HomeMy WebLinkAboutComments Miscellaneous 6/24/2009
L1MBIRD Andrew
L1MBIRD Andrew
Wednesday, June 24, 20094:55 PM
'Michael Olsen'
RE: Question re; LRP2009-00004 Proposal to Annex 11,34 Acres
Mr. Olsen:
That is correct.
-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Olsen [mailto:molsen@lanepds.org]
Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2ee9 1:13 PM
To: LIMBIRD Andrew
Subject: Re: Question re; LRP2ee9-eeee4 Proposal to Annex 11.34 Acres
Mr. Limbird,
Thanks a million for responding so quick.
Do I understand tnen, that this is not a hearing on whether our lot is annexed into the city,
as i thought we were still in the county, but simply the streets and right of way easement
section essentially being annexed in. ?
Thanks again,
Mike Olsn
On Jun 24, 2ee9, at 1e:Ss AM, LIMBIRD Andrew wrote:
> Mr. Olsen: Annexation of the remnant pieces of Deadmond Ferry Road
> right-of-way along your property frontage should not have an
> appreciable effect on the adjacent properties, although the Lane
> County Assessor's office would have final say on property tax issues.
> There are no proposed modifications to the street improvements
> (sidewalks, curb and gutter, etc.), so no visible changes will occur
> with this annexation. The street is already developed to City
> standards and is mostly within City-owned right-of- way, so this
> should already be factored into property tax assessments. Because
> there are still a few slivers of County right- of-way along the south
> side; the City is trying to "clean up" the right-of-way jurisdiction
> by annexing pieces into Springfield. This will ensure that the
> ownership and maintenance responsibilities for this stretch of
> Deadmond Ferry Road are entirely with the City of Springfield. It
> also should be noted that Lane County Transportation is supportive of
> this proposal.
> It has been the policy of the Springfield City Council to review
> annexation applications on a request basis only. Therefore, a
> property owner would have to request annexation and connection to City
> sewer - it would not become a landowner obligation once the property
> abuts or is surrounded by the City limits.
> I trust this addresses your questions, and please let me know if you
> require additional information on this issue.
Dat", i'~eceived:~/..2'l;,"?
Planner: AL
> Sincerely,
> Andy Limbird
, > City of Springfield
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Olsen [mailto:molsen@lanepds.org]
> Sent: Wednesday, June 24, 2009 9:29 AM
> To: LIMBIRD Andrew
> Cc: Jeff Olsen; Kelley Kline
> Subject: Question re; LRP2009-00004 Proposal to Annex 11.34 Acres
> Andy,
>My family owns property at 273 Deadmond Ferry Road. This property is
> 1.1 Acre with a single family home.
> We received the City's public hearing notice regarding proposal to
> annex.
> Can you tell me if the annexation is approved, if it will have a
> financial impact on us. ?
> Can you 'tell me if annexing as proposed will require us to hookup to
> City Sewer. ?
> We are presently hooked up to City Water at this address.
> Essentially, we would like to know what this annexation means, in
> terms of increased property tax, or initial out of pocket expense we
> would be required to shell out.
> Thanks a million for your attention to this inquiry.
> Mike Olsen
> For Dedmond Ferry LLC.
> 2172 Roland Way
> Eugene, Oregon 97401
> (541) 345-1050
> cc: Jeff Olsen
> Cc: Mary Olsen
> cc: Kelly Olsen-Kline
Date Received' ~P.il/~'''I
Planner: AL