HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Correspondence 1987-9-1 P 329 969 953 RECEIPT ~OR C~RTlFIED M" NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOEO- NOT FllR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) ISENTTOMr. Tim Gerdes Main Street Auto 5~lp~ I STREET AND NO. 4106 Main Street I P.Q., STATE AND ZIP CODE Springfield, OR 97477 I POSTAGE . 3., CERTIFIEO FEE SPECIAL DELIVERY RESTRICTED DELIVERY 70 . e:,. .. -0' ! (:>..~ I ffi :3 ~5~ .~! i ~ Ii.: !:l 0 8 . . w SHOW TO WHOM AND !::! DATE DELIVERED m SHOWTOVfflOM'DAjE'~ s: AND ADORESS OF S{" II] DELIVERY .,/ I fd SHOW TO WHOM AtCDA . a::: OElIVEREDWlTllRESmKfTf[~. c ~ DElIVERV JiJ.' E SHDWTOWHOM,OATEAND Ie AOOflESSOFOElIVERYWllH 75 c RESTRICTEOOElIVERY . '" ~ ~ I TOTAL POSTAOEAND FEES S . ...-... : POSTMA.KG ~r.~ ~ f(;JiP ~~\ ~ ~ 1987 $ 0., /84- , " " :.. 'o,:STICK POSTAGE STAMPS TO ARTICLE TO COVER FIRST CLASS POSTAGE, CERTlFIEO MAIL FEE, ANO CHARGES FOR ANY SELECTED OPTIONAL SERVICES. (S.._~nt) 1. If you want this receIpt postmarked. slick the gummed stub on the left portion of the address side of the article, leaving the receipt attached, and present the article at a post office service window or hand it to your rural carrier:1(qo extra charge) 2. ~ If you do not want this receipt Postmarked, stick the gummed stub on the left portion of the address side of the article. date, detach an<;l retain the receipt, and mail the article. . _ \ 3. If you want a return receipt, write the certified-mail number and your name and address'on a return,: .. receipt card, Form 3811 , and attach it to the front of the article by means of the gummed ends il s.pac~ . J permits. Otherwise, affix to back of article. Endorse front of article RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED ;' adjacent to the n.umber. ' , "I : . 4. II you want delivery restricted to the addressee. or to an authorized agent of the addressee. endorse RESTRICTED DELIVERY on Ihe Iront of the article. 5. Enter fees for the services requested in the appropriate spaces on the front of this receipt. II return receipt iSrllquested, check the applicable blocks in Item 1 01 Form 3811. .e this receipt and present it if you make inquiry. ~GPO: 1980331-003 t1hdie - ~ & D .SENDER: Complete Items and 4. Put your addr... In the "RETURN TO" Space on the revene Ilde. Fallur. to do this will prevent this card from being returned to you. The return r&Clllo! f>> ~.rJ!vldl 'l.o4 V1O.'1l1me of th8 Danon delivered to IInrt.lt'''.t1!'t'' p.f AB!IdI:l. For additional fees the following .orvlc.. ar. available. Consult postma.ter for fe.. and check box!es) for additional I.rvlcel,) requested. 1.)QI. Show to whom delivered, dete, endaddreuee',.ddren. 2.0 Restricted Delivery t(Extra charge)t t(Extra charge)t 3. Article Addressed to: 14. Article Number Mr. Tim Gerdes P3.29r. 969 9S3 Mai n Street Auto Sales Tvpe of.Service: 4106 Main Street I~~ 0 Registered Springfield, OR 97477 " IQl Certified o Express Mail '--' 1 and 2 when additional ..rvlces are desired, and complete Item. 3 I o Insured o COO I I~ I 16. I X ! 17. Oa.. of Delivery I PS Form 3811, MIlI. 1987 o ~..~V fly-""- Situ,.", AddJ.~ SiflOature - Agent Always obtain signature of eddressee or agent end DATE DELIVERED. 8. Addressee', Address (ONLY if requested and fu paid) SEP 2 '9SU\ . * U8.G.P.O. 1987-178-268 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT ,~' I . UNITED STA":ES POSTAL SERVICE OFFICIAL BUSINESS SENDER INSTRUCTIONS Print your nanie, address, and ZIP Code in the space,below. . Complete itemi 1, 2, 3. and 4 on the revene. e Attach to front of article if space permits. ?therwise affix to back of article.. . Endorse article "Return Receipt Requested" adjacent to number.. . II II I U.S.MAIL . ~ , PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, S300 RET-lJRN TO . . . Print Sender's name, address, and ZIP Code in the space below. ~""...." BD _ole ,. rpI ~r'. I ....... ar '. -; , .' "'...."'"" $pna&field. __1M .. . .. j . , " . SPRINGFIELD ~ ,. ~ . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development CERTIFIED LETTER September I, 1987 .. .' ," , '. Mr. Tim Gerdes Main Street Auto Sales 4106 Main Street Springfield, OR 97478 Subject: 4106 Main Street '-;.", '. Dear Mr. Gerdes: .....:ThiS letter is regarding the structure you are proposing at 4106 Main Street. . The Springfield Development Code reQuires that commercial and industrial additions receive Site Plan Review' approval prior to their construction if they exceed 500 sQuare feet. Because your proposal exceeds 500 sQuare feet' the Site Plan Review process must be completE before the Building Safety Division can issue building permits. This process is similar to the one you went through in 1983. " I have enclosed for your review two applications. The first application is for a Pre-Application Conference. What this enables you to do is to apply to meet with the Development Review Committee prior to submitting for Site Plan Review so that you receive information that may be relevant to your proposal in advance. There is no charge for a Pre-Application Conference. If your application is submitted on a Friday, the meeting would be scheduled for the following Thursday morning. The second application is the Site Plan Review application. This application form explains the process as well as listing the reQuirements for a complete application. The Site Plan Review application fee is $100. If your application is SUbmitted on a Friday, the review would take' place within the next 7 working days. Once your site plan has received approval and a Development Agreement is signed the Building Safety Division can issue building permits. The Building Safety Division will need to be provided with 2 copies of construction drawi".gs before they can issue the permit. . You can apply for building permlts at the same time you apply for Site Plan Review. .t...........'t.:,):y:.'. ..- ',I- .225 North 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 · 503/726-3753 ~, . ~ . ., . Please contact Development Review Committee Chairman Gary Karp or myself if you want to discusS these processes further. Cordiall-:, I / . '~cI!~ y thia L. Harmon eve 1 opment Pe rmit Coordi nator cc: Don Moore, Building Inspector Gary Karp, Development Review Committee Chairman .. " , " ',' -:.:'>' ;"". ".;t::::.q:l : L.' :~. :.t'";". ~ , . . . Tim 6CkJjC3 7f&" --$JdG 1!,!J6 ~~A..J .-- ).{) (j K. - ;1U..d conSf. ~. o~ ~~-~ hlji / {/J . r. \j. , -- o . Buy.SeIl. Trade o '. M~,in Street Auto Sales The Walking Man'. Friend" 4106 MainSt. Springfield, OR 97477 Tim Gcrdee (503) 746-8506 Bill Randall Jonathan L. Siegle Greg Shaver Ron Sixby .CITIZEN REVIEW GROUP Robin Morgan, Willamalane Parks and Recreation District Ed Ramsey, Chamber of Commerce Bill Randall, Planning Commission Steve Read, Springfield Utility Board Ben Reed. Citizen Hepresentative Ron Sixby" Planning. Commission . pLANNING AND PEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Greg IVinterowd, Director Planning and Development Rob Lilley, Senior Planner Bruce Newhouse, Project Manager Bill Mitchell, Assistant Planner .~ pUBLIq .WoRKS DEPARTMENT Chuck Campbell, City. Engineer George Walker, Engiileering Tech III Gary McKenney, Tral1>'portation Manager . .M,"i~,^.__..f>r. -4'/~.~~5~ . .~ ...:~ ,v ~~ ~y. M..;"" S"1 t f..,,; c;Q1~1 ,Ch c,; (} t;..<:>.K_F /LA ,~~fZ,-4 ~) I .J. : , . . ,,'. J" liLI- --- . - \=S \\ j.. '-L r I ...., I : u.: -t. . I-t . , .$~ _. - - .. ~- - ..--- - " . ...- I e ~~ ~~L1.o.p_t .a fl . . . .. > ' 9.5 f+ ~ :{ , ../ ~ ( . I i' f>1.:;.. ~" r~ ( r .~ , - \1 I f\'I~; '" <X+:C'....I " "I .. ~":" ,.,.~ \~ . 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