HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Miscellaneous 1987-11-23 . " H' '. .. .> ATTACHMEN'fF . . 'CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AMBULANCE VEHICLE INSPECTION REPORT VEHICLE HOUSING AND CRE'..I QUARTERS STMIOARDS = " . . . . , <-.. . ......~_...~'--:---:' ..:.' ,_.______...__.__:"........-____. _____..._._~___.L.__..--".--. ",..',' ;''', ~.. . , 'S',.;. DATE: 11-23-87 AMBULANCE Cm1PANY: ":-:~j:T?~V -::,0, ;1.:...:~.-:\J3GC<~~..,.J:{:,\~,~ .~.. "-:."';~! ""~. '. '; ':.~' ";n:' ., Business Name: Springf:l.eid Fire and Lite' Safety '.' ""Phone: 726-3737 . ~~_:: .'. ;:.::\; -~G .'. ." :"!' '. ~. . ....... -,- . ,...... ,.: -"'-;il1ng Addre'~~~~-iiSN~rili 5th Street ... .' (Street/Apt.lI) .. . - ,,- -~ - . Springfield OR 97477 (Clty/State/Zip) 726-3737 . (Phone) _--.~~I.. .:'~:~~:~~=,:;~~~: ,~:~" C;,,' ,;- S;~'~~"~~'d to h,"', . .. ...... its ambulance vehicles in a heated and secure OJro1ge. Please cc::;olete the · _~L..~,::::..:..infor::;ation in sections A-a and indicJte ccmpliance wft.h the requirement :- ,"::..' by filling out sec-:.ion E (DECrSrO:I). ..... .., A. LOCAnON OF GARAGE: 1/7~> /J1A~:' > \#TLt/-- (Street/Apt.;;) r~~ . ./>>1/4/AhdL t0L ~;Sta tQIL i'p) /:(~-J7</~ lPhone) ~ '--'-'--~' B. NU~9E~ OF AMBULA.NCE VE.;!ClES HOUSED Ai THIS lOCATIC~I: I C. IDENTITY OF AMBULAtlCE VEHICLES HOUSED AT THIS LOCATION: /2.1 1. MAKE/MODEL/YEAR OF VEHICLE: /9R7 . LICENSE PLATE NUMBER: F /t/9tJtJ? ,_2. MAKE/MODEL/YEAR OF VEHICLE: ,.dlICENSE PLATE NUI1BER: md- J~o __3.MAKElMOOELlYEAR OF VEHICLE: . ~.. .u ~_.. _.__ . LICENSE PLATE NUMBER: 3/86\ Page 1 of 3 " .' . ~. . . .' CITY OF SPRINGFIELD t AMBULANCE VEHICLE INSPECTION PORT DATE:'///;.J/I? '- :;..,...' " ./ ,~. ... .- "" ~ .... -. .., .'. '.,.~ ,:':~i;C:::/. ';".;. ," ,:-,: ~::-~:'; ',:t., '~:::'2:~..!.-.:..:.'.:.:..:::~~-=."'~ ___ .'__..__u~_.~....~.._. - . _..- - -. -----.. AMBULANCE COMPANY: ,.,' '.. \~~_.. ...-J..:.. :'3j',.C , . 4. MAKE/MODEl/YEAR OF VEHICLE: LICENSE PLATE NW1BER: ....,. '-: : '=;~: -.: ~.:..:~.~_. : ~;. :.: r'! ____ ..__u.._ . - . ,-. '" -. .' ~ ..'__' "_"_." _.__.... ~ n' . .__,' _ . S. MAKE/MOOElIYEAR OF VEHICLE: -~_._~_... LICENSE ,PLATE NUMBER; .",- .. , t-,.-. .: ,-::" C. CO:1PLIANCE: _ ______ .... ";. VEHICLE HOUSING YES NO CCl1,,"lENT 1. Are the amouiance venicles housea 'fn a heated garage~ / / c~ ~ 'Iv (W >>VI I'~l (; 0" 2. .Are the amouiance venicies nousea fn a secure garage? D. DEC!SION: []I. o o Accept.able. Acceptable, with minor discrepancies to be corrected and fnspected by this date: Not acceptable, with discrepancies to be corrected and fnspected by this date: ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: P"~~~ -(,;,?~:~- 11/2-1 h7 ? Dateiof Inspection 3/86 Pace 2 of 3 ..' , ~ . . ;/ .. CITY DF SPRINGFIELD a ~BULANCE VEHICLE INSPECTION R~RT DATE: AMBULANCE COMPANY: Any ambulance service licensed by the :City of Springfield is required to pro-, vide crew quarters that conform to the standardi set forth in the current Uniform Building Code for residential occuparu:ies (d'tlel-l ings). Please complete the information in section A and indicate compliance with the requirement by filling out section B (DECISION). Please attach copies of any inspection forms used by the Building Division to determine com- pl lance. .1 I I I I I I I II. CR~~ QUARTERS STANDARDS: - . A. LQCA TIml QF CREH QUARTERS: (Street1Apt.l:) (City/State/Zip) (Phone) B. DECISION: ~ D D. Acceptable. Acceptable, with minor discrepancies to be corrected and inspected by this date: Not acceptable, with discrepancies to be corrected and inspected by this date: ADDITIONAL CO:-lMENTS: Pm4//~~ Petson Cor.ducting the Inspection Dat~7br~Ztion 3/86 Page 3 of 3