HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 2002-10-14 " -Wf~~.~,:':::-~"~ . ) ,." . f ," \ ' "'" '. ~.,. .... '" - Status: Issued 225 Fifth SIred, Sprillgfil'ld, OR 541-726.3753 I'hooc 541.726.3676 Fax 541-726.37(1) Inspt:/..:!inn Line . e, CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2002-01213 ISSUED: 10/14/2002 APPLIED: 10/14/2002 EXPIRES: 04/14/2003 VALUE: * srn: A:U ,,'. ';: .l'l92 MAIN ST ASSI:~ ':~I."S ,\!(,;:I :0.: 1702333204000 Springfield TYPE OF WORK TYPE OF USE: Repair PROJ Eei ilE :L.." ';'j,,:,: Emergeney repair HOn waterline Owner: SO U r-~.I{ .-: I) E.-\ L LUMBER CO INC Addn',,: 1'01:0:; 4'1 SI'IUNGFIELD OR 97477 I Contractor Information I License Cunfr'll'tnr Tvpc Ow Ill'!" Plumhing Cuntractor : ,QUA RE DEAL LUMBER CO INC .{ i'>EUIIARTH CONSTRUCTION INC # of Buildings: Primary Or,:llpallt.:Y C;rnllfl: Secollll:lr.\ ~h:l'lIp: _"Y P"'imar~' ('llnslrllcl"" 'I\pc Sl'comhr,' '0 1;- 'n #OrBl' n 1.1\: SETH.\CI,S Front~'anj "it'!hac!': Side 1 Sl'~h 11..'1.;: Sitll' 2 St' I"r!:: RL'ar~'a:" SO!;lr ~ '!'.: " , , , Street Storm Sl'\nl" A\'ai"'lhk': Spt'('ial IIl\trUl.'liol.: NUll'S: Dl'srrintioll Expiration Date Phone 66019 06/19/2004 541-747-3846 I BUILDlNIJ IN~UKMATIUN I # of Stories: Lo~ize: Height of i\\~ ~~~1st Floor: Type SIr Heat: \. 'C.",?\'iI<~ W WI\i \S!Ij\Jlt 2nd Floor: \\~.\&"I~: ~\\r-\,; i\\\~ ?'C.?- f(~ Ft Basement: i~g.t.:!,j l't'. 1j~\)'C.'iI< B~~\)Q~~\) ]q: Ft Garage/Carport ~ iIT! G'iI< \~ ~ Sq Ft Other: ~flWlWI:~~~ ?~'iI<\G\)' I.'~:~.rvious Surfaee I DEVELOP~)'h'iNFORMATION I REQUIRED PARKING Overlay Dist: # Street Trees Paved Drive Rqd: % of Lot Coverage: equlreS you to \' I" rfl \UN:Ulegon~\aWthre Oregon Utility u..... ._II"...~n\l . ,.~"" IPUBJ:l6'l~PR~p'lllf5l6 rules a; 9'52..001- \\IUU" "'~9' S' 2-001-001 U tnrOUg'lP.d~W~lkllOO>~'tY in O/l..f\ . copies.?! III . 0090. You may obtalO ote: tlWtt"/l!!~rains calling the center.lN Utility NotificatIon numberiOr the.o~e8g~~-332_2344). CenterlS ,- Total: Handicapped: Compaet: I Valuation Description I $ Per Sq Ft Square Footaee Ty:)c of Construction Value Date Calculated Total Value of Projeet 1 of 2 . _~~IN(:~"'J_" ~ ""_~ ~: ,~.----~ "'- ""~<;.". ..~.. . - " I '. 'J ,~ . . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2002-01213 ISSUED: 10/1412002 APPLIED: 10/14/2002 EXPIRES: 04/14/2003 VALUE: Statu,;: Is ,tll'd 225 Fifth Stn'l't, S:Jrillgfil'ld, OR 541-72(.-375J Pholle 541-72(i.3676 Fax 541-726-37(}1) III"p"l'lion Line Fer Dl''iCI'I,tillll I Fees Paid I Amount Paid Date Receipt Number Received By djb djb djb djb + 7'XI ~~lil!{, .';II:-dl:~,.!.:.l' + X'X, /.h 'Ii lis"oa"\(' j.\.c '''alt'r I.h.c - J .:d .\ddll IUU' \Vall'r l.illl' - 1 'il S,; Ft,c( $4.13 $4.72 $14.00 $45.00 10/14/2002 10114/2002 10/14/2002 lOll 4/2002 1200200000000000066 1200200000000000066 1200200000000000066 1200200000000000066 Tlll'tlA,'lIflllllf $67.85 Tu~"~ Fl'l'" P: ;d Prior to 9/30/02 I Plan Reviews I To Rtt(U':: t :;11 i '. ,di"ll call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. will he 11" tle I h' "::le working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. will be made the following work day. I Required Inspections I \\'i1kr I.illt': Prior In tilling trench and including required testing. fly ,j','I:II\1rc, I "<I:,' <1",1 <lgl'l'e, that 1 have earefnUy examined the eompleted application and do hereby eertify that all i"fl,rn ,1' :: hCIl"" ;, Ir"c <I"d correct, and I fnrtber certify that any and all wnrk perfonned shall be done in aeeordance willi lI.c C,. Jin,,,!:' ''', :'c City of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work deseribed Ii..reill, ac'J IIi,:1 1\ : ::~.::U,' ANCY will be made of any strueture without permission of the Community Serviees Division, BlIildi,,",: <1<:1;:. I '", ,: :1' l'l'rtily that only eontraetors and employees who are in eompliance with ORS 701.005 wiD be USt'd Oi: r:' projl'rl-. 1 f"I'IIiIT ,.~n'c I" c"",rc lIi<lt all required inspections are requested at tbe proper time, tbat each address is readable from the ,In'ct. ,'lOll! iii' : ll'..il ""';rl is loe ed at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remain on the site at aliI illl' .; dlll.j'~g t.: ; 1..;1' l('tion. ,/ ~ Z ~ ~ / . _ ',y'U7 //J . /if-U _ ---./ r,.....v-. .4 _ Ownt'" or '.lIl1lr:lrl"'.... 'i""'!f':'ftllrc Date 2 of 2