HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Occupancy 1900-1-1 ~~~~@~~@@~~~~~~~~~~@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@@~~' ~ . ~ I <l!:ttttfitatt of ~ttupancp. ~ m CITY OF SPRINGFIELD : ~ Tllis Certificate issued pursuant to the requiremeJIts of Section 306 of tile Uniform Bnilding : ~ Code certifying that at tile time of issuance tllis structure was in compliance with the varionJ ~ ~ ordinances of tile City regnlating building construction 01' nse. For tile following: "~'" @1 I @ I @,Oce.Grou....."TypeConstructionVNFireZoneIIIUseZone@ ~ ~ (,';" I ~I Owner of Building n,..,1pll r.nn~t. Addre<< ~ @1 @1 @1 m I, - '00 .~. '. y-'i (,';, " ( , ~I @, , POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ' < ~@@@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@~~~@@~~@~@@~@@@@@~@@@@~~@ Building Addre<< 4215 Main st. 11214 Bldg. Permit No ""' . I,' I / hA.- -1 '- / By. A :-"ZL4"7 ~ JumL Building Official. 1('\ . .~~I.'~~)~~~IC;)ICl~~~~.~~~~~~~,IjD~)~iD~~I.'~~fJ~~.)@~fJ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ' " "~ m ((erttftrate of <!&ccupancp ~ ; CITy OF SPRINGFIELD ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT ~ ~ @1 ~ ~ ~., Occ. Group I @ @ @ ~ Building Addre" 4215 Main St. ~ @ ~, ~. (if, @ ~ POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE I ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~IjDIjD~IjD~~IjD~~~IjD~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. This' Certificate ismed pllrmant to tile l-equiremeJ/ts of Section 306 of tile U1I1form Building Code certifying that at the time of ismauce tllis ,rt1'llcture was in cOlllpliauce with tile variouJ ordiuallces of tile City l'egulatillg buildillg comtmctioll or lISe. For tile following: Type Construclior VN 2 i ~se Zone Fire Zone III Owner of Building McKenzie West Addrr.' 4200 Main St. ~Idg. Permit No 10977 By' A 11~~ _xL~~ fkf lAAi Dote, Building Official ~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ r . ~ ~' ~trtificatt of (!&ccupancp : ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~: BUILDING DEPARTMENT @1 @1 I ~, -<;1 I:; I Occ. Grou~ @, This Certificate iSSlled purSllant to the requirements of Section 306 of tile Unifonn Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance tl/is stn/cture was in compliance with the varions ordinances of tile City regulating building construction or IIse. For the foffowing: F Type Construction V N III Use Zonp C-4 Fire Zone Miles & Hiatt Inv. Addre" P. O. Box 10457, EUQene Owner of Building 4215 Main Street lHenny-Penny's Laundromat) Building Addre.. Bldg. Permit No 8575 BY:~~--- Lj/--"'// U' I @; @! @1 I ~~~Cj.CI'q".)~".),,-".)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'5l~~~~~~~ ~L &hALoate, Building Official POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE i ~ i!2l ~ ~ ~ I !.,