HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlan Review Miscellaneous 1997-9-18 .. . . ,~ . . I<\~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department ~ - . -- -... -_.~ -. \. 'm'-... -1"'Y1': -, .'\ 1i~.<K' (' . (J'~:1 - , DATE OF LETTER September 18, 1997 APPLICANT I PROPERTY OWNER ARCHITECT Ms, Connie Merril 1505 Mohawk Blvd. Springfield, OR 97477 Frederick Holcomb 119 W, Denny Way Seattle, WA 98119 ~ This is a Pre-Application Conference to discuss a proposed demolition of the existing 1,500 square foot Taco Bell restaurant and construction of a new drive-by restaurant of 1,847 square feet with new parking layout, new sidewalks, planting and landscape areas, new drive-by lane, and new trasb enclosure. The existing sign and curbcuts will remain. The new development will require a Type II Site plan Review application. The property is 17,954 square feet in size. The r"r"') is at the northwest comer of42nd and Main Streets (Assessot's Map# 17-02-32-32, Tax Lot 1501). The zoning of the r,or.") is Community Comm~a1 (CC) and the designation is CC on both the Mid-Springfield Refmement Plan and Metro Plan diagrams. SDC I8.020(4)(c) states that drive up restaurants are a pennitted use in the CC District, upon Site Plan Review approval The ,".r...) is flat. The r"r-.;; borders: land zoned and designated Light-Medium Industrial on the north; CC on the west; 42nd Street on the east and Main Street on the south. SUBJECT: CITY JOURNAL NUMBER 97-07-163 DISCUSSION The Type II Site Plan submittal must address the information discussed below: 1. Transportation Issues: a. Street Improvements, 42nd and Main Streets are both fully improved. Handicap ramps and driveway flares must be upgraded to comply with Americans with Disabilities Act standards. b. 42nd Street Access. The existing driveway must be converted from full access to a right turn in - right turn out driveway for safety considerations in accordance with the City's commercial street standards. Show driveway and flare dimensions. Co Main Street Access. A copy of a recorded joint use access maintenance agreement will be required as part of the Site Plan submittal for the shared driveway fronting Main Street Show driveway and flare dimensions, d. Internal Circulation and Parking. The plan submitted is good. However, consider revising the turning radius onto 42nd Street. . . . . '" , Page 2 e. Other Transportation Issues. Show the existing striping on both 42nd and Main Streets and the location of existing driveways on the east side of 42nd Street SDC 32.070 discusses vision clearance requirements. Nothing over 2 1/2 feet in height can be in this area, including signs, A 15 foot vision clearance triangle is required at the driveways; 25 feet at the street intersection. Masood Mirza, Tran.t'"._:on Planning Engineer, (541.726.4585) is the contact person for tran.,t'"' ~.:on issues. f. Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT comments) The current Taco Bell is sharing a joint access with Tax Lot 1502, The proposed changes require the applicant to apply for a new Approach Road Pennit from ODOT to serve both parcels. The permit is also an easement to cross a strip ofODOT ,.. -r.",- listed as Tax Lot 1600. Both parties to the joint approach will have to sign the Approach Road Penn it Tax Lot 1600 must appear on the Site Plan. Please submit the Approach Road Permit with the Site plan application. See also "Easements", below. Michael], Barker, Access and Development Specialist, (541.726.2552) is the contact person for ODOT issues, 2. Utilities. a. Water. This area is served by the Springfield Utility Board (SUB). Ken Cerotsky (541.726.2396) is the contact person. Please refer to Mr. Cerotsky's letter dated August 8, 1997 relating to your r'"r"~d development b. Fire hydrants. There is an existing fire hydrant at the northwest comer of 42nd and Main Streets which is not shown on the plan submitted. A minimum of 3 feet of clearance must be maintained around the hydrant The hydrant must be included in the landscaping plan to assure plants, trees, etc. will not interfere with the hydrant. AI Gerard, Deputy Fire Marshal (54 I. 726.2298) is the contact person. c:. Electricity. This area is served by SUB. Currently, the restaurant is served by an overhead transformer with underground service from the southwest comer of the r.".....j, Dang Nguyn (541.726,2395) is the contact person. d. Easements. Private easements are required for storm and sanitary sewers crossing ODOT t'.ut'...j (Tax Lot 1600) along the south side of the property. Public Utility Easements (p.u.e.) will also apply for public utility easements crossing ODOT property currently titled as excessive right-of-way on both sides of 42nd and Main Streets (SUB requires a 7 foot-wide (p.u.e.) along the east (42nd Street) and south (Main Street) property lines). .- ./ . . Page 3 e. Storm Sewer. Show a new drainage plan with a minimum parking lot grade of2 percent Address stonn water quality best management practices by showing all proposed stonn water quality systems and details. Include a StormCeptor or equivalent between the last inlet and connection to the public drainage system. Tbe existing parking lot drainage pipe must be rerouted around the new building foot print Don Branch of the Engineering Division (541.726.3725) is the contact person, ' f. Sanitary Sewer. The existing sanitary sewer connection is not ,..u"u.>&l to change. There are no specific comments from the Engineering Division concerning this issue. Don Branch of the Engineering Division (541.726.3725) is the contact person, g. Systems Development Charges (SDCs). " City SOCs are required to be paid at the time building permits are submitted. Not enough information was submitted to do an estimate, Engineering staff needs to know how much new impervious area is being added and how many additional plumbing fIxture units are proposed. Dennis Ernst of the Engineering Division (541.726-2095) is the contact person. When there is a Site Plan ready for submittal, call Mr, Ernst to determine SDC estimates. NOTE: The items discussed in this letter may not include all issues that may be reviewed as part of the actual application, ACTION No formal action was taken, this process was designed to provide the applicant with information before submitting a: Type II Site Plan Review Application. The application fee is $545.00 plus $10,00 per acre and a $50.00 postage fee for the required notice procedure. The application must address all issues discussed above and include a response to all items on the Site Plan Review checklist, which is attached to the application form, Currently, the Site Plan Review process will take approximately 90 days. SUMMARY OF THE REVIEW PROCESS: a. Staff determines that the application is complete or incomplete by reviewing the plan submitted against the Site Plan checklist. Incomplete applications will add more time to the review p...,.,ess. Tbe date staff determines the application is complete begins the 120 day review process. b. Notice is sent to ".u".../ owners/occupants within 300 feet of the development area for a 14 day comment period, c. The application is reviewed by City staff and affected agencies. d. City makes the decision, e, Notice of the decision is sent to the applicant and only those who submit wrinen comments to the notice mentioned in b" above, f, The decision may be appealed within ten (10) days of the date of issuance. Appeal applications are available from the Development Services Department. " . . ..... Page 4 QUESTIONS Please call the Development Services Department at 541,726.3759 if you have any questions regarding this process, ~~~ Jr::.- Planner III Attach. v~ %-~ ~c ~ ~ .fOa.s"' i. .:i:- /I' .. ;. . :! ~ il '/,. I" 4$' , '... ~ ~ ~ , '. - i ~ " ,; ;, ~ " .. . .. .. ~A'Jlltr.o'''''''-. "".'4o"w. \........ -- IoU.... .... 601 ~" . ,~, :. ~ .. - . '. ~- . " 600 ~ '!:o. 'U-. ~ ...::::-. ".,,' .. ~~"r...'""", z (\J 'lit "-' ~~ ,I ~ i ~ (1300 S~.IJ.' 4.,.:0 . ~ , ~~~ -" "- ), \ . :: . . " .. - wi - , .1 ... :;;: MJ ='400' ..,'~'~ , I.:! . ~ I; I h I I -\ w I .",~Iil o - 9-00: .,' ~."..' Y.I.;Y' NSO ,<r,,' 1500 1502 g .. I~ t If . ~ ~ I ~ :-,. __" ~ _ _ ~'~f _ _____ I . ~ ~ ;0 .~ : . ,. N~' /S77' 1600 N o ~ ~ ' ~~ ~J .. ~, . , ~~ 8 ~ ~.$d' 400 500 ~ ~ "'.I./~' -f1OO- $..8.tS. N.fllt-..'.'...."" .....V"1l 1703 O,'tSAC. -",.OIl.4!l',o:r"J!. 6.En.4ol!....-I'-O.OO. ~.l7l 1702- - 0,'0,"", ~ j; 8 8 ' .. 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No. 126 : -..., ~ August 8, 1997 Gary Karp City of Springfield 225 N, 5th Street Springfield, OR 97477 Dear Gary: SUBJECT: ~ e SPRINGfIELD UTILITY BOARD WATER SERVICE CENTER 202 SOUTH 18TH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477-5240 (541) 726-2396 FAX (541) 747-7348 .... -.' PRE APPLICATION CONFERENCE #97'{)7-163, MERRIUfACO BELL 17'{)2-32-32, TL 1501, NW CORNER OF MAIN STREET & 42ND STREET TACO BELL Listed below are our comments for the above referenced development proposal: 1. It does not appear that new or expanded water service is requested. Any costs associated with new, expanded, or modified water service will be the responsibility of the developer. Sincerely, ~ ~~/J- Ken Cerotsky Director - Water Department KC:hbb cc: Ms, Connie MerrH, 1505 Mohawk Blvd" Springfield, OR 97477 Ms, Connie Merril, 4198 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477 s:\siteplan\nwmain42,ken