HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 8/5/2009 :City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Development Issues Meeting (DIM) ReqJired Project Information (APplicant; co~plete this section) . - I ' . _ + . ~ Prospective Applicant Name: WiJlamalane Park and Recreation District Icompany: IAddress: I I Prospective Applicant's Rep.: Colin McArthur, AICP [company: IAddress: , I Property Owner: Multiple - See Attached Statement ICompany: IAddress: I I Multiple - See Attached I ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: St"tement TAX LOT NO(S): Multiple - See Attached Statement [property Address: Multiple - See Attached Statement [Size of Property: 6.9 I I Description of If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application. Proposal: Construction ofa 4-mile long Multi-Use Path between Dorris Ranch Living History Farm and Clearwater Park 1 Existing Use: Parks and Recreation, Open Space, Quarry and Mine Operations 1# of Lots/Parcels: N/A IAvg. Lot/Parcel Size: N/A I " Prospective Applicant: Phone: 541.736.4055 WiJlamalane Park and Recreation District .Fax: 541.736.4043 250 S. 32nd. Street, Springfield OR 97478-6302 " Phone: 541.485.7385 Cameron McCarthy Gilbert & Scheibe Fax: 541.485.7389 160 E. Broadway, Eugene OR 9740 I " Phone: Fax: Acres [S] Square Feet D sf 1 Density: N/A du/acre fi~J.. ^ A[>>~^_tO~ Date: g 4-03- J~nature ~~ Reb~ Gl~~ I 'E~v\c- P\o\t\\i\&V Print - 1- ~ - - - - - -- ..- - . - Re uired Pro"ect Information _ _ _ _ _ (Cit Intake Staff: com tete. this sectiC?n) TOTAL FEES: $ I i :~ Date: ~ I C:;/OC; Reviewed by: ~ ITechnical Fee: $0 Ipostaqe Fee: $0 I PROJECT NUMBER: ~~~I '7 ~ " AUG - 5 2009 ? "Ub1- - csm 50-rz:.uW}, b ( M Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 3 Original SUbmittal Development Issues Meeting Process The purpose of a Development Issues Meeting is to give an applicant the opportunity to discuss his/her development proposal with the development review staff of the City, The discussion can' be general or specific, depending on the details provided with the application. A Development Issues Meeting provides information to an applicant related to the current development conditions and standards of the City. The Development Issues Meeting is not a land use decision and does not confer any development rights, establish any conditions, or bind the applicant or the City to any course of action. The meeting conveys the status of known development opportunities and constraints. The status may change over time as development conditions or standards change. 1. Applicant Submits a Development Issues Meeting Application . The application must conform to the Development Issues Meeting Submittal Requirements Checklist on page 3 of this application packet. . Development issues meetings are conducted every Thursday. . We strive to conduct the development issues meetings within three to four weeks of receiving the application. . The applicant's proposal is circulated to the relevant staff in preparation for the meeting. 2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Development Issues Meeting . The applicant and any design team should attend the development issues meeting. . The meeting is scheduled for one hour. . Staff attending the meeting will be prepared to discuss the issues raised in the submittal by the applicant. Other issues raised during the meeting may also be discussed. . The meeting is informal and the City will issue no staff report. Date Received: AUG - 5 2009 . ~ I: . .1 ' :'. . Original Submittal , ,': ~. Revised 1/1/08 Molly Mar,karian 2 of 3 Development Issues Meeting Submittal Requirements Checklist [S] Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula. A copy of the fee schedule is available at the Development Services Department. The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal. [S] Development Issues Meeting Application Form [S] Five (5) Questions - list specific questions the applicant would like staff to answer during the meeting. So that each question may be fully evaluated, the list is limited to five questions. [S] Ten (10) Copies of the Proposed Plan - suggested information valuable for staff to review the pmposal is listed below. It is not necessary to include all of these items on the site or plot plan. However, applicants are encouraged to address as many as possible given that the level of information that will be derived from the meeting is commensurate with the level of detail provided in the application. Applicants are also encouraged to include additional information on the plan as listed in the Springfield Development Code (SDC) 5.12-120, Land Divisions - Partitions & Subdivisions - Tentative Plan Submittal Requirements or 5.17-120, Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements. [S] Drawn in ink on quality paper no smaller than 11" x 17" [S] Scale appropriate to the area involved and sufficient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1''' = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100' [S] North arrow [S] Date of preparation [S] Street address and assessor's map and tax lot number [S] Dimensions (in feet) and size (either square feet or acres) of the development area D Location and size of existing and proposed utilities, including connection points . D On-site drainage collection system and flow patterns, the size and location of drain lines and catch basins, dry wells, and natural drainageways to be retained D Area and dimensions of all property to be conveyed, dedicated, or reserved for common open spaces DIMs Related to Land Divisions D Approximate location, number and dimensions of proposed lots D How streets in the proposal area connect with existing streets _I DIMs Related to Site Plan Review D Proposed and existing buildings: location, dimensions, size (gross floor area), setbacks from property lines, distance between buildings, and height Area and percentage of the site proposed for buildings, structures, driveways, sidewalks, patios and other impervious surfaces Parking and circulation plan Date Received: D [S] AUG - 5 20U9 Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian Originai Submittal~3_of. L._ I~ Brs CAMERON McCARTHY GILBERT SCHEIBE LANDSCAPE . ARCHITECTS LLP t) . .......,.. 160 East Broadway. Eugene Oregon 9740] Tel 541.485.7385 Fax 541.485.7389 www.cmgsla.com - TRANS.....ITTAL \ ~Q:_-__ .City_of SpringfieTd~ J Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 DATE: PROJECT: PROJECT No: TRANSMITTED: DISPOSITION: Herewith Separate Cover By Carrier Other D COPIES: ITEM: I DIM Form I DIM Statement 10 Site Plan REMARKS: Signed For Information For Reply For Approval ,J August 5, 2009 Middle Fork Willamette River Loop Path 0628G D DATED: No PAGES: 8/5/09 8/5/09 8/5/09 3 .3 7 The Applicant will provide an overall Site Plan and 'aerial photo overlay showing project . 'context at the DIM meeting for staff review. COPIES TO: Owner Architect D File Electrical Civil Contractor BY:'e,v. Date Received: AUG - 5 2009 Original Submitl~1 ....... Colin' G. McArthur, AICP 225 Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 9747L 541-726-3759 Phone . '":ity of Springfield Official Receipt Oevelopment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT #: 3200900000000000566 Date: 08/05/2009 1:30:59PM Job/Journal Number ZON2009-00021 Description UGB Development Issues Mtg Amount Due 521.00 $521.00 Payments: Type of Payment Check Item Total: Check Number Authorization Paid By Received By Batch Number Number How Received WILLAMALANE PARK & REC tj 78341 In Person plST Amount Paid $521,00 Payment Total: $521.00 Date Received: AUG - 5 2009 original Submittal cRcceintl Page I of I 8/5/2009 ~...'!_~ -, I~ CAMERON McCARTHY GILBERT SCHEIBE TO: LANDSCAPE ARCHrrECTS LLP M E M 0 R A N,D U M . City of Springfield . Dev~lopment Services Department 225 5'" Street' Springfield, OR 97477' FROM: Colin McArthur, AICP , . , Fred Willer, OBEC Pat French, WPRD Rebecca Gershow, WPRD 'Greg Hyde, WPRD CC:' DATE: August 5, 2009 " REGARDIN G: . Middle Fork Willamette River Loop .Path 1 , " . Springfield DIM Statement ,. . INTRODUCTION . ,', '. , ..' ." This statement contains project location information and specific land use questions for tile proposed Miadle Fork Willamette River Loop Path project. ' , '. ". . , . LOCATioN. . The assessor's map number,. tax lot, zoning designation, owner, size, and site address for parcels associated with the Project within Springfield jurisdiction 'are identified in the Table below. ' 18-03-01-00 PL PUBLIC LAND & OPEN SPACE SUB 2,S8 18-03-01-00 PL PUBLIC LAND & OPEN SPACE METRO ROCK 46.73 ~6k-~ ' 18-03-01-00 QM QUARRY & MINE OPERATIONS DSL 9.05 v".,s 18-03-02-00 QM QUARRY & MINE OPERATIONS ALLEN 42.05 " /8-03-02-00 PL PUBLIC LAND & OPEN SPACE WPRD 177.81 780 DORRIS 5T . I 18-03-11-00 PL PUBLIC LAND & OPEN SPACE IWPRD 75,07 I 18-03-12-00 QM QUARRY & MINE OPERATIONS I REINAGEL 3.17 . ..,...... SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING (DIM) QUESTIONS Overview: The Applicant (WPRD) previously conducted a DIM meeting with the City of Springfield in May 2007 during which it was confirmed that the proposed Project w?uldneed to obtain I) Type III Willamette Greenway Overlay District Development (Greenway Setback Line Not Established), 2) Type III Discretionary Use, 3) Type II Site Plan Review', 4) Type I Floodplain Overlay District Development,and 5) Typ~ I Tree I~ - . .: ' . '. F~lIing p.e.Smit. approvals from the City of Springfield. Date Received: /60 East Broadway Eugene Oregon 97401 Tel 541.485.7385 Fax 541.485.7389 www.cmgsla.com \;t. .', , . .. AUG - 5 2009 t,: I j .V . "'r. Original Submittal ~....';/ .~. -' Middle Fork Willamette River Loop Path Springfield DIM Statement 2 The Applicant requests representati--:es from Springfield Planning, Fire and life Safety, Public Works (PW) Transportation, PW Engineering, and PW Environmental at the DIM meeting. I) Permit Expiration: The Project is proposed to be constructed in multiple phases. Phase I will involve construction of the segment from. Clearwater Park to Quarry Creek. Phase 2 will involve construction of the segment from Quarry Creek to Dorris Ranch. Phase I will occur entirely within Lane County jurisdiction. Phase 2 will occur entirely within Springfield jurisdiction. The Applicant notes the following exception for the Quarry Creek Bridge, which may be constructed in Phase I. Portions ofthe proposed Quarry Creek Bridge, are within Springfield jurisdiction: Phase I constru~tion is scheduled to begin in spring 20 I 0, pending Lane County approvals. Phase 2 " construction is contingent upon additional funding and may be several years out. In the Project written statement, the Applicant will request that the <;:ity of Springfield and Hearings Official grant project approval through 2020. As part of the Site Plan revie'o,V process, the Applicant will be required to execute a Development Agreement. SDC 5: 17-140 states that the Development Agreement and Final Site Plan are valid for (2) years 'from the date the document is signed. A (I) year "" extension may be granted by the Director. The Applicant would prefer" that the Development Agreement be extended over a (10) year period. . Will the City grant the, Applicants request to allow t;levelo'pri,ent to occur through 2020, without having to re-apply for any permits, "and extend the Development " Agreement over a (10) year period? 2) Greenway Setback Line Establishment: As noted above, Project parcels within Springfield jurisdiction are located' outside the City limits. The aforementioned parcels do- not have an established Willamette Greenway"Setback line. SDC 3.3~325 states that any request for development approval on land without an established Setback line must be accompanied by an application for establishment of the Greenway Setback Line. Standards for the establishment of the Greenway Setback,line.are derived from Section .C.3 of Goal 15 and contained in SDC 3,3-325. Aside from these standards, are there any other standards or criteria the Applicant should follow in proposing a Green~ay Setback Line, or any_recommendations on , behalf of the City? ' . 3) Riparian Mitigation: Adjacent to "the Middle.' Fork'of the Willamette River the riparian area boundaryis-75,feet upland from" the tOp of-bank (SDC 4.3-115A.1.). Pedestrian trails, bikeways, and water dependant or water. related uses are permitted'in Riparian Areas under SDC4.3-115B.6-8. Portions of the path are proposed within th',! riparian setback. SDC 4.3-115C.6. requires restoration and enhancement.of riparian areas that are degraded of riparian functions. As previously discussed with City staff, in addition to restoration of riparian areas impacted by path construction, the Applicant proposes a lA-acre mitigation project'(consisting of riparian restoration and enhancement) to occur in the riparian area on the former Georgia Pacific property.,which is jointly owned by WPRD, Springfield. and SUB. to mitigate"for riparian impacts associated with path .construction. The proppsed restoration site is located within Lane County. " . What info~mation (plans, narrative, etc.) will be required to _document and approve the restoration' and enhancement proposal as part of the Springfield land use -- applications? 'Date Received: AUG - 5 2009 August S. 2009 Original Submittal CMGS ".. Middle Fork Willamette River Loop Path Springfield DIM Statement 3 4) Approval Timelines: Construction of the Project is scheduled to begin in Spring 20 I 0, pending Lane County and Springfield land use approvals. In order to allow sufficient time for bidding, procurement 9f construction permits, and construction staging, the Applicant needs to obtain all land use permits by December 31, 2009. The Applicant intends to submit concurrent Springfield land use applications on or before September I, 2009. . What can the Applicant doto assist the City. in expediting the land use review, process? , Date Received: AUG - 5 2009 Original Submittal August S. 2009 CMGS " . -,1 LEGEND -rD.....Y-rD\fY-fD'oIY- -rtP-F'U'-rLP-n.p-fLP- ----'*----->lIt....----->.IIL.:....----"*--_ -~-'^"-/----;-- -------: 485 ______ <' SITE BOUNDARY FEMA FLOODWA Y FEMA 10o-YEAR FLOODPLAIN WILLAMETTE GREENWAY BOUNDARY RIPARIAN SETBACK BOUNDARY ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK (OHW) TOP OF BANK (E) CONTOURS See Note #9. ".' --- --- -DL"-!L'W-!lL\i-IlL....-IlL-"'- Qt. " -. --- (E) OVERHEAD ELECTRIC ORDINARY LOW WATER MARK (OLW) (E) TREES to remain LANE COUNTY/CITY OF-SPRINGFIELD BOUNDARY GENERAL NOTES' 1, Survey information from survey developed in 2008. by: OBEC Consulting Engineers 920 Country Club Rd" Suite 100B ,Eugene, OR 97401 T: 541,683-6090 F: 541-683-6576 Survey: August - November 2008 2. WilIamette Greenway Boundary information derived from Eugene/Springfield Metropoloitan Area Map Diagram, 3, FEMA Floodway/Flood Plain information provided by OBEC Consulting Engineers, 4. Top of High Bank derived from combination of survey contours and aerial photography. 5, Soil types on the site are-classified in .the Lane County Soil Survey: Di~o~ville-Philomath-Hazelaircomplex, . Chehalis silty clay loam, occasionally flooded, Newberg loam, floodplains, and Panther silty clay loam, poorly drained soils, swales, benches on foothills adjacent to valleys of the Willamette River. .' 6. Protect trunks, limbs, roots, and root zones of existing trees to remain. See Tree Preservation and" Removal'Plan for ten:aporary existi~g tree protection. 9. For graphic legibility, only existing 5-ft contours shown. . For existing 1-ft- contour'information, refer to Grading Plans, ,- Date Received: AUG - 52009 _"D\S.l~ V WI '" Original SubmittaL . r ,\:\;~.~ k ~ J>fc...# - - ,. -. .---~ '.. ,', a.u. c 8tr::~1 irffl1:f ,...Dlu.....C.'..CTln. T........._ ....- -",-- -..- --- @m@@l)! JIjlIO(O~~@1F mMiIilmllW~'ii'U@OO ~@H;w&",y ~ooni!~~l!ni!~ $~@1rI!@IJ! did ,corporat~GrJi<e:920. ""'"".cwgPOO'SUI.rErOCfJ.EUGENE.OIlEG'JN~r,jJlro3!l I: CONSULTING SOOSSW/ol&llOl\'S/lON}, SUl1EI20LAlriOSWi:GO,OIlEG0N9J'035.42l18 ~ ENGINEERS 2235 IliSSIC'IV SmEET Sf. swe f'jJ SJW1, ORfGOO mJ2.1295 ~ ""'~,OOec,ron ,l33:'lPOPl)llDllM'MtD'ORD,OI!EIJO'If!1l5Ol-52IJ1 MIDDLE FDRK WILLAMETTE RIVER LDDP PATH -s.2ND - CLEARWATER-PARK , CITY OF S'PR!NGFIELD LANE COUNTY DeSign Team Leader - BM Designed 8'1 - 8M/eM Drafted By - KO/CM.. NDTES -AND LEGEND SHEET ~O. LO.l , / / Proposed Bike Racks (6) Proposed Restroom /\ /\ , \ // .' / \ / \ / \ , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ " " --~--- " 1\ I I I \ I \ / \ I \ \ \ '" '\ II , ", /b,C),:>-1\ /-~ \ / , / ' / ' -..~/ " , " , " , '-""""'-'- ;E - ---; n ;!: ~ ......------- --, / I / \ , ", ~ + ~ ~ ------------ , , " ......'-......,...... /', \,----_/'j~! / \, \ .rtu~~, . -, q.-~\Jm!J1"~> Jillliijlllll~~/ d ! I \ I I \j I I I I J ~ ~ ~ ---; r Proposed Benches -----..... \ \ " -- -480----__ ____ / / , \ \ \ \ I '~ 1-' \ \ \, 1..........._--- , I \ I \ I \ I \ I \ , I I LEGEND LIMIT OF WORK lJ',NE COUNTY/CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BOUNDARY WILLAMETTE GREENWAY BOUNDARY --- --- --- --- (E) OVERHEAD ELECTRIC ~ PROPOSED ASPHALT PATH ~ (E) TREES to remain ~ PROPOSED PLANTING Date Received: ..p1B~~ . ~... '(, . -/"-.,/-/'-./- FEMA FLOODWA Y BOUNDARY FEMA 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN BOUNDARY ORDINARY HIGH WATER LINE (OHWL) n n n n n PROPOSED COMPOST BERM AUG - 5 2009 .~\:~~ k ~ "R...# -rD....y-..rNy-FD....y- -FLP-FLP-fU"-fLP-fLP- .~""""~~"""""""~~~v~,,,,v'(jY.)); PROPOSED FLOATING TURBIDITY BARRIER Original Submittal gCAlIlIlll.ONOlllloC.u.THT (lIL'IlITt..CUIlI.. L....u.....C.'..onLL. ....- -......,." -..--- _QL...._llL......,....O"'...._IlLV_OL....--::- ORDINARY LOW WATER LINE (OLW) RIPARIAN SETBACK BOUNDARY PROPOSED SUPPORTED SEDIMENT FENCE 'iF @~IO~ OOi'_IOWIi'@II'~li'@mrJl.OOOO 'IJ@NJJW&!P.V _OO""'IJ~~ $~@'il00l SCALE: 1',100' ~ fij-iO' , ft4 Corporot.omc.:9roCOJN'lR'/CLlf.l/nlASUlTEJOCl'lEUGfNf.0RE.G0N9l4QHJJJ9 I: CONSlILnNG ~SW~ROAO.SoorI2!lu.n.0S\IfG0,OIIffiON9/035-128B ~ ENGINEERS 22J5Iol.sstCWSfflWSE.S/.Jl'!:100!JWI.,OOfGONm:12-\2)S ~ _.obec.OOIl'l 133SPCPWIDRNEMfDFORD.OREGOtI9/5lU-5<'Q7 _____--->lIt..-~---->llL-_ t;"""""""""""",;;;;,:: PROPSED UNSUPPORTED SEDIMENT FENCE TOP OF BANK ------ 485__ __~_ (E) CONTOURS See Note #9, MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH S.2ND . CLEAR WATER PARK CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - 8M Designed By - BM/CM Drafted By - KD/CM MIDDLE FORK LOOP PATH SHEET NO, SITE PLAN Ll.O \ o ~n ~\~-==__ :::; "\, I ',. !- '---- --_/ " ttl --- \',,', ~ I', ...........___-.. w w ~ , , ---.::~ _0__--------____ --------------- ~--------- ---------..... " ---- " ---- ------510-..... " / // A9a------/ N o + o -0-- - - -- -505-- __ __ ----- --- ------ " ~ N + ~ " " z ~ u '< " //. " , , , , , - --...... / / / " , " /, / , / """" / / / / / / ....---195-, -----------~-:'- . ", , " , , , " ----_/ / / - , , / / / / ." ,~ / '......! '..... "'...., . '- -'..... " ".....,~' " , , , , , , " " , , 7$", s: '.....,..... ~ ;!: Z m " //- ----490-------- ........----- //' , , , , , ''-,- . , , " ::", ,,' ""-''- / / / / / / / / :/ / .....---.:: / ' / ' / .''', / ' / / / / / , , , , , '" ", " , , , , - " ----<135__ ------ I , / ,- , , , Rest Area wllhbel1ch ___;0;0- VJ o ''+y . Os---, o '-'-" '- -,- , , , , , , -"'''-'-,- ..........'-,......- '-', ......, -, ~---- --- -185_____ / / ':: + ~ '" --480------- ---------- --------- ~ m m '- ~ ~ ~ r -----475-__ / I"~ I , I / -'170_____,,/ //---- / , / '- ----- " ------ Date Received: LEGEND " AUG - 5 2009 ~\S.:.~<- . SITE BOUNDARY. --- --- --- --- (E) OVERHEAD ELECTRIC ~ PROPOSED ASPHALT PATH Original submittaL = SllWItMcCNlTK'I' F 1a.OIlEOON~ ~ ..#'.... - FD....V - rINY -FO'olY- FEMA FLOODWAY / -lILIJ-lLW-DLIJ-DLIo'-lIL\(- ORDINARY LOW WATER MARK (OLW) ~ PROPOSED PLANTBED R ij1t'1:~ii ..rCClf'tm ,""...O........c.'U<"T.<u r....'.l>-nD .....-......,-- -.....-- -FLP-FLP -rLP-FLP -FLP- FEMA 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN WILLAMETTE GREENWAY BOUNDARY Qt. (E) TREES to remain ---->Ilt.----1IIL---->llL..---->llt...-_ RIPARIAN SETBACK BOUNDARY IT @WiII!~m"_[!;mr@l'~m,,'Ii1I@1! OO#l.rM#l.'f ~OO~OO~'W'~OO@$~~ -/"-./-/"-./- , ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK (OHW) LANE COUNT,Y/CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BOUNDARY 100' I ~ . .. Corporole Office:920CCIUN TRY cws RMJ, SUfrEfiXlJBK'Bi ''''' GOO_1740f{iljg - , . CONSULTING m 51\' loffIlX}NS ROl.O, SUlIE120 w.E O$WEGO. ORR>Ol< ~~8Ii . ENGINEERS m5M1SS1ONSTREflSE.SlJ1TEfOOSALEI.l.OI'rocw97)J2.1290 '''';Ir<)boc(l:)'l1 1335"PC!PlNIDRNEMWFOIJlJ, (JRf00ll975O<.>2C1 _ ----~-485______ (E) CONTOURS See Note #9. 0' 25' 50' ~ '" MIDDLE FORKWILLAMETTE RIVER .LOOP PATH S.2ND - CLEAR WATER PARK CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COUNTY Design Team. Leader - BM Oesigned ~y - BM/CM Drafted By - KD/CM , TOP OF BANK MIDDLE FORK LOOP PATH SCALE: 1"-100' n..r-1 SITE' P LAN -SHEET . NO. Ll.l 1\ \ (7 : .-l \ Ii \l~\ . ":3 . (--' \ f\ \ !6 \ \~ . (0 \ \~ \--e . \ \ v~ , (I \~ \ ' \ ~ \ \ \ \ \ ~ ~ ~.... t / / \ ;; II ~ ltJ I I //1/ ~ / ~( 1/ /e ~ / / I ,('<" 1/ //"~~,...,':i _/ r /// //'~ // // f ./ ..... // ~ // I ../' I ' ,/ /' ~-:; ;--/ ~// - /1 ","'''''J:! -- / ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ I f ~ / / / ~ ,00/ /f' ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ I ~ I / , , '- ==Z~---'95----~ __ _-----11'30--- ----- _--------1----_________ " * . . !t _-~-j _ . --~ / : / .- ./ // 1_/ , -----<j~"://~'.....-----.... '....., , " j-<...----....., "--... ---- / ---_/ ---, /// ...- --- ~ Ie 'l' ~ -----.-- ~ ~ ---- - - / / / / / / / / / / / 00 ~ + M z ~ u '< ::; - ~ . __ _45S~"- I I 1 / // I ~ . I ~ I ~ I \ \' ~ - - / / / -. / / / / / / / / / -_/ \/ .....-......_--, 1 I , \ \ LEGEND ~ PROPOSED ASPHAlT PATH (E) OVERHEAD ELECTRIC -e- -a- -. -e- SITE BOUNDARY FEMA FLOODWA Y _ rINY - fD....V - flJ\lY- ORDINARY LOW WATER MARK (OLW) ~ . Date Received: -DL'J-DL\J-DLIJ-IlI...\I-l!L1,/- 4l)\S~~ ~... '" PROPOSED PLANTBED FEMA 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN -FLP -FtP-F"LI"-FLP-FtP- (E) TREES to remain . ~ =\:":~ k {v "R..# AUG - 5 2009 WILLAMETTE GREENWAY BOUNDARY RIPARIAN SETBACK BOUNDARY --->IIL.-----::lIL----->lIt..----->1iL-_ LANE COUNTY/CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BOUNDARY original Submittal ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK (OHW) ~ C.ulEJ.OM. M<CU,TllV OIL.IlIT&ICHIlIIII u"...c.......nltu...Lu ........,...."'" ....-.....,- -....--- TOP OF BANK r @ilI!ii1ll@OO OOII'_~ @1J''ITIRII\OO$l'I:IiITJl.'ii1IIllOO OO/A'tm/AV !;i!l!lnOO!;!;I'lIil<<! $!!!rn@OO ~ Corporale Offic":92(ICOWrnrClU~f!GIll, SUllflMEUGfJIL OREGON 9140H<<19 " CONSULTING ~SW~RG'J),SlIii'El2'Jl)J([OS',\cGO.OREGON97Q35.4288 . ENGINEERS 22.1S I.IISSII}'I SI'REH Sf Stm 100 S)L[M, OREGON 91X!2.1295 'WWlt,obec,OO'll 1335F(JPURDIltVEVfJJFORD,ORfG(W'/ISOl.5201 _ (E) CONTOURS, See Note #9. ------ 485 ------ IIIDDLE FORK WILLAIIETTE RIVER LOOP PATH S.2ND . CLEAR WATER PARK CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - BM Designed By - BM/CM Drafted By - KD/CM ~ 100 , n..r1 0' 25' 50' SHEET NO, MIDDLE FORK LOOP PATH SCALE: 1"_100' L1.2 SITE PLAN '- " "-. "-. ~ Ii; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "-. "-. "-. "-. '" ro + '" ~ "-. "-. ------. '-...... --===--- ::<: ~ z '" I U \( :;; S9.k ---- --5$17___ ,-- --- - ----- --- - - ___-- Rest Area --__---- <: "< n -~ ~ wilhbel'ld1 ---- - "" ~~--_::~~-~~~-=-- ----~::_::_: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _:. _ _ _ _ f _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ /~ - - -';5=," - - ~.:. - y . _.-:----=--- N~ ~ --=:::':::=-~nCCC.::.;_'50--~-=-.:.:_:;_;;:;~~_=__-::~egin~~II#3--==-=-~~~==~2=~~=s ,~;p~f./DlV ------ ~~-""-_=-.v4~-::::'DL0~DL ___--;::::: ~ -OL'yJ ~OL 'yJ-OL 'yJ- OL 'yJ-OL 'yJ-OL 'yJ-OL 'yJ- OL 'yJ-OL \,I_OL'yJ O( ';=---OL \,I =--i:iCV -OL \,I-OL\,I-OL\,I-"'--OL \,1---- OL \,I-OL \,I-OL \,I-OL 'yJ-O _ r-J _OLVI-- ~ ~_#3 ~ o + '" ~ -,:,,-,-,,-,--,,'~~'-''':'': -:... -~--=--.:."--::: -=OL'yJ--=oC\i=-oc0--or.~-- D~---= >. LEGEND #\~~~ ;: 'I SITE BOUNDARY pate Received: . ~ PROPOSED ASPHALT PATH .. .. .. .. (E) OVERHEAD ELECTRIC -~\;' SO;;"~ k - ~ 1<1<:..# AUG - 5 2009 -FO....V-FOVy-FO....V---'- FEMA FLOODWA Y -OL\/-DL....-lL',/-DL'W-llL....- ORDINARY LOW WATER MARK (OLW) PROPOSED PLANTBED Original Submittal. - ~ -n.P-rLP-Fl.P":..:...rLP-flJ>- FEMA100"YEAR FLOODPLAIN E" .~-c -8tr::~~ irfflm ,..."""........0.,7.<:"'"'L. ,-"..,-- ...._.....1...."'. -...... ---- WILLAMETTE GREENWAY BOUNDARY Qt. (E) TREES to remain -lIlt..-----"*-'---'*----->llt...-_ 1r @~IO@I@jj] mii'_1Om @!i' ~li'@m4ll1J1l@OO OOMWff'.Y ~iII@GOO~~UilGi!@ $~<m@OO RIPARIAN SETBACK BOUNDARY LANE COUNTY/CITY OF SPRINGFiElD BOUNDARY I J SITE PLAN SHEET ,NO. l1.3 ~ CorporoleOmee'!l2OCOO'I'illrCLfEl'G\D,St.mIOClJEUGE!lE.OI'.f.OOIImQ1-f1J/S ,: CONSUWNG !i:Xi'i SW IlOOO'IIS ROAD, SI./m' 120 lAM OSi'IEW, 0AfG0II i7'JJ:..4Z88 ~ ENGINEERS m:;MISSIa>IS7llUrSE.SIJTfl00SAWl.OREGI?'~7ll2.1295 _~ _..oOOcWl'l. IJ35PCW'WlDI!M:/IEDFORD,0I1fG(W~15(J<.l201 -.r--./_.r--./_ ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK (OHW) TOP OF BANK MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH 8.2ND - CLEAR WATER PARK CITY OF S'PRJNGFIELD LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - ,8M Designed By - 8M/eM Drafted, By - KD/CM ------485_ (E) CONTOURS See Note #9, MIDDLE FORK LOOP PATH 0' 25' 50' _ 100' ~..n SCALE: 1:-.100' . /,..:::.,.:~~ ,____// /_ __-- __/.-_ __~__-_':::'-':::,"""':::';:::::::::,,-Oo..... _...... ,__--_ -..... '__...... --___ _0):)- .-_////--- --.----60S---;OO/~O;S So,Q,.......~.o.'_-- \_.....~ /////////",/---~ ,,"..... .-.-....- .....-- _/ _---- _---......--..........,----......:::;................,..... -,".....-.....--..... .......... --. ------....-..../ //'0------/-----~-'C--'"'.--:-;::........../......- ':,.... "'-S"",,,'\ //:;r:::/"/>/'...-V-"--::' ~ ..... ~"'S" '..... --- _/- ..-/ _/ --- ...--- __--::_-__ --..... --;-:::-_.--.....2;-2;::::::,595.....-..... -..... -...................., --....... --------s3a--~2'J--c .-/ /(o"/---::.-/_------::-..:.--:::-;::'~t:,-/..- ....':;'0__//'-' ;.').)/ //,,;-?.--):'---//z..-::::::: --l , _'::-:':. :::::::::::______':'::.:-~~7:r ____-:=:~-:.-:.: ::~::::;;~;-=:- ::;3~ ~ ~ -=~:~ ::::~ ::=:~~':~:;-:~~~~~~__: '::~:::::::::::::-;~~~i:-=:.-=:.-=:.~-::~);;;:f-~~;;-:::- ;~;~"/"/t== -c-r:~ ~F - __:::::: :::3::::~::;-;{~~i~?F;: ~ ___ --...... -..... -..... __ .....".....5:--------------~.:ia.....////- /- \ ..... '- {...... I ,.....".....""$;>,.....--_--.,'..... --_ _-:;;- I" I --=- /.---~-- Begin Wall - ----- ~::::-::.-/~.;;:::r:o") -- m ~~O . \ '--,_--'---_--_-.::-_----::::::..--=---=--:>~, " o_"J_____ --- -----:::--'-'---_ -'" '-:c:c:c---=---=---=---=----c6--=--- -_-_-_-.:-.:--5c~61!\~"c:~ -- ,/ I":! ,::"> " - --@--:;;. - _~=-:=-=---.:--\',---------_4.,Oj- ~ --~-~ - ,~~=;.::..-~::.---=::====.:::G::=-::::::.::.==:..::::~41" - /' ~ '~ '-'~, _,--- - ~' -' --.. "'- -::::=:::::"::-::._~~=~_=_=-:;;=-=-=-~~~jfr;:::// -- :"'--OLyJ\ \ \,/,/ /' /" ) {\.Y, / -------~-.--------.--- ..-: O\...-'J ~--- ~ J OLyJ-- I"'\~ ,/ ..~,- :ij t/' ~ ~OLyJ-- ~('/-------;7/- ~~----... : '. A"O ._~., --~-:...-'~~~ - :::;---:&-:yJ-- y.\ k ......, I.() n ... ,..._... ______ -~n.Al'1"I~.=:::ut..\yf==-tJL-W=---'. /"-../ ~-...-v--""':::: ,.-1\>1-- L. 6 ~--'''----------- ~ - OC;;:=-OLVI Ol" ~DLVI-DLVI-DL\oI-2::ocg-:DL\oI-DL~OL ><:>,'/ -:?:-"'-~ ' ~ ----;;J~6CiT-OLVI- ,/ <1v-2::0L"~"''''~ "- e_ W ~ -V OL - ,/ Y -.----... S-yJ_OL ,/ Iv ~,>--' .5 DL~-OL Begin Wall ,/ '--DL\oI-OL'<I;::;'~ ~ (I '. ,/,/ <flv~~ I ,/,/ ",,-- I ,/,/ 04--::::: ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ,/ ~ ~ + w u. Iii ~ ;li. m ~ r On /" LEGEND SITE BOUNDARY --- --- --- --- (E) OVERHEAD ELECTRIC ~ PROPOSED ASPHAlT PATH r- Date Received: ..n\S~~ ~... '" -1ll'>l-llL'>I-IJL'>I-I1IJ-Ill'>l- ORDINARY LOW WATER MARK (OLW) '~ AUG - 5 2009 . _ FD'>IY - Fa'>lT - FDVT ~ FEMA FLOODWAY WILLAMETTE GREENWAY BOUNDARY ~ (E) TREES to remain Original Submittal. "- ~~7k ~,bjI:..p'" PROPOSED PLANTBED _FLP_FLP-'-FLP_FlJ>_FLP_ FEMA 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN --*---~---->M..---*---_ RIPARIAN SETBACK BOUNDARY LANE COUNTY/CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BOUNDARY a C.ulBlONolloC.uTHT OlLlBU',IolCHBUB L.....U.. ...~"..C'ftH' 1~"'..._ .....-.............. -...--- ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK (OHW) r @~@@OO u:!Ii!l'_MrII"@G'~IiI1J'8>\'I1@OO ll@n!ww....1f ~OO~OOmJj~OO@ $~@'1OO00 MIDDLE FORK LOOP PATH SCALE: 1"-100' 0' 25' SO' 100' rwi I IN e . CorporOleQrfice'920COOIImrCWSOOlD,SliIlIlt:taEUG9If.0RIGON9/olO1-<<l!l!l- I, CONSQLnNG !/XI5.\W~RCIAD, SlIlTEl20JmOS'M"GO, OPlG0Ii9n35-4288 ~ ENGINEERS 22351J1SSION s,llEEr Sf. Sl.mroo S'Wl, ORIGON m)2.r2']5 .", W1Y..OOec.com InlPOPI.AADRIIfMfIlF()RiJ, 0Rf1JCl,'91,04-52(l1 TOP OF BANK MIDDLE FDRK WILLAMETTE RIVER LDOP PATH S.2ND - CLEAR WATER PARK ClTY OF SPRINGFIELD - LANE COUNTY Design Team Leader - BM Designed By BM/eM Drafted By - KD/CM SITE PLAN SKEET ,NO. L 1.4 ~ ,,;-;::;~~'~~~:'i~':5~~~~:?;;~~:;/ ~;?<f:/>;~~:{?~<I/? /:~~ //~ ///.....-......<//////~'0//////////// //~/'// II Ir;:r /' ...../.-// /' ///~1:i'0C):;.o:r/////////// //'>"'//1; /1// / //1/ "" "'-/'----/<"'-////'0"'l:"-//////;/////1 /////1;//; I/.~ I ./ /' /;..---....-.-/// /-;'--;\::I0///,,/~{{///// /I///, \ ///:/~/ /' / /' / / /;/ /1//"'/ / -----/////---c.//';.-////t_'\y/////j/ ////1// II; 1,1/; ~-- _///////..---:.-~a'~/--////'~////,,>///// ///O//////'b~///// ,.'.1// r:40-/ // ..- -.-///-///// // //// //////// to/' /1/<// .-0/_.....///////......__///-.....//////////// \ /////-////////1/; /; ~/ // ..--/.....---;/......-;./////::::-.-:-:.....:>::.-:.-::-/....///::://;::::/ l 1;//./;'-///////"- // / // / / / / ~~ /////////....../__.-/_//....../////// ///////// // // II; / J // ///"CY.....////////- -/ //II/' - // ///~ // // ///{;(J" / ::1.-~:::;/;;~~-;:-:--:;~~~;//;;;;;:;-:/ / //~<,~:>:1':;~/:/-:/1'1'1'1'/~,1"1'1'-"1 1/ /0/ /...-////,/,/",/"/ //" /---//---/~--- ) /////-{//// /// /"-;:!/ // // I'r.o<<cf~ / .....//-::-//.....//EndWall#8/'// ( , //// -/////////~///////tj:,}~0\5~'I/ / / / // / I I \ ~ / / .//~./ ~ / / / /'0 / / / ~" :::,"---:://"';-...-///,// \ \ )/;-:/1;<, /:/:/;~/<///~;;/; ///Y<!J/ -) /;'___//-:::'--::"/,/ ) / 11/1/"/./'/// '>-::.-:;.// /" ~,- A/?j 4 / ,///.....-- B ' W 11#8 --- /1/11////////// / "".//"""", -7 ,q "'-- / / I egln a - /'//I/'//"/<"//I//,/ / /.' -" ';/~v // I / - /, 11/1// --- / / / I ,.;' / :<l ('I' /"/I////-;_/,/"///~//////___ - ,/:/ ~~ -;::--- ///-;./ /--- ---/ // /-/-:. ~-;', t;f)//:/ / /<-:/ --- ---,.... -' , //_1{<:>CJ// // // // /~/I~ II I I/. ,-,,- ....-/;////// // // ////;:" //11/111//11/ , / __-- __ /- / / '/ __ -- 'II$?' /~/ / __ -- / / / /~ /./. / /11.r)1/ '. / / /- /"/"/-; //"...../ / y/"/ //11/1, I ' -- // //" /"/ /"/" / ',I" /"/ I 111// -:'~AS-- _/ // ~ /"/" // /....:.,/IIIII~ ~5I\.O-___-...... -:::">/__--.....---.---////1, ~ ~iif(IDf{fi~~~C V> ~;,G.-;---- t:j :,/ ~ ~ M ~ '" ~ /0 - ~ ~O@ g>CV ~ . ~ C:/,f0 OW S> "- '--~GD" CJ[)/r .~. "e.?J / OJ SI<7/~OI)...-1 t;; cr '~(\ \ , \ ' \ ":- , ",""'" / "'(;)\ ~ -""",0 ." " // ::=-- End Wall #9 z ~ u ~ /" /" --- -FDvr_, '....,. . '....,. '....,. '...... " ......,...... '...... , ......,,~ / Begin Wall #9 LEGEND SITE BOUNDARY ~ .. .. .. .. (E) OVERHEAD ELECTRIC - rrrwy- rD\oIY - rO....Y- FEMA FLOODWAY ORDINARY LOW WATER MARK (OLW) ~ -CL"'~[]L\I~DL'J-DL\oI-DL"'- -rLP-rLP-ru'-rLP-rLP- FEMA 100-YEAR FLOODPLAIN WILLAMETTE GREENWAY BOUNDARY Qt. (E) TREES to remain -lIIl.----->llL---->Ilt..----->llL-_ RIPARIAN SETBACK BOUNDARY LANE COUNTY/CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BOUNDARY -/"-../-/"-../- ORDINARY HIGH WATER MARK (OHW) TOP OF BANK ------ 435 ______. (E) CONTOURS See Note #9, MIDDLE FORK LOOP PATH 0' 25' 50' 100' n.;--1. SCALE: 1"-100' <.5 , . , , , \ . , \ , , \ , , , , , \ ., \ , " , , , , , , \ \ \ \ \ I I I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , , , \ \ \ \ \ \ , \ , , \ \ , \ \ , \ \ , , , \ '_.J \ , , , , , , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ -, , \ \ \ % , , +'10-1./ \ \ +'16,).; ~ + 16j: 9 .\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ~ '" '( \ \ \ I \ -- \ - - - \";.-,- I..~--~ .I;' \....... 'r.......... , I \ \ , \ ~, \ ^ ' , ~.qs"" , J ~.9 '" '_..... -- , <1 '..... '- -J.- 60.0 ..... ';-. +'76'1./ +'1SJ'8 +<152_2 \ \ \ \ , / / 0,' -=--=-!.O - I I I I I / / +</62 +163./ ,$ . , , \ \ +'10/./ \ , "-- PROPOSED ASPHALT PATH Date Received: ~\S~, AUG - 5 2009 . ~~} PROPOSED PLANTBED Original Submittal ECAJi(BI.O"'OlloCAKTHY ' OI....8lT&SCIU1.B L.,.DOu.JO. ...c.,nen LU 1~ ..,...."" .....- .....,....... _00._...._ I IN "/IF @IiIIOOOilllJlOi'MmIOOO'ii' @I" _$ll'@IiI'ii'~'ii'U@i11 116 OO#l.;;W&#l.'f ~mOO~~"~OO!l !i\~~ilJ e C"'poroteOffi<",920COlJNiRrCW~I'(1lD,SLi1rrlIlllEUGENE.0RE00II9Nll,l4lB9 I: CONSULTING = ~ MVOOWS IIQAD, sum' 120 WE OS'NEGO. 0RfG0N ;I']]5..<Z88 , :~~:EC: l~:;::: ;:~:rn~:::~~~~ 9/:lI2.:295 MIDDLE FORK WILLAMETTE RIVER LOOP PATH S.2ND - CLEAR WATER PARK CITY OF S:PRINGFIELD LANE COUNTY OesiQIj Team Leader - 8M Designed By 8M/eM Drafted By KD/CM SHEET NO, SITE PLAN L1.5