HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Field Test & Inspection Report 1996-11-14 ,....... ........ ','-'..' , NOV 14 '% 10:10 FR PS~TL-EUGENE 503 344 2735 TO _3589 P.02/12 , D:;:lE=='l::f;':f 1.- Consfrueflon eoltlJulting . Engineering . Testing November 14, 1996 Mr, Bud Miles Miles L,L,c. P,O, Box 237 Florence, OR 97439 ~ 1-M'i~ RE: STRUCTURAL MASONRY TESTING BOB SHIMP'S TEXACO 41 ST AND MAIN STREET, SPRINGFIELD OREGON Dear Mr. Miles, To summarize masonry testing for your project referenced above, the following tl:l:. occurred: . Grout compressive strength samples were taken from courses 1.3, 4-9, 16-20, ;;nJ 20.26 at the time of grout placement, The compressive strength rf'sults from courses 4-9, 16-20 and 20-26 failed the required strength of 2000 psi, Additionally, courstls 10-15 were not tested. On November 6, in accordance with Froelich Consulting Engineers' request, additional grout samples from courses 12 and 18 were taken lfol11 Ihe in-place wall. The compressive strengths of these retests met the requiremenT .,:' 2000 psi, To date we do not have passing compressive strenath tests for courses 4, 9 and 20-26, .--: Masonry prism samples were originally made on September 25, The compressive sTrength of these samples did not meet the project requirements, In accordance WiTh Froelich Consulting Engineers' request, additional cmu prisms were cut from the In' place wall on November 6 and tested for compressive strength, The retests did not meet the project requirements for compressive strength, 1--.,- The retests indicate that the grout retested meets the strength requirements aft", additional cure time beyond 28 days, but the retested grouted emu prisms do no\. The one component which has not been tested by itself is the cmu unit (ungrouTed, unmonaredl. Vou might consider testing the cmu units supplied for this proiect to determine if they are contributing to the low prism strengths. I hope this clears up what has transpired to date, I have attached copies of all h!/OTllUlti01/ II) DuilJ (iI' PSI. 545 Con\lar $lftlet. EUlJene. OR 97402' Phone 5411464-9212. Fax 541/344.2735 . ~. ',. .' ': ,:. " . : ~ .....' . .' '.": :..~... . .. ., ',' .- ......";, NOV 14 '% 10: Hl FR P_TL -EUGENE 503 344 2735 TO~3b89 P.1iJ3/12 paperwork pertaining to this letter, If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me, Respectfully Submitted. PSI,lnc, , ~ C:);-,,~J) Troy Hull Construction Services Division Manager cc: Bob Barnhart (City of Springfield) Tom Gruszczenski, P,E, (ESU) Michael Persherri (Rommel Architectural Partnership) Todd Schutte, P,E, (Froelich Consulting Engineers, Inc,) path: \o':\n.....::! 1 2\publie\kilTl\rCDOrt\l(:)'ilClol,ltr :,' . ~,"". . . 503 344 2735 TO 7263689 P,04/12 NOV 14 '96 10:11 FR PSI-PTL-EUGENE l' " Environmental DS: Geotechnical .- Construction C<>"sulting . Engtneeri"l1 . TBBting REPORT OF PRISM COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: I.ILES L,L,C, J?,O, BOX 237 PROJECT: BOB SHIMP'S ,TEXACO STAR~;RT FLORENCE, OR 974~9 DATE: November 08, 1996 REVISION #1 OUR REPORT NO,: 722-60146-37 .. .--.---.- ---......-- ..-... .. _____...._._.u_....__......_... ..._.. FIELD DATA: lOCATIONOFPI.ACEMENT N, WALL COUR'SES 5-6, 8'-4" F~OM N,W, CORNER; W, Wl>.LL COURSES 6-'1, 2.:' i'k FROM N,W, CORNER; S, WALL COURSES 6-7, 17' FROM S,E, CORNER, DATE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN AIR CONTENT. "/" AIR TEMPERATURE, 'F MIX TEMPERATURE, .. F DATE RE;CEIV~D IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITIED BY MIX OAT.. SUBMITIEO BY September 11. 1995 , SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKET No,rrRUCK NO, MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE Z & W I995 psi November 06, 1996 BRAD NEHRER . _....n . ".--...... . .-".... ,.,,, ,." ..-.. .-,........,-----.-..-.. . ... - COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS A$TM E4d :~~l=:r.:IMEN TliST TOTAL SPIiClIoIlEN . SPEC1....EN CO....PRc:SSI\l' . LAlit1RAT(IRY 'O~NTI~IC:A'(ION . Ace f)ATE o~ lOAD OlMENSIONS "rtf.r.. ST~GNGrH NUMBER .;JR $Et,.,O (DAYS, tEST (LBS.' (IN.) 'IS0IN.l If'$t, I T..t O~ BMt:h, "*,,.._....h. ."....-.-.. 47~2 )-N5-6 57 11/07/96 75610 I 7,50 x 6,20 x 16,00 i 61. SO 1130 Cone 47fl3 2-We:-7 57 11/07/96 69900 7.50 x 7,90 x 16,00 '59,2S 1180 Cona 4784 ~-SG-7 57 11/07/96 46450 7,50 x 7,90 x 16,00 ,59,2S ?eO Cone , SPECI~ICATlONS 28 1995 REMARKS: $D..:"".....' ms.o. 0)' PSt ("tJl'.I-'llflll~". SL>-dllldl'l, l)lc.~~ UCl tl\" PSI ~ 'It()I',,,wntali..... TOil, IlIII~1Jl11 COmQ1w -"U"lllj.lplcClIbh, 'I"'\lC"~I"'I'\' Spli-C""....~ ",""" O~ ^'Cnit.c.l'j or )( LOl'lllllClOra''''''.'''''h'lI.''. 'Spotc.il".n'd"i.e,e-d,,,PSII.:IW310l) X TIj'II..,,,,It.o)onolC.gmpl, ..III' "'Ofd":iIQl",.p.ciloc.l1f,)fla ~RISMS WERE SAMPLED FROM IN-PLACE WALL IN ACCORDANCE WITH TODD SCHUTTE'S LETTER DATED 10/31/96, SAMPLE ,1764 SHOULD BE DISREGARDED DUE TO SAWCUT IN SAMPLE, TECHNICIAN: KEN ANDRIEU Respectfully submitted, Professional Service Indusrrie C~; ~ob 8~rnhart ....lil..?:s L.L.C. {City of Springfieldl (2 copies), Tom (ESUI f..~~E t~'5' OleSUlT, lOll-lOt' ONtT TO T....e S"'I!CIt"I' SA.........e;~ TeSTe" AI\I()UolT 00'0' uli lo;JJICA11vli 01 '..... EJolTIA!. MA~AI"L PlAce...e...,. I\lE""'CTS ..... NOT BE RE"~c.ouc.El). t;.,lCEPT IN ,"UOl. w.TI'O()f.,I~ WlllfT~!'l ptll....lliiSIc.J BT "A~E$Slo-.t.t SI!Avlce IIYOVST;c:ES. I"'~ lnp)}'I1h'li,io,~: ,~; J.;:../id {,I.; ;.; '. "'J~.~i . PSI. 545 \.on~nr SlrQ(:I- F.ugcne. OR 97402 - Phone 503/484-9212. Fax 503/344-2735 . ...... .:.. . ~'" '.. ...,.... .; '.'.\. ,::'.\<:'.: " NOU 14 '% 10:12 FR ~PTL-EUGENE 503 344 2735 T~63689 P,05/12 t .7 Environmental DS: Geotechn~cal .- ConstructIon Consulting' Eng.:, " ~., . T...tinll -----..--- "-_...-.. -'--.---.-. REPORT OF GROUT COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MILES L,L.C, P,O, BOX 237 PROJECT: BOB SHIMP'S TEXACO S'rAR~lt.RT FLORENCE, OR 97439 DATE: November 08. 1996 REVISION HI OUR REPORTNQ,: 722-60146-38 ... _.~,-_. _.. ........ .~..- - ..- "- FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT ].I, WALL COURSE 12, 9' FROM N, W, CORNER; ..., WALL COURSE IS, 22' FROH ",:';, CORNER; S, WALL COURSE 12, 21' FROM S,E, CORNER, OA TE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN AlA CONTENT. .% AIR TEMPERATURE, OF GROUTTEMPERATURE,f DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED By MIX OATA SUBMITTED BY 20 SUPPLIER PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE Z & 101 2000 PSI Nov~mb~r 06, 1996 BRAD NEHRER COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASThiI C \09.91 n._ .._.__........._..... ........ -.. SPt:CIME~ , TfiST ! LABORATOfiY IDENTiFICATIONI AGE ~UMBEn OR SET,.,O '(('IAYSI: Oa n; OF TEST TOTAL lOAD (LIilSI CUEUi s,,< (INI CLllUi AH'.. 'sa I"", : COMPRliiS$h/E' . 51 RENGTH lP~11 TYI"E Of Br~F.AI( ...-----....--.-.-.--.....-..-. -"-'-'-" 47B5 IN,12 11/07/96 19760 3,04 " 3.10 9,42 2100 ConG: 47B6 2W,18 11/07/96 22030 2,77 x 3,11 8,61 2560 Cone 47A'7 35,12 11/07/96 19430 2,95 " 3.13 9,23 2110 Cone !;f'~Cu:'C^T10N~ 28 2000 REMARKS: C\.ID.., ""~. Dr PSI rQlplllU,,)lilllI"'V x Cuno.. pott<..:ll.lp or PSI ~a'.r\I.U~lt, X T"'I'.....II~CClI""'i..ilt,;:I~I..:~t.l.. :>poit(;.,'ic.nions. CUI),.. '''"Cl~ b" A'~wl~ra or C\)Il".~l"'.~'.pr.a..nllllj..., Cue" o.~"'"'.c II) PSI"tIofalor,. Tesl ,.suhs 00 rim U>""nly ."C" .:Jpplicaoll:l IptKnlCahon, S~~PLES WERE CUT BY TODD SCHUTTE, TECHNICIAN: KEN ~ROM IN-PLACE WALL AS REQUESTED ANDRIEU Respectfully Submitted. P'of~ssional Service Industr;e: cc: Dob Barnhart Mile5 L,L,C, (City of Springfield) (2 copies), Tom IESUl TrI!::;11 TIE T f\lh.'JL h .r....L. o..t'f To Tne :;t'EcIFIC :,;....a;'\.f:; T~:,;TEO ...0......, NQT be 1"'l)l~..T'v.: or l~ 1:....TlI'lE WlTERIAl Pl.ACEMSII/! ~:'''OfoT! u.. NOT ~.F A:FI'~(lOut:'::t'l, t.l(~f"l '.....VLL....,II'\01J' oMllnt....!<:....SSk~O'f ...orr.....::ii'~"t SEFtvlCE 11'IOu:>"ll,ES, ,....l: '1'11('; ":';'} :r' ;')'1 1./ "...,. . I .!':j nj/t....:'// '.. PSI. 5"5 COrlot:r Slrt':t:l. EUQ~rlt:. OR 97402. Phorl\: !:;03{484'~')2'2. l::On SO:V:M.4'?7.;~ <::.~,,; '." ',' " . ','-. .....'... . ." . /. '( . . 503 344 2735 TO 7263689 P.06/12 NOV 14 '96 10:12 FR PSI-PTL-EUGENE 'Environmental , :::SI Geotechn~cal .. - Construction Consult"'g . EngI ...~,' . Testing REPORT OF GROUT COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MILES L,L,C, P,O, BOX 237 PROJECT: BOB SHIMP'S TEXACO STARMART FLORENCE, OR 97139 DATE: AU~U5t 27. 19~6 OUR REPORT NO,: n:?-GOHG-15 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT FIRST 3 COvRSES OF PERIMETER WALL DATE PLAC:ED TIME SLUMP, IN, AIR CONtE:NT, "I.. AIR TEMPERATURE, . F GROUTTEMPERATURE,~ DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIF-LD DATA SUBMITTED By MIX DATA SUBMITTED By Augu5t 27, 1~~6 03:40 pm 7 SVPPLlER PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER F='INE AGGREGATE AOMIXTURE Z.W. S"-G a3 82 August 30, 1996 TROY HULL ...._______.__. B",_, .-..-...,-. ..,. -. - . .-.-..--------- ."......-....-......,-. COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS ASoTM C'09_91 ...-....--....... sr'ECIMEN TEST TOTAl, CUlle CultE ; COr"tPFtESSrve! LAi:lORATQRv IDEP\/TI~ICATIONI ACE D"'TEO~ lOAO Sll.E ARE" ST~ENcrH NlJMBGj{ Or.! SET NO tDAVSI TEST (LBS.l IIN) Isa.IN,! tP&IJ T"l'PI<: OF BR.AK ...-.----. .. 2]94 28 09/24/96 18120 3,12 X ),28 10,2) 1770 Cone 2395 28 09/24/96 1:!l30 ),10 " 2,70 8,37 1450 Cone 2)~i6 28 O~/H/96 23020 3.32 >: ),15 10,45 2200 Cone 2391 2B 09/24/96 21B30 2,95 ;.: ),45 10,17 2150 Cone $PfCJPC>l,TI.)N5 29 20qO .. ... ..---.-.. -...-.. ....---. ..----... ... -.... ...-.... . ....._._..._ __. - .U.'.'.._,___..,.. REMARKS: X CUOIa m;:a.;te tlJ P$l repreILcnlali.c X. tVD!:" pie..ca up D)' PSI ritPtesC:"lilliYfI X feSI K1Sl>IlS ,otnP1t ...11'" ~oPhe..tlt.. $l)lio,IflC811l)"' .;~S m;:lCG 0.. "~llccf:l 0.- t.....'r.acll)rl.<tj:.ncscnla"..Q CUtMll o.li-efaJ 10 P$II~bor.lltol)' IC."llll,iltlOgrooteomul....rth Jlf>",jeOoOl's(Hoc'''c.tool'l:t. BATCH2D AT 2:45p.M_ rm MIX # ON TICKET, NOT ABLE TO CONFIRM IF APPROVED MIX TECHNICIAN, TROY HULL cc: Bub Barnhart f-1ili:.!: L.L.C. (City of Springfield) {2 copiesJ. Tom (ESU) Respectfufly Submitted. Professional Service Indust.r;e. ',.",.e Tl!l' RI!$OJ~ 'os. .."Ilt.. ()IoolL" TO ""'6 ."ecl$",c 'A-\CPLe, TE6TEI).......a....... "OT 8& I"Dle..I'".: Of' T.... ENJ,gt: o,u.r'~'''l .........Ci!A,E.." II:EP,,",'s M'H ....;.T 8E "I::.....OO\JCED. e.o.CEI':T I'" FUll. WITHOU'l' WJdTTEN,oERIoI,&S'o-. Eo" ..'"O':.;..~ONA\, "eR"':!:. '''''OUSTI'ttfl. I~ /1/(OI'l17dfinll J() Nllilri (ill ..)1 A.~J"" PSI.. 545 Congt:r Stret:[. Eugene, OR 97402" Phone 503/484.9212" Fax 5031344-2735 -' " ", .; ~. . . ;' ::....~..:: NOV 14 '% 10:13 FR ~-PTL-EUGENE 503 344 2735 T~25368~ P.07/12 , -7 EnIliI'OlJm8l1faI LDS: GeotechnIcal . - Construction Consulting. Engineering . Tasting _._-,~~---_._...._..._..._,-". ..-..--,-. ..-----..--......... REPORT OF GROUT COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FOR: MILES L,L,C, [>,0, BOX ~37 PROJECT: BOB SHIMP'S TEXACO STARMART FLORENCE, OR 97439 DATE: September. 11. 1996 OUR REPORT NO,: 722-60146-23 FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT PERIMETER WALLS, COURSES 4 TO 9 DATE PLACEO TIME SLUMP, IN, AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, 'F GROUT TEMPERATURE, '.,: DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIr=LO OATA SUBMITTED BY MIX Il^T,\ SUBMITTED BY Scptember 11, 1996 02:-10 pm B SUPPLIER PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE z .. W 90 80 Sepcember 13. 1996 TROY HULL COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS A$TM CIQ9-93 . .....---..--.-.-___.___.___ .._..__h_". ~F'''CIM''N Tl!ST TorAl Cv"" CUIiE" ' COMPRESSIVE: l,lBOrtI.TOR,\" IlltNll;ICA TlON AC;' DATE CiF lOA.O SllE ARe. STk€HGfH Nu,.,.liErl O~ SET NO il)AVS.. T[!ST IlBS.1 UN.) (SQ,IN.1 IPSI, T"rPE! OF B"eA" ..-.-......-- 2889 28 10/09/96 13 98 0 3,1. x :L05 ~,63 1450 Cone 2990 28 10/09/96 12600 2.75 x 2,92 9.03 1570 Cone 2$~1' 2B 10/09/96 13160 ],Oi x ],07 9,33 1410 Cone ~a92 29 10/09/96 16070 2,70 -. 3,52 9,50 1690 Ccne , ............... ~.tJI::CIFICATION~ 28 ..,...,[ 2000 REMARKS: x c....l.oot~ ...dOt- Oy PSI ''''''..SIt''l.lIl... X CUDe:. piO.ed up tl~ PSI 'C?'csenl.llli..c Tes. ruuhs .:.ompl, ..iU1 :ap,~,c;.;.Dl~ spe(lric~iUl'lI . Cutoc: nll.<.htlJ..A,rniltoef, Dr CON,UIO(lferp(.s..nlillko.. Cuoo, OClI!\lIM'eQ 10 PSt t;wor.nClry X TO"'",Iu/TlIl2Q~ICOlT,pl~.'l'" :Ipplic.;l.OIIl $pe.-.11I~llont BATCHED AT 1,30 PM VERBAL PER TRUCK DRIVER TECHNICIAN, TROY HULL cc: Bob earnhart Mit"" L,L,C, (City of Springfield) (2 copies). Tom IESU) Respectfully Submitted, Prof~ss;onaJ Servico IndU:itrie '14:sE 'E6T .Ct.')~':; ~."l. .,..t. T.) T"'( ,..t:<:,rlC ~""'lt:llfllTl!O...NOIoI.o" NOT fl~ 1...olC.t.TrvE 01 n..e ENTlIrce """"e.....t ',\ACl:.'-"CI'IT l::e~:AT$ ...~. ...j' (IE: I:C.l:OOlJCto. c.ccP' IN 'U\,.I,.. ....."ft()\.. oM<1nl;,. "e~"':!;1!I""" a.,. ......OFE~a'o.ouJ. ;..,loVlC!i; ....OV:i"Uts. NC. IlIjiimla/ion 7() /)uilrl ()II ;>\'.. :,:".~. , PSI. 545 \.nnger 51r091. F.ugSM. OR 97402'. Ptlone 503/484-9212. Fa..: 503'344.2735 :.' ", f ..... .. ::" ::;'~'~'., " / . NOU 14 '96 10:14 FR PSI-PTL-EUGENE . 503 344 2735 TO 7263689 P,08/12 ~ -, , Envitonmental as: I Geotechn~cal .- , ConstructIon Con.ulting . Engineering. F...tills - --..----...--__._.____w.__.__.___. '.._. REPORT OF PRISM COMPRESSION TeST T~3TEO FOR '.l1:tJr:;~ t...L.C. P,O, BOX 217 rr<OJCCT; DOD :31tIt1P'::l TEX^CO ::lTARHART FLORENCE, OR 9743~ DATE: Sepcember 25, 1996 REVISION nt OUR REPORT NO,: 722-60146-)3 FIELD DATA: L'JCATIONCII'PIACEMENT PRISM .-rESTING POR cor~PLIANCS WITH UBC, PER UBC SECTTON 2\05,"' "" ',EEIl 1. 3:>f'm. lJA TE PLACED TIME SLUMP, IN, AIR CONTENT, "I. AIR TEMPERATURE,"F MIX TEMPERATURE. .. F DATE RECEiVED IN LAS FIELO DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX OATA SUBMITIED BY SE:!pcc=mher 25, 1996 02;15 pm S 1/2 SUPPLIER DELIVERY TICKCT NO,fTRUCK NO, MIX NUMBER AND PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE COARSE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE Z & w 59191 1500 p"i 70 75 Septerr~er 26, 1996 GARY DOLL COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS AsTMe....., S~~ECIMEN lAB('lr.:/.TORv ID{;N"Tll='rCATlON o,lU"'Ut:1ol OH sEt NO fEST AGE II)A'I":~, TOTAL OA TE OF lOAD TEST 1l8Si.1 w..,_ I SPECIMEN DIMENSIONS IIH) I SPECIM~~"''''~~P~I;$&'''t: AJ::'i. $'rRcNGTH ISO.IN,j {f'~IJ rvr-e OFflllfAJ( :J687 26 10/23/96 3(.80 28 10/23/96 50950 6,19 x 6,00 X 10,00 37,14 1370 Cone 1(.Hoj 28 10/23/96 69910 5,95 x 5,93 h 16,00 35,28 \980 Cone 36~0 2e 10/23/96 103000 7,60 x 7,60 x 16,00 i 51,76 P80 Con~ 3691 28 10/23/96 78580 7,60 x 7,60 h 16,00 ; 57,16 1360 Cont: ]692 28 10/23/96 92040 1. 60 )( 7,60 x 16,00 57.76 1590 r:ont: :.16S':? 28 10/23/96 , "._'w.__._.. .._._._ __.__wj__._... ...._.l_. ; .__~ .w..__... SPCl,.;lf~ ICA 1 IONS 2e 1500 .....____w__. -.' REMARKS: :~ S...t'O.e"_ ""k1.0t "'SI'-~.'....'a"." S~i"'"I)IP'tJooitO"'l)DrPSI X ,..pr,,'.I'Il.lhl. To"ro:;l4\SCompt,,",,lro"f>>\.lloCoIOl. SpocilkOlliClols $pceimcI"ls mllde bf Archilocfs Of CQf'lIl"OU:lorsreprCS~I.:o\i..c. Spac.."Of\J. delj~oroo:llQ P~l t~~OtJ' X T."'IIl'ul"OU"u!C03mpty ..."" 8P\llieiaOI. ~pOc"'c:allans UNABLE TO TEST LAB #3687 & 3693 DUE TO DISTURBED SAMPLE (MORTAR BED SEPERATED FROM PRISM (3687) AND SAMPLE DISTURBED DURING CURING ON SITE (3693)1, TECHNICIAN; KEN ANDREIU roc: Bob Barnhart Mil(~$ L.rJ.C. (Cicy of Springfield! 12 copiesl, Tom (ESU) Respectfully '3ubmirted. Professional S9rv;CO Indusrries "Wln. TEtT qH'JL T! ,pr-u OlOL' TO THl!! tl'l1!ClI'IC t.UWLC:: T(::TIfO A"'I)~., NO' BE IWOlCAfl..... Of' rwE 1!.nIRE lMfE/'l:IAl rvCF.M()oIr "'-E...O""! ....:. " ...af tl< l;"r-"'OOUCEO ...(;f+! 'N ..\~ \. .....'..Q.JT "..mneOol"CQUlUI<,)OoIIl'l" ""~ES""\)NAL Il.EA,,1C!' h<€IU:;HoIli::;. IHC ":; ~ ~,",.;, : w_.n .-..- -....-- -- -- . Pf11 . ~"5 Congr.r Slu::el . EUOl::ne. OR 97402. Phone 503/484-9212. Fwc 5031344.2,:35 1I1(ol'/1/I/!i(!Il to Nl0!t/ UI.' 'i' -, ..... NOV 14 "36 10: 14 FR~-PTL-EUGENE 51213 344 2735 _263689 P,12I9/12 '" , . .7 Environmental lDS: Geotechn~cal . - ConstructIon ConsultIng' /Engl....ring . Te.ting REPORT OF GROUT COMPRESSION TEST TESTED FuR: MILES L,L,c. P,O, BOX 237 PROJECT: BOB SHIMP'S TEXACO STAR~~RT FLORENCE, OR 97439 DATE: Sepccmbcr 25. 1996 OUR REPORT NO,: 722-60146-34 .... ""H"H_.'H'__'_'H'" '-'-'-""--.'''-'''- ..... FIELD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT COURSES 20 THROUGH 26 DATE PLACE:D TIME ~LUMP. IN AIR CONTENT, ''Iv AIR TEMPERA1URE. ~F GR.Ou'r TEMPERATURE. 'F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD D"TA SUBMITTED By MIX DATA SUBMITTED By September 25, 1996 02:40 pnl B 1/2 70 SUPPLIER PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE ,z " W 75 September 26, 1996 GARY DOLL Z " " . COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS AU.., C109.9) ..-..----;----. "'-"--""----.'-"--'1' -...- "-""" SPECIMEN TeST lOT...... cueE: i CUliJE 1..\OO,"^Tony IDENTIFICATION 'G' DATe OP LOAD SI2e ' AREA NIJMOCR CJI<t SET NO. IDAl'S) . TeST (LBS.) (11'0'.1 _I. (50, IN.) ....... )6:~4 28 10/23/96 18490 3,00 x 3,71 i 11,1) JC2 ~. 2a 10/23/96 12750 3.32 X 3.20 10,62 )626 28 10/23/96 10500 3,12 :< 3,04 9,48 36:'7 H01.D 56 11/20/96 , COMPRESSIVe. I STRENCTH IPS" T'TPf OF ElReAK 1660 1200 1110 Cone ConE: Cone , . .-- -.-..--------.---.----.-------.1.. ! 2000 ._..__.__....1_.___..._. $'~ECIFIL'A !11..NS 29 REMARKS: X \~UCI1::~ "'01g~D, PSlr"pnuU>'IIlr... ~ Cubo~ pkk.,u ~ b,' PSI n'Of.lIen,~i"c. TctJlIO::luC'llli COffipl, ....ilt. ..~,o:.atl'~ Ipacil":~lions .;un.., ..nag" 0, Jolrl;.t\jhler"s or \:o)f'l'..Cl.....a'$"....~=II,,,... Cl.IDCSOOlivllfCdlQ t>>$11;l0Ql0llDr'f' x T."lf.S"Il"~I'I"'~.pll'...,P, ;o~tlC.;OClI..'~Il"c.a\OOI"t. PUMPED T~CHNICIAN: KEN ANOREIU c..... E:ob B~'\r'ntl.:trt I"':i.l~s: L.L.C. (City of Springfield) (2 copiQS I. Tom t ESU) Respectfully Submitted, Professional Service Jndustri~ r"EH' TI" r.,'i\..'l r. ....I-~. CW<ol' TO l..E !oi'Ec'''',e '.....~L&S TEUED......O \00,. ...01" 'NOoCA""e a.< h... "..,,,.~ OMft.W,.,t "l-ClUlj'" .....r.l)...T~ .,~. ...,'.T lOe ..e....oovc!Oo '!:.CE~T IN ~"""L. .vITI-IC....'T ........ITTEN "'E......'l!.ll'ON fl. "r.,l)#e~::l'Oool.l.L :;""",CI! '''0l1S''''r.5, '''''=. .', ~.,......", .- ...--... . PSI' 545 COflgd Suecl. Eugene, OR 97402. Phone 5031484.9212. FUJI: 503134.4.2735 [lljoTmafiOll to 8/1 ifd Oi! "<;{:~'::;". . .,...... ':.... . ~'." "".. .: . NOV 14 "36 10:15 FR~-PTL-EUGENE I l' aHl' · EnIliI'Oltmelftal DS: Geotechn~cal __ ConstructIon CoIIsulting . Engineering . Testing .:('.' , .', .. ...}:.::f::,.... . .... 503 344 2735 ~263689 P,10/12 . ..M.. ..... ....._. _ __.__. "_,u__ __... .._._,..... _ ... ... . REPORT OF GROUT COMPRESSION TEST COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS A5T'MCIO"J.~) , TESTED FOR' MILES L,L,C, P,O, BOX 237 FLORENCE, OR 97439 DATE: Septeml)~r le. 1996 -....-.- ..--.. FiElD DATA: LOCATION OF PLACEMENT COURS ES 1 Ii THROUGH 20 OATE PLACED TIME ZlUMP. IN, AIR CONTENT, % AIR TEMPERATURE, of GROUT TEMPERATURE, "F DATE RECEIVED IN LAB FIELD DATA SUBMITTED BY MIX OATA SUBMITTED BY Septen~er 18, 1996 04:00 pm 8 1/2 68 74 Scpten~er 19, 1996 GARY DOLL Z & W ~pt:CIPolliN TEST LA~(j,;:...Tcrcr IOENTIH{:A TION "~E ""U"lftt:,,- ",m:;ETNO IDAY'S! '-.C":, 2e oJ.. ~.. -..,.') 2S J..;._'.... J 2;}:.} 26 3255 HOLO DIITEOf TEST TOTAL l.OAO Illl.S,1 10/16/96 10/16/96 10/ lG/96 00/00/00 15840 16840 17160 :~r'ECIF'C A TION~ 2 e . i REMARKS: x CuU.'t....ilQ..trrl"!'.l.ep.e'l.nI.II~.. PROJECT: BOB SHIMP'S TEXACO STAR~~T OUR REPORT NO,: 722.601<6 - J 5 ___'M' ..._-_.-_.~ -.. SUPPLIER PROPORTIONS CEMENT WATER FINE AGGREGATE ADMIXTURE Z & W ..---....-.. .-._--_..... .... ...._, .... ..--...... .- CU9j;: SIZE \IN) I' CC)folPkGSSlvE ~rRENGTH IPSI) . ... CUBE: AREA ISO. 11'11,1 T'YPE OF bReAK 3,13 x 3,25 x 2,97 X 2,86 :2. 91 3,04 8,95 9,45 9,02 1770 1780 1900 Cone: Cone: Cone: , I .--.!.....__. I ,--, 2000 r<:~I'Ot:Ull~ ~1if1'PIJ ..ilh .wl..::..t>I. 'p.':"'=ll""lr. X CoAIn p..:..ea up to)' rSI fll9f.lr,,"I:llj~. X T...ll'll.u1l:fCl(of'MSf e.otJ\pl~ '.-<tn aOQlocilrJI..tlCCllic".'"ont (;uoc>, ",::oUt, r1.. ."",,1..,~t"t:.:..r r:u..,xto"~ ."""....,.Ii>li.... Cutlu d.li."ettlO '0 P$II:lbOr.llldry TE:CHNICIAN, KEN ANDREIU cc: Bob Ba rnha rt: r"1'il(~s L.L.C. ICicy of Springfieldl t 2 copieS), Tom. (ESDI Respectfully Suom.rted, Profession;!1 Sorv;ce Indusr,; r'w=.~.~ ntT ..e!.UI.T'.> ,,~"t.~ ~~ It) ,..~ ,:,"6:1~rr. ~aM"'-l:~ Tt:reoAND 1M'r ~T ll( IHOlCaTlVE OF TIofl! E"'llEte; u.LTEtll<l.L Pla(.EIJf!"," .f.....l'!....... ....), I!E qel'-fI;ooucec. E~r:("T 1-.1 FULl, .....T~OUl -"6o'nEN,.ER""1~3.1UN o",'i\cOo'E1SI\lNAL ~eR"'II:E lNUUtHUES. INC, ....,. 0..:- I . ..:.....: "'':'''~''''' 1:".."", . C. ._...~... ,..,0 "'..A..... _ f"t..~~.. ..:4.'.... ,....., ~~".:....... ........ II/(rml1f/'iol1 7(i R/lild Oil ~;.:. :' ':,,:'-::'~.r." '., ..' ','-. .'r,.. ~:::;~, ~ '. ~.:'.:..>:,,;, NOV 14 '96 10:16 FR t -PTL -EUGENE 503 344 SE..JT ,A t: I "" I 2735 ~263689 P,ll/12 (0 ? .': J.. t:. 't D E ~~I of F,eo.:.uc..14 6-1 (\/f- :':"r'~ ' .' .,...,-:'.:. '. '.' " OCloberll, 1996 (1m ri. ..tot:;11el"l. P.L \01." _ .,~..1 MiehJclPenhern RollVQcl Areh~eclUral Parl11ership 1200 NW F,onl ST, Suile SSO ponland, OR 91209 ;'lUom;),% Olnoc'lr..-.tlllll. .~.f:. ^~"'''':'''~ Stc""'I;n J. ~ntl:l"Imc'l. p.€.. ",~;,,,,,,~,< DOL.J'lI.l~ t'l ;Ch_ct' I.. ~ t: ....~ _._....~ Ite: Springfield T""""" SIJtlTlart eMU lest resullS MiCha.:l, .""... .~I,..~ We have eompl.lOd our revi"", of lite eMU waUlesl resuhs lor ,he Springlield Texaco SlliITDOIt p.:rfonned by PSI Consulting En!:inem and TC>1illg, 8.10,"" you will find a sumll""Y of our /indin!:s JIId recommcndarions. Dwinlllhe review of the lesr results faxed ro liS by Troy Hull of PSI, We di..:ovcrcd Ihal liv.lins were used during the constTIJenon of Ihe C:>OIU w.Us, l1,,,,,e lifts were compo,ed or'co="s 1-3,4-9, 10-15. 16-20. nnd 20-26, Or' t.h~sc five Ii~. grou{ snmples were rak.('n from and rested tvr four of [hem. Th~ lin thar diM'1 have llIoul S3Joples rllken was mat comprising courses 10-1 S, Of Ih~ tbur lifts WI wcre 1<.S"'d. all but the Grou, in rhe: lowcr ~Ollrs~ (1-3) failed, 'Ine ,pecified gram compressive Slreng\h is 2000 PST. 111e grout mcnglh IC5r resul", from the lills rhar failed runlled nom:lS 10w:lS 1110 PSI up [a 19001'51, wilh an overtlge of approximaocly I SSO PSI. This, as you c.:lfI see, is considerJbly low.r I""" wbat was specilied in rhe construerion documenlS and Iheretore le-"ds us to beli....e thu [he: wnll strengtlls may be suspecl. 1 [owevcr, allhough the grail! strell8th is an imporlnm faclor to consider, We feci tha, th. s"enGlh of the tlltire CMU wull ;tSSetnblallc is more impOrunl in d~rermining the adeql1.1cy of the: wall. This assemblage, which is composed uf Ihe grou~ mortar, and lhe conere[e blod. is specified 10 have a minimum compressive strcngrh of \500 pSI. lfil can be shown th"lthis is Ihe C:lSe, th"" we feellh" the wall meets the minimum strength requirements JJld ,hould serve au.:quJrely, Troy senr us results or' 0 prism cumpression re:sr lhal was COnSlnlCled fN'" mal.rinls used ill course.; 20-26, The teSI results were nellative, showing lItorrhe "'all asscmblage sm:nglh ill this part of rhc wall is I.ss than whal is specilied, However, we rcanalysed lhis sectiou of the wall JIId Cound lhill lhe ma."imwn working stresses in it w"" below lI,e 10WC5t tesr value, Therefore rhis scelion oC the "'oil is ..",sfaclol)', This docs nol o=snnly mc:m Ihough thai the ollter parrs of the wall arc okay, Thcrelore. due [0 the [acrlhal low grail! screngths wcre tound in cours~ 16.20, Ihot no compressive IOSts at all were perf()(tTled on lite groLlr in cou"''' 10-IS, olld lh~t bOlh oCtb..s. regions conrain critical areas because ofhillh SlrellSC$:ll\d ",oll rcve3ls, ..... recommend thnt prisms b. CUr from rhe constructcd walls ",ilhin lh~$e (cllillnS and tested aceortling 10 UBC requiremenrs, ~. .:,...~ :.. .l"';":''' ,., '~~ '1, ~.:.'. ';"JoI~ ;~") b1'~ ':-;~...)."I "":'jV . , ." II .~'II ......... , 'I ..~' I ,.~!:" .."' : '~I-... . .,.'" '.~ . " ,.;.,....1.::1.) . . ~ ...J I :-:n.. ;;;.n' ~ ,,,-,'?o"':l,,'''l' :....... .... A...... r,- '.~ '.1.' ,-".- .,'" ,""1..,', r'.." , V'I"..,,,', ,...01 ,::1'1'.. , I ,I,~ i , , HOU 14 ''36 11<):16 .. nln Q. fro<llCn. p,E. """,,:lr...ll hr.,m"(~ DlnlJd",""ZltTIl, P.F.. ....VO.lr.I....U: Slewen J. r:tHcnman. P.l. ,..::;..'"....,.. OQU:)!." 1\. SCIT-Jrl. P.E. .\~1..........., ~~..,'n.IlI.Cil,[~" ?-, sE .MlI......,. ,...ilf 105 l.J......j.(...'~y"n'JJ;()I) ;'''A :..I.~ )~] II,?" ....,t;...l!il:.lll ......)lI,..\:l C,.}(I'I.....N...,..nll,...'S\t";~1 h':,... t, ' ;,.~.,,, 'JI~?~. "',o('-"l",!,'I,11) 'J,JU,N ;IJ:)" [e'oj ~,J'ul\:j :21 FR .PTL -EUGENE 503 344 2735 ~63689 P,12/12 We ask Ih3I three tell pri~m. be obtained from courses 10-15 und thre~ obl~in"d from eou",,,,, 16-20 for. IO!Sl of six, We aI,o ask ltut Ihe pl'ism~ be !lllcen trorn tile nooh. south, and w':;1 walls (ooe al e1leh wull p.r Ii II), Aller Ihe lestS ha"e been eomplered, please send us a copy for opprov:>l, l[you have any funher questions or obsetVllrions, please eon\80[ us. Sincerely, Todd Schutte, P,E, ~ i- Lj-(5" ~ 1/ I .-' x:j. ..- 700 ~ 5""D3/'O'-\ Q j \, >- I ! 95f.! '7 no,. :)~3 ::!N II -;ns'lC;) i-C) r ~=O,=.~. :..JC~.- -..-.-"- S[!.Z '1>'>: DdS .c!. t~IJl)- l2-' So /';,,'., , TIMR ~1~ii~ . ; . ~ 1Irl114:, froelich, P,E. P..,,-..::'~I r" .. . lJl"dlll'.A..Zlml. P.IL ......"llQoo:I.l. Su.cn J tn~cF'l""Qn, ".E. ^~..rx;I,""{. D "j~iCII.. B. SChwarz, P.E,. .........:"O:';.,il: ""lllAl c..toO"l ~~ St """..llfJll -,Sui\...': 'O~ . BCt'.J. O"<~"'l 97102 f/Vl. 541.383.1090 . ~41.3&.l..H!lR& _lNON'l(~ f:1?o'J ~w I L"'ll"l-.pt"nrl SIMe-t . Ti..~td. O'I':!ionl;'-'WJ. PAX S03,~".9i70 . . 60'. ~'i~~./OO9 TUE lb:S2IROMM,EL ARCH PARTN5HP TEL NO:S03"i-8490 ~ltJ3 r-1iJ1 ''','' ,November 8, 1996 .. Michael Pcrshcm , RornrnOl Architectural Parinenhip 1200NW lIront 5T.. ' Suite SSO Portland, OR. 97209, 'R.c: Springfield TlIllAco Swman eMU Pri.m'te'l reault. ' ,. M,ichaal: , This inoruing, we received the tesl re5UIts from Troy' Hull of PSI on the eMU WBiI prisms that we aSked 10 ~ CUI from Various areasofthcSlIUCl\il'e ill oildetter dated October 31, 1996, We;: have completed oUr reviClWofihcsc rcsults llI1d 8 lI!lIllnlllY of olir findings aitd .~.w.._..cridations'is shown below" , As statcdin the previous letter, wc wed for pri~s8mplea to be taken from ,counes 10-IS and'16-20, PSI was IIble to get \WO samples adeqUate i'or titsring from cow. 16.20, In eo_ 10-1 S, they were wiable to ict full prisms e"t dLIC \0 the nature of the wall conStructiOn, However, they wao IIble gelthrcc gro"t , priilms cuI from the wall. This isn~ what we prefer, b"t sho"ld bellUfftcienl in lie" of the full prisms because il was the strength of the grout that waS orip.inally In question,' ' " Tho compression teat results of the lWO prisms for the mllSOruy lWl:mblage In courses 16-20 were 1230 psi and 1180 p;i, with an average of ""I',w..:mately '1205 psi, We used this averase and checl<ed the wall dCsiSil to vtrify its capability of supporting the 10Bds imposed upon it. We fbund that theDWdmwn stresSes within the wall were below the allowable str_ requited by tho URC using the 8Vefll8C value of the two compression tests, Therefore, we believe lhat ,the wall segmenl between courses 16.20ahould setVe adequately, assUming tllm i. haa equal or greater ,traIgIh than the test prisms tllkenfrornit: A. Doted above, throe grout prlsl1tS frOm cour.... 10-) 5 WOre CUI and lesred, ~'" The resulls oflhe compression telits on these samples were' 2100 psi, 2'60 psi, and 2100 psi. These lest values are higher than the requtfcd inlliimum oi' :1000 psi shown in Ihe structural DOles and can supersede earlier {lI'OUt tests in this aroa Thcrefore;we feel thllt the wall' segment belWeen colll'ses ) 0.]" should also &etVe adequately" DsaiD lISS\Illling that il dOc. have equal orgreatCr strensththDD the grout prisms taken from it. ' , ' ' , , , ,If yo" have any fultherqucation; or concero'!,pIC8SC con~cl us: ," , S~ccrcJy: , ::.:::JrthL S'~ Todd Sc1l1rtte, P,E, , ;: 7671 0.'0 /1 ~~':..L..J 'T.r/Y;h~),~ ''''''' ~,; CO.lD.." mr~hM Co, om ~__::'~-~ ""on" Phono'~;_zz~ -51144' F"./-9//-7ZfL,-'%Jr:1 F.... t;/"lZ_Z?7-%elt2. Poat.lt. Fax NOle .