HomeMy WebLinkAboutLegal Miscellaneous 2009-7-15 ! .,~~ -ij ..J~'~- -~ ..........LD ~ , City of Springfield Community Services Division 225 Fifth S"<<:I. Springfield. OR 97477 Telephone: 541-726-3753 Fax: 541-726-3676 Ii. II. "...,Iiii_. Deferred Submittal- A~re~men.L -~ Oregon Structural Specialty Code Section 106.3 allows a permit applicanllo defer censin submittals if approvc:d by the Building Official. This form is a deferred submittal agreement for the following project: ' Dale: O~ /,<; (O'j Project Name: HOD 1IC1e5. Ai 1,1 (/ e.'/-L ProJecIAddr...: lJI-n 1&,k.fk..J;:O.....t W~ Permit Number: ~IK ?1n"l=120~3-' PhBie: o.Ext:8vation &Onding 0 Foundation Only [] Completion L S~e Ulilili.. I" Shell )<!tenanl Improvement Design Professional i. RespoDSible Cbarge: 1::0 It:. AALL IJ rzc.. I} / ~r~ License nurilbe'r: # 30/1.2. Email: E21t:.1j;)EIY-=~ ~eC::II/"""""~,Cbt!...- Pho'ne: .<;1/1- bU, "'''''l!f _ fax: ,;:;q./- &.1lJ/-.s:1D AddresS: ' '" II-klY.5'1 ~ ,<:'IJITE" 100 t;ZVGE~ ,..,p ,",-:JiJ.'" GuldeU.... I. ADDrnval: Each clef...... subminal shall bear the approval of the design professional in ...ponsible dinrge, NOllition shall be included tha! the dcr...... submit1al documents have been". :., .~ and have been found to be in :~encraJ conformance to the design of the building. 2, JJs: Page 2 of this foml is a list of deferred submillals. The design professional in respoI1sible eharge mUSl checl(whicb subminaJs are requested to be dcferml and indiea1e an anticipated submittal dale:. 3, ~: Minimum SIOO.oo (2 bour) for each clefem:d subminal. 4. Tl....Unes: EvOl)l attempt wm be made to provide timely reviews of 5-1 0 business days W.<lffem:d submittal. . . . . . 5. W~ w1lh'l"t. Permit: Work that is consUU<:led wilboul having been reviewed and ~'lI'4 by both tho design professional in n:5pOnsibl. charge and the Ci.y of Springfield Building pm.i.1 is considered as work ,:~onned without a permit Any person or finn pcrfonnina work. JXior to . . . approv81 shall be su',jcct to the penalties of Section 10&2.1 ofthc Slate of Oregon Structural Speciahy: .... . . .. . A~::edgemeDt!' /IA /) A ~:.: -:. . .: ~~ t-li~ ( ___fl th. V~ ..:::: ...... Owner Name (Printed) ~netignature' n I . . - .. . . ..:: r:ha.v>tbcPr,,- LU/lS-+IVe--H,J/l JJ nlA:D13afiI'W - ..:... General Contractor Firm Name (Printed) General ContraCtor Signature ~v..," ~""- ).\.'U.~/TfC5. IJ". .~ -',... \ ' """'" ~gn~- : nallnolt,,~~pC5~gn'PlDr~'in'~spoosi~}'geSignatur< ~ . L ",<ti. - ~ _ ' -" ~ Building Officii ame I Printed) Building Official Signature ... . . . .. ..... . . ..... ...... . . .. ...... . . .. ' ...... . . .. .. .... . . . .... ...... . . .... ~P" R, ',NGFIEL.. D ~ 1IiL' ,. """'. ....-... , City of Springfield Deferred Submittal Agreement ,Date: o~ II s; I z.oo !!J Project Name: Project Address: Uno :ilA.k.IUll;Dt..Qt.J~ HCDIC'Ie5 AI j,J ~el LL Permit Number: CoN 2Do""l-oo~.!~ Phase: o Excavation and Grading o Foundation only o Completion o Site Utilities )od"enant Improvement oShell Design Professional in Responsible Charge: ElEIC AALL ~1r&.:rS Items which may be deferred include, but are not limited to the following: I , Deferred Item Date Deferred Item IDate i: " ID .11. Acoustical ceiling suspension 0 19. Plumbing system system 10 12. A~Xiliary power systems 10 120, PostMtensioned concrete structural I members or panels . 10 13: Awnings I 0 121. Pre-cast concrete structural I members or panels 10 14, Bleachers . I 0 122, Prefabricated stair units to include I steel, aluminum, or preMcast concrete 10 15. Carports 1 0 123. Prefabricated wall panel I 0 16 Curtain wall systems I 10 124. Ore-stressed'concrete structural I members or panels ..... 17 Electrical call system I 125. Raised floor systems ,... . . . 0 0 .... ..... . . . . . . ...... 10 la, Emergency call system I 126, . Shelving systems and steet . ~ . . . 1.- I . . 0 .. storaQe racks . ...... . . 0 19. Exit Illumination I 0 127, Signs 1 : . . .. .. . . ...... ~: )('-'1{~. Fi,re a~arm system I 10 128, Skylights . . I .. . . .. . . .. .. .. -....... !. .. ~."11 ~. Fire sprinkler .... I 10 129 Smoke and heat vents . . I . .. . .... . 10 1'2 Fire stoPP,ing I 130. Specialty retaining walls . ,.-. ... 0 .... 0 . .. .. ...... . .. . . 10 113. Gla~ guardrails 1 131: Stone veneer I.' . .... 0 .... 10 114. Glazing systems I 10 132 Terra cotta veneer 10 115, HVAC. system I 10 /33. .Wooden, steel, or composit floor or roof trusses I ", 10 116. Intercom system I '10 134, Works of art I 0 '17. irri~ation system I .fl< /3S lU'TQ.lUI HOllO W~I"I~ I . ~A"'/~/A""D~ 0 '18. Metal guardrails and handrails I ~ /36. ST5eL. >TDC.AI1r~ ~ >6 '-6" /~:r-~I1-r.c 6~ Fees: Minimum $100.00 (2 hr) each tor the above listed Deferred Submittals Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems I Deferred Item Date Deferred Item Date 10 1- C02 System 0 19, Underground Fuel Tanks 10 12. Emergency and Standb~ Po~er 0 120., Aboveground Outside Fuel Tanks I. 0 13. Fire Alarm a'nd.Detection SY5te~s 10 121. Aboveground Fuel Tanks and I Piping 0 14. Fire Pumps 10 12~: Aboveground Fuel Tank and I Day Tank 0 15. Gas Leak and Chemical Leak 10 123 Fuel Dispensing Station I Detection 10 16. Halon'Systems 10 124 lPG, Aboveground Installations I !( ,f<:17. Kitchen Hood Suppression 10 125, Cryogenics, Exterior Installation I '~ System . I~ 8. Portable Extinguishers 10 126 Silane Gas 10 9. Private Fire Service Mains 10 127. Ozone System 10 10. Private Wa,ter Tank SystE?ms I 10 128. HPM Semiconductor Workstation 10 111. Fire Sprinkler Systems 13, 13R I 10 129.- G.BS Cabinets/Exhausted I & 130 (more than 20 heads) Enclosures 10 112. Fire SprinkJ,er Systems 13, 13R I 10 30. Hazardous Material Inventory I & 130 (less than 20 heads) $60/hr Statement 10 13. Standpipe and Hose Cabinets I 10 31. 8peciall:'iazard Detection I and SUDpression ..... . . /0 I 10 132 I ..... 14. Water Mist System Medical Gases . . ... . . . .. . ...-::;. . .. . . a-.......- .. 10 115 High-piled Storage I 10 133 VESOA System . I " ...... .. . . . . . . .. I~ /16 Cleal! Agent Syste~~ I 10 134 Emergency L.ig~ting . . I .... .. . . . . . . . , .. . . . . .. .. .. .. 10 117 Clea') Agent System.s I 10 135 .............. I .... '. . . .. . .... . .....,') . . .... 10 118 Paint Booths ./ 10 /36. , . . I ..... .. .. ...... . .. . . . . . ...., -. , .,.. Fire Protection and Life Safety' Systems fees are based on 3% of the total valuation of the worn to be perfonnea for the system , up to the syst7m's contract vfJlue of $50,000.00. An additional $3.00 will be charged for each;additional $1,009.00 in value or. portion thereof.' The minimu'in charge shall be no less than $120.00. Adaiti~nal staff time for work performed'in excess of 2'hours, wi'! be charged an a,dditional $_1'5.00 for, every 15 minutes of review time or portion thereof. , Work without a Pe~mit: Work that is constructed without having been reviewed and approved by both the design ,profession'al i~ responsible charge and the Building Official will be considered as. work perfor~ed without a permit. Any person or firm performing work'prior to approval'shall be subject to the,penalties of Section 108.2.1 of the 8.tat8 of Oregon Structural Specialty Code.