HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Occupancy 1979-3-5 (2) '" "./ " '--:-"- j .. ~.? . . ... CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 March 5, 1979 346 MAIN STREET 726.3753 PUBLIC WORKS CERTIFIED LETTE~ Mr. Lee Ruttencutter ID70 Elm'Street Junction City, Oregon 97448 Dear Mr. Ruttencutter: . At your request, the Springfield Building Division made an occupancy inspection at 4195 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon. The inspection was conducted on February 23, 1979. The following items must be repaired or replaced to conform \'Iith the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the City of Springfield: 1. The steam cleaner should be outside the building. If it is inside the building, it must be provided with Class B vent through the roof. In either case, a vent cap must be provided. 2. Repair the plumbing fixtures in both rest rooms. 3. Oil and sand interceptors must be installed in the car wash stall and drained to the sanitary sewer. 4. The floor on each side of the door into the shop must be the same height within 1 inch. A landing at least the width of the door may be installed in the wash stall to satisfy this requirement. 5. Remove the oil dispenser containers from the front of the electrical service panel, and keep free at all times. 6. Remove the open wiring along the west wall of the service bay area. '7. If the service bay area is to be used for washing cars, the following will also be required. a. Protect the east wall to keep water and moisture away form the electrical service panels and equipment. b. The washing bay area must be completely rewired with approved lights and equipment. . Occupancy I.nspection . " Page 2. .,:..:' ',", .~:)A-: 0""',>.' : " '~{ '.~ .. , ".,'::,. .,~.~ '. " . ," ~~~~y ."~~:~F:~. . '.\~~ ~. ::,l.,:,!"J;,', '-", -:: t:~ ., , . ";.' . /,".;'1 ;',1" "l~~1~( ,:,':'. ~~{f/l: ':>::,i: . ':--'",,', ,'",- .~'.> '( ':.?~:'~, ?,~~, .. . {t'v.' " :Y!;.i:.' '~~: . '. ., ,', , , .;,~(t;.:;:. ~;~N~:'" ...:..... .... ~;e..~~'.. , l\.:..~.:' . . ......, ~.;~.'1-:/,;i'~\ :" . '". ~ "t'"."_.'- . All necessary permits shall be obtained before \'Iot'k stal'ts and all work shall be accomplished according to appli~able codes and inspected before a Certificate of Compliance will be i~sued. Please direct al~ inqujries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. Sincerely,. " , .- "/,'] J! '7')'~h ,<I ;{;":?/'n'~ . /~/./t' 'f r,' .- '-.: Ii '. Marion Johnson Building Inspector MJ/ct Planning Commission Adjournment March 21, 1979 Ml,tes . ,. MOTION: It was moved by Mel Suit and seconded by Sylvia Hoffman to pass on the informa- . tion to the City Manager. Sylvia Hoffman stated that she was on the Planning Commission tour, saw the property, and agreed with the staff. The motion carried unanimously. 1./ /q$' 5. ONING CODE CHANGES "-- - ' Chairman Adams announced that this ite/m,;o~lf7.d b{e ~hf)s/ct_~ it~ ;.;; t~)A_P.~ 11th ,ar:/a/};~ t Ota~i;)!tAL0 f l-C> V1 (/7.// U f'-- 7 ':-f tp """r I - 4(2~ ~ ( !-J.J ._,lSmM.i ..:n,~;:_, ~,,-'" ...~ "'~he Richard '",+,,?,,~ r-il"-n:t: .~. ....,~...,..,1"...m. -, "C"o T"\p"rrnit for a '-:7"- .. II. ..J..~'"ll..,;:'...."""- . ... ""'.\.... ~,~ ,,'o}, l-J"...s ,id that t e reason whv it was olaced on the March 7th Planning "t.:om- , , I." _ 1/1 mission ag~~.~.~ ',~;:Ic;' +ha;t..a.t -::--::: ....~.~,..: J..r,--:. '':'':'~J~~''''''''' T'eceived by ~a.llv Johnson or - ~fJe ~ui ~'~'~"~I _~x.5_'ij~~ 7-~':" .".:~:: ':~.~~~J--:-r'::?:'.'.-:--'O .... "'=:lY; wH~h~ d~a', wh~ L :,~pi~g gass........r., .d::o;a_v 5.'~L~ -t::.Jat 1.:1" ..In'h::.'YU:::,~ now DumD~np' P".=l~._ 18 .car~:~ J.:=>..l.~p~"to.re.,._ -a-p~i t~ use, and there's no reason to gr.ant a CUP,.. ,~? 6. BUSINESS FROM THE SECRETARY 1lill -f/t<-s k akiU2.-o.;~~ Dick Johnson reported that the Permanent Report would be considered by the City Council at their April 2nd meeting. Mr. Johnson reminded Dick Wilcox and Mel Suit that their appointments to the Planning Commission expire April 30th. He asked them to inform the Secretary to the City Manager as to whether they wish to be reappointed. 7. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE There was no business from the audience. 8. BUSINESS FROM THE COMMISSION Mel Suit was appointed to attend the April 2nd City Council meeting. announced that MAPAC would meet on the first Wednesday in April, and attend that meeting rather than the Planning Commission meeting. Nelson Grubbe that he would 9, BUSINESS FROM THE STAFF There was no other business from the staff. 10. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 11:15. 'Page 100 ," Planning Commission Minu'" Conditional Use Permits March 21, 1979 . and auto service facility in the M-3 District. .The towing and auto service facility is operating 'and a slatted fence has finally been installed, as required by the CUP. However, the installation of sidewalks along Main Street and the signing of a street light agreement., both requirements of the CUP, have not -been met and the owner of the property has so far refused to meet these conditions. A letter was sent to Senator Wingard (the owner) changing the requirement from installation of sidewalks to the signing of an improvement agreement for sidewalks along Main Street. The Planning De- partment has not heard from Senator Wingard and the 30 day extension for the CUP is due to explre; therefore the Planning Commission must decide what to do with this CUP. Chairman Adams noted that Frederick Frey was back in the audience. He asked if Mr. Frey had heard from George Wingard. Mr. Frey said no. Julio Iturreria reported that he had received a call from Mr. Wingard's office. Mr. Wingard wanted to know about the street light improvement agreement. Mr. Iturreria referred him to the Traffic Division, and didn't hear from him after that. Dick Johnson read a letter from George Wingard, dated February 15, 1979, in which Mr. Wingard inquired about the street light and sidewalks improvement agreements. Harold Wirch reported that the delay was partly his responsibility, since he hadn't yet returned Mr. Wingard's call. MOTION: It was moved by Nelson Grubbe to commence the revocation proceedings by sending public hearing notices and determine whether there should be a revocation for failure to live up to the conditions. Dick Johnson noted that the problem with the above motion was that the appropriate party wouldn't be effected by such a procedure.' Joe Leahy stated that if the Planning Com- mission allows the conditions to be relaxed or negated because they fall on the lessee each time, then they might as well not impose any conditions. because many lessees would come in and simply say that the lessor will not agree to the conditions. The motion died for lack of a second. MOTION: It was moved by Dick Wilcox and seconded by Sylvia Hoffman that the Planning Commission and staff allow until May 1,1979 for the conditions to be fulfilled.. Joe Leahy agreed to write a letter to George Wingard, informing him of the Planning Com- mission's decision. The motion carried by a vote of 4 to 1, with Nelson Grubbe voting "no." 3. CONDITION OF ROI FOR GLEN DENT (Journal No. S-76-11) Located on the southwest corner of 2nd and North 'A' Streets. This property is under a resolution of intent to be rezoned from C-4 Service Commercial Wholesale District to R-4 High Density Residential District. Condition 2.e. of the ROI requires "full im- provement of the alley adjoining this property." This condition has not yet been met. There was some discussion about what procedure to follow for this ROI. Dick Johnson reported that some residents are already occupying the apartment. Some pictures were taken of the alley and the staff discovered that even though it had been paved, it wasn't up to City standards (there are chuck holes, etc.) Joe Leahy stated that the occupancy permit shouldn't have been issued. He advised that if the Planning Com- mission decides that a condition hadn't been met, that they should send their recom- mendation to the City Manager. Page 99 . SENDER: Complete items 1,2, and 3. Add your address in the "RETURN TO" space on reveRe. ;)l ~ ~~ tli ~ = J. The followin,(: service is requested (check one). o Show to whom and dale deli\'ered. B;} Show to whom; date, and address of delivery. o RESTRICTED DELIVERY Show to whom and date delivered. o RESTRICTED DELIVERY. 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