HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Application 1985-3-19 . . BARGHAUSEN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. "Land Planning, Survey. and Design Specialists" March 19, 1985 Mr. Loren Pleger City of Springfield Department of Public Works Springfield, Oregon 97477 Re: and Main Street (4202 Main Street) ~ In accordance with Article 18 of the Springfield Comprehensive ZonIng Code and on behalf of of the Atlantic Richfield Company, we are hereby submitting an application for Development Coordination Approval, together with the fol lowing supportive documents. Proposed AReO Site at 42nd Springfield, Oregon Our Job No. 1636 Dear Mr. Pleger: 1. Seven prints showing existing site topographic features. 2. Seven prints of the Proposed Site Plan for an AM/PM Mini Market. 3. Seven copies of the Proposed Landscape Plan. 4. Seven sets of ARCO AM/PM Mini Market facility standard building plans, consisting of ten sheets. 5. One set of color photographic renderings and six sets of color xerox reproductions of various proposed site features. 6. One check In the amount of $90.00, In accordance with the fee schedule outlined on the application for Development Coordination Approval. 7. Affidavit 61 - Agent Authority. Items A through D, Article 18.04 regarding required Information for development plan submittal, are shown on the Proposed SIte Plan Included with this submittal. Requirements one through nine of Item E Article 18.04 are shown on the Existing Site Topographic Map. The Proposed Site Plan, coupled with the Standard Building Plans for the ARCO AM/PM Mini Market facility, and the color photographic renderings address Items F and G of Article 18.04. Y;'~. ,~ q-~\811:;1"'\\ ~5'~':" " I' z)-t. . ?/ 9498 S.w, Barbur Blvd" #304 . Portland, Oregon 97219 . (503) 246,7157 Home Office: 6625 South 190th, #102 . Kent, Washington 98032 . (206) 872,5522 . - Mr. Loren Pleger City of Springfield -2- March 19, 1985 The AM/PM Mini Market facility Is proposed to be located on the northeast corner of 42nd Street and Main Street (U.S. HIghway 126). The site Is presently zoned Community Commercial (CC), which al lows for thIs type of development. Th~ 0.69 acre site Is presently owned by Centennial Bank of Springfield, Oregon and Is proposed to be developed by the Atlantic Richfield Company. We feel that the documentation provIded In this submittal adequately address the requ!,rements of Article 18 of the SpringfIeld Comprehensive Zoning Code, and we hereby respectfully request that the above-referenced property be considered for Development CoordinatIon Approval In accordance with said Article 18. We would apprecIate It If you could process this application as soon as possible and we would be available to meet with you, If necessary, at your convenience. If you have any questions regarding this submittal, do not hesItate to contact this office. ~ Sincerely, ~&_n . 0 Wayne Glbbe .E. Engineering Manager WG:~ Cl03.43 encs: Application for Development Coordination Approval Check In the amount of $90.00 Affidavit # 1 - Agent Authority (7) Existing Site Topography (7) Proposed Site Plan (7) Proposed Landscape Plant (7) Standard BuIlding Plans (7) Color Photograph Renderings cc: Mr. Y.G. Kim, Atlantic Richfield Company Mr. James Valentini, Atlantic Richfield Company Mr. Gene Holzschuh, Atlantic Richfield Company Mr. BII I Thurman, Atlantic Richfield Company . . Affidavit #1 Agent Authority STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE ) SS CITY OF SPRINGFIELD) I/We, Centennial Bank . being duly sworn depose and say, that I am/we are the owner(s) of the property legally described below, and that ...fu!n:lhausen Consulting Engil'lpp"" Inc. has my/our permission to act as my/our agent In my/our behalf for th Is application for a Develooment Coordination A..........,,~I for the subject property with the City of Springfield. "--\ c.:ntap~i:~~ank BY:~""- ""~ ~ Vice 'PFesident t-b!-aryP.ub 11<: In and"t,pr::::\the State o~ Oregon res I_df~t ~'" ( , (J::.ikU,~ :..-- , LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A parcel of land In the Northwest quarter of the Southwest qu~rter of Section 32, Township 17 South, Range 2 West, WII lamette Meridian, said parcel being described more particularly as fol lows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the Thomas D. Edwards Donation Land ClaIm No. 55, said Township and Range, and running thence South 000 19' West along the Westerly line of said Claim No. 55, said line being the center I Ine of 42nd Street, a distance of 1090.50 feet; thence South 890 44' East 45.00 feet to the Point of Beginning of this tract; thence South 890 44' East 130.00 feet; thence South 000 19' West, paral lei to said Westerly line of said Donation Land Claim No. 55, a distance of 145.00 feet to the Northerly line of McKenzie Highway; thence along said Northerly line North 890 44' West 101.00 feet' thence along the arc of a 29.00 ~ot radius curve right (the long chord of which bears North 44' 42' 30" West 40.99 feet); 45.58 feet; thence paral lei to and 45.00 feet Easterly of, when measured at right angles to, first said centerline of said 42nd Street, North 000 19' East 116.00 feet to the Point of BeginnIng, In Lane County, Oregon. GOF.09