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Permit Mechanical 1999-10-8
Thf followIng B.~le\!!~l~~p~l~'!~~~.:,~~S t~~\~on?~ing ,., Z~IW1U 110C doesfnot,reqUlre specific land,-:-p.stf (~ -,' : y .. \ ad~r..,n oy , ~ -h "~~ivv.' fo\\OW ru es ',~" '.. .. ,.,' , 21) nrru 1l'rlllC 2.0~i!iIi!;..."tinr, c~:~ "c .,',',~LIlgJUCAlJo'Il1\I(IT APPUCA'UCIl SnIIlGPIKUl. OIIl:Olf \m.77 ;t:n,!l.R902Y''-]''-''~, -", , (: oy Ci''1 n 7 c.. ,.srSCTtOll UClU1lSTlato,U: J.:~o Youmay";..~'-'" ...,..~i,t1 JobeNUllber ( iJ O"ICC. 726-37$' QU\-iu., I . , ... ,~:" , '~r...J1I E/",?;{pffLeo ~'AW,,, .::~~'" '. wiiPilTll:JlZ&\!'SciEDvl.& Itt.OV ~ 1. LOCATIOfl o. INSl'Al.I-'TIOlhull1berforthe.o,,".>',?;' ;~~:~?o., "Ii.). . , Mg. ~~I"\ ~:z r.p,,\.z,\~"'!';~'Nw'Ruldential-$ingle or "ultl-'amily p.r dvel1inc unlt. l.ICAI. DlSClUl'TIOtI ~ Service lllcl~ded: -d1~~ fVW.() f~';"",l- ~ Ia.a Cos I ' S",.. ~ b,~:z.OIl c)Drzu ~~~ON lm1'~..J.to. or lus $ 8~. 00 .Jtl? ' 'f""}P17^-rcx2 sftbJ aW&lond 5<l0 - ~~~f!lfvI-'AU.EXP1RE IFTHEWORK r;~TllIOOlf.OO~m I n,~rcR~'HsY-fOT- ~~~tf)~~?ABANDON~WI3o ANv1BODAYPERIOD. - - I. B.tviee. or Feeders InSf&llatLOft, Altl.ations or lIelocation: eS/28/19S9 14:22 5416816734 S.p-28-99 02,0:3P ':P:l#~t~:..: : o p.r.i~. ate Aon-traneferable 'and e.pi.. If work i. nol .tarted withln 180 day. of ...uanee or if work i. 'USP9nded for 180 day.. 2. c;wl'l'llACt'0ll IlISTIJ.L,\TIOll DIlLY Ele"trlcal ContracIOt_!=('. rD-, V^(l~ Acldm. t:O &.K. IOZfk, , ' City. r:h2l-lLlUD Fhone ~-Z2..j.-~ I Suporvuor Lice... !lumber l.Jo.-LIrJes 1Il.S.alion Date EC HVUNDAI JOBSITE ...aIG~a 200 emp' or le.. --1-- 201 a~p$ to .00 amps 401 emp. to 600 a.p~ ----- 601 amp. to' 1000 o.os----- Ovor 1000 amps/yol'. ----- lIeeonnect Only ----- PAGE e3 P.02 ~~~>I:""J:.; S 50.00~~ S 60.00 - S100,OO S130.00 5300.00 .S 40,:)0 c. Temporary $Qrviees or '.ed.~. Installatign, Alt~t&tiQr. or aeloc~tion conan Contr. /lushr 2(00 L/.5"(" EX:tr10I\ Date 10;.1-41_ :;Z$;: tr'';t;i';y Ov.u~ N_~ eJ;I .~-II~ Addfe.. ) 2. S' F=, rTfI' 5n(r,( phon. 7U.)/D Cit7 OVNlll UllTAt.I.&TIOII The In.tal~tion I. b9inC Dado OG .roperty I ovn uhlch i. not intonded for .ole. le... O~ ~en t . ovae.. .t~ture: ----~-----_.-----._---------0---~~ D4T1' (~~/'hl! ' Jlawo~.., e' II < "'S< 2. ., OJ rj , IICIIVlID '1: ~ I 11 ,.", 200 aIIPS' 'or less 201 ampa to 400 ~p. ----- Over 401 to 600 ..P' Over 600 .mp. or loo0-vori. D. Iran~~ C1re~lt. $ 40.00 $ ".00 - $ 80.00 - Siee -8" a~ o." H.w, Alteratlon or &Aten.ion 'or Panel o.e Cireui t lac.ll Addit ional CiTeuit or uit~ Servite or '.eder Pe"OIh - s. Mise.llen.ous (s.ryic.'foed.~ .Eaeh In.ta"latlon rump 0' irrieotion Sirn/Outlin. Lightinr----- Li.ltod EnerrY/Res ----- L1.1ted Energy/Comm ----- '0 SUITOTAL OF ABOV& 7>t State surchar.e ]% Ad_inl$tratlve ~.o TOTAl. $ 3'.00 - $ 2.00 - not incl\ld.~) $ 40.00 S 40.00 $ 20.00 S 36.00 SlJ" 1.rz> i- }-" "5; - - -