HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1991-3-1 IIllSI'ECTIOIl L1IlE LIlY uf SI'RllluflELO , 726-3769 ' COIIBIIIATlON APPLICATION/PERMIT Job Address '''If? 2'3' )vI fA il/l J-{)1Jp YV~.si:l ~~:~r,Y SOURCES: I..gal O.,cription 1702 3Z"32--()f1t!u I Hat.rll.ater RanrJe .~rd "'a..{.,~<;"~..-~~ ';JAfn7i~111 Valu, of Ho~~: 31~~8q Own.r ~7?'( lAJis+ I htvLdc t3-7;?i u. t./U AJdress Ir\'? / ,;n.,' l1'I{J-;A~ I;)". Phone ",,[._1 uiltiino P.rmit Info: O.scribe Ilork(i.... Build Single .K..J/-1 - In ,., rVl..{(l FI>.-_ '7 tYO-f Farnilv nesidence Uith I\.ttached (jaraoel CY) ()JDSf> ,{lfr fqzt,?:Je. 295 (g3'1-'1'1of ,_ <tMf\lbQ{\-kt; ~ INfORJ1AT:.:, u.., Ii. 726-3753 I So. flq. '-lain ~q. rtl), Access. SQ. Ftg. Other lie,,, Add P.l ter :~eD, --rence Oemo Change/Use Oth.r - - II niJllIe Phone address 1 ics. no, 1/ ~! 0' I , r-, ,I' i t)', I I I Construction lender Address eXOlres no. Electrical hone ~--- ~ Primary Structural !lechanical CONTRACTORS r (name) (address ) C I ics. no.) (exoires) I ! j I /-'?/-,,~ -~~~/:4J J I I~ I I upn.I_! I I I I I Illhnnp nfl. ) G.neral IAI".C. it/--n /A~.~.U-___. , . . . ,.' ~'7'<'E-;"'7;~"7;z,;_~. PlumbinQ LtJ 77/-,J'>>;!?/~ , -:;>fl/~<L#~ LJ"'?A:t't:::. , r, _ Electrica~R<(;o c.,7'~~. ".Chanic'al~~fi~'hw.z::; ";':5;40"'1' ~~, PLOrIG IrIG HF rllARGF 1...llO.-1~ Residence of 3 SLr.:<>. IP ," --.illL. I nr I l=t'" I I I I I I I MECHANICAL ELECTRICAL Each single fixture I '-\....i I \ I I each I I I I II I I I I 1 I I I I I I -'12 I .rA....~1 I., /Install/alt.r/relocate /7/~13lFJ'f ~ ~~~~ ctic:tr-ih. fPPl1pro;, . '74bM~,~_"A,~_:Of I I I I I I I I sq. fT. furnace/burner to BTlI's -----/Relocated building (new fix.'~dditional). IS.F, P.esidence n bath) I Duplex (I bath) New circuits alts. or extensions I Floor furnace and vent I Recessed Wit 11 '~n~cp hp~tpl" ~nrl I I SERVICES I 'Additional bath ~!ater service ITemporary Construction IChanqe in existing rpc: j 1~n"'r. Imultifamily, conJ!l, or Inrlllc:triill IStorm Sewer 10f ICOI~I.!INO. amps.1 I Apol iance vent <;poa,'atp I Stationary evap, cooler I Vent fan with sinole duct I Vent system apart from I heatina or A.r.. I ~1echanical exhaust hond ilnd riurt I Hood stove/heater Sewer FEEDERS amps. J SSUANCf OF PFR!IJ T TOTAL CIlARGES I TOTAL CHARGES I-HlEnE STATE UU REQUIRES that tile Electrical work be done by an shall not be val H unti I the label has been signed by an Electrical TOTAL CHARGES Electrical Contrac or, the electrical ~ortion of this permit Supervisor and r~turned to the Building Division I HAVE CAREFUllY EXNtltlED the comrleted aprllication for ~ermit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work oerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Soringfield and the Laws of the State of Ore,:!on pertalning to the work described herein, and that UO OCCUPAUCY \"i11 be made of any structure without the permission of the Duildinl) Division. r further certify that ITlY r'e~istration ",ith the Gullder's Goard is in full force and effect as required by ons 701.055, that if exempt the basis for exemDtion is noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees ,,,ho are in comoliance with Or.S 7~1.055 ,.,ill be used on this nroject. IIM1E(please print) H WA-tGtfTs1r.UATURF )./._f W~p DATE 3/1/"1 fO~ OrflC[ lISE ~Y #' TYDe/const..~~~nits s~. ~~~~ x Value~7./27 Bedrooms Occy Load hi!?; 3' Sn. Ftn. Access~..._" Value j;:-i,9SC> Stories / ncc.y Group .N'-:::::> SQ. Ft~. Other~ I... ,i...~. Value '2?>:;U>7 , f~ TOTAL VALUATIOI~.:z.gy'- 3&Jz,. 4!S I I .J~FFfi;R-1 Zone c:::. tC... Fire Zone Flood Plain BUILOIrIG PERI,lIT Charl)es an~ $urcharQes .....,Q7~~ , PLOP1BIIIG PERMIT Chilrges and SurCharges __8Z4?:.~___ ~. 9::f Plan Ck, 65%/Bldo Plan Ck. 30t/Bldo I Fence COIllTl/lnd Ppr F'pc R-es P~r FeE> Syster.1s Development I J~, ...;.a, . .".r- Charne (1.5') L4-'7~7. ""'==> I I . ~.~;?~E""'I /'~ ~ .;;....~/! /7& ~s I . ITotal (omb. rermit I '722. "/~ 'Demo ,[L[CTRICf..L rERr~1T CharQes and SurCharges 11ECIlANICAI. PERI11T Cha rges and Surchar'les .' ' ~ ------~~~~-.;:j Sid.walk I A/C Pavin~ I ~urb Cut -.::::. . .' , 3bSCJ. '2~ ~- ,...",,~:;:- I I ,I I - 'I TOTAL , ~ , , - " ,i COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT (CAP) I. APPlic~nt to furnish A. Job Address 8, legal Description I.J examlJle- Tax lot 100, lane County Map Ref~rence ' II uj 43 Z. eXdnlIlle- lot l. Block 3, 2ud Addition to Springfield [stales (, ',Name. etc. of owner and construction lender O. Energy Sources 1. !l eXdm~lp._- heat/electrical cci.!J.!1.~/or forced di~~. 2. i examole- watet'hedler/elecl,.ica!/or ~ E.. Square tootage or valudlioll. clc. I. II~Ole- J250 sq. foot house. 500 sQ. foot garage 2. I' eXdfllp'le- if new project. check new - if addi tion, I Check add. ete, f.; Building pennil illformalion: 1. examnle - construct 5jny)e family house with an attached go1rllge 2, :,examole - remodel existing garage into famlly room 3, :exdllmle - convert single family residence into ,Irestaurant (change of use) . , G, Va lue of \'1ork as defined in Sect ion 303 '(il) 'of th~"": ' . , ..... ,~trJ:qu.ral Spec,idl,lY:C.ode' -:.... -", ,':''::.. ~.. ,":-.....-.~, H:-OESIGN TEAI.I AND CONTRACTORS . To avoid design or construction delays, Building Division Staff must be able to contact appropriate ' . " persons regarding design information or job site corrections, etc. II. Abbreviated Plumbing, Mechanical. & Electrical Schedules A, Except where blank spaces OCcur in the description portion of the Mechanical and Electrical Schedules, the ~pplicant need fill-in only the No, Boxes adjacent to the appropriate itern(s) to be installed 8, FullllPlumbing, Nechanical. and Electrical Schedules are available at the Building Division 1. To conserve space on the permit form the schedules have been abbreviated 2. llf the item(s) to be installed are not covered on the abbreviated schedules you should consult the full schedules C. BUILDING OIVISION STAFF WILL FILL OUT ALL FEES ArlO CHARGES 01/ THE SCHEDULES D. As noted on the CAP, the label must be delivered to the elect'rical contractor for signature by his electrical super'visor, The general contractor is !l2!. authorized to sign the electrical label. III. Applicantllto sign and date Whenever possible. the initial application will be used as a workSheet only, Where possible. Building Division Staff will prepare a type written copy and return it to the applicant i'at the time the actual permit is issued for his signature. IV, Fees and Charges Plan check' fees are due and payable at the time of the application, and no plans will be processed lJOtil these fees are p'a id, All other fees and charges dre due and payable wh'en the permit is issued. '. ..... V. FOR OFFICE USE Ol/LY , " I J , PERMIT VALIDATION .... _J. . ...., -.~ ~ ... ..... ~ ':-"'\ ..,;, , '~ ~;' >,\. ~ _. , ,. >.' .,'\'. ~ , .. . ,~',,: .: .... -....:.. '~-' ':~,', .)-. .. --'.' -#R :s:3G 8-1-9/ ~ , ~ I j EdIiXL . I . ~ Permi t Clerk PROJECT CO~DITIONS TO BE SATISFIED BEFORE OCCUPANCY: 11 II " " '.' ~ :-, ..l........ '. . . . . , '.\ ,,' . -, , ~ " ,r.'- ," ", Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Builder~s Board because: ,I .,'... .'. ...... ...."..; . -..... '....... , Ii II Project JI- :r " I n forma t i on: . , .( '.-;- -. ': !.\dd'i t i.ana 1 i'" , " PLANS REVIEWED BY: ..., ~."- II -:;:) name , ~HE~L~6PFS igna ture ~. . . ~ - ..... '.' '. . . , I ~~-e. -", . /,/ ?- .:?..'?-'9/ date , , <1