HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit House Move 1984-12-16 '''''' ,,~ .. .ITY OF SPRINGFIELO . . INSPECTIONS 726-3769 BU~ESS 726-3753 BUILDING MOVING PERrIIT nBUILOmG OIVISIOII--346 flAIN S1. . 00 . Old Address,,;, 1---, New Address (furnished by Bldg. Oiv)_ . . '1 /~ I Izo//h 73t(6 'tA/..o-.!ke-v-&7. 0 Legal Description Legal Description Q\\ k:ol.t.ct. In-o' "-",2-"2 ' fY:\". .~ 1,4.'1./ -/)2htM.. 'N... B:;r.:~;;'(~;;~ (,ddem) (P~ Un Knit.{ ,~~I<<, 7::ft0 Ih/.(J..tloJvIllSpl-, 7~6?o 27 Movyrg Firm (name) (address). (1 ics.'No.) (expires) (phone) 7}.~;Jte;(fi7'4K 4-/!-<c? trC)9.~~ffi. 19~ lo-f'.<..._6"~oY...s~~ De cription ofint.ended~e: . J'k,r~ tlUI (d-:"?L '. . j)p.scriptTon of Route':, -. _~_u._ - --/":-> -- -_. .. _nO .- ____~~Ll.h. ~r~_ .Ci9 ~_/1_. h- '/ hg.!-,!/on-_ /}i __/b-__ . '._ . . dl1/!a1 .~ W0L . Desc.riptf:ln of BuiWing: ..,... -- Squue Footaye_/fp-9 r.joYing Length__ _.~E Moving Hioth_ 0'0/ Height em DOllY_/,.6..!C? Number of-Sections being moved L-~. Type of Constructi on Va 1 uati on " . Notification of Muve: The Building Oivis;on will route copies of this application to all appropriate divisions, departments and agencies. 'HOHEVER, THE APPLICP.NT HUST UlN- ;I TACT PROPERTY miNERS IF TREES ARE INVOLVEO IN THE PROPOSED MOVE. IN AODITION, TH::: AP- PLICANT r,lUST SECURE THE APPROVAL OF ALL APPROPRIATE f~UNICIPAL, COUNTY AND STATE AUJ'HOR- JTIES SHOULD THE HOVE ORIGINATE OR TERMINATE OUTSIDE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. , ......,. P'lans, Fees, and Charges: . Prior to receiving a permit to move a building to property within the City, the applicant or his/her aut.horized representative must: 1. Submit two copies of a site or plot plan for the new site. 2. Submit two copies of a foundation plan for the relocated building. 3. Obtain a permit covering the new foundation, as well as all plumbing, nlechanical' and electrical work relating to the relocated building. . 4. Pay the Systems Development Charge, if applicable. Sewer Cap: Buildings to be moved from within the City limits shall have the sewer .~. capped at the property I ine and inspected one working day prior to the move.. If the inspection indicates that. the sewer has not been properly capped, the moving permit wi 11 be revoked. _.__._u.._.~, _ (.....-......, I certify that' the above information is true' and correct, that all required contacts \.-/ h~ve been tt1".M~.'lnd, uthorizations obt,ained, that the move win begin ~tEi:;4jCb'cl?ck ..:.. atiJiprn on..::",. .;(, ../:... 1?Qlnd be completed by rAc~)o'clock am/pm on ,~Q.~~'~, ifrid that no c e in the route will be made without contacting the Building B,vision. I also certify.that I have been in.formedthat.NO PERf1IT HILL BE ISSUED BEFORE 5 WORK-' I~G DAYS HAVE ELASPED. I further certify that my registration with the Builder's Board ,is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055 and 701.070, and that if exem~t .the basis is noted ~eoo. Basis for Builder's Board' ,m~tion: ' _...:....~__ ~~~ Signa.~/ Date5'-I?-1t.. ;IV Vt/ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Zones Flood Plain Type/Const. Occy Group Stori es Living Units Square Ftg. Value Permit Fee /R 00 I ()() .00 Sewer Cap ( Applicat'lon Fee ~o. of Blocks over 6 @ .6Dt per block ') . ,-:lp -\Nt\ C) 'C'\\ '<.D - (\ h~ ~ 3.. t::.U' ~ Ii(Police Departrlent 12l\.lillar.;alane Park & Recreation ~Fire Department ~a~ific Northl'Jest Bell O!;.5pringfield Utility Board ~Jorth\'lest ~atural Gas \q.~6 TOTAL C\').EO Dist. ~ainbow Hater Dist. ~TelepromPter . . Other_L3'.I:L____ BUILDING ~ING ~MIT . .ERMIT VALIDAT'(ON ~'" I. Appl icant to furnish (except 'as indicated) A. Old address for building B. Legal Description C. New address.for building (Building Div. will furnish) D. Legal Description E. Name, etc. of building owner F. Name, etc. of moving firm G. A description of intended use H. A description of proposed route I. A description of the building I I. App 1 i cant to contact property owners if trees. . involved, and secure authorizations from other jurisdictions as necessary. ,II. A site or plot plan, and foundation plan must be submi tted for the new site (2 sets) IV. Pl ans must also be submi tted for any other work relating to the relocated building. V. Fees & Charges: A. Application fee due and payable at time of application B. Moving permit fees due and payable upon permit issuance C. FEES & CHARGES TO BE CALCULATED BY BUILOING DIVISION STAFF VI. .FOR OFFICE USE OI~LY A. Plan check data collected B. Copies of application to appropriate. divisions, departments and agencies PERMIT CLERK BUILDING OIVISION REPORT: . "W%',r; .M 0' ~~ ~(/4~u d rf . /. ~7-~~~~J~ -;1;11 -4-1//J7<.... Bv Date /2-1.<:;~ / TRAFFIC OIVISION REPORT: f(lO\lElll COt...).1"1UL'.'-rT:l l~ ., MUtS-T '1=='J2Q.tfbG Au- \e&~~c.. AhVA.~~ ,PLA-.G:,MI5N -I.fJM-A~ ~~l toll:> \A.lI.n;a~ t' ..... ~ c& r. 0-2. T \J. U 12"Eo. '1"0 a.1 Ro'~ 'h . ENGINEERING DIVISION REPORT: By <S,vJ Oa te I z--:-I S"" j' o K E/l'j/)1('t'r;"'1 ~ B.v Date . ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: .. By Date ---, ,__. . ,. ..!TV OF SPRINGFIELD . . lilSPECTIONS 726-3769 BUSTtIESS 726-3753 BUILDING MOVING PERflIT--BUILDING DIVISION--346 MAIN ST. Old Address /, I Nel" Address (furnished by Bldg. Div)Q9' '1 D 1u111h . 7.31'6 1'),L1J-.Jkpv &1- 0 Legal Description Legal Description C)\\ ~~4~ 0V" D-- 4--~J2~ B~i:ldin~w~~r (name) (address) (phone) f(;,i'f j?'~ M 7:: Ltr;'; 111i( ulcJl-v U f/:/- J 7 ~ 6 ~o 2 7 MOVY'P Fi I'm -(name) . .' (address) . . (I i cs. do.) (expi res) (phone) 7;.~/PifJd. 4;~ 4'i!-,~? tro96~d/ ;/n:. 6;?c;-r) 10-,7--<- U.90-L~~:S De cription of intended/,,:e: . ___ .~k-:~_ /141(d;,,~ Oeser'; pti on of Route: /.. __~~Ll.b ~f- ~_~~r~_~_ /h!:f~~4n_/!!___/p-__:_~ 1. ! do ' ., J~/, '. . []eSCriPtf~l1~f B~i'~~fr:~ ..... --'---. .. ---~..--- .. Square FootageJrpo 1'10\ling Length__fj7/ Moving ~'Jidth_ 0'lD / Hp.ight on oolly_/r:.IO ~Number of-Sections being moved J _' Type of Construction Va1uatioH - ---.---.-. ._--- .-.~. -- - .. ."-: iloUfication of Muve: The Building Oivision will route copies of this application to /,./ all appropri a te di vi s ions, departments and agenci es. HOWEVER, THE APPLIc,L\NT 1.1UST CON- TACT PROPERTY miNERS IF TREES ARE INVOLVED IN THE PROPOSED MOVE. H~ AODITION, THle AP- PLlCAlH I,IUST SECURE THE APPROVAL OF ALL APPROPRIATE ~~UNICIPAL, COUNTY AND STATE AU'rHOR- ITIES SHOULD THE MOVE ORIGINATE OR TERMINATE OUTSIDE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. , ., '._,' Plans, Fees, and Charges: . Prior to receiving a permit to move a building to property within the City, the applicant or his/her authorized representative must: 1. Submit two copies of a site or plot plan for the new site. 2. Submit two copies of a foundation plan for the relocated building. 3. Obtain a permit covering the new foundation, as well as all plumbing, n,echanical and electrical work relating to the relocated building. 4. Pay the Systems Development Charge, if applicable. Sewer Cap: Buildings to be moved from I~ithin the City limits shall have the se\~er ca'pped at the property 1 ine and inspected one working day prior to the move. If the .inspection indicates that the sewer has not been properly capped, the moving permit will be revoked. .L T (" '- r certify that the above information is true and correct, that all required contacts II ',-, have been m~"~ i1nd Jluthorizations obtained, that the move will begin.at 3::00:>'clock '_ _aj!pm on_ \)tt.a\. <is..Gnd be completed by J 1'.(lljo'clock am/pm on -\)-Q.l!..~\ 6l-,' , and that no ch~es in the route will be made without contacting the Building Blvision. I also certify that I have been informed.that NO PE~1IT WILL BE ISSUEO BEFORE 5 WORK- . IrlG DAYS HAVE ELASPED. I further certify that my registration with the Builder's Board is in full force and effect as required by ORS 701.055 and 701.070, and that if exem~t .the basis is noted ~ereoiJ. Basis for Builder's Board ,m~tion: Na t - ./ /}1;:i:<~~ Signat).h,=/1":7 1L:<,tP - Date ~-ly-/7' U/./ (/0 .?,,:y FOR OFFICE USE~LY Zones Flood Plain Type/Const. Square Ftg. Occy Group Value Stori es Li vi ng Units Permit Fee IF<, 00 / ~(),aO Sewer Cap Application Fee ~o, of Blocks over 6 @ .60t per block ;" -~ -\o\-t\Q 'ct y ~ - (\\'\r~'~ NV 1:'. , .a,:Police Departnent ~,Jillar.,alane Park & Recreation ~Fire Department ~a~ific Northwest Bell Q!;,Springfield Util ity Board ~lorth\':est tlatural Gas \ q .€>O TOTAL qfj ,eo Dist. ~ainbO\~ Hater Dist. <<Teleprompter ~Other L\\J , , 1 I BUILDING ~ING ~IT I. Applicant to furnish (except'as indicate ( A. Old address for building B. Legal Oescription C. New address for building (Building Div. will furnish) D. Legal Description E. Name, etc. of building owner F. Name, etc. of moving firm G. A description of intended use H. A description of proposed route I. A description of the.building II. Applicant to contact property owners if ' . involved, and secure authorizations from ( other jurisdictions as necessary. A site or plot plan, and foundation plan; be submitted for the new site. (2 sets) . ( IV. Pl ans must also be submitted for any oth work relating to .the relocated building. V. Fees & Charges: A. Application fee due and payable at t of c;pplication B. . Movi.ng 'permit fees due .and payable u 6 permit issuance C. FEES & CHARGES TO BE CALCULATED BY BUILDING DIVISION STAFF VI. . FOR OFFICE USE OI~L Y A. Plan check data collected. . B. Copies of application to appropriate divisions, departments and agencies rrr. BUILDING DIVISION REPORT: 1 ~ ..>:Y/ //i( _ jr'./ t'.d O' /t:, ~ rf -n-?~-<( jh'tnN_d TRAFFIC DIVISION REPORT: W\O\I~ MUG-T COt-! 'T12.C)L "Tf') l '-1.(' 1 u.~ . Springfield. Oregon . OW'ment of Public Works I .FICIAl' RECEI\'i. ,.-. r..L~ \ No. B 57768(", Ootel.J0L . <6 19 \ . . (Rec'd FrOm~r)\~t ~~.Nu.'{;i Addres~ 4DY lri ' bOO\) - . (j ( - '. " Received For: ( I ~..t~() \'\\f1 f2 d (1 (3; -1 . 'to, , ( Q n ___..(j ( Amou~t Received 6\ I " 9)( ') _l ~ l~ _ a "I ( "' ...) ... a' -(~ ~thm EO SIGNATURE r.. - "' ...IlTO...fU....U~L~.I..TI...ItUC[O<I[.O".T.O' ..s.... ~ c 1',-. (I ;1/ :'J ~2L-d C:mM7;; rl // to //) {/ /I r/:l(d:c'-1'..... (l -1.71 d'-1/~ B'I Date IZ-/c;'-r / .....fC.olJ I"'DE::. ALL \"Ja>~~~c.. , A b V A. t-J. ~l==L '-'-Go III e::N ~rl u ~ ~fol1:> \~ (l t.J. (p q.,..., CS r. 1*'12- T1W12"=>.-rr)t..1 Ro".."h. Bv 614 Date Iz..-:-IS~/ ENGINEERING DIVISION REPORT: o K E/'I"j/M""-''''1 Ad . ADDITIONAL PROJECT INFORMATION: By Oate " By Oate -,