HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Sewer Connection Record 1997-10-21 . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT AND APPLICATION FOR SEWER HOOKUP . We, the undersigned property owners, request permission to connect the following describcd property to the sanitary sewer owned and maintained by the City of Springfield. We therefore agrcc to pay a charge 01'$0.28 per square foot ofthc benefiting property for thc first 150 fcct of dcpth as a dcposit against future assessments for sanitary sewer. Area in cxcess of the abovc mentioncd 150 fcct of depth is charged $0,14 per square foot. Tax Lot No. 17 02 31 41 04600 Receipt No. tV, <6\:\ PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Address 4061 Main Street That tract of land described in a Bargain and Salc Decd from Bcnchmark Northwcst, Inc to Curtis R, Irving, Bart L. Bardwell and Patric W, Rauber, as recorded for public record in Rccl 2319R, Reception No. 9750334, Decd Records of Lanc County, Oregon, morc particularly dcscribcd as follows: Lot 6 of FREDERIC, as platted and recorded in Book 4, Page 67,Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane County, Oregon, except the West 100 feet thereof. Fee Calculation: 16,010 Sq Ft. at $0,28 per Sq. Ft. = 6.279 Sq. Ft. at $0.14 per Sq. Ft. = Total ~ 4.482 80 $ 87906 $ 5361.86 This agreement does not include the cost of a hOllsc connection to said City Scwc" scwcr uscr charges, connection fees, plumbing permits or other such costs to be assumed by the p,ope'ty owncr. The applicant agrees to waivc all right to rcmonstratc against an improvcmcnt project for sanitary sewer to be duly initiated by the City Council, but not thc right to protcst thc amount 0' manncr of spreading the assessment thereof, ifthc samc shall appear to Applicant to bcar incquitably 01' unfairly upon said property of Applicant. NOW THEREFORE, the City agrces that if Applicant complies with the terms ofthis agrccmcnt and with all other applicable laws of the State of Oregon, Lane County, and the City, the said Applicant shall be entitled to conncct the cxisting residence to thc public sewe, systems, The covenants hcrein containcd shall ,un with the land herein desc,ibcd, and shall bc binding upon the hc;,s, executo,s, assigns, administrato,s, and successors of the parties he,eto, and shall be const,ued to be a benefit and a burden upon the prope'ty he,cin described. This ag,ecment shall bc ,eco,ded in the Lane County Deed Reco,ds. WHEREFORE, the parties havc set their hand and seal this lJ!'~y of 0 cJ-{I (?,ev, 19 q-7 A~ ." ..'~ ( Li /"I, -. Y~tiS R.Jveri,;g) -' ~ .~ .( ,'V ""1 .- rf1--r;-,._r;;/J . t Ba,t L. Ba,dwe'lI) ~<X.. 'vJ . Qr; ,..J/j,(r CITY OF SPRINGFIELD By Dan E. Brown Di,ecto, of Public Wo,ks ---- (J!atnc W. Raube,) STATE OF OREGON) t-'l\,I,.,'':'/t.. ) SS ' COUNT'(pF LANE) _ :1'nl"I::) p",-~"t',L On this.2.J.:: day offj(,J..~tLq" I 91/the applicants, Curtis R..J.yerfng, Bart L. Ba,dwell andy..ru:;c W. Rauber, personally appeared before me and signed the abovc document. . OFFlCIALSEAL , .. i LAURA A. KENNETT \, ,/ NOTARY PUBUC. OREGON .. COMMISSION NO, 062891 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MARCH 17, 2001' >-{'(LW'v-- a. J<LJt..llcf/- ~otary Public for Orcgon " n-, ^/ .. . .,-,- u My Commission expires :> Finance Department Information: Trunk Sewer Lateral Sewcr RETURN TO: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - PUBLIC WORKS DEPT - 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477