HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments Miscellaneous 5/12/2009 L1MBIRD Andrew From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: J McLaughlin [61blur@gmail.com] Tuesday, May 12, 2009 9:08 PM L1MBIRD Andrew MOORHEAD Chris Re: City of Springfield review #1 of Partition for Helfrich, Case # :SUB2008-00039 - NEW EXHIBIT A for improvement agreement finalyartiL01_051309_review.pdf; restriction_review.pdf; exhibilA Improvement Agreemenl.pdf Attachments: Andy - Per Chris' direction - I made a couple of changes to the exhibit "A" for the improvemimt agreemet .... I have attached a PDF ofthe new version. No signiture required ...you should be able to sw~p with with the original . that Dean provided to you. t I will need them to sign the modified restriction document, so this will require a complete replacement set. I attached the un-signed version for review. I have made all of the changes to the plat and moved the pin in the field. I need to get a check for the LCo. fees from the clients and I Will be submitting a hard copy to Lane Co. soon. I did attach a copy for you or Chris . review... stay tuned ... jim On Thu, Apr 30, 2009 at 4:29 PM, MOORHEAD Chris <cmoorhead!lVci.sorinllfield.or.us> wrote: . I. Here are the City Surveyor's office comments for the'1 st review of the Partition for Helfrich: , i GENERAL COMMENTS: 1 Date Received: ,,;,/;~4.""9 Planner: AL < I' . A copy of the plat needs to be submitted to the County Surv.eyor's office for their reJiew, if you haven't already submitted it. PLEASE NOTE that being this property is outside the City limiSs, but within the UGB, the review of the plat is concurrently done by the County Surveyor and the City Surveyor. The County will need to review and provide co~ents that are in addition to these comments. . . A current title report (no olderthan 30 days) must be submitted with the final plat submittal to the City. When all edits are made the plat is submitted to the City first for Planning's signatures, theniit goes to the County. PLAT: . The title report shows a "boundMy line agreement" (number 12 on the title report). thease submit a copy of the agreement, if it is still in effect, and it sounds like it is from discussion with Dean Helfrich in the Pre Submittal f . meeting. . The "boundary line agreement" is apparently to cover an encroaching fence on the east property line, per Dean. Please detail the location ofthe encroaching fence on the plat and make reference to the fence encroaching per the recorded agreement document. . . In the title block, please refer to the location ofthe property as "located in the East Y2 of Section 24" or as "the Southeast Y. and the Northeast Y. of Section 24". Accordingto the tax map, Tax Lot 500 straddles the center section line. ' . . In the title block, please add "Springfield, Lane County, Oregon" . In the narrative, please refer to the City of Springfield file as "SUB2008-00039" (no # sign). . In the surveyors certificate please start the description with "Beginning at the Initial Point of this plat, said point being the Initial Point for the 2nd Add.. ,," . . . In the surveyors certificate please fix the first course ofthe description from NE to SW. . In the declaration, "hereon" is misspelled at the end of line 2. . In the acknowledgement, remove the repeated text in line 3. . In the lower left comer of the plat, please add "City of Springfield Case SUB2008-00039". . Add the following abbreviations and their definitions to the legend "IR, CSF, R/W, RAD, FD". Also add "() Record Data". . Please add the Name and Address of the owner to the face of the plat. . Please label and depict the Basis of Bearing. . 1 . Please label "Lot 2 Block 3 2nd Add. Phyllis......" as the adjacent lot to the south of the subject. 2 Data Receil/ed: Planner: At.: S/;3/;PV'j I f . Please label the Initial Point with a leader and label "Initial Point of this plat". . Please add the note: "No building, structure, tree, shrubbery, or other obstruction shall be placed on or in a Public Utility Easement". I . ORS states all boundary direction changes shall be monumented, or approval from,the County Surveyor to not monument can be 9btained. 1f the County Survey has approved not setting the interior west property line monument please note this on the plat, example: "no monument set: approved by county surveyor" . Please add crows feet at the ends of the "154.15" and "144.12" foot lines.. . Per planning requirements, please make. a note on the plat to the base flood elevation; of 452.1 feet and also note the datum of these elevations, be it NGVD29 or NA VD88. OTHER DOCUMENTS: . On the declaration, of restriction, please change the reference to the location of the property as "located in the. East Y2 of Section 24" or as "the Southeast Y. and the Northeast Y. of Section 24". N~te section is 24, not 34. . On the declaration of restriction, "BEING.. ,," Section, Oregon is misspelled. . On the declaration of restriction, there only needs to be one notary statement with both names noted (as in the existing first one). . On the Improvement agreement, the legal description needs to be changed with the s!l1Ile fix as on the Plat legal (bullets 6 and 7 above). If you have any questions, please contact myself or Dennis Ernst, City Surveyor (726-2095). Chris Chris Moorhead, PLS Surveyor, City of Springfield Public Works 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 Tel. 541-736-JOIl Fax 541-726-3781 cmoorhead(ijJci.sorintzfield. or. us 3 Data Received: s-lta/J<n7? Planner: AI.: M I,....,~III''-'I'.-~I foe Helfrich Family Revocable Trust 2833 20th Street Springfield, OR 97477 located In SOUTHEAST 1/4 and NORTHEAST 114 of SECTION 24 TOWNSHIP 17 SOUTH RANGE 3 WEST, W.M. Springfield. Lane County, Oregon by J.T. McLAUGHLIN 2428 RANCH DRIVE SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 (541 )729-4886 Date: MAY 2009 Reference: CSF# 41377 ,DEED2007 -062565 LAND PARTITION PLAT NO. LANE COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFICE C. S. FilE NO. FILING DATE NARRATIVE: The purpose of this survey is to partition the parcel as shown. The boundary of the parcel is based on CSF# 41377. The interior line was configured to meet the conditions of City of Springfield file SUS2008- 0039. fd5/8~ IR csf#41377 position held fd5/B~ IR csf# 41377 position held ,,1) Existing wire fence 0.3' West ~. of set monument :.::- :.::- :.::- ~~10.0footPUblfcutilityeaSement " o o ;!: ~ N89~5T49"W 326.46' (west 328.9 deed) ~URVEYORS CERTIFICATE ~ N N ~ CD 0) o 0, "' I, '- fd Yz"pipe csf#41377 position held ;\. ,.~~~ 4.0 foot private j"" ",\/ easement in favor 01 Parcel 1 fd V" 0 ' for stormwater conveyance 72 pipe "".- csf#41377 ::-.:: position held ~ ; :.::' no monument set ~: ~; /~. 10.0 foot public utility easement./ ~ ; N ~; :; :.::' '" ~; ~~; , (J) ~'~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ STATE OF OREGON COUNTY' OF LANE East 154.15' East 144.12' I, James T. Mclaughlin, a Registered Professional land Surveyor in the State of Oregon do hereby certify that I have correctly surveyed and marked with proper monuments the land hereon, the certain tract of land conveyed to Dean Helfrich and Gayle D. Helfrich co-trustees of the Hetfrich Family Revocable LivingTrust, by that certain deed recorded September 6th 2007; index number2007- . 062565 lane County Oregon deed records, and is more particularly described as follows: ;; ,,; ~ N ~ Beginning at the Initial point of this plat, sa.id point being the Initial Point for the 2"" addition to Phyllis Park as platted and recorded in Book 61, Page 18, lane County, Oregon Pla~ Records: thence along the Northern plat boundary of 2'"' addition to Phyllis Park, South 89"54'01" West 116.40 feet, to a point on the Eastern right-of-way fine of 20" Avenue: thence leaving said plat boundary, along said right-of-way line, North 19"06'00" West 35.34 feet; thence along the arc of a 46.00 foot radius curve to the left (the chord of said curve bears N9rth 53"01'42" West 55.33feet) a distance of 59.37 feet; thence leaving said right-of-way line North 190.12 feet: thence West 154.15 feet: thence North 00"06'12" East 19.42 feet; thence South 89057'49" East 326.46 feet: thence South 00Q02'11" West 275.81 feet the Point of Beginning all in lane County, Oregon. ,QECLARATION: Know all men that Dean Helfrich and Gayle D. Helfrich cOMtrustees of the Helfrich Family Revocable Living Trust, the owners of the land described hereon did cause the same to be platted as hereon shown according to the provisions of the Oregan Revised Statues Chapter 92 and hereby dedicate the public and private easements as shown. PARCEL 2 Cont. 30569 sq.ft. " ? o z :::: ~ ~'.r Set 5J8M x 30" Iron Rod ~ . wi Cap #2583 '-...,,) Existing wire fence ,"" 0.3'West ~: of set monument. 0: ~ -.:::- ir ..; UJ II) LL o '!2 N ~ o II) o fd 2" iron pipe Z INITIAL POINT of ~ 2nd Add to Phyllis Park '0 Book 61 Page 18 7.0 fool public utility easement ~ posItion held ~ ~ J INITIAL POINT of thIS plat ~"" ""~~;;;~'t~~~Cb'" ct"'~,"'m."t 116.40' lOT 2 alaCK 3 SECOND ADD TO PI-l'(LUS PARK N ? o z BASE FLOOD ELEV. 452.1 NGVD29 "' -c ~...I '(jj~ {) ,~ ~ c:: c:: {~ ttI ;'l". 1 East 128.05' Set 518" x 30" Iron Rod wi Cap #2583 Elevation = 449.5' NGVQ291 ;; oJ o ro ,,; ~ fd5/8~ IR csf#41377 position held bean Helfrich trustee of the Helfrich Family Revocable Living'Trust ~ " c Z Delta: 73056'35" Radius: 46.00' Arc: 59.37' Chord: S53'01'42'E 55.33'....... , ~l~ ~>~ ~..-_.-.....-....~ <iJ-v ~ .1Jl~ ~ P:.o.. ~ ti\ " <j, ~ PARCEl'l Cont. 17205 sq.ft. Gayle D. Helfrich trustee of the Helfrich Family Revocable LivingTrust fds/a' IR - csf#41377 position held Acknowledgement State of Oregon County of lane There appeared before me, a,notary public in and for the said slate of Oregon and county of lane the hereon named Dean Helfrich and Gayle D. Helfrich co-trustees of the Helfrich Family Revocable Living Trust, who executed the declaration hereon shown. and acknowledged the same to be their voluntary act and deed. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my sea! RECORDED DATE: COUNTY CLERK BY: fd S/a"IR csf# 41377 North 0.34 West 0.37 Acknowledged Before Me This _ Day Of _ 2009 .. --- LEGE NO . SET 5/8" X 30' IRON R()D WfCAP #2583 o Notary Public for Oregon My Commission EXpire;> FD MONUMENT AS REFERENCED o CALCULATED POSITION JTMCL r REGISTERED 1 PROFESSIONAL - LAND SURVEYOR IR. Iron Rod NOTE: No building, structure, tree,shrubbery, or other obstruction shall be placed on or in a Public Utility Easement JJlME5T.M'lAUGl-IUN ffiOFES~ONAJ.lANDsurwErOl1. lANOUSECONSULTANT 242B~CHDf1IVE SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 541.72<;l-4886 cell 541-736-09541Qx j.mcl@romcost.nel PlANNING DIRECTOR Date FD.Found CSF MCounty Survey Fi:e LANE COUNTY SURVEYOR Date l OREGON J JANUARY 19 1993 JAMES T.McLAUGHLIN 2583 EXPIRES 12/31/2010 R1W. RighlMof.way (record data} ~NE COUNTY ASSESSOR Date City of Springfield Case SUB2008-00390 Map 17~03-24 Taxlot 500