HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1999-5-19 Ap~~12-99 11,lBA ii SIGN PERMIT APPLlCA T_ P.02 ~~ 225 rillh Street Sprtn(lficld. OR 97477 ~ . NUMBER, ctg 0 (qg3 "' "'- lospection Llno: 726.3769 Office: 726.3759 ADDRess: LOCATION OF PROPOSED WORK: ., Y,?D2. M411\J ~ T, Il OJ.- 3 2. ~ 2- OWNER: ---.8.TLANTIC 1<\(.11 F)E L f) r'.Q, C eV1+e;r~i n.lL... \)r::,'IW. PaIVVla.... A-m ,) PrY' TAX LOT: .-- (')1,01 PHONE: ~(p 7,0- 5~~.. ....- " ASSESSORS MAP: CITY: Lj Lt!. STATE: rL.A ZIP: CiO(P? ~ RlISINESS NAME, FIRM ETC.: ~W"II .. / Single Face Freest.mUng .._ ProjectlnQ Rouf Marquee ~ ~' DeSCRIPTION OF PROPOSeD SIGN/SI: (ple"sc check .nd curnplet. 011 appropriate inform.tion) Double Face Billboard Othcr Square FootilQe: ... 2 $., 52.. Tut.1 Height above Glade: :lt2.:./op of ,C,!brv: 15,,'_ I ~~ Vertical Dimension 01 sign or enclusure: '5'-:: 17/8.." _Horlzontal,Wldth.oJ sign Or enclosure: ... 7 ~::ilA ~ LJunension from Grade I f'\ I EI~ti"'l: / Yes ......_ NO~" D6 IU "ottom of Sign:, ........l.!L- (If yes addiliun..1 permit is required) I "'-yALuE: 7 ':f C) , N!"ITICr:,. ... -. Material Sign Is constructed 01: List ALL cxlsti')9 signage and attach a photograph of each sign: lal lype illalL'.r(U'Yllp,m~ Sq, Ftg, ~,,f" IbJ Type Ic:J Typo. JMe...S~Vl ..__ Sq. Ftg,l5Z sf. Id) Type 'n,,, rl:n'VIlI ;:'n/\LL l:M'IHl: 11- I HI: WURK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT CPMMEll!q;El!]g)R IS AFlANnnNFn FOR ANY 180~~M~RIOD, t:ONTnACTOR/INSTAlLER: NDMA t) SlhN I t\JSTALL4TI DNS ADDRESS: \41'2, WEC,TFIEL..D...f'OURT 5\,t~YTON PHONE: LSD 31 7101-?>g' 11 STATE:.., () ~ A.iE,'I l,o~t~~~WWy '3YO:2, ~ . fQl.1~"I.il!;S:act9Rta,g~6~~r8'senlulh Notification Centel, ,,'u~~. hOAR 952-001- , ~""""1XA01-0010throug 11'\.1')1'\n'~ _0. _ _$ ."'o..rJ.~Y 0090, :ou may uu'a"('N;~:-the telephone ""lIlno the center. ....n ,,_""~~lin" be'wrtn,e........\jv" ~\,. j'" IS =--o-zl Quad A,.rum '-/~r IG 1._800-332..2344), '9; . ~4-~ ( I) Approved By: ~~, ,..,lu,;Q~ OFFICE USE C'TY: CONSTRUCT ION CONTRACTORS REGI STRAllON NUMBER: CITY BUSINESS liCENSE NUMBER: _"'(,f3D Sign Di~f(ir.l: (l .1"''\'\'''''-4 .._.~ rl)~ Land Us!:: \ Zuning: c,<!.. '. Code Seclion: SiYIl Permit Fcc: .~Jn.- DATE: '5- 1'1-c;c; REOUIRED INSPECTIONS: Sltf'! 10 Ut:l lTIad~ J1rior to sion plac~rmmt rootinR priur to pl.:!cemcnt Of concrete ..6tTat:hm~nT Oriel Ii:lSltmers art! InSlolled/plior to cover .~I~c;trit:al prior to eneruiziuu ~Fill(:ll c:omplctiOfl of ::>iYII instnllntion Adrlitionot Cornnltmts ancf/nr Conditions; By .siymHlJrl!, J SUite c:md agree. that I h.1VC C:Mch.Jlly exar"in~d the r:ornp1ctcd applicatiorl and dn hereby certHy that ~lIlntormotjOI"l l"ll)reill r~ trut;! \:If1<1 corrClr:r, nnd I h,JrUIl:lr c~rtlty thin any :1I"lC! lIll wurk pertormed ~holl 11C dont:! ill ac.:(;or(lanr.~ with thO On..lil1i::Hlc;es of thr. Cily lIr SJ)f'il)Orit::!liJ, ::trld thr. Lnws of the State of Or~gon ncrtElinil"lO tu th~ work dcsr.ribod her~in, I further r:crti'y that ollly C;Ol\tr~C:Tor~ nnrl r:~rnpl(1ytH~:-i who arc in r.ompliance with ORS 701,055 will be used on this nrnj~ct. I funhtH agree to ensure thnt all requireu Inspection::; nm rcquOSICn.t ~tlhe proper tlmr:. thot project address is readable from thC strcct, lIrcll the pr:rmit Ci)rd is lu<.;alt:!d at the t~ont of the property, i:lIld tho aJ"lprnvcd set or J,Jlans will remnin on the site at alllill1es uuring the insWlltllioll ot The sign Is!. Signature r-.Zf/t.4!'..-La- },~t ., - r- Oat" 5 -dr-.,"'I :2_.. V;~licl"tion: Amount Rece,ved: sj4tJ . -=- ncr.oiDI Number: 31/7 ~ Dale Paid: RCGeivod By: S-~-'7 1.... 9<0 AD~~12-99 1l'lBA ,,;.. ......... ~ P.03 }..o ._' . .'" - ., SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION The a~lJlicl::ltlon on the reverse SiUH needs to he r.nll'\pICl(~d Hrltirely. It you Qm the sign Convaclur/lllstaller, or It YOI) ore nlrl~o a ~ulltractor. YOIl oeed 10 make sure that both the City of Sprillufield Business Liceosc Number alld It,e ReglsTrotlon Numbor rrum the Storn of Oregon COllslruct,,,,, Contractors Board are listed on fhe application alollu with the .xplrotlon dolO 01 each, If the siYII you .re proposing is illuminaled. .11 eleenleal permit applicatioll also needs to be compleled and signed by eilher (l supel'visirlY electrici:ln, Ilmitad sion electrical t:ontr:1r.tor, or if you are the businp.ss owner who also uwns the building if.. which you are ",:cllpylng. and you will be performing the electrical illst..II.tion yoursolf. you may siun the electrical npplica lioo, If there are existing wall ooo/or Ireeslaodiny signs, e photograph(s) of each existing sign needs 10 be attBchBd to the appllcnUon. Tile size of ench e~lstioo sion alsu IIeeds 10 be listed 0" the applic3lion, PLAN S To s"bmit for n sign permit. you neAd to prepare two Complete se," of drawings show illY .11 dimenslO"s, 101a111elo11l, ""U o plOl plan indi~ating where Iho proposed siyn will be located, II you are illstalling 0 freestonding siOIl which excecds 20 reel ill total height. the fOOling delail IIeeds to be prepared and slamped by 0 registered engineer, After !he plnn review proccss is compleled. alld. if your S1gnlsl is npp,'oved, one set will be returned to you, The approved set of drnwings need !O be ot the sile when an illspe"tinn Is requosted for lhe illspe"tors reference, INSPECTIONS Depending on your sig"lsl, you may be required to requesl one or all of the followh'g inspeCliolls during the instnllation of you, SiUll: Site: To be requested nfter iooicaling Oil the lot where the oloposed sign will be located hut prior to any wurk being performed for tne installation 01 the SiYll. ., his Inspection is required il there Is 0 qlJcstlon 0" lhe locatiu'l uf thu P.~()POSP.d $l~". footing: TO be r~4Ul:U:ilt:ld attf~r f~xc:n\lCltiol' n"d the forrn.s art! installed, bur prior to povrino conCrtttt!. If there WIll be elcClrical conduil placed'" the tnoting, it OluSI also be 10 place prier te reqlJcsfil1Q this il1specliull, AtttlchmCnl: To U~ reQuested when all ft'lstollers are illst;:!lIed uut prior to cover. clp.ctricnl: TO be requestt:ld afttu the ~'er.trir:DI connection to tilt! siun is m3de, but prior to (!Oeroiling. Finnl: After all required illspe,,!ions nrc conducted and approved alld the sign instnllation is complele, The in!\pcctinns thal are required for your sper:itlc sign will be indicated un the application during rhe pion roview proctlss. Failure ru ,equest ANY of the required inspecliolls "oulrl result In sign reOloval in order to inspect the sign at the required imt:lrvals of work. TO (eQuest 3'1 inspection, phone 726.3769. This is i:I 24 hour recording. On tho recordilllJ yuu willllt~ud to leave: VOIJr City LJeslgntltcd Job Number, locatiun of whnrn The sign is being installed. the type of in:r.pcction you are requeslinU. alld when you will be rcody for lhe inspectioll. All inspections called in to the re~order prior to 7:00 n,m. will be made the sa"'e working 'loy. 011 inspections phoned ill after 7:00 n,m, will be made the following work day. If yuu have any Questions rcoardillU Ihe applic3tion, reQuired plal)S or inspet:tiuns. please fcr.1 free to phone the BuildillU Sar~ly Division .r 726,3759. City 01' Springfield Buiidin/.( S~fety Division 225 Fi/'th S!rL'C! Sprin/.(tield, OR 97477