HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Occupancy 1990-1-1 i 1 I. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"~~0~~~@~~~@~~~~ ~ . (ftcrtificatc of ~ccupancp ~ ~ ' ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~ BUILDING DEPARTMENT @ @ @ @1 @ @ @ @1 ace. Grou r1, 1 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ~ @ @, @ @ @ @ ~~~~~~~~~~@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Certificate iSSlled pllrSlla/lt to the reqllirements of Sectioll 306 of tile Ulltform Bllildillg Code certifyillg tllUt at tile time of iSSlIallce this .rtructure was ill compliallce with the variollJ ordinallces of tile City regulatiug buildillg cOllstructioll or IIse. For tile followillg: .Type Construction VN 2 III Fire Zone llse Zone Owner of Building McKenzie West 4200 Main St. Addre"" Building Addre" 4213 Main St.' , 10906 I\ldg. Permit No By:/L;i;c.cLrL fMJMJ- Date. Building Official POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE ~ ~ ~ I ~