HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1980-11-4 ::' ,', ~: ~, u ..';;:~i,~ ; .:'(. ( 'I ',', I' f '-, .;~. ;'iiiN~:.;~i: ; ; ,'f /.~. !', ':.: n, H{ {[it: f' I"'" .,' t:'"i' '\1 ,. 'I\W;~'1i, [,Ii} q. } ",',/ ',' 1"...',," , .. . ,~~:;1(~111iriJ;t: T' .if'i"'J'\I..;,~t ~ ,;"i:n~ ':'1" ....<, :::';viit'~j;;n:.;);,.t,: J':'" "'~'~:fhl~;~t' \'.-~ ,,:. . ,iI' ~ lWli:'JMmrr:j:',i'i . ,. " ,;. I ~,t" t;)~ :~ 1: 1 iI- i . "\ '. ;~f,\~,\'i,~::r i:;tfHr~<f. ;.: ;-. II'" "\ '"._ll$i. I ">"'~' ~"""/I~'J;:':t ~,i':,f .....:---;,;. H~:Llffpl f " ;\"'V"",," (.. ,Li I~\ f .' . li!.,>~',Yfj~ )j:" .'. , 'I <,' ,p,~~,,,.., ,~. J , IP:\i\;;IJii!N1'.';;;:" , '::i'l ';;;.,I:~',Ht)~l:..i~.Nil-.;-;,,::. """"""l""""''"'" " . ,i \, i i .{' .(i /~ '~'I}H '~~If:,~-::;~~. .: '1 ' ,l,' ( "'1 "j ~ tIC) I f':'1 i ".\... '.' , .,,';\~~\';-; ~ e':'f;d"~)::''it.r'",.! ,:1:' . ." ...', .....1' ........, i ~ ," 'L'j r . ~ ~ ',' I.. l"':' -, . 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TIle {"Dowing serTiCi: is le.:tuested (cl:~ck one.) tQ(Show to whom a;lll date delivered. .~........._4: o Shaw tawhorn, dale and addreu ofdeliTti}l-.._4: o RESTRICTED DELIVERY Shaw to whom and d.lc ddr.~rtd.u....~u..~4' o RESTRICTED DELIVERY. Shaw to whom, date, and addre~ of d<:livel)'.S_ ~E j'i- ;) ,,/ ::~ ~ ""'" C;S CI.) 2. (C011SULTPOSTJ.1ASTER FOR FF.!:S) ARHCLE /\OORES$:f.O TO: Mr. Charles Lake 2105 Silver Lane Eugene, Oregon '" m ... C .'" .z '" m ,> m .'i; '."'" ~ "- o ~ Court 97401 .-.:.' ".,~ ,t.I. il Iii % ...J I '. .'-~:i ,l~ ':?,," .' ., 'r ,r-j, '~ :\,~ :.'~' 3, ARTICLe C!:.SC:nlPT10~; REGIS~ERED N~'I CEA1'jFI'ED I",lO. . 7983252 (^~"avs obtai"" sig'1a~'J.rQ or adckB'SiltS 01" agentl lNSUREO NO. \. f'I'1 Ilun'e rcteived the ar~lde dcsclibcd a~ove., ~ E:l'J"-l.03.TURE DAddreasce QAu1hadud .&cot i ~ V?-7 /U-B6?~,,-d ~. ~ ;{, ~;r.~ DEliVERY POSTMARK ~ ~Kms..l<lf'.fg80".........' ~I.>' /(',' ~ ,It (:~) -. .,',:; 'I"' ; \ij: 4; ~ 5.. UNABLETO OELlYER BECAUSE, ,.' ~ "I. :r. 'trGPo : '.1S-3OO-AS9 ..':'.~",..'~!,...'.:,(.:.:.'..' ':':'~'~'\~:"::.'.:J' ',:,~",l.::;.,:,...:;;,;',.... ..'.::..'.....,". ',,';';',,:. 'I,.'.,,','. '.', .'.'.'" ,~";. ;' (it fWt;~ ' 'i,,,\~. ..~ 'Ji~;i\:f~!'r:';~:~;,':~:;':'Y~i'.L <~;i;'~l~q' ~, ~r'\k':r~:,'! \:~?':~\:',~,iV:.~,:,\ ",.. ;')!lYt!., ;~ " '~"! " ~<". _ '.-, L r, .?, /1 ~\, I' it!}J)" ':!;=;~';~;~:..'t~;L:,}~~~tl:,t:-j:y.;,4A,'1:~r -,j( f'~})::'I' ~:!ll~f~ \ . I ~'.'., t.',', "",.,:..t~,~.t:,11..;>",I:.fl 11'~ -,'<';.', t... '\~1]1<~ '1 rL',: ;~~i-:,.,>.,:; ~:'~'i,'~{hJ:.'~.~j,f ,I..n :1., ,.,'.gji\"jffi '. ,." (,,; ""':h.:'i"~::...;,\,r ,1~;1' .,"', : '''';~''~ n I I" cr.' ,',~L,.-,,' ,1, ii, !i'..l,' ~.l ":, ',' l~t~:ifff. ~::;! ~.k;:':J'U~(.'t>.:~}~,:"-)>/, I':Y>, '~~{ '<':l~rl~l' " ",. ..,. ..;, . . " . . .... I ," " ' .', ...1)',1,1. '. '. 'I " '1 'J'" I ',. { ',I .. ~ ,/, !',-:r .~': " '." 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Add}"OD1 adJrcs.t. in t.hO "llEThlUi 10'''spaoe gD --. ~. ~ ? ~ if. The foIiowi.'")~ ~elVk:e is. requested (checlc One.) . X1Show to wbomand date' delf-,J(rc!d............_. o Show to "hom, dat< and a.Jdress of cldi=y..._ll o RESTRICTED DEUVERY Show to whainand date delivaed....t........._4' o RESTRiCTED DEUVERY. (~. ,. : Shew to wham, date.:md addles! of deUyery.l- 2. "AR'!ICLE M"lnatc""E'O TO: .. . !:l' Mr.' .Charles Lake ~i 2105 Silv6r Lea Court :0 J!!gene,....Qtegon 97401 ~ 3. ART1CUU;:~JYnON: ~ BEGiSTfAEOltO. J .~CER'IFtl!DI.i.o. I . WSUAEDNo. :.. . 7983253 ~ ..' . "' E (,'\t.nys ot.tmo'sitmM'.:'~ of ,..~<o.___ or apnt) ~. I h3-.-e received th~ IU!cle de!lCribed above. f@~~~~~ :;:~/J. ~~ r'o;:rrov ' ~ u:: g ~ AD~~_ ,,"_ :e ~ , \9i\) .~~ ,,0 a ~'R6a:AlJSE' ~;;: . .~. . , .- (CONSULT rosn.1ASTER POR HE's) .' " " Q.ERtc:"S lNITIALS , 'tlGPO: 1S17S-3OCW!19 UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE . OFFICIAL BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUCTIONS frln~ your name, addttss, and ZIP Cod, i"_t.!2! space below. . .. Complete itlml1, 2. and 3 on the mine. . Attath to front of ankl,l' space permits, Othl1Wba affix to back of article: . End'onl artkl, "RltUm Receipt R.quutld" idllClntto numb.r. RETURN .. TO .. . PEHALTY FOR PRIVATE USE TO AVOID PAVWENT Of POSTAGE.'~ " - ~aiQy . CPo CUI. ('IYn>..... ~P'~::_D.T""'--- ~u ~ or-~1Vti!.LU Department of PUblic Works 4th and Nortll "A" Streeta i:lpnngne!(fl~~~477 (Oty, State, and ZIP Code) .~~ - u.s.MAlL -~ , " ,~'. . 9> f' , .. ! . ., .' . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD. OREGON 97477 PUBLIC WORKS October 27, 1980 346 MAIN STREET 726-3753 CERTIFIED LEITER Mr. Charles Lake 2105 Siler Lea Court Eugene, Oregon 97401 ~ Dear Mr. Lake: At the request of the tenant, Judith Jones, the Building Division uf the City of Springfield conducted a Courtesy Inspection of the dwelling located at 4139 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon, on September 26, 1980 and October 2, 1980. , STRUCTURAL AND FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY: The following items do not meet the standards of the Uniform Housing Code as adopt- ed by the City of Springfield (U.H.C.): 1) The front steps and porch have been allowed to deteriorate and are structurally unsound (U.H.C. 1001(c) 2). 2) The upstairs bedroom windows are boarded up not allowing for emergency exiting. Windows must have a net clear openable area of not less than 4 square feet with no dimension less than 22". 3) All habitable rooms must be provided with natural light and ventilation with an area of not less than 1/10 of the floor area of those rooms with a minimum area of 10 square feet (U.H.C. 503(a) and (b)). 4) The bathroom window is boarded up not allowing for proper light and ventilation. Natural ventilation shall be provided within an area of not less than 1/10 of the floor area with a minimum of 3 square feet. Mechanical ventilation capable of providing 5 air changes per hour is permitted (U.H.C. 503(a)(b) and (c)). 5) The roof is in a state of deterioration causing water damage to the upstairs bedroom ceiling and walls (U.H.C. 1001(h)). 6) The rear of the house has no foundation and is in a state of deterioration (U.H.C. 1001(c) 1, 4, and 5). 7) The gas heater has an inoperable fan and does not heat properly. A dwelling shall be provided with heating facilities capable of maintaining a temperature of 700F at a point 3 feet above the floor in all habitable rooms (U.H.C. 70l(a)). .; .' .,' . . . /' Mr. Charles Lake Courtesy Inspection 4139 Main Street October 27, 1980 Page 2, SANITATION: The plumbing system is badly deteriorated and improperly maintained and falls into the category of hazardous plumbing as described in Section 1001(f) of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. Although the existing plumbing, at the time of its installation, may have met the 'standards of the code that was in existance at that time, alterations and/or improper maintenance require corrections to be made in accordance with both the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and the current Oregon State Plumbing Specialty Code (O.P.S.C.), 1) The bathroom lavatory cold water faucet cannot be turned off. The hot water faucet can only be operated with pli~rs or other mechanical apparatus. Replace the diver- ter valve and missing handles (O.P.S.C. 319). 2) The water supply and the hot water heater require 3/4" gate valves (O.P.S.C. 1005 (b)) . 3) The toilet is not anchored to the floor (O.P.S.C. 907-C). 4) A.B.S. plastic piping (exterior)is required to be painted latex or other material that will not deteriorate in the weather (.O.P.S.C. 315.3). ELECTRICAL SAFETY: The electrical system has been improperly altered and maintained and constitutes haz- ardous wifing as described in Section 1001(e) of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield. Although the existing electrical system, at the time of its installation, may have met the standards of the code that was in existence at that time, alterations and/or improper maintenance require corrections to be made in accor- dance with both the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield and the current Oregon State Electrical Specialty Code (S.E.S.C.). . 1) Alterations to its capacity. 79) . the existing service have caused a load on that service greater than Install anew service not less than 125 amp. . capacity (. S. E. S. C. 230- 2) The 'wiring in the shed is not of an approved type - i. e., single conductor wire non- metallic cable, open splices and the like. Install wiring of an approved type for the shed (garage) lighting circuit C.S.E.S.C. 110-8). . 3) Alterations to the existing wiring dards at the time of installation. may be made without the removal of (S.E.S.C. 110-8). were not installed in accordance with code stan- Install wiring of an approved type. .Corrections additional circuits existing in the residence 4) An outlet box shall be securely and rigidly fastened to the surface upon which it is mounted. Secure dryer outlet to the wall (..S.E.S.C. 370-13). 5) Where subject to physical'damage, conductors shall be adequately.protected. Install raceway protection on the dryer outlet cable (.S.E.S.C. 300-4).' " . ./ I " /' . . " Mr. Charles Lake Courtesy Inspection 4139 Main Street October 27, 1980 Page 3. 6) Install switch and receptacle outlet boxes flush with the finished surface. Ex- tension sleeves are approved (.S.E.S.C. 370-10). 7) Section 701(b) of the Uniform Housing Code as adopted by the City of Springfield requires that "...every habitable room shall contain at least two supplied elec- tric convenience outlets or one such convenience outlet and one supplied electric light fixture." This office recommends, in order to discourage the use of ex- tension cords, that receptacles be installed in accordance with S.E.S.C. 210-25(b) which specifies that receptacle outlets be installed so that no point along the floor line in any wall space is more than 6 feet between receptacles outlets. It is also recommended that a duplex receptacle be installed adjacent to the refriger- ator. 8) At least one wall switch controlled lighting outlet shall be installed in the bath- room. Install a switched light in the bathroom (S.E.S.C. 210-26(a)). 9) It is recommended that at least one wall receptacle shall be installed in the bath- room adjacent to the basin location. Because of the potential hazard to electric shock its location creates, it is recommended that a duplex receptacle of the ground- ing type be installed on the wall next to the basin (.S.E.S.C. 210~25(b) and 210-8 (a) . Because of the potentially hazardous conditions caused by the electrical violations in the dwelling, all repairs must be made by 15 days from the date of this letter (Novem- ber 11, 1980). Oregon Administrative Rule 22-110(b) states that the owner shall do no wiring or alterations of the wiring installation on property for rent or for sale. All electrical work must be performed by a licensed electrical contractor.. Repairs relative to structural and plumbing violations must be completed by 30'days from the date of this letter (November 27, 198'0).' ) If all corrections are not completed by November 27, 1980, the house will be posted "SUB- STANDARD BUILDING -- DO NOT OCCUpy" in accordance with Section IOOI(a) of the Uniform Housing Code and subsequently vacated. All necessary permits must be obtained and required inspections conducted by this office. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753. a~~ Dave Puent Building Inspector , .. cc: Roy Bordeaux, Plumbing Inspector Charlie Watson, Electrical Inspector Ronald B. Clark, Superintendent of Building Joseph J. Leahy, Assistant City Attorney Judith Jones, Tenant 4139 Main Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 DP:SJ/lj 1001.1a " '" ... ~, 2105 Silver Lea z' . " J!.!gen~,..Jlre\,on ~ 3. AnTtCl..Et;~"UPTiON: ~ iU:SIST!RQ fm. j .~ C"f~llFtl:D~. ... . 7983253 : " ~ (.'\t".ways. ot.b'>i1:sir'f!a.t'.:~ ot ~ Or ee;;nd in I"l I b.a\-e recei\'ed lh: IIlh:Je described abo\i:. XI SIGNA TURE 0Ad:::~ DA--=-:~.J apat ~i~ ~I-Jf!-- u::: :: ~ AD I -l::Ir"~ 1y~~ .e i . \9%\) .Q:.CV € ~ ~&f~'R&~ r tNSUAED Ii:). L.... -;':"-w~L...::~:';~~r--t-L-- ':~:,}--.l":c' .,J:., ,~~~~;.o~_-.: ~ ___. ~~. ~,,,:'%--'.~'I_.~:...~:~...~~-;--;~_ti: . w:.... 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"ARTICLE pcoqa"'ED TO: Mr.:Charles Lake Court 97401 CUAtc'S INITiALS f\tiw..l"'-~':i1i'_.,g;;;)<l. ]'"1- .' .n.. ~'!!l!!'" ,.:L.:..". .' .cjj;Of:....~ .~" .. .. .. .. -:~':,;:;::"~.:~.~.~;.~~~J~,<<~,,-~.,..""'~~~....~..,...J!~_.r:;1.'tJ,..l"'.i...._..rr.:;<r.... ...'.:~..s'..;;.........:.....,...~:._.:'-~-. "." .-;. ..,.':" .. :..~~~...:..'_... ';,"-';' .".-. ! . , ! 'r '.' :~~~~~0;~,:~~$~:~~~11~~~tii~~.si~~~~:~:;;, ~: 1SD'9-300-46S0 '......"..";:;. . ~.:H\. ' ;,',"k _,,:,'~_' ....- .. .., ~..- ,-' . " ,.~: . ','_." .....:..::',..":. .-.,~" .""" ". .; : ._. ..::~.1...:~":-::;,:::.::: . :~ ..~':.::,~.>.-:~~:: :::~" --~'~'5:::';.~. ~. -..- .' .... " - .:~_f.~~,,'Z,..,)- ......, - - ...._,.. -.:.~-_.-. '#""" ," ...... .-''".,...-... ~;:;~~.~';l;~..:,~i~~..."'i'.;;i~~~~~,;t~_.~[,.~!f:~;,';';.".r:r'--',"'" .""-.:,"-:'."-' -,r. j;-- -i~.. .'"' 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