HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Miscellaneous 2009-7-15 '~,~ . I.(OO/,.(IEJ ('ily nt'Sllrillgficld Cummunity Scn'iccs Divlsiun , 225 Fillh StrceL Sprilll!ficl~. OR 97477 T~kph(lllc: (541) 726.3759 Fux: (541172(,-.~68l) -- _WH 290""" no _'\.3j___ I\uildillgl'crmil# JJLJ O"".f115"Z=~ [}:tIO c; 12ILL l)rojcl"I"1 illt: 4oo.Z1v.kLMHov_~ U..9!:L .srfj~J-L~ Prujccf Address " II , ~llcdullnspeclion and TcSlill1-t, Tt1llPplic.mts urprojecls requiring SJ1L'Cilll insllCL1illll m-Icslillg ill! p\=T Scctiun 1704 tlflbc On.,,!:-on Smu:tur.d Sllcrlnll~' Code. PJclUt: le\'icw til(.' intimnl1liol1 helow. Whcn )'(111 hn\'c Iilli~hl!d, Olcknawledl;cnn llnd~'~lmltling Ilfllll' infillmation by SiSlliuy helllU". wId tcturn Ihis forl1llu lh~ ('it)', - UEH>]tI,: r\ PEItMIT CAS RI.: Is~n~l.lt The OWller ClTuwncrO=- n:I'IC!l~lIlilti\'a:, UII tin: llIhiL'C Uflhl.: rC:!illtllbihh: Pmjecl Eflgilll:I.'r nr :\n:hih.'CI. Shill! clllUplclC. slCn. ,l1\d SUhlllillU Ihe City for n:\"iew .lIid <lppro\'allhis fonn t:llmJ1lcl~'t1 (In bUlh the fnllll alld had. .r: I. ['OIl1rnclor i5: responsible far pr"llI:r nntlrir::ntinll (or the IIlSJl~lillll Hr TC!loling ur il.:sns lislcd. The tlWl1~r <\Ild Gcncral \Ol11r.Jclur, whC're aJlIJljcahJ~. s.hall also ndmnwlciJ}.:c lhe ri,lIow;nl! conditiu/ls It(l(llkahk lu Spl:dalll1~pC:':lion nnil nr TCSliul!. . . In:H1U..:,\ Ct:HTlFICATl: OIt()("CFP.\NC\' \\'ILI~ RE ISSl:t:U: The S~ciJ1llnspc:cli(ln Acenc)' :;:l1ull l\uhmit 10 the Rulldlll,S Official:1 !i1~1~ll.lCnt drat;U. ilct,lu.cl}uiriut[. . : inspl."Clltll1 hl1\"e been fulfilled .und n::ponl.'d und WI.'rl: 10 Ihe,bcsl (lftlu: in:'ipcchlf'o,: kntlwlcdgc. in conformullc,: with the appro'.'cd plans. 5pccifh::aliunli :and appl.iwWi~\p,kItlO1n :::hi'. .. 11tl,,)\,j.sitlu~, Those items 1101 h:!ilcd nlld/or i1upcclcd slmll be notcd illlhe !ititlcll\cnt. "h~ n:port is to he !l.ll~mi(tctl to lh~ Cil)' rni,C1" [0. a rC'1"C1illilr final insprcliolll.. .. . " .' \1. , TI,'J:tiu!t l.:!lboralor)' shaH I"kc: ;Ippmpriut... silmplcs. m,ld tnmsJlOf1 (hem It' lh~ir lIahoml'H)' for proper c\'llluntilltl ur It':ltinS'. . Copil:S orulllabuflIlUl')' n:JluMs and inspcctiOlI5 nrc to he !ll.:llllu 1Iu; t'il)' b}' Lite T(~lltlg AgCI1!-")". . J. Sp~ci:lllllspcctiol\ 1\~C~ICr is lu =>uhmilllllllh:S muJ qunlifkutiulIla uf \ltl.~itl: SpcciallllspC'Cu1rsln lhl.' Cilj' thr lIPI":UV:It. 4. Spcl:iallnspl:ctoT sh31111fO\'i~a: in!i:llcction r~ports.to thl) building uOidul uCnll iliSpccliun aclh'i\ic.~. :'i. (.aulructor is'responsihle lCl,r\'\"il.'~\ Ihl.' Cil)" Ilppro\'cd plans fvr "Llllilinuul ins(l~C:li{ln or 1(:511111; ra:(luj'clIu:nl~ 1hm mn)' he nOh.'d, ACKNOWLEDGEMF.NTS ~fJ1.- {}wlU:r N3111~ (Printed) 0 ' I.'r SfQll:lIUru I - I &,... ...\..~A.'tcJI/'7I45, AIc..-Jl "Vel ~ 1:11J,!.il1l.'c.... Or Archilect Firm (Pril,lh:dl . ~l1gin~cr or ATe lile r~ 'l'~~ling,1"nhllml(lfY Name (Prilltl:dt Ch~i'/".> it..." d/~G-f,'v;.,' Gen, Conll1lclnr Finn Nmn~ (l'rimedl "ps'f ., ~ Sncd:tl hl!!o--wil A~cnt\. N 1111:' I Primcu) -'~ - --~I-"""''' .. ~_ ~rdTl1il().J:li\.'i:il.N~ili~tI1rflltCd) " ", .... . . . . ... . . . .. ...... . . .. . .. . . ..' ...... . . .... . . .... n'" J21~~~ 2/j~/~ :.:::. TIll COlltmct Sigllnw '/ 1.rMJl ....r.-c ' ~ca:illltuK~ ___l'~ '5 -., \. I!uildin~ OOidnl Si~lIimlrc ..... . . ..... ...... . . .. ...... . . .. ...... . . .. .. .... . . . .... ...... . . .... ~ , II c '- , SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TESTING SCHEDULE Reinforced Concrete. GUDite. Grout and Mortar: Concrete Gunite Grout Mortar . - . , ',GRADING, EXCA V AnON, AND FILL 'Accepta'nce-tests,* fSF Establish final grade Fill placement inspection/continuous Soil Density , I A~gregate Te'st of Mix Design I " Reinforcin,e Test I Mix Design-Weighmaster Cert.* I Reinforcing Placement I Continuous Batch Plant Insoect. I Inseect Placing I Cast Samoles Samoles (PickuolDelivered) Compression Test* STRUCTURAL STEEUWELDING: , Sample and test (list specific members below) Shop m~terial identification (mill cert) ~ Weld inspection ~Shop $-Field Ultrasonic inspection sti9P _Field High Strength Bolting_Shop _Field A325 ---,N _X A490 _N _X Metal deck welding inspection Reinforcing Steel welding inspection ReinforCing steel mill certificate Metal.stud welding inspection Concrete insert welding inspection Moment resisting steel frames I I I I I I Precast/Pre-stressed Concrete: Piles Post-Tens' Pre-Tens Cladding _F _F I I I I I I I I I Aggregate Tests Reinforcing Tests Tendon Test Mix Designs* Reinforcinl?; Placement Insert Placement Concrete Batchinl?; Concrete Placement Installation Insoection Cast Samoles Pick-UD Samoles Compression Tests ....,... , . . .. ..... . ..... ,STRUCTURAL WOOD: . ..... Shear wall nailing inspectionl . Shear wall anchors . . . . . . . Inspection ofGIu-lam fab.;- Inspection oftruss joist fab. Sample and test components. . Fabrication welding of stee' <<~es:Ories ... . . . .. ...1". ) . . .. .T/C ?~i . .. . . .. . . . .. .. ."l ..... , . . ... .. SMOKE CONTROL: FIREPROOFING: Leakage testing Control Verification ...... ~.., MASONRY. .... ~. S "1" ...A>I< s,... f" pecta InSpectIOn stresses ~lJU'-.:: ,. m. g ... , Preliminary acceptance test6-(mar.onry units~wall prisIDIf... ' S~bsequent tests (mortarJgrout, field wal:,pli.~~lf) l.... ' Placement inspection of uriits, and reinforce~e;t Masonry, mortar, grout, and reinforcing steel certificates ROOFING: InsulationinstallationlR- V alue* Test strips/seams Placement inspection Density tests Thickness tests Inspect batching DDITIONAL INSRUCTIONS, OTHER TEST, & INSPECTIONS: - J:,.IS'TA.Le;J) ANC.HoIts ItJ ~U-p. Date 01-f'~/D5 Form Completed by: r...,vll.';' . .", - S't~. , NGTH REQUIRED BY ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER OR CONTRACT DOCUMENT LOCATION OF VALUES