HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2006-6-30
(541) 726-3753
FAX (541) 726-3689
June 30, 2006
Dear Permit Holder:
NW Community Credit Union
PO Box 70225
Eugene, Oregon 97401
On June 7, 2006, our office issued permits for the construction of a new branch office for
your business to be located at 5000 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon. While calculating
the fees for that permit, the plan reviewer incorrectly calculated the Fire Fee. The
amount remaining to be paid on your permit is $101.80 for the Fire Fee and the 10% City
Administrative Fee of$I0.18, leaving a balance due of$II1.98 for this project. I am
enclosing a copy of the permit fees that have been paid on the project for your reference.
Please pay the amount due prior to requesting your final inspections for this project. I
have enclosed a prestamped envelope for your convenience if you wish to make payment
by mail, or you are welcome to make payment in person at our office. Our office hours
are 8:00 a.m. - noon and from 1 :00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. I sincerely
apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 541-726-3790.
Lisa Hopper
Building Safety Supervisor
Fees Associated With 6/30/2006
. Case #: COM2006.47 8:20:40AM
5000 Main St
541-726-3753 Phone NORTHWEST COMMUNITY
541-726-3676 Fax CREDIT UNION
Trans Revenue Date Calculated Original Amount
Description Code Account Number Calculated By Amount Due
Plan Review Comrn/Ind/Public 1060 224-00000-425602 4/13/2006 TD2 2,691.42 0.00 '
Plan Review Fire & Life Safety 1077 224-00000-425602 4/13/2006 TD2 1,656.26 0.00
Fire SF Fee - Non-Residential 9112 100-00000-424005 4/17/2006 SKG 500.00 0.00
Addressing Assignment 1020 224-00000-425602 4/17/2006 LLH 31.00 0.00
Curbcut Permit 1141 201-00000-428060 5/4/2006 SB 80.00 0.00
Curbcut - Additional Driveway 1141 201-00000-428060 5/4/2006 SB 40.00 0.00
Curbcut Repair 1141 20 I -00000-428060 5/4/2006 SB 10.00 0.00
Curbcut Repair 1141 201-00000-428060 5/4/2006 SB 10.00 0.00
Curb cut Repair 1141 201-00000-428060 5/4/2006 SB 10.00 0.00
Encroachment Permit 1143 201-00000-428060 5/4/2006 SB 130.00 0.00
Storm Drainage Impervious Area 1178 440,00000-448028 5/412006 SB 6,767.94 0.00
Sanitary Sewer - Reimbursement 1183 442-00000-448024 5/4/2006 , SB 702.06 0.00
Sanitary Sewer - Improvement 1184 443-00000-448025 5/4/2006 SB 533.85 0.00
SDC Transpo Reimbursement 1173 446-00000-448026 5/4/2006 SB 12,755.35 0.00
SDC Transpo Improvement 1174 447-00000-448027 5/4/2006 SB 56,262.92 0.00
SDC MWMC Reimbursement 1186 444-00000-448024 5/4/2006 SB 175.78 0.00
SDC MWMC Improvement 1187 445-00000-448025 5/4/2006 SB 1,854.23 0.00
SDC MWMC Administration 1189 611-00000-426604 5/4/2006 SB 10.00 0.00
SDC Sanitary/Storm Admin 1190 719-00000-426604 5/4/2006 SB 410.80 0.00
SDC Transpo Admin 1175 719-00000-426604 5/412006 SB 3,542.3 I 0.00
Fixture 1005 224,00000-425603 5/12/2006 SKG 294.00 0.00
Sanitary Sewer - 1st 50 Feet 1005 224-00000-425603 5/12/2006 SKG 45.00 0.00
Sanitary Sewer Each Addtl 100' 1005 224-00000-425603 5/1 2/2006 SKG 70.00 ,0.00
Water Line - 1st 50 Feet 1005 224-00000-425603 5/12/2006 SKG 45.00 0.00
Water Line - Each Addtl 100' 1005 224-00000-425603 5/12/2006 SKG 70.00 0.00
Storm Sewer - 1st 50 Feet 1005 224-00000-425603 5/12/2006 SKG 45.00 0.00
Storm Sewer Each AddtI 100' 1005 224-00000-425603 5/12/2006 SKG 140.00 0.00
Backflow Device 1005 224-00000-425603 5/1 2/2006 SKG 28.00 0.00
Paving 1008 224-00000-425602 5/26/2006 JMP 1,056.40 0.00
Building Permit 1002 224-00000-425602 5/26/2006 JMP 4,264.15 0.00
Plan Review Comrn/Ind/Public 1060 224-00000-425602 5/26/2006 JMP 610.52 0.00
Plan Review Fire & Life Safety 1077 224-00000-425602 5/26/2006 JMP 375.70 0.00
Furnace - up to 100,000 btu 1006 224-00000-425604 6/5/2006 JMP 24.00 0.00
Furnace - more than 100,000 1006 224-00000-425604 6/5/2006 JMP 15.00 0.00
Vent Fan 1006 224-00000-425604 6/5/2006 JMP 12.00 0.00
Gas Outlets 1-4 1006 224-00000-425604 6/5/2006 JMP 4.00 0.00
-Mechanical Issuance Fee- 1087 224-00000-425604 6/5/2006 JMP 10.00 0.00
Air Handling Unit Up to 10,000 1006 224-00000-425604 6/6/2006 JMP 16.00 0.00
Appliance Not Listed 1006 224-00000-425604 6/6/2006 JMP 36.00 0.00
+ 8% State Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 6/6/2006 JMP 408.65 0.00
+ 10% Administrative Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 6/6/2006 JMP 666.46 0.00
Perm Serv/Fdr 200 amps or less 1004 224-00000-426102 6/7/2006 NJM 126.00 0.00
Perm Serv/Fdr 201 to 400 amps 1004 224-00000-426102 6/7/2006 NJM 75.00 0.00
Add, Alter, Extend Circ Ea Add 1004 224-00000-426 I 02 6/7/2006 NJM 183.00 0.00
+ 8% State Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 6/7/2006 NJM 30.72 0.00
+ 10% Administrative Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 6/7/2006 NJM 38.40 0.00
Temp Power 200 amps or less 1003 224-00000-426102 6/8/2006 NJM 50.00 0.00
s:\Tidemarklforms\casefees1.rpt Page I of2
. Fees Associate~ith 6/30/2006
Case #: COM200 447 8:20:40AM
5000 Main St
Trans Revenue Date Cal<ulated Origiual Amount
Description Code Account Number Calculated By Amount Due
+ 8% State Surcharge 1099 821-00000-215004 6/8/2006 NJM 4.00 0.00
+ 10% Administrative Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 6/8/2006 NJM 5.00 0.00
Fire SF Fee - Non-Residential 9II2 100-00000-424005 6/3012006 LLH 101.80 101.,80
+ 10% Administrative Fee 1098 224-00000-426605 6/30/2006 LLH 10.18 10.18
Total Due: $111.98
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