HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Notice 1985-3-26 . . PAGE 1. MINUTES CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT COORDINATION BOARD PROJECT: Arco AM/PM Mini-Market & Gas Station, 4202 Maiti Street D.C.if 85-2 DATE: March 26, 1985 Meeting Information A. Staff Members: t< Lorne Ple~er, Buildinq Safety' Division:' Sid Hammond', . Enqineerinq Divis; on ,,' OR"" Brown Traffic Division: Gre~ Mott: P1anllin." OenartlTlent.' MHe Hudman, Fire Marshal' r.hllrk Davis. SUB Water Denartment: Rllh..OelunR, SUR Electrical O"nRrt=>t B, Applicants F____,,:;.: 1. Owner (s) : 2. Agent(s): WaYne Gihbens. P.E. 3. Others Present: D.C.if 85-2 is ( ) Approved (x) Approved with conditions (see Section 18,02, Springfield Zoning Code), ( ) Denied - you may appeal this decision to. the Planning Conunission, Reason for Denial ( ) ( ) Continued until more information is necessary. Referred to the Planning Conunission Reason: APPEALS -A decision by the Board may be appealed to the Planning Conunission. !he appeal may be filed in writing with the Planning Department within ten days of the Board's decision. The decision of the Plannin8 Conunission shall be final. REVOCATION Development Coordination approval or approval with conditions shall be auto- matically revoked if any development and/or construction is not conunenced within 2 years from the date of approval. Conditions of Development Coordination Board Approval: 1, A sanitary sewer wye and cleanout have been installed to serve this property, and terminate in an easement near the northeast property corner. (A portion of the City sewer map is attached for reference:) 2. A 48" storm sewer main is available on the easterly side of 42nd Street. Coordinate specific location and connection requirements with the City Engineering Division and Plumbing Inspector. Please show your proposed drainage system for all roof and paved areas on ,the completed working drawings. (See the sewer map referenced above.) 3, Water service is available from either 42nd Street or Main' Street, and can be located where it is the most convenient for you, Please contact. the Springfield Utility Board Water Department for specific water service requirements and charges. . . D.C.#85-2 Minutes Page 2. 4. Electric service will be supplied from a transformer to be placed on the existing vault located at the northeast corner of the property. The developer will be re- quired to supply underground service from the transformer to the building service equipment. The available power is 120/208 V-4 wire wye, 3 phase. Contact the Springfield Utility Board Electric Department for specific service requirements and charges. 5. A ten foot wide public utility easement is required along the Main Street (southerly) frontage of this parcel. Also, as your survey shows, telephone and signal equip- ment encroach into the southwest corner of this property and a triangular easement is required for those utilities. The City will prepare the required easement form for signature. Please notify us who has authority for the signing of this document. 6. Access to this parcel is via existing approaches from both Main and 42nd Streets which traverse property not owned by Arco. Please submit a copy of the joint-use access agreement between this parcel and the adjoining property which allows your proposed use. The joint-use agreement shall be forwarded to our legal staff for review and approval as a condition of approval of your proposed development. 7. A stop sign shall be installed at the existing 42nd Street approach to control vehicles exiting at that point, Coordinate this requirement with adjacent property owner and with the City Traffic Division. 8. To assist in control of ingress and egress maneuvers of your customers, we request that the landscaped area be extended near both the 42nd and ~lain Street approaches as noted in red on the attached plan. All landscaping in the vision triangle near each appraoch and in the landscaped area near the 42nd/Main intersection shall be low growing (not over 2'6" above the curb line at maturity) or shall be high canopy type trees with their foliage at least 8 feet above grade, A final copy of your proposed landscape plan shall be forwarded to the City Planning Department for review and approval prior to instal- lation. 9. Coordinate specific City Sign Code regulations with Sally Johnson of the Building Safety Division (see comments and Code excerpt, attached). These minutes were transcribed by Lome W. P1eger, 8ui1ding Safety Division member of the Development Coordination Board.