HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Miscellaneous 1964-8-27 . t, 4 S~WE~ LIEN AND CONNECTION AGRF.EMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That for an~ In consideration of the pro~ vision of a public sewer facltllty constructed by the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation In Lane County, Cregon, fOI' the benefit of the real property hereIn described, we.. A. F.. HarDer end/or Elaine K. Harper. busbend and wife. , the legal owners of the property <10 hereby agree to tile phcement of, and grant to said c1ty a ilen upon our property benefited and described as follovlz: 410~ Meln Street. Beginning at a point on the South line of the McKenzie Highway 18.5 feet South end 86.625 feet West of the Northeaat corner of Lot 4, Fredric, aa platted and recorded et page 67, Volume 4, lAne County Oregon Plat Recorda, Lane County, Oregon; thence South 211.16 feet to the South line of said Lot 4; thence Weat 86.625 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot 4; thence North along the Weat \lno of aeld Lot 4 211.16 feet to the South line of aald Highway; thence Eest elong aald Highway 86.625 feet to the place of beginning In Lane County, Oregon. * To a maximum death of 150.0 feet. Amount of LIen: $ 294.53 Said real property described shall be held as securIty for the re-payment of the above sum In ten equal ser.li-ann~al Installments, plus accured Interest at the rate of 6% from the date hereof on the balance of the unpaid assessment. The Initial payment of principal and Intel'est wi" be made by the propel'ty owner six (6) months from the date of this agreement. it Is further provl ded that thl s Ii en may be forec I osed as other c: I ty Ii ena in accordance with the provisions of the Ordinances and Charter of tbe City of Spl"lngfleld In the event that installment paymer,ts Including lnter('\st, are not paid with six (6) m::nths of their due date. T:-'Is lien has been computed ai; beIng one- half (t) of the equivalent cost of an eight. (8") Inch lateral !;allltary zewer at the rata of $3.110 per abutting front feot for. 86.625 '7eet and does not Include the cost of a house connection to saId trunk sewer, sewer user charges, plumbing permits or other such C05t~ to b~ assumed by the property owner. . This lien and agreement ~o pay the same shall be blnC:lng upon tho underSigned who a.e the ovmers of the real property hereIn described and shall bind their heirs, eltec'1tors, administrators, asslgnc and successors III Interest, and until paid, shall be construed to be a cove:1ant rumllng with the land STATE OF OREGON ) . ) COU!lty. 9~ La~~~' >~ Dated at sprlngfl,D~~~~~~~~ ;,~ ";,./::: --,' " I" -1'& '(.</1: / G to r,., ~ }V i-::, t;',.? r./l.o' \ ' 1""""" ~ 12 ,,' ~ C/1-'>"~ ?9'f)~ V /Jo-.- ' \ :.' ~ ~ 0. (<.9 , .. .. ,'\ . .' , (>0. ~ '" . \. '. "1'G)<\:~G) ~~.. / ~.9 ss \" . ..~ .' . ~,.:... "- " ", ,- ~~-, \ ,a 64. (stAL) (SEAL) .' On this 27" '<. day of August ,1964 ,personally came before me, a Notaryp'ubllc;ln and for said County and State, the within named A. E. ~....r 'l.,\d Elllllrie-I(', Hafo,!'f . to me perzonally known to be raentlcal:persons.descrlbed In and who executed the within Instrument, and acknow- ledged to me thai,they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes, ~he.~e;t'n ,;\amed. W01WESS r;r} hand al;d sea I thl s day and year last above written. ~ /r-:JX $,,,"~ (;{ c... ~ ~, __" '. /' NOTARY PUBLIC 8-10-67 My Commission Expires