HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2005-5-10 1i!J003 sPm...."'otU> """~ " 1lt ,." " ns,......u"STREltT. SPlUNGFIELD,OR97477. PH:(S41)126-3753 .F~J < l),*~!f&;~:*~~ ELECTRICALPBRMlTAPPLICATION 0'-) '?9 ..... ~r;WJ? - -. ,";' City Job Number~ zooS- - C)O L./ '" "'J Date <'&", U};. ~9V/~~-0-S~ I ,.-. . I -.,. ~ ~ l~ l' . ~~~R~.Qj;~~~'"~ !J.~-iiiDti\.)B'~T.."iv,,"'. >,"", rn:'.~':~...._...",;..~~ I L t, '" ~;~~-&ii...~ k _~..._...~~. ,"J'" .:. ,~~~ 3.. ,;,~!.~":~i"""'.''--'''>''':''''''(';:;C_H '''o.!.:ia.~'' lo:. - "'al~.,...~'&Ij~""X>U"~q~ 4219 A MElin Street, Springfield, OR 97478 " '1"';;0.... M'f-<-iiiiij."'....,;;j~~"'\Z;-,.,.~._. ,". '"' -:; "'r.l-~~", ,'~ LEQALDESCRIPTION 1702 ."Z....,. 0'''00 A. '."'~.....~L: ;;':~~~~.:_.'__. " . .: '". L, !W,l"" .:;; ."" I OIlI,..ii7!i: .a;.or;;~"""""...- ..."'~...W~.~~ ......_,. ,~... .",...~ :.lI..._".. t...roZ SAVE ON INSURANCE / PROGRESSIVE Service lnc1uded JOB DESCRIPTION 1000 sq. it. or less Each additiomd 500 sq. it or to'......:...\.tlter~f 200-Amml1 or less $ 63.00 ~1'rtI'JTlnN~(),~,"", I ~~lll~f.M2:4OU. 'Am",.n aw req"fr~ YGUIS'OO . r--.401.~ to'is06'A'il\iial by the Or"aOR Util .00 VliJl(;ano~Ci8R^er Th ~~:W~l~'li~r~~~~i:=~5:~~ =~g~th 6~oblaln copies of the RJ/~ 0.00 ~:.:;.;~~~;,; . cn~~~~if.~W~ InstuUatlon, Alteration or ReIo~ 200 Amps or 1ess $ 50,00 Constr.COJ1lf.Number 20-160 CLS / CCB 110071490 201Aropsto400Amps '$69.00 40t Amps to 600 Amps $100.00 Over 600 Amps or 1000 Ve>1ts see MB" above. D ~"\i~-","""'~j.r,'l!:r~>ii~.~~~-",J!1m'W#&~m:i'<1\.'?, . ~;;'~~~""'h"__'~~~~~~.~~'" ,.'..~\~~~~~~~~.~~~ New AlteratlOli or Extensfon Per Panel OnB Cirouit S 43.00 rd, resident. 04/26/05 ~~:@d~onalCircuitorwith Do.N'J4-(..~ ?Pe-r ftYL T~mi"'i-Y!tft~.3\;'A'rE EXPIRE Ir I nt vvMKoO ::- ~;;~_ ~~t~41) si F.a5iRII~~~~-~~~S SignlOut1ino Lighrlng J $ 50.00 Umited EnergylReaidential $ 25.00 Limited EncrgyJCOIIlIIlerCial S 45.00 Mln1mwn Electric Permit Ins, _.~L_Fec Is S4S.00+ Surtharges 4. .~"~t;'i1~U:""":f":~o.~lI~~~.~" 50 ;";1l~~~"'::-"'):'~' ._~..t..,~l'...,('.':!;~:\ti.~~~~~:!.:~ , .aJ:.... ~~..;j............ '1OI"'<.>'\,~ao.;r"~~~"'i':i~~~a.~ 3? ;:>0 7% StalO Su..j~~.... 5_",.,. 10% Administrlllive Fee 5""8 _')""0 TOTAL 04/21/03 THU 11:01 Connect to existing circuit. Pennlts are Mn-transferable and esplre If work Is ;. not s1arted within 180 days of IssWlDce or if work is Suspended for 180 days. . 2 ~SEf"(i)~:1tl'~i1lD.: ..,i)Aff'~.''i'ii~ .. ~'m~~..r"\f.~~"" ..ri~Jll'*":":Jl~~~ E1ectricaIC.--- Ray-Q-Lite Signs, Inc. Address 101 North Seneca Road City Eugene, OR 97402p~ (541) 688-2500 SuporvIsor LWense NlUlJb<:r 291-SIG Expindioo Oat<: 10/01/05 El<pimtion Paro 07/01/06 / 02/01/07 x OWNER INSTALLA nON Tho inslB11ation is bolns made on proPertv r own which is not inlo:nded for sale, 1easo or rent. Ownen Signature: Inspection Request: 7:!6-3769 Each Manutllct'd HOll1e or Modular Dworring Service or Feeder . S 19.00 A $50.00 '-.~ " ~~m~~~~f#;:~~"5o')';Iia'3'lm(~'-"im~<~;''\l' B. ~~:~~.fl"., ..:'~:~~~~~!\~~~ ~'" $ht1mI Crivo(T:)lSaildio& _, Ponnll Applle.....I-OJ.doc: . SP-RINGF'ISLJ)" . - _r..h,,-.,~..,....,_.. ".]...,,;;.< "'V"'~__'.'" f. '1Jft\rl " Ii . " 1: --,-- ," '"; I - ,__ti ,," . Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-37691nspection Line . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-00499 ISSUED: 05/06/2005 APPLIED: 04/28/2005 EXPIRES: 11/06/2005 VALUE: $ 475.00 SITE ADDRESS: 4219 Main St A ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.: 1702323201900 Contractor License Expiration Date RAY 0 LITE SIGNS INC 71490 0210112007 RAY 0 LITE SIGNS INC 71490 0210112007 BUILDING INFORMATION~res Y~\I~ ON: UI"'d" \he 018900 tot\h (I.~~As adopted b'I 8 CU\es are S~I~e: tf*ii!1il \lf~~\QtIl 'th~h 0JlJ\ 9~ tttft Floor: ~1QI~'tiYi~01.oo10 coPlesot\h9~~d Floor: E~: a obUl\n '\h9te\~ sement: ~~ ~Ulr. lNo~ No'lSli arage/Carport n~~I!ijt1l'!e~OI~~)Sq Ft Other: SprinltM_fffi\i n \$ \ Occupant Load: T\iI"--,..... I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION' PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Sign - wall ,,' Owner: PFEIFER DONALD V TE . Address: 326 MAIN ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Contractor Type Electrical Sign # of Units: Primary Occupancy Group: Secondary Occupancy Group: Primary Construction Type Secondary Construction Type: # of Bedrooms: Frontyard Setback: Side 1 Setback: Side 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback: Solar Setbacks: Street Improvements: Storm Sewer A vanable: Special Instruction: Notes: Springfield TYPE OF WORK: Sign TYPE OF USE: New Commercial I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Phone 541-688-2500 541-688-2500 REQUIRED PARKING Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Rqd: Paved Drive Rqd: % of Lot Coverage: Total: Handicapped: Compact: I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I 1\Cr:. SidewalkTY~:\1' i\-lE \NORK "() ~. ut>.llEX\'iht. S NOi i\-\\S pf:RMll SD/)[~Pf\'1!~fa'f.:~!i \ R 1\\.\1\-\01'1\710 \.\~~ IS I\BI\NOONEO 1'0 COMMENCOEI\~ PERIOD. p..\-4'{ 180 , Paee 1 of 4 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-37691nspection Line Description . Sien Use Bid Amount Tvpe of Construction Fee Description Sign Plan Review + 10% Administrative Fee + 7% State Surcharge Sign - Outline Lighting Each Sign 0-35 Square Feet Total Amount Paid I Valuation Descriotion , $ Per Sq Ft or multiplier $1.00 Square Footage or Bid Amount 475.00 Total Value of Project Fpp< tiilLI Amount Paid Date Paid $40.00 $13.00 $3.50 $50,00 $80.00 4/28/05 5/6/05 5/6/05 5/6/05 5/6/05 $186.50 I Plan Reviews I Paee 2 of 4 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-00499 ISSUED: 05/06/2005 APPLIED: 04/2812005 EXPIRES: 11/06/2005 VALUE: $ 475.00 Value Date Calculated $475.00 $475.00 04/28/2005 Receipt Number 1200500000000000533 1200500000000000582 1200500000000000582 1200500000000000582 1200500000000000582 Status Issued 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-37691nspection Line Sien Review . 04/28/2005 05/04/2005 . U 1 ~" OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-00499 ISSUED: 05/06/2005 APPLIED: 04/28/2005 EXPIRES: 11/06/2005 VALUE: $ 475.00 APP DJB Paee30f4 8.248 Community Commercial and Major Re- tail Commercial District. These standards apply for all property located in CC or MRC Districts except those located in the Downtown Sign District, 1-5 Mall Sign District and the 1-5 Commercial Sign District: (1) Single Businesses. Each husiness shall be permitted a maximum number of three wall signs totaling 350 square feet for all faces. (2) Free Standing, Roof and Projecting Signs. In addition to wall signs permitted above, one sign from this group shall be permitted for each approved development area. The total area permitted for a free standing sign, roof or projecting sign shall be 100 square feet for one face or 200 square feet for two or more faces at a maximum of 20 feet above grade. (3) Second Story Businesses and Above. Two wall signs per huslness shall be permitted with a maximum sign display area of 175 square feet for all faces. (4) Logos. Logos are allowed In addition to the permitted wall signs listed above provided the logo is the logo of the business residing on the premises and provided the total square footage of the permitted wall signs and the logos do not exceed a combined area 0050 Square feet for single story businesses and 175 square feet for second story businesses. A permit is required for each logo that is being Installed based on the square footage of the proposed logo. ' (5) lIJumlnation From Signs on Non-residential Property. External . . CITY OF ~rK11"\j~FIELD Status Issued Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-00499 ISSUED: 05/06/2005 APPLIED: 04/28/2005 EXPIRES: 11/06/2005 VALUE: $ 475.00 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-37691nspection Line illumination shall be shielded so that the light source elements are not directly visihle from property in a residential zone which is adjacent to or across a street from the property in the non-residential zone. [Section 8.248 amended by Ordinance No. 5862, enacted Septemher 15, 1997; further amended by Ordinance No. 6114, enacted February 7, 2005.] To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. ~lJirp.d lnsnections I Sign Attachment: Method of mounting the sign to a structure or pole. Method of attachment of bolts or welds. Sign Electrical: After connection is made but prior to energizing. Sign Final: After all required inspections are conducted and approved and the sign installation is completed. By signature, 1 state and agree, that 1 have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Community Services DIvision, Building Safety. 1 further certify that only contractors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.005 will be used on this project. 1 further agree to ensure that all required inspections are requested at the proper time, that each address Is readable from the street, that the permit card is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all timh(;;;;on~~ 6~-0 -oc Ow~er or Contr~s Signat';;'re Date Paee 4 of 4 225 Fifth Street Sp'ringfUld, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2005-00499 COM2005-00499 COM2005-00499 COM2005-00499 Payments: Type of Payment Check - ., 5/6/2005 . RECEIPT #: Description Sign - Outline Lighting Each Sign 0-35 Square Feet + 7% State Surcharge + 10% Administrative Fee Paid By RA YOLITE SIGNS 1It.....-.'~.,~_.!!"..'.'~.. " ~"---.' " \ '" ,.', j . " - r-.<' i'. :; " ~~ . ,'; '~n'..,. .,',', ..'."., ,- .City of Springfield Official Receipt evelopment Services Department Public Works Department 1200500000000000582 Date: 05/06/2005 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Balch Number Number How Received djb 7021 In Person Payment Total: Page 1 ofl 1:07:29PM Amount Due 50.00 80.00 3,50 13,00 $146.50 Amount Paid $146.50 $146.50