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Special Inspection Electrical 1983-7-11
. S!?'31 81!ttt ,;,;; " EIltricaI InSpeCtiOn'eport PW-13 (Rev. 3-78) 726-3753 WIRING INSTALLER 0 11'- T r~ ADDRESS DF INSTALLATIDN ~ /, '?.A #,9 /14 l f7"_ ADDRESS \~ (CITY OR TOWN) LABEL Nl't. TYPE 0'" STRUCTURE .. USED HEIGHT DATe '/-//-,?(' . WIRING METHOD: NON-METALLIC SHEATHED CADLE 0 ARMORED CABLE 0 CONDUIT 0 POWER co. // , " OWNER . ADDRESS ~ )CITY OR TOWNI . CHAN..~es. "R," D Fle_cf,-/~,-'/ I dpr?:,rt:" ~Ap ~/JJ"f'r'c.~cI -4;/;ij',Or9p .t:"/,-p i)pnt, r"''7//p<;>r /#.I'npr/:/r,j-; ,/ ~ . , /, cZ> (?flnd~hf.P/Jr>T""';'?{p ,r>A.?// ~r' ('It'JJ1/n/,of;ar{,~~hY'r/r-:J / /'JrnTpt"r- /;.,~ /1/ rh,o ~""'YJr-k.c..i?f"'r> ;:;;n"/ t;, r;.r,('U1~p ?'Jra//nrlj/C017tJnu/7y: OESC "O/l-/.2.. , f2.J //1/ C'l"!rrl f?/.v&N'/,.tJ/,.p z...n..rln",n-111et<<///1" t?.:2hk ,'?.is.7// h~ -r~I"'1/:? I"P{~ J /;l-j rP/'Jhdv/c ~(r Lhe. t'~J/ft/n;l'h?dh~"'/ O~J'C 400 -I( QlI W-?I"'rr> rm~-! (''''~NY7t<>"..red PF/j:/nn<:.2L~ /'" ne.c..(?,S'S>,vryj' r,he- rpOLIIJ~Prl t0Urler,"'h;7// ~A r"" 'YJ~I- ,P/,,;o//l"'rI..???""/,I...I".;}r-r=d JT/J/{';:.qLfr~ jn'i'u//t:Jdc/J >'rI'/J.hTh 7rt"/J'n~J t?r.1Jr:./U(*./;-,~~. t:),e!tmdsof!t-!,e (JEJ'C 4tJt1~7-g-9. @J AI/e/p('~n'rrl/ ez/.-I/,'.o:n//".h~ on/,os.r ~/h~~ /ntf'iL~';-P~ ,Ph-U/ J,,oh/JY/r!,or/r;,..,.,o'}..y-'hr/) -. ' . '-I - ()ES C .2.."j-cJ -42 . ~/, A// "';PP'1) ~.o~,..,p b~..Y~1' ~Y,'c/ r/-J'h~~/,a/.I' tPh.::J// h::lpI'" r/7VfJr.r / Y7 (> ~/ /,0,./ .-n,'1I-/ C br> Y7 k=- t'1 p illp;:) /,0,../ 't' , ' ()ESC. 370-/0-!- /r9rr. > (4) ,Pl'rv/rp t"'OL//QJ::IJr'nT< eb..:J// hdi/p tV c/p'::)d 'Frt2.l;1T (-'/://pL...Sl.r - ~// !;,/m;s/ j//l/hPr rpjq;/r> d1rlrii;lf"/'Jl?7'Jr"rf{' ,j.4.;;// ~::J~/?I/PCL. {)ES'C 380-.3 d-3(J4- -/tJ C~) J1't:JJ//cJo J70r /t=:r.\' L-h17 ,7' r>#.:Jr;:;JM;e /'7 7'1'r.!7 / ~-/ d(> l5''corv/c~ -~fUI'oYJft<'Y7t- ThAf arprl Tn hp ir~D.t r/erir ':;/ ~// T/hJP('> CoveR FIN.., (iF)'c.. T:z1/", //()-/6(;-)) ..,.......~ ,/ .HS~I!:CTOR . ACCOM.....NIED BY '.. ... Elltrical InSpeCt10~~eport PW-I3 (Rev. 3-78) 726-3753 WIRING INSTALLER ~//,.. k,e ~/ t7 r~a./1JJ ADDRESS ,/ c!C6'# lei: OR TOWNI AD~"ESSOFINSTALLATIDN ~/ '?.:t: #.;::)/17 \ ri:' ~ ' ~ TnE OF ST".~CT~". /I'.;}, J?-7.,o -/Y',ot::.7 -: USED, Tr p ~n.-ltJ{"6,.z~<T DATE -2:::.// -A r WIRIHG METHOD: NOH-METALLIC SHEATHED CABLE ~OREO CABLE ~NOUIT ~ POWER CO. OWHER , ADORES.... ICITY OR TOWNI CNANGES D"DE"ED An'~/l - c-/t.y D;2, f...,& "c;'y,c J),/,:T - At/:- !//c,t Yrl~J' ; J',;:>/U. !).>Il of) I?tl>//c Ir'Odi- Aft... LaYNe I ~ /h....LI"_p Pcuz.r.~"..:J F'I;O 7)prl ,-pat/tort ;:7'>1 :"?"PP"'r,~Y7 /1// rh,o , 1 1'/ /, -, I / /.- e.r?~T.,.lr.:J/ QJA'/~::,/P/'l/l/pm,cl-1/ hi,::),;" rl,'J)/dl/l"f,.,,-f .oT TJ;,a r9h/Jt...I~ //p/;,.,../ ,:::)'-;' p" ..f?eJ/eri/Pd We)~e-. r/'e...Lqj/rJi/l/"::J-cZ.t.L.d..c~ //rj nf clp ;;'"t<;> j-J,;;> t- ril',o/?? /L.La/.::JI//J 1-7 ""~/h,o ()/fOQn'1 F/pc-rrkri/ ' I ~,o("'/;.;,i7 ~d.o (0 -s.f"(,~) ~nrlr? N? ("/iJ1.r>/',,!prpr! h..v7~rrlrJ;.'(> T"'._ ,//)Pr.('~npl rJ'J?dpypr!:;,.. ./)UP ta....ae..p.;"/Pr1...tL:7/7 /'~rn?/c...f' 7-7-.7LL.t.t"f'> "f/t.6..e_.a/ter:..e..d '::)'YJd ?;J~N / uJ/,-/')J(7 . ''/10/1/ hP rprr'///ypd ihat' rA p ~",rre{"'/;'c!2Z.<f> h... h-1..vde //}/:ihh1 <;0 rl..:nf..('.o r - 'J7~f/l"e r'J.':YJrI rill /JJ/'~/)-]O LI'~rl// hI'" bp7./;.,~n-},o,./ ho flU p"?r>/i'/r..>1 . ;/ / . 1 C/'J17 fT';}(" tm- . ()n"Jon Admo7/:dj-,;l!;,/J/{'> /!,obr- (I') 4 R) 2..2. -/ It) , !~1'.k 1",.,,-.1J7/'/:(' ")~-?y Ap ,'JAr.:J/11,o-L"l f th.a I ~ m~,,,T. "f'J /l-h/-'r ~'J"'k(>, 2..z"'5" 1I1.6L'J, /?,c,; I/,,-P"'/./I))"P 77-'1-77. , Thdl1Jyn/./ t,r LlL.//T" ('tN] opr,:,/'/nY1 /n rl11:(' n., ;;t..fer. Q, / 1 1 1".'. l/}(I ,..1"10 I: .- . . . ~p //J~ . (' h,~.P J/./;;:tr/'!J/I ;:1,0 (" j-Y'/r.:J 1 ,I,'1..!'~P~l~ ' , ~/t! df-' I ~nl'''/. /" .. , " . COVER _ FINA' -,-----_.- IH!lP'ECTOR . ....CCOMP'ANIEO BY _' -;.;" ..'-." - .: ::8'3 ("2!t5 'Y -' ,- , , , 1?~~~~~:~I~;~Ti~.?- ::'::i1;;~;~?:~:.~':f;~:~;~}:"~'t;:::~"\':T:_:;:?'_::~ DEPARTME~_T INSPEC,!ION c' 'ADD~ESS ~j ~'):,..';"c:..;:".,',:-';;';::" -<;~'.:;-.:-'" PHONE 7L1t.- o6.z 4.:::,,,,:,,,, ~?~~~~Wg~i;~~:';~itt:~;'~..%)i\;iA~J,~j~~7j~~?jiiGt~~€.}~~~~fitf,i,~r~~,i~z~ A. ELECTRICAL . __" . t ,. DIscontinue use ot exlenSlon cordi In lieu 01 permanent wiring. ..... . . 2. Each outlet box shall have a cover faceplate or fixture canopy. ': -- - 3 Maintain 36" clearanca In front 01 electncal panel. . .'. '. . 4. Malnt8m winng In good condillon and protect Irom damage. - . - .,'- 8.E~ M . - 12.1().4{b) 1. Remove unapproved lOCks or latches from axlt doors. . ' . ~. 12.104{b) ,. - 2. Unlock all exit doors during business hours. . .,," " "., 12.103(a}.' - 3. Remove obstructions from exits, alslas. corridors and stairways.' " .. 12.105(f)','-", Remove obstructions lrom smoke doors and maintain to operate properly. ':" 12.104~ ',,' '~ - 5. Repair or maintain exit door and hardware to operate properly..~' . ".'. . ...;.- - 7'";~' ~...~,:..:. C. EXITLlGHTINQ '.... ,..;",-:..,.-,~-,. ..;,., " -''';,.:' 12.113(C)' 1. Maintain lighting lor exit sigN.' -. . " . ':':: " '_~ 12.113(a)' - 2. Provide lighting lor corridor1l, stairways end exterior exitwaya. ..:.~. : 12.113(a) - 3. Exits shall be Illuminated at all times the building is occupied. ~ .:~. " D." FIRE EXTINGUISHERS .. , : :1 A /0 I) L- ' .-..,.. - ;; Y' 1. Provide J eKtingulsher(8) or a minimum rating. . -.....-2. Moun1 eiiin'gijrsher where readily aval18Dle. wl1n top not higher than 5 fHt. ~Post signs indicating location where extinguishers are not readily visible. ~ Service and tag each extinguisher annually and alter use:. . .' E. FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS . 1, Maintain access to and operation of standpipes. lire hose. sprinkler \lal\l_ and fire hydrant(s):' -:-- 2. Inspect and test sprinkler system and maintain recorda. - 3. Identify sprinkler valves and standpipes and. secure in open position. - 4. Provide spare sprinklers (6 minimum) and sprinkler wrench. . - 5. Inspect and serviCe hood and duct extinguishing system o\ler COOking equipment 6. Replace damaged. corroded or painted sprinkler heads. - _J4-,~u('e p ~ >-~4 _ I .f(.(L Iii I _vo (I I (I tie" /- ,f't I r Jj"<- _______ I ____ ~ : /,/' I / I /- 1/ ,,',' I -t~" ;."" c. A._ I I -.. I I . - :,,"YOU,.AR~,~~R~~I.~~,~DTl, ,C~O~~E~_TTt.~B:~,V~V!~L~~~O~~WI,~~IN,. 1/ DAYS... -,' ,'''. '.', - ::'.19;~:'R:~~~~~; !~' ~;:E'P~~N~;~~ -~URt_ ~o~ '~.~'~~;~T;~5r~-r;~~A ~i~~',:v~~;s~:~i~~:~::7.J ~~.~;\ .'.;~ ::<~:' ::.:~ '. iNSPECTOR-j;;~:,_J,- <."....,,~~!;..".:.........co.._ L-;-l'..'.,,:;' OATE 7~,q~!i'?;. ,-:;,..c"":'.:',::.".4458:';'" ,. ~.....: " I': UFC SECTION 11.404 . 11.404 . 11.404. 11.404 ~. 10.301(a) 10.301(a) 10.301(a) to.301{a) 10.302(a) .10.302(8) 10.302(a) 10,302(a) 10.313 10.302(a) 10.402' 10.401 11.408 79.103(1) 79,103(2) 79.104 79.402(b) 79.111 79.402(a) 79.109(81 79.110 11.406ldl l1.406(d) 11.201(b) 10.313 11.201(b) 12.103(e) 11.203(b) 11.203(b) l'.203(b) 4.101 4.102(a) / 13.101 10.208 10.207 14.107' -;- .~' '.' . ~~.'.. "".:: '.," ." I"::" -~~~. ..L.:....:. l~/:~~;J::.7, ~~;:~ ...~-..;:......:o. ."h." ~ ....,. ',r' VIOLATION REMARKS' ....... }:> ' CJV/~:r-: I~.". ,......,.-. ~.lr;I-...'; r\ /';' ;,..-j~~. \- I'.J " ~~n','7,..~.,.t.~:.."'::' / , .:,-,,',,;:, -~ -'-" I . f(~ \41 c....-- '-:v~pea V' I l- 1M -I rlC- t). L ::f.":'5''i.-,,~,~,- ' , I c.-~ :-C..::. '..._,_ ' ., f,.. j' I;:.. ,.:.,. I I'~ I I I I I I ,. ,- ..... .~""-,- . .. ...~; . ", ...")/'..1"'1.11(..... ... ~,.6 .,. F. FIRE SEPARATIONS 1. RemO\lG obstructions from Iir. doors and maintain to operate properly. - 2. Seal unapproved openings with approved material. - 3. Keep attic access and scunle openings closed. G. FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS 1. Reduce Class I to less Ihan 5 gal. inside or 10 gal. outside without permit 2. Reduce Class II & III to 25'gal. inside or 60 gal. outside without permit. - 3. Remove liquidS not stored in original containers or closed metal containers. - ... Remove flammable liquidS not used for maint. in assembly bldgs., offices, apts. or motels. - 5. Discontinue use of Class I liquidS (gasoline. etc.) for cleaning. - 6. Store liquids away Irom corridors, eisles, stairways and exit areal. - 7; Discontinue dispensing trom containers exceeding 5 gal. or provide pump taking luction Irom top. - 8. Discontinue the discha;ge of liquidS into drains or on the ground. I I H. HEATING APPLIANCES ,. Remove combustibles and storage from heater aree or room. 2. Provide clearance between heal prOducing appliance and combustible material. L HOUSEKEEPING ,. Remove or store rubbish. waste material. oity rags in closed metal containers. 2. Clean grease fUters and hood duct system o\ler COOking appliance. = 3. Pro~ide approved waste contaln8f1 for combustible waste. J. STORAGE ,. Remove storage trom exits. aisles, corridors and on or under stairways. 2. Arrange storage in orderly manner and provide tor exiling and fire department accell. - 3. Remove storage 10 18" below le\lel of sprinkler (36" tor storage piled over 12 feet high). - 4. ReduCe slorage height 10 at leest two teet below ceiling. K. PERMITS ,. Obtain a permil Irom the Fire Pr8\lenUon Bureau, or discontinue. 2. Comply with permit regulations. L MISCELLANEOUS 1. Post and enforce No Smoking signs. - 2. Provide address in such a position as to be visible and legible from the st. fronUng property.' - 3. Remove obstructions and provide access in fire lanes. - ... Secure all compressed gas cylinders in upright position with name of product. . M. OTHER' '.: . Dr.<.: !IJ;" ,;;;u k' (I,'-~..J ".' . -t ~-,j'( I....... ','~.~i'i '. .-' I. 'J' , , , r/ /', k ~) ~).'I L:;: <<. ~ . .: ~ ":'..-...:. - J,f." "'. ''''. ~. - .' . - .. .-'.-. '.-:.C:.,' .":- .'. .: ~':~~.;:; . . . " . ....~.' .'.' . .. -: ~-. , .".". ," ',;';'l' .'.', ...., " .. ' ,- ,.... " ~.: .:2.-. . ;.... ,,',. .-. ..; '.-..., ; . e . FIRE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION 'OCCUPANCY NAME -r" ~ " 1" c c., CLASS . ADDRESS '113 ~ P? am S'r BUS. PHONE OCCUP,NAME BUilDING OWNER ADDRESS _CODE SECTION I I * I '/ I I I I I -)f' I .1 I I 1/ I I HOME PH. PHONE VIOLATIONS I I I I I \: . I I 1(,/cI;.1 <l.1l ') I /1 I ice. ~ - if ,-/.5 8 1? p (:u,< -=- --I-r, , ,c I:?cl/'l,~n/ J n '=, "~c.:lcr Il'c? (.....l f f!p (-.( ~"i"" ~ l' l-f)IJ'Oj ~ ~ YRJ'J'Vl.1f- ND - J(e ~'';i'E- J?;"e(),~.,h~- ..', / p/lh '- --k ro't' ?nl~r boot/._ YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED TO CORRECT THE ABOVE VIOLATIONS WITHIN DAYS. VIOLATIONS: Noted OATE 7- ~'- s3 ABATEO SIGNED: INS~ECTOR ';;<';-..-U't-vl co. J5 - 2- NUMBER