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Easement APPLICANT 8/7/2009
,-~~:.~~" ---,., .jf~t~~i'i;~;";;:';';!:Jh,'! ',;', ~,.... \ ~',p ..",~".""e.d,~,",,(~t'..,,'1.> .'1<- """ ""~,,,.';:: .;. ~':'.:'~:~~:~~1~11"':"';'::;? !i:', ri.4: .. ~:...;~.~J~:::';~. ,::'...'I}" ~~~?'.'t='::'".}~-"" "" ~~~;(~~... :~ .\:' ,',: .::~ , . ~.: ~.:'~: .' ...... 't1'~" .t(r....~Jl I~\ .1 ,t,.( .....J~!.iJ ...~:fs.~!,,.~.;. ;" .,';'" ~~.! ,i....: '/~"~N-:i.....'I.'.."': ~..".::,.. '0: J.. t" '''"-~J)''~mw:'''~~ ,,' "'. '.'. )' N-4' -, . : , , ~.. , .', ...ow.J..~......' ..' ... ~!';'l . .I..~,. , , '''. J .\1') , '~ '" UggU 7927980 -~ THIS tlIOEr/TURE P.\UE ,nd entered Into this ~b'~y of hprll " 19.2.l!.... by and betHeen Dunn, ^. Knighl. " herelnuftcr referred to ~s the r,r~nlors, 'nd TIlE CITY Of SPRl!IGrIELO. ! e;unlcfp~l corpo(4t1on. in L~nc County. Oregon, hereln~fter referred to H the Gr~nt.e. HITlIESSETII: In consideration of the accept~nce by Gr~ntee and the use of holding of said e~semcnt fOf present or future pobllc use by Gr,lntee, "rantors, hereby 9rdnt, barg.lln, lell and convey unto the "r"ntee, a.perpetu~1 ellee,ent In (eet In "Idth, together >lftl1 the right to go upon said casement ~re., herein~fter deSCrlliCd (or pur~ose of construct1np. reo construc:;nn. ""Int.in;ng and tJ,;n? J "-J"l:ol'j' >(.er 'torm dr.ln'pe (.crllty wh.lch may hereafter b~ In\t~lled on th~ followln? d~lCrlbed property, to-wit: nr.r~1 or Sr.Vlllr. r.ot 12: nl.;t~fnf'l{nl: nl a point bt..JIl/: SO\lth "!.I' 1'1.1' t-:n~t :'l,OO l'~l~t Mid ~(l\llh ~ 01' .1011 WilDt. 31.12 r~cl rl,()tQ thu ~:orlh"'t'f\t C(ll'oor or l;ol J:!, IIErl.l,T ur ~;;;VIr.r,y., nn pln~t{'d nnt! ,'ucordc:d in pllQ 7:l,SI'ide 17~ I !.nnr Crlunlj' Qr't'(lnn fllJll l!~'clH'df\: them.'t. tlol'll! 7{)f 45' P.U:l\' 05.68 ra\!t: thl;I~l;! ~io1Jth 0- .011 JO" \I'uat'IO.:"!J I'tlct..l then~C" SC".uth Ut .1r.' ncl'H 65.68 f~C't; thonce North Ct 011 ;lO" I~n:~t 1O.~9 rl't-\. til l\.c I'uint tlf IIQRil1nlll~1 In J.nn~ County, OreAI'H. LQt 13; f1l'RilJnin~ lit It r1l1inL hf'inr, ~irluth N!)' 'l,fl rllr.1.. '1.00 feel (\fit.! S'OlJlh 0' 01' JOn Wt'l\C 7".~~ recl. I'I'(Jr.j Llltt :Irlrlh\oolc.',it. C'('/Ill'r fir till 13, 1f1':J'1.^1 OF ~~:VH.I,~;, llflp-Intted omf rc: col"d cHI in ritt! 1;1, ~;Jl(k 11:..!, I~Hlll~ l:IJunl.v Or'1'I:I\O Plol n':cordr.:'lh~nc~ HOl'th 7r:t' o1~,1 Y-llnt 651-14 f~dl IhonC\1 Houth ,ct 01' :\(jl' h'I~I~l 'O,~19 ft:t'li IhN1Cl:' 5(1\11)) 70' _1:\' WC"il~ lS~.4.1 rl;cl; thcncQ U"rlh 0"" 011 ;1010 ~:{\r.t Hl.t',!} rl'tl lo lhe; I'l/lut at' IJl'"ginninn. Ir! I.lIue. C:Ollllty, Oru&on. TO HAVE Alia TO IIOLO the .bo\'~ eas~c.ont to lhe laid GrM,te", Its SUCC~ssorl ,nd "Islgn, fore~or. 1/1 ADOlllOl1 Tllenno, tli~ G,',JA).,.s do hcre.by give Mid ~I'u;'l ""to lhe CI ty of~r1npfl~ld, ~ con~tructiofl C.l\cr:';Qnt or r/!!'~ (crt in Hltlth ,110n9 .3/HJ J~i1lUn~1 1Il1l --,--l/:r.~.:,.-.. side t\n{/ (or the (ul1 ll!n~th ot thQ .)(()r'fl!.'{!nti<:!t!e.d ~lld d{!:;crH;t'o jr<:fjjQtU~r ~O";:tfCllt tor trIO .purpvleOr ~f~I"'1 ~ \/or. .1'0'1 durln'J lile COnstruction or ,\ stom drvlnvqo f,dlllY Md/or ~Mit.\rj' SC'rlt;'r Hithln ttl(l pcrpotu,ll CJSCtrt.llll. TO H^,,'r 10:10 TO /lULU s"ld (Oll\l,'uotlol\ e,1\""~"l unto the. \"fiJ tlt'/ of Srl"inqflul'J ono to Ils ~uccc~ ~or5 t1nd j'~'j juri"; I {[on'lll! the! <(instrtlct i on o( tlie 5. tun:l. 111111for san U;}t'), sc:..u:~. Upon th~ CGli5trvelitln or the Harm dl'Jlnu~r. f!.'ltill t}1 wd/or s.}ld L:u-y sc"rlcr l1ndits ')CCI~rtlllll:C for use, tho (on\truc~lon O"S~"-ollt ho~ln nJ"'C~ ~h.l1 b"on'Q vQld. Iii HIT/I[SS ~lifP[N. tl\~ <j""ltor~ ,bo','e nJ:::cd I:J':~ ::nh d.YOf ~ _-,_,' 1?~. . j.) . ~-r()<!J4. ~~. ,.,~._,I ~,I,.';:"'''''~-:-'' , --:, .',' ~ ....l.'r:!;._ " ...., "',:'" , '. '\\UI}lI~,~I''''''';:', k " .'.."...~\~.:.7.:111 'S:. I:; '. , STME OG< .,;.jJ1!i'fir,'y.<" I"n< . II. aCknOll~I;,~~' l#,h;'\fJ~~nmu:r"nt to be : J 11\\ r .r,-. f 1 O.lcd '. -AJrn 2i'~I1.'v ]I}! ^.O., 1?.!3....., .,....." -'t.~~,. /~; ~/'.:r:/. "::,,;:~.""'/,, ,., r> Ii)' CO"rnIHI.~n'[;plr\i:,'" ,-;> -"]' r,:;>. h~rcunlo ~ct Ulc{,r l;;n~: ~~d ~LI\l~ lht~ (SloLl L-: . II'N '.ltL~iMI.U~ (S[f.L ) (SeAL) Pcrsnn,'illj' .)PJl~']I'l!LJ Uw I1b 0 v.;,, rh".\!d Jilt! Ill. volunt~l'l' ~ct Jnd deed. Ddore "~: . ,1:0 ~_'ffi _-:m\ C 0 _~ J) hOlJl'Y pun Ite for OJ'CIJonr-- I- i ,. I ~ , , , . ~ ! ~' ~ I i t r t I l'. ,. I, .; , : ' '1 r i. i' f . I,;' Ii' V ~' t , , CIS EO m.l ;:: A. 0 {Jo-' .r., 0/ /J;,.,... , Date Re :eived: E 2.oer ~ " ..~} ?nryg ro?!. ."Y . [ 1993j--i979,27990'pagQ: D;;~;~;~~on: Lane/OR Docum9nt ~ Year,DooID - Order: J Commant:: . J " '. I.' 1 of 2' , Original Submillc:,___....... .. "r .,.. . ~:..~,~.' . it', SQ;,( ~~':" r,; (. ~; .'. ~ ,,'. ;'f , '1 J.( \1~11 , o ~ ~ . '~'~'.":',~~~~~~~~: :....<. . ,(. . ", .:~. . ;:t~~ '.0;' " -... t: ".l,~ ~ I I g H~ " Q)- ~ .t~~~ " E ~H~ . t .,' \ '. .... ~ ... .'r..:'....".,,'., \..,.' ~ ,9./:0 X ~ ~ -e ~ ~ ~ ' .' 6JEY ..l . C- :....../' .t,:,..'. "......>~:.. , -< ~ -f ~, ~'~ ~, u ":, ," . '"' ~ L . ;:; .. I .. ,"! "..] ~ :! 0'1 " t." " 0 ..~ -, Da~.e' Received: JJ 'J j " (j) !> ~~ - -;; :-; ~e "- ~I " ... 0... a:.t: ~ ~ L H ':~H OJ o.~ ~ S -' , - AUG - 7 2009 ~!; .:l ci~ " 0>' 5 ....~...-".. DQsoription: LanQ(O~ 'DOcument - Yasr,DocID [-1993] .1979.?7990 Page: 2 'of 2 Oreiez:: J Comment: 0" IS' "111"(-1 ' ngma ' u,; :, <..-__,_,_,_...