HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1983-5-4 ft.. is t.he zoesponaibili:y of ehs perrrrit iwlder to see that aLZ iMpect:ions are .'7.ade at :he propel' ti.7J€, tJ-.at ~h =ddress is l'eaiab:e Jrom tho street, and that the permit c~ is tccated at the frent of the property. ~3ui!di!"'..g D-:.:Ji::io'!': approt:ed ;:l.an sh....n .. m7~'~ SuiZdirlfl Si.t$ at all times. ?."?OCSDUPS ."'OR INSPECTIOu REa T:CALL 726-3769 (reeo der) state your City desigr.a.ted J'ob nur.:bel', J'ob adircss, type of in30ec-;icn raquesr:cd a:>:d when you. uil.Z. b ......d for inspect..' tractors 01' Ot..'n8:OS r.L:.rne c::r.d phane number. Requests l'eceit:ed c~fcr'e' 7:00 c; :..'iZl. be rrade thE: same day, requests m a 7:00 a'7I tJiZZ be made the nat :JOl'kirl.] day. 0' 'Jl .. \ 1oc:::...4 Your City- Desigr.atcd Job NUJ'fIha Is: C'J l' U oeauir~d rnsr~ctic~s O SITE I.7S?~C-::.JN: To be r.rzde after ezcavati~n, ~U~ prior to set up of forms. o .. RESlDtTlAL': APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD ; " .lob !cc:;ti.on: '-~\ )~4 \. mQl C\ \~~ T= ~~QCl t..,_ &,t # 7'J'31(1) ASCSS.ON ,\Iap ,I SUbditr:.sic'1: ~_"er: WI QJU~ ~mr Add.-e83:c9lcH.~ \\ '::>.D~ City: Clo.J...t!j, ~ ~~~ J ' Pr"",e: '14'7..50L/8 Zip: q '/4 ?r; n n n n 'le'.' DQ8a1""~be rlork: ~6mLe... 4 \--\s Z lJl19 R /I.~ CO Addi:icn R<2mode~ .'~ob-:. Z2 "~om(] rate of Application Cont:rcc:::ol'S Vatue Addres3 General PLumbing ELectricaL N.=har.ic= d J lrr:x:::l.z.n - Jli.J JL (J!\'f'1.->1 Constructian [.c:na'€r- -a..._ {j UUV2RSL-:'.B ?T.J.J.'.f3UG. EL2C7'RIC,tL ,{ ,\'ECh'),'JIC':'i.,: To be made before work is ~ovared. . U .J.it~ULATrON/VAPOR 2ARl?I2R IHSP2CTICtJ: To be ,~e after alL insuL~tion ~4 '. required vapor ba:rriers are in place but before any l.ath~ gypsum bcCU'd or uxxl.l (X)vering is c:ppZied~ c:r.d ber~ore any insulation is concealed. cny o [] FOOTT?lC ~ FOU:lDAT:C.'l: To ce ::r:uie aj"ter :l'enci:es are e.::c(I"Jated ar.d forms are erec:<td, but prior :0 pour-;1".g CCnc:'et.;. ~ 0 MASONRY: Steel. Zocation~ bona. U.'1D;:..,C.'~-'JU.'!D F~Ur.f!Jn'c. SS;.I2R. ;:.r,1T.:.i'. b~am3~ groutina or verticals in O!~AINACc: h:O be ma~e p~~or ~o I~'- accordance ~~th V.B,C. Section ..1".g ~rer.c .es. 241&. UND~Rnoo::? !'!.~.'.tsI.~G ~ N::C.~~:VIC:'[': 4~WOODS'!':VE: Aft.n' installation ";S To De mace pr'!.cr ..0 :.n3~aL.-..:zt:.on oT cc.-:rpl..a,;€d. {1.oor insuz.c:zion or decking. . ?aST AND 3EAU: To.;e rr.c.dc pl""'Al' ~ D CURB & .4PP.1?OACH .4?r::oN: Afte:" forms instalk::tien of floor ir.suZa:icr. or ae ere~ted but prior to pOUI"";I".g deckin;;. ~rete. o DHyrtlALl. INSPECTION: Tc be r,o.ade after aU Gr::/wU is in place~ but prior to any :aping. o o o Ro~rcp' ?!..tr.Ap!:.1G. F'!.2C':'.T:?!CA!. .~ .'.fECH- AHlr;:.!..: .';0 ~ori-: -::3 ';0 be co~'ereri until ;r.cse :r~~ectior.s ~V~ ~eer. ma=e ~~ C?Pl'?ved. E'IRE:?LAC.:: Pr":.or;o plcc-::r.g f~c-';nq mct~l'iaZs ar~ before framir.g inspec- tior.. o SIDEWALK a DRIYEWAY: For all CCTl- crete paving wi chin street right- OJ"-WC'ih to be made after aU e=:CQ- I}atina ~arrDZete .5 fo~ '..XJl'k ~ :;ub- base ;;'cte-rt.al in p~e. o D o :-'3::....c::: When. compZ.;te -- aovide gaces or ;:wvabZe sections through P.U.t, FR.4..'~I.'It;: ,'ofust::o zooque3t:ed af"';er approv..:.Z o,f rough ,?Zur..bing~ zZect1""':- caL & mecr.ani.:aZ. ..tZ! 'f'Oo1'-:'1'.g bracing d chi.nncys3 et~. ~~sc be . conmZe,;cd. .'/0 ~l'k is to b~ cor:- ~ cea'Zed ..r.ti Z :hia insoec;icn ;..a8 'been ,~e end a?p'f'Oved. o .=?cc;r'::;J'; .'i (() ()R~")C) .... fat &isc.# Uo/.ed:H.., ~n )_f Vat" ..:..A'T~ -r. ~ . - .Enirt!s ?r.ol1S J~ ~7 A!" I VEnOl-ITIO;'! OR ;~:Ov=; 3UILDI,7CS ~ Sani"';a:ry se".Jer ~ap?ed ::t p~opct't':i lir:e :==J Se?ti~ tank p~~cd ~nd f-:.lZed ~th gT~~eZ , :J Pinal - C{hen c..Xve ite::-:s a:!'e ce:::oZetec. ar~ ~hen d~cZitior. is c~Ze:e or s"';~~~- ~e moved ar~ ?r~':~es ~Ze=ned ..p. l.vooi i:z Hcmes :=J Blocking and Set-~p :=J ?!~~ing connec;iQr.s ~c~er ar~ wa:er ~ SZect1""':cal. Ccnr.ectf.on - BLocking~ 8et-~? ---1 and pZt/mbing c07lr.ectwns t:r...st =6 crpp!'ot:ec. befol'c requesting e!ec~ricaZ. ins?ec"';io~ ~ Acces::w.-,:,.' EuiZ':::-:.ng ] Fin::;,l - 11ftc:r ;'$l'cr.es3 sk-::!'ting3 dec;....s~ etc. are ccmpZet;;d. o All project: c~c~:~ons~ $UC~ as er~ {l1s;aLZa~~on of street =l'~eS3 ~~~!~t~~~ of ;he required LandscC?i1".g3 etc., .7tUst be sa::isfied lx:f'ore tr.e BUILDI::G FD'AL ~cn be r2qu.3s:..zd. '[], L FIUA Pl-UX"EI,'/G [~J. FI.'IAL MF::P.A:IICAL o ,:Of.VAL E!ZC':RIC:':' i::::J o FI~AL BUILDIYG: The FiMCl BuiZdi1".g Ir.s?ectioM ,~st 09 reoueaced cfter the.:i1"~Z. Pl~bing ELect'rical~ ant:i Necr.ar.iccl Inspeccicrw have been :nade ar.d cpprovJ::. .A[.i: ,'.t:,,'lHCLES AND CLEANOUTS ,'WST BE .4CCESSIBf..:, ACJUS'i',':E::T -:0 3E ,'.:..1DE l!T ;'10 ::5': T') CI'::! I ?::"?~ or" 2 I JOB NO. t iZcr.e: Lot Sq. Ft;. ~ ~f Lot CQVe~ag~ .~ of Stol"'ies TotaL H.eich:~ I . I Topogra;hy I I IT!.~J I.\fai" SQ. FTC l~xe i I Car:'~r:: I, r ...c~esso!":J I I I IS.D.c. I TOTAr. VALUS' (VCI.Ui::) 1.5 = Buildin.g Pel'm";t Sta te SUI'ch.:lrge TotaL Cfo.a....gea I I~,M I NO. IFL-t:u.res I ResidentiaL (1 bath) I I Sc:nit:Jt"j Sewer I "c.~er I Plumbing Pem t State SUI'cr.aJ"ge Total C'llC.raes I ITEN I ,VQ. i I I .ge8. Sa. ft:]. Now/Ert.md Cirocui ts I TemDoraru Service Ele::trical ?e~t State Su:r~harc:e TotClZ C'~ces I IT,,\f ,..:c, ?:.Lrr..:zce ?tV' 5 , E:=haJ..:.s t Hood I Vent Fan I ' I iloodsto:;e I Permi t Issuance Me::r.anic.::.l Permit State Surchcrac '!''''=r..l. C1-.c-r'J"!!1 c:1CRCACHXE.'!'!' Se~~~;tu Da~o3it StO'l'f:lqe Na.intcn.c:n.ae Perr.ri.t Total C'nar"'1cs I Cur':'C'..I:t; lSidez.Jaz:,: I :e~e I Et..zc:ricaL i .'rfobi La Heme Label I TOTAL A,',!OU,.,'T DUI::- SOLA.CESS CCC"J.:::anc:J Gro-.J.:J: l.OT TYPE Ir:terio'Z" Corner P~le C"'..ll-ae-sac x Value ;'!;"';:' CHARGE ;;';-l;" I I I I I C.i'ARGE I;'~r> CHARes I I I ..s .- GJj j Ij~-~ 1-/0.' ~~ ?~ga 2 . L-COC{o REQ.- 'I''dpeICor.sr;: 3i!d.r?0rr:s: I Ztot F'~ces - I I, ?[.. 5etca~k.s I Ho:..se I Caraae 1 1 2ne1'au Sou.r~es I I .'ieat I Access. I I Wate!'~/u:,~Pr' I i Ranqe I 1 Pireoiace I I Wood.o:;o:;e II T:;r-e 1I0r<;i1 East SOJ,.;,Zft IH'est -- Fees Building Value & Permit I I I I ,- I I I I This perr.r:.t to granted on the e:::pr€ss ~ondttion that the sdid. constr"..u,:;ion sh~tL. in aZL respects. conf~~ to the Ordinar.ce ~dOpted ay the :it~ Qf Spr::r.cf"~ew.. in.c!:.uiing the 2onir..a Crd-:':r.anc6. roeC'.J.Lc.ti/:g th.B CCr.3;;~tC:~cr. ~~ ~;~ of buiZdir~s; and ~~y =e~ Juzpended or revoked at cr.~ time ~~cn uie- ~:;icn of ~y previsions of said CTdir~ces. '. I Plan Check Fee: I Cate Paid: IRec.ipt #: IS~ed: I I I I I I I I I- I I I I I I I- Plumbing Permit lIo 'p6rson~Ghall canstr,,,wt. ins::al.Z.. atter or chartge any roew or e:::.s::.ng plumbing or drainage systen in ~hole or in part. unless such ~er80n is the legal p08sessor of a valid plumber's license. e=cept tr~t a pe~son ma~ do plw:-:bing :.Jork to prope!'ty which is O1Jr.ed. leased 01' operated by the appLi- cant. Electrical Permi t Where State Lc:t..J requires tr..at the eZectl""~caL work be done by an Ele::tricaL Contractor. the eZectrical por;ion of this ';)er:':1it shaLL not b~ val.id ~nta the LabeL has been signed by the ElectricaL ~ontractor. Mechanical Permit Pl.c:n ~'Z.ner t/a:;a I- I HAVE CAREFULLY eXANINED the ~on:p~atad cpplicat:ion jor permit. end do. hereby certify that aL~ ir:fo~.at-:.on hereon is true ar..d ccr!'cc't. ad I fJ.I''the1' cer:-:':/:; :;hat any cd ai2 :.;ork ;lJrlo~ed shall.. 09 do~e i:: ac::or- dance :Jith -cite Ordi.r:ances of tM City of SpringficUl., and 'tit<; i.c'..;a of th3 State of Orec.::n D$'l't..::ininc to the 1.J01'k, descr-~bcd herein. ar.d 'tnc.;; ,';"0 OCC!J- r;::'1CY wizz ba nt:Ide of crnyw st1'Uctur3 without p:3rmissior: of th'e EuiZdir:g Di- vision. I further ~el'tifd th~t o~ly cor:tra~tors and ~l~yees w~~ ere in c~pZiance with ORS 701.0$5 wiZZ be used on this proj~ct I I I :_\{_~~ ~/-'f.~ 1~.(o()1 /~-'