HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Sidewalk 1983-7-5 . .. RESIDENTIAL" SPRINGFlELD , AFF~~CrtTIONIPERMIT 225 Jorth 5th S:reet SDl";r~fieldJ Orecon 37~77 ~ .. ~ ... Building Di~i3ion 726-3753 .Job :.cc.=.ti~": 5 }O,<) ma..l.~ S. +. 1'\ fJ'l ~3?fff\ (')1001 ) a ~ c( (J'MttLr, J il~"'~J () P. ~. -'5A1- rZ.ft')/ Phon8'~ /'T~-)j'fR/ ~/) ,; (/fl Zi", () 7t/ '7 ;; fF/ ,ts~escor': ,t!ap ,; Md~:r;Jic11: ::"_"11Cl': Add....es3: Ci.~: M"~,, n Add:.ticn n RemodB~ r---l ~~Q~!~ Hcma ~( d.t..w,_dJ r'c:.:el of Applica::i.Cl1 :';""t"rcc:o;,s Genera. ~t1L. Q ptwnin:'11IJ !:Lectric::l. NQchcr.i.e::. L 1- 5 -"33 /1 ),tR..P CO"st~~c~i$n !~nder Tc:: Lot # Describe flork: ~~ U)~.~ VaLu.e AddrQS3 '7s l../q 'L J &f. 'X nil If I ) - .,CC8":== ; 6 (p '12-1 <<.. ,JI~L~ ." 2.cJ j I . Siqr.2d: Dato.' ole!.- 7-')'x<. ~isc. F! Eoircs Ph.Ol'lo; f../;J,z,o 7 7'1/ - 22'1/ l: is :hQ l'eSFCTrlaibiti.:y of ths per.m:.: haldel' :0 866 that aZ! i.nooections are .,:,:ads at the prop.e!' tim~~ t,T-.at ;;::ch ::;dd:ress is rea.::ab:-e ....rom tits streee, ar.d :hae the pcrr.ri.t C:L""li is l...-cated at the front' of the property. ~3u.i!.di.:".g J:.:Ji=i.o!': cp;1"?1:ed ;!.ar. s;..::lZ. remai.n 071 :;';B EuiZding Si.t:; at a.z.t times. ?'?OC2~U:t:! -",'on n;S?~C7'ID" R!'OUEST:CALl 726-3769 (recorder) state your ci.ty desigr.ated job n:.u::oe1'3 job ad60es83 type of' i.r..~=-,ec:;icn r~q'..J.esccd a~..::i :..'.':e71 yeti. ;.)i.L.l. be ;oeariy f'or ir..i1pCC1;ion3 Contractcrs 01' Ct:ne:os r..c::ne cr.d Fhone n.:.ombcr. Requescs l'ecei;';OJd (;~fcl'e' 7:00 .:=:: .-ilL be ",.ade :he seme dc.y, requests "ade afta' 7,00 "" lolilL b. made the nat ""rking ";.'.' ~_,",', /}~_' ?\+ '!)' (> ,-..) Your Cip-J' Desigr.atcd Job Number !3: CIAO') ltl " X .l?~r.1Jir...A .,...<:"'PI"''':~:r.T'q o O U:l;E,~S[,:'~ ?!,;",'.f3:::G, Er.2:::.~!":,i!. ~ XECr.:;,';tt;:.i..: ;0 be rr.ade be;arooZ c.ny wrk is ,;o:J:::t'ea. sr:!' I."IS?!'::':C;'.': To be r.r;ce e:cav~ti~n, ~u.: prier :: Jet forms. a;':21' tI.::J 0"''' . , o PCC'!'..~;G ~ ?CU:.'OA.'!':-;:l: To ce .~2 af:~r :t'encr.es =re ~a~Jated ar~ f:;rms ere Jrec:2c3 .:u: prier :0 pourir.g cC71c:-et~. CJ V,~I~';;Rr;:::;-;rJ:!!) ?!.,(.~.!2 !;';C. DRA...-,~'AG2: :'0 ae ~e Ur.g ;rer:ci:es. :!"~'~. ~ :J.:~~,;~ l"-r:.or> ...0 J.... o UN'E:RF:'!JC.~ !'!.,'}.'.f32IG ~ X::r::~.4.V:C:,!.: To be m--ce ~r>icr ~o in3~aL~:~on of J~oor insu~;ion ot' ~ecKinq. o P'JST .4:'1D 3E:AM: To;e rr:c.dc ;,r"ior :0 ins:::al.z....::i.cn ot fZoor ir.3t.:Za:icr. or deckir.:;. o .:;cn(;.!.:.' ?!.T.~'!!:.'C. ::-:,:::::-_r)!~:,!. { 'E::H. ~: :;0 '';:)1'k :,3 =.? :;c CO::2l''ZC; ur.:it :r.C3~ ~~~=e~:i~3 ~~e ;~er. ma.:ie zrLi =??l':ne:!... E':+='::?!.~'-:2: .~:.or:o mc:aria~s and b.f~re tier.. o ~~:r~ J.~r_... .~=~n? i713pec- o F.::tj...'~!.';r;: ,'.1'..l.3:.;e !'6t;'..J.€3t:2d c.f';el' appt'ou~L of r~gh ~l~~i~43 e~ec~~~- cat ~ ~ecr~~~~~. ~t! ~afir~, bra~r.g ~ ar.~T.r.CUS3 2:';. ~..l.a= =e . c:)nr::JLe:cd. .'10 -';;1',( ia ~o =4 ~cn. + cec;'Ztld :J.r.:it ;hi3 ir..iocc:icn r.as . b6en :r.tui,z c.nC ';:'ppl",."':~d. o iNSl1LAT:!ONIVItPO.l? EARRI"ER IH$?::C'!'ICN: To ae made after all. insu.L:;twn w.d re~~ired U~or barriers are in vZace but :;e.fore ~y tath~ gypsum bcdrd or wLl covering is c;ppl.ied~ ::r.d before any inauZation is con.ceal.ed. I DE.'-!()LIT;ON OR :.:Of!; 3UI!;DZ;;CS ~ San.i~d se'...)er ::apped ::t P~::lp~ro;-:l' ~ Se?ti~ tank p-...::-:;:;ed ~nd f:'LLJ~ :.;itn ;ra-.;e! 1.ir:.a I PinaL - rlhen a,;cve ite:7:s a:!'8 c:cq;Z€-;~d ---1 ar.cI ~hen ie~Z~tior. is c~~e=e or st~~~- ~e ~oved ar~ pr~.,;a~s ~Ze~ed ~~. Nobile Be.iles ~ ~ ~ BlQck~r~ ~.d Sat-~p Plumbir~ connecti~r.s aa.;szo cr.:I water o DF?YWALL INSF!CT!C',V: Tc be r.".aC.OJ after all drywall. is in pl.a.c:e3 but prior to c;ny taping. E'l.cctr-;cal Ccnr..ec~:."n - Blocki1"~3 set-up and pr.tunbing conr:ections r.r....si: =8 !z?pro:n:ec be;orc request:.ng .zlec-:?ical. ins?ec:;io:-:. o ,~SO~1Y: Ste6Z Zocatior:3 bond bear.:33 groutinq or verticals in accordance ~~th U.B.C. Section 241E. ~ =:J AcceSSCl';,' 3uiZ.iir.g Final - !.f:~r ;'l'c~es. 3K~~-:~ng3 dec~43 etc. are c~le:~d. o ';.;OODS'!'OYE : ccmFl.e~~d. After instal.lation ~s D AZr. pro.jec-; concit~;ons3 ;;;u.c'=: c::s ene -i.ns:a~Za-;:.c" of' s;reee =r8e83 :c~:.~:::.,,>'! o/' titc required ZaruisCC?~;r..g3 etc.. must: :,e sc:iaf-:.cd be,;ore the 3r.rI:'DD'C i'!.':ML :ar. .:e r2Cj'.l3S-;.2d. CJ. PINAL P!U.\'!JI:/G ;:=J _ F:.~'Al. .'.~':P.';:IICA[. ;:=J .='I:IA!. 2!.EC':'R!';:'; .:=J o ?!RAL aUI:DI~C: The F~nal auiZdir~ Ir.s?ec-;iQn .~~ be reque:;ted;f:el' ;i:2 :i1"~l P!~bir~ El~cr:ricaZ., oui NeC:;'Anicc.Z inspectic1".a h.::vo ,;een ,?lade ar~ c.;:prcv.;?d.. D CURS & Al'PRCACP.4.?PON: Aftar' forr.zs ae ere::r;ed but pr':'or to pC"J.r'~7'.g 1/6~:;:' a DRn'EWAY, For on con- crete paving ~1;h:.n street right- of-wcfh to be made aft.;?r at!. e=~c- vating cO'l7pZete & f'orm :Jari< & zub- base ,'r.cter-:.al. in ?'la.=e. o ~::NCE:: :/hen cO:;7pL~ta -- ?rovide gates or movab Ze 3ec't'"~cns through P.U.;;. "ALi; :'1A:.'HC!.ZS AND CLEANOUTS ,'lUST 3E A.C:.:r.:SSI3['E, ACJr.:s:.'~,~',!, ':0 3E ,\~1iiZ .<!'!' !.'O -::5';' r~ CI':''! I ?=;i D or' 2 ! JOB I NO. ~:;"!:t!: I Lot Sq. Ft;. . ~ jf ~~: ~.:ruer~. I ~:# of $tor-:.es I :"ota! Hai.ch: ; . I Tcpog~hy I Ir:.'Dl L,.,~" I 1~~C2 I I :.::r=':1": i. 1.'1c::eS3:n'" $';..':'':G Is.D.C. I ';':Y."..t!. "/ALr.;S I :;c:~UC) 1.5 = Zuil.ding 2crr::-;t State Surcn=rge :'o:aZ ~".a..-ge3 I I~,.'f I FL-t"'..res I Residential (J ba:h) j Scr.itJ.t"J SetJO'l' I ;,co.... 10','0. i I I I I P!:.unbing Perd. t State Surcl-..a.rgc '1'.:ta! cr.t:rces , I]DI , 0"0. .f?'!s. Sa. Ft:J. .'l~/ErtJnd Ctrc".ci:;8 I TerrTl'crt:rtJ 52roJ1.CB Ele.::r{cal P~t St:;,te SW'':;'.1:U'~e To~l r:"~!::es I .-,~" ,...~.I P-..trr"::Cq ?TU' S E.::haus t Hood. l;rent ::::1'1 I . I ;/:;odsto-.;e Ptzr:":':"';t I:;su.::r.cz Me:;..an-:.c:zz C'e'l"f'fr'it Stat2 Surc~c ~,.,~.,:,,! ':'}C'!"~"'!J .1 ~:,'C::.:;Mc:;':.:r.'!-: 1- . " . . I ~-eC'..l!""'~ tu .:.IC::-03't: I Stor-:zce I "k:~r.t~.cr..:'2 Pc~;e: Tetal r:'t7.Cr"":(!S I C\Ll'~C'..l; I Sid=!< I I :€1"...::e j E'Z.<lc:rical. Lc.l:el ; .VobiL.a ?l=r.re ":OOTA!: AAI()[j.'!T DUE:" . ?:q. 2 SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- ~C~..t=c".c".J 'j('C"J.=: l.C':' ':'!?E Irl.te'!"ia'l' Corne:- Pc:nitar.dle c-",Z--de-sac x lalue CfJ.AP.G! ;,;h";_:::C2 C!I).RCE 7. ZcJ 7r20 . L-COC? :"':JeICar.s:: 3fi!~"or.:s: I I:.ot Fa.ces - I I :=na'1'TJ SO:4'1'''.qs '~ :/':;e I 3etb:::~,i.:s I I ::e-=: I ?~. 1 :;""'"~e I Carc.ae I .-i.':cesa. I ;.{a1;~!, ::",t1~;!1" ..""...~ Iflo'1'o;/1 I i I ! Raru:e lEes:: I J I ti'!"eoiace ISot.:;h I I I I lY'ooaa:o::a II/est 1 I I Pees Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the e--r:'1'ess -::ondition that the sdi( ~onscr'.lc:;ion shall, in all respects, ~nfcM ;0 the Jrdir.ar.ce =dop~ed by the :~t? .:1j" Spr-ir.af'iet.d, ~nc!:.ui~ng the ~onir.a Crd:r..::r.ce, recrJ.Lr.:.til~'3 ;i:/l ccr.s::-:t'::';':r. ar.d ~;~ of buiZdings, and m=~ C~~Ju.3~er~ad or revoked ~t cr.~ t"';~e u;~r. ~ie- la:ion e/ zr.y ?r~Vi3ior.s of -sa...:d Ord~r".cJ1.Ces. .. I. I I I ,. I P!an Check Fee: ,I tate ?aid: l,qec"~'t #: I Sig>:ed: Plumbing Permit lIo person chall construct, inst:a.ZZ.. aZter or change G71y r.ew er e=is:i.na plumair4 or drainage syst~ in ~hoZe or in ~t, unZess such ;erson is tr~ legal possessor of ~ Datid plumoer's license, e=cept tr~t a pe!'son ma~ do pZur.:bing ~ork to propert-:j which is or..'?'.ed, lilasod 0'1' cpe'l'Ct.d by thQ ~pZi- cant. ,/ I I. I I I i I I , . Electrical Permi t Vhere" State. LoJ requires tr.at the elBcw;caL work oe done by an ElB~tr";cal. Contractor, the electrical porti01't of thi3 pemit shall 1'.ot ba valid :lntiZ the label has been signed by the Electrical :ontractor. Mechanical Permit I I I I ,. i'Uzn. Z=n1.r:er I./a:.l I ElAn;" CARSFUU.S EXA\fINF:D t;,tw c:otr:plated ~pl::cation lor permit, end do hereby certify thee aLL ~~;o~:~on hereon is ~rua ar~ correc=, ar.: I f'J.r~heP ceZ''tii:i ;hat any ani aZl :.:ork ~e1'lo~ed JhaZ1. be do:-te in accor- dance :.rich tha Ordin:::nces of tha City of' SpringfieLd, ar.: ;;.;: Uz''':J of t}:3 Stata of Orec:;n o:zrt.;rininc to ~J:e work cesc::"";bcd here-:-n, cr.d :;..c.: ;,,'0 '.JCC::- Pt..'lCY wiu b~ rrade oj c=n.;/ a:;ruc=:a>a witho...: ?Jrmisai.an. oj" the EuiZair.q D-:.- vision. I J~ther ~ertif~~' tr~t o:-tZy =cr.tra=~ors a7~ ~l~ye~s ~;.~ ~~9 in ~~iance uith CRS 701.0SE will be used en this pr~j2C:C .F'/'> ,V" I Sigr,3a \uJ) 8"J Da.te u.....J 0.., il