HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1999-4-27 v. ... . CO M M'ERCI~L1IN DUSTRIAL PERMIT APPLICATION ~ ~AJ J":I- ,wLd . JOB NUMBER ft/ bS' 7/ 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon 97477 INSPECTION LINE: 726,3769 OFFICE: 726.3759 "'","'~. ":"~'" r ...... LOCATION OF PROPOSED WOR...' ~ 2.. 17111- '5 z.. 1 z.. . )(ASSESSORS MAP' TAX LOT:D/ 7"! OWNER' AIZ&::J. _ r ~~ ~ -7 Al4V4<I' PHONd.-&e~ &gt.;- 66t:W Sw. t-/A,,.,,abv ~ ~~~ ~IIZ STATF' ~ /J ADDRESS' /~ CITY: ~9>c ,../ ZIP' 972Z.':'; DESCRIPTION OF WORK: NEW REMODEL ~d.d V" ADDITION ;.,tB~ DEMOLISH OTHER ~ ___ Ji.' p;I ~VALUE: 24)0 , ~ PHONE ARCH'TECT: NAME ,;VA. ADDRESS f - CONTRACTOR'S NAME 'GENERAL' ~ PLUMBING' ADDRESS ,~ ,If./. UJ <<89U/. lid , CONST, co NT RACTO R . ~ S4U# (/ . EXPIRES 9-2 -99 PHONE ;r l/2-l//77 MECHANICA' ' ELECTRICA' ' PLUMB'NG I I Nn I I l Floor furnace and vent I I Suspended wall or floor mounted unit heater ~ Appliance Vent ft. separate A"1ITENTI< IN:Uiegon '" N requ', "" yvu, Statlonaryevap, ,~ gIrl hI! the Ore mn Ullllvcooler IJr';'.. ::ile ; a Gp "'T ' les re self rKqnt Fan/Slng'e Noli icalion :;enler, hos 3 ru :9uct , o !l,R952' D01-UUlUllll ,uJhO 'Vent System apart ,~~ '\1 . nhtain f>:.( pies of n,:a rnlA ; ~m AC or htg. vv~ ), ,ell r \aj -' I I phon a Mechanical exhaust C allina It e cenler. (Nc (e: Ihe I e.. .. hood and duct n1 mberfc rtne uregulI Ulility" UlIIIVCU'I" B, r:l:~'~ umn. ::\32-23< .4\ I Permit Issuance I TOTAL PERMIT MECHANICAL NO. FEE CHARGE FFF f':.H4.R(.n: Single Fixture Relocated Bldg, (new Ilx, addUl Water Service Furnace/burner & vent < 100,000 BTUs Furnace/burner & vent > 100,000 BTUs It. Sanitary Sewer Storm Sewer It. Backflow Device . $10,00 ,OTAL PERMI1 - OFFICE USE - HANDICAP ACCESS: FLOOD PLA'N' ZONING' LIGHTING POWER BUDGET: WATER HEATER' QUAD AREA- LAND U".' . OF BLDGS' . OF UNIT'" . OF SIORIES' CONSTR. TYPF' HEAT SOURCE: OCCY GROUP' SQ, FT, $/SQ, FI, VALUE \ SQ, FTG MAl N SQ, FIG ACCESS SQ, FTG OTHER x X X TOTAL VALUE OF .PROJECT ~OOd;"- -, PLAN CHECK F.. RCPP DA,. BY I BU'LDING PERMIT 15'10 Stata Surcharqe I MECHANICAL 15% State Surcharae I PAVING , PLUMBING 5'10 Stata Surcharae FENCE VALUE $ S'DEWALK 'DEMOLITiON ~~, \ \ SUBTOTAL PERM'TS SYSTEMS , DEVELOPMENT CUReCUT FT, " I TOTAL PERi.1,'T FEES EXCLUD'NG ELECTRICA' It Is the responelbllity of the permit holder to see that all Inspections are made at the proper time, To request an Inspection, call 726,3769 (recorder), state your City designated job number. job address, type of Inspection requested and when you will be ready for Inspection, Requests received before 7:00 a,m, will be made the same working day, requests made after 7:00 a,m, will be made the following work day, SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation, but prior to setup of forms. . . ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, " ' ELECTRICAL &., , MECHANICAL: To be made before any work Is coyered. FOOTINGS & FOUNDATIONS: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, all steel In place, but, prlor'.to placing concrete, ~ ... .. ~ . , ' CONCRETE SLAB: To be made after all Inslab building service equipment, conduit, . piping, accessorIes and other ancillary equipment Items are In place but before any concrete Is placed. , " , . ~ t, UNDERGROUND: 'Plumclng, electrical, gas, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, water and drainage lines. To be made prior to covering or filling trenches. UNDERFLOOR: Plumbing, electrical, mechanical. To be made prior to Installation of floor Insulation, decking or floor shealhlng, POST & BEAM: To be made prior to Installation of floor Insulation, decking or floor sheathing, FLOOR INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIERS: To be made prior to Installation of decking or floor sheathing, MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams grouting or verticals In accordance with UBC 2415, ROOF SHEATHING AND NAILING: Prior to Installing any roof covert ng. REQUIRED INSPECTIONS - ~ ,a, 01 \..'J ROUGH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & . . MECHANICAL: No work Is to be covered until these inspections have been made 8_nd app~oved.., SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: In accordance Section 306 of the State Specialty Code , \ a .special inspector shall be employed by the Ownerl Contractor during construction of the following work. A copy of the special testing reports shall be furnished to the Building-Division. PAVING: After gravel Is In place but pr'or to p'aclng asphalt or concrete. , ATTIC DRAFT STOPS & CURTAIN WALLS \ I ,,' FIREPLACE: Prior to placing facing materials and before framing Inspection. " '.; .;..... .." .". FRAMING: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire blocking and bracing are In place and all pipes, chimneys and vents are complete and the rough electrical, plumbing and mechanical are approved. STRUCTURAL CONCRETE: In excess of 2500 PS.1. (306 a,1) STRUCTURAL WELDS: Performed on the job, (2722 f) " :HIGH STRENGTH BOLTING: During all bolt Installation and tightening operations, (306 a,6) INSULATION & VAPOR BARRIER: To be made after all' insulation and requIred vapor barriers are In place but before any lath or gypsum board Interior wall covering Is applied, FIRE & SEPARATION WALL: Located and constructed according to plans. SPRAYED ON FIREPROOFING: UB,C, Standards 43,S, SPECIAL GRADING, EXCAVATION AND FILLING: During earthwork, (306 a,11 & Chapter 29) LATH AND/OR GYPSUM BOARD: To be made after all lathing and gypsum board, Interior and exterior, Is In place but before any plastering Is applied or before gypsum board jolnls and fasteners are taped and finished, GLU,LAM BEAMS: Inspection Certificate by an approved agency. furnished to tne City's Building Division before beams are placed, (2501 U.B'c, STDS, 25,10,11), STRUCTURAL MASONRY: (306 a,7) SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: Required for all concrete paving within street right of way, to be made after all excavating complete and form work and sub-base material in place. *In addition to the Inspec- tions specified, the Building Official may make or require other Inspections of any construction work to ensure compliance wltn the Building, City or Development Code. CURB AND APPROACH APRONS: After forms are erected but prior to placing concrete. FINAL PLUMBING ------------------------------------------------------- FINAL ELECTRICAL FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL FIRE DEPARTMENT ADDITIONAL COMMENTS' SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARD: Must be requested 2 days In advance of the date you wish Inspection. All project conditions such as landscaping, parking lot striping, etc. must be completed before requesting this Inspection. FINAL BUILDING: Requested after the final plumbing, electrlca'. mechanical and Fire Department inspections are made and approved. No occupancy of the premises can be made until a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued by the Building Division and posted on the premises. PLANS REVIEWED BY OAT" By signature, I state and agree, that I have carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify that all information herein is true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of tne City of Springfield, and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work described nereln, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Safety Division. I further certify that only contractors and employees who are In compliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project. I further agree to ensure that all required Inspections are requested at the proper time, that project address Is readable from the street, that the permit card Is located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at all times during constr tlon. Signature q~ JL4ftM. Date 4"- '2 7- 97 VALIDATION: AMOUNT RECEIVED: 7'$.17 DATE PAID: 4jJ /f7/J RECEIPT .' vl~~ fi' RECEIVED BV' (;J~ l . M~neral Surf~ce/5 Ply Roof Wilh Nailable,peck SPEC'F'CA T'ON NO, M,B5UP-N. 730,B5UP,N ' lflllEt.: I~LlES lJLll\^ 'VI'E VI ONE PLY Ul TRA BASE MATER'AL REOU'REMENTS SPEC'FICAT'ON NO, M,B5UP,N (Eligible lor 15.20 Year Premium Guarantee, All Zones) MATERIALS: Mechanical Fasleners - as required INTEC/PERMAGLAS ULTRA BASE' - 1 P'y 'NTEC/PERMAGLAS ULTRA TYPE VI - 3 Plies INTEC/PERMAGLAS ULTRA CAP Asphall. as required Accessories and Flashing Malerials as required APPLICATION RECOMMENDAT'ONS ROOF DECK shall be firm, clean, dry and smoolh. All membranes shall be applied so the flow 01 water is over or parallel 10, but never ayainsllhe laps. INTEC/PERMAGLAS ULTRA BASE lap 2" (5 em) on sides and 4" (10 em) on ends, and turn up to top of the canl. Inslall first row 01 fasleners (on the seam) 1112" (3.5 em) Irom leading edge on 9" (23cm) cenlers.lnstall second row of fasteners 14" (36 em) horn the leading edge on 18" (45 em) cenlers. Inslall third row of fasteners 26~ (66cm) horn the leading edge on 18~ (45cm) centers and staggered Irom second row. VAllEYS AND WATERWAYS shall receive an extra layer of ULTRA TYPE VI which shall be atleasI39'/8" (100 em) wide and shall extend atleas1 8~ (20 cm) up the inclines out of the valleys, set in a unilorm mopping 01 hot asphalt, optimum of 25 lblsquare (1.2 kg/m?). This ply shall be laid prior 10 the applica1ion 01 the rooling plies. INTEC/PERMAGlAS ULTRA TYPE VI end laps shall be at leas14" (10cm) and adjacenl elld lapsshnll be atleasl12" (30.5 cm) apart. Install three plies of ULTRA TYPE VI in shingle fashion, lapping 26'5116" (68 cm) with a 12'116~ (32 cm) exposwe. Slarler strips 01 13'/e" ,26'1.~ and 393/e" (33, 67, 100cm)shallbeused and IhesecOlld lull sheet shall be laid a maximum of 10'116" (27 cm) exposure. Embed the full width 01 each ply sheet in hot asphalt, optimum of 25lb/square (1.2 kglm2). Each ply shall be lighl1y broomed as it is applied. Turn all plies up to top 01 canl. INTECI PERMAGLAS ULTRA CAP shall be cut into maximum 18' (5.48 m) lenglhs.lhe lenglh depending upon 1emperature and weather conditions, and allowed to relax. Embed ULTRA CAP into a unilorm solid mopping 01 hot asphalt, optimum 0125 Iblsquare (1.2 kg/m'). Sel neally in place wHh 2" (5 cm) side l;:'Ips and 6" (15 em) end laps. Adjacent end laps shall be a11east3' (91 cm) apart. Thete musl be complete adhesion between the ULTRA CAP and the mopping asphalt Apply extra pressure to avoid creating open channels. where three or more mem- branes are lapped. BASE FLASHING: All guaranlee rool systems must be flashed according to 1he "Flashing Details", Section 7. All of file RecOl11mCIICJal'OrlS and Ilppltcal10ll lcdlll;II'U]S sui /ulfll in lIus manual ale cO/lsideled pari of IIlis speciflcallon , Ullra Cap Premier 730 may be substituted for Ultra Cap. Use specification 730-B5UP.N. Eligible lor 15 and 20 year Premium Guarantees, An Zones. ~ Flex Base 30 may be subsUtuled for Ultra Base. . Mineral Surlace/4 Ply Roof Wilh Nailable Deck SPEClrlCA1'ON NO, M-B4UP-N, 7JO.B4UP-N ' ^~a'll^l t IWi'I'ln ~;llllll^ 1~'1'1 VI Ut.lIl^C^l' . N^U.^lJl.I: llECK MA I E"'AL IlEOUII1EMENl S SPECIF'CA liON NO. M-B4UP-N (Eligible lor 15,20 Year Premium GUiHanlee. Zone A) MATERIALS: Mechanical Fasleners . as required INTEC/PERMAGLAS ULTRA BASE' - 1 Ply 'NTEC/PERMAGLAS ULTRA TYPE V, - 2 Plies 'N fEC/PERMAGLAS ULTRA CAP Asphall - as required Accessories and Flashing Malerials as required APPLICATION RECOMMENDATIONS: ROOF DECK shall be fiflll, clean, dry fmd smooth. All memblflnes shall be ""plied so the !low 01 waler is over or pnraUello, hlll nevP.f n~F\in~I 11m Inp~. INTEClPERMAGLAS ULTRA BASE lap 2" (5 cm) on sides a"d 4~ ( I 0 cm) on ends, and turn up to top 01 the canl. Install first row 01 lasteners (on the seam) 1 '/2" (3.5 em) ham leading edge on g" (23 cm) centers. Install second row of lasteners 14" (36 crn) from Ihe leading edge on 18" (45 cm) centers. Inslall third row of las1eners 26~ (66 cm) !rom the leading edge on 18" (45 cm) cenlers and staggered hom second row. VAllEYS AND WATERWAYS ShAll receive nn exlm layer 01 UllRA TYPE VI which shall be at leasI39'/1I" (100 cm) wide and shall exlend alleas1 8" (20 em) up 1he inclines oul 01 the valleys, set in a unilorm mopping 01 hol asphalt, oplimulIl 01 251b/squnre (1.2 kglfl1~I. This ply shall be laid prior to the application 01 the rooling plies. INTEC/PERMAGlAS ULTRA TYPE VI elld lap!> sl1<l1l benllensl4" (1 Ocm) Alld ndjncenl end laps sl",l1 be alleasl 12" (30.5 ern) ap8l1. tnslalllwo plies 01 UlTn^ TYPE VI in sllinulc Iflshion, lapping 20"/,,;- (53 cm) wilh a 18"/lf1" (48 cm) exposlllc. Simler ships 0119<'/0" and 39'/e~ (50 and tOO em) shall be used nmllhe second 11111 sl,ee' shnll be laid a maximum 01 175/e" (45 cm) exposure. Embed the lull width 01 each ply sheet inhot asphalt, optimum 01 25 Iblsquare( 1.2 kg/In?). Each ply shall be lightly broomed, as it is applied. Turn an plies up 10 lop 01 cant INTEC/PERMAGLAS ULTRA CAP shall be cui inlo maximum 18' (91 crn) lengths, Ihe lenglh depending upon tempelature and wealhel condilions, Rnd allowed 10 lelax. Embed ULTRA CAP into a unilorm solid mopping 01 hol asphalt, oplimum 0125 Ib/squflre (1.2 kglm~). Sel neally in place with 2" (5 cm) side laps And 6" (15 em) end laps. Adjacent end laps shall be alleas1 3' (91 cm) apart. lhCie must be comple1e adhesion belween the UL TnA CAP And 11m mopping asphalt. Apply extra pressure to avoid creating open channels, whele three or IllOte mem- branes are tapped. BASE FLASHING: All gumnnlee 1001 systems rnusl be flashed according 10 1he "Flashing Oetails-. Seclion 7. .' 1\/1,., 11/1' 11"I:III/IIItI'II!/,III"IlS .llId '1/'1 ,I""Ifl"" 1,'du",/I'l':: ::,'/',,)1/, '" (.'tlo., maltrml <lit] cOIl~ldtJ/(],f IJ;/I/ I" /lu~ ~I'I":IIII"II'I'1I , Ultra Cap Premier 730 may be substilu1ed lor Ullra Cap. Use specification 730-B4UP-N. Eligible lor 15, 20 year Premium Guarantees, Zone A. ? Flex Base 30 may be substiluled for Ullra Base. c:.~ 'A 'I .' lhesa specilicalions ale eUgible lor an INrEClPERMAGLAS ROOFING GUARANTEE, when in the opinion of Oil AUlhorizoo IlllorJPel..m~lls hl!llleClur. RII COt'ilitiutl~ ill our clJIIl!1l1 "t1oohllll Systems Manuar have been mel. and Iho published requiluments lor Implementing a "Bull1-up Roofing Guatmltee" haV9 been completed. 64