, Oithens, Bank', of::'o.",,;- '. " .)~';:, ~~ ;;k ::~f,U~: ';,.,.97477 , , , , ',.' , . .~i:,:(i5 . ' ." ' :, - ~S11ltBn;t "V1'Ccf.<,Pre13~;.; ..~:-.:::~)::; , , ';I'1:~~f~,;';~1fi~ -,......:, ".',., .or- . ". ". 1-" ;:'i_:-::.~~~:::~j;J;~),;:f':~~j; Date, r~eceived: /0,,5"/47>"-' . Planner: At / ;.. / , OCT-08-2007 15:08 CADE TITLE ~ - I 111 "1} ~J"r i ' ~ill, J. ,~ ,,~, l' ' 'I': ~. \ -. ",",,' , "^,.' ,l itl ,':.. /,' ,I' 'C-!i:;j. ....,',"" ,,'," ",:J"s, ",,>, ..... "f' , .~_.~'t5;"".~ ~ 1lJ :' :,1/' :.,. igi, , , ' '" ' ' 0 ..-" ," I" ':<1']" ~: ~,",' ~ '",.,;':'- '::.'" ..~', ~ :v,' ,.,,' i 54'1 485 0307 P,20 ~ i p.' 11 ' .~ ~ ~ l< ~ g I " z:..,. ~, ,1 'It'. ,~' ,,. il! j 1~ '" J .r ~i . : ..~;; '. ~~! .- . .~, Date f~eceived;-*~/d<>o'7_ Planner: AL' OCT-OB-2007 15:0B 1 1 J rl ~I ~,i 'I:I I'll '/ . :I ' "I' ,J:iN,ATf.: ~F OREGO~ I" , .' :,~..,r.i:l.unty>of lllna, 1 '. " :1 ", 'l'~"',' , ',I i;~;:B~';'~";,\lE!l<:l!Ii.EREO. that on this .:ij,#'Lday of M a.rc.h, . 19!i. b.foN! me. the ':11 ;.:-~'~~-';~~':Notar:'y,::Publ1e lnamol" u1~ COUri'{Y'anG~,Si4te, pers'clllllli n:p~ar&Crtn.e !; :.--:, ~~lifn.J1a '-,,,,", . . , Olane F'lsher . ',.kn,QW!I"itO' lJtE! '''. '. ~~g,. 1caJ'lmnv.,aual descrtbed"inand' who I!x_eo:utei:l the w1thln iri5t.ruman't Md-' . nl<' . }~~g 'j1.~t;t ~he . ~~~ut.~~)~~es,ar!le>:';freely ,and:' vOluntari)Y. ,:;;' lJt1tt have hereunto -sett~ ha~G and ~{fl~ed m;t ofhcfal s~a'l the d~ :iJ abo'v;li:Wrtt:ten.': j ~ ,,$ , I 'I' ,~4.i.h,,' . II c;!:",,;~1t;,p.<!- ".lP<L- t=~,,'::->- "tIiy I,;Omnllss'(~'n EKpl'l"er.'":": " "',' /1Pw;t~.c . , , ~ J,; : < ~CI\DE TITLE 5 1 4B5 0307 P.21 ," ."~- ;1 -, ./.. -~ / .' ,J. ';~~'~~;:Q 79Z,.zsS ~ HTllITV ,ASEI,lENT ;'~.: THIS IND€NTURE MADE and ent~rC!d into thi5 ~ day of '.: and l:Jetweer( 01 ii1fle FlsMr" . di the Grantors, and THE ~lTY Of 5?RINGflELO~ a mUn,c~p!J . ::1": OregQn, hereinafter r-afl!i"I"t!d to as the Gra.ntee: '1'<.' , ),I.u;r-~ ,197"1, by', @re nafter reTirred to Gorporatiool in l~~ County~ I ; \~ X: .....:~>;, 'h'/~. ~~i~~'~;~i,:}~~;;~j!:~.~; L::it, , !!.,tlf!U.Hlll. '. . ,;,;"~"'~:'/+1, I., .,'?:?t'In' 'onsfd~t'atf-ol'l of tn~ ilcceptanc;e by Gt.afjte~ and the use or hOlding ofT sa'i(j.;.:l!ff~'nt ~.~~ ..:; ~ ~Y~t:t"'for' pr@se'n't" or 'future puo11 c use by Gran~e, Grantors. h@f'8bygj\ah~',:'.tra~)~l'f{,~'81'J~:),~d\~,:,~':f~~~' ~ .:'G~.(",/'convey',ul'!to ,th@'o G\"~ntE!e, d perpetual eaSemEmt ~ '1'etlt 1 n', wfatH', 't,O'ge.tir~r:-.w,1't~~,;'~t)j~~t::l:f:~ ''i~~'I; rl!;lht tD go upon sat!i u:semel'lt area he-r@'fnafter de$~.rlbtd. for the"~rp6$~'_,Qf-;:corl:sW4l~Mh'ltf~~ :'',c-,\,;reconstructing', ma:1rrtaitdngand u5ing public, u~ilitie$whlch may herea'fte,~,,~e,~'i:nst'atl~d~~\i,f~ ,- .,on the fol1ow1ng described property, to-wit:, ", - 'J,' ,.",'. ~'S~~::,: ' " '-, :,:".'-::r::,' ",..~:.., ,';;:. ", :'}:i :'.:',:~, I ":. A fjve foot p~bl Ie utll lty .asl!IIl.nt' .ionsthe South boundary 'of Lot IS "nsAEIi :' .., ,PLAT'RllS platted and flIcorded in File 73, Sl1d~ 173 ll.nd 174 lane Cotltlty"Or.egoIJ Plat eccrdl>) in Latle County. Oregon. ", .. " ,;': A ~. . ~'n lIB n~n;,~i TO HAVE AND TO HOLO the above eaSeUlel'lt to the 5a1d GrMtee, ih: heir5 and aS~,f gns forev~r.: anti ,seals' this,' IN ~W;S WHEREOF. ~Granto.rs .abo~~n!ln!l:!d hll.'re hereunto set thair hands , !day of a.rC/1, 19a. "/~ ,)".-ot... (SEAL) ,(SEAL) (SEAL) , (SEAL), CIS EO'lIs4-1 'I Date RaceIV~d:_/o;;ldoo7 Planner: AL., OCT-08-2007 15:08 ,CIIDE TITLE A~ ::1~;~:;- :'~,': "'., I <;lfj "i , ,,':~f,"'~~:'.,,', .. '. ", .."...l,j/\i, "..,. , j<J[~i~B)~i!.l;ii~::;'~ . . , ,,1(.h;.f:.1~;~~~~I~;,~!({ , , : !!~ ~~!~l g . i 11 ' ,. ~ s .- ,~ 5 1 485 0307 P,22 '. :' """'. . . , ~ . '~it',""'i ,::>~":'Nf,,;:; ,.",g, ~" ' '.~~,'r..~. ,- I',' " .,,'~' ,...' 00 11 ;i] ~ S ;:! - . 'rEG '~ II C:Z 'IS ~ .1 ~.__ ,_,~..._ Date Received:_LiJho ~07 Planner: AL , ;" OCT-08-2007 15:08 :ADE TITLE 54)1 485 0307 P,23 ...;.,.,,\~,,'.::^~:.: ."'~: co. '~<'b'''''''~'~'' !.,~~. d~' ':;"'~6 ~~.~ '~:\'I '",,~ .:.~ 7921293 UH!H.!!l '."THIS IND,NTURE 111\0, and .nt.rad ", and betHcen Into thj,~ d.y of -!fIJih!t ../ Dian~ FIsher . If/1- by <, " if ,,1 ''< J , 211<~ ~, ';..:\ ~ ;:.r, .,~ '~' ': ":1 :";,. 8~~inn1n~ at -the Sout~$t corner of lot 15. 'FISHER PLAT. (1$ PlattJ~' ~-ifd'.<1 ~ecordtxl in File 73, Slid(!S 173 and 174~ ~ane County DregonPh,t R,ecotds.".:: In LanP. co~~ty. O~~onl said Point of Beginning also belngon th~'Eait'ma~:. !:.Iin of SI~Jtb Ol"'lVe and th~ North m,).J1j1n of the Me KefJiie IIIt1hw<lY; ,:theM~:. runnioy alolKj theE41st margin of Smith Orlva North OCl(J4IQO.II Hat. 10.~OO:'" fl!l:!t; then~tl le6v~ng sal<t margin and running South 44"SOIOO"'EiUt 14.17':, fe~t to .a POInt On thll "North marqin of tb~ Me K~nzt~ lii9hwdYi thtrr"o alem) Send Nort~ qarg1Q Harth 89044 0011 West 10.00 feet to the Polnt' o-f Se9f.n... nio9f all In Sprin~fjeld. lane Count.Y, Oregon. ,(' :,' ' ;'; i ,~ 'I '~ :'; , ,A TO HAVE ArlO 10 l-lOU> the above easemlnt to the said Grantee. 1t~ sucCas~O" land a$~" signs forever. < thotY' hand!> !'and 'Sears'" ,;.~ .:~ III ~lT 55, I!HEREO;. th .. thh: fj'I day of '.. '.'.". . ,; ~. :~::. 1.#ALL (SEAL) (Sm) (.EAL] , ,,' (SEAL) ')l~~~:<';..::, " " '.':'~;t:"'~T~t" Of O',\lO'i. County.of ....~. :':r~,~ ~~ack.n.~wl~~9~* ..~~e..,fOr{!9{)1ng :( 'r."f' ,~'7:~. " ,'::"" ., . ,~ 7' (.alla fSS ?ersohally:appeared the ~bove:' MJkct and . ,n>t,ument tu'be ~olunt.,y oct ~nrl rl~ad. Cefo,. .. rroyrhiAr "'egoo .~:; h " " ~'..: "", .~f::i.,e;, "~....'(lu fll,,},-~..!.,;:., .:.:':/ .:~ "'t;.....:.~.~ ~,~~/~~ -, '~,;, '. .i~.;",1t orQ-r\~V""!~.~~~... ., '~'''''H,i;'~I'''~''''':' '. ,I..~~ " ,- .. .1"~'7' . ~:, CIS. En ({S4.';'.1 "u.,;.;~....., ,. t:' "'"'."_ ,..~ '~.' >0 .~ ~: L .,....",.,. bate~eceived: /~A1doO) Planner: AL OCT-08-2007 15:08 ;ADE TITLE ~; I ~{. ' t "", \1 ";,'~,v;',"I'''' 1"'''''' ' 'I }}~ ,/ ' ,,'1'" ~ ", ~r". ,.,. ,~." I )"";('~>'" ...;;!J:~',', ,',..t(".l,. .' "'.;;'!'Il1l.' ''1:,:1.' ~~';;':~)"~~l'" , .:*; ~~}\~;' ,:'::~;,~,' ~~l ~ ~',,'i l.t 'if! !" ~..: . ~. l~ ~c':l ~ , ! H ~iU ,~ L__~,.._ 541 485 0307 P,24 ~' ~ ' . , I' " ,'.' , ,,;1. I 1,"" ',',,' .~"~ J" - ,," , -~ ". ! ., g r~t co ~ "~', ,""- 00 .tI~: ~ ." Q')jt ' L~! d , Date Recei~ed: /P~h07 Planner: AL OCT-08-2007 15:08 CADE TITLE 541 485 0307 , P.25 " .( 1-1"' Mz.-en, ;1 ~ 92ll0l'16 .i, SPRIKQFI~LD U~ILITY'BO~D RIGHT"OF-W~Y~SEHEK~ 'KNOW, ALL ,MEN BY THES! PRESBNTS, that the undersig'ned., M:l!m...P, Gu~, ~, ~,;.,:~'J;fi1l;~. Wl!rl! , f,or Ii goc4- \Utd -valu&ble c:on~dd.:i:'at:1'on, of tl'i~ r8c81~:t'"1""h'ereof ill hereby Acknowledged, doeS". h.re:by. 'itant .unt"o -,the C.l'ty ,of Glil;!ij;:flel<l,lI muntdpal corParetio, II,' actill9"" III .1Id. through its, SPRIKGffl:Lll 'lJ'tI'L'I.n"SOABD, and. unto its s.ueeessore arid. '8155 'gne, 'the' ri~t' to 'ent~r'ul:i(ln th.. llilldio of the Wl<lereisned' ..teuat'ed ill the, ,City of ,Sprillitfield, State of Oregon, and. more'particularly described. as fo'llowtu Ji ~az HaP #17-02-32-31, parcel '100, alao know,'.' Lot 3, Block 1, of the plot of Ho11Y8on, as platted and recbrde4 in bOok 13, page 3, Lane County Oregon plot reaor48 i~ I"and County, Ore#on. DOGS hgre~r grant a five (5) foot wide B<<sement ent1~8 east property l~ri~' ' eel n~rth, prol"8:t'ty l1ne. r , , And. to placG, construct, operAte, :repair, maip,ta-U1, relocate-; An4:"tepl_j~d~i'..''', " tl1eretll ~n 9vil~lillad ele~tric distri~Ution }ilie,~rI,oll!dinSl':1>91..il >,'~~":,*#,~~,: ,'., alL11' 'o~,.r a:1!t-~enl2:1' facilit1es; to 'remave' ~d':::r.e.p'l~c!'~.: '.~,.~~~i;I:~,~~:~~~~~..\~~'~...,.;, the". .xtent ,ne'CGlla8rt, to eonstruct, ma'1ntaJ..n" :a:n4""Pro-tClct",EJa'i;,ac':1'J,l;1.iB:.~-.,:.t'~:r'(ili.t..,;.".: . and triin' .tree;s ',"and ahrubliery, ond to t~bi' '&n<l r~lifov.::::...l-l' >4e).'4.~ >\tdi.k:'~.':':",,, ' " ~. loaning; or "D:~rou. branches or entire t:tee.l3_ :that:'a'.i:~:'"~'~:g1)t.~.i':i'n.i~t.t,:.,.t.~':"..,,, strike wires ill bUillSl, NO put of .ny ~uildin9or"perllianebt".t""ct\lre, "1'1.1. 'tie"P1B.'CR upon this eO/Jament, othot" t'han ABpblll,t'lc payemeIlt.; ~-r.l),lt~!.'.." sidewalks,! an44tiveway aprons. ';:, . -', :'.,/',:,':' '~.::'. ,:" ~1~ -.e;s'.mant does not r..trlct the 1n.talla~lon' off.a'ei.l.lt"i!.~:.,Q,f)J~~*:,'i:l-:Wii~'!t~.,).:~ cofrin\un..icllti'onll Inc. aM 'l'el provided inata:l'1:at:1ons' meat 'S~B{B:"::4pl;i.to.Y~;h(,~::-/:::.':+,-, 'tbe ..unt1E"~ai,Un.d COVElnant:.i that he. 1s the oWl\e~ of the ..aboye-:' .dB'~:~~i'a~d:;;~.>~'/?'~~f) ~t~~~t* :o~d';tIi~.uih pro~"'1Y 10 f""..bd "l~.r of <inCilMb\;llrl;;.iI:'!~~\f)I~~!ift; ~:-~:. ~~ .. "~~':'-fo..~;~~~i J ..."...,\l!,,,.",,..,,/,.,/ C0W1t1 of' L,sne J .' ,,' '~~S~:~'~~:;;\;',~3f.~r~11t~~ BE -XT /"~"'.6AI:o"', that on this .e:La.... day of ~J;i",:,_ ,-, ""::';;',:l,-g_~,.. ", :\~ 1118 thehl:!li~rn!l!'Od,. 'Notary PUhUoill ""d'.for" .aQ"County,j'~~:,,:~, ,j . PiDf.notiaIl'Y~ app~ar.d. the wi thlb nantQ'd ': <" '.;. :;~,',~'.'e:: ~'~:"'.:: I?~.',~"p''''':~'~~'' q&..) - .f>h'r.'U'^~'..-I .d.~, ,M"';Mr~",_,'A.<~6;{~ti~r i:i~,j;,;'":;;; '<., " ' ' , ' ,," "', ,. ";::,:';';~,:'~;~t":nf,l:,';i: ::,:' ", "~"ki'lollilLllc:i~M8',tO .~iidili;",id.Iit:'l.1:D'l tJii:l1"'1dii.~t"jj;);!!ililil.rt!lid'" .ii,.;"',.A'.ctlt.Kj(nWiiiO'11iSt.tiiM~iit;;".iia'acikllc:iiilia.II:~O'"1II~,,?e~at(;II!i1,'ti" TI"~'/' ,~. J:t~~'I1I~:~~ili1;' Ii 1;'<rJ,i'~~,;~',;,"~~~,,:.;;;<:;~;:;;:f ' , I, "~I,.,::~;" , " 'J!/: \i";' , ~? r.: . '1.. .} (' < /.::" ') '-J', , I~ ': "- :L." , Date F(eceived:-L'~~t>7 Planner: AIL 11 'OCT-OB-200? 15: DB '~ADE TITLE , ~ ' I,: 9230146 " ., " , ~- " !. ~ .'. ~ 'j" ,.,..,' :',- '., ' " '<'t 'I"'" ''it.: " :' .' , ii,' ,,;1:11"" 1 \ 1, i,j;t~,~~I,~ll€,';~.,~")jjt, i~~, .~~. !~~~Iw:'::t~~' ,~~:;41~;li.'" ~I." ,i";:'...",,, "" 'If "''If "'~'>:r-"!~""" ' );.,~,~;,':~,f;?~':.'i';\: ~. %, ;,~ ::':' ,,~:" '. j,,; ., ... .~:i' if.. r ';~. .... - '.~,',." .\' -~.. .'. ::");.: ':. ~~,~~&f;? ,':-";'.' '~!:~r:: :.: . . .'. {:~i~ ':,- . ",:%,t~':}~I~;I~ii2~'j:''; ; ':, .~.: . ' 541 4B5 030? P,26 " ..' :". Date Received:~4<907 Planner: AL TOTAL P,26 . ; O,S/30/2007 12:03 FAX 541 736 102 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW I4J 002 PUBUC WORKS DEPARTMENT I Engineeri;,g Division ~:.PAINCF1aL.D ~ t --~-:rr.t~r~.~~~ ~_.~ Phone: (541) 720..3753 ,Fax: (541) 736-10l1 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK _ ~_--...J Applicant: ~ , ! Date: Phone #: i Fn #: i Email: J project Name: ~73 AssessorsPareel II7-ll2,32'31 11. 100 Land Use(.): r,,_ _dLf"_ Projeet Size (Acres): 1.6T-' Approx, Imperviou, Area: l'l4' SF I Proiect Descriotion !lnclude a covv of ABsessor', maD): I -=-:-- ) 1 Redevelopment of e>;i$ting site for a. ni=w C<l:1 rental facility. Rr:cievclopmenI to illCludr:: n~w buildings\ cf1r-parycing,-drivt:wi:1)"i:i anu utIlities. I Draina:!e Propo~~ (Pubii'c connectiou(s), dischar,.,e location(s), :tc, Anach additional sh~;t(s)ifnec:ssary: Portions of storm water discharge will be directed'to the 15" storm water system on 44th street via a double-chambered catch basin w/oil filtration media for stonnwater quality, All other storm warer will be , handled by an on site grassy swale with a single catch basin that directs stormwater to 36" storm water system an Main street. ' ,PrODosed Stormwater Best ManaP"ement Practices: All Don-buildiDg rooftop (NBR) impervious surfaces shall be pre-tr-...3:iCd with a doublc~chambert:d catcnbasin w/oil filtration media for stom1warer,qualiry, Additionally, a minimum of50% of the NBR. impervious surface: shalJ be treated by a gr"-ssy s'Wal=. fAreD hduHI 'this lin~ filjed put bT' ~ CitJ; ;;;;;Jii~-;;j to' tJJC-;t'op&ant) (.41 a minimum: all bo;;:es checked by the l.lry on thefront and back of:his sheer sha.ll be sllbmitte1:l . (0;- an tIPDlic:J.rion UJ be ~o17Wiete f(Jr subm1:aal, althouJ;h other requi.remen1s mav be }1f!Cessarv.J praina".e Study Tvoe IEDSPM Section 4,03,2i: !Note~ UH mav be sub!;rinrted for Rational Methodj, -~,. . o Small Site Study - (us~ RationaJ 'Mdhod for calculations) ~ Mid-Level Development Study - (use Dni, Hydrograph Mothod for calculations) o Full Drainage'Development Srody - (us. Dni, H);drograph Method for calcula'ions) Environmental Considerations: ~ WeUh~adZone: io ~ "l'\ ";:,,/>C 1<-",V.) TI~ ~ WetlandJRiparian: .J/-^ ~ Soil Type: I" I - ;;) ""~. U Ii r h:viI ,.t.:'.::::, " Downstream .4..nalvsis:. ~ ,~ j~ Hillside Development ,!ii FloodwaytF1oodplain: W Other Jwisdictions ~p.. ~k o Dl"lT ~ o o NIl\. Flow \ine for starting water swiace elevation: Design HGL to use ror starting water surface eievation: MBnholelJunction to take analysis to: Rstum to Matr Srouder@ City of Springfleid, email: mstouderfii>ci,sorincrtieJd,or,ll~ FAX: (541) 73&-1021 Date Received: '10 ~i d<nJ7 Planner: AL fe Q8/3C'(2007 12,03 FH 541 736 10: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW iiiJ 003 , COMYLETESTD~YITEMS I Fer Officioll Ll~ Only: 1V\~5 * Based upon the i?!fannaIion provid.ed on the front of this sheel, the fallowing repre.st:nJ.S a minimum of what i.s ne'Zd~ for an application to be complete for submirral with respecl to d,:ainage; however, this list should not be used in li=.1J. of the Springfield Dt:velopment CotU: (me) or the City '$ Engineering Design ManUlJl. Compliance with these. n;qJJin:ment:; does not constilute. siu approval: Additional"ite specific infcmnarion may be reqlD..r<'...d.. Note: Upon seoping sheet submittal, ensure completed form has been signed i1l the space provided below: Interim Design Stanll.,.dslWnter Qll3Iily (EDSPM Chapter 3) Req'd /'IIA * 0 ~4...Il non-building rooftop (NBR) impervious surfac~$ shall be pre-trC3.ted (e.g. mulri-chambered. catcbbasin wioil filtI"3ricm media) for Stonnwate:r quality. A...ddirionally, a D1inimum of SO% ofthc: NBR impervious surface shall Dc tr:akd oy vegerated methods. ~ . 0 Whr::rc r~quiTi::d., vegetative stormwater design shall b:: consistent with :intoim design stmlciarcis (EDSPM Section 3.02), set forth by the Bur.:," ofEDv;,.onment:1l Savi= (BES) or Q= Waror Services (CWS), ~ 0 For new NBR imp~ous are<! les~ than 15,000 square foct, a simplified desigr. approach may be followed as spr:::ified by the BES for vegetative tr-..$menL ~ 0 If 3 storm\1later rrCatm~i su,:ale is proposed.. submit c:aJcularions/5Pc::iiications ror sizing, velocityl flowl sid~ .slopes, bottom slop~, and seed mi~ c:on.c;iht~t v.ith crib::;- BES or CWS rcquiron~rs_ ~ 0 w~ Quaiit)' CBlc:ulations as ~quired in Section 3.03.1 of the EDSPM ~ 0 AJl building rooftop mounted equipm~t. Or other fluid containing equipment located outsid~ of the building, shall be provided with. s~ndary containment ar weami;i n:si.s:ant enclosure. General Study Reqnireroenl:$ (EDSPM Section 4.03) 41 0 Drainage study pref1a>ed by a PT9fcSSional Civil Engin~ licensed in the state of Oregon. o .- A complete drainage swdy, as r::quired in EDSPM S~OIl 4.0':.1, including a hydrological study map. Ii 0 Calcu.lations showing systc:m capacity for a. 2-year stonn l;Vont and overflow me...""tS of a 25wyear stann event. ~ D The rime: of concentration (Tc) shall be dctcrmined usin~ Ii 10 minute Stdrt time for d~eJoped basins. Review ofDaWDstrelllD Syste'" (EDSPM Section 4.03A.q o ~ downstream drainage analysi, '" described in EDSPlvl Section 4,Q3.4.C, On-site draina!;e shall be goVerned by the Orcgnn Plumbin!; Spooinlry Code (OPSC), o ~Elevs.tions of the HGL end flow lines forooth dry and privak systems where applicable. DesigD of SMnD Systems (EDSPM Section 4.04) . ' . 0 Flow lines, slop:=:s, rim eJevm:ions, pipe type and siz=s clearly indicated on the plan set. o llMinimwn pipe CQVO[ shall be 18 inches for rdni'orced pipe and 36 irlChes for plain concrete and plastic pipe materialS. or proper engine:;ri:ng =alcuiations shall be provided whal less. The cover Shall be suffiCIent IO support ml 8Q,000 Ib load 'Wrthol11' faihll'c of me ViDe: 5trUC~_ - o jiManning:~s ''n'' va1ucS. f~r pipes shall be consistent with Table 4-1 of the EDSP, .AJI swrm pip::s shall be designed to achieve a minimum velocity of three (3) feet per second at 0.5 pipe full baseti on Table. 4-1 as well. OtbertJ\1isc o Existing and proposed contours, loca~ at one root in~al. lndude ::;poi deVBtion..~ and site; grades showing bow sit~ drains o Privt'1te stOm1wata oasc:ments shall be clearly depicted on plans when private storm~ flows from one: ,........Y-.J to anothe!' ~Drywells shall not T~~ve runoff from an)' surface w/o heing tri:a'[eri by one or more B'MPs., with the Q;c....-pt:ion of residential building roofs (EPSP Section o3.03.4..A-). .A..ddirional provisions apply to this as required by the DEQ. Rder to the websitc: 'Www_dl"'C1_.sr.ate.(lr.u..c./wcJQ'roundwa/uichome-hr:rr for more infonJ'larion.. MjDerenrion ponds shall be design;;ci to limit ronoff.to pre-devclopment rates for thr: 2 through 25.ybar storm events ~ . o o -' ~hi... form shall M incbtdJ:d as an azmchment, ~ tM front CO\lt:r, of the stormwa./Q smdy . JMl'Ol1TANT: ENGINEER PLEASE RE4JJ BELOW,-lND SIGNI -I As the engineer of record. I hereby c:rtify tbe above required items arc complete and included with th:::: submitted starmwal:er study and phm set ~,. '1--. .~ Si~~ 1, , I Form Version 2: March 20Q.4. ( ~) e-.4h,o/)+ 1 Date Received: Planner: AL IO/30/dd07 I I ~ ~~_':.~:':_-~':...-. - . ..-, : ,', (~ rog 1- -..' , ....~\\~0 It f'rr -> Iii .", '. ',--- <, -l/. Developed 2-year, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm :- "''':) ..i" '1,; .............'.,.o'J ~_. ~'I i\~G. ~l:~....~\~~ "~.J ,.1 .._ .:- - 5€-:-~::ttf: . 5'.., \ ENTERPRISE RENT A CAR (4396 Main St.) :, f'~"::""~ \; C"" ..r;;;; DEVELOPED CONDITION ~,,~~, ~ . 24-Hour SCS Type 1A Design Storm - 2 Year ' '" ~',' . (", .,:;. t,,, '\:.',/.(). M ry I~" "'Y-' ".......f ....J-v ...":.,' ~ I ~'~". ...""",-, I',.,...... .. ' ..!~ ""1 . i ~'.....'I". total area = 26426 0,61 (acres) File No: 3873 D2,QPW ."<::~:j;,_::::;:'-' pervlOus area = 5326 0,12 (acres) 10-29-07 MJK F~~::';-~~~-"""'~'1 ' t.:'1':'iHc:3 fO 2. ImpervIOus area = 21100 0.48 (acres) ::Jl.=',u""~':"::""'''_'''''''=. """"-~:/Il'UO': ,~e..., lU::I.Io""..........~ pervious CN = 74 ' S= 3,5135 O.2S = 0,7027 impervious eN = 98 S= 0.2041 O.2S = 0,0408 total depth rain Pt= 3.12 (inches) dt= 10 (min) Developed 2- Year Peak flow from site = 0.51 cfs < PERVIOUS 'IMPERVJOUS Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Accum, Accum, Incre, Accum, Incre, Total Instant Time distr, Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (min) distr, (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (efs) ------ ------------ ---- ---~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o < 10 0.40% 0.40% 0,012 0,012 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,00 < 20 0,40% 0,80% 0,012 0,025 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,00 < 30 0.40% L20% 0,012 0,037 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,00 < 40 0.40% 1.60% 0,012 0,050 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,000 0,00 < 50 0.40% 2,00% 0,012 0,062 0,000 0,000 0,002 0,002 0,001 0,00 < 60 0.40% 2.40% 0,012 0,075 0,000 0,000 0,005 0,003 0,002 0,01 < 70 0.40% 2,80% 0,012 0,087 0,000 0,000 0,009 0,004 0,003 0,01 < 80 0.40% 3,20% 0,012 0,100 0,000 0,000 O,il13 0,005 0,004 0,01 < 90 0.40% 3,60% 0,012 0,112 0,000 0,000 0,019 0,005 0,004 0,02 < 100 0.40% 4,00% 0,012 0,125 0,000 0,000 0,024 0,006 0,005 0,02 < 110 0,50% 4,50% 0,016 0,140 0,000 0,000 0.033 0,008 0,007 0,02 < 120 0,50% 5,00% 0,016 0,156 0,000, 0,000 0,042 0,009 0,007 0,03 < 130 0,50% 5,50% 0,016 0,172 0,000 0,000 0,051 0,010 0,008 0,03 < 140 0,50% 6,00% 0,016 0,187 0,000 0,000 0:061 0,010 0.008 0,03 < 150 0.50% 6,50% 0,016 0.203 0,000 0,000 0,072 0,011 0,008 0,03 < l' 160 0,50% 7,00% 0,016 0.218 0,000 0,000 0,083 0,011 0,009 0,03 < ~ 170 0,60% 7,60% 0,019 0,237 0,000 0000 0,096 0,014 0,011 0,04 < ~' 180 0,60% 8.20% 0,019 0.256 0,000 0,000 0,110 0,014 0,011 0,04 < ~.... 190 0,60% 8,80% 0,019 0.275 0,000 0,000 0,125 0,014 0,012 0,04 < " 200 0,60% 9.40% 0,019 0.293 0,000 0,000 0,140 0,015 0,012 0,04 < "0 210 0,60% 10,00% 0,019 0.312 0,000 0,000 0,155 0,015 0,012 0,04 < , (]) >.....1 220 0,60% 10,60% 0,019 0.331 0,000 0,000 0,170 oms 0,012 0,05 < '(ii <( 0 230 0,70% 11.30% 0,022 0,353 0,000 0,000 0,188 Om8 0,015 0,05 < Wi..: fJ::(]) 240 0,70% 12,00% 0,022 0,374 '0,000 0,000 0.207 0,019 0,015 0,05 < <DC: _c: 250 0,70% 12,70% 0,022 0,396 0,000 0,000 0.226 0,019 0,015 0,06 < co ctl 260 0,70% 13.40% 0,022 0.418 0,000 0,000 0.245 0,019 0,015 0,06 on: 270 0,70% 14,10% 0,022 0.440 0,000 0,000 0,264 0,019 0,015 0,06 Developed 2-year, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Accum, Accum, [ncre, Accum, Incre, Total Instant Time distr, Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (min) distr. (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (cfs) ~._-----_._-.__. 280 0,70% 14,80% 0,022 0.462 0,000 0,000 0,283 0,019 0,016 0,06 290 0,82% 15,62% 0,026 0.487 0,000 0,000 0.306 0,023 0,018 0,07 300 0,82% 16.44% 0,026 0,513 0,000 0,000 0.330 0,023 0.Dl8 0,07 310 0,82% 17.26% 0,026 0.539 0,000 0,000 0.353 0,023 0,019 0,07 320 0,82% 18,08% 0,026 0,564 0,000 0,000 0,376 0,023 0,019 0,07 330 0,82% 18,90% 0,026 0.590 0,000 0,000 0.400 0,024 0,019 0,07 340 0,82% 19,72% 0,026 0,615 0,000 0,000 0.424 0,024 0,019 0,07 350 0,95% 20,67% 0,030 0,645 0,000 0,000 0.452 0,028 0,022 0,08 360 0,95% 21.62% 0,030 0,675 0,000 0,000 0.479 0,028 0,022 0,08 370 0,95% 22,57% 0,030 0,704 0,000 0,000 0,507 0,028 0,022 0,08 380 0,95% 23,52% 0,030 0,734 0,000 0,000 0,535 0,028 0,022 0,08 390 0,95% 24.47% 0,030 0,763 0,001 0,001 0,564 0,028 0,023 0,08 400 0,95% 25.42% 0,030 0,793 0,002 0,001 0,592 0,028 0,023 0,08 410 1.34% 26,76% 0,042 0,835 0,005 0,003 0,632 0,040 0,032 0,12 420 1.34% 28,10% 0,042 0,877 0,008 0,003 0,672 0,040 0,033 0,12 430 1.34% 29.44% 0,042 0,919 0,012 0,004 0,712 0,040 0,033 0,12 440 1.80% 31.24% 0,056 0,975 0,020 0,007 0,766 0,054 0,045 0,16 450 1.80% 33,04% 0,056 1.031 0,028 0,008 0,821 0,054 0,045 0,17 460 3.40% 36.44% 0,106 1.137 0,048 0,020 0,924, 0,103 0,086 , 0.32 470 5.40% 41.84% 0,168 1.305 0,088 0,040 1.089 0,165 0,140 0,51 480 2,70% 44,54% 0,084 1.390 0,112 0,024 1.172 0,083 0,071 0,26 490 1.80% 46,34% 0,056 1.446 0,130 0,017 1.227 0,055 0,048 0,17 500 1.34% 47,68% 0,042 1.488 0.143 0,014 1.268 0,041 0,036 0,13 510 1.34% 49,02% 0,042 1.529 0,157 0,014 1.309 0,041 0,036 0.13 520 1.34% 50.36% 0,042 1.571 0,172 0,015 1.350 0,041 0,036 0.13 530 0,88% 51.24% 0,027 1.599 0,182 0,010 1.377 0,027 0,024 0,09 540 0,88% 52,12% 0,027 1.626 0,192 0,010 1.405 0,027 0,024 0,09 550 0,88% 53,00% 0,027 1.654 0.203 0,010 1.432 0,027 0,024 0,09 560 0,88% 53,88% 0,027 1.681 0.213 0,011 1.459 0,027 0,024 0,09 570 0,88% 54,76% 0,027 1.709 0.224 0,011 1.486 0,027 0,024 0,09 580 0,88% 55,64% 0,027 1.736 0,235 0,011 1.513 0,027 0,024 0,09 590 0,88% 56,52% 0,027 1.763 0.246 0,011 1,540 0,027 0,024 0,09 600 0,88% 57.40% 0,027 1.791 0,257 0,011 1.567 0,027 0,024 0,09 610 0.88% 58.28% 0,027 1.818 0,269 0,012 1.594 0,027 0,024 0,09 620 0,88% 59,16% 0,027 L846 0,281 0,012 1.622 0,027 0,024 0,09 630 0,88% 60,04% 0,027 1.873 0,293 0,012 1.649 0,027 0,024 0,09 640 0,88% 60,92% 0,027 1.901 0,305 0,012 1.676 0,027 0,024 0,09 650 0,72% 61.64% 0,022 1.923 0,315 0,010 1.698 0,022 0,020 0,07 -0 660 0,72% 62,36% 0,022 1.946 0,325 0,010 1.720 0,022 0,020 0,07 ~ ,_ -I 670 0,72% 63,08% 0,022 1.968 0,335 0,010 1.743 0,022 0,020 0.D7 8<( .v '. 680 0,72% 63,80% 0,022 1.991 0,345 0,010 1.765 0,022 0,020 0,07 ' .... a:::.v 690 0,72% 64,52% 0,022 2,013 0,356 0,010 1.787 0,022 0,020 0,07 <DC: _C: 700 . 0,72% 65,24% 0,022 2,035 0.367 0,011 1.810 0,022 0,020 0,07 Cll..!!! 00.. 710 0,72% 65,96% 0,022 2,058 0,377 0,011 1.832 0,022 0,020 0,07 720 0,72% 66,68% 0,022 2,080 0,388 0,011 1.854 0,022 0,020 ' 0,07 Developed 2-year, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Accum, Accum, Incre, Accum, lricre, Total Instant Time distr. Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Rnnoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate ~min) distr, (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (cfs)_ 730 0,72% 67.40% 0,022 2.103 0,399 0,011 1.876 0,022 0,020 0,07 740 0,72% 68,12% 0,022 2,125 0.410 0,0[[ 1.899 0,022 0,020 0,07 750 0,72% 68,84% 0,022 2.148 0.421 0,011 1.921 0,022 0,020 0.07 760 0,72% 69,56% 0,022 2,170 0.432 0,0[[ 1.943 0,022 0,020 0,07 770 0.57% 70,13% 0,018 2,188 0.441 0,009 1.961 0,018 0,016 0,06 780 0,57% 70,70% 0,018 2,206 0.450 0,009 1.979 0,018 '0,016 0,06 790 0,57% 71.27% 0,018 2,224 0.459 0,009 1.996 O.or 8 0,016 0,06 800 0,57% 71.84% O.or8 '2,241 0.469 ' 0,009 2,014 ,O,Oi8 0,016 0,06 810 0.57% 72.41% 0,018 2,259 0.478 0,009 2,031 0,018 0,016 0,06 820 0,57% 72.98% 0,018 2.277 0.487 0,009 2,049 0,018 0,016 0,06 830 0,57% 73,55% 0,018 2.295 0.496 0,009 2,067 0:018 0,016 0,06 840 0,57% 74,12% 0,018 2.313 0.506 0,009 2,084 O.or 8 0,016 0,06 850 0,57% 74,69% O.or 8 2.3 30 0,515 0,009 2,102 0,018 0,016 0,06 860 0,57% 75,26% 0,018 2.348 0,525 0,010 2,120 ' 0,018 0,016 0,06 870 0.57% 75,83% O.or 8 2,366 0,534 0,010 2,137 O.or8 0,016 0,06 880 0.57% 76.40% 0,018 2.384 0.544 0,010 2,155 O.or 8 0,016 0,06 890 0,50% 76,90% 0,016 2,399 0,552 0,008 2,171 0,016 0,014 0,05 900 0.50% 77.40% 0,016 2.415 0,561 0,009 2,186 0,016 0,014 0,05 910 0,50% 77.90% 0,016 2.430 0,570 0,009 2,202 0,016 0,014 0,05 920 0,50% 78.40% 0,016 2.446 0.578 0,009 2.217 0,016 0,014 0,05 930 0,50% 78,90% 0,016 2.462 0,587 0,009 2,233 0,016 0,014 0,05 940 0,50% 79.40% O.or6 2.477 0,596 0,009 2,248 0,016 0,014 0,05 950 0,50% 79,90% 0,016 2.493 0,604 0,009 2.264 0,016 0,014 0,05 960 0,50% 80.40% 0,016 2,508 0,613 0,009 2,279 0,016 0,014 0,05 970 0.50% 80,90% 0,016 2,524 0,622 0,009 2,295 0,016 0,014 0,05 980 0,50% 81.40% 0,016 2,540 0,63] 0,009 2,310 0,016 0,014 0,05 990 0,50% 81.90% 0,016 2,555 0,640 0,009 2.326 0,016 0,014 0,05 1000 0,50% 82.40% 0,016 2,571 0,649 0,009 2,341 0,016 0,014 0,05 1010 0.40% 82,80% 0,012 2,583 0,656 0,007 2,354 0,012 0,011 0,04 1020 0.40% 83.20% 0,012 2.596 0,663 0,007 2,366 0,012 0,011 0,04 ~ 1030 0.40% 83,60% 0,012 2,608 0,670 0,007 2,378 0,012 0,0[[ 0,04 1040 0.40% 84,00% 0,012 2,621 0,677 0,007 2,391 ' 0,012 0,011 0,04 ~ 1050 0.40% 84.40% 0,012 2,633 0,685 0,007 2.403 0,012 0,011 0,04 ~ 1060 0.40% 84,80% 0,012 2,646 0,692 0,007 2.416 0,012 0,0[[ 0,04 d, 1070 0.40% 85,20% 0,012 2,658 0,699 0,007 2.428 0,012 0,011 0,04 " 1080 0.40% 85,60% 0,012 2,671 0,707 0,007 2.441 0,012 0,011 0,04 I '0 1090 0.40% 86,00% 0,012 2,683 0,714 0,007 2.453 0,012 0,011 0,04 Q) >...J [[00 0.40% 86.40% 0,012 2,696 0,721 0.007 2.465 0,012 0,0[[ 0,04 '(jj <( tl lIlO 0.40% 86,80% 0,012 2,708 0,729 0,007 2.478 0,012 0,011 0,04 ro....: [[20 0.40% 87,20% 0,012 2,721 0,736 0,007 2.490 0,012 0,0[[ 0,04 !'.l::Q) ill r::: 1130 0.40% 87,60% 0,012 2,733 0,744 0,007 2,503 0,012 0,0[[ 0,04 _r::: ro.!S! [[40 0.40% 88,00% 0,012 2,746 0,751 0,007 2,515 0,012 0,011 0,04 o a.. 1150 0.40% 88.40% 0,012 2,758 0,759 0,008 2,527 0,012 0,011 0,04 1160 0.40% 88,80% 0,012 2,771 0,766 0,008 2,540 0,012 0,011 0,04 1170 0.40% 89.20% 0,012 2,783 0,774 0,008 2,552 0,012 0,0[[ 0,04 Developed 2,year, SCS Type I A 24 hour Storm PERVIOUS IMPERVIOUS Rainfall [ncre, Rainfall Accum, Accum, [ncre, Accum, !ncre, Total lrJsiant Time distr, Rainfall Incre, Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff flowrate (min) distr, (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (cfs) ~--_.- -~._- ----- 1180 0.40% 89,60% 0,012 2,796 0,781 0,008 2,565 0,0[2 0,011 0,04 1190 0.40% 90,00% 0,012 2.808 0,789 0,008 2,577 0,012 0,011 0,04 1200 0.40% 90.40% 0,012 2,820 0,796 0,008 2,590 0,012 0,011 0,04 1210 0.40% 90,80% 0,012 2.833 0,804 0,008 2,602 0,012 0,011 0,04 1220 0,40% 91.20% 0,012 2,845 0,812 0,008 2,614 0,012 0,011 0,04 1230 0,40% 91.60% 0,012 2,858 0,819 0,008 2,627 0,012 0,011 0,04 1240 0,40% 92,00% 0,012 2,870 0,827 0,008 2,639 0,012 0,011 0,04 1250 0.40% 92.40% 0,012 2,883 0,835 0,008 2,652 0,012 0,011 0,04 1260 0.40% 92,80% 0,0'12 2,895 0,843 0,008 2,664 0,012 0,011 0,04 1270 0.40% 93.20% O,Oi2 2,908 0,850 0,008 2,677 0,012 0,011 0,04 1280 0.40% 93,60% 0,012 2,920 0,858 0,008 2,689 0,012 0,011 0,04 1290 0.40% 94,00% 0,012 2,933 0,866 0,008 2.701 0,012 0,011 0,04 1300 0.40% 94.40% 0,012 2,945 0,874 0,008 2,714 0,012 0,011 0,04 1310 0,40% 94,80% 0,012 2,958 0,882 0,008 2,726 0,012 0.012 0,04 1320 0.40% 95,20% 0,012 2,970 0,889 0,008 2,739 0,012 0,012 0,04 1330 0,40% 95,60% 0,012 2,983 0,897 0,008 2,751 0,012 0,012 0,04 1340 0.40% 96,00% 0,012 2,995 0,905 0,008 2,763 0,012 0,012 0,04 1350 0.40% 96.40% 0,012 3,008 0,913 0,008 2,776 0,012 0,012 0,04 1360 0.40% 96,80% 0,012 3,020 0,921 0,008 2,788 0,012 0,012 0,04 1370 0.40% 97.20% 0,012 3.033 0,929 0,008 2,801 0,012 0,012 0,04 1380 0,40% 97,60% 0,012 3,045 0,937 0,008 2,813 0,012 0,012 0,04 1390 0.40% 98,00% 0,012 3,058 0,945 0,008 2,826 0,012 0,012 0,04 1400 0.40% 98.40% 0,012 3,070 0,953 0,008 2,838 0,012 0,012 0,04 1410 0.40% 98,80% 0,012 3,083 0,961 0,008 2,850 0,012 0,012 0,04 1420 0.40% 9~,20% 0,012 3,095 0,969 0,008 2,863 0,012 0,012 0.04 1430 0.40% 99,60% 0,012 3,108 0,977 0,008 2,875 0,012 0,012 0,04 1440 0.40% 100,0% 0,012 3,120 0,985 0,008 2,888 0,012 0,012 0,04 Date Received:.J~,~/~7 Planner: AL. '