HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Notice 1980-5-23 -.~ Date 5/23/80 . '. - Page 1 NEETING INFORi.IATION A. Staff Members Present: Gary McKinney, Traffic; Gary Karp, Engineering; Mike Hudman, Fire; Greg Bott, Planning; Lorne Pleger, Building B. Applicants Present: 1. Owner(s) 2. Agent (s) ':1'Jl:~rt ~ tokes ~. M ~ 3. Others Present Site Plan # 80-24 Nelson's Tire \-Jarehouse is ( ) Approved - the required findings have been completed CO~ Approved l'lith conditions - \'Ihen all conditions have been met (see Page 2), the required findings shall have been complied ~Ii th ,( ) Denied - you may appeal this decision to the Planning Commission ( ) Reason for Denial ( I Continued until - more information is necessary Required Findinqs (a) That the building, structure of development will not be detrimental to the character of the zone in which it is proposed to construct the building, and the zone's peculiar suita- bility for particular uses, and the character of buildings already erected in'the district, and will preserve property values and promote the direction of building development accord- ing'tothe zoning ordinance of the City. (b) The plans indicate the manner in which adjacent 'structures are protected against noise, vibration and other factors which tend to make the environment less desirable. I That the proposed development indicated adequate consideration for the other existing or contemplated u~es of land in the general area and an orderly development of the same. ; 'tcl (d) (e) All provisions of this chapter are complied with. The following are so arranged that traffic congestion is avoided, pedestrian and vehicular safety and welfare are protected, and there will 'be no adverse effect o~ surrounding property. ' 1. 'Building, structure, and improvements 2. Vehicular ingress and egress and internal circulation' 3. Setbacks 4. Height of buildings 5. Location of service entrance and loading facilities 6. via 11 s 7. Landscaping (f) Proposed lighting is so arranged as to reflect the light away from adjoining properties. (g) Proposed signs or outdoor advertising structures will not by size, location, color, or lighting interfere with traffic or limit visibility. (I Copy to Applicant ( r Copy to Pl ann i ng Commi ss i on () Copy to File ~ , 0\ S ~ tv\ C\.l t\ ~\ ~ - 1. .~ ,0 Site Plan Review conditions to be met: a. The drainage ditch on the west property line shall be improved. Roof drainage may use either catch basin. The existing sanitary sewer shall be: inspected by the City to determine if replacement is warranted. This line maybe utilized for the new structure if the inspection so determines. An improvement agreement for street lights along Hain Street is required. A 10' wide easement on Tax Lot 2500 is required to allow owner and fire access to the rear storage area and to permit the new structure to be built to the property line. A Joint Use Access agreement is required due to the proximity of the curb cuts, and anticipated joint-~se of the approaches. A 7 foot curbside sidewalk is required along Main Street. The Southernmost fence line shall be slatted due to the abutting residential zone. Either low growing ground cover or high canopy trees shall be utilized for landscaping due to possible vision clearance pro- blems. A revised parking plan is required to show 9' wide stalls which are 18' deep with a 24' back up area. The front lawn area and the entry walk will have to be modified. (see attachment) Contact the Springfield Utility Board for utility requirements. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. ? . , ',,~, , r' \ , , . ~. .h ~,~+> ..." (:~ .....~ ~ , 't\ ..' .,,:?~t~~{~:~.:>J:.?~ ~T:;.i:~~:.=~(~~~~:.~~<~'::~:'~ ~...(~':;:),~,,:~/:, ~,:,,'~~.<...~.f,>,~';3:,';.;.-~.':,".,~,.~,T,";.-:::,:~{,:'~.,'::?.::-,::~:t,~,~,',~,"~.'.;"'.-,,,:'.'";':'::,'.(.,::~~,;:F..'~""::I:':" ~'~,I~?':'. ..' -,.<. ,."" '''''. .' ',.....,~.~.,:'~... - ~~.- -~, . .::;,:..~i.. ,,~'~:, ~; :.'.~.~::.~t;.\. _ . :,'," ....:... .. .., '-, . ..... ,", T - .........: .~ .:<.... ')',_ . .:-';.. ~, . ~I ~... ;~..,.. ,.. r ". - . ',' ~'. . ...... .,... ~ } ". .' . . "'f . ,'.:<<'.:) -:.:," .-L" ',:'. ":. '. 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Said easement shall run with the properties herein described and shall be binding on and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their heirs, successors or assigns. (4). Said easement is made for the purpose of complying with the Munic- ipal Code of the City of Springfield and the City of Springfield Zoning Code regarding division and partition of land. As such, the City of Springfield shall also have the right and standing to secure judicial recognition and enforcements of the rights granted by this Declaration, and this easement shall not be affected or negated by title or the merger of title of the dominant and servient properties in a common owner. Declaration of Easement - 1 (5). Grantor(s) shall at all times, and without restriction, have the right to use the easement for purposes not inconsistent with the easement. (6). The true consideration for this Declaration of Easement is (1) $ , (2) other than monetary. .. '-' . . '" IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I (we) have executed this Declaration of Easement on this S daYOf~~ 19 RO f /" vJ~=-//, _'~~4?l~~%ZP) *( 1:_" t i?;;- _ 0,,, ~J'J/,dJ' . _" ////H/j'pA1 STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane ) ss, Personally appeared before me this 19 ~CJ , the within named s day of ~~ who acknowledged the foregoing instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. ~c~ Notary Pubt1c for Oregon ' ' My commission expires:~ L /98(, j/ .,..", .' Ii , , I': {', .I! ' ',f '. ", :'/ I .,....,., Declaration of Easement - 2 {end} .;; ... . . EXHIBIT 'A' The West 10 feet of the North 170 feet of the West 1/2 of Lot 2, Frederic as platted and recorded on page 67, volume 4, Lane County Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon. EXHIBIT 'B' Lot 2 and the West 1/2 of Lot 12, Frederic as platted and recorded on page 67, volume 4, Lane County Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon.