HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Miscellaneous 1978-6-5 ( .' 1 ')& ' -31 CJ( .'0;~~/ · ~:TlOl' "0. 73-159 RESOLUTION OF !tIlENT TO REZONE ~!HERE,~S, an app1 i ca ti on has been made by Square Deal LUr;]ber (Journa 1 ilo. S-78- 5-39 Springfield Planning Commission) to rezone certain property located on the north side of t1ain Street, at 4992 t-lain Street, from its existing R-3 r,1ultip1e Family Resi- dential District and RA Suburban District classifications to C-4 Service Commercial Wholesale District classification; and WHEREAS, the prospective change of zone in such area is in accordance with, and in furtherance of, the logical and orderly development and comprehensive zoning plan of the City of Springfield; and WHEREAS, the Council is desirous of a1100ing such zone change, but does not desire that the zone be changed and held in a vacant condition for speculative pur- poses, and it therefore appearing to be in the public interest that the Resolution of Intent procedure as herein set forth be followed; BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THE Cm1f'1Otl COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AS FOLLO\'JS: * 1. The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby resolve its , , 'ntent to rezone by appropriate ordinance the following described property: Property located at 4992 Main Street from R-3 Multiple Family Resi- dential District and RA Suburban District to C-4 Service Commercial Wholesale-District. ~r. {' ,""- ~?J" II , 2. That said ordinance rezoni~g the property hereinabove described will be adopted only upon the happening of the following conditjons: ~APprova1 of a site plan within six (6) months. b. Start of construction within six (6) months of site plan approval. c. Completion of construction within twelve (12) months of site plan approval. d. Granting of 10 ft. for a public utility and sidewalk easement adjacent to Main Street. t e. Installation of a 7 ft. wide sidewalk adjacent to Main Street. I f. Dedication of a 14 ft. wide drainage easement and installation of ~ an adequately sized tile to replace the existing drainageway. 3. In the event the foregoing conditions are not comp1 ied with within the times hereinabove mentioned, then and in that event this resolution of intent shall be of no further force and effect, and in the event of such compliance, the Council does affirm its intention to rezone such property as hereinabove stated. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 5th day of June, 1978. ATTEST: ?Jt~, ~'~1'c.r _ {j rlayor L\ 11 L\ r~~l f\ '*. ~~_/J,~ ~ City Recorder lo'" -. . . -\- ( ~ ,r' 7. :--- / ,'i-- :- I /~ ..... ;i ":7 ~\ ,! - )) \j ~ ,Ii - Ii , - -I ~ IJ.' "'II'~ <1. I I!) ; , 'I ~ --- ,. ~ ,~; ~.. ._-- ......- ..: ..6lOGn__--\.~ --4, l . '~ " A \ ' ~ 7- C- / ~}y~ ~ (' \ (\~ (-J\ .---2 --I, : c{ , __=-=J.", ~ C'-- .4 . ....-r . -.' ( ( / C-4 r . f_-,q. ( . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE SPRINGFIELD PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 1978 AT 7:30 P.M. IN THE MUNICIPAL MEETING ROOM OF THE SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD AT 250 NORTH 'A' STREET ON THE FOLLOWING REQUEST FOR A ZONE CHANGE: ctv~ ,,\0 ~ S).J-e 'vJ~ Square Deal Lumber (Journal No. S-78-S-39) Assessor's Map 17 02 33 32 Tax Lots 4100, 4200, 4201. Located at 4992 Main Street, on the north side. Applicant requests a zone change from R-3 Multiple Family Residential District and RA Suburban District to C-4 Service Commercial Wholesale District for the purpose of making the present lumber yard a conforming use. In the event of approval by the Planning Commission or appeal by the appllcant or other inter- ested parties, the City Council will conduct a public hearing Monday, May 15, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. at the aforementioned place for the purpose of hearing views for or against the above land use request. II e 1\ . S"-~E:::sT c: v' j2.A ~A i" Il" 't " l? II "5\ Y-i-:',t3T ..1 R-J~ I?J ,,,,., '0" I ....VL-I......... 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