HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Application 1983-7-10 . . .: I , I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, I APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT'POR SEWER, HOOKUP Application is hereby made by the undersigned property owner for permission to connect the following described property to a city sanitary sewer line, owned and maintained by the City of, Springfield, and 1 agree to pay such a'hookup charge of $4.50 per front foot of the property for the first 150 feet in depth to be ~erved by such city sewer line in lieu of an assessment against the described property. An additional $0.03 per square foot will be charged for any additional property beyond the first 150 feet. Property Description: Address: 5105 Main Street!' Beginning at a point in the South .line of the McKenzie Highway No.' 28,611.75 feet West of the East line of the A. W. Hammitt Donation Land Claim No. 38, Township 17 South, Range 2'West of the Willamette Meridian, thence South 140 feet, thence West 67.5 feet, thence North. 140 feet and thence East along the Couth line of the McKenzie Highway, 67.5 feet to the point of beginning in Lane County, Oregon, excluding the West 15 feet, which has been dedicated to the City. of Springfield. TRUNK Sewer hookup charge: 67.5 front feet @ $4.50 per front foot = $303.75 square. feet @ $0.03 per sq. ft,. = This agreement has been computed as being one-half (~) of the equivalent cost of an eight (8) inch lateral sanitary sewer at the rate of $4.50 per abutting . . front foot and does not include the cost of a house connection to said city sewer, sewer user charges, plumbing permits or other such costs to be assumed by the property owner. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON By: '1'I/(f/~ ,1ht'/,~/:l.;j.t:l- Date: ,11.11;/ Ie )'1/?, l' {/ (/ PROPERTY OImERS:' / IJ/1A1.1 ~ -fJ1 ' vJ 1..iJ (I. (/ STATE or, OREGON, ) ) ss County of L4ne ) BE IT RJl}lENBERED, that on this 10th day of July 19 73 before'lne, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the said, County and State, personally appeared the within named Jeanette M. Lilly identical individual and acknowledged to me described in that C. ~ p known to me to be the and who executed the within instrument . executed the same freely and voluntarily. WITl-.'ESS my hand and seal this day and year 'last above written. a. ."' /1~~6 pf-/k,rd/' cary Public _. If? . 4 ~ 7.// r / P7...s- My 'Commission Expires ~ ,; . . .., February 1.. lS65 Mrs. RomB 1'.JOmIJS Route 2 Box 72 Cloverda1e, Ore~on 97112 Subject: Property a: "Irs, :Ram,: Tboma.r ~ :; l.OS ~~i:f. i rt Street; Se:~l?r he ok-up ::or DCf:,t ~lrs.. Themes: 'the City Manager, as of JAnuary ?h, 196E, requl'sted the F;llgineering DepBr.tment to reply to your oral complaint concern! \1g your. Sl'nit2ry sewer proposed hock-up tc the trunk line Gn Main Street. By cur letter of February 4, 1966, you were urged LO complete this hook-up 8t the earliest possible date as the State Higt~~y Department WBS expecting to widen and repave Main Street Bod, whpn this was done, the trunk sewer would not be available :or hook-up, This you did not do and. since M<1_n Street is now P<'lit't:, direct hook-up 1.5 no longer pussible. At t.bill date, hmvever, you ma.y ma.ke a hook-up into 51st Street ('9 per ti:1e a.ttac.hed Eketch Number 1259, titled "Proposed Sewer Con- nection, 5105 Maio Street, :'ate 1--;)..-61'. " . . ~ '. Mrs. Roma Thomas February 1, 1968 -2- Our records indicate that you paid $178.50 for 52.5 frontage on Main Street at $3.40 per~nt foot. No additional money is re. quired from you except a $1.00 hook-up permit. Your former $1.00 hook-up, due to time lapse, has expired. Very truly yours, Tom R. Johnson City Engineer TRJ: bw Enclosure As stated cc: Claude D. Malone, Jr., City Manaser Joe Reeves, Building DepartmentJ ~ . Car/' 1,.,1 /) . .\ '" 11a../n Slree.i" / _Tru;,I:._Sewe r_"" -/- - ~ -cp- - - '- ! ~~- a; Seo.;J~r /rf'" __ c..!z.",SIon . &r1.sfrt.<-4Iecl " 6 'f ;1,:, j. /.<-d 'f Det'f. ..u ~ 1M,? No REVISION (DESCRIPTION) DATE ",PS/O.5 /'fa :;7 .sl: I r ~ II) 'I.. 11)1 ~ , I) SCALE: /;:.$0' DATE: /- J/- {.,6 DRAWN: 4.?/. CHECKED: APPROVED: -cify-friGlNEER-- - ho pDooSed (}{)rlnl!'cl/~n I L1 \ \~ '\ CITY OF SPRIN(lFIELD. OREGON ENGINEERING' DEPARTMENT Prof'osed -5ewer CO"MJ/Or1 3/llr 1'1t1J.;" Sf. PROJECT No. IFILE No; : /1 A IDR~WING No. J..zS9