HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Fire Deferral Submitted 1983-9-14 Jc8 f$~7<()5' J Plumbing Inspector Building Inspector FD-166/83 . SPRINGFIELD FIRE DEPARTMENT__ JQclJu EfJo-JZ-,~ INSPECTION REFERRAL FORM ~ Date of Referral 1-1'1-'13 Inspection Number ~S-~S-- Occupancy ])y;.P-IuJOOtl SL/.~~ cf4h Address$O ~ '" IYlI4-J~ TO: Electrical Inspector Mechanical Inspector Enyironmental Inspector EXPLANATION OF REFERRALJi/e.eJ"-; I-J-a-v-e, E:1-e..c..+\r'1c.l4..( _ ~+<tV ~.k-, (Lt- th.R" LJ~J ~ ~~ A.Y'O<A..v.~L J"k..{. I,o~~i-A,j~ ~ t~~ L~l)/I" bA.-#t.V'I'IC'lrYL ACTION TAKEN (Attach copy of orders) By Date A 1f(' ~ t-'; r " . ~~. ., . ~: <~.r?:~::.;~~~r:,'y~~.' ""t-', .. .-''''' . Y'A:';-::! ::;~~.:~~~>,:;:-'jt~;~~~:--::.;~~~ .. .~IRE:DEPARTMENT INSPECTION .~ '~.....~., . . -. OCCUPANCY NAME . .n'l} irr iVn"~) . ."0 91/m.qjAJ ': &; !rrro PERSON CONTACTED UFC SECTION .. - . . 'VlOLATlON . . ..~ JECTRICAL -'. ~. '" -.. ~.:- '11.404'~ :J.X" Discontinue use ot extenSion cords In lieu of permanent wiring, :;.... 11.404 2. Each outlet box shall have a cover faceplate or fixture canopy_ 11,404 <== ~alntaln 36" clearance In tront ot electrical panel. - , .11,404 .~, Maintain wiring in g~ condltlo~ and protect from damage, B. EXITS . . ,. Remove unapproved locks or latches from exit doors, - 2, Unlock all exit doors during business hours. . - 3, Remove obstructions tram exits. aisles, corridors and stairways, - <4. Remove obstructions tram smoke doors and maintain to operate properly. = 5, Repair or maintain exit door and hardware to operate properly, . H. HEATING APPLIANCES ,. Remove combustibles and storage tram heater area or room. = 2. Provide clearance between heat producing appliance and combustible material. I. HOUSEKEEPING 1. Remove or store rubbish, waste material. oily rags in closed metal containers, - 2. Clean grease filters and hood duct system over cooking appliance, = 3, Provide approved waste containers for combustible waste. -... STORAGE . ,. Remove storage from exits. aisles, corridors and on or under stairways. . . -:- 2. Arrange storage In orderly manner and provide for exiting and fire department access. -3. Remove storage to 18" below level ot sprinkler (36" for storage piled over 12 teet high). - <4. Reduce storage height to at least two feet below ceiling. K. PERMITS ~ .~~':~:~ .,... " ~'~'.!'. ',' ." ::~g~(a) :.: .-~: g:~~ya~~~:,'~~;nr::I::~~n~vention Bureau, or diSCOntl~~:~ :~<:'.'/ '::Jt- -:>:-:~:.;.'~~ _, _...~. ~.r:''': . . :~_:'; ., ..' ~L MISCELLANEOUS-' , " ..~ ,., ~'.:::~~'. ....:~ _ .,--:--;> .~..' ",'._;1-_"_ _~'" .....:.;.;..;- :-:.....-. ". .,,~ ~""'';~ 13,101 --~. '1. Post and entorce No Smoking signs. ::"- ~.;. ...._ .;..~~.,r...... ''';.~~.:. '.._.i. . ._..'~.~ ,.:...X.,....A...:;,.' - 10.208;_..,-::::- 2. Provide address in such a position as to be visible and legible from the 8t. trontlng property..- . .;#F .... ...".. ,'-...< '. ~ -~.:'i ~_ .10.207 ,':-+;= 3. Remove obstructions and provide access in fire ranes, ",;.,.f'~C~1"~';;; :~;,:i;/:J:'::-:'::..: :"..' .7"-)~>'I' _ 'T"",":-:_"::..."- ~'~_~ ~~-i'.r-. ~"...:.;.... ";'1' ~<;;:""~""''''-''I_ ~-~ . .;-;~ 7..~.10~ . .;.'..:~ <4. ~~ ~!~~~,m~r~~, g~.c~~~~:S.ln UPrig_h.t_~~ti~n wlt~..n~ of.,~,~~u,,~:._:t_{4/f;~:~:~~. :..' i,~ ~ ~ ..:.- . . ~ '. ...... :r ~~__ ~ -.-' ..~-_.s.,.. OTHER ..~._~.....J ._~ - --":-::I' ,%..._~-!'.,s!.., - .., ~~._.._..~----...4~r.."-,~I.....~.:-...:.,.... .~ ..._ ~-._~~_-i..;>~ . . .; ;;~. .::,,:. ,., '. V'S" ;;;:~'."',, 'L"'.r-~A~/:S'- . ".-~ 0 ~'I,....;t..",,~S"'::.0'.;:...'%~:.' .;,,,,,- '. '.;--., ,. -:", "-' -. '''''''1, """ .;..,.....;.., ..~.- , C. 'n.;JW" .., ~.n', r "'^" ~ 7r~,-""rs:;. '.~'. .....-.""1 '}i,'~:;,,-:-;...><_. -'-",;':;, ,. ". 'l~ """ ~:. :...;.~..':W:;.:, E~l:PTY d&;'~"&.iJ. '',;f;;;i..-~r'o.f~ -<F<;":"~l ;i;,,:j;;t~- -'. .. ;:'"~I'~ J.~ _ . .~-i;/:~~-:- ',;,;~:;i1~-' .,- 0/ -..-' ~""~;':;>Aj.~.~.,..;,,~~~;;. ,-,:.~.~_ ~. ;:~ _';~./ .:'~~;>;~"'''''''<,;;';;'~-!t---''-:~.~~<;;;'' "~~ ..... ";" _' ". . "",._u . '~'~~.'.'.-~ ;...~ :~.j."~.."~.'.c,.:.~ '.--'.... '.,<7'>A.---.1!"'""''''"~ ,'C' -.' '#~:<~;.:-':..-""'~""~- -... . , .';.p....,.-,J,.-w '1'. "".~~."-.O.f!t;~.-AR~'. ~..." E.' B.Y. NOT. .:IEo.'TO.C ~ R.~...'... nt.. E.'~'..B O...VE....Y...IO..LA..T.IO N. S .'.W-~;~;~ ~i~'-"~"~ ~)'.D.:Y~. -~.'..~""'""~;;""'.':.'.;~..'t<".''''.~.'~~~.'J ~~<'''':':'',:",-~~.".)!,"~J'~'~":. -" ,"" ffli).,'..... ..""'''':'.tf....j-.~.,...,,''', "'....''ll.~~~",'"''JI~,.. -~.. d-'~"""_'<.'~~;;ro~'~--''':'i~'~ ,- f' . ':~Igii~:'" ~ . -,,<<;7;'FI/I?/';k.~ ...'--!f*,~,l;,>.C;~?~~::;.<~"", .n~~YiOL.!\Tlo.N~lNo.t~~~~.a' '~''';.:'''1!!~;m .'-.' . "~FiEFERREi> TO FIRE PREVENTioN'BUREAli'FOR LEGAL;'AcTIO~:' . ,:>",,;.".' ;*~";;:"~~b~i~d "': .,::0'- ./~~ ~~ti .~ '~':iSPE'2~~l;;i-ni;.."'.:.';'5};;::=,;;'DJ!:;"-;'cO." ~'.i:.. ;.,,;.ct~DATE J].~ ~~~':r.~~l\~:..;~o ':i '45451) ~'1 .:~~~..:__'''' '. ..... I-:._'."'!'f"'i.".' .."X"-ro't...- 't.. ....... ......;: .J~~-..~~~::~:~.'-.~:J~'~:"'::';" ,,1:' "' .' ._~. __" _ _",~'..~" ;~..:.-."". ..._.-~.- ~~.. -- ~. ADDRESS 12.104(b) 12,104(b) 12,103(8) 12.105(1) 12.104 12.113(c) .12.113(a) l,2,113(a) 10.301 (a) 10.301 (a) 10.301 (a) 10.301 (a) 10.302(a) 10,302(a) 10.302(a) 10,302(a) . 10.313 10,302(a) 10.402 10.401 11.408 79.103(1) 79.103(2) 79.104 79.402(b) 79.111 79,402(a) 79,l09(a) 79.1.10 11.406(d)+ l1,406(d) .- , . 11.201(b) .10.313 11,201(b) 12,103(e) 11.200(.) 11.203(b) 1'.203(b) " . Su',gI"€'R CJJj"A ...3_.-...:'-~ .+ .. - + . '. ~ ~ .......~~.._'~ .. , ~\.. .",'~ -:;~ "- -, PHONE :Pu 10- ~ ','" '" :... .-.-~.~~: .-. I I I I '.1 I / 1if'6 /11M~IIALf... I '1 -. REMARKS . '~~ .::: '.;)_<~-f:.. ~ ,...... ". . ~ +; ": .,.-1. . ~ -: " ~ -:' - ", : .... , '- ~ ~ RE,(.'~.i );Uc> .' .'" --jrH 'F-5 /.J-I _RI'{,.rr~d 10 A-t} .- I , '1 I I I - I * /Jel?,l-o.- ~'o...- El'...chr..c......1 M..;f-;v ~. J.--'e.. Ai- --du.. WUUOu...,' _~~.c~~ Jr>""'^k4~ib~ A~ ~ ~ ~ kn-tt..l1.lmn:. V ..', -' / C. EXIT LIGHTING 1. Maintain lightlng for exit sign;. . -:- 2. Provide lighting tor corridors. stairways and exterior exltways. = 3. Exit.s shall be Illuminated at all times the building Is occupied., ,',D. FIRE ExnNGUISHERS '" _, , - 1. Provide extingul8heres) at a minimum rating. ~ - 2. Mount extinguisher where readily avallsDte. wltn top not higher than 5 teet. - 3. Post signs indicating location where extinguishers are not readily visible. . = <4. Service and tag each extinguisher annually and alter use. ~' IRE PROTECnON SYSTEMS '. . - . intain access to and oPeration of 8tandpipes. fire hose. 8prlnkler valves and tire hydrant(s). . nspect and test sprinkler system and maintain records, . 3. Identity 8prlnkler valves and standpipes and secure In open position. - .<4, Provide spare 8prinklers (6 minimum) and sprinkler wrench. ~nspect and service hood and duct extinguishing system over cooking equipment. = 6. Replace damaged. corroded or painted 8prlnkler heads, F. FIRE SEPARATIONS 1. Remove obstructions from tire doors and maintain to operate properly. - 2. Seal unapproved openings 'with approved material. - 3. Keep attic access and scuttle openings cloiled. -' -"':r.',~ , O. FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS 1. Reduce Class I to less than 5 gal. Inside or 10 gal. outside without permit. - 2. Reduce Class II & III to 25 gal. Inside or 60 gal. outside without permit. - 3, Remove liquids not stored in original containers or closed metal containers. - 4. Remove flammable liquids not used tor maint. in assembly bldgs., offices. apts. or motels. - 5, Discontinue use ot Class I liquids (gasoline. etc.) for cleaning. ..-_: 71 6. Store liquids away tram corridors, aisles. stairways and exit areas. I' - 7. Discontinue dispensing trom containers exceeding 5 gal. or provide pump taking suction from top. - 8, Discontinue the discharge of liquids into drains or on the ground. -- " r I " ~ ~," '-... .... -" ~ - :"~r ,.~ ,'~ .~ .- ~ -.. -.