HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/7/2009 City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Development Issues Meeting (DIM) Prospective Applicant Name: Pete and Wendy Cobarrubia Icompany: IAddress: I I Prospective Applicant's Rep.: Loran Waldron I Company: IAddress: I Property Owner: Pete and Wendy Cobarrubia Icompany: IAddress: I IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: Tl7S R1W S34 QQ33 ITAX LOT NO(S): 503 I Property Address: East side of the south end of 59th street, Springfield, Oregon, ISize of Property: 0.24 Acres [><J Sauare Feet 0 I I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Constructionofa sin,gle family home and a dUDlex that will require a Maior Variance due to wetlands on the lot. I EXisting Use: vacant . I # of Lots/Parcels: IAvg. Lot/Parcel Size: 0.24 ac sf I Density: I Phone: 541-954-1202 Fax: 541-988-5954 35643 Camp Creek Rd., Springfield, OR 97478 Phone: 541-672-0393 Land And Water Environmental Services, Inc. Fax: 541-672-7170 525 SE Main Sr., Roseburg, OR 97470 Phone: 541-954-1202 Fax: 541-988-5954 35643 Camp Creek Rd., Sprin.gfield, OR 97478 du/acre Prospective Applicant: Date: Signature Pete Cobarrubia Print ~J . -. . - . .. . - . . .. ',' ,- . - . _ _ __.n.', __n' - - -..' CaseNo.:ZONZ8t)lj-O(X):I?-- Date: q'hJo~ ITechnical Fee: $~ Application Fee: $ 5:;:1/.00 Reviewed by: ~c.--- I Postage Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ S~I. Ornate Received: PROJECT NUMBER: ?f?J '2.()Dq -WOrt) .. \' -.~l."t;:""-l;'.Pl<'t!J.:~.~t".t:,,;~~t~;'l,i""!f"')!"':trr~~'LI~~.t, "ii~r;.~):1tJl'4f:~..jiN..'1f;.a;.:r;.:r;rn'W,f~""l!;[,,Il/J~,~.'>;J~~';':f"'tT....1.'\"m$J",t...ir;''l;;fWJ:11t~:m'~~'~~~J.~;.;<$},'' ,~,tJt~,'~o.N7;;.o,"'"f"-""'~-:;i';'''fJ ',"'" AUG -7 2009 RE..' ZON-2.00Cj-QOOJ 0 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Original Submittal 1 of 3 Development Issues M",,,,ting Submittal Requiremenfl"'Checklist [><J. Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. [><J Development Issues Meeting Application ,Form [><J Five (5) Questions - list specific questions the applicant would like staff to answer during the meeting. So that each question may be fully evaluated, the list is limited to five questions. [><J Ten (10) Copies of the Proposed Plan - suggested information valuable for staff to review the proposal is listed below. It is not necessary to include all of these items on the site or plot plan. However, applicants are encouraged to address as many as possible given that the level of information that will be derived from the meeting is commensurate with the level of detail provided in the application. Applicants are also encouraged to include additional information on the plan as listed in the Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.12-120, Land Divisions - Partitions & Subdivisions - Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements or 5.17-120, Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements. [><J Drawn in ink on quality paper no smaller than 11" x 17" [><J Scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100' [><J North arrow [><J Date of preparation [><J Street address and assessor's map and tax lot number [><J Dimensions (in feet) and size (either square feet or acres) of. the development area D Location and size of existing and proposed utilities, including'connection points D 'On-site drainage collection system and flow patterns, the size and location of drain lines and catch basins, dry wells, and natural drainageways to be retained [><J Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces DIMs Related to Land Divisions o Approximate location, number and dimensions of proposed lots o How streets in the proposal area connect with. existing streets DIMs Related to Site Plan Review D Proposed and existing buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area), setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings, and height Area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios and other impervious surfaces Parking and circulation plan Date Received: D D AUG - 7 2009 Revised 1/1/08 Maily Markarian Original submittal 3 of 3 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone RECEIPT #: ~. 2200900000000000897 Job/Journal Number Description ZON2009-00022 CTY Development Issues Mtg Payments: Type of Payment Check Paid By WEST SIDE IRON, INC cReceiotl r"'y of Springfield Official Receipt ~~velopment Services Department Public Works Department Date: 08/07/2009 Item Total: Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received ddk 4320 Date Received: AUG - 7 2009 Original Submittal Page ] of ] in Person Payment Total: 11:58:46AM Amount Due 521.00 $521.00 Amount Paid $521.00 . $521.00 8/7/2009 LAND AND W ' TER ENVIRONMENT A 525 SE Main Street, Roseburg, Oregon 97470 (541) 672-0393 Fax (541) 672-7170 "Providing environmental services/or industry and the public since 1992" SERVICES, INC. CCB#: 83246 www.landandwater.biz emaii: office(aJ.landandwater.biz August 6, 2009 QUESTIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING Tl7S R2W S34 QQ33 TL503 Property Owner: Pete and Wendy Cobarrubia 35643 Camp Creek Rd. Springfield, Oregon 97478 The applicant originally purchased. the above referenced property with the intent of building a four-plex. There is sufficient square footage to accommodate that size building and the zoning is appropriate. There are wetlands on the property but the information available at the time indicated that it would be a relatively simple matter to get a fill pertnit from the state that would allow filling of a portion of the wetland. Indications from the City planning department were that at minimum a duplex would be allowable. After f\lrther investigation and research into the City development code that deals with the locally significant wetland designation Mr. Cobarrubia determined that a tri-plex 'could be constructed with less impact to the locally significant wetlands. Although less desirable to Mr. Cobarrubia from a development stand point, a third option of a duplex situated on the north portion of the lot was also recognized. This option would avoid most of the wetlands. It was unclear at that time what other issued might be involved in developing the lot, so a Development Issues Meeting (DIM) was requested. At the DIM on April 23, 2009 the Locally Significant Wetland (LSW) designation was discussed at length. It was the City's position that the designation was the result of a state process and that the City. had no means to change it. Also at this meeting another and possibly even more important issue was revealed; the northem portion of the lot outside the wetland boundary is bisected by a storm drain. Although there is no record of an easement for the storm drain, and it does not show up on the tax lot map, it is clear that the City will not issue a building permit to locate a structure over it. Following the DIM several alternative development plans and designs were investigated as well as available options with the LSW designation and minor and major val'iances, resulting in a developnlent plan that minimizes impact to the LSW but will require a Major Variance to construct. At the recommendation of City Staff, Mr. Cobarrubia is requesting another DIM to discuss this plan and identify any other issues that may prohibit development of this lot. Date Received: AUG - 7 2009 Original Submittal. Question #1: .A copy of the Draft Major Variance Application is attached. Aside from the issue of the Locally Significant Wetland and the stonn drain easement, are there other obstructions to development that can be identified? .Question #2: Can you identify problems or incorrect assumptions conceming the Locally Significant Wetland and the storm drain easement that would prevent approval of the application? Question #3: What are the next steps to get a Major Variance Application reviewed and is there significant information missing from the attached draft application that needs to be included? Question #4 Can you, from your Department's perspective, support this Major Variance Application in light of the minimization of impact to the Locally Significant Wetland which maintain the wetland functions and values, including absorption, storage, and slow release of stormwater runoff? Date Received: AUG - 7 2009 Original Submittal City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Major Variance, Applicant Name: [company: I Address: I Applicant's Rep.: Icompany: IAddress: I Property Owner: I Company: I Address: , IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: I Property Addr'ess: I Size of Propert~: Pete and Wendy Coban'ubia Phone: 541-954-1202 West Side Steel Fax: 541-988~5954 35643 Camp Creek Rd, Springfield, OR, 97478 Loran Waldron Phone: Fax: 541 "672-0393 Land And Water Environmental Services, Inc. 541-672-7170 525 SE Main, Roseburg, OR, 97470 Pete and Wendy Cobarrubia Phone: Fax: 541-954-1202 541-988-5954 35643 Camp Creek Rd, Springfield, OR 97478 TI7S R2W S34QQ33 !TAX LOT NO(S): 503 Lot is on east side at the south end of 59th Street, Springfield, OR .24 Acres '[8] Square Feet 0 Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: A major variance to construct a single family home and a duplex on lot #503. Map TI7S R2W S34 QQ33. I Existing Use: vacant I Signatures: Please sign and print your name and date in the appropriate box on the next page. t:, , . CO" ," L . . Associated Applications: Icase No.: IAPPliCatiOn Fee: $ ITOTAL FEES: $ ': "~'jY",,' Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Signs: I Reviewed by: !postage Fee: $ I Date: ITechnical Fee: $ I PROJECT NUMBER: ,J.,:...'U"."';; "',.':"-' "". :.."", r-:>;.,,,::,'-:; .J' ~'~ '''~'f~~~~1o g;";;;nn,~\:!o:...,v-;IN."S 'i.-'i>0' il " ~\it:"14~'1:l;~~""J>t<~,' .(.,"-~'O.o;;~'.\;'':'',:;JI' ,-. ~.",. . -" " ,'.,'. Date Received: AUG - 7 2009 Original Submittal 1 of 4 Signatures Applicant: The undersigned "acknowledges that the information in this application is correct and accurate. Date: Signature Pete Coburrubia Print Owner: If the applicant'is not the owner", the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act in his/her behalf. Date: Signature Print Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Date Received: AU6 - 7 2009 Original SlIbmittal 2 of 4 Major Variance Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE: If you feel an item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form. o Submitted Concurrently with Site Plan Review or Land Division applications, where applicable. o Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. c>g Major Variance Application Form c>g Copy of the Deed I~ Copy of a Preliminary Title Report issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances. ~ Narrative - explaining the proposal and any additional information that may have a bearing in determining the action to be taken, including findings demonstrating compliance with the Major Variance Criteria described in SDC 521-130. NOTE: Before the Planning Commission or Hearings Official can approve a Major Variance request, information submitted by the applicant must adequately support the request. All of the Major Variance Criteria must be addressed by the applicant. Incomplete applications, as well as insufficient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result in denial. In certain circumstances, it is advisable to hire a professional planner or land use attorney to prepare the required findings. C Eighteen (18) Copies of a Plot Plan to include the following: D If submitted concurrently with a Land Division or Site Plan Review application, eighteen copies of the Land Division Tentative Plan or Site Plan sheet may be submitted in lieu of the plot plan as long as it meets the following requirements. D Prepared by an Oregon licensed Surveyor if the major variance involves a setback D The scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 1 00', north arrow, and date of preparation D The nature and extent of the major variance requested and relevant site features Date Received: AUG - 7 2009 Original Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly.Markarian 4014 Pete and Wendy Cobarrubia Major Variance Application Narrative Pete and Wendy Cobarrubia purchased lot # 503 (Springfield Tax Map Tl7S R2W S34 QQ33) at the south end of 59'h Street with the intention of building affordable multifamily housing, as allowed by it's Medium Density Residential Zoning. The combination of a storm sewer running through the northern portion of the lot, and wetlands on the southern portion of the lot have resulted in restrictions making the lot non buildable. They are seeking departmental input on a new development plan that has less impact on the existing wetlands than previously proposed plans. Previous plans included a triplex, and a larger duplex. Both plans covered a larger area of the lot, impacting the majority of the Locally Significant Wetland (LSW). A major variance will be needed in order to construct a single family home and a duplex on the lot, impacting .06 acres of wetland. (See Attachment I, Site Plan) Lot #503 is the last lot on the east side of S. 59'h Street where it dead ends at the foot of the hill, and is .24 acres in size. South 59'h Street is only two blocks long in this location, running south from Main Street. The only cross street between Main and the end of S. 59'h is Aster. There are two somewhat older single family homes on S. 59'h, the other residences are multi family dwellings. Most of the new construction on the street has been two story duplexes. Where S. 59th meets Main Street there are business with parking lots including Real Estate and Doctor's offices. (See Attachments I &2, Aerial Photos with approximate lot lines added) The issues that complicate building on the 75' x 140' Jot are a storm sewer running across the northern half of the parcel, and the southern portion is listed as LSW by the City. There are .16 acres of wetland on the lot. The plan we are proposing would impact 38% of the lot's wetland. The impact would be to the northern most part of the wetland. This portion of the wetland provides the least wetland function and value, has the most disturbed vegetation, including weedy non-natives and is farthest from the wooded wetland area which extends off site to the south. (See Attachment la, Site Plan With Wetlands Highlighted) The Oregon Department of State Lands has recently concurred with a delineation of the lot, which identi fies the boundaries of the wetland and characterizes the wetland 011 site as "Palustrine Emergent, Seasonally Flooded/Saturated (PEME), Slope/Flats wetland with a wet meadow vegetation community." This wetland type extends off-site to the east and west. PEME is a common Willamette Valley wetland type. The site's Locally Significant status was applied by grouping the site with the Palustrine Forested (PFO) wetlands located at the base of the hill at the south end of the Jot. PFO is a less typical wetland type than PEME wetland in the Willamette Valley, especially in urban settings. The PFO extends off site in a band running easUwest at the base of the wooded hills.south of the residential area. No PFO wetland would be affected by this project, nor would the project cause a break in the overall hydrologic continuity of the wetland. Date Received: AUG - 7 2009 Original Submittal Pete and Wendy Cobarrubia Major Varience Application page 2 The natural pattern of winter surface water flows along the base of the hill to the south, toward the southwest, basically where the ash trees are growing. The building plan would not interfere with those winter surface water flows, or cause standing water on neighboring properties. The main function and value of the wetland on this lot is storm water storage and delay, which would not be degraded by building on the proposed location. Sixty-two per cent of the wetland on site would remain to fulfill the normal hydrological functions. If granted a variance from the City, the owners would apply for a Joint Removal-Fill Permit from the Dept. of State Lands and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, which would allow the placement of fill in the wetland. To mitigate for the fill, the applicants may purchase credit at a Wetland Mitigation Bank that serves the area, or the agencies may request some of the mitigation to be improvements to the remaining wetlands at the southern end of the lot. The Site Plan map shows the wetland boundaries, the storm sewer line, and the proposed dwellings. The owners are seeking a major variance to the Locally Significant Wetland Inventory to build affordable housing for our community and hope that with the Development Services Department's input they can achieve this goal. ATTACHMENTS: I. Site Plan I a. Site Plan With Wetlands Highlighted 2. Aerial Photo 3. Aerial Photo 4. Concurrence to Wetland Delineation 5. Deed 6. Preliminary Title Report Date Received: AUG - 7 2009 Original SUbmittal - ,,~.. . ""'v____ . T~ T:" ","Ir' ! " "" S"TVP . SET BI1Ck .. II i i , . . S jfA~_NDf<. 0-1 , <t STo fit'!J lJR. A..I N - IJty' EIlSEJVlEAJT,. rOu.TH , ~. . ,- /'10/ , " " , '~'-~-'-~=~":..~. . 1 I ---, 'n.' 6& I ( I { _' ~ 'I" r ' ./ > ' ( o~ . / I \ .,' " / '. ,; ',I_'/'~koSi~cti~l: ~ //~/. /? (, ;'\'RC,~ki~~~;; '. '. .: cJ9~"~"" --.- ~ ~. -. /~ / '-"- ;:.. ..,--- ~-.. / v'0~/' __/ =--1.. ..- =~- -. /' . ~.>,? ~f //',//-,J/-;;7/- . . /../.-<.,/f;,~- //', ~'- _....~__..~____~\k.L.....L' _ .... .. ~JJ-.T~._ './ i sEi~,( '\H4eRun~"T;d--;;;"'~=nR~ n__.o;_--- o bY;. \1-\'/-1 y\ (l.?i . _... l_.. ~'\J', . . .' -. .- .-. .'. '//~7 / / I' '. . . ., I' . + lID.' ..Il- '. I 11.:... ,""'0' r""~ , ,- ..':>' , . ':;3 --- ,/ ...../.. ....../ . - ./ .' '. ./ , X<. /,,/ . , /, I .- , !.,/ " : ./ /' ~ . /-- .-' ,~ r , . , I .. 1-~ I).P~O~~ S\ 4-. f)- )1 oU- Sf '/1900 . I' . , ( / .t . '0 ~ 0'1- ~ siO?: ~\.-~i- 1-'0- \)V'" y- . 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" 1- ,10v.: -" ---' '.' \ ) r' '. .-\ i ( J/ ;.' ... i RockSCfJPE~ i"'- , " f\ 15~ -' . , .' ~ c..-- .' )> ~ /;~ 8P:~ ~sc 1.;'/ SeT~clt( I ...... 0 ~ ~. a.. ,<,'/. /1 -, l · ~\f?tx.Jr.sCfJpn / <. off., I . . \' '-y -\ - ", Y' / /"~. // -- """ L~\- ,/ - :.... .... ..... _-=:-~~_--(=.;~6- __ \ C(J..~;{Et'" WET Ldfl/O eo.:\",cp'~ / 1/0' 5' )1( I I '7.0 ; \'-\ 1 (Q..~fl..-l - -'-1\---', ~ o '} , " 110+ /o(~. ,... (, 'J-- ~ ,)\~-l' .) vf ')0 1. oo/..r<o~~d' ':?' D'y" n.. ." , \lV \. \. Wetland Impacted Wetland Avoided Cl - ';' ...' ~--- e I '-\. I ",i-'}- \ ':',~J' GaIl>.. ~ /" ~! ,/-.,.- "........... 6 ~ I tJETLIlND I'i~!>)!." Sf-of w.L. .R e.m~/n'~ ~ -~ i:' .. ..... ,.., - '-- -, ~"""-M: -~ ....- -. , -- ./ ..' / ,- ..-/ ... .' ..... ....-...~ , ~ ;:)r- II E I J J I """1 " ). ) 7 - [);l, ''1 ((- .1 :t: S'O L1 "0:1::: ('au AiT'? 2- Z-00 - - -- - ------. -~ -- -... -~ ... -, ;'//6 ::. / Attachment 1 a, Site Plan With Wetlands Highlighted P~IiW'" JSY l.cTE C~IA- ~ J ",(J:' ~ ~_.'-r t.1~l~ . [ a' ," .. tiJ /I ,.r:,tr ~.~.. " '. .-~ ":!I_ f~Id.....it..40. ~ · a:. ii' ..... ~ -.... - :; w j 1i'~SZ;, .:.. ~' ., ~ 55 lit .~ 1*- ~-_~_ ~ ~t; I 1;:-' H..~ - ...... ',", l' ,~ ~d i '" · 'ijd ;(""".A d~ Attachment 2. Aerial Photo H ASl ~ '=:: : Ui ~ ~ I ~ U> -;:: ~ ca- ~ ,,~ (fJ ,.. Attachment 3, Aerial Photo Dregon Theodore R. Kulongoski, Governor Department of State Lands 775 Surruner Street NE, Suite 100 Salem, OR 97301-1279 (503) 986-5200 FAX (503) 378-4844 www.oregonstatelands.us. April 24, 2009 State Land Board Pete and Wendy Cobarrubia 35643 Camp Creek Road Springfield, OR 97478 Theodore R. Kulongoski Governor Kate Brown Secretary of State Re: Wetland Delineation Report for multi family housing proposed at South 59th Street and Aster Street, Springfield, Lane County; T 17S R 2W S 33 and S 34 TL 503; WD #09,0087 Ben Westlund State Treasw'er Dear Mr. and Mrs~ Cobarrubia: The Department of State Lands has reviewed the wetland delineation report prepared by Land and Water Environmental Services, Inc. for the site referenced above. Based upon the information presented in the report, we concur with the wetland boundaries as mapped in Figure 6 of the report. Within the study area, one wetland (totaling approximately 0.16 acres) was identified. The wetland is subject to the permit requirements of the state Removal"Fill Law. A state permit is required for cumulative fill or annual excavation of 50 cubic yards or more in the wetland. This concurrence is for purposes of the state Removal-Fill Law only. Federal or local permit requirements may apply as well. The Army Corps of Engineers will review the report and make a determination of jurisdiction for purposes of the Clean Water Act at the time that a permit application is submitted. We recommend that you. attach a copy of this concurrence letter to both copies of any subsequent joint permit appfication to speed application review. Please be advised that state law establishes a preference for avoidance, of wetland impacts. Because measures to avoid and minimize wetland impacts may include reconfiguring parcel layout and size or development design, we recommend that you work with Department staff on appropriate site design before completing the city or county land use approval process. This concurrence is based on information provided to the agency. The jurisdictional determination is valid for five years from the date of this letter, unless new information necessitates a revision. Circumstances under which the Department may change a determination and procedures for renewal of an expired determination are found in OAR 141-090-0045 (available on our web site or upon request). The applicant, landowner, or agent may submit a request for reconsideration of this determination in writing within 60 calendar days of the date of this letter. Date Received: AUG - 7 2009 @ Attachment 4, Concurrence O,'I<;)!"';~'" '~""(V!._.._.._._.... to Wetland Delineation Thankyou for having the site evaluated. Please phone me at 503-986-5321 if you have any questions. Sincerely, =~ Wetland Specialist Approved bY~' ~C J.k~ ~ Jane C. Morlan, PWS . Wetla ds Program Manager Enclosures ec: Janet Levinson, Land and Water Environmental Services, Inc. City of Springfield Planning Department City of Springfield Public Works Department Benny Dean, Corps of Engineers Gloria Kiryuta, DSL Date Received: AUG - 7 2009 Original Submittal rr 1j 1 1..J.H1V.LJ ur; " T 1..Jl H :1:,11 _ 17 S, R 2 If S 1 1 U lY lV1.fi 1 DSlWD# SPRINGF~~ 33. TAX' ib~CTlON 21 Oq-Oo~r 'LD, LANE couJ703 . A ~ OREGON pprovallssued 0'1- Z~ - 01 Approval Eltpi {, res ul.j - 2-"1 - I ~ I rJ /"-. /" STUDY AREA BOUNDARY ~ R> DEVELOPED RESIDENTIAL I I I ~I t;1 CA TCHO BASIN (J> PLOT U2 ~I ~i I I I & [g::> ;///////,n o r///////Y///////t'/ 15 30 //"//4 SCALE 1'=30' DEVELOPED FllliD T RE~IDENTlAL o 4 HIGH (STORM DRAJN 9 -- EXCAvmn DITCH -- ~STORM WATE MANHOLE R WETlAN grhf~NTII<UE Date Received: AUG - 7 2009 Original Submittal STUDY AREA BOUN DARY NOTESI STUDY Af~EA - \.,IETLANDS AREAlO:?54 SQ.FT - _ 6,768 SO.,-T 0~4 ACRES. IJETLAND BOU . - 0.16 ACRES MAPPED BY NDARY AND r~c LAND AN~\JA;""ETLAN~L~6u~OCATIONS . ER ENVIRONHE~~RY MARKED AL SERVICES, 60 LEGENO' '" = DATA PLOT fll____ LOCATION lJ[...--"' ~ PHOTO Q WilD H r777l _ .' - PHOTOGRAPH I<LLLl - WETlAND KfIlISH AN 6D7 HWY 9~ ASSOCIATES EUGENE OR NORTH PH (5<;) 97<02 FAX (5 686-9211 .kandaO~.~ 484-9631 I arnette.nct . LAND AN EHY IRONZ/ ATER 525 S.L MAJifAL SERVICES ROSE8URG ' INC PH (5<1) '6?R 97470 FAX (5<1) 2-0393 oHiceOlond 672-7170 ondwoter.biz \.,~,' ~r ~:- ;', w; 11/ . j ':11 ,'- 'elViSlon of Chief Depuly Clerk ane County Deeds and Records ~fl1WlJlillW(~Wl~ltl11~11'11111111 02/13/2009 01 '34'41 PM CRSHIER 07 " 2~~~.~~/~~J $3!'oO RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=6 \,~~O, ~O $11.00 $10.00 After recording return to: First American Title PO Box 10146 Eugene, OR 97440 Until a change is requested all tax statements ~hal[ be'sent to the following'address: Pete Cobarrubia and Wendy M. Cobarrubia 35643 Camp Creek Road Springfield, OR 97478 File No.: 7191-1353196 (DKM) Date: February 10, 2009 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Gary L. Crosby, Grantor, conveys and warrants to Pete Cobarrubia and Wendy M. Cobarrubia{ husband and wife, Grantee, the following described real property free of liens and encumbrances, . except as specifically set forth herein: .' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Real property in the County of Lane, State of Oregon, described as follows: LOT 12, REPLAT OF SEVILLE, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN FILE 73{ SLIDE 172, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON, Subject to: 1. Covenants, conditions, restrictions and/or easements, if any, affecting title, which may appear in the public record, including those shown on any recorded plat or survey, The true consideration for this conveyance is $40,000.00. (Here comply with requirements of ORS 93.030) Date Received: AUG - 7 2009 Page 1 of 2 Original Submittal Attachment 5, Deed <', 1',_ ~':- '.\.~' ,- APN: 1203676 Statutory Warranty Deed - continued File No.: 7191-1353196 (DKM) Date: 02/10/2009 BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITLE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUT THE PERSON'S RIGHTS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 195- 336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, OF CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007. THIS INSTRUMENT DOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE IDLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY THAT THE UNIT OF LAND BEING TRANSFERRED IS A LAWFULLY ESTABLISHED LOT OR PARCEL, AS DEFINED IN ORS 92.010 OR 215.010, TO VERIFY THE APPROVED USES OF THE LOT OR PARCEL, TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRAcTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS.30.930 AND TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGHTS -OF' NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS, IF ANY, UNDER ORS 195.300, 195.301 AND 195.305 TO 19S-336 AND SECTIONS 5 TO 11, OF CHAPTER 424, OREGON LAWS 2007. . Dated this 10th day of Februarv ,20~. .L:h.A-d<--+:' ~~/~ Gary L. CroW c;:::?' STATE OF Oregon ) )ss. County of Lane ) This instrument was ackno':'ledged before me on this ~ day of Fe,(,;, VVt ~ . 20Jl1 by Gary L. Crosby. DUw.J ~ ~ ~ . OFFICIAL SEAL . DIANE MOl '.: ') NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON .... COMMISSION NO. A389336 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES APRIL 6, 20.09 . Notary Public for Oregon My commission expires: 4- '~:01 Date Received: AUG - 7 2009 Page 2 of 2 Original Submittal '(1 Ii First American First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon 600 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 97401 Phn - (541)484-2900 Fax - (541)484-7321 ., Order No.: 7191-1353196 February 06, 2009 FOR OUESTIONS REGARDING YOUR CLOSING. PLEASE CONTACT: DIANE MOl, Escrow Officer/Closer Phone: (541)484-2900 - Fax: (541)484-7321- Email:dmol@firstam.com First American Title Insurance Company of Oregon 600 Country Club Rmid, Eugene, OR 97401 FOR ALL OUESTIONS REGARDING THIS PRELIMINARY REPORT. PLEASE CONTACT: Jan Anderson, Title Officer Phone: (541)484-2900 - Fax: (541)484-7321 - Email: jananderson@firstam,com Preliminary Title Report ALTA Owners Standard Coverage ALTA Owners Extended Coverage ALTA Lenders Standard Coverage ALTA Lend~rs Extended Coverage Endorsement . Govt Service Charge Other Liability $ 40,000.00 Premium $ liability $ Premium $ Liability $ Premium $ Liability $ Premium $ Premium $ Cost $ Cost $ 260.00 lS.00 We are prepared to issue Title Insurance Policy or Policies in the form and amount shown above, insuring title to the following described land: LOT 12, REPLAT OF SEVILLE, AS PLATTED AND RECORDED IN FILE 73, SLIDE 172, LANE COUNTY OREGON PLAT RECORDS, IN LANE COUNTY, OREGON. . . and .as of February 03, .2009 .at 8:00 a.m., .titIE;vested iri: Gary L. Crosby Subject to the exceptions, exclusions, and stipulations which are ordinarily part of such Policy form and the following: 1. Taxes or assessments which are not showri as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result in taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. 2. Facts, rights, interests or claims which are not showri by the public records but whicl:Lcould be . ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making inquiry of persons in possessi~ate.ReCeIVed: ,. This report is fodhe exdusive use of the parties herein shown and is preliminary to the issuance of a title insurance policy and shall become void unless a polley is Issued, and the full premium. paid. Original Submittal AUG - 7 2009 Attachment 6, Preliminary Titlp Rpnnrt o . p';eliminary Report .order No.: 7191-13S3196 Page.20f4 . 3. Easements, or claims or easement, not shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions' in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; water rights, claims or titie to water. 4. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments or other facts which a correct survey would disclose. 5. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, material, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. The exceptions to coverage 1-5 inclusive as set forth above will remain on any subsequently issued Standard Coverage Title Insurance Policy.' .In order to remove these exceptions to coverage in the issuance of an Extended Coverage Policy the following items are required to be furnished to the Company; additional . exceptions to coverage may be added upon review of such information: A, Surveyor alternative acceptable to the company B. Affidavit regarding possession C. Proof that there is no new construction or remodeling of any improvement located on the premises. In the event of new construction or remodeling the following is required: i. Satisfactory evidence that no construction liens will be filed; or ii. Adequate security to protect against actual or potential construction liens; iii. Payment of additional premiums as required by the Industry Rate Filing approved by the Insurance Division of the State of Oregon 6. 'Taxes for the year 2007-2008 Tax Amount Unpaid Balance: Code No.: Map & Tax Lot No.: Property ID No.: $ $ 01900 1702343300503 1203676 683.88 683.88, plus interest and penalties, if any Taxes for the year 2008-2009 Unpaid Balance: $ 755.56, plus interest 7, The rights of the public in and to that portion of the premises herein described lying within the limits of streets, roads and highways. 8. Notes, restrictions, easements and/or dedications shown on the recorded plat of the Replat of Sevil.le. 9. Easement, including terms and provisions contained therein: Recording Information: May 14,1979, Reception No. 79-27990 In Favor of: the City of Springfield For: Construction, maintenance and use of a storm dr~~'i:..f~lil\i. d Ui:l1~ ""ecelve : - END OF EXCEPTIONS - First American Title AUG ~ 7 2009 Original Submittal ~ ' P';ellminary Report Order No,: 7191~1353196 Page 30f 4 NOTE: We find no judgments or United States Internal Revenue liens against Pete Cobarrubia or Wendy M. Cobarrubia NOTE : We find no conveyances of record of the herein described land within 24 months of the date hereof, Except: None Situs Address as disclosed on Lane County Tax Roll: Lot 12, Replat of Seville, Springfield, OR 97478 THANK YOU FOR CHOOSING FIRST AMERICAN TITLE! WE KNOW YOU HAVE A CHOICE! cc: Pete Cobarrubia and Wendy M, Cobarrubia cc: Gary L. Crosby Date Received: AUG - 7 2009 Original Submittal. First American Title ,. Preliminary Report Order No.: 7191-1353196 Page 4 of 4 'to'" ... ~I ~ ~ J~, ~ .~@' ~ Firs(American Title Insurqnce Company of Oregon SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE ALTA LOAN POLICY (06/17/06) The following matters are expressly excludedfrorn the coverage of this policy, and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees, Or expenses thatarlse by reason of: . 1. (a) Any law, ordinance, permit, or governmental regulation (Including those relating to building and zoning) restricting, regulating, prohibiting, or relatlng,to (I) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land; (Ii) the character, dimensIons, or location of any Improvement erected on the land; (Iii) the subdivision of land; or (iv) environmental protection; or the effect of any vIolation of these laws, ordinances, or governmental regulations, This Exclusion l(a} does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk S. (b) Any governmental poUce power. This Exclusion l(b) dof's not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered RJsk 6, 2. R!9hts of eminent domain. This Exclusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 7 or 8. 3. Defects,liens,encumbrances,adverseclaims,orothermatters (a) created, suffered, assumed, or agreed to by the Insured Claimant; (b) not Known to the Company, l'Iot recorded in the Public Records at Date of Policy, but Known to the Insured Claimantand not disclosed in writing to the Company by the Insured Claimant prior to thr. date the Insured Claimant became an Insured under this policy; (c) resulting in no loss or d~mage to the InSured Claimant; . Cd) attaching or created subsequent to Date of, Policy (however, this does not modify or limit the coverage provided under ~overed Risk 11, 13, or 14); " (el resulting In loss or damage that would not have been sustained If the Insured Claimant had paid value for the Insured Mortgage. 4, Unenforceability of the lien of the Insured t-ibrtgage because of the inability or failure of an Insured_to comply with applicable dOlng"buslness laws of the state where the Land is situated. 5. Invalidity oiunenforceability In whole or in. part of the Jien of the Insured Mortgage that arises out of the transaction evidenced by the Insured Mortgage and Is based upon usury or any consumer credit protection or truth-in-iending law, 6. MY cI~lm, by reason of the operation of federal bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that the transactIon creating the lien of the Insured Mortgage, is (a) a fraudulenti:onveyance or fraudulent transfer, or (b) a preferential transfer for any reason not stated In Covered Risk l3(b) of this policy. 7, Any lien on the Titie for real estate taxes or assessments imposed by governmental authority and created or attaching between Date of,polley and the date of recording of the Insured Mortgage In tt,e Public Records. This Exclusion does not modify Or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk ll(b). The following matters are expressly excfuded expenses that arise by reason of: 1. (a) Any law, ordnar.ce, permit, or governmental regulation (Including those rela,lng to building and zoning) restricting, regulating, prohibiting, or relating to (i) the occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the Land; (ii) the character, dimensions, or location of any impr~vement erected on the land; (Iii) the sUJdivision of land; or (iv) environmentaiprotectJon; or the effect of any violation of these laws, ordinances, or governmental regulations, This Ell:clusion l(a) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Kisk S. (b) Any governmental police power. This b.:clusion l(b) does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 6. Rights of eminent domain. This Exdusion does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risk 7 or 8. Defects, lie.1s, encum::Jrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered,assumed, or agreed to by the InsuredClaimanti (bl not Known to the Company, not recorded in the Public Records at Date of, Policy, but KnOwn to the Insured Claimant and not disclosed in writing to the Company by the Insured Claimant prior to the date the Insured Claimant became an InSured under this pollcy; (c) resulting in no Joss or damage to the Insured Claimant; (d) attaching or cfeated subsequent to Date of Policy (however, this does not modify or limit the coverage provided under Covered Risks 9 and 10); or (e) resulting in loss or damage that wOClld not have been ~u~tained if the Insured CI'!im<lrit had paid value for the Tltle. . 4. Any claim, by reason of the operation of fecerai bankruptcy, state insolvency, or similar creditors' rights laws, that the transaction vesting the Title as shown in Schedule A, is ' (a) afraudulentconveyanceorfraudulenttransfer;or (b) a preferential transfer for any reascn not stated In Covered Risk 9 of this policy, 5. Any lien on the Title for real estate taxes or assessments imposed by governmental authority and created or attaching between Date of Policy and the date of recording of the deed or other Instrument of transfer in the Public Records that vests Title as shown In Schedule A. AL TA OWNER'S POLICY (06/17/06) from the coverage of this policy, and the Company will not pay loss or damage, costs, attorneys' fees, or 2. 3. SCHEDULE OF STANDARD EXCEPTIONS 1. Taxes or aS5e5Sments which are not shown as existing liens by the records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records; proceedings by a public agency which may result In taxes or asses.sments, or notices of such proceedings, whether or not shown by the records of such agency orby the pubiicrecords, 2. Facts, rights, ir,terests or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of the land or by making Inquiry of persons In possession thereof. 3. Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the public records; reservations or exceptions In patents or In Acts authorlzlng,the issuance thereof; water rlghts,ciaimsor title to water. 4. Any encroachmerit (of existing Improvements located on the subject land onto adjoining land or of existing Improvements located on adjoining land onto the subject land), encumbrance, violation, variation, or adverse circumstance affecting the title that would be disclosed by an accurate a..d complete land survey of the subject land, S. Any lien" or r1ght to a lien, for services,labor, materiai, equipment rental or workers compensation heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. NOTE: A SPECIMEN .COPY OF THE POUC( FOR,,! (OR FORl>lS) WILL 8E FURNISHED UPON REQUEsr 11 149 Rev. 7-22-08 Date Received: First American Title AUG - 7 2009 __n__~Jigil'la' S_u!>lT1itt~I__ _ .... ,~~...I"" ..... ~ '_.L_,oij~"_J__."" ... 10 ..j" .... 11.1.. -....-..... , "C Q) en > = 'w = C"I -iij 0 ...... 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Knightn " herefn,fter referred to AS th~ nr,ntors, and TIlE CiTY or srRl!Ir.f1ElO, In LAn~ County, Orcgon, herelna(ter referred to AS the Grant... \/ITIIESSEliI: In consideration of the ~cceptAnce by Grantee and the use of holding o( said e,semcnt for present or (uture public use by Gr.lntee, Grantors, hereby 9rant. barg.llp, sell and c~nv.y unto the "r,JOtee, a.pcrpetu~1 easer"nt 10 feet In \ildth, togother \11th the. rtght to ~o upon SJld easemcnt dre.l herelnJfter descrIbed for pur~osc of copnructlnp, re- constructinn, o;,'!ntJinlng!t\d u5fn~ .~~"1:61')' H.e, Horm dr.ln!~e facility wh.lch m6Y hercHter be Installed on the follC'rlln~ d~scrlbed propcrty, to-wit: . 19 E..- by . n;unlcfp.l corporation, n"p"^T OF S"VI~~" [,ot IZ: n~ldnn{nB nl a rlll/lt bdnH ~O\llh >>!If 01.1' Y.ll~t :i.00 f~l~t M.\.! ~IHlth f./" ai' ~Oll 'rlutll. Jl.l~ ftel fl'llN thu tlorth....t'f\t C'(lfOOI' or t.ol 12, m:rl.AT OF' ~;~;VIT.!.t:, fin plnUed nml ["(Jcordcd in Yilt'! 7.1J EHde J7::/ l,nnf9 Count>' Dl't'lllln PJJJl JII'cIJJ'dM them.'.. Jlos'th "0' 45' P.ll:'ll 4s.tlB,. fad.: lhc;:[~t' :iouth (J' '01' :10" \I'dlll 'IO.:l~ 1'ucLt thentc Sf'..uth ':rf .1!P ;"~"t 05.68 fl.".C'tj thtlllCe HorLh 0" 011 ;1011 I~n:~t 10.59 1'1't.t. tfl It.c "oint llf HORinnlllRI in I.ont" C(mnl~,., O~r.I'JI. I.ot 13: 1It.'~illllinR III II fIIlinl hdnr. :inulti RO" .llf' };IIr.~ '1,00 fCl't Mal ;iouth QA Ot I JOIl Ht'r\t 7-11~2 fCCI, l"'ctr.; 01lt NnrOu'I1,';;f, c'(l/n~,.. ur tilt I~I IIEi'I.^'f nr ~;;VH.I';:I 11ft 'p-luUed o.m! 1'l':COrotllt in PI tt! 7;i. :illd(~ 11;'!, 1,)lIW l;uunt.,V Or'l.'1:nn Plnl H'~co1'1Ir.:' lht::l1c~ NOl'lh 70- -1r,1 ~(Int ';S,41f r~d l (hClnc(~ ~inuth.if OJ I ,lOll W(~tlt la,:l~ f'c:~li llll;~nte Stl\.llh 70' .1~' 'r.'t'i\l ~~'''''1 rr;clj thenco UDrth (}'" 01' :\Otl t:llflt 1l),:\!J (t"tl lo tll~ It/lint of IItRinninn. III l.unc C:OlllJty, Orusoll. 10 HAVE MID TO IIOLO the a~o\'~ e~seo;ent to the s~ld "r,lllte". Its SUccessors ~nd .\ssl~ns forev~r, III MDlTlOfl THCntTo, th" GI'.JiD.\.S du /Iero,uy 91v~ MId ~I'alll U'ltO lhe CHy o(~rln~flol~i a construction e.\ccr,lIt o( _!-.:J (cPt In liltltll ,liong J"" J~lIltfn~1 tile _._,.?(..::,.,~__ sid:! l'nd (or tile (llll IcnrYfll ot thQ o)f()r'(!!:{!ntl~t!ed ~I!d t!a:;crHit'O ;rcfjietli.ir ~Oi;~F.cnt ior ~r,o purpuScof 91vlll'I a liar" Me,l ~1Jr!n'J lllo conltructlOIl ur ,\ ItOI'" drJlnJq~ facility Md/or t4nit~r'y SC'rl~r ~lithltl tilt' perpotu,l} (,JSCI!'t.lnt. TO H^,i, I.~/~ TO IIULU I,lld ~O"\l,'unjo" e,l\c"~,,\ unto lhe. s,ll,1 Clt'l or Spl"in"rl"H """ to It5 ~UCCC''j~ors MId .)~'J1H:l<;, dlJrillll the constr'Llctlon o( the alln:l. IlluJlor !tdn{l~t')' SC1-Utr. Upon the< construction of the Harm dl'lllnu:~n rlldH t}/ lJlld/or S'Juflilry SCHer l,nll its ilC(llPlulll:'l.:l for use. tho construction e.11C"~l1t hcr<:ln nJ"'c~ II1.lllie(oo'o vQld. ll/ HJTIIESS ~1!tP.EOf, th~ Ijr,llll(Jr~ Jho'.'c f\,):::cd 1:.1','(, hereunto ~d their l:.;nc: .,r,d :;llll~ tht,~ ::;' \11 d"y or Apri I -.J: .. I? n . . (\ . --.-?-7 ~ J1~ '-~ ~<P7- -<,--,X.;I,". ; r -:'""/~l'>"~ '. .rH\I~I.:t'!;'~~,'.{: ,.'... (SEAL)" (SeAL) - '\\".~\~(';jf.jl.'" 'i., . STME 0\>/., I 'p:.t/1I~r~.' r.,,,,. __' IS, 'pcrsnOo1JI)'.up"oal'Cdthc ~boV(' ",\I'~d ,od a(knO;I~I'I~~' fPt.\\'ifi\~n'tru;l~nt to lie I". voluntJ\'y ,ct ,no dee~, liolore "',; \_,!I\~ ..,,''''.j j, _. ..(\, r r'D O,le~ 'Mrll iH~iO !rt] I..D" 19":!y-, ~_1:[) _.L~. 'I" " . .,!,,~'" ... ~ ; hOlJI'Y Pub II c fOr' Ote/Jon ( ~"~"(I' ,,'':''~~:.~~IfJ./ -.1 ci. 0 ' IV Co"nlssI9n'E,pfr\i\,"-" -"1-=-U?. (SEAL) -_~L'< . 11'I1IlIL~5o.1J.U~ I- I r t ; , , I ~ f I r \ .> L , i, ~. ,. r f r. ,. I. .; , ; . .~ ) L j' i I. I';." :.' '7. r. V i ! ; < CIS EO /5S-1 e. A" lJS-' 50, ./ "fj;,.,.- , Date R~ :eived: . E ;:'0 8r ~ ,. . All/! ..7 'll'!'1'1 ".~'. (.,..,/J >fY ... .,' .;.......- ,. , -i979.2799(rpS.g9~ D~;~;iPtion: Lane,pR Do~umQnt - Year.DooID [-19931 Order: J COlIlIl1ent: ,,' '. I.' 1 of 2- . Original Submitu;;i_~___.__ _ , r . ~ ,,'. ~.... . ~:..~ ~.' ~i ~.~. ""'" ft.,!!.'" ..~:'.. r:1 q " ;'j , .,: 'i J.e \lJ" . o n ~ . . . ~~~i~:' "-~.;.' 'J ':.' . ::~~ " -... 1:"1 ,~ ~ 1 I . H~ ! ~ !~~~ t t ..' \ '. ~Hl , '.'~ "C ~f . \.":........,.... ,.., . ~.~ b ~ IX ~ .li .... . .' 6P~ ..l " .'_:/" .:.:..... ...'......:{:.. -, '< ~ ~ ~.~ '-' ~ u ,,:. ," . i: L .. df -' ] .. a'fl :;: :! O'l ... t.!i . 0 :.~ -, Date. Received: g~ '~ . ". OJ I, i~ _ " .s f .... ij " 0..,. >..t: ~ 8 L OJ >- ~] "'~H :J "'~ ~ l .. . - AUG -7 2009 :! ci.~ '. 0>' 5 '~.~....-.I'" Desoription: Lans,OR 'Document - Ysar.DocID [-1993] ,1979.?7990 Page: 2 'of 2 Order: J Comment: . . . . IS" "\-1' Onglna . u,.m" <,____.~-.-~"